#deskgirl’s art
is-the-post-reliable · 3 months
May I request https://www.tumblr.com/stellarw1nd/729002964260438016/plaguedocboi-eelzebub-arts-deskgirl-wumblr?source=share ?
It seems really silly but plausible (except the last part obviously) so I'd like to ask
looking into this next!
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deskgirl · 3 years
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Happy Asexual Awareness Week to everyone under this lovely umbrella.
For the longest time, I sat on the fence, unsure of how to describe my experiences, not wanting to “pretend to be something I wasn’t.” A few years ago, I finally figured it out, but I know for other ace spectrum folks, your orientation might be even harder to understand and define. At times, you may feel less sure of yourself or less welcomed for who you are. That struggle doesn’t make you belong any less. This is right where you should be.
[Image description: A Marge Simpson meme where she smiles and holds a potato and says “I just think it’s neat.” Over her head is written, “Me, an aroace.” On the potato is written, “ gray-aces, grayromantics, demisexuals, demiromantics.” At the bottom of the image is written, “I just think if someone takes their struggle with attraction, recognizes it as a part of their identity, and chooses to love that part of themselves, they should feel accepted. And also they’re neat.”]
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mouser26 · 5 years
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Frequently Secretly
My oc Laurie as a child sneaking up late to watch the completely awesome but sadly fictional “ El último viaje del vigilante” as featured in Chapter 27 of @deskgirl‘s Overwatch Fanfic Project Bloodhound
Seriously even if you care nothing for Overwatch I suggest reading this chapter just for the corny wonderful goodness that is this OG Spanish Gay Zorro (there’s even a black sheriff) you don’t even have to know anything about the rest of the fic the chapter is fairly self contained and the OC’s therein are explained.
Title references the song Cowboys are frequently secretly fond of eachother
This is news to little Laurie there
October Art #3
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thebestworstidea · 5 years
24 days of gift art!
I used to do this, then stopped but I’m kinda feeling it this year, so:
Send me a prompt- which should include character(s), a series name, or links to references if original character(s), an idea of what you want. A single word prompt is fine but a more detailed idea is fine too. Ideally not more than a handful of characters. 
Holiday themed is awesome, but not necessary;
Terms and conditions: first come first served. 24 slots available. Be polite. Nothing will be posted before December 1st, and will be posted in the order i have the requests recorded, which may be slightly different than it appears.
1. wooloo for Animalswithfancyhats
2. Taz (ocs) for KSclaw
3.  ineffable husbands for Zira
4. TWATGK  Remus celebrating Yule/Christmas/The holidays with Rowan’s family for the first time as her brother. 
5  ancalima2 said: Oh, you’re doing your christmas arts, that’s wonderful. May I request something cutesy with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan from Star wars?
6. Caster!Cu and F!Protag under the mistletoe for evilauthor
7. McCree in his ugly Christmas Sweater for deskgirl
8.  wordswithkittywitch said: I’m going to be terribly embarrassing and ask you to draw me Snufkin, if that’s all right.
9. Sobble for Batneko
10. Apollo Justice  drinking hot cocoa and enjoying the snow (or just being him because he is a perfect angel who can do no wrong) because the boy needs a break and deserves nice things. for Sam
11. For somene on Discord “LAOFT  Dot singing Thomas and Logan to sleep “
12. For the lovely lady I game with “Vera & Revend!” Because she’s got an ingame boy freind and ships it hard.
13  Can you draw Little-World-of-Kyton s oc Nevaeh please? (There is a reference picture of her on his blog)
14. anon - Could you draw Greta and Remus causing mischief while Virgil and Rowan watch from the sidelines?
15  animalswithfancyhats said: fat orange cat?
16. ancalima2I'm gonna ask again since you haven't filled in so, Obi-Wan in a christmas sweater?
17. Zira- Hogwartsverese Roman & Ethan snogging
18. Some Case Closed nonsense
19. ksclaw said:for the gift art thing, could I ask for Pitch and North from RoTG?
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ksclaw · 6 years
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And birthday art for @deskgirl is complete! I had so much fun with this one, and am also super happy with the final result. Water color is always a pleasant challenge for me, because it makes the art come alive in a different way than it does digitally or with markers.
Also credit to Zeldauniverse.net for their Hylian fonts, that helped me figure out the “title” for this piece.
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deskgirl · 5 years
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It’s done!
The back-stitching made a mess of the whole thing, so I nixed that plan, but it was definitely missing something. Luckily I found the smallest beads imaginable tucked away in my bead box, so I gave it a subtle dewdrop effect.
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deskgirl · 6 years
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Secret Christmas apron is finished! My first time using waste canvas. It went pretty well, all things considered. I learned a lot.
Design by Donna Kooler
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deskgirl · 5 years
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Personal cross-stitch WIP. I need to finish the background and then decide which purple to back-stitch with (the back-stitching is a last minute decision to highlight the lightest purples). It was going to be black on a white card, but it felt too dark. I like the soft pearly effect the white creates.
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deskgirl · 6 years
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Secret Christmas apron wip part 2
(Anyone who says you can pull waste canvas out without wetting it first is a fool. Not only is it unnecessarily difficult, but you might distort your embroidery. Luckily I tested it on scrap canvas before removing the canvas on my apron)
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deskgirl · 6 years
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This Christmas I made a matching merman to go with the one I stitched my brother last year. He’s holding a string of freshwater pearls.
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deskgirl · 6 years
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I should know better by now than to sketch things on scrap paper but here I am. That’s fine though because this is just concept stuff.
I’m bringing an omnic into my Project Bloodhound story, and I thought drawing her would help me figure out what I want. She came out more standard than intended, but I like her.
I think her name will be Dezzi.
She was constructed for firearms design in weapons factories, and has a database of thousands of guns. Now that she has autonomy, she focuses instead on designing parts for other omnics and prosthetics for humans. She also explores her free will by creating entirely new gun designs, but it’s a hobby, and not something she would sell.
EDIT: I opened the picture up in photoshop and heavily abused the replace color tool until I got this looking more presentable. The green paper was killing my eyes.
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deskgirl · 6 years
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Original design My mother specifically requested a sea turtle. Turns out there was really no good pattern for “upright rectangle 18 squares wide” so I had to figure out a design from scratch. Variegated shell. The font wasn’t dark enough so I backstitched it in black last minute.
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deskgirl · 6 years
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It’s been a long time since I did a proper fan character. It’s kinda fun, though.
The idea is that McCree lost his arm well after Overwatch fell, and it’s Ruth’s ICU he ends up in. It’s been over a decade since they saw each other, so they don’t recognize each other at all--until Ruth goes home that night, and while helping her daughter with a history project on the Omnic Crisis, she finds some old photos of Jesse and recognizes the face of the man from the hospital.
Credit to Azaleasdolls’ dollmaker Casual Style for helping me get an idea of what my character looks like.
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deskgirl · 7 years
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WIP Christmas present I referenced a bunch of sewn bear silhouettes and Scandinavian patterns, and free handed my own image. Might redo bits of the leg patterning. I may post a better photo of the pattern later for people once it’s finalized.
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deskgirl · 7 years
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Photos of an art exhibit that was being made for the upcoming Mammoths and Mastadons Exhibit at the Museum of Arts and Culture in Spokane.
The artist was in the process of sculpting these life-size megafauna as they erupted from the walls, bits of insulation and wood still breaking off of them or forming into their bodies (you can see he was still in the process of putting the outer layers on the giant salmon). He talked with us for a good half hour about his work before we left to see the Egyptian exhibit we’d come for.
(I didn’t get photos of all of them. Behind the camera, a pack of dire wolves is emerging and running around the staircase towards what would eventually be another mammoth or mastadon. The sloth and the salmon were my favorites.)
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deskgirl · 7 years
random dialogue I want to write out before I forget:
“I’m afraid my only defense, your honor, is that I am a fool. And therefore prone to foolish action.”
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