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askaceattorney · 1 year ago
November's Modcast
I've been wanting to wait until after October, but guess what? All the former and current Head Mods are doing a livestream talking about various topics of Ace Attorney. We have Co-Mod, Modthorne and myself, Chief Mod Edgeworth. Come check us out!
(633) Modcast Podcast - YouTube
These are our previous Modcasts. We will be doing this every month. I will advertise the time and date of our next Modcast. It will be on The-Eevee-Breeder Twitch Channel. Hope to catch us next month!
- Chief Mod Edgeworth
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imnobodyuknow · 2 years ago
So, a friend of mine who goes by Modthorne, Clover, or The Eevee Breeder (depending on where you find her) made a request for me to draw one of her OCs some years ago (God knows how many), and I finally cranked it out!  😄  Say hello to defense attorney Lillian Goodwood!
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If you’re an Ace Attorney fan, you may recognize her pose -- it was inspired by another young lawyer by the name of Mia Fey!
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The shading is also modeled after hers, as you may have noticed.
The background is my attempt at recreating the defense’s bench from the game:
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I have to say, the ability to use layers in Krita makes it a lot easier to draw something from a picture -- all you have to do is place the picture in front of the layer you’re drawing on and change its transparency to somewhere around 50% (that’s what I prefer, anyway), and it’s just like tracing something on paper.  That being said, drawing the shading for the metal parts of the poles was quite the opposite of easy.  😮‍💨  Definitely a fun challenge, though, and I always love those.  😊
And finally, Lillian’s design was based on two different things: A drawing made by Da_Hybr1d, a friend of Modthorne’s...
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...and an avatar she made herself using Kisekae.
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So anyway, who is this lovely young attorney?  In the words of Modthorne, who was nice enough to share some info about her when I asked her, “she aspired to be a DA when she was a little kid because she admired Phoenix Wright, but at 13 a tragedy struck and changed her mind, making her want to be a prosecutor instead for a while.  However, at 17 she was defended and given closure by Apollo, which gave her a lot to think about, about herself and her future.  Finally, when she graduated law school, she held her head high as the defence attorney she was always destined to be.”
The one in the picture, in other words.  😉
I realize you may not share my excitement, but the fact that I finally made good on my promise to draw Modthorne’s character makes me want to put on a huge grin!  I don’t feel up to taking a picture of myself at the moment, though, so I’ll just use the emoji.  😁  Hopefully I’ll get the chance to do more requests down the road (and maybe even commissions) but it feels good having this one done.  Hope you like it!
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simandthedimbulbv2-0 · 1 year ago
Your art looks gorgous as always!! You've improved so much too though!! ~Modthorne
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What a nice surprise! I hope you n’ yours are doing well <3 and I’ll bet you’ve improved your musical talents too!
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the-eevee-breeder · 2 years ago
Rules and Guidelines!
Look, we’re all here to have fun, but I need y’all to know that I do have limits.
No NSFW content - I’d like to keep this blog family friendly. This includes smut and gore. If I decide I want to voice something like that, I will give it the appropriate tags and put the specific details under a “Keep Reading” to make it obvious what it is.
Please be respectful - What I voice, and how I choose to voice it, are probably going to be by request a lot. While I like to think I have thick skin, I know that some people may be upset if you choose to make fun of what they ask me to voice. If you have nothing nice to say, then you don’t have to say anything at all.
This blog is not top priority - I’m still in school, and writing music, and all sorts of other stuff. If I don’t get to your request right away, it’s probably because I’m tied up doing other things. Be patient, and I’ll get to your request as soon as I can!
Please don’t DM me requests - The ask and submissions tabs are open, with the option for anonymity, for both your convenience and mine. The DM’s are for when I want to voice a given comic and ask permission myself; getting requests via DM clutters up my DM list.
Thank you for understanding! This list may be updated periodically as I come up with more things I forgot to add initially.
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buddyfaith · 7 years ago
Like I really dont want to start harrassing a minor, I understand the mod of askaceattorney is 16??? And its a delicate age with a lot of learning going on so like I feel a gentle hand and some understanding guidance is needed, but at the same time reading their posts and their responses to their callouts literally made me feel sick
Oh absolutely. The other side of this coin is Co-Mod is ABSOLUTELY an adult man. I’m not particularly interested in public shaming/harassment at all, either, but I do think that we as a community need to be aware of what’s going on, especially when it’s almost cartoonishly grotesque like it’s been lately.
Ultimately, I think Brittany said it best? modthorne is young, but they aren’t stupid. I think accountability is important. This blog is also their responsibility as a mod and it’s been spewing shit lately, whether they had a hand in writing it or not. I don’t know anything about modthorne, or the blogrunning dynamics, or anything like that, but there is definitely responsibility to be shared and things to be done now and in the future. Lessons to be learned, all that crap. I think it’s important to collect all kinds of voices for this and I absolutely invite you to throw your hat into the ring if you have the energy. In my opinion, both the mods are at fault and they both need to own up to whatever goes on behind the scenes up there. 
Like I said, I’m really interested in talking this out, if it’s possible. I’d like to know all the information. I’d like for blame to be acknowledged and shouldered appropriately.  Most importantly, I’d like the tag to be a safe place. That’s cheesy as hell but the fact of the matter is that this blog posts every couple of hours and that shouldn’t be a gamble of anyone’s like. literal actual safety. yesterday was way more fucked up than anything’s been before. I hope you feel better :c
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thievinggentleman · 3 years ago
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I'm glad you're still on tumblr, I always liked your Lupin and Jigen :) ~Modthorne
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// Somehow, I'm still here! But it's been so long, Modthorne, I miss ya!
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john-and-so-on · 4 years ago
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Dear Anonymous,
     No I hadn’t. I looked it up just now and yeah, not good. See, I actually haven’t visited in awhile. I used to look on there every day back before even Modthorne joined, if you know who that is. There was a bit of a change with that, but nothing too drastic or bad. Then Co-mod joined and I noticed a decline in the quality of the answers. They were uninteresting and a bit “same-y”. Now I’m not calling myself any sort of Shakespeare, but I lost interest in the blog, only dropping by every once in awhile. Then I just stopped checking in.
I’m going to talk a bit at length about it. If you’d rather not take the time to read it, or want to avoid the topic, it’s going under the line.
     I had written a letter at one point, and eventually came back. I noticed it wasn’t answered months later and I wondered why. Turns out the entire reason was because it concerned LGBTQ subject matter, a “taboo” subject. Now, I wasn’t trying to ship characters together, all it really said was that my character Charlotte understood the pain that Aura Blackquill was going through because she lost her love Violet to a murder.
     I believe this was the time when Co-mod was the main writer. He could have very easily just had Aura say “Thank you for your sympathy.” But apparently he didn’t want even a mention of a lesbian. They claim this isn’t discriminatory, but if it isn’t, what is it? I certainly think the previous mods would not have allowed the subject to be labelled as “taboo”.
     There was something I noticed about Co-mod over time. He didn’t seem to be very... emotionally intelligent, I suppose? I hate to sound mean, but... he didn’t know how to handle a lot of sensitive topics, or even what should be considered normal to most people, without upsetting someone. I know that Modthorne had to correct him several times. Perhaps that is the case, or perhaps he actually was somewhat biased against such sensitive topics. I don’t really know, and it’s not my place to say. I’ve talked too much about him as it is.
     I don’t plan on making discussing politics a habit, and I don’t know enough about the mod that was being talked about to really say anything other than what they themself wrote about. I’m not one much for cancel culture. I dislike it actually. Separate the art from the artist is what I say, especially when the supposed offense is something very small and people blow up about it. But I have to say that if this mod is autistic, I don’t see how they could support someone who openly mocked a person having what I heard to be autism, and with seemingly no remorse. All I’m saying is the person in question doesn’t seem to be very supportive of you, so why support them?
     Now do I think what the other two mods did was right? No. It really just felt wrong. They should have just left without “outing” the other mod. Do I think you should leave Ask Ace Attorney over this if you still enjoy it? No. Now if the remaining mods start being blatantly discriminatory, it would probably be best to stop supporting them, but that’s just me.
     I personally left a long time ago because the quality dropped and I lost interest. What kept me from going back is finding out that people with my thinking were apparently “taboo” now. But what I want to say to anyone else is it’s up to you and your personal judgement.
With love and support,
-The Manager
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lesbiankoby · 7 years ago
again: i saw the fetish stuff creepy people were sending them and reasonably assumed modthorne was an adult 
i’ll stay more reasonable about it now that i know their actual age but a) who the hell is sending them fetish stuff thats creepy b) no, being a teenager doesn’t mean you get to be racist on the internet 
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askaceattorney · 1 year ago
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Chief Mod Edgeworth: What in the world was that? Did I...?
Co-Mod: Chief! You'll never believe this, but there was a ghost possessing you. She said her name was Anne.
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Chief Mod Edgeworth: Anne? Crap, I didn't want my gender to be revealed this early! Ugh, this is going to be awkward to anyone who thought I was a man in real life.
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Cursed Maya: It's good to see you back, Master. Fluffy has missed you.
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Awww, poor Fluffy. Thank you for taking care of her.
Co-Mod: Whew... I'm just glad to see you back to normal.
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Chief Mod Edgeworth: Same. Thanks. I'd probably have missed our next Modcast on Modthorne's Twitch Channel.
Co-Mod: Is this some self-promotion? Also, how are we getting out of here?
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Chief Mod Edgeworth: Oh, right. Uh... I think I might still have some leftover ghost powers from Anne, though I'm going to need to take off the Spector Deflector for a bit.
Co-Mod: Wait, won't she be freed?
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Yes, but we're not going to get out of here and Anne comes from my self-inserted deleted fan fiction, meaning that it's likely my self-inserted ghost half is in there too. Here goes... *turns off Spector Deflector* GOING GHOST!
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Go, now! I'll turn the Spector Deflector back on once you go through.
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Co-Mod: Whew!
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Chief Mod Edgeworth: I'm back. Just in time too before Anne took control again.
Co-Mod: All's well that ends well, right? *turns to the followers with a smile* Happy Halloween, y'all!
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Chief Mod Edgeworth: Happy Halloween everyone! And, for anyone asking, yes I still prefer being called Chief Mod Edgeworth with they/them pronouns despite the gender reveal. Don't get ahead of yourselves.
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buddyfaith · 7 years ago
My god, one of the earliest decisions I made upon first looking for aa blogs to follow was NOT to follow askaceattorney because yikes, but by the looks of things its gotten EVEN WORSE than I realised. And when people call them out on it they just seem to pseudo-apologise without meaning it, and then publish something equally shitty not a few days later??? Like they justified publishing fetish asks because not everything in the games is suitable for minors. Thats not the point at all. Just dont
Honestly, when i got into this fandom about a year ago (via my good good friends and long obnoxious ask memes we dont talk abt) i thought they were maybe a little annoying but ultimately harmless? 
It isn’t harmless anymore, though. It’s actually actively harmful in some cases and I’m not into it. I’m vaguely surprised it’s come so far– I’ve seen this place get whipped into a frenzy for less. I do also think that the apologies leave something to be desired, too, especially because it kinda keeps happening like some kind of shitfuck problematic hydra hellbent on biting us all in the ass. it really doesnt make a lick of sense to me. Do Better. At Least Pretend. Come On. I’ve seen myself the uncredited grossass art of athena in bikinis addressed to apollo. we all remember athena’s feet. we were in a serious discussion about serious things that happen to real people not an entire week ago. the list goes on.
To modthorne’s credit, though, I spoke to them earlier today, and Co-Mod (who, for the viewers at home, wrote the racist April Fools Day response, and is also a man in his 20s) was apparently also wholly responsible for this one. I’m keeping my eyes open for updates on it. 
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 8 years ago
Positive Munday! | accepting
(Oh jesus christ)
(Well, four you asked for, four you shall get!
Hey @alchemyst-studios/@thetruealfendi! I love your AU for Al, and from what I’ve seen, you play him very well! You yourself seem like a very open person, as well! Also I just. fucking love your icon formatting. It’s v pleasing to the eye
Hey @dorkindustri! Hex you’ve got some Deep Lore and you stick to your guns and I really respect that. You don’t take bullshit from anyone, and are not afraid to speak your mind. You put so much time, thought, and effort into your stories and background.
Hey @prcttylittlcnightmarcs! Already you get my respect for being a multimuse, but also a multimuse that can balance their muses really well! And you have a really good grasp on everyone’s characters! And Modthorne, you are a super sweet person, and talking to you OOC is always a great time.
Hey @stardustclay! I love your Clay. He’s dorky and adorable and cheerful and gahhhh. And OOC? You’re so kind and welcoming to everyone! You’re a very brightening presence on my dash.)
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debeste-pallet-swaps · 8 years ago
Hey there! Just saying, I LOVE the pallet swaps you've made already. Um, if it's not too hard, could you do Iris and Phoenix? :) ~Modthorne
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A serious synced up couple. 
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lesbiankoby · 7 years ago
can you not harass a minor and have your little friends get in on it because you have some false sense of superiority? thanks
first of all: i didn’t know they were a minor until about five minutes ago, when i tracked back modthorne’s age. 
second of all: they (one of the mods; i still have no idea how old the one who isnt modthorne is) is 16(?), not stupid. 
“don’t be racist” is common sense. don’t be racist. also i’m...kind of disgusted people send them all this horny stuff in their inbox’s all the time. who’s sending a 16 year old their fetish asks. 
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askaceattorney · 2 years ago
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Dear Modthorne,
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I’m not certain. What I do know about Solitary Cell 13 is that it is located in the District County Jail and is considered the SHU or Special Housing Unite. 
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I don’t know how prisoners are handled, but from what I have been told by Godot and Iris is that prisoners are often held at County Jails for their upcoming trial or if they’re expected to be sentenced for less than a year or two. If they’re in the SHU or the Hole - as prisoners would call it - then it means the prisoner is being punished or is sent there for protection purposes. 
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If I had to take a wild guess on what happened to Morgan Fey and why she was there, it’s likely she was awaiting her upcoming trial before being moved to her permanent prison cell. As for Kristoph, it’s likely for the same reason. Both were kept on solitary for protection purposes since Morgan Fey’s eldest sister was still considered a sham from DL-6 and Kristoph had some enemies in prison such as our favorite coffee-loving prosecutor.
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Of course, that’s just a guess. I’m not entirely sure. 
(It’s probably best to keep it that way.)
- Phoenix Wright
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ask-prosecutors-office · 8 years ago
No one'll get hurt what're you talking about??? ~Modthorne
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Tackling a person can lead to injury, as much as I adore your fanning, I must still adhere to safety.
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pinksweatergettingbetter · 8 years ago
♛ *scurries away* ~Modthorne
my opinion on;
character in general: there sure are a lot of characters on this blog but I’m p sure can say that i like all’a them. 
how they play them: gonna go with Dahlia on this cause thats why I followed first way back when this was Dahliahawthornequanda. Ya play a good Dahlia. She’s unapologetically awful and there’s no trying to excuse her evil deeds; she’s just the petty, thiefy Dahlia we all know and love to hate. That and in her AU where she’s a good guy she’s actually a nice person and not a bad person with a tragic backstory excuse. A++ buddy!
the mun: Really creative and passionate person! Cool hair and scary temper. One of the first people to put up with me on this blog haha. I support your drawing efforts wholeheartedly!
do i;
follow them: but of courze. otherwise i wouldnt be able to interact lol
rp with them: heck yea
want to rp with them: absolument 
ship their character with mine: detective nick and lynn are such an awkward pair. but the love is there.
what is my;
overall opinion: cool blog, lotta talent, good times!!! thanks for putting up with me and my dumb pink boy
**Note: Mun’s answer are ALL to be COMPLETELY HONEST. Don’t send url if you don’t want 🔥BRUTAL HONESTY🔥.
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