#destial fanfic
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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗔𝗽𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗻'𝘀 𝗣𝗶𝗲
Fandom: Supernatural
Summary: Castiel has never had pie. Dean is flabbergasted.
Genre: fluff? slice of life? It's a short little glimpse into life at the bunker
Tags: SFW, could be canon tbh, no timeline, Dean loves pie, Sam is over his BS, Cas being an angel, Destiel if you squint, kid!Dean, super sweet ending, *not beta read*
Word Count: <3k
Warnings: N/A (please let me know if I missed any!)
Other: dividers by me & @thecutestgrotto (tysm!)
Blueberry, apple, cherry, peach, chocolate, coconut. So many flavors to choose from! Dean scanned the length of the display case, eyes growing wider each second. The Winchester brothers were on their way home after a vamp case in Illinois and Dean had finally managed to convince Sam to stop at “Betsy’s Pie Palace”, known for their extensive pie menu, baked daily.
“Sammy, you’re telling me not one of these pies is something you’d want to at least try?”
“I’ve told you a million times, dude,” Sam rolled his eyes as his pastry-drunk brother. “Pie is horrible for your health.” He checked his watch. It was 7:45pm. They still had another 5 hours to go before they arrived at the bunker. “Dean, can you hurry up? We can’t stay here forever, Cas is waiting on us.”
“You can’t rush a choice like this, Sammy. This is Sophie’s Choice but with pie.” Dean shot back, earning another eye roll from his younger brother.
“Hey sugar, what’ll it be?” the waitress called out with an out-of-state southern drawl. She wiped her hands down the skirt of her white 50’s style apron and adjusted her bright red rockabilly Victory Roll hairstyle.
Dean looked up in a slight panic. There were so many options. One of everything? Yeah right, not even Baby could carry that much pie. “How’s the apple?” he asked, leaning against the counter flirtatiously and giving the waitress the classic Dean Winchester Charm. The waitress met his eyes and Dean flashed her a smile.
“It’s not too bad, much like yourself,” she said, receptively as she blushed.
“Well if it’s as sweet as you are,” he glanced down at her name tag. “Beth, I think we’re in business.” Dean winked at her. She nodded and began to pull out the apple pan.
“Disgusting,” Sam muttered under his breath. He was practically tapping his foot with impatience at. His arms were folded across his chest with his watch turned to where he could watch the seconds tick by. 7:49.
“What can I say, Sammy? A guy’s gotta have his dessert after a hunt like that.”
After packing up a slice of apple, cherry, and chocolate crème, Beth rang up their total.
“It’ll be $9.85, darlin’,” she said, tying the handles of the plastic sack together.
Dean handed her a crumpled $10 out of his wallet.
“Keep the change,” he nodded as he took the bag from her.
“Just so you know,” She exclaimed after Dean as the Winchesters turned to walk out. “There’s a special ingredient in the cherry. I think you’ll really like it.” She winked and Dean smiled. Sam rolled his eyes, yet again. The towering brothers walked out and made their way back to the Impala.
Dean made his way to the passenger’s side and Sam gave him a quizzical look.
“Dude, PIE.” Dean tossed the keys across the roof to Sam. “For a college boy, you aren’t too bright.”
“Whatever, Dean.”
They sat down in the cab and Dean ripped open the plastic sack as Sam turned the key in the ignition. The impala roared to life. Dean popped open the styrofoam lid of the cherry slice and pulled out a scrap of paper. A bright red stain from the filling had crept onto the edge of the paper, causing Dean to lick his fingers.
“Oh-ho, sweet!” He shouted, a huge grin across his face. He held up the paper to Sam. Scrawled across it were 10 digits in perfect handwriting with a heart and a B at the end.
“Yeah Dean, because we’re definitely going to be back in this part of Missouri any time soon.” Sam said dryly.
“Whatever, man. You’re just a hater. And you don’t know that! I might make the trip by myself just for this pie,” Dean argued.
Sam pursed his lips instead of replying. Dean had been irritating in his usual big brother way the entire ride home. Sam pulled out onto the highway and reached over to turn up the music as Dean chowed down on his dessert. Much to Sam’s surprise, his brother didn’t even let a single cherry slip onto the seat.
The rest of the ride was fairly uneventful. No calls about a hunt in the middle of nowhere, nothing from Cas, not even a call from Jody or Bobby checking in on them. They stopped occasionally to fuel up or to hit the head in a grimy gas station bathroom that hadn’t been aired out in decades. Eventually, Dean fell asleep, head against the window as they closed in on Kansas. They didn’t get back to the bunker until around 5am.
“Dean,” Sam shut off the ignition and reached across the seat to slap his brothers shoulder with the back of his hand. He snorted awake. “We’re home.”
“5 more minutes?” Dean managed to get out, rubbing his eyes awake. He raised his head and squinted out the window into the sunshine that was creeping above the trees.
“Just help me, will you?” Sam stepped out of the car and opened the door behind his to gather his duffel and various weapons they had needed for the hunt. He loved hunting, but he was also glad to be home, to sleep in his own bed.
Thanks to their wide wingspan, the brothers were able to carry everything in one trip into the bunker. Heading down the winding staircase, they saw the ever-trenchcoated Castiel sitting at the backlit map table, reading a book. He looked up and raised his hand in greeting.
“Hello, Sam. Hello, Dean.” He smiled at them. “How did everything go?”
“Same old, same old. Few vamps goin’ to town. Nothin’ big.” Dean explained. “The real news is this!” He raised the plastic sack.
“What is that?” Castiel asked.
“Only the best invention, ever!” Dean smiled and set his stuff down on the table. He reached in and pulled out the remaining boxes. “I’m gonna grab a plate. If anybody touches this pie while I’m gone, you’re officially dead to me.” He made the “I’m watching you” motion with his fingers and pointed them once at Sam, and once at Castiel.
“I am confused.” The angel said as Dean left.
“It’s just pie, Castiel.” Sam explained.
“Oh, I see.”
“Whatcha reading?”
Cas lifted the tattered, green book off the table to show Sam the cover. It had the usual hallmark symbols of witchcraft and magic. The pentagrams, upside down crosses, symbols only Rowena could decipher.
“I was looking for ways to protect hunters from witch magic.” He said simply. “It’s been a highly unsuccessful venture.”
“Can’t win ‘em all I guess,” Sam offered lamely, exhausted from the drive.
“Back!” Dean raised the plate above his head and practically jogged back to the table.
“Okay, this has become an addiction. Three pieces in one day?” Sam wanted to say more but knew Dean was already a hopeless case.
“Listen, Sammy, you wouldn’t understand. Honestly, I don’t even know why I love pie so much. I just do,” Dean said as he began to transfer the piece from the box onto the plate.
The brothers sat down at the table, finally relaxing after the tiresome drive home. Cas followed suit, closing the witchcraft book to prioritize communion with his friends.
“I know why you love pie,” The angel said simply.
Sam and Dean whipped their heads toward him.
“What?” Dean said, picking up his fork in order to take his first bite of the flakey dessert.
“Your affinity for pie is built from childhood memories of your mother,” Cas said, still looking at Dean.
“Wow! It all makes sense!” Sam exclaimed, throwing his hands up into the air. “You like pie over everything else because it was the only dessert mom ever made! Dad told me she tried making a cake once and it was a disaster.”
“Shuddup. I like pie because pie is good. Ain’t got nothin’ to do with childhood memories or whatever.” Dean stared holes into the slice he had in front of him.
“Dean, I raised you from hell. Your soul is burned into the back of my vessel’s eyelids.” Cas looked across the table at Sam. Cas had a flair for the dramatic. “Pie is one of the very few pure childhood memories you have.”
Dean stuck his fork into the point of the pie and shoveled it into his mouth. “Gyoo guys fon’t dnow whad your ftalking aboud,” he barely managed to say around the mouthful. He swallowed the elephant-sized bite. “Pie is pie. Everybody loves it.”
Sam and Cas shared a knowing look. Whenever either one of them tried talking to Dean about his or Sam’s childhood, Dean always changed the conversation or turned to humor, telling Sam he’s making their life into a chick-flick. He hates chick-flicks. They looked back at Dean, still inhaling the one of the two pieces in front of him, neither one saying a word. It had almost disappeared in a matter of seconds.
“Anybody who hasn’t tried pie is a monster— I’d stake my life on it.” Dean said into the silence.
“Does that make me a monster?” Castiel tilted his head to the left and squinted at Dean from across the table as if he was trying to get a read on him. Angels weren’t made to fully understand humans, but Cas would be damned if he didn’t try.
“What?!” Dean’s jaw hung open. Sam silently thanked the heavens that his mouth wasn’t full of masticated dessert.
“You’ve never had pie?” He asked incredulously. “I mean, Dean always keeps it stocked in the fridge, and you’ve never had it?”
“Yes, Sam. I, an Angel of The Lord, have felt an intense desire to consume Dean Winchester’s practically holy pie despite the absence to physically nourish this vessel with food.” Cas said dryly.
Cas was practically glaring at Sam. He had really upped his sarcasm game in recent years, the brother would give him that.
He raised his eyebrows at Cas and held up his hands in innocence. “Okay, point taken.”
“No, no, no.” Sam and Castiel looked back at Dean. “This is just unacceptable. It’s… It’s downright unnatural. Cas, I don’t care if you’re an angel or the lowest demon there is. Everybody needs to have at least one slice of pie in their life.” He slid the plate in the angel’s direction in one fluid motion. It stopped directly in front of Cas.
Dean gave a proud look to his brother, boasting his skill. Sam just rolled his eyes.
The angel pushed back his chair to become eye level with the dessert. Noting that the crust did indeed appear to be quite flakey and the filling an overabundance of sugar, he carefully picked up the fork. Skeptically, he looked at Dean (who was almost as excited to see Castiel take his first bite of pie as he was to enter Betsy’s Pie Palace), and then to Sam (who honestly couldn’t care less. Logically, Cas doesn’t need to eat. Why Dean cares so much is beyond him.) and finally submerged the prongs in the slice. After digging out really only a baby-bite-sized piece, he began to lift the fork to his mouth.
“What, so Mr. Angel of The Lord can’t handle a bigger bite than that? I’ve seen bees bigger than that, Cas.” Dean teased. He knew he could push Castiel’s buttons more than anybody and actually manage to get away with it.
Cas closed his eyes in annoyance and while staying silent, stabbed the pie once again to fit more onto the fork. He made sure it was enough to satisfy the human whom he, now with considerable regret, raised from perdition. Had he known saving Dean Winchester was going to cause him this much grief in the long run, he might have let Dean stay down there another year or two and maybe without quite so much enthusiasm. Dean was still anxiously awaiting Castiel’s first bite, not unlike a young angel in the storehouses of Heaven (it makes more sense in Enochian) and Castiel could not help but let his friend’s excitement wash over him in golden warmth. He knew the pie would only taste of molecules and the spaces between, but did not want to let Dean down, regardless.
He stopped the fork just short of his lips. “Dean, I feel the need to remind you that angels can’t-“
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. ‘Can’t taste food like humans do.’ Just eat it already, Cas.” Dean interrupted.
Castiel bit down on the fork. Just as he suspected, there was no “food” flavor, like when he was human. It just felt like a lump of structured mush on his vessel’s tongue.
“That was,” Cas began after swallowing. “A neutral experience.”
Dean deflated in his chair.
“It was worth a shot, anyways,” Sam tried to remedy the situation. “Isn’t there some sort of power-up you can use to taste food again?”
Cas thought in silence for a moment. He supposed there was memory-reaching, but angels really have no use for that outside of getting information.
“Yes, I believe there is. I’ve never used it to explore a pleasant experience before, but it’s worth a shot.” The angel said, looking at Dean.
“Well, what are you waiting f-“
Castiel pressed his first two fingers lightly to Dean’s forehead, immediately searching his friend’s mind for his first memories of pie. Both the angel and Dean were being zipped back through the timeline of Dean’s life. He felt the victory of last week after a hunt when Dean was able to grab the last piece of coconut cream at a gas station. Then disappointment of years ago filled his chest when Sam had brought cake instead of pie, claiming “it was close enough.” Feeling himself putting up a front of confidence, Castiel realized he was in nervous, 17-year-old Dean’s shoes, staring across at a girl of similar age. The two were in a diner, about to share a slice of cherry as an innocent first date. He was so young.
At last, Castiel reached Dean’s first memory of his beloved pie. He found himself staring up at Mary Winchester, in Dean’s stead. He was up to her waist, sitting down. Castiel was bad at approximating ages— side effect of the whole being-an-angel thing— but he knew it was an early memory. She turned around and set a large piece of pie on the table, in front of him. Dean’s eyes, and Castiel’s by proxy, widened as Mary began to speak. He felt his mouth salivating with anticipation.
“Happy Birthday, Dean. I can’t believe my little guy is 4 years old, now!” She smiled at her son and reached down to ruffle his hair. “I love you, Dean.”
“I love you too, Mom!” Little Dean squeaked back.
Castiel felt Dean reach over to Mary in an attempt to wrap his tiny arms around her legs in a hug.
“Go on,” she laughed. “I made my favorite flavor- Apple. I hope you like it!”
Their gaze fell back onto the pie. Gingerly, so as not to drop a single piece, he brought the fork to his mouth. Flavor exploded across Castiel’s taste buds. Sweetness of the sugar, a gentle cinnamon spice, tartness from the apples, savoriness of the buttery crust. It was the perfect dessert.
Castiel retracted his hand from Dean’s forehead and looked at him with a certain softness.
“I understand it’s value now,” he said simply.
Dean looked up at him, slightly bewildered, trying to laugh it off. “Whoa, dude. A little warning next time would be nice,” Dean said, quickly wiping the tear about to fall down his face. He either didn’t remember telling Cas to get a move on or he was just trying to change the subject. He sniffed and cleared his throat, trying to hide the fact that he got emotional upon Cas digging up such a deep memory. Sam hadn’t seen Dean tear up in a long time, leaving him wondering what Cas had seen.
“I wanted to understand pie, and now I do. Thank you, Dean. I now know why pie has such a big role in your life. I would like to try it again, with your memories in mind. I believe it will be… flavorful to me, now, although I’m not quite sure that’s the right word,” Cas explained.
“What do you mean?” Sam asked.
“With Dean’s memories at the forefront of my palette, I should be able to taste pie in a similar way that he does— At least for a while.” Cas explained. “Let me try again,” he pleaded as he put his hand on Dean’s shoulder.
Still somewhat in his head, Dean was brought back to the bunker when he felt the angel’s warm hand.
“Yeah, okay. Sure, Cas.” Dean agreed.
Sam yanked the plate toward where Castiel was standing.
Unlike before, Cas loaded the fork with pie. It was so big, it almost fell off before it made it to his mouth.
Nostalgia intermingled with the chunks of apple and the taste of tenderness only a mother can give swirled around his mouth as he chewed. Castiel sat back down next to Dean and relaxed into the back of the chair.
“Yes,” he began, satisfaction dripping in his voice. “Pie is delicious.”
Dean shot Sam an “I-told-you-so” look, reached across to the plate, and polished off the rest of the slice.
Dean never explained what he saw, or rather what Castiel made him remember, to his brother and Sam never asked. All his brother knew was that it had to have been a good memory for it to affect Dean’s entire view on a singular dessert. Pie, just like his mother, will always share a home on the shelf of Dean's heart.
And Castiel will always hold Dean's heart in his soul.
A/N: this is just a lil thing i wrote last year and wanted to get out of my drafts already! do NOT do the math of traveling. I have no idea what it would actually be. Title is a pun if you couldn't tell lol
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Sorting AO3 is actually a research skill that can come in handy for writing a paper. You’re actually sorting a database by looking for characteristics of your fanfic whether by filtering tags or directly searching.
Librarian: “Where did you learn how to search like that?”
Me: “Uhm a literature website.”
Millennial librarian behind me stifling a laugh.
#ao3#archive of our own#college#fanfiction#books & libraries#harry/draco#dramione#x reader#wattpad#y/n#harry potter#spencer reid x reader#remus lupin x reader#fred weasly x reader#destial#sirius black/remus lupin#wolfstar#yes i have a problem#fanfic#dean winchester
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I think we as a society, need to realize that the ideal model of romance is fluffy gay ship fanfic that's overly referential to somber indie music, and makes them all vaguely college aged twinks.
#i have no clue what id tag this#destial#davekat#but specifically non-game au davekat#fanfic#fandom#r.post
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Cassandra’s Muse
Summary: Your job is to distract and read all who dare to go against Cassandra. And you take pride in your work
Word count: 2.5 K
Pairing: Deadpool x Reader; Wolverine x Reader; Johnny Storm x Reader; Deadpool x Wolverine x Johnny Storm x Empath Reader
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. S MUT Not Beta’d. DEADPOOL X WOLVERINE SPOILERS AHEAD of this line!Read at your own risk. S MUT! Morally Grey reader, sex worker reader, reader is an empath, lots of dark emotions, group sex, oral (m & f receiving) pansexual touch and intentions (it's Deadpool, folks) explicit sex acts, raw p in v (wrap it up), anal sex (f receiving) rough sex, dvp, squirting, copius amounts of cum, bukakke, after care. Reader has pet names from each hero: Sweets, Sweetie, Sweetheart.
A/N: Ok. I had to do it. If you inspired this, you know who you are, you menace. 😘 This occurs within an imagined scene between the scene where Pyro captures Johnny, Wade and Logan and when they were delivered to Cassandra Nova. This is pure filth. Let me know you like it by liking, commenting and reblogging!
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
“Let me put your hair up for you. So pretty.”
Wade Wilson cooed down at you to the music of his shackles clinking as he gently pulled your cloud of hair up and out of the way.
“Need to have a clear view of you hoovering that anaconda.”
Your lips were stretched around Johnny Storm’s thick, tan cock as his blue eyes stared down at you and a steam of eloquent pornography flowed from his lips.
“Mm. That throat is so gatdamn tight Sweetheart. Can’t wait to fuck that tight little wet gash of yours. Holy shit, that’s good. I know you can take it deeper. I know you can. Such a sweet little innocent slut for us.”
He had no idea. You were in service to Cassandra. She called you her muse, a tool to service her future victims so that when she felt their minds up, she had something more to get off on. You were her little slut, her psychic empath who fed off of other’s joy and you loved your job.
Giving others joy got you off something fierce. The fact that Cassandra loved it and that kept you alive was an added bonus.
Johnny’s hand snaked around the back of your neck to encourage you to take more of him. You looked up at him, eyes wide with tears streaming down your cheeks, while saliva escaped from your stretched-out lips.
“So pretty for us like this, Sweetie.”
Wade’s mask almost seemed to be emotive as he looked down on you, his long fingers fisting his cock with increasing speed as he watched you take Johnny down. It was disconcerting that he was completely naked except for his mask, but that was none of your business. He was sincere, despite the sarcastic monologue.
“I’ve always wanted to say that in real life and not just in my 1D/Destial crossover fanfics on Tumblr. Username is MrsLarryDestiel (no spaces) if you want to follow.”
Wade was leaning over to Johnny, who had steam rising from his head as he gazed down at you with devotion. You felt his amusement at this entire scenario. You tried to smile back around him, even though you knew his affection was only due to your skill.
After all, you’d just met him less than an hour earlier.
“Get your hand off my ass before I burn it off, Wade.”
“Was just trying to help you push it in her tiny little mouth. Wasn’t trying to cop a feel of what looks a lot like America’s Ass, not really,” quipped Wade who was stroking and looking down at Johnny’s derriere.
Before anyone got injured, you pulled off of the hot one’s dick and licked Wade’s thick plum shaped tip.
“Sssss. Ahhhh, yes!”
Wade groaned and threw his head back.
“Suck that dick like your life depends on it, Sweetie. It may be our very last night on earth. I mean, in the void.”
You sensed no fear in Wade, only irreverence.
You followed his direction and opened wide as he slid his long, thick, Deadpool dick along your outstretched tongue. Wade was still talking, of course, even as he made eyes at Logan, who was lurking on the edges of the light, pulling on his dick with two hands and making low, almost indiscernible grunts.
Now there were about a thousand different emotions coming off him, irritation, rage, despair, grief, a deep sadness, and foremost right now, need and frustration. You tried to watch him through your tear-filled eyes.
Wade and Johnny took turns with your mouth as Logan just moved nearer, his large, impressive cock raging against those impossible abs. His stare, and his body, made you drip even more in the dirt floor of the cave they were captive in for the night.
You needed him inside you, to at least extinguish his need. But yours was growing too.
“Why don’t you relax over there while we get her ready, Mr. Grumpy Pants. Little Miss Triple Threat looks like she’s almost ready to take three cocks at once in all of her holes.”
The Wolverine grunted, but went to a spot just a few feet away and reclined against a cave wall as he continued to handle himself.
Wade looked down at you and stroked your hair again, stage whispering to you as you deep throated Johnny’s cock down your throat.
“I know he seems like a party pooper and not down for this at all, but the fact that his beautiful meat is hard and leaking precum, which is delicious, bee tee dubs, oh, AND HE'S NAKED, means he definitely is.”
You smiled around the dick in your mouth and nodded as you pulled off Johnny, a string of saliva connecting you three as Wade grabbed you by the hair and plunged down your throat, barely giving you time to take a breath.
As you choked, you could see Logan jacking off faster from the corner of your eye as you swallowed Wade whole. Even with the mask, you could tell when his eyes rolled back into his head as you took every single inch.
“Get over here and sit on my dick.”
You were surprised at Logan’s voice, not having heard much of it during his ride in the cage, except to tell Wade and Johnny to shut up. Currently, his tone was more intense and raspy with desire.
You did as you were told and the action moved from the fireside to where Logan was reclining.
“Move the fuck around, asshole.”
Wade stomped his foot.
“That’s what I’m trying to give you, Wolvie, baby.”
But he moved from in front of you so that you could take your throne.
Logan reached up for you, the tender gesture a contrast for the crude situation you are in: fucking these men because it was the last night of their lives, which it almost surely was. You knew when Pyro let you into the cave halfway to her lair where they stopped for the night that no one escaped Cassandra.
You almost felt sorry for them. But when you read their emotions, you sensed no fear in these heroes. Only a myriad of other things including pent up tension, stress and desire for you. And for freedom. Or at least the sensation of being free.
Fucking all three of them would free your own soul, if only for the short time you would spend with them. They were all fine, and they looked like they would be a good time. If they only knew that your purpose was distraction, to keep them busy and not trying to escape.
If you searched their emotions hard enough you might find that they knew what you were about, and that they didn't care.
You accepted the offer of Logan’s hands and settled on his muscular thighs, glancing at the other men stroking themselves by firelight to the sight of you stretching yourself around the thick head of Logan Howlett, the Wolverine’s, cock.
Their attention only made you wetter and you slid further down Logan’s thick staff than you thought you could. When Johnny and Wade each grabbed a nipple as you whined and got even slicker the sensations allowed you to encase that extra inch at the base of him.
You were so full, not having been stretched like this in a while with a human, visually pleasing partner in a long time. You moaned in pleasure and closed your eyes, biting your lip at the delicious sting of taking him.
Logan looked up into your eyes and then commanded you with that deep, sexy voice.
“Open your eyes, look at us, and bounce on this cock Sweets.”
The smack on your ass spurred you on as Johnny leaned against the wall, watching your tits bounce as he jacked himself, and Wade got behind you, straddling Logan's thighs and rubbing them. You thought you knew what was coming next as you felt Wade’s hot breath on your shoulder as his hard length slid through your slick folds. But you were surprised as he entered you, although not in the hole you expected.
Within a few seconds, Wade was nestled deep within your cunt, cock alongside Logan’s in your snug sleeve, making you mad with pleasure. An obscene groan from you accompanied Logan’s warning to Deadpool.
“Watch it fuck face.”
Loan’s voice was husky, and there was a glimmer of a smirk as he grasped your breasts, roughly pulling on your nipples. Fear of his claws coming out and injuring you caused the contractions of pleasure in your belly to quicken, even as Wade sassed him back.
“You can fuck my face later buddy. Right now, let’s both concentrate on fucking this beautiful, nice, accommodating lady’s beautiful, nice accommodating cunt..”
The two men fell into an oddly synchronistic, sinful rhythm, both of them filling you to the brim in the best way possible, sexy groans finally replacing the smart words coming from Wade and literal grunts and groans coming from Logan.
Johnny moved, filling your mouth and causing your moans to vibrate around his shaft as Logan and Wade fucked you stupid.
“Holy fuck!”
Johnny rasped as you started sucking his balls, your legs shaking as Logan and Wade pounded you into oblivion. You feel a tremendous pressure and you tried to run from what was coming, but Wade’s fingers were circling your clit and Logan’s hands are around your waist, his mouth latched onto your left nipple. That and the feeling of Johnny’s fingers massaging your scalp collided to make your impending doom come much more quickly.
You pulled off of Johnny's unit to scream.
“Oh shit, oh shit, ohhhhhh shitttttt, I- I- I- I’m cummingggg!”
“Holy shit, she's gushing like Old Faithful all around us!”
You soaked Logan as you squirted, seemingly never endingly, all over. everywhere. Wade slipped out of you and so did Logan, but instead of giving someone else a turn with your pussy, Logan growled in your hair and pitched you forward onto his chest with his hands underneath your thighs.
“Want that ass.”
You clenched around nothing as Logan lifted you up and squeezed your ass cheek in order to give his hard, thick cock access to your puckered hole. You were so wet that he kept slipping around until you felt Wade reach in and grab Logan’s dick, pumping it a couple of times before guiding it home inside your tight ass.
You saw the sneer, and you heard the ‘schnick’ of Logan’s claws coming out and Wade’s giggle as he explained.
“Just trying to help with the mission, Boss.”
You didn’t care about any of it as your head lolled back on your shoulders because Logan was filling you up deliciously.
Wade retreated and pulled his mask up to lick his fingers. He and Johnny resumed stroking as they watched Logan pounding you mercilessly from below, your cum making it embarrassingly easy. You locked eyes with him, and grabbed the tufts on top of his hair for purchase as you screamed and came again, just from his cock in your ass.
"Ahhhhh! Shittttt!"
“Mmmmnhhh! Incoming, Sweets”
Logan’s cum spurted inside you and began to leak out around his cock, making you even messier than before.
“Ugh. Fuck. So good.”
He kissed your forehead as he softened inside you, then lifted your thigh to slide out from underneath you. You braced yourself on the wall as you tried to catch your breath and savored the feeling of him dripping down your legs and the peace, if only momentary, emanating from his soul. You didn’t realize that your eyes were closed until you felt a new desperation accompanied by a hand on your arm and two hands on your ass.
“Don’t usually go for sloppy seconds, but I’ll take it tonight.”
Johnny’s sparkling blue eyes and sincerity held you captive. His tender kiss on your lips distracted you as you felt Wade’s hands on your ass and you lowered yourself down around Johnny’s long cock.
Johnny slipped easily inside you because Wade and Logan had stretched you out, but he was so hot, literally, that you quickly clenched down on him. Your hands caressed his shoulders and trailed down his sternum and his happy trail to where you were connected.
The way he looked at you from under his long eyelashes made you want to give him a show. You bit your lip and circled your clit, earning a groan and an appreciative stare from him as you started to ride.
You sensed a sudden a wave of mischievousness from Wade and felt his tongue in our ass. He moaned, sending vibrations up your spine as he caused you to clench around his wet muscle and Johnny’s cock. He slurped you up, and pulled away momentarily to come up and whisper in your ear.
“Mmmm. You and Logan taste so good. You’re doing amazing, Sweetie.
He was down again and licking you clean, causing irritation to emanate from Johnny.
“I’m tryna cum, here, Wilson. Stop licking my balls, you jerkoff.”
Wade came up and wiped his mouth.
“So sorry, that was a total mistake. Didn’t mean to touch your huge, full, sexy balls with my velvet tongue. Not at all, Johnny.”
“Shut the fuck up, I’m trying to concentrate on this Sweetheart right. Here.”
Johnny kicked Wade away, stroked upward to make you moan, and then grabbed you by the neck as he flipped you over onto your back, grasping your thighs and folded you in half like a pretzel.
“You ready to take this hot cock?”
You nodded enthusiastically as Johnny Storm began to fuck you relentlessly, his long cock reaching that magic spot inside you as you tightened around him, much to your chagrin.
It was going to be over too soon. You wanted him to use you longer.
“Mmmmph, Darlin’ I feel you, still so tight around me even after these two knuckle heads fucked your cunt silly. Should be loose, but damn, girl. C’mon. Cum for me like you did for Wolverine and Wade. Gimme that shit.”
Johnny reached down and strummed your clit, as Wade came and held your legs in place, his oddly beautiful cock hard against his abdomen. You stretched your neck and teabagged him, earning a choked, garbled moan, and no words from him.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Logan standing over you and stroking his hard-for-you-again dick.
“Shit, shit, sheeeeiiittttttttt this pussy is so good. Fuck!”
Johnny pulled out and stood over your body as you scrambled up on your knees to open your mouth for your reward. The men gathered around you as first Johnny spurted white, hot cum all over your face, then Logan jerked on your tits, rubbing his bulbous tip all over your nipples, and Wade just sprayed everywhere as he watched the show.
You collapsed on your knees, wiping your face as strong arms lifted you up and took you to the other side of the cave and started washing you off with a bucket of water that had been warming by the fire. You looked up into Logan’s eyes and he avoided your gaze, concentrating on getting the cum out of your hair.
“You can rest now. We’ll cook up this bird that Pyro threw in here for food and you can sleep for a while.”
You sensed genuine tenderness, and another spark of a future need within him. You knew that they would wake you up for more than food later.
And you were more than okay with that.
So you just smiled at him as his hand trailed the water down your body, this moment a respite for all of you, in the chaos of Cassandra’s world.
If you liked it, hit Reblog!
#deadpool#deadpool and wolverine#johnny storm#deadpool and wolverine smut#johnny storm smut#deadpool x wolverine#deadpool x wolverine x johnny storm x reader#deadpool x wolverine x johnny storm x reader smut#deadpool smut#wolverine smut#wolverine#logan howlett#logan howlett smut#wade wilson#wade wilson smut#marvel mcu#marvel mcu smut#logan howlett x reader#wade wilson x reader#johnny storm x reader#Deadpool x Wolverine spoilers
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Cumplane AU Sqh fell asleep on the bus on SY shoulder, causing Sy to miss his stop. SQH offered him to stay at his apt because it's snowing
inspired by a Destial fanfic Strangers on a Bus by Terene
SY felt nervous and jumpy; it was his first time on a bus. He fought with his family over their overprotectiveness and ran onto the bus leaving the station. He had no clue where this bus goes, when, and how to get off?
The bus grew busier as the seats filled up within a couple of stops, leaving SY shoulder-to-shoulder with the guy next to him. The guy had messy brown wavy hair, a baggy hoodie, and sweatpants. Overall, he looked very comfy compared to the button-up SY was wearing. It made SY want to reach over and squish his cheeks together, which would be inappropriate to do to a stranger on a bus.
In the meantime, he searched the bus and its route to see if there was a stop near his apartment; his phone was blowing up with text messages and calls. There was a high chance that his whole family might already be waiting for him at his apartment. At least the bus did stop near his apartment in 10 more stops, but with the bus stopping at almost every stop, he should get comfortable.
He started planning and thinking of every response and question he needed to prepare for with his family. This was not the first time they fought about this topic, but it was the first time SY stormed off like this. He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, trying to calm himself down. 6 stops left to go, and SY did not want to go.
The loud bus could not even distract SY from his frantic planning, it wasn't until he felt an impact on his shoulder that he noticed that the cute guy next to him had fallen asleep.
"Hey," SY said while shaking him slightly. His attempts at escaping the situation were not working. He couldn't move because the bus was crowded, and the dude was dead to the world. SY had no choice but to sit there until the guy woke up.
5 stops. 4 stops. 3 stops. 2 stops. 1 stops. And 0
He watched as his apartment building slowly disappeared out of sight. In a way, he was relieved. There was an excuse to delay the inevitable talk with his parents. He tilted his head to look at the guy more clearly; now that he was close to the guy, he could see the freckles and eye bags this guy had. He reckoned that with proper self-care, this guy would get scouted by so many different companies.
"Orange Road Apartments." The guy's eyes snapped open, and he made eye contact with SY for a couple of moments before he realized that he was, in fact, resting his head on someone else's shoulder while staring at them.
"Oh my god..." The guy said as he threw his head off SY's shoulder at an uncomfortable speed, causing the guy to yelp in pain while holding his neck.
"I'm so sorry, uh, ah, I didn't- I didn't mean to do that." Now that the guy was awake, SY could tell that he was really tired with the way his eyes still slowly closed before opening again.
"It's fine," SY said.
"I'm sorry, I didn't cause any trouble for you, right?" Well, in trouble could be used to describe SY's current situation. He could just call a taxi back, but at this point, he felt rebellious, and a couple more hours out wouldn't hurt.
"I did miss my stop."
"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry man, uh, this bus is the last bus on this route.." The guy informed him, and SY immediately checked the bus app he downloaded 20 minutes ago.
"Ah...I see"
"But there are other buses at the next stop, so you can transfer to a different bus that does run. I get off at the next stop, so I'll help you figure out the bus you need to go on. I'm so sorry." The bus stopped after the guy pressed the button next to the window. They walked off, thanking the bus driver.
SY didn't notice this, but it was sprinkling outside. Just tiny drops that he could barely feel through his jacket. Then like the world hated SY, it started pouring.
"Shit!" The guy cursed, pulling SY into the apartment building next to the bus stop.
#svsss#shang qinghua#shen yuan#cumplane#airplane shooting towards the sky#peerless cucumber#i have missed my stop way too many times#sleeping on the bus hits different
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Anyways, it's absolutely fucking hilarious that there are gringos on this site worried that the new administration is going to go after their destial fics. Like yeah the new administration is threatening to take actions that could potentially strip millions of documented immigrants and natural born US citizens of their legal residence status and citizenship, and even result in many of those people ending up stateless. But, sure Jan! Saving fanfic is much more important
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Can you explain why so many fanfics of Destial have dean being molested, being a bottom, sexually humiliated?? Season 2 for me so I don't get it
I find it quite suspicious that someone who is only on season 2 of SPN has supposedly looked for Destiel fics.
I would have liked to give you the benefit of the doubt, because well, if you don’t know about something and you ask about stuff with a clear intention, even if the question is a little bit mean, is okay. But the thing about your question that really pisses me off and that makes me thing that you’re probably a Destiel hater using a Tumblr that only has 4 posts because I have the anon asks turned off, is that you think that being a bottom is something as bad and denigrating as being molested and being humiliated.
Some people like being a bottom. Some people like being a top. And some people like to be a switch, that is to say they sometimes like being a top and sometimes they like being a bottom. There is nothing wrong with being a bottom, a top or a switch person. People find pleasure in different ways, and as long as there is consent from everyone involved and as long as nobody hurts anybody, people can enjoy whatever the fuck they want.
I don’t know why some people think that being a bottom is something bad, especially when it comes to a m/m relationship, it’s like some people have the need to make someone feel bad because in your mind, some of the two guys has to take the role of the woman, which is as ridiculous as using chopsticks and saying this one is the fork and this one is the knife. Let people enjoy what they enjoy and stop associating being the bottom one in a relationship as something shameful and bad because for some of you, being the top one is all about being the super macho one while being the bottom one is the complete opposite, which is a very stupid and denigrating thought. Like I said before, some people enjoy being the bottom one and some people enjoy being the top one, and even some people like switching, and no one is the more masculine one for liking one thing over the other. Pleasure is different for everyone. So please, stop comparing someone being a bottom to being molested.
Now, to the other stuff. I’ve read a lot of Destiel fanfics, but obviously I haven’t read every single one, however, I have seen many Destiel fics while trying to find one to read, and people tag stuff meticulously, and I can tell you that there is a tiny percentage of non-con fics. The most I have seen is fics in which Dean is a prostitute and some characters have molested him, but that’s all. I don’t think I have stumbled upon a fic in which Cas molested or sexually humiliated Dean, just like I have never read a fic in which Dean molested or sexually humiliated Cas. Perhaps in the depths of the internet you can find stuff like that, but as someone who has been reading and writing Destiel fics for over a decade, I can tell you that I haven’t found stuff like that, and if there exists that stuff that you apparently say that exists, it is a tiny minority.
I really don’t know where you’re coming from, but it looks like you’re probably someone who hates Destiel and is trying to start something, so that’s my take. Please, dedicate your time to the stuff you love, you’ll have a better time, trust me. In case that I’m wrong and you’re asking with good intentions (which I doubt, but well, I’ll try to be as polite as I can), then my apologies. But after being in this fandom for so long, one tends to identify haters with a success rate of 99%
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the funniest thing that could happen from the suletta/destial confrontation is a destial gundam AU fanfic with destial replacing suletta.
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salute to all the muslim fanfic writers going into ramadan
we will miss your destial omegaverse 🙏🙏
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Hi. I’m hoping you can help. For various reasons I want to move over to fics that aren’t Larry, the only fanfic I’ve ever read. (Love your writing and always excited when I see you post anything; love fics about actual adults; any shift I make won’t keep me away from your Larry fics!) Do you have a ship you think is similar to Larry and maybe easily accessible? One problem is that I haven’t watched the shows that underlie some of the other big ones I see, like Sterek or Destiel. From what little I’ve seen, Destiel especially piques my interest. Should I watch the show before reading? Any starter/foundational/really well known fics you’d recommend I start with? I’m sorry for bombarding you with questions. 🥴😔 Thank you so much!
First, thank you SO much for your lovely words about my writing!! xox
And I love this ask, but I'll be really open about my own bias, which is that I read ships/fic in stuff where I've never really interacted with canon and I'm fine with that. I'm much less picky about specific ship and much much pickier about writing and stories.
The other thing that might help me would be if you had a specific vibe about Larry that you've enjoyed?
If you are comfortable with Harry Potter, Drarry is an absolutely phenomenal ship and there's such an enormous depth of history and writing and talent in this fandom, I just cannot even. I've written a ton of Drarry, and I tend towards less "being dicks to each other" and much more towards "we've kind of sorted our shit out now let's gooooo" vibe. Even if you haven't read HP but have a pretty good grasp from just the cultural infusion perspective, you should be fine. And again, there's SO much amazing fic there, and I can totally point you towards some of my own favs. This list is woefully out of date, but there's so much good content here!
If you have seen Captain America TFA and the Winter Soldier, those are all you need for one of the most brilliant Stucky series ever, by my darling friend @vmohlere, the Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail. It's brilliant, just amazing, and I can't even tell you how many times I've read it or how much it's impacted me! (Honestly again, if you have sort of cultural knowledge of Steve and Bucky, you will probably be fine.)
I haven't read a ton of Destial, so I'm not sure I have recs there, but I will say, I've never watched the show and had no trouble with the fic!
I've only seen 30 minutes of the first episode of Teen Wolf and I have devoured about 8 billion Sterek fics and can give you so many recs if you want them! There's some absolutely stunning fic in that fandom!
Have you read Red, White & Royal Blue? I 100% recommend the book, I know not everyone loves it, but I really do, and it reads closer to a really good fic to me. And there's SO MUCH good fic!! @clottedcreamfudge is one of my all-time fav authors there.
Let's see. Are you familiar with Check, Please!? Online webcomic, gay college hockey players. Zimbits (Jack Zimmerman and Eric Bittle) might actually be one you'd enjoy. The comic is fantastic in and of itself, it's definitely a "small southern ball of sunshine and grumpy Canadian hockey-bot" (with a bunch of UST and pining and stuff)! So good. Highly recommend. And again, there's SO much great fic! I actually read a lot of different ships there, and there's great stuff!
Buddie seems to trend very much towards no smut/fluffy type fics, which I have to be in the right mood for, but there are some absolutely great writers in that fandom! (Including @hattalove who wrote some of my fav Larry fics!).
Okay, this is a lot, I know!! Please don't hesitate to message me for Sterek recs, and Drarry recs if you want! I'm currently absolutely OBSESSED with gay hockey players, both fictional and rpf, so reach out if you want some recs there!
#fic rec stuff#not fandom specific#I love to share what I love#so please don't hesitate to come talk!#I HAVE SO MANY RECOMMENDATIONS FRIEND
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Wondering where I can read Supernatural fanfic? Not really wanting Destial fanfic though? Any options? Thank you!
Hi! There are plenty of genfics (non-relationship fanfics) on archive of our own, it's mostly just a matter of filtering out the relationship tags. If you click this link, it will take you to all fics on the archive that have supernatural listed as the fandom. From there, you can use the sort and filter options on the right sidebar to narrow down things like word count and rating, as well as excluding relationship tags. It'll look like this
If you check that little X and then click "sort and filter," you'll be left with only supernatural fanfiction that is not tagged for destiel. If you don't want other ships either, you can eliminate those the same way. The little question mark bubbles next to the different filtering options help explain how to use them in more depth.
#I could go into like. pages and pages of overexplaining things here#but it's probably more helpful to just test things out yourself until you figure out what you're looking for#i would recommend making an account though as a lot of fics are limited to only archiveofourown members#it's free and it also lets you do stuff like bookmark fics and change the appearance of the site :)
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Your destial blogging has been giving me so much joy. I've been rewatching the series (mid season 4 now) and reading so much fanfic. I really fucking love them. Plus Jensen is so damn dreamy 😍
I’m watching season 10-15 (currently gonna start season 12) as I stopped cuz the show was pissing me off 😅 I’m DYING over all the destiel, I love them soooooo much. I’m rewatching scenes and moments and looking at old posts and fics and stuff it’s been awesome. I’m sooo glad you’re enjoying my reblogs!
I’m also so ashamed that I stopped following Misha (I did GISHWHES and all that fun stuff back in the day) he’s so incredible AND CAS IS EVERYTHING TO ME. Jensen is also aging like fine wine which is a bonus 👀 *high five*
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you dont even know how close i am to writing a long ass, messy destial college au with autistic cas and 'no homo' dean and they have the nastiest break up but they werent even really together to begin with (its a prequel fic to the other one i wanna write where cas shows up on deans doorstep ten years later broke, homeless and grieving the death of kelly, his bsf and mother of his 3yr old son jack. bc! he didnt know who else to turn to for help, even after everything!! but deans out and proud now and they proper fall in love and it works out this time <3 oh and also sam is trans ans lesbian married to eileen!)
but yeah basically i figured i might as well risk the fanfic curse bc actually a bunch of bad stuff has already happened so ill probably be safe... hopefully....
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A Handy Solution by @fangirlingtodeath513, prompt: buttons
Dean's never had a hand kink. Or, he hadn't thought he'd had a hand kink until he'd stumbled upon his best friend's hand fetish live stream. (Rated T, 1.3k)
Buttons by @galaxystiel, prompt: buttons
Drabble. Detective Dean Winchester has a new case. First, he needs to get some information from the M.E. (Rated G, 0.2k)
Buttons for Eyes by @envydean, prompt: buttons
Castiel comforts Dean when he comes home from a bad day at work. (Rated G, 0.7k)
Flying Buttons by @peanutbutterjelly-pie, prompt: buttons
When their first morning together is everything Dean ever hoped for. And at the same time so very different from what he expected. (Rated N, 0.8k)
The Dragon's Flame by @peanutbutterjelly-pie, prompt: fleeting flames
Dean Winchester, a former knight fallen from grace and nowadays just a guy trying to get by somehow, sets out to slay a dragon that is believed to be hiding in a nearby cave. But what seems to be just an ordinary mission for him, a means to make a bit of money and have some decent food and shelter for a while, turns into something he never expected. Because he meets a gorgeous man and his life will never be the same again. (Loosely inspired by the movie "Dragonheart") (Rated G, 4.1k)
Crêpes by @galaxystiel, prompt: fleeting flames
A sudden break-up sees an equally sudden reunion. Why is everyone in Dean's life obsessed with crêpes Suzette? (Rated G, 2.6k)
Whispers in the Dark by @galaxystiel, prompt: whispers in the dark
If they talk about things here, in Dean's safe space with the lights turned out, it's not real. (Rated G, 0.8k)
Get Ready: Attractive by @peanutbutterjelly-pie, prompt: chalk dust
Castiel is helpless in the face of Dean's attractiveness. (Rated G, 0.8k)
Happily Ever After by @pluckydean, prompt: happiness
(Rated G, 0.2k)
One Last Dance by @deansmultitudes, prompt: happiness
This is not how Dean imagined Castiel's wedding. They were supposed to be standing at the altar together, then dance the whole night through. But Cas made his choice and now, the only thing Dean wants is one last dance. (Rated T, 2.6k)
Kisses & Bagels: Make A Wish by @peanutbutterjelly-pie, prompt: happiness
Dean just barely has time to register Cas entering the Dean Cave before he finds himself suddenly with an angel joining him on the couch by shamelessly straddling his lap ... (Rated G, 0.7k)
Get Ready: Lightning by @peanutbutterjelly-pie, prompt: flash of lightning
Dean is startled awake by a storm and finds a surprise in his bed. (Rated G, 1.0k)
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B - Destiel, please
B. Under cover of darkness.
Medieval!AU with Prince!Dean because there´s never enough of that :)
Dean waitsuntil the castle turns entirely quiet before he crawls out of his bed. Thebright moon gives off enough light for him to get dressed. He walks quietly tothe adjacent room where his page sleeps. He stops in the doorway, givinghimself the treat of watching Castiel’s sleeping face for a moment before hesteps closer and puts his hand on the young man’s shoulder.
Castiel startles awake and Dean has to press his palmagainst his mouth to stifle his cry.
“Shh, it’s me,” he whispers. When he seesrecognition in Castiel’s eyes, he draws his hand back.
“Dean! What’s going on?” Castiel asks andlooks around. “Are you in danger?”
“No. I’m okay. Get up and get dressed.”
Castiel frowns, but he sits up on his bed, rubbing athis eyes.
“Are you not telling me what’s happening?”
“We are going out,” Dean says as he opensthe wooden chest with Castiel’s clothes and starts rummaging through it.
“Out? It’s the middle of the night.”
“I know. I want to show you something.” Deanthrows Cas a shirt. Cas grumbles something incoherent as he puts it on, then hegets up and pushes Dean away so he can reach into the chest himself.
“We have a history lecture in the morning,”he protests as he puts on a girdle.
“Yeah, it means we can catch some sleep duringthe lecture. Come on.”
Castiel grumbles again, but in a few moments, he’sready to follow Dean out of the chamber and down the dark halls.
“Dean, where exactly are we going?” Castiel asks again when theystep out into the inner yard.
“Out. I told you already.”
“Out of the damned castle?” Cas groans. “We’re going to get introuble.”
“I’m the prince, I can’t get into trouble,”Dean grins at him over his shoulder. Castiel rolls his eyes.
“But I’m not.”
“You have me.“
It takes them a while to get to the outer gate.Castiel comes to a halt when he sees the dark silhouette of a guard.
"There’s no way we can get through the gate,Dean. You must have lost your mind.”
“Don’t worry. Just trust me,” Dean whispersand grabs Castiel’s hand. Cas stumbles after him.
“Hello, Bobby,” Dean says when the guardturns towards them.
“Your highness,” the old guard gives him asmall bow.
Grinning, Dean tugs at Cas’ hand as he walks even closer.He leans toward the guard and whispers something into his ear so Castieldoesn’t hear it. Bobby smiles and nods, then he opens the small door in thegate meant for the guards.
“Thank you,” Dean almost squeals, lookingvery boyish in his joy.
“Don’t be too long. Whistle when you arrive so Iknow it’s you.”
“Sure. Come on, Cas.” He drags hisbewildered friend out of the gate.
“What was that about?” Castiel asks.
“Bobby has a sweetheart in the kitchens. Idelivered a message from her.”
Cas huffs out a laugh. “The prince playing amessenger for his servants.”
“It was worth it,” Dean says and squeezesCastiel’s hand a little. Warmth spreads through Castiel’s chest as he squeezesback.
They arrive at the edge of a grove near the castle.Dean sits on the ground and pets the grass next to him.
Castiel sits down. “I still don’t understandwhat-”
“Shh, look,” Dean cuts him off and points atthe starry sky.
Castiel almost misses it but with the corner of hiseye, he sees the bright stripe on the sky. There for a moment and gone just asfast.
He turns his head to look at the sky properly just tosee another one. As bright as the moon, like a brushstroke over the dark canvasof the sky.
“Oh,” he breathes out.
“Beautiful, right?”
Castiel looks at Dean, at his face lit by the moon,his eyes bright with glee.
“Yes, beautiful,” he sighs.
Dean grins and lies on his back. Castiel follows suit.
“How did you know about it?” Castiel asks.
“Sometimes I actually listen when people aretalking. Even people like my dad´s astronomer,” he says and gasps a littleat another shooting star. Castiel doesn’t see it, because his eyes are fixed onDean’s face.
“You know, they say you can wish forsomething,” Dean says, voice soft. Not many people know him like this -quiet and soft, but that’s how Castiel likes him the best.
“What did you wish for?” Cas asks. They arekeeping their voices low even though there’s no one to hear.
Dean turns his head, but he just looks Cas in the eyesfor a long moment. Then he reaches for Castiel’s hand lying in the grassbetween them and intertwines their fingers.
“I wished you would always be by my side likethis.”
Castiel’s heart skips a beat.
“Dean, of course, I’m going to be by your side.I’m ready to serve as your squire for the rest of my life if you’ll have me.”
Dean closes his eyes and nods. He looks sombersuddenly.
“I know, but… I didn’t mean out of duty.”
“Dean!” Cas raises his voice and squeezesDean’s hand, agitated by Dean’s saddened tone. Dean looks at him.
“Of course it’s not out of duty. I would chooseto be by your side in any case, every day, my whole life. You know I love you,Dean.”
Dean’s eyes widen, his lips part. “Cas,” hebreathes out as he pushes himself up on his elbow. He cups Castiel’s cheekgently with his free hand, then leans down.
His lips are just a breath away from Castiel’s when Castiel places his hand onDean’s chest to stop him.
“Oh,” Dean sighs, the light in his eyesdying. “You didn’t mean love like that.”
He lies back down and turns his head away. His handslips out of Castiel’s.
Castiel stares at the dark sky. He sees a shootingstar and wishes for Dean to be happy.
“You are a prince,” he breaks the heavysilence after a moment.
Dean looks at him from the corner of his eye.“And?”
“That’s it, Dean. You’re a prince. You’re goingto be a king.” His chest hurts as he says it. As he thinks of what can’tbe.
Dean rolls on his side to face him.
“And you will be my squire. My closest man. Wecan be together and no one would mind.”
Castiel shakes his head.
“You will have to get married one day. You willhave your queen.” And his relationship with Castiel would be just asecret they would have to guard, reduced to intimacy squeezed into momentswhere nobody’s around, tender moments like this under cover of darkness.
Dean pouts. “Maybe not. I might die on thebattlefield before that.”
Frowning, Castiel swats at Dean’s chest with the backof his hand. “I don’t want you to die in a battle!”
Dean smiles sadly. “I wouldn’t mind as long asit’s with you by my side.”
Dean-“ Castiel heaves sighs and sits up.He looks down at Dean. He’s beautiful. Castiel does love him, in all wayspossible.
"Queenwouldn´t follow me on a battlefield,“ Dean whispers distantly, then he looks atCastiel with a flame of defiance in his eyes.
"Idon´t want a queen. I want you. I can trust you, I can laugh with you and Ithought we could also-” he trailsoff, blushing a little. Then he heaves a deep breath to gather his strengthbefore he sits up and looks Castiel in the eyes. “You are the only one Iwant.“
"I wantyou too,” Cas says and finally closes the distance between them.
They kissunder the shooting stars until the sky gets light and the sun rises.
Thank you @stay-inside-the-salt-ring for the prompt!
Send me a letter and I will write a minific
#destiel#destiel ficlet#destial fanfic#destiel au#medieval!au#prince!dean#mine#filled prompts#stay-inside-the-salt-ring
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“We should get married.” Says Cas, apropos of nothing.
Dean, unsuspecting, chokes on his sesame chicken.
“What.” He says, once he’s no longer dying.
“Married.” Cas fails to elaborate.
Dean looks around their empty apartment for a camera crew ready to jump out and shout gotcha.
“Cas,” He says slowly, “You... know we aren’t dating, right?”
Cas looks at him, long and slow, as he does. He has a strange look on his face, and Dean has absolutely no idea what’s going on.
“I know.” He says, “I know.” He looks down at his hands, clasped in his lap, “Just- you know, I have health insurance through the office. You could be on my plan.”
Dean squints at him, baffled. “Is that it? Insurance?”
Castiel doesn’t look at him, but instead studies the television intensely. “Health insurance is important.” He says.
Were it anyone else, Dean would have no idea what he was thinking, but this is Castiel, and they’ve been living together for the better part of two years. He sees the way Cas’ fingers are digging into his pants leg, the way color is rising just a little in his cheeks.
“Are you being serious?”
“Well. Why not? I love you.”
“Jesus, Cas.” Dean ducks his head and rubs the back of his neck in what he’d never admit is a bashful move, “Buy a guy a drink first, maybe.”
“If you want.”
“Maybe we should try catching a movie first.”
Cas turns to look at him, finally, “Really? You’d want to?”
Dean can’t believe it, he can’t believe himself or Cas, he laughs at the absurdity of it all. “You ask me to marry you, and you’re surprised that I even want to go on a date?”
Cas shrugs, “I thought I should start big and work my way down.”
“That’s a terrible strategy.”
“It worked, didn’t it?”
“No! I’m not marrying you right now!”
“Right now?”
“You know what I mean!”
“But you’ll go to the movies with me?” Castiel asks hopefully.
“Yeah. Jesus.”
“You’re a real pill, you know that?”
Cas grins, “So I've heard.”
#writing#my writing#destiel#deancas#marriage proposal#dean/cas#au#destiel au#fanfic#ficlet#destial fanfic#friends to lovers
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