shotdownbutstillalive · 9 months
MUN'S  FAVOURITES.  Tag  10  people  you  want  to  know  better !
Favorite color(s): Purple, but I also look really good in green
Song stuck in your head: I'm Heading Out (Of My Mind) by Dan Bull
Last song you listened to: Soliton by Steam Powered Giraffe
3 favorite foods: I've gotta agree with Xelyn on the sushi, then stroganoff, and also right now mochi has been a go to treat
Dream trip: Getting my passport and seeing some of Canada would be nice, and then I'd get a chance to visit one of my cousins who lives in Washington state too
Anything I want rn: A better desk. The one I have now is way too small for how I use it
Tagged by: @silver-blooded-synthetics
Tagging: @desolationtrial, @pl1200, @bleedingviolet, @detroitstokenasshole, @sacrificedforthecause, @the-wonder-wall
and anyone else that want's to try too! I tried not to tag if I saw someone else already tagged you <3
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theoutlastboys · 9 months
Stolen Cars, Stolen lives || @desolationtrial
Miles sighed as he patted down his dishevelled clothes, so his life could be going better but the stares was something he could do without. It was bad enough he had a headache from the ringing static in his head but combined with the rain and the people talking, it was almost enough to drive him mad. Almost. Sighing he walked into the building, a police station. He wouldn’t be here on a normal occasion, God knows if these guys worked for Murkoff but for now there was one thing on his mind and it was simple enough without leaking who he was just in case anything was to happen. Even if they did, it wasn’t like Murkoff could kill him… Well kill him again that was but he didn’t want to kill more people himself, Miles liked being in control of himself thank you very much. 
He stood around, hands in his pockets to avoid as much attention and then walked in. After talking to the receptionist he sat down until someone came to view. A man in a suit, well didn’t he look formal. Miles didn’t trust him one bit. His eyes darted around the reception to ensure no one else was present and then stood up, looking back at the man. Miles took a deep breath to compose himself and try to ease the static in his head, raising a hand out of his pocket to rub his temples, this was starting to annoy him. 
“My name is John, I’m here to report a stolen car.” Yeah no way was he giving his real name yet. Hell, even trying to get his Jeep back was risky as it could lead Murkoff to him and expose his identity but it was either that or continue to walk and he was already exhausted from being on the road for days. He had no idea how he managed to get from Colorado to Philadelphia mostly on foot but he suspected the Walrider was thanks to it due to blank spots in his memory, but it was a rough journey even with those moments and the occasional hitchhike. With being on the path and staying in motels with what little money he had left over, getting his car back or at least somewhere he can actually properly rest was very much needed. 
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detective-with-one-arm · 10 months
Missed me~? I know, you did. - ARI
"Eyyyyy! There's my favourite asshole!" Rachel responds with a wide grin. To most people, ARI was an acquired taste and she was certainly no different. But, it was good to see that he was still kicking around.
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MUN'S  FAVOURITES.  Tag  10  people  you  want  to  know  better !
Favorite color(s): silver/chrome, blue, red, black, gray, green.... I like pretty much every color tbh, but silver is my favorite because it's so shiny and reflects many colors.
Song stuck in your head: aqua regia by sleep token
Last song you listened to: salida (instrumental version) by berried alive
3 favorite foods: sushi, tom ka soup, and shrimp fettuccine alfredo
Dream trip: I'd love to visit scottland and ireland since I have heritage there.
Anything I want rn: I am in desperate need of a new laptop, this one is starting to die on me and is very slow. Other than that, a billion dollars would be great.
Tagged by: stolen from @hawkinsoutcasts
Tagging: @fatalframez @detective-with-one-arm @shotdownbutstillalive @bad-decision-central @desolationtrial @ichor-and-magic and anyone else who would like to
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replicantdeviancy · 9 months
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@desolationtrial asked: ‘ you could’ve gotten yourself killed. ’ ~ norman to connor
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It’s not the first time - that was what he wanted to say. It hadn’t been the first time the detective had been faced with a near-death situation, nor did he expect it would be the last. It offered a perspective into his usual attitude in regards to his own safety when it came to the job, if the small collection of scars he already carried after only four years of active duty didn’t make it obvious. He wasn’t worried about himself. The kid didn’t exactly have a death wish, but he wasn’t unfamiliar with the local EMTs.
But that wasn’t what Norman wanted to hear right then, not with the way he was practically lecturing the younger male. Something inside of Connor wanted to push back with that light sarcastic wit he often employed, maybe even tease the FBI agent about his worries. Connor was born & raised in a Detroit suburb, after all. He wasn’t some common city street cop that had been privileged with a quiet, easy career of traffic violations & the occasional domestic dispute. They had real criminals running things in his dying city, & the unfortunate state of the economic landscape meant assured job security in Narco & Homicide. He wanted to remind the agent of all of this, but Norman wasn’t in any frame of mind to listen.
He was worried. The kind sort of man he was, he worried over others. Empathetic. & unlike Connor, he couldn’t just switch it off. Sometimes the kid had to reconsider his position, remember that he wasn’t normal. That he was damaged & other people didn’t have the ability to relate to another person’s situation without it affecting them emotionally. Norman was one of those decent types, & this job did get to him.
Sitting there on the hood of the agent’s rental car as he passively nursed his sore ribs, the detective forced himself to mentally take a step back & really consider not only Norman’s words, but his feelings. He was a protective type - of course he was, or he’d have never signed up for the FBI. That made him the sort to fret over others, & seeing this smart-mouthed child take on hardened thugs in a fight must have been jarring, never mind that he could & did hold his own. A soft sigh escaped him & he took a long drag off his half burned cigarette. The motion reopened the wound of his split lower lip & it began to bleed again. The tip of his tongue darted out to lick it away instinctually & the taste of copper bloomed in his mouth. Smoke drifted in the cool night air with his exhale.
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Finally, his gaze drifted upwards to meet Normans bright eyes. They appeared somehow darker - a trick of the light or the result of his own internal emotions. Whichever it was, it gave the detective pause. “I know,” he replied. His voice lacked the dryness of sarcasm he’d been holding back before, the desire for it having faded. Now, he was just apologetic, having mulled over the other’s concerns. There was no need to give the FBI agent a hard time. He wasn’t trying to criticize him. He was just being a good friend. This notion brought the faintest hint of a smile to those bruised lips, short lived but sweetly somber. “You’re okay though, right?”
It wasn’t a question of physical wellness as much as it was a matter of his emotional state. He didn’t want Norman to stress himself out over his foolish disregard for his own safety, but Connor knew that he would, anyway. He was a good man like that.
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pcsitivibee · 3 years
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positivity for desolationtrial : Shoutout to @desolationtrial. Their interests and fandoms are a treat to see and participate in and they’re such a fun rp partner to have. They have very unique muses and fandoms and they deserve more interaction.
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the-wonder-wall · 3 years
(◕‿◕) 🔪 I'm coming for you, Wyatt.
"Never thought I'd say it...but please don't cum for me," Wyatt nervously laughed at his own pun," I'm off duty anyways."
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androidvixen · 3 years
flicks north on the head
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“Are you really that desperate for someone to touch you in your special place?”
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an-unlikely-duo · 4 years
Choking/Being choked
Send in Kinks and My muse will rate them.
Definitely not | No | Not Really | Its Okay | Kinda | Yes | Fuck yes |There goes my pants |
Bonus: Giving | Receiving | Both
Gavin is not very big on being choked, if he doesn’t trust his partner he will go haywire if they start choking him unprompted. He can do the choking no problem but he will never do it without asking first.
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wearera9-a · 4 years
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@desolationtrial​​ asks: *vents in front of Connor*
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“I have no choice, my orders are clear. Find and detain any imposters.”
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🥒 - Are you thinking about reviving old muses? Who?
I've been pretty happy with Sixty, but I already feel like I should drop Amanda because I never have muse for her. I wouldn't go back to my SPN muses, too much bad to make the possible good worth it, but if I get the itch I could revive [ha]my Jack Harkness muse.
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Do you have a group of tumblr friends that you consider as close friends?
100%. Most of my mutuals I would consider my close friends, including you! <3
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@desolationtrial asked:
You look like a total loser covered in all that spaghetti. - ARI
Alma simply stared at ARI, dumbfounded by his rudeness. "I... Thanks?" he said, attempting sarcasm.
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weregonnagetyou · 4 years
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@desolationtrial​  “Getting stabbed wasn’t really on my bucket list.”
Mia flicked the remainder of her cigarette as she made her way down the sidewalk. Blue hues glance up at the darkening sky. She wanted to get home before it got too dark but without a car she was left walking most places. The bus didn’t get her everywhere and at least walking was free.
She noticed a figure slumped against the wall of a building. Possibly someone who’s had too much to drink? There were a few bars nearby. Mia walked on the edge of the sidewalk to give him space and avoid any unnecessary interaction. Once she passed him though, she stopped. There was a small pool of blood forming at his feet. She tilted her head and cleared her throat.
“Um...are you okay?” His response made her gasp and she stepped over to him. Stabbed? He got stabbed?
“Holy shit. Hey let me help you. Do you want me to call an ambulance?”
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pcsitivibee · 3 years
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positivity for desolationtrial : Shout out to @desolationtrial because it's a fantastic Norman Jayden and Danny brings so much fun to everyone's inboxes. Please never lose your love for Norman, you are doing such an amazing job at his portrayal! <3
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the-wonder-wall · 3 years
♫ wyatt
Playlist Meme
[I'm doing Wyatt and Yandere Norman for this]
Internet Friends
An Unhealthy Obsession
I Can't Decide
Lotta True Crime
I feel like we talk about this enough that I don't even need to explain my choices by this point.
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