#desperately trying to do as much as i can of this project i'm not even good at
faeriefoxie · 17 days
i'm stupid but i'll learn
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sunbentshadows · 2 months
Been mulling over the news today. But not about Biden, nor Harris. Not the breathless coverage of media-spinning-this-as-another-losing-move-for-Democrats.
I've been thinking about the right-wing in this country. The Republicans. You know, the group the coverage SHOULD be about. Especially as they've fallen into a fascistic cult of personality and vindictive cruelty-as-politics.
What is the Republican platform now? It used to be fiscal conservatism and 'business-interests' (at least on the surface), deregulation, less governmental power. Now it's, well. Trump. Sure. But what are they fighting for? "Get their guy in the White House"?
Well yes. But no. The Republicans are desperately trying to hold power. The power to dismantle the rights of every person in the country who isn't a white-male-Christian-business interest. One of Their Guys.
Why? Why so much now?
Because they're fucking UNPOPULAR. The country doesn't support them! If the entire country voted, the right wing would not meaningfully exist in the US political sphere.
Think about that for a second. REALLY internalize it: If everyone in the US voted, period, full stop. The right would be gone. The Republican party, as it is, now, would be a fucking joke.
So of COURSE they're swinging towards fascism. In a two-party system, a political party's only meaningful directive is survival of the power of their party. The very existence of Project 2025 is proof - it is the last, dying fucking breath a party that has TWO options to stay alive: Fascism and minority-rule, or change.
And they're sure not picking fucking change.
That is what we're up against.
If I could ask ONE thing of any person in the US who desperately wants to keep their human rights, who understands a loss in this election is likely the end of US-democracy as we know it - it would be to point the narrative towards the utterly vile platform of the right wing. Talk about it to everyone. Don't normalize it! Don't EVER say "That's just what Republicans do so it's normal". That's what they want.
If we win the branches of government - if we could make it 10% easier to vote. 5% easier to vote. That could swing elections and politics for a generation. We can even dream bigger: Ranked choice. Mandatory ballots. National holiday voting day.
And Republican strategists know this!! They're so terrified of it they're willing to dismantle the fundamental tenets of the United States of America to prevent it!
PART of why I'm so frustrated with the constant circling-on-Democratic-candidate is because it entirely misses the point. The choice is between a party trying to enshrine minority-Christian-Theocratic-rule in the country for generations - or, you know.
A middlingly-charismatic Democrat.
And, judgement-free - if you had a MOMENT of weighing the 'good' of those things, that's the fucking problem. These things are not remotely equal. The coverage of this political moment is like the coverage of climate change, and it gets into EVERYONE'S head - "The world is ending. But are hot summers REALLY that bad? Experts weigh in!"
The breathless both-sidesing of the current political moment is so appallingly, atrociously irresponsible I hardly have words for how fucking livid I am.
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yndrgrl · 6 months
pov: you're katsuki bakugo's crush, & you're dense
pining! bakugo. short lil drabble. just good ol' fluff. no au. gn! reader. ooc! bakugo.
a/n: should i make a longer version of this?
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everyone always caught katsuki looking at you, hanging around your general vicinity, or walking the same routes you do. your guys' classmates think it's cute the way he has a noticeable crush on you. they've teased him so much to the point that he doesn't even deny anything anymore.
"bakubro, you're staring at (y/n) again," kirishima would say as he shook the blonde.
"yeah, so? mind your damn business!"
uraraka would giggle, "you two would be the cutest couple!"
"i'm workin' on it! get off my back, woman!"
hell, even aizawa was in on it. he would pair the two of you together in all sorts of projects. he sat the two next to each other so you guys would be desk partners.
he was so transparent with his feelings that everyone knew how he felt about you, so what was stopping him? simple. it was you.
you were stopping him.
he doesn't know how you feel about him. doesn't he make it so painstakingly obvious that, when you simply look at him, his face flushes & his hands begin to spark. don't you notice how he hates people -absolutely despises everyone- yet he's always inching towards you when you're sitting next to him?
you must know how he feels about you, how he's madly obsessed with you.
but you don't. you're stupid, i guess.
when he "accidentally" buys an extra pack of your favorite snack, you figure he's just full. when he compliments your outfit, you just assume that he's into that type of fashion.
at some point, someone can only try so hard until they get desperate.
one time you had cookie crumbs on your cheek, so katsuki cupped your pretty little face in his hand & used him thumb to brush them away.
another time you nearly tripped over your shoelaces, & -without hesitation- katsuki bent down on one knee to tie your shoes.
katsuki doesn't know how much more obvious he can get. he kisses your hands, has his hand around your waist whenever he can, he goes on late night snack runs with you, for crying out loud! he has everyone tell you that he likes you, & your response is always the same: "i don't think so, i think he's just being nice."
what really makes him wanna tear out his hair is when you complain about how single you are. you're always ranting to him about how you're just a hopeless romantic. the entire time you're practically crying to him about how unlovable you are, he's thinking, "an idiot. i am in love with a goddamn idiot."
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hedgehog-moss · 3 months
I know your blog focuses on Pampe, professional criminelid, but you’ve been focusing on your new garden (and you should rightfully be proud of it). Um, so what’s stopping your animals from munching on the fruits of your labor?
The beautiful fence that I built!!
My vegetable garden is outside the pasture, but I've left a door in the fence just in front of it so I can let the animals out sometimes to weed the area (under close supervision). You can see the opening in this pic:
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My fence has been such a success btw <3 I know it doesn't sound like it because there are still occasional llama escapes, but that's because I've only built the Ultimate Anti-Pampe Fence along 2 sides of the pasture (which is roughly triangle-shaped). It took me two years to finish it but since completion it's never been outsmarted! The only time Pampe got through this fence was after a boar had boared his way through it first, which is not my poor fence's fault. It was designed to be Pampe-proof not everything-proof. And I refuse to count an instance of Pampe escaping through a hole made by a wild animal as Pampe defeating my fence, unless she can provide evidence of having personally set up a secret programme training boars for this job.
The problematic side of the pasture is the hypotenuse which still has the old, non-Pampe-proof fence left by the former owners—so the few times she escaped in the past year, it was from there. I've been playing the long game because there are lots of hazel trees growing there and they grow quite fast, so I'd like to fence this side with a hazel hedgerow. Pampe has so far never escaped through the (still-growing) hazel fence, not even in winter when it's leafless! However there are several Danger Points—gaps in the hedgerow here and there. I've been planting different kinds of flowering shrubs or evergreen hedge plants in these gaps to close them but this fencing method takes time. Especially since Pirlouit often tries to eat my living fence while it's still young. It's a fun project though; by now the woman at the plant nursery is used to me showing up asking for a new anti-llama plant for my hedge. Here's one of the gaps I'm trying to fill:
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I have also been thwarted in my efforts to obtain a living fence two years in a row, by the city hall guy who trims roadside trees—he kept trimming my hazel hedgerow so it was like 1m50, and I kept desperately reminding him that it needs to be much taller. The next year he trimmed it so it was 1m70 and I was like, no. I need it to be taller. You know my llama. He was like, okay, how tall? Just tell me and I'll trim it at the height you want. I said, one hundred metres tall I don't know, she gets smarter every year! By the time she learns how to fly I need my hedge to be visible from space!
He no longer trims these hazel trees.
If I were a tour guide in a sightseeing bus I would be like, on your right ladies and gentlemen is a normal hedgerow bordering a cow pasture; on your left is the Great Anti-Pampe Wall. Kindly do not throw your chewing-gums over the hedge she might use them as suction cups to attempt the climb.
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2tcs · 2 months
day 1: camping and candle
“Ugh. Why are we doing this again?” Danny complained as he watched his dad pull supplies out of the GAV.
“Well, your dad and I agreed that everyone has been a little too stressed. What with the ghosts destroying part of the school and your father and I's recent slump.” Maddie absently replied as she began clearing a spot for the fire pit.
“Besides Danno. This gives us the perfect opportunity to try out the new and improved Fenton Anti-ghost Tent.” Jack shouted as he put a glowing box on the ground and pressed a button on the side that caused it to fold out into what could only be described as a family-size carnival tent.
“Hay Jazz?”
“Ya Danny?”
“Please tell me you packed the actual tent.”
“Yes. I even managed to buy a box of MREs in case Mom and Dad brought contaminated food again.”
“A week of MREs. Yay. Well, we might as well get our side of camp set up 'cause I am not sleeping in that.”
“Come hi everyone this is going to be fun. Think about it! Tents, roasted marshmallows, campfire stories. This will be awesome.” Dick said as he jumped out of the van and started unloading camping supplies.
“This is a survival training exercise, Richard. Not a family bonding trip.” Damian said as he looked at the single-family size tent that Dick had packed.
“For once I agree with Damien. This is not what I would consider “fun” or “awesome”.” Tim said as he set up his laptop to finish his report for the next WE project that is due next week.
“I just want to know how the hell I got roped into this.” Jason grumbled as he started picking up stones for a campfire ring.
“Come on guys. This is as close to family vacation as we have been able to get in, like, ever. Let's make the most of it and have some fun.” Dick pleaded with them. “You agree with me, right Duke?”
“I mean. Except for you and Damien, we're all city kids. But I guess it could be fun.” Duke hurriedly added on as he saw Dick start to pout. “Yeah, yeah. Well, I ain't setting this up myself. Duke help me with these rocks. Tim helped Dick set up the stupid tent. And Damien you got the most experience in survival training. I need you to go through and scout the area and pick up wood for this fire.” Jason said while ignoring Dick's happy dance at his family getting along and helping each other.
“Come on Danno! How can you protect yourself from ghosts if you don't put on the Anti-ecto Spray?” Jack asked as he followed Danny as he gathered wood for the fire.
“We're in the middle of the forest, Dad. All we have to worry about out here is bugs and bears. And we have a spray for both already.” Danny argued.
“He's right Dad. Besides you have that Ecto Shield that will be covering the camp once everything is set up for the night.” Jazz said, watching as her dad pouted and walked over to their mom.
“Madds? You'll put on the Anti-ecto Spray won't you?”
“I'm sorry dear. But you know that stuff causes my skin to rash. I think I might be allergic to something we used in it.” Maddie said as she pulled out a dutch oven and some baking supplies. “Here honey, why don't you go and make some fudge? I know how much you like your campfire fudge.”
“Campfire fudge is pretty good. But we're going to need more firewood if we're going to bake.”
“I got it Dad.” Danny said, taking off into the woods in a desperate attempt to get away from all the anti-ghost stuff.
“That's my Danny Boy! Always eager to help out. Make sure you get some good size logs too!”
“I’ll go with him. For the buddy system.” Jazz said as she began to walk in the direction Danny had run off in.
“Don't Tt me. A dutch oven is an essential if you are going camping.” Jason said as he checked to see if the water was boiling before moving the pot back over the fire so that the water in it could stay hot.
“It is cumbersome and will weigh us down if we must move quickly through the woods.” Damian huffed.
“Well, it's a good thing we aren't going to need to move quickly through the woods. Now here's a knife and some potatoes. They've already been washed so now they just need cut up.”
“And what makes you think I will help you cook?”
“For the same reason that Tim is cutting up veggies and Duke is cutting the vegan turkey sausage. If you want to eat. You need to help.”
“Richard is not helping.”
“Richard would burn the forest down if we let him do anything more than roast marshmallows.”
“Hay! I'm not that bad.” Dick whined from where he was still struggling with the tent.
“August 26th, 2010.” Tim deadpanned as he put the veggies into the oven.
“Okay. That's not fair Tim.”
“Um. What happened in 2010?” Duke asked before they were interrupted my a loud explosion to the east of them.
“Put a pin in that Glowstick. I think we should check that out.” Jason said as he put the lid on the pot and moved it away from the fire before Tim quickly grabbed the bucket of dirt they had and smothered the fire with it before taking off towards the sound.
“What the hell was that!” Danny yelled as he dropped the sticks he was carrying and ran back towards camp.
“I don’t know! Just run!” Jazz shouted back as she pulled out her collapsible creep stick and tossed Danny the laser lipstick.
By the time they broke through the brush, they saw the camp in chaos. The new tent was trying/failing to eat Jack and Maddie was fighting the ecto lights.
“I kinda want to let them suffer.” Danny said as he deactivated the lipstick. Only to sigh as a group of four men ran into the clearing and began to try and help.
“I don’t think that’s an option anymore.” Jazz commented as she watched the human tank shoulder-check their dad to get him out of the way while a tall slender man expertly climbed the poles of the tent to get to the power switch that was at the top of the tent for some reason.
“I don’t know Jazz. They seem like they're doing a good job.” Danny replied as the shortest and skinnyest of the group tried to help Maddy with the lights.
“I’ll get the lights. You get the tent.” Jazz sighed before taking off and using the creep stick to tangle the lights and yank them out of the portable ecto-battery that their parents brought with them. Danny in the meantime ran to the GAV and climbed on top to give him a clear shot at the off button seeing as the tent was moving too much to climb. One clean shot and the tent folded in on itself, back into the box it was that morning.
“Danno! Jazzypants! Good job!” Jack shouted as he scooped both kids into a hug.
“And thank you to you four as well. It’s clear you have had training but you should really leave the ecto fighting to the professionals.” Maddy addressed the young men who had come over to make sure everyone was okay.
“Ecto fighting? Lady I don’t know” The tank asked as he crossed his arms.
“What my brother means to say!” The one who tried to climb the tent interrupted. “Is that we’re from Gotham so are kinda used to having to fight. I’m Dick by the way. This is my brother Jason. Tim is the one who is currently investigating the tent box? And Duke is standing next to him. And last but not least this is Damian!”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you all! I’m Jack! That’s my lovely wife Maddie, and these are our kids! Jazz and Danny!”
“You were quite adept with your baseball bat. Have you ever thought about training with a bo staff?” Damian asked Jazz.
“It’s actually what I was originally trained in when Mom was training me how to fight.” Jazz said while straightening her hair once Jack put her and Danny down.
“If you want honeybun I can make you a new bo staff when we get home. It would offer more maneuverability during a ghost fight.”
“Ghost fight?” Tim asked as he and Duke walked over to the little family.
“Ya! Me and Madds here are ectobiologists!” Jack excitedly said before Jazz took the wind out of his sail.
“It doesn’t really matter what we are right now. The FAT completely wrecked the camp. The GAV and the MREs are okay but we’ll probably have to move camp or go home.”
“I saw an old cabin to the west of us with some candles and stuff not far from here when I got the first batch of firewood. We could stay there and leave some of our supplies in exchange for anything we use.” Danny chipped in.
“Hay! I think we passed that on the way here! Maybe we can all camp together! Safety in numbers you know?” Dick suggested as he bounced on his toes.
“That’s a great idea! How about you boys gather your camp and meet us there!” Jack cheered before he ran off to pack the GAV back up.
“Danny dear. Can you go with them and mark a trail to the cabin for us? Here’s some orange ribbon to tie to the trees.” Maddy said before ushering Jazz off so that Danny could “hang out with boys his age.”
“So,” Danny said as he started down the trail. “Gotham huh?”
“Yup. Where are you from?” Dick asked.
“Amity Park.”
“The most haunted place in the world?” Tim asked as he pulled out his phone and began typing.
“Sounds interesting.” Duke said only for Danny to through his head back and groan loudly causing the siblings to look at each other.
“Yes, it's haunted. No, I would not recommend going. The government already has it’s nose in it. And even though my parents didn’t recognize a group of Wayens doesn’t mean I didn’t. We do not need that kind of publicity.”
“Fair enough.” Jason shrugged while leaning over to look at Tim’s phone.
“Let’s just get this done.” Danny grumbled trying to walk ahead of the group.
“We’re totally going to investigate this aren’t we.” Duke whispered when Danny was far enough ahead.
“Tt. Obviously Thomas.”
An hour late but I think I did it. Hope everyone enjoyed it!
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facefullofsadness · 5 months
pussy-drunk!purinz relieve your stress
roommate!purinz x reader, university!au
smut, 1.4k wc
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for the lovely @strawbsj whose bday is todayyy!!! sorry if it's not that great jwannie bestie, it's VERY MUCH RUSHED n barely proofread (might fix later on), but I wanted to give u something today and what's better than purinz eating u out as a gift! (and I'm so sorry it's late ajhfsjgd)
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your finals are coming up and wow, is it stressful. I mean it's evident in the distressed faces of your fellow classmates roaming the campus, rushing to the local cafes and library to squeeze in every single bit of study time they can so they don't fail. and you've been no different, hiding away in your room, slaving away at ur notebook with your head in your textbooks and a laptop in front of you.
your roommates yunjin and chaewon are completely chill honestly, they're already done with their projects they need to turn in and have no written exams, having chosen arts majors. they pity you, feeling bad sitting on the living room couch, staring at your closed door, wondering if you're even alive since they can barely hear any noise coming from your room.
having chosen a more studious major than your roommates always meant you were working hard at all times while they were js kinda there? they would always try to help you by making u food, getting you water, doing the chores for you, checking up on you, being sweet and all that. but after hours, 12 to be exact, of you studying, they thought that was enough, you desperately needed A FUCKING BREAK.
you were so zoned in on your work that u didn't hear the door creak open. ur study playlist played softly in the background as u jump, feeling hands land on ur bare shoulders. you blink away from your notes and look up at the concerned looking chaewon looking down at you.
"y/n-ie, that's enough..." her voice was almost a whisper, laced with worry.
"seriously, you've been at this for the entire day, take a break, eat properly, SLEEP?" yunjin reiterates behind her, form slowly coming into view.
you sigh out, leaning back against chaewon's relaxing massage on your shoulders. u didn't realize how exhausted you were until you stopped what u were doing, legs restless, eyes twitching, fingers sore, back hurting.
"I'm just really stressed and worried about this guys," you reply back.
"we know, but killing yourself over this isn't gonna help cutie," the taller girl shifts to move in front of you, closing your laptop and books, holding your worn out hands with her own.
"I don't know how to NOT overwork myself, you guys know that..."
the two girls exchange a look before looking back down at you.
"yeah, so let us help you," chaewon leans into your ear and sighs against it.
you feel a chill run down your spine and suddenly your hands turn clammy in yunjin's hold, the girl in front of you looking down at you with sweet but dark eyes.
"w-what?" you nervously ask.
"shhhh, let us do the work baby," chaewon's lips ghost the skin on your neck before placing deep wet kisses on them.
you immediately whimper at the sensation, throwing your head back against her shoulder. you grip yunjin's hands tighter, eyes closing at how good the short haired girl's mouth felt on you. u didn't even continue to question what was happening anymore, everything feeling too good to care and the exhaustion hitting you too hard to resist.
you hear rustling from in front of you amidst the wet noises next to your ear, feeling your bottoms fall to the ground and legs shift apart. u widen your eyes at the girl between your legs, placing sweet kisses against your thighs.
"jen-" you begin before she interrupts you.
"don't try to stop it, just relax," yunjin mumbles against your skin before dragging her tongue across your already leaking slit.
"fuckkkkkk," you moan out, the sensations tingling against your body intensely.
you lace both your hands into their hair separately, holding chaewon's head against your neck and yunjin's head against your pussy. their mouths moved so deliciously against your body, making your back arch in your shitty uncomfy dorm room chair.
you feel yunjin's strong hands grip your thighs apart firmly, making sure u couldn't close them, forcing you to take all of her pleasure. chaewon's hands occupied themselves as well, slipping up your tight-fitting tank top, thumbs circling your hardened nipples.
"you like that, sweet thing? does yunnie's tongue feel good lapping at your pussy? like how I just pincchhhh your little nips?" she emphasizes her words as her actions obeyed her command.
"chaewonnie ahh~!" you mewl, thrashing your head around at the stimulation.
yunjin's tongue was so deep inside of you, moving extremely expertly against your clenching walls, her nose rubbing your clit rhythmically. chaewon's mouth kept leaving sloppy kisses all over your neck, shoulders, jaw, and chest, even leaning over to reach it and leave marks. her fingers were so aggressive, never letting your nipples take a break.
it felt so fucking good. your mind was completely clouded with lust as the two girls fucked you for their own pleasure, addicted to the way your body reacted to each and every one of their touches. your grips on them tightened as every thrust of yunjin's tongue hit that delicious spot within you, chaewon's panting against your ear heightening your already overwhelming pleasure.
with the deep groan of yunjin's mouth against your cunt, the vibrations sent you into a blinding orgasm, a series of high pitched whines and whimpers leaking from your lips, back arching off the chair completely. your moans filled the girls' ears, filling them with more lust and desire than ever.
your body collapsed against the chair again as you released deep breaths through the aftermath of your climax. suddenly, you're being pulled up and thrown gently against your plush mattress, feeling your legs forced open once again.
you panic and pry your eyes wide open, looking down at chaewon now between your trembling thighs. "chae, wait wait- fuck!"
she ignores your cries as her tongue laps at the cum you released from your last orgasm, sucking and slurping your sensitive pussy lips. whimpers leak from you as her mouth forces her way around your cunt. you try pushing her head away from your center but your efforts fail as yunjin comes behind you, resting your body against her chest and effectively holding your hands behind your back.
"nuh-uh babe, don't even think about stopping this. just relax..." she breathes out against your ear before turning to capture your mouth with her own.
she kisses you breathlessly, taking the oxygen from your lungs. your whines are completely drowned out by the tongue being shoved down your throat, choking on yunjin's and your own combined spit, the sounds of chaewon's slurping under you making your eyes roll back.
your abused clit throbs and hole clenches around chaewon's greedy tongue, unable to thrash really at all due to the two girls forcing your body to move as they want. the pleasure was way too much, your body couldn't stop jerking at every single swipe of the girls' tongues against you. it almost hurt, how much arousal brewed in your stomach, just anticipating exploding.
yunjin finally releases your mouth and you immediately let out heaving breaths against her lips, tears welling up in your eyes at the sensations crawling across your body.
"fuck fuck fuck fuck..." you chant against yunjin, her holding you against her chest, caressing your skin.
"shhhh, you're okay doll," she coos.
"I... can't, no more," you start sobbing.
"don't resist, just feel..." yunjin kisses across your face.
"cumming, cumming!" you announce with an incomplete cry, ur voice cracking as you yelp helplessly, legs and body shaking uncontrollably.
chaewon doesn't stop her eating, continuing to devour you between your legs. you scream in sobs at her mercilessness, unable to handle anymore, your sensitive cunt red and worn out.
"okay chaewonnie, that's enough," yunjin sighs, grabbing the short-haired girl by her bob and pulling her back, away from your pussy.
your silent sobs don't wipe the lust-filled stare chaewon has in her eyes. you feel small against yunjin's grasp and chaewon's warm hands on your inner thighs.
"we're not fucking done, not even close..." chaewon heaves.
yunjin chuckles sinisterly in your ear, "mm-mm, no we're not."
you tremble and stiffen, the taller girl behind you swiping her long digits across your sloppy slit, gathering slick and dragging her tongue along it.
"y/n's way too fucking sweet and delicious to stop."
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rene-darling · 1 year
CASH- app or zelle?
Sugar mommy/daddy AU
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Scaramouche never really needed a sugar mommy nor a daddy since he was a harbinger. He was rich...but now that he's wanderer...things have changed.
Ever since Nahida enrolled him in the Akademia he's had to find out how damn expensive some of the books he needs for his essays are
What the fuck! Why should he spend a million mora on a damn book he'll only use once!
While he was complaining about this to the traveler she jokingly suggested that he become a sugar baby.. " hah- do you think I would lower myself to such a degree-" once piamon mentions how he could basically get all the books he needed for his essays for free..he was sold.
One thing Wanderer didn't quite get the grasp of is what he needed to do for you in return...
His sharp breathing filled the room as your hips snapped in and out at a rough pace- he didn't know this was a part of the deal!!
Though he couldn't find it in himself to complain, as he gripped onto the bedsheets till his knuckles grew white "Hahh..fuuuck"
"you have to repay me for those books after all, don't you, so be a good little darling and hold fucking still." he wants to say he tried but it was nearly impossible! That fake dick slammed into him so hard! He couldn't! How could you except him to hold still
"i- hah.. I'm trying yo- mmh!" he was glad that he was facing away from you he most certainly didn't want to see that amused smirk on your face.
Xiao didn't realize how it even happened, he just thought you brought him gifts and such out of kindness
Right, it had to be kindness. What else could it be?
In time, he began expecting your gifts and trinkets patiently he would sit on the railings waiting for your arrival, and when you finally arrive he greets you still sitting on the railing
Xiao didn't even realize how this relationship developed. Due to his duty to guard liyue he never went anywhere too far from it, so whenever you would come back from your trips and expeditions you would give him gifts and trinkets.
And in turn, he would give you himself for the night.
He lets out breaths in a set rhythm "hah..hahh" his breaths come out as pants and his body jerks up and down at every touch
He's so damn sensitive, twitching at every minor touch, you can milk his cock all night and he'll try his hardest to be your good boy. To follow your commands without a word,
He'll grab into you so tightly so desperately trying to hide his embarrassment in the crevis of your neck
Albedo gets paid well by the knight of Favonius but lately, with some of his rather grand projects, he hasn't enough funds for them.
He thinks of ways to get more money, maybe he could work overtime. No, he already does and it's still not enough. He's in a stump. That's when he learns the term sugar baby from a drunk venti and kaeya
They both were drunk only jokingly suggesting that the man become a sugar baby if he was that desperate
What they didn't know was, yes. He is that desperate. He absolutely needs more funds, so this is the best and easiest option.
All he needs to do is lay himself on his table on Dragon spine, and the rest is up to you, you can do whatever you please with his fair skin, leave as many marks as you wish,
He thought it was easy enough. All he has to do is lay pretty and let you ravage him. He is a homunculus after all, he was confident he could take it,
"oh f-fuck mhm..." it seems he had overestimated how much his delicate body could take
Though he didn't mind, he enjoyed the feeling of being pushed to his utmost limit. His nails dig into your skin leaving red scratches all over, he can't help it you drive him insane.
Much like Albedo the Fox Boy needs funds for his experiments and expenditures, the scholars at the Akademiya after hearing his reluctance to join them being petty decided to cut his funds in half!
He's annoyed but he's even more petty than those stuck-up scholars, so even with his funds cut he decides to come up with another way to secure them
It wasn't his idea to become a sugar baby, but it came up when he was talking to his friends during a game of TCG, Kaveh had the same problem being in debt and not having enough funds to cover them.
He told Tighnari about how he planned to sign up to become a sugar baby, and so Tighnari albeit reluctantly decided to try it out. He means, what's the worst that could happen?
This is the worst. Though, he's lying.
His breathy pants fill the room his scratching and digging into your back, creating deep red marks on your skin,
"ah- ah..mhm, Hah-" he forces his head up to look at you, flushed cheeks tinted a harder red the more you stared back. "Y-you'll buy me t-the- mhm!" you couldn't help but chuckle.
His tail desperately wraps around you as he lets out a whine, he pouts a little at your teasing, "Don't worry darlin', I'll get whatever you want, so don't worry your pretty little head over it."
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joyoushyuck · 7 months
Your hand is raised in front of the door, about to knock, when the door clicks open on its own. Donghyuck doesn't seem surprised by your presence; his expression is morphed into one of indifference. He is wearing his glasses and that white Celine shirt he loves to wear on special occasions. His long hair curls at his nape, a few curly strands beautifully swaying at the front. You would call him gorgeous if it wasn't for the pressing situation at hand. He walks past you into the kitchen and extracts a water bottle from the fridge. You flinch when he slams the door shut.
“Donghyuck,” you try. He chugs the water down, ignoring you. “Donghyuck list-”
A thud, water on your feet and a gasp leaving your mouth, and Donghyuck storms past you back into the bedroom. The blue baby shark bottle lays a few inches away from your legs with a broken hinge and a crack near the top.
You bite your lips in an attempt to keep your tears at bay. You brought this on yourself, you have no right to cry. If forgetting your anniversary was not enough of a fault, you went on to blame it on your workload and blame him for being upset. Not your smartest move.
Dejected, you walk back to the couch and lay down. You haven't slept properly in ages, you really were preoccupied with an important project at work, but even that isn't a good reason to stop doing the bare minimum. Donghyuck's anger is justified.
You don't have a blanket; no amount of hugging yourself provides you the warmth that Donghyuck’s body exudes. The pit of your stomach feels hollow with dread; the guilt weighs you down and threatens to swallow your being. After an hour of twisting and turning, you give up on the idea of sleep. There's no way you can sleep peacefully without resolving this conflict. Your throat constricts and heart sinks at the prospect of Donghyuck ending this relationship for his own good.
So you walk up to the door resolutely. If Donghyuck continues to give you the silent treatment, you know your resolve will take a hit pretty soon. However, doing something to show that you care is better than doing nothing.
“Hyuck,” you start, only to hear your voice crack. It pains you as much as it pains him to have landed in such a predicament. “I'm sorry, Donghyuck, it's my fault. Please, just open the door.”
You are met with silence. Did he fall asleep already? It seemed unlikely but you couldn't rule out the possibility.
“Hyuck, are you awake? Baby? Just please answer me.”
Still no response. But then, something drops, and you hear the old bed squeak, his feet shuffle and the spring in your mattress dip. So he's awake.
“Donghyuck, love, please talk to me.” You cringe at the desperation in your own voice. “I am sorry, I know I fucked up Hyuck. Shout at me, hit me, just-”
You clutch your hair, your back sliding against the door and butt hitting the cold floor. A shiver runs down your spine. Was it winter already?
“Just don't be quiet, please.”
You bury your face in your hands in a last ditch attempt to keep the sobs under control. It didn't seem to be working in your favour. The stress at work seems to be finally catching upto you as well. Donghyuck needs space. He doesn't need you annoying him now when all this could have been prevented had you been more mindful of your actions. You accept your fate and curl into a bundle, deciding to give it a rest for now.
That's how Donghyuck finds you a few hour laters.
You are hugging your knees close to your chest, head resting uncomfortably on the hard floor. When he takes a closer look, he can see the dried streak of tears on your cheek. You are trembling, and he realises you haven't even switched the heater on. Something in him breaks at the sight of you like this.
“Hey, baby,” he gently taps your cheek to wake you up. “Baby, you can't sleep here, come in.”
You make a little noise. He is met with the uncontrollable urge to coo at you, but stops himself given the situation.
“Wake up doll,” he tries again. “You are going to have a terrible back pain at this rate.”
You blink your eyes open sluggishly after a few moments. Donghyuck isn't wearing his glasses anymore and his hair is mussed up. “Hyuck?” You ask, your sleep muddled brain still not catching up. “Is everything alright?”
Donghyuck sighs, his fingers gently caressing your cheek. He loved you too much to stay mad at you for long, no matter what you did.
“Come sleep on the bed baby. We'll talk about the rest in the morning. Come in now.”
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sluttywonwoo · 9 months
I have such a gross fantasy of Joshua Hong fucking me gently in front of a fire in a cabin while it snows. That man is so romantic and sweet I have a toothache
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"warm now, baby?"
you smile and hum in affirmation as you hug your knees to your chest, watching joshua stoke the fire.
he joins you on top of the blanket he'd laid on the floor a moment later when the flames are roaring and the firewood is crackling in the hearth.
then he wraps his arm around you and kisses you on the forehead. "what about now?"
"even better," you answer. "but i think i could stand to be even warmer."
joshua raises his eyebrows. "oh yeah?"
you shrug off his arm and lay down on the blanket, pulling him with you so that he's hovering over you. he gets the hint instantly, probably because it wasn't so much of a hint as it was an obvious invitation, and kisses you on the lips. he's tugging at your thermal top in almost no time, pausing only when he remembers just how cold you had been up until this point.
"are you sure you want to do this now? we can wait."
"yes, i'm sure. i want you now, shua," you whine, wrapping your legs around his waist and locking your ankles behind his back to pull him closer.
he half laughs, half moans as you grind up into him, feeling him start to harden through his sweatpants.
"okay, why don't we keep your shirt on then? we can take everything else off."
it's not really a compromise you want to make but you settle for it anyway, too desperate to try and protest further.
joshua pulls your shirt back down over your tummy and moves on to your pants, getting them and your underwear off in one fluid motion. he whistles under his breath at the sight between your thighs.
"no wonder you were so impatient. you're already soaked for me."
you've been dating for so long that you shouldn't get flustered when your boyfriend says things like that but you feel your cheeks warm in embarrassment all the same. he smirks at your reaction which makes you even wetter, something you hope he doesn't notice.
"poor thing. i won't make you wait too long, baby. just a second..." joshua yanks his t-shirt off over his head and lays it underneath yours like a pillow before shimmying out of his sweats and slotting himself between your legs. "ready?"
"yeah, give it to me."
"so romantic," he mutters, pushing himself inside of you anyway.
it isn't often that joshua fucks you without any foreplay but the main goal today is to warm you up and anything that isn't straight-up fucking you would leave part of your body exposed to the cold. like this, he can lay his body on top of yours like a weighted blanket and keep you warm as he gently fucks into you. it's exactly what he does, draping himself over you as he starts to move.
already, you feel warmer. whether it's due to the fire, his body heat, or his dick inside of you, you can't be sure but if you were a betting woman, you'd put your money on it being a combination of the three.
he's going slow to let you adjust to the stretch but it still feels like he's splitting you in half with every thrust. it feels heavenly, though. almost too good. you swear you're seeing god every time he bottoms out and the way he's praising you like you are one is making it impossible to stay grounded.
"i love you," joshua whispers, pressing his lips to your neck. "i love you so much, you're taking it so well for me."
it's all too much. too much and not nearly enough and you want to stay like this with him forever but you also want to fucking cum over and over and...
and he looks so pretty in the firelight. the ever-changing glow flickering against his skin makes him appear radiant, like all the colors of the sunset are being projected on him in waves.
"feels so good, shua," you gasp, back arching off the floor.
he strokes your cheek. "i can tell. you're crying already, my love."
you sniffle, giggling deliriously as you try to blink the tears out of your eyes. his figure is blurred behind them and you want to see him clearly. "i d-didn't even notice. 'm sorry."
"don't apologize, baby. you know i love making you cry- well, in this context, of course. means i'm doing something right."
"you're doing everything right," you confirm.
joshua sucks in a breath to steel himself before continuing. "for what it's worth, you f-feel so good too, baby. you're so fucking warm and tight... i don't know how long i'm going to last."
he sounds apologetic about it but you shake your head and grip his shoulders like you're going to give him a pep talk. "we have all night," you assure him. "we can go as many times as we want, as long as you're here keeping me warm."
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elliyoyo · 2 months
The Time You Thought Too Loud (Gale Dekarios/Reader)
This is Part 1 of 5 times Gale got teased + 1 time he got his payback. If you're starting, this is right place :) I'll be posting the descriptions and prompts on My Masterlist so you know what to expect, but this will be posted one chapter at a time.
Desc: You catch Gale conjuring his goddess, and he gives you a quick legend in the arcane. You can't help but fantasize about him after he gives you the most wanton look known to man.
Warnings: SMUT 18+, afab reader, vague f!masturbation, and fantasizing (including p in v, f!receiving oral, and creampies).
Words: 1.5k
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After a long day's running around, all you wanted was some rest. You had used what seemed like tons of extra supplies because of your own mistakes, you didn't know if your left pinky finger would ever feel the same, and you were completely over today. Hell, you were over this week already, and it only just started!
Despite all of that, however, you couldn't help but focus on (and grow curious about) a low shimmering noise from across your group's makeshift camp. It could only be described as weave incarnate, and the most magic you could do was a measly fire bolt… How were you supposed to fake not being interested?
When you look in that direction, you see a faint blue light coming from Gale's area, which confirms your sixth sense for the weave and draws you in even more. You push yourself up from your bedroll and take a sip from a nearby bottle of water before heading over to check out the small commotion. A small projection floats above Gale's hand, a portrait of a beautiful, straight-haired woman whose look alone commanded attention and grace.
You stare for a moment more, taking silent steps up behind him to get a closer look, a finer examination of all the details on her delicate face… The earring she had in common with Gale.
"Oh my, you startled me!" Gale finally notices your presence, jumping in place as the projection vanishes. "I, uh… I was miles away," he mumbles, hands coming together behind his back. Even though you had seemingly interrupted him, there was no hint of irritation or anger, only embarrassment.
"Is everything alright?"
"Of course! I was just… practicing an incantation!" He flashes you an effortless, but emotionless grin, clearly trying to get you to go about your evening. That wouldn't work on you, though.
"Hmmm… Gale, I think there's more to it than that. The figure I saw; she means something to you, I'm sure of it. You can be honest; I'd like to say I had a pretty tame reaction to Astarion's vampirism and Shadowheart's Sharran worship." You can't help but physically respond to him as well with a raised eyebrow and a hand flying to your hip.
"She does. She… is Mystra. I cannot quite describe it, the need I sometimes feel to see her--- to draw the filaments of fantasy into existence." His eyes have glazed over, staring off in the distance towards nothing as if he was now conjuring her up, detail by detail, in his mind. Of course, Mystra was important to him, but no ordinary devotee would feel so desperately drawn to see their idol. "No sculpture or painting could ever do her justice, only the fabric that she herself is and embodies; The weave. Mystra is all magic, and as far as I'm concerned, she is all creation."
"I didn't realize the depth of your devotion." There is a twinge of jealousy, even though there is no reason for it to be there. You have no relationship with this man besides both being survivors, just as there is no reason for you to feel anything towards this goddess.
"Magic is my life. I've been in touch with the Weave for as long as I can remember. There's nothing like it. It's like music, poetry, and physical beauty all rolled into one and given expression through the senses…" He shows off for a moment, flashing lights and shapes between his hands and in front of your face. Impressive, but he's certainly holding back, not revealing too much of his hand yet.
"Would you like to experience it firsthand?"
"Yes, of course I would!" Personal magic lessons from the magic prodigy? Maybe you were wrong to think there was nothing here. He could have thunderwaved you across camp by now if he had been bothered by your intrusion.
"Then follow my lead." He poises his hands up, doing a quick (easily copied) movement that has you feeling ready and at ease.
"Excellent! Now, repeat after me: Ah-Thran Mystra-Ryl Kantrach-Ao."
"Okay, uh… Ah-Thran Mystra… Ryl, Kantrach-Ao!"
"Very good, and I know it's exciting, but no need to shout," he laughs out, doing his best to hold his arms and hands steady. "Now I want you to picture in your mind the concept of harmony. As true as you can."
You let your thoughts and consciousness fade from being at camp, next to Gale, with a mindflayer worm in your gods damned head, to your childhood. Early. Before it had the chance to get bad. Picking dandelions with your friends from the spots of land surrounding your family's. Birds chirping, the smell of fresh baked bread wafting out your kitchen window. Not a drop of blood or a tear in sight. And suddenly, as if you'd been doing it your entire life, the state of calm you'd achieved pushed out a burst of Weave. Gale's eyes widened for a moment, but quickly returned to normal before too long.
"You did it! you're channeling the Weave--- how does it feel?"
"It feels effortless… You're a wonderful teacher, Gale."
"I know." His nose crinkles when he laughs this time. It makes you feel something strange and new in your stomach, makes your throat seize and your guard immediately fall. The moment connects you two, it feels intimate in and of itself. The confidence of having just successfully performed magic, magic for gods' sake… and in front of the most awkwardly attractive wizard you could have been stuck with in this whole situation.
You can't help but think of kissing Gale. With passion, cradling his cheek and neck with a hand each. It's a knee jerk, uncontrollable want that invades your mind before you can hide it from Gale. And see it he does, he nearly chokes on his own breath while his cheeks gain a dusting of light pink and sheen.
"I… didn't think… Sorry, I wasn't expecting… that… But it is a pleasant image to be sure!" His eyes are wide open up until he chokes on his own hitched breath, the unexpectedness of such a romantic gesture tugging at his heartstrings. Making him want. He would have jumped at the chance, sure, but not now. Not with the burden it would put upon you. "…And there it goes. How easily things slip away from us, no matter how hard they were to obtain." He meets your eyes one last time before he turns around, retreating into his tent. "Good night, I enjoyed sharing a moment of magic with you."
And with that, you were left alone, to wander off to your own bedroll and ignore the snores and sleep talking of your other companions. You would do anything to be in that tent after the tension you just accidentally caused, but a daydream or fantasy or two wouldn't kill you, eh?
You could only sit still for a few moments once you had gotten beneath your cover again. Your hand felt like it was physically itching, needing to slip under the loose waistband of your resting pants. Plenty of mental groaning later, you had your fingers gently, slowing moving over yourself. You think of the fact that you left each other breathless— you left Gale breathless— and that he hadn't exactly been upset by you thinking of kissing him… He seemed flattered. He looked at you with bashfulness, after being so cautious and slow to reveal himself for the first while.
It turned you on to no end.
Countless images flashed through your brain, all of them uncontrollable and barely coherent, but enough to bring you closer and closer to the edge. Gale mischievously looking up at you from between your legs, your legs well above your head as he splayed your thighs open and fucked you slowly, meaningfully… He dipped a finger down and toyed with your clit, swollen and sensitive from however many rounds he had already egged you on to do. His eyes were closed in ecstasy, his teeth digging into his lip as he tried to hide a miserable, high-pitched whimper of, "Feels so good, you feel so good, 'm gonna cum!"
And then, you came along with him, in your head. A soft moan slipped past your lips that you prayed nobody heard and sweat clung to your body and bedroll. You slipped a few fingers inside yourself while riding the orgasm out and relished in the slickness. You allowed yourself to sickly dreaming that you were full of Gale. The clarity quickly came in tow, causing you to shake your head and grimace at yourself. At the fact that the situation had made it so that basic human kindness and attention would be enough for you to finish to the thought of somebody.
You wipe your fingers off, let your mind wander around the feeling of his skin and hairs of his chest, as if it were under your cheek that night. You slipped off thinking about the kiss he'd leave on your forehead and soft murmurs you'd have in your ear.
Little did you know that a very flustered, erect Gale was now the one with a difficult night mere meters away.
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Watch The World Explode, From Underneath Your Glow
It was supposed to be a relaxing night with your wife. People forget things, that happens. But the way people look at your wife? Well, that drives you insane.
A/N: Hello friends, thank you all for your continued support and kind words. I appreciate it! As a thank you, a ONE-SHOT, smutty lil' thing with an Intersex Reader. Much love y'all!
TW: Intersex!Reader, P in V sex, jealous/kinda anxious reader, and just some sex that I desperately need to dish to someone 😅
Word Count: 5.1K
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I Wanna Take You Home
There was a faint smell of perfume as you crossed the threshold to your shared loft. Tossing your backpack off to the side, you shrug the blazer off your shoulders, hanging it up behind the front door. The space was eerily quiet, which was unusual for a weekday evening. You could've sworn that Lizzie said she would be home tonight when you got off, but it doesn't seem like she is.
"Lizzie?" you call out, waiting for a response as you stand in the middle of your living room. The only reply is the soft ticking of the clock on the wall, echoing through the open-plan space. The loft's high ceilings and large windows normally filled the apartment with a comforting warmth, but tonight they only emphasized the emptiness. You glance down at your phone, seeing it's already 6:42 PM. You start to walk to your bedroom, recalling the conversations over the past week that would tell you where she may be.
Perhaps she got held up at work again or went to meet friends without mentioning it. You decide to call her, quickly pressing her contact photo, a photo that makes you smile at the memory. You had gone to a pumpkin patch to pick out some of the orange orbs for Halloween decorations. Her laughter had been infectious as you both tried to find the perfect one. She had walked ahead of you, oblivious to you fishing out the device from your pocket, and snapping pictures of her as she twirled and skipped through the field. The autumn leaves were a perfect backdrop as her blonde hair swirled around, a bright smile on her face as her eyes finally landed on you.
The line rings, and just when you think it's going to voicemail, she finally picks up. You can tell she is laughing, her voice having familiar breathiness, before hearing her speak through the line.
"Hi baby," she began. "Did you just get home?"
You nodded even though she couldn't see you, the question echoing in your mind. "Yeah, I was expecting you to be here," you laughed a little, walking around the living room, and rubbing the back of your neck. "Did something come up?"
Her laughter trickled through the speaker, and you felt a pang of annoyance. "Oh babe, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot to text you. I'm at that restaurant on the corner of 12th and 47th. We had some last-minute changes to the project we've been working on, but since we got them all worked out, we are officially done and celebrating."
You leaned against the wall, feeling a mix of relief and disappointment. "It's okay," you lied, trying to keep the edge out of your voice. "What time do you think you'll be back?"
"Well, we're just about to order some food," she said, her voice filled with excitement. "But I'm not sure, there's a bunch of people here. You should come, I want to introduce you to everyone."
Your eyes scanned the empty kitchen, the fridge barely holding a few takeout containers. "Okay," you respond, typing the restaurant name into your phone to get the GPS directions there. "I'll be there in 20. I love you, babe."
"Love you too," she says, and before you can ask anything else, the line goes dead. You let out a sigh, tuck the phone into your pocket, and head to the bedroom to change into something more dinner casual. You opt for a shirt you know Lizzie loves- a coppery, silk button-up that shows your tanned skin underneath. After slipping on a pair of loose-fit tan linen pants and some black loafers, you grab your keys and head out the door.
You muss your hair, ruffling it slightly and making sure it looks how you want it to, before pushing the brake pedal to the floorboard and starting the car. The engine purrs to life and you pull out of the garage, navigating the familiar streets to the restaurant. The evening air is cool and crisp, hinting at the coming winter, and the streetlights cast a warm glow that makes the city feel alive. You park and head inside, the buzz of conversation and clinking of glasses growing louder as you approach the large group in the private room in the rear of the restaurant.
As you enter, Lizzie spots you and waves, her eyes lighting up. She stands, and you take in her effortless beauty. The black blouse she chose was tucked into a heathered, almost canvas-like skirt that hugged her hips tight. The black heels she wore clicked through the restaurant as she began weaving through her colleagues with a grace that was as mesmerizing as it was frustrating. She's surrounded by a sea of faces you don't know, all of them looking at you with curiosity. She kisses you on the cheek, and you catch a whiff of wine and something else - a scent that isn't quite her perfume. "Everyone, this is my wife," she says, her arm around your waist, pulling you closer. "This is Y/N, the one I've been telling you all about."
You force a smile, feeling a bit like an intruder in her professional world. The introductions are a blur of names and job titles, none of which you can remember. They all seem friendly enough, though you notice a few lingering glances from one of her colleagues, a man with piercing blue eyes and a cocky smile. You try to ignore the knot in your stomach and focus on the conversation, sipping the wine someone hands you. The room is a whirlwind of chatter and laughter, but it feels forced as if everyone's playing a role in a play you don't know the script to.
As the dinner progresses, the stories get louder and the drinks flow more freely. You sit next to Lizzie, trying to engage in the conversation, but she seems more absorbed in the banter across the table. You can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the ease with which she interacts with her work friends. You've never felt particularly welcome in this part of her life, always the plus-one at work functions and the one left out of inside jokes. The blue-eyed colleague keeps looking over, his gaze lingering just a beat too long.
The server brings out plates of food, the aroma of garlic and butter filling the air. You take a bite of the pasta, hoping the carbs will help soothe the discomfort in your stomach. The conversation turns to the latest office drama, and Lizzie leans in, recounting a story with animated gestures. Her hand lands on your thigh, and you give it a gentle squeeze, hoping to remind her that you're there. But she doesn't seem to notice, her attention fully on her colleagues. You begin to feel a familiar pit of jealousy and anger in your stomach, you don't like to be ignored. Especially when there is someone who is practically eye-fucking your wife from across the table.
The blue-eyed colleague, whose name you've already forgotten, tells a joke that has the whole table in stitches, except for you. You've heard it before. It's not funny, it's just a play on words that only people who don't know any better find amusing. You manage a polite chuckle, trying not to let your annoyance show. But as the laughter dies down, you catch his eye, and he winks at you. It's subtle, but it's there. The wink sends a cold shiver down your spine, and you take a sip of your wine, trying to wash the feeling away.
"Lizzie, dear?" You lean in, trying to get her attention. She turns to you, her face slightly flushed as she is now onto at least her 4th glass of wine.
"Yes, my love?" She purrs, her eyes a bit glazed over as she leans into your chest.
You swallow hard, willing the anger to stay at bay. "Could I talk to you for a second?" You ask, your voice calm but firm. Her face drops slightly, but she nods at you.
"Of course," she says, before she follows you out of the room, her stumble slightly exaggerated as she stands. You lead her to the quieter bar area, where the music isn't as loud and the lights aren't as bright. You lean against the polished wooden counter, the coolness of the marble seeping through your shirt.
"Is everything okay?" she asks, her eyes searching your face.
You take a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. "Well, yes, I would say 'OK' is an adequate way to describe everything," you start, keeping your voice steady. "But I just wanted to talk to you about something."
Lizzie's expression shifts from tipsy cheer to concern. "What is it?" she asks, reaching for your hand. You pull your hand away from her, rubbing the back of your neck.
"Actually, it’s a couple of things," you begin, your voice a tad shakier than you intended. "One, why didn't you tell me about this dinner? I would have liked to be included from the start."
Her eyes widen, the concern deepening. "Oh, baby, I'm sorry. It just came up, I didn't think it would turn into this," she gestures vaguely to the noisy room behind her. "But I'm so happy you're here now."
You nod, acknowledging her apology but not letting it dissolve your feelings entirely. "And two, while you say that you wanted me here, and you're happy that I came, I cannot help but feel like you wouldn't have invited me had I not called, and you haven't been the most attentive since I got here." You let the words hang in the air, watching as the color drains from her cheeks. She goes to speak, but you stop her. "And lastly," you begin, glancing over to the room where her colleagues were all seated, laughing and clinking glasses as thier banter grew louder. "Flirty Mc Blue Eyes has been practically eye-fucking you all night. Is there something I need to know about, Elizabeth?"
Her hand flies to her mouth, a gasp escaping her lips. "What? No, no, it's nothing like that. I swear, he's just a flirty guy, it's his thing." She tries to laugh it off, but her eyes dart back to the table where the blue-eyed colleague is watching the exchange with a smug look. "Baby," she steps towards you, her arms wrapping around your neck as her fingers work through your short hair. You look into those green seas that you find so much comfort in, seeing nothing but genuine honesty within them.
"You have nothing to worry about, darling." She purrs into your ear, standing on her tiptoes to reach. Her breath was warm, tickling the shell of your ear and sending shivers down your spine. "He's just a colleague. You know I only have eyes for you. Do you want me to prove that to you?"
You feel your anger and jealousy shift to desire and arousal at your wife's words. You feel a growl echo through your chest at her words. Leaning down to her ear, you whisper, "Those better not be empty words, baby girl." She shivers in your arms, and you can feel her breath hitch as you pull her closer. You kiss her neck, feeling her pulse quicken under your lips.
Lizzie pulls away, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. "Now, let’s go be social, shall we?" she says, taking your hand and leading you back to the table. As you sit down, you notice the blue-eyed colleague's gaze lingering on the two of you, his smug look replaced with something resembling annoyance. You decide to make it your mission to show him that she's yours and you're not just some forgotten plus-one.
The conversation turns to the upcoming office retreat, and you listen intently as Lizzie's voice becomes more animated. You lean in, whispering sweet nothings in her ear that make her giggle and blush. You make a point to touch her frequently, your hand resting possessively on her thigh, your fingers tracing patterns that only she can feel. The tension between you two is palpable, and the blue-eyed colleague's glances become less frequent, his smirk fading.
Deciding to test the waters, you lean over, resting your lips against Lizzie’s ear. "You look stunning tonight, doll," you murmur, your voice thick with desire. She giggles again, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she nods. You nuzzle your nose under her ear, right by that sweet spot you know she loves. "Makes me want to take you home and rip that skirt right off of you." She shifts in her seat, her hand flying to your upper thigh, squeezing it tightly. You press a lingering kiss to her pulse point before pulling away slightly. "If you’re that beautiful in those clothes, you must be beautiful out of them, right?"
The room is a blur of conversation around you, but the only voice you’re tuned into is hers. Her hand slides up your thigh, sending a bolt of heat straight to your core. "Oh, baby," she whispers, her breath hot against your neck. "You have no idea." Her eyes dart to her colleagues, who are still deep in conversation before she leans in closer. "But then again, you only think you know what’s underneath this outfit."
The tease sends your mind racing, and you squeeze her thigh in response. The night wears on, and the alcohol loosens everyone's inhibitions. You watch as Lizzie laughs at every joke, her hand sliding higher up your leg with every touch. It's a silent battle of wills with the blue-eyed colleague, but you're winning. He tries to rejoin the conversation, but she's focused solely on you now.
The teasing touches and remarks continue throughout the dinner, she has finally made her way up to the apex of your thighs, rubbing your member through the loose fabric of your pants. "Someone is liking this," she whispered, placing a kiss on the shell of your ear. "But don't get too excited, I'm not sure if we're going to be able to leave just yet." You bite your bottom lip, trying to compose yourself as the heat builds between the two of you.
You continue to think when you finally get an idea. You scoot back as subtly as possible, excusing yourself to the restroom. You walk down the darkened hallway towards the lavatory, thankful that the majority of the dinner rush has left. You look back over your shoulder, ensuring no one has followed you. The bathroom is empty, the soft lighting casting a warm glow on the tiles. You enter a stall, lock the door behind you, and pull out your phone, typing out a quick message to Lizzie. You feel like you're back in high school.
-Meet me in the restroom. 2 minutes. -
You smile as the text goes from delivered to read, indicating she knows what to do next. Not even 30 seconds later, you hear the door creak open, and her heels click on the tile floor. She locks the door behind her and you can feel the anticipation thick in the air. She opens the stall, and you take in her flushed cheeks and smoky eyes. Without saying a word, she straddles you, her skirt hiking up around her waist. You groan as she grinds herself against you, the fabric of your pants the only barrier between you two.
"Oh, baby, no panties?" you groan into her ear, nipping at the side of her neck as she whimpered and rocked on your lap. She smirks, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Thought you might like that," she whispers, her hand reaching down to unbuckle your belt. You tutt, swatting her hand away. Her eyes dart to yours, a mixture of lust and confusion.
"Home," you growl, standing with her legs still wrapped around your hips. She whined at the thought of having to wait, her eyes misty with passion. You give her a quick, hard kiss before setting her down and exiting the stall. You wash your hands, fix your shirt, and glance at her in the mirror. She straightens her skirt, fluffs her hair, and fixes her lipstick. The sight of her doing this in such a public place sends a thrill through you.
"Good thing you chose loose pants," she giggled, leaning into you and stealing a kiss, grasping firmly on your throbbing length. The sudden stimulation causes you to gasp, allowing her to push her tongue into your mouth, quickly overtaking and dominating a very sloppy, passionate kiss. She pulls away, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Come on baby, let's go."
You nod, leading her out of the bathroom, and glance at the table. "Should we say goodbye?" you ask, a wry smile on your features.
"No," she smirks back, quietly working through the main dining room of the restaurant. "I just want you."
Her words are music to your ears as you both sneak out of the bathroom. You can feel the tension between your legs, a stark contrast to the casual air you're trying to maintain as you make your way to the exit. The cool evening air hits you as you step outside, and you immediately feel a sense of urgency. You lead Lizzie to the car, the engine purring to life as you drive off, the city lights blurring past the windows. The drive home is a battle of wills, both of you fighting the urge to rip each other's clothes off.
As you pull into the garage, the tension is palpable. You can't even wait to get to the bedroom. You press her against the car, kissing her hard, your hands roaming her body. She gasps as you pinch her nipples through her blouse, her hips bucking against yours. You can feel her wetness through your pants, and the thought of her being this turned on because of you is intoxicating.
"Oh darling," you growl in her ear as your body presses her against the passenger door of the car.  "I am going to destroy you for tonight." She gasps, her breaths coming out in short pants as she nods, eagerly anticipating what is to come. Your hand reaches down to lift her skirt, sliding your hand between her legs to feel her heat. She is soaking wet, and you can't resist sliding a finger into her, watching her eyes roll back in pleasure.
"More," she whispers, her voice needy. You comply, adding another finger, curling them just right to hit her g-spot. Her legs quiver around your hips, and you can feel her beginning to lose control. You pull away, suddenly turning and walking to the elevator doors. She stumbles after you, her heels clicking against the concrete floor.
Once inside the elevator, you push her against the wall, your mouth claiming hers in a fiery kiss. Your hands roam over her body, tugging at her clothes, desperate to feel her bare skin. The elevator dings, announcing your arrival at your floor, and you break away, smirking as you pull her out into the hallway. She stumbles slightly, her eyes glazed with lust.
You unlock the door and push her inside, the loft bathed in the soft glow of the living room lights. The quiet starkly contrasts the restaurant's buzz, and it feels like the perfect playground for your desires. You slam the door shut, spinning her around to face you. Your hands trace the curves of her body, the fabric of her blouse feeling like sandpaper against your fingertips. You rip it open, buttons flying everywhere, and she giggles, her cheeks flushed with excitement as her eyes darken to forest-green seas of lust.
Her skirt follows suit, landing in a pool around her ankles. Your kisses become more frantic, more possessive as you devour her neck and collarbone. She arches her back, pushing her breasts against your chest, her nipples pebbling with need. You reach behind her, unclipping her bra and letting it fall to the floor, revealing her perfect, perky breasts. You take one in your mouth, sucking and biting the sensitive skin as she moans your name.
Her hands are equally busy, unbuttoning your shirt and sliding it off your shoulders. Her nails trace the lines of your abs, sending sparks of pleasure through your body. You lift her, her legs wrapping around your waist as you carry her to the bedroom. The room is dimly lit by the moon shining through the windows, casting shadows across the bed. You lay her down, taking a moment to drink in the sight of her, sprawled out before you, bare and beautiful.
You kiss down her chest, your teeth grazing the sensitive skin of her breasts before moving down to her stomach. You can feel her tense with every touch, her breath hitching as you reach her bare waist, nipping and licking above where she needs you the most. She's begging for you, her hands tangled in your hair, guiding you where she wants you. You look up at her, her eyes hooded with desire, and smirk as the smell of her arousal slowly invades your senses.
"What do you want, baby?" you husk at her, not quite willing to give in until she tells you.
Her eyes flash with something primal and she growls, "You know what I want."
You kiss down her body, your tongue tracing the path of your fingers, until you reach the juncture of her thighs. You hover there for a moment, feeling her pulse against your mouth. "Tell me," you demand, your voice low and commanding. Her legs we shaking as they tried you close around your head, but you were forcing them to stay open.
"I want you," she whispers, her voice trembling with need. "I want you to taste me, to make me cum."
With a growl of your own, you give in to her demand, pressing your mouth to her pussy. Your tongue flicks out, tasting her sweetness, and she arches off the bed, her hands gripping the sheets. You lick and suck, exploring her with an intensity that makes her toes curl. Her legs tighten around your neck, and you can feel her getting closer, her moans filling the room. You love the way she tastes, the way she feels against your tongue. It's intoxicating, and you know you could spend hours doing this. You take the opportunity with her back off the bed to push yourself upwards, effectively lifting all but her head and arms off the bed, wrapping an arm around her hips while one supported her ass.
You pushed your tongue into her wet walls, slurping and licking at all of her arousal as she writhed and mewled in your grasp. Her moans were urging you on as you explored every crevice of her pussy. You could feel her getting closer, her juices becoming even sweeter as she neared her peak. You sucked hard on her clit, flicking it with your tongue in a rhythm that had her breathless and shaking. Her legs tightened around your neck, her heels digging into your back as she begged for release.
"Please, baby..." she moaned, as you leaned back, pulling her with you as her back came into contact with your front. You could feel her shiver as you continued to probe her entrance with your tongue. You took her clit into your mouth, sucking and biting gently, while you slid two fingers into her, curling them in that magical way you knew she liked. She bucked her hips against your mouth, her cries of pleasure echoing off the walls. You could feel her getting closer, her muscles tightening around your fingers. She was wiggling and moving you both around, desperate for her release.
Her orgasm hit her like a wave, crashing over the shoreline of your senses as she screamed out your name. Her entire body tightened, her pussy pulsing around your tongue as she came hard. You didn't stop, keeping the rhythm steady as she rode out her climax, her heels digging into your shoulders. It was a sight to behold, one that you never tired of. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her mouth open in a silent scream as her body trembled in your arms. You pulled away, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand as you let her back down on the bed. You crawled up, resting between her legs as you kissed her passionately.
She moaned as she tasted herself on you. Her hands were everywhere, clawing at your back, pulling you closer as she kissed you with the same desperation she had felt moments ago. "I need you inside me," she gasped, her hips rocking against yours. You could feel the tip of your throbbing member poking at her wetness, and as she kept rocking against you, she began to tease herself with your length.
With a groan, you pulled away from her kiss, sliding down to position yourself at her entrance. You looked into her eyes, watching as she bit her bottom lip, her pupils blown wide with desire. You pushed in, inch by inch, her walls clenching around you like a tight fist. She was so wet and ready, and you felt yourself get lost in the feeling of her heat surrounding you. "Fuck," you breathed, as you reached the hilt, her pussy stretching to accommodate your girth.
She arched back in a silent scream, her hands blindly searching for you as they came to rest on your breast, thumbing your nipples as she lay back down. "More," she begged her voice a breathy whisper that sent chills down your spine. You didn't need any more encouragement. You began to thrust into her, your movements slow and deliberate at first, feeling every inch of her tightness. She was so wet, so warm, and so incredibly tight around you. It was like sliding into heaven.
Her legs wrapped around your waist, pulling you deeper into her with every stroke. You could feel her nails digging into your back as she moaned your name, urging you to go faster. You obliged, your hips moving faster, the slap of your skin against hers filling the quiet loft. Her walls were tightening around you, contracting as she neared another orgasm. You leaned down, your teeth grazing her neck as you whispered dirty words into her ear.
"You're mine, Lizzie," you said, your voice gruff with desire. "Say it." You nipped and sucked at the column of her throat, leaving a trail of marks that would need to be covered if she goes to the office. But you didn't care. It was childish, but you wanted everyone to see your marks.
"I'm yours," she breathed, her voice was a sweet surrender that was music to your ears. You thrust into her harder, feeling the tension in your balls tighten. She was so wet, so hot, and she felt so good around you. You could feel yourself getting closer, your rhythm becoming erratic.
Her nails raked down your back, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. "Again," she begged her voice a whimper that sent a shiver down your spine. You didn't need to be told twice. You picked up the pace, hammering into her with a fierce passion that left her panting and whimpering your name. Her walls tightened around you, squeezing you in a vice-like grip that was both painful and pleasurable.
"I'm going to cum," she screamed, her legs tightening around your waist. You could feel her pussy spasm around you, and it was all the encouragement you needed. You thrust into her one last time, feeling the warmth of her orgasm as it washed over you. You followed her over the edge, your release filling her up. You collapsed on top of her, both of you panting and trying to catch your breath.
You lay there, your heart pounding against her chest, your cock still twitching inside her. You kiss her neck, feeling her pulse race beneath your lips. "Fuck, Lizzie," you murmur, your voice still thick with lust.
She giggles, the sound is music to your ears. "That was... intense," she says, her voice filled with awe. "Maybe I need to get you jealous more often..." she teased, tracing her fingers over the red, angry welts from her nails on your back. You can't help but smile, feeling a swell of pride at her admission.
"Don't push it, darling," you murmur, kissing her forehead. "Or I might just have to take you in public." You both laugh, the tension of the evening dissipating as you lay in each other's arms, basking in the afterglow of your passion.
You roll over, looking into her eyes. "I love you," you say, your voice earnest. She smiles, her eyes sparkling. "I love you too," she whispers, her voice thick with emotion. You can see the truth in her gaze, and it fills you with warmth.
The room is quiet except for the sound of your mingled breaths and the distant sirens of the city outside. You kiss her softly, savoring the taste of her lips. Your hand finds hers, your fingers interlocking as you both lay there. "I'm sorry for being such a jealous prick," you admit, feeling the weight of the evening's tension lift from your shoulders.
She giggles, stroking your cheek with her thumb. "It's okay," she says, her voice soothing. "It's kind of hot, actually."
You can't help but chuckle at her response. "If you say so." You lean in for another kiss, feeling the love between you stronger than ever. The sound of her laughter, the feel of her skin against yours, it's all intoxicating. But you know you can't stay here forever. You roll off her, pulling her into your arms. "We should get cleaner up, get some rest," you murmur, your voice lazy with satisfaction. She nods, snuggling closer.
You both get up, a little wobbly on your legs, and make your way to the bathroom. The cold water from the faucet is a shock to your system, but it helps to bring you back to reality. You clean up, and she watches you with a smile on her face, her eyes roaming over your body. You look back at her, the love and lust warring in your gaze. "Ready for round two?" you ask, a wicked smile playing on your lips. She nods, her cheeks flushing with excitement. She grasped your semi-erect member, slowly pumping it as her eyes darkened.
It was going to be a long night.
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ihopeiexplode · 4 months
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📱“Back to square one...” [← Previous | Next→]
"how much did you hear?"
"all of it"
He's fucked. Why did he even say that to begin with? He knows he doesn't mean it but then, why did he say it? Before he could explain himself further you just let out a sigh before leaving
I mean who are you to get mad? It's not like he's wrong this is all for a project after all, but then again why does it hurt? You don't care about what he said right? Were you hurt because you thought you could have your best friend back?
As you left to go outside to have some fresh air, Sukuna was left staring at where you were before you left, then uraume spoke up,
"Are you gonna do something about it?"
Sukuna didn't even say anything as he just stood up and ran after you, why was Sukuna running after you? Even he doesn't know, you two were finally on good terms and his stubbornness just had to say that didn't he.
He finally stood in front of you as the two of you were now facing each other right in the middle of your college's garden(?) luckily none was around during this,
"what is it sukuna?"
"y/n listen I—"
"If you're gonna apologize, save it you have nothing to apologize for, it's not like I'm blaming you for saying those it's for a project after all you don't have to actually like me, if this was all an act I don't blame you for it"
"wait so do you not care?"
"no? Why would I? It's not like we had something to begin with, it's not like your my boyfriend or anything"
he wishes he was. But one thing he doesn't understand is why don't you care? That should be a good thing, right? But why does it bother him that everything the two of you did had no effect on you? Did it mean nothing to you? Did he put that much effort into making you like him just for you to not care?
"why doesn't it bother you?"
"is it supposed to?"
"bullshit. Any girl would've done anything to be in your place. You get to spend weeks with me, do you know how many girls would've killed to spend that much time with me?"
"why are you making such a big fuss about the fact I'm not bothered? Does it look like I'm your girlfriend?"
That line alone made Sukuna shut up, he just stared at you as you walked away, your right, why is he making a big fuss about this, he just made himself look desperate.
He'd let out a groan of frustration before taking a seat on a nearby bench, and perfect timing gojo just happened to pass by and witness the scene
"What did you two have some sort of lovers quarrel?"
With that he'd take a seat right beside Sukuna, he'd immediately leave with a scowl on his face, as he left, gojo would just be there wondering what happened between you two
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You'd be out shopping to clear up your mind, as you were about to pay for the things you bought, as you handed your card suddenly you saw a familiar hand pulling your card away and gave his instead,
When you looked to your side you saw the man of the hour: Sukuna.
As the cashier handed him his card back, he took your shopping bags,
"what are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to...apologize for what I said back then..." Him? Apologizing? That's new he's not the type to do that
"if you think you can buy my forgiveness think again."
"I know I know, anyways who are you with?"
Before you could answer suddenly he saw someone familiar, someone too. Familiar. And who was it? No other than Yuji.
He'd immediately clench his fist the moment he saw Yuji place his arm over your shoulder smiling at you happily as you did the same,
Then suddenly your whole mood would change the moment you stared at Sukuna
"Since you wanted to come along you can carry my bags"
He'd just roll his eyes before muttering something under his breath, however he noticed how Yuji also looked
"so can you carry my bags to?"
"carry your own bags, you have hands don't you? Use them"
Before he could even say anything just one glare from you was enough for him to grab yujis bags and carry them along with yours.
He's trying to make up for what he said so might as well fulfill your requests..
He hated this. He was stuck following behind you and Yuji, he hated how happy you looked spending time with another guy that isn't him. How come his own brother gets your attention when he's right here?
The whole afternoon he's stuck watching both you and Yuji spend time with one another while he's just trailing behind like some lost puppy.
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[⛩️] @: Likes & Reblogs R appreciated! ^^
A/N: it was supposed to be more angsty but..yeah!!!
Taglist: @catobsessedlady @hellomeow12 @0-candlecove-0 @shivzypuff @swirlingcurses @1-800-choke-that-ho @attackonnat @chilichopsticks @getoxmahito @memenojutsu @uhnanix @ichorstainedskin @needtoloveoutloud @love-me-satoru @s-j320 @allthestarsarecloserrrrrrr @goj0sunglasses @svtvrnal @haitanibros0007 @punkhazardlaw @mslydiaa @jayathelostdragon @caileysdead @rixyaaaa @minzxec @rzcnlb
195 notes · View notes
1-helluva-hazbin · 4 months
˖⋆✶Kissing Him Our Colors✶⋆˖
Lucilith x Female!Concubine!Reader (Lilith x Reader x Lucifer)
Content warning: Heavy teasing, groping, marking (kiss marks/hickies), sexual themes, sexual innuendos, no smut, polyamory, minors do not interact (MDNI), fast proofread
Summary: In your relationship with Lilith, marking one another with crimson or black kiss marks had been your signature sign of affection since the beginning. What will change when Lucifer poses a hypothetical question with an obvious implicit meaning?
Author Notes: Thank you @damsel-loves-machines for the inspiration to write this one shot! I'm definitely going to be writing a follow up concubine one shot off your more recent post but, it's going to be a little while before I get to that (too many projects!). Enjoy this in the mean time!
Word Count: 5083
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To be the king or queen’s lover was an achievement sought after by the masses; both sinners and hellborns. A quick claim to fame. At some point in their long lives they had both begun taking new partners to their beds. Most held the title for extended periods of time as Lilith and Lucifer were both particular with their partners and once they found someone they enjoyed, they tended to hang on for a while. Not that there wasn’t the occasional individual rumored to have warmed one of their beds.
In the centuries since the royal’s opened their relationship though, there were whispers of 3 individuals, all of them hellborn, who had held an official title of concubine. For the title, you had to win both the king and queen over and tend to the both of them; separately and together. The title was coveted despite neither Lucifer nor Lilith ever having confirmed such individuals existing.
When you had first heard of the royals taking lovers, and the whispered concubines, it had been a fantasy you entertained in your free time. You had always been confident of your body and sexual prowess -you were certain lust had been your downfall sin- but, you were never delusional enough to consider angling for the position. Considering the rate of sinner lovers was so drastically low it was basically unrealistic. You also knew fanangling yourself into their lives would come off as desperate and that just wasn’t a look you were willing to wear. No, you were happy fantasizing about the power couple and seeing them occasionally at rallies or events. 
It had been entirely coincidental you had met the king and queen one night when they came into the restaurant you served at and were seated in your section. Even more of a miracle that you not only had the audacity to question the queen’s choice of wine but, that you had enough charisma to smooth over your transgression. Promising she would much prefer your recommendation based on the snip-its of her preferences you had gleaned from her indecisive rambling at the king. Trying not to break out in a sweat as Lucifer violently glared you down from his seat, hints of horns poking from his forehead when you had challenged the royal.
You can still vividly recall her eyes rolling back into her head after having sipped the wine you gambled your life on. The lusty sound of her satisfied sigh that rolled from her lips after having left the most beautiful black lip marks on the ring of the glass. 
“My dear…” her voice low and sultry as her eyes opened to give you a half lidded look, “you have exquisite tastes.”
“Thank you, my queen.” You offer a small smile and bow, making sure you didn’t break out in a full grin or groan out in relief. You couldn’t stop yourself from adding, intentionally or not, flirting. “I’m here to ensure my guests have the most pleasurable experience possible.”
Her lips had curled in an almost cat-like grin. “I’ll keep that in mind.” The silky purr having tickled your ears as she swirled the glass of wine slowly in her hand. Her expression evolved from indifferent to amused while Lucifer sneered at the exchange.
The next time you had seen Lilith, she had come back to the restaurant for lunch a week later on her own and had requested your company as she ate. It had taken her almost 3 hours to eat the small bites of food between the almost unnaturally easy flowing conversation.
The marking had all started that day.
As she had been getting ready to leave, you had gently taken her hand in yours and bowed, bringing her hand to your lips leaving a bright red kiss mark on her knuckles. As you straightened, you had smiled at her and told her, “A promise that I’ll answer should you ever decide to call on me again, my queen.”
Every encounter after that contained one of you, or both, leaving a kiss mark on the other; Lilith in her signature black lipstick and yours had become the crimson red you had dawned that day. The playful, prominent display you both unabashedly wore. A kiss on the cheek before going out together. Sliding down a sleeve to leave a hidden mark prior to an event. A kiss to the side of the knee. There soon weren’t any areas off limits.
Some of the times making promises that you both would ensure were fulfilled. Never a promise neither of you couldn’t.
All the while, Lucifer had been slowly growing use to your presence. He had kept his distance in the beginning due to his known dislike of sinners but, the longer you stuck around the more he seemed to relax. When you once couldn’t enter a room without him slipping out, you now could hold a small conversation with him about some of the events going on that day, before he would excuse himself. He used to turn his nose up at your attempt to make him breakfast and now he would periodically make requests. The three of you had even started having dinner one or twice a week with Lilith’s encouragement.
You had also noticed that when he was around the two of you, he would watch the both of you and seemed to have taken a particular interest in the marking. You hadn’t caught on to it at first, being so smitten with Lilith your focus had been entirely on her. The first time you recall seeing it though, it had been so fleeting it almost hadn’t even pinged on your radar. 
“Say ah my queen~.” a gentle instruction as you had held up a strawberry to Lilith’s lips. She had giggled and parted her lush, ink black lips and took her bite of the strawberry. A bit of the succulent fruit’s juice slipped past her lips racing towards her chin.
You hadn’t even thought twice about grabbing her chin to turn her head. Leaning in to slowly lap up the nectar before planting a firm, red mark in its place. Your voice low as you growled out, “Delicious.”
She gave you a half lidded look, lightly biting her smirking lip. She reached over to your free hand and placed it on her knee before slowly sliding it upwards. “I have something else for your that’s delicious.”
It was at that point you caught Lucifer out of the corner of your eye observing your flirting. His lithe body, propped up against the door frame with his hands in his white sweatpant pockets. You hadn’t been able to catch his expression though, from what you could tell of his posture, he had been at ease watching the situation. As you turned, he was already walking towards the two of you. “Good morning ladies.” 
“Morning my love.” Lilith responded, reaching for Lucifer with the hand that wasn’t on yours, to kiss him. Her lipstick transferring to his pearl white lips along with a small portion of your red. She grinned seeing not only her mark but yours as well.
“Good morning my king.” You grinned and shook your head at her antics, though refrained from telling him. You loved the look of the black and red against his porcelain skin and you thought at the time, that would be as close as you would ever get to painting him in your signature color.
Neither you nor Lilith knew that after Lucifer had retired to prepare for the day, he had intentionally sequestered himself to his office upon seeing the mark, so he could unabashedly wear it the whole day. Conflicted in his excitement to have both marks on him. It had only been around dinner time that he had removed the lipstick before he joined the two of you for a meal.
Several times after that, when you had marked her -or visa versa- you caught him watching. You had tried playfully teasing him initially about wanting to watch, or join, the two of you and that had beautifully blown up in your face. He had become seemingly agitated, or perhaps flustered, and immediately left. Lilith had soothed you as best she could but, you had convinced yourself you had taken it too far knowing his disgust of sinners and newly developed tolerance for you.
The breakthrough with Lucifer had come suddenly during one of the events you had been invited to attend with them since it was being held in Pride Ring. It was a bigger event where Lilith and Lucifer would speak together in front of the citizens.
You had just assisted Lilith with a little stress relief before she went on stage. You hadn’t cleaned yourself up considering how close you two had cut it. As soon as she gotten off, you both had bolted to the stage where she immediately walked out as her name was called.
You stood there with your lipstick smeared across your face, the backdrop for a single black kiss etched across your lips, your skin glistening with her juices. Entirely too worked up, and entirely indifferent, to care if people saw you like this momentarily. In the darkened wing, most just hurried around you focused on their work as you watched her command the stage effortlessly. Your eyes hungrily locked on to the smooth sway of her hips wanting to part her legs again. Crowd be damned.
“You uh…should probably go see the makeup artists to fix your makeup. If they were able to fix up Lilith’s makeup, after seeing what you look like, they should be able to take care of yours without much issue.” you heard from beside you. 
You tilted your head to see Lucifer standing next to you, his eyes focused on Lilith despite his comment being aimed at you. You smiled and put a hand over your lips as you replied, humbled enough to make it a little less obvious, “Thank you for letting me know sir. While I don’t doubt the makeup team’s ability… they didn’t have to do much touch up with Lilith’s make up.”
His brows furrowed and he turned his eyes onto you. You couldn’t stop your quiet giggling at his befuddled expression. You had always found it amusing how when you were trying to be subtle about your sexual endeavors with Lilith it would go over his head. You stepped closer to him, your arm brushing against his, before leaning down, “I made out with her other lips sir.”
His eyes popped open and lips pressed into a thin line as he whipped his attention back towards Lilith. In the dim light, you could swear you saw the rosey tone of his cheeks spread back towards his ear. You didn’t want to assume though, especially after your multitude of botched attempts to flirt or tease him, so you bit your cheek and slipped away from him to give him back his space.
Lilith’s voice echoed around the both of you as you watched her. Filling the silence that would have lingered between the two of you so you could comfortably exist together. At least, until Lucifer cleared his throat. You turned to the king as he asked, “If you were to leave a mark on me right now, where would you do it?”
Stunned, you blatantly stared. Processing. You must've heard that wrong. He couldn’t have just asked what you thought you heard. 
A brow perked, his eyes locked onto you as his face remained stone still, repeating himself. “Where would you mark me?” 
You swallowed hard, closing your ajar mouth only realizing now it had fallen open. Your voice, and mind, failing you as he waited. Skin crawling to reach out to answer him with action in the absence of your other voice. You slowly reached up, succumbing to the desire to show him, before you hesitated.
“May I?” A softly croaked out question.
He looked to your hand leaning away slightly, as if unsure, before meeting your eyes, courage rejuvenated enough to bob out a nod. You released a breath you hadn’t  realized you had been holding and your hand continued it’s path. Slowly, your middle finger skimmed along the collar of his jacket, slightly pulling downwards to see the untouched succulent flesh of his neck. Your eyes honing in on where his neck met his shoulder. The thought of marking him there appealing though, with him going out on stage it could be spotted very easily. 
You prowled behind him, his bent collar revealing the back of his neck. An excellent choice as well. You could imagine licking up the back of his neck to his hairline, nipping lightly before placing your firm red impression. Yet, given your current relationship with him it didn’t seem right. You did lean in though, unable to resist, to lightly blow on the back of his neck, sending goosebumps rippling across his skin. 
As you rounded his other side, your attention caught on his ear. Your hand released his collar to lightly caress it’s way up his neck with your knuckles. Gently pushing his hair back away from his ear. Your finger sliding it’s way up the lobe towards the middle ear to lightly pull it forward, exposing a small patch of skin.
Subtle. Sensual. Intimate without going too far.
You lean in, your lips inches away from his face as your eyes raked over the flesh. “Right there.” you uttered, barely audible over Lilith’s voice, the acting of stroking behind his ear emphasizing your choice while making him shiver.
It was his turn to swallow.
He started to open his mouth when his name was called by Lilith. His eyes shooting over to her and then back to you as you pulled away from him. “Good luck my king.” You grinned at him, stepping away. He cleared his throat, briskly fixing his collar and hair before joining her out on stage. His rebound seemingly effortless.
Momentarily you marveled at their ability to flawlessly recoup as Lucifer joined hands with Lilith and carried on with the show. Neither of them letting on that they had been out of sorts before walking into the limelight. 
As more guests joined you off stage in the wing, you slipped away to fix your make up. The smeared red having lightly stained your skin and despite your best attempts to remove it, the staining was steadfast. Acquiescing, you mask it with a new layer of foundation and contouring before returning to your place off stage.
The crowd roared when the royals made their exit.
You awaiting them as they approached. “You two are a marvel at getting the crowd going.” you whisper, turning to walk next to Lilith placing her in the middle as the three of you made your way towards dressing rooms.
“Well we’ve been doing it long enough.” Lilith chimed, “The real challenge is always navigating and garnering the support of the goetia at the after party.”
Lucifer let out a disgusted groan and rolled his eyes. “Some of them are so…”
“Pompous?” Lilith offered, her tone pairing well with his tone despite her own schooled smile.
“WHY do we agree to the dinner party?” Lucifer grumbled.
You smiled as Lilith giggled. “To ensure they’re doing what they need to be doing, my love, and to be available for if they require our assistance or insight.” He tsked as you all approached Lilith’s dressing room and Lilith stopped. “I’ve just got to grab something from my dressing room real quick. Lu, can you run ahead and have the car readied?”
“Of course.” he said, throwing a grin over his shoulder as he sauntered off.
You stopped at the door, watching Lilith walk over and grab her clutch. She popped it open, grabbing her lipstick to freshen it up quickly in the mirror all the while her eyes were on you. You smirked, her own grin growing in response.
“You’ll never guess what Lucifer asked me before joining you on stage.”
Her application faltered briefly before she finished and turned towards you with both brows raised. She made her way back to you, at which point you offered her an arm. She happily slid her hand along your forearm purring out, “Well, don’t keep me waiting.” 
“He asked if I were to mark him, where would I do it.” You placed your hand atop hers as her smile dropped into a stunned gape. “I know. I’m certain I had the same look on my face.”
She snapped her mouth shut and the two of you headed towards the exit. You peeked over at her, giving a lopsided smile seeing her contemplating the news. She huffed out, as if she had made a weighted decision and looked at you. “Are you interested in having the both of us?”
The fantasies you use to craft when being a lover or concubine was a far fetched dream flitted through your mind inducing a blush. You laughed out nervously and she leaned into your arm emitting a soft ‘hm?’ as if Lucifer being attractive hadn’t been something the two of you had talked about. You glanced at her half lidded eyes and knowing smile.
“I am.” you utter as you both turn a corner to Lucifer waiting at the end of the hallway.
She leaned close, lips brushing against your ear. “Follow my lead dear.”
You shivered, biting your lip hard. Excitement and nervousness twisting your stomach.
“Thank you for getting the car ready Luc.” Lilith called, pulling away from you to a respectable distance. He eyed the two of you as the chauffeur opened the car door. “Go ahead Luc.”
He stared  a moment longer before he relented and climbed in. His obedience evoking a smirk from his wife. She withdrew her hand from your arm and steered you towards the car. “Go ahead.”
You hesitated. Lilith had always sat between you and Lucifer anytime the three of you had ridden together. It had never been you in the middle. She had implored you to follow her lead though and so you did. As you climbed in, you noticed that she had started around the back of the car towards the other side.
It wasn’t going to be you in the middle.
You bit back a smile as you settled into your window seat, the chauffeur closing the door behind you just as the other door opened to Lucifer’s surprise. “Slide over love.” she cooed, waiting until he had started to shuffle before she slid in. Pinning Lucifer between you and her.
“Oh! Well, this is different!” he laughed out nervously. His knees pinched together and hands tightly gripping his cane that he had propped between them.
It made Lilith laugh out softly as the door closed behind her. “I was feeling a window seat after being stuck in the middle for so long.”
“Is that so?” he gave a tight smile.
“It is.” she angled her body towards him. “I think we all should take turns being in the middle from now on.”
You smiled, biting your cheek. Picking up where she was going with this. So you too angled your body towards Lucifer who was too focused on Lilith to notice. “Aaaaannnnd…why would we do that?”
“Well…” Lilith’s eyes flickered to you and then back. “if we are all going to be marking one another why wouldn’t we?”
Lucifer’s eyes widened and he laughed out looking back at you, “That was just an innocent question Lili.”
“Was it?” Your question pushing Lilith’s agenda as you recalled his reactions; him holding his breath, the shivers, his hard swallow, and his questionable blushing. Further proving the point though, you reached out and lightly flicked the edge of his collar eliciting a hard swallow from him.
Lilith perked a brow at the reaction, giving Lucifer a lopsided smirk. She reached out and turned his attention back on her with a single finger to his jawline. “Lucifer…” she leaned in and brushed her nose along his cheek back to his ear. “I’ve seen the way you look at her.”
“I have no idea-” he started.
“We both have your majesty.” A quick interjection from you. Gaining confidence as you push past his collar to run your fingers down his neck and then slide them into his hair. Your pinky running over the spot behind his ear.
His face began to flush. He tried to look back at you as Lilith held his face in place. “What’s holding you back my love?” Lilith posed, the hand holding his face sliding down his neck to his jacket to undo the fasteners. “Is it purely the fact she’s a sinner?”
Lucifer’s eyes shot back to Lilith as your hand stilled while lodged in his hair. “That’s not….I mean…”
“She’s been a good sinner to me, to us, hasn’t she?”
He sighed out. “She has.”
“Passed all of your ridiculous background checks and little investigations?”
Your brows furrowed and you shot a confused look at Lilith that begged the question ‘What now?’ She remained focused though, her free hand sliding across the back of the seat and to your hand wrapped up in his hair, beckoning it to move with a light push as he replied. “Yes…”
“You find her attractive?” Lilith pressed onward, the hand on his chest having freed all the clasps, pushing open his jacket to begin working at his vest.
You would most certainly be bringing up the background checks later but, you let it slide for the moment. Your hand beginning to rake through his hair again before combing it downwards, abandoning Lilith’s hand, to lightly pull his jacket off of his shoulder. You leaned in, lightly blowing on his neck making him yelp out, “YES!” He coughed, shutting his eyes and attempting to recover, “I uh do.”
“Then, can I mark you?” the words came out almost involuntarily, though you knew Lilith approved as her eyelids lowered. Lucifer sucked in a sharp breath. Your hand on his shoulder reached up to turn his head to you making his eyes fly open. His face fully flushed now and eyes saucers. 
Lilith leaned in to kiss Lucifer’s neck making him jump slightly, his attention stolen. Nothing a quick tapping to his chin didn’t correct, begging an answer with the quirk of your brow and pout of your lips.
“I…” a quiet stutter as she shivered at the feeling of Lilith pulling his vest aside before she stopped. The three of you still awaiting Lucifer’s approval. “Y-Yes.”
“So stubborn.” Lilith crooned into his neck, beginning to tug at his tucked in shirt.
An elated shiver quaked through you as you turned Lucifer’s head towards Lilith enough for you to access his ear. Leaning in, your hands brushed backed his hair and lightly pulled his ear forward enough so you could finally plant your first mark. Firmly pressing your lips to his skin, ensuring it would leave a solid imprint before pulling back to revel in your crimson work. “I’ve waiting so long to do that.” you whispered out.
“Oh why stop there?” Lilith growled as she leaned forward to paint his stomach with her own inky strokes. 
Lucifer choked and gasped out, “Hold on!” Lilith’s only response was to grab one of his hands and pin it to the back of the seat. He shot a pleading look to you, as you took his other hand, lacing your fingers with his before pressing it to the seat as well.
“Pentagram is our word if you genuinely want this to stop my king.” 
Lilith looked up to the both of you, her movement dragging his gaze away from you down to her. He nodded, gulping as his head lulled back to land on the seat. “Okay.” 
Lilith’s tongue snaked out of her mouth and slipped below the waistband of his pants evoking a moan. “Such a good boy.” you utter into his ear before you begin your own descent. His hand squeezing yours at the praise.
Your hand pulled his shirt up higher, undressing more of his torso. A pristine white canvas that you fully intended to marr, the thought alone making your chest tighten. Leaning in, your nose brushed against his chest gliding over his nipple. You slipped farther down and right where his sternum ended you landed a kiss before dragging your lips in a sweeping motion following the anatomy.
Lilith pulled back from her work, his stomach already covered in marks; both solid and smeared. Seeing your paint stroke she smirked before leaning in to mimic it on the other side as you leaned in to leave a solid kiss on his belly button. Moving downwards, you started littering his skin with light smudges. Fragments of impressions. The only other full lip mark you decided to leave was on the hip closest to you. A single finger slipped under his band to pull it down enough you could fully capture his hipbone with your kiss. 
Lucifer had slowly brought his head forward to watch the two of you. Desperately willing himself still despite desperately wanting to writhe. His breathing had sped up though and he had groaned out a few times; such as when Lilith had matched the rib mark you left or when your finger teased his pants downward to access his hip. He couldn’t stop from grinding his hips upwards towards the end, right before you and Lilith slowly pulled yourselves away to examine your handiwork; his eyes glazed over, face flushed, labored breathing, with a plethora of lip marks strewn across his abdomen tapering off on his chest.
It made you want to hike your dress up to ride him into oblivion. Obviously the sentiment was shared with Lilith who moaned out, “God you make me so wet.” A breathy moan of agreement sounded from you as you bit your lip, knowing it was turning the same color as your lipstick from the pressure.
“Such a shame we have the dinner.”
Both Lucifer and you snapped your attention to Lilith who smugly started to fix Lucifer’s outfit. Oh. What a tease. You knew he wouldn’t be able to focus. You wouldn’t be able to focus either but, few would take an interest in your presence. You apologetically looked at Lucifer who was sitting there gaping. “M-My love! I can’t go to the dinner like…like this!” he looked down at himself, alluding to the tented pants but, Lilith feigned ignorance.
“Oh my love, these marks will be well hidden beneath your clothes. It won’t be a problem.” She soothed, his shirt messily tucked in now. She released his hand to straighten it out and then started reclasping his vest. “We just cannot skip any more events than we already have this month.”
He groaned looking to you for assistance, receiving only a shrug. The idea of subtly teasing him further at the party making your core ache. “I don’t make the schedule my king. I promise on all my markings though, I’ll make your patience now worth it later tonight.”
Lucifer narrowed his eyes at you before he freed his hand from yours quickly wrapping his arm around your waist to yank you closer. With his other hand, he pulled down your sleeve before sinking his teeth into the flesh of your shoulder. You gasped, eyes fluttered closed as he began to roughly suck. The hand that had bared your shoulder sliding down to capture your clothed breast in a tight squeeze.
You heard Lilith hum before feeling a hand on your knee, slowly caressing it’s way upwards beneath your skirt. Her fingers ever so lightly skimming across your panties, ever so slightly applying pressure to the perfect spot, only to depart down your other leg making you whimper. “All in good time my loves.”
Lucifer pulled back with a loud pop to examine his claim on you. Smirking at it he leaned back down to lick it before trailing his tongue up your neck to your ear. “I’ll be damned if you get any sleep tonight.” 
You shuttered. Your breathing quivering as you almost inaudibly whispered out, “I’m here for your use.” An approving growl sounded and the hand on your hip gave a tantalizing squeeze with his claws.
He then turned his head to Lilith, his hands quickly grappling her. Draping her across the both of you; her ass in his lap and her back on yours. “Don’t think I forgot about you my darling wife.” he seethed, hiking up her dress.
“I’d be disappointed if you did.” 
She sat up, one elbow propping herself up on the seat between your legs. The other hand reached up to grab the back of your head and pull you in for a sloppy kiss; tongue slipping into your mouth. All the while Lucifer propped one of her legs up and leaned down to sink his teeth into the flesh of her inner thigh. Repeating the process he enacted on your shoulder. The sensation making Lilith moan into your mouth.
She only pulled away when Lucifer released her leg with another loud pop. The both of you panting, neither of you wearing the other’s lipstick having spent it all on Lucifer. “Such a shame…” Lilith pouted, her hand sliding around your head to brush her thumb over your lips.
You laughed out softly, “Good thing I painted your lips earlier.”
“You rake.” She playfully swatted your chin before sitting up further with your assistance. Still in Lucifer’s lap, she started fixing his jacket.
“You sure we can’t just…go home?” you ask, leaning in to kiss the back of her neck as Lucifer wrapped an arm around her waist and yours just as the car pulled to a stop.
“The show must go on.” she purred, smirking at the both of you before sliding off of Lucifer’s lap to let herself out of the car, seamlessly fixing her dress in the same motion. You and Lucifer both making your own noises of displeasure as the car door behind you opened marking the beginning of what would feel like a never ending soiree. 
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thedivinetarot · 23 days
I'm so sorry for your loss
How does he feel after you blocked him?
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☆How to chose the perfect pile for you?
1) Close your eyes.
2) Clear your mind (don't think of anything or anyone).
3) take a deep breathe.
4) Ask the question in your head.
5) Open your eyes, and the picture that you are drawn to the most is your pile.
- Thank you guys for 200 followers, we are growing so fast. I'm grateful to have you guys❤.
- In this reading we are going to reveal how your specific person feel when you blocked them and went no contact with them.
- This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Nothing is set in stone.
Stay safe
Pile 1 - Spell book
How is you current energy?
Pile one are you trying to lose weight for a wedding but obviously it is not working out? I see that you may be on a diet to lose the extra weight and to fit in that beautiful dress you bought but obviously you either not seeing any results or you are not taking the diet seriously. You may be falling at losing this weight. Anyways as a nutrition student I advise you to lower the carb intake but never cut it from your diet. And always remember that you ARE wearing the dress and NOT the dress wearing you. That's a thing, also I see that there's someone who is shaming you for gaining that weight. He might be a man from your family or a man you know? Don't listen to them pile 1. Losing weight needs effort, consistency and finally a lot of patience. You can't lose all that weight in a week or a month! Be patient. I see that this pile is so desperate to lose the weight and they are putting too much pressure on themselves to reach that goal. And if you are not trying to lose the weight. You might be working on a project with someone and that project caused you two to lose your money and now I see that it is going to be a short term money loss. Don't freak out pile one money come and go. You can always ask for help, ask someone to lend you some money. You'll repay them one day when they need it. Another thing I'm picking up on is that this pile are facing financial trouble because of a wedding? You might put too much money and effort into it that now you have a problem with finances?. Okay, the dominant energy on this pile are earth signs (Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn) you might have those placements in your chart or just the dominant element (earth) or dominant planet (Venus, Mercury or Saturn).
Now how does he feel after you blocked him?
So, looking at the cards in front of me this person might have been manipulating you emotionally. The cards also are telling me that he is untrustworthy. So please pile 1 don't fall into that trap again. Do not unblock him. I see that after you blocked him he might got it as a sign to move on from this connection. I see that he is taking his attention and dumping it on someone else. He might be a cancer with gemini placements? Be careful those type of men especially with those placements are super manipulative even if they subconsciously do it. I see that he is asking someone to reach out to you just to know how you are doing. This person is literally a border line psycho😂 I can't. Like he act like he is fine and cool without you but he is still watching your social media or taking the tea on you from a friend of yours or a friend of a friend. Anyways, I see that he is addicted to you. Like even your name make him tremble? I don't know why I got this feeling. He might also was dependent on you emotionally? Like he have dumped all his emotions and trauma into you? Pile 1 dear, he is not worthy of that and our job is not to fix those men. He is like in between two states 1) I should let her go because it is over and the other state is 2) but we could've been good together, there's still things I want to experience with her. Anyways, I see manipulation for some reason. He might manipulated you into thinking something about him that is not exactly the truth. I see that he is being childish of his needs and wants. He is like that baby who want to have his cake and eat it too. You see that person who says that he want a specific type of women but the thought of spending the rest of his life with them terrifies him? You might have his lilith in your sun sign. He is incredibly attracted but afraid of being with you.
Thank you for reading this pile 1. Take care and stay safe❤.
Pile 2 - The burning heart
How is your current energy?
Pile two are you walking away from a friend group? I see that you either walking away from a friend group or leaving an online community. That community might be toxic and it left you unbalanced and insecure? You might have lied to yourself that this community or people are going to make you happy but in fact they made you feel insecure and more triggered? You might be someone who was obsessed of looking like a model or like those IG girls but for some reason as you progressed in that group you started comparing yourself and your life to them? I see you conflicting between you and your inner world and vision but acting happy and positive in front of people. You might also got scammed by them? I see that they were promoting a product that should solve all your problems like magic but then you realize it was a scam? That product may destroyed your skin or gave you breakouts. This pile have water placements (Cancer, Scorpio and pisces) and earth placements (capricorn, virgo and taurus).
How does he feel after you blocked him?
Well, this group is hilarious 😂. I think he didn't know that you blocked him so he kept double texting you and there was no reply so he felt like he f up. I see that if this person is living in the same place as you or the same city he might actually take action to come in and see you. And if not then he felt incredibly confused and insecure. I feel like he might be the type of person that if he faced rejection or a block he let all his previous trauma resurface again and blame himself without actually changing. But hey, let's be honest those men demand you to change but he is literally rotten in his own self with his bad habits and emotional immaturity. I see that this person was eager to know you. Have you dated him pile 2? I don't see anything serious to be honest. It looks like a date or a hookup but not really a serious lover or a partner. He feels so insecure and not stable. He perhaps, wanted to give this connection a shot but was surprised by getting blocked? Lol. I can't it is so funny. Sorry pile 2, I think you should clarify things with him. Wait I will pull a couple of cards to see his energy. He might be a young adult, possibly between 20 and 29? I see that he tried to achieve success multiple times but that didn't really happen. He might opened or worked a series of jobs or businesses/projects but none of them worked. I see that he lied about being happy away from you but he is not. He really wanted this partnership he is so serious omg. Well, I think it is up to you if you want to pursue anything further with him but he is broke sooo it is up to you pile 2, if you want to keep in touch with him or unblock him. I don't know why I keep picturing a black man with braids. He might like wearing white clothes.
Thank you for reading pile 2, stay safe and take care ❤.
Pile 3 - Love magic book
How is your current energy?
I see that this pile are finally seeing the fruits of their labor. I see that pile 3 have been doing alot of inner work and practicing self care. I see that you guys might have realized the old patterns that kept you stuck. I see a lot of inner transformation. You may finally broke free from abusive partner/family or friendships. I see that the chapter you are closing made you insecure about moving on with your life. You may be scared and terrified to take action in your current circumstances. The cards are telling me you don't have the courage yet to approach life in a more optimistic way. I see that this pile are being faced with many decisions to make and there's a lot of opportunities that will give you the abundance you need. I see that this pile are not afraid to face their inner demons. Like as I mentioned above, you might started going to therapy or doing shadow work to deal with the darker side of yourself. This pile’s energy is so internal. I don't see you doing anything to be specific, I see you doing the mundane and being afraid to take higher risks. Guys I felt anxious all of sudden. Have you been dealing with anxiety? If you might be then I asked the cards on how to deal with it and they told me that you need to live in the present moment. Stop living in the future, what will happen will happen and you have no control over the outcome. The cards are encouraging you to embrace the moment and enjoy the blessings from the universe. I see that this pile will have an opportunity to improve their life. I see a job opportunity coming in for you and it will make you so happy. Guys I think life is not that serious so please don't overthink the stuff that you cannot control. Okay? Live your life guys. Anyways, I see a strong uranus and pluto energy. You might have those two planets dominant in your chart or you might be an aquarius, cancer or scorpio. That's what I'm picking up on. You don't have to have those placements if the description fit you correctly.
How does he feel after you blocked him?
I see that your person is practical and stubborn. He might be an aquarius, capricorn or have his sun in the 10th or 11th house in his chart. This person is refusing letting you go. The cards are all pointing to the opposite direction, I see that this person is so attached to you like a puppy. This person is boiling inside, his blood is on fire. I feel like he is feeling stuck and frustrated. He might have a lot of female friends or have a lot of sisters or female siblings. Whatever the case he is asking them to help him of his situation or just spending time with them to get over you. I think that he think what is between you two is not done or finished. He is so fixated on you. I feel like after you left he got depressed and sad. I feel like I'm losing hope. This person keeps himself dissociated by imagination. He keep imagining you two together. He didn't expect you to block him. I don't really see any movement, he is not moving at all. And if you are asking about him taking action towards you I don't see that happening honestly. He is just trapped in his head. He might have an IXXJ mbti (ISTJ,ISFJ, INTJ, INFJ)?. This person is not happy of how things are he is still thinking about you. I heard the phrase "you never left my mind/ imagination". I see that instead of healing and moving on he is distracting himself even more.
Pile 4 - The 3 of swords card
How is your current energy?
Honey why are sad? He doesn't deserve it. I feel like this pile is disappointed by someone they felt a connection with. This person might crossed your boundaries and even was rude to you. I don't really feel like you know this person well, like you see when we meet someone briefly and they leave quite a strong impression on us. I see that you expect this person to treat you in a way and unfortunately you got disappointed. I see that this person did not respect your privacy or personal space. I feel like you might have problem socializing with other? Or social anxiety? And that person was the last straw? Anyways give yourself some time to heal from that and move on. I feel like this pile are trying to be more courageous but they are overthinking and scared. You might be someone who do not trust others and feel so overwhelmed by people. I pulled a card for advice and they are telling you to step into your power, they are telling me that you are strong pile 4. You have this duality to you and if it is not about duality then you can switch masculine and feminine energy within you quite easily. Also trust your intuition. I feel like you have a female figure in your life who is very spiritual and connected to earth. Ask her for help and she will gladly help you. This is your pile if you have leo placements or fire placements in general. I see mars as a dominant planet too. So take what resonates.
How does he feel after you blocked him?
Well, I have two scenario cases in my head. The cards are telling me that he already moved on when you blocked him. He might have had a crush on someone so it was easy for him to move into that. I see that he still watch your social media but BUUT out of curiosity not love or because he want you back. The other case scenario is; he might be working on himself to manifest you. I see that this person is so patient and calculated. He might have other life responsibilities, this person might be old like between 25 and 35. I'm not getting any teenage vibes from this group. What he felt when you blocked him was anxiety and longing? You see those psycho people who do not understand themselves? So they confuse others? He might felt like it is time to move on emotionally but mentally he sometimes long and think about you. He doesn't really understand his emotions. He keeps them to himself. This person is done I'm not seeing any movement but what I do see is thinking deeply about you and unfortunately; his thoughts are manifesting or reaching you. He might send you messages telepathically? I don't know if you believe in telepathy, but after all it is physics and spirituality. I mean our thoughts are patterns and they have vibrations and frequencies so yes it can move from one person to another. If this person keep popping on your mind then he is manifesting you.
Thank you for reading this pile 4. Stay safe❤.
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Post date: 31st/Aug/2024- Sat
*Feedback is appreciated
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anistarrose · 3 months
Hey. Psst. Person who comments things like "please update" on unfinished fics. As an AO3 author with a couple of works on indefinite hiatus, I'm gonna teach you the secret to maximize your odds of that author writing more of your beloved story. And it only takes two simple steps! Are you ready?
Stop commenting "please update" and similar things on incomplete fics.
Leave a comment about something you enjoyed in the fic. Anything. If you liked it enough to reread previous chapters, let the author know that too.
Why does this work? Well, if you tell us you liked the fic, we can infer that you would be excited to read more. We can draw that conclusion pretty effortlessly — we're usually fic readers too, so like, we get it.
On the other hand, if you comment just to ask/beg for an update? You are much more likely to leave a bad taste in our mouths. Your comment may be intended to be polite, but it does not exist in a vacuum.
If you're commenting "when will you update I'm desperate" on a fic with a lot of traction, the author has no doubt gotten dozens of similar comments, and is absolutely exhausted by them. But if you're commenting "please please please don't abandon this" on a fic with a tiny audience, that might be one of the only comments the author receives. Do either of those sound pleasant? Being flooded with demands for more content, or to have the only response to your creation be about the fact that it's incomplete, instead of about all the love you clearly put into it?
I can't speak for all authors. But I've had works fall into both these categories, and to me, both suck. I've gotten "update plz" comments while fighting for my life to get through college while chronically ill. I've gotten "I hope you keep writing this" comments from people who didn't even leave kudos, on fics that were explicitly labeled as "bonus scenes" for a separate and stand-alone, fully complete work.
Do I want to shoot a rude reply to any of these comments directly? I'd rather not, because I'm sure at least some of them are trying to express that they liked my writing, no matter how bad of a job they're doing. But the fact stands:
It's not fun, or motivating, or going to draw me back into an old hyperfixation, when the majority of comments I get are appreciating me only for content. That's just isolating. The comments that make me want to come back to old projects are ones that provide a chance for dialogue — even as simple as "I'm so glad you enjoyed!" — and make me feel appreciated as a part of a community.
That's it. Content versus community. Just comment in a way that shapes your interactions with creatives and fan spaces to be more about the latter.
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webslingingslasher · 11 months
heyyy I was just wondering WHAT THE HELL DO YOU PUT IN THIS FRAT!PETER FICS BC I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT TROUBLE AND PETER! I just melt for them together😭😩❤️
I swear when I'm about to fall sleep he just pops into my head and HAVE to grab my phone to reread some of them. Your writing is just soooo god and I wanted to thank you for creating such a work of art🥵🥵🥵
Also I can't stop thinking about frat!peter being jealous like finding a guy talking who hooked up with trouble and overthinking how different they are from each other? and if the ex fling keeps trying to talk with trouble in a friendly way, he would play it cool? i feel like he would look at them talking and he knows about what happen between them but is kinda nervous? idk
first, peter and trouble are crack. second, thank you very much for enjoying!!!
peter knows what it looks like to awkwardly chat with an old hookup, he’s done it more than a few times. so, when he watches your eyes dance around the room while you politely laugh in response to the guy in front of you, he just knows.
he’s taller than peter, and he’s not one to be self conscious about his height, but he might now. and he’s got bigger biceps, peter’s spider-man and doesn’t have the build this guy does.
and he’s got nice hair. really nice hair. the kind of hair he knows you love. it’s like peters, but longer and a bit more curly. peter pats the hair on the back of his neck, he’s been growing it a little longer, but apparently not enough.
in a desperate attempt to keep your attention on him tonight, he takes his hat off to throw it on top of the fridge. you always beg him to take it off, it’ll work. he’s sure of it.
it doesn’t. you’re unable to stand still, if he was projecting, he’d say you went from awkward to uncomfortable. peter’s not going to be the guy to barge in, but he takes a step forward, just in case.
it’s like you can feel him, your eyes shoot to his across the room. no words are said or mouthed, but your eyes said enough. ‘help.’ its all he needs.
peter cuts the guy right off, slinging an arm low around your waist. a kiss to your temple, ‘hi, trouble.’ you relax into his touch, you hold on tight to his arm. ‘have you met tanner?’
he hasn’t, and he really doesn’t care to. it looks like tanner doesn’t either, they’re both sizing each other up. peter’s putting on a brave face, but he knows tanner's thinking he’s no competition, and peter can’t help but feel the same.
still, he throws a hand out. ‘sup, man. i’m parker.’ tanner shakes it, ‘sup.’ peter holds his hand a bit too tight, he’s trying to subtly prove that even if he was smaller, he could kick his ass if needed.
tanner asked peter how he knew you, he had to bite his tongue on the disrespect. he knew exactly how peter knew you, his possessive hold tells it all. ‘i’m her boyfriend.’
you dig your nails into his arm, you were caught off guard with the statement. he said it like it was obvious, tanner smirked. ‘ah, lucky man.’ peter really doesn’t like his face.
‘yup. sure am.’ you nudge back against him, peter takes it as a hint to get out of there. he couldn’t agree more. ‘wanna get a drink?’ you nod quick, 'yes, please.'
your 'boyfriend' made a small show of spinning you in his hold, you laughed at the twirl and balanced yourself on his shoulders. 'nice seeing you again,' you forgot who you were with for a second.
'you too, tanner! have a good night.' peter nudged your lower back to get you walking, you didn't make it four steps until you were pulled in for a bruising kiss. every thought melted away, there was only one person on your mind.
'peter,' it puffed out, just like your lips.
'trouble,' he said it like a greeting. you shook your head, leaning in for another, you were lucky tonight, he supplied.
'thanks, boyfriend.'
'that was a typo.'
you scoff. 'no it wasn't, that was you acting like you have one foot up so you don't feel as threatened.'
the choice of words make his skin crawl. peter knows it's not exclusive, exclusive. but he at least thought you both were on a similar page, one that didn't include saying 'so you don't feel as threatened.'
'what the fuck is that supposed to mean, trouble? so i don't feel as threatened? i was doing you a favor, but feel free to go entertain whoever you want, i'll do the same.'
peter's sudden aggression had your head spinning, you tried to grab onto his arm before he left you entirely. 'did i say the wrong thing? i didn't mean to say the wrong thing!'
'i didn't feel threatened until you said i should be. i just really don't like being reminded that i'm a choice you can change your mind on at any time, it's not a good feeling.'
sometimes when he says something to that effect, you want to tell him he could do something about it. sometimes, you let it go and remind him you're not looking for anyone else, if you were, you would've stopped putting up with his shit ages ago.
this is one of the times you put his fears at bay.
'look, peter, that guy, tanner? he's all talk, he seems like some cool guy but he really kind of sucks. in the least commitive way possible, boyfriend, there are no threats.'
'you keep talking about threats.'
'cause you have none!' you exhale deeply, 'i don't like anyone else, okay? and talking to other guys makes me wanna bash my head into a brick wall.'
'you talking to other guys also makes me want to bash my head into a brick wall.'
you grin and smooth out a wrinkle on peter's shirt. 'good, we're on the same page, then.'
peter throws an arm around your shoulder while he guides you to the kitchen.
'i'll deny it if you say anything, but i quite like reading at the same pace as you, trouble.'
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