#designs jewellery in virginia beach
gmarieluxuries · 3 months
Explore Yellow Gold Diamond Ring | Golden Jewelry Store In Virginia Beach
Our exquisite yellow-gold diamond ring collection is at the Golden Jewelry Store in Virginia Beach. Indulge in sheer luxury with our exclusive 18K Yellow Gold Acai Collection Ring, expertly crafted for discerning clients like you. Whether you're searching for a stunning engagement ring, a thoughtful anniversary gift, or simply want to treat yourself to something special, our curated selection offers something for every occasion. The ring's unique design gracefully embraces your finger, adorned with the finest quality diamonds, guaranteeing a statement piece that will reflect your impeccable taste and make a lasting impression. Visit our store in Virginia Beach to explore our stunning yellow-gold diamond Ring collection and find a piece that shines as brightly as your love.
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skippyv20 · 4 years
🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈😊😊😊😊😊😊💜💜💜💜💜💜PG INTERPRETATION OF MM ANON💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
💜💜💜💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS FOR MM ANON
MM Anon
MM ANON ……… love life exposed …………… gift of jewellery ……………… it’s all a mask ………………… sister protection ……………… yippee ,Balmoral …………… 15 Bank accounts??……………… return to school??? ……………… “ it’s the theatre Jim, but not as they show it”………… Sending in Federal Troops ……………………Bojo crabs ……………… a strong union 🤣🤣🤣……………… 4 million. …………” are you coming Sydney”………… “indubitably sir”…………… “ stock the cellar!! “ ……… “ your request is my command sir” ………… “ and don’t tell anyone I’m driving the LR.”
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Entertainment purposes
July 23/20
💜💜💜💜💜💜🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈😊😊😊😊😊😊THANK YOU DEAR MM ANON, I AM SO SO PLEASED ABOUT YOUR TEST RESULTS 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻PG🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
July 24/2029 0250 hrs CST Riddle from July 23/2020
Riddle #69
love life exposed ……………
Well the court has ruled in the case regarding it is GM that the court can do that the records can be unsealed. This is in the case involving VRG! The floodgates will open as  explosive documents detailing Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex life can be UNSEALED in Virginia Giuffre’s defamation case within a week!Judge Loretta Preska, in Manhattan ruled on Thursday to unseal more than 80 documents that GM had wanted to keep under wraps.The judge said the documents - which will run to hundreds of pages - should be made public within a week.They include flight logs from Epstein’s jets, a deposition in 2016 in which Maxwell’s lawyers said she was asked ‘intrusive’ questions about her sex life.The documents also include police reports from Palm Beach, Florida, where JE  had a home. It will include communications between GM and JEfrom January 2015 when VRG made allegations about them in court papers. In the papers VRG claimed she was forced to have sex with Pa three times when she was just 17, at JE orders. The documents were part of a defamation lawsuit brought by VRG against GM, which was confidentially settled in 2017. The case is separate from the criminal proceedings against GM, who is accused of procuring girls as young as 14 for JE to  abuse. I honestly feel sick 🤢🤢🤢and pray 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻for anybody who has to read all of this horrific information!
gift of jewellery ……………… 
I can just not find anything that I think is relevant. The only thing I can see is the Fringe Tiara,  that her Majesty loaned to princess Beatrice on her wedding. I am looked up and down sideways for any possible wedding gifts you received. I just find nothing. So maybe it’s some thing obvious that I missing but I’ve tried my best and I just I just can’t seem to find anything that makes any sense.
it’s all a mask ………………… 
Well I think the word of the year besides COVID-19 is mask. Everybody and their dog is making masks fashion designers and etc. I ordered some from the Lug company and that this is the cutest patterns and they’re water repellent,  just like the Lug bags very very cute. I was just a metaphor for how things really are? It’s a small some big grand conspiracy to help the New World order? Everybody online is got some crazy conspiracy theory. I am doing my best to keep away from it all. But I do think going forward wearing mask will be a new normal.
sister protection ……………… 
Thirteen nuns from a Michigan, U.S.A., convent have died from COVID-19 in a deadly wave that claimed 12 in just one month and left more than a dozen seriously ill.The nuns, who lived together at the Felician Sisters’ convent in Livonia, Michigan, were all aged between 79 and 99 years of age.Twelve of them died in the one month between April 10 and May 10. At the time, 18 other nuns had contracted COVID-19 and were being treated for the virus. On June 27, one of the 18 nuns battling the virus also died.The nuns lived and worked together - mostly as teachers - at the Livonia convent, which was home to 65 sisters prior to the pandemic. Most definitely are under God’s care now.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
yippee ,Balmoral …………… 
Yep kids, they are off to Balmoral!! I wish them a marvellous time!🥂🥂🥂The Queen and Prince Philip are to move to Balmoral early for a socially-distanced summer holiday with her family. Her Majesty, Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are going to go to Scotland early next week. All visitors  and family will have to stay in other buildings on grounds. 15,000 acres, loads of room.😁😁 ⛺️ fishing 🎣 🌳 🌲 💐 🦌 🦊. You get the idea, their love of the outdoors is well known. 
15 Bank accounts??……………… 
GM is alleged to have 15 back accounts are the globe. I have a strong belief there are more and as l said last week she became a naturalized U.S. citizen back in 2002. I believe she may several passports despite this. Her connections are broad, spread globally and the wealthiest of the wealthy. This is a major double sword because she knows a lot of very awful truths and secrets about the elite allegedly. She is quivering in her paper boots. Now they are unsealing VRG records from that case in Florida…….big shoes are about to drop!!
return to school??? ……………… 
There has been a reuptick  in the cases of COVID-19 in various places around the world where the case that had kind of stabilized. We are seeing that in Canada as well in several provinces. In our country, it’s due to people gathering in large gatherings and then having what they call a super spreader. Then they return home and it spreads throughout their community. So as far as returning to school I think in many parts of the world that’s still up in the air. I’m thinking especially regarding our Cambridge children, they probably still do not know what they’re going to do. It is likely going to probably come down to digital education and a continuation of more of the same as had been done earlier in the year. As we,  in the northern hemisphere are heading to autumn and the flu season when begins, this is very concerning. The southern hemisphere is on fire, en Fargo, 🔥 with COVID-19 cases it’s just unbelievable. stay safe Ladykinrannoch 💜💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜
“ it’s the theatre Jim, but not as they show it”………… 
Back to MM Anon’s favourite Star Trek reference.💜💜💜💜💜😊😊😊😊😊😊💜💜💜💜💜Theatre in the west end of London is historic and a huge tourism money maker. It brings a lot of tourists in and many locals who enjoy the theatre both dramatic and musical. As we know in the UK Panto (pantomime) season is a huge fundraiser for the theatre district itself plus it’s a tradition and everybody just loves it. This is going to be I don’t know how many millions they say that will be has been lost already.  Theatres and music venues in England will be able to host physically distanced outdoor performances from Saturday 11 July under new government guidance, but industry figures are calling for more clarity on when full-capacity indoor performances can return. U.K.The culture secretary, Olive Dowden, announced the relaxing of restrictions where performances can now take place as long as they are “outside and with a limited and socially distanced audience”. “As I’ve seen for myself at the Royal Academy this morning, the National Gallery and as we’ll see shortly from the National Museums Liverpool, our cultural institutions are beginning to welcome back visitors,” he said. “I’m really urging people to get out there and to play their part, buy the tickets for outdoor plays and music recitals, get to your local gallery and support your local businesses.” The government said that now “gives the green light” for outdoor opera at Glyndebourne, and outdoor theatre at venues such as the Minack Theatre and Shakespeare’s Globe, but industry figures were disappointed that the announcement did not go further. Earlier in the week, Dowden unveiled @£1.57 billion, WITH A B, BILLION!!!, rescue plan for the 🎭.Jon Morgan, director of Theatres Trust, welcomed the relaxation but called for more clarity on when theatres can move to stage five of the government’s plan when performances are allowed indoors with audiences. “Oh, what a performance… Britain’s theatres are dying on their feet. Now Andrew Lloyd Webber’s fighting to prove the show CAN go on — yet as SARAH VINE found at his Covid-safe staging, if the rules aren’t relaxed, the curtain may fall for good” DAILY MAIL
Sending in Federal Troops ……………………
In American cities are specifically Portland, Oregon, Chicago, Illinois there’s a few others where they are or mayors and governors who are I have specifically. ordered the police not to do their job. The numbers of shootings and murders in Chicago has skyrocketed just unbelievably and there’s been little children involved. There was a open broad daylight shooting at a funeral home where I believe 15 people were shot and it was a gang members funeral and I was I guess other gang members that did the shooting. Apparently there are 117,000 gang members in that part of Chicago where the entire population of the community is 500,000 so you’re looking at more than 20% does astounding!! These mayors/governors are of the opposing party of the current U.S. government and are actively, as in the case of Minneapolis, have instituted laws ready to defund the police. I want to specifically talk about Portland, Oregon. Tonight I believe it was the 54th night of riots and destruction and the local law-enforcement are held back they’re not allowed to do anything. They have specifically received instructions from their mayor and governor. Imagine being those fine dedicated to serve and protect officers being handcuffed, so to speak, from doing their job. IMAGINE LIVING THERE?!🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺Homeland security together with the ATF, the FBI and Various other federal law enforcement have been there to try and stop the destruction. They are there because their specific mandate is to stop damage and protect federal buildings to federal property from destruction or damage. President Trump has said he is in sending in more federal aid despite what the the mayors and the governors are saying. Specifically in Portland it was really interesting on Tuesday evening the mayor, whose name escapes me, he went down into the riot and he had a microphone and a mask and he was speaking they knew it was him he was on a big screen I think and he was speaking in support of all these rioters, these antifa people. The crowd then they turned on him they were yelling at him to resign they were throwing stuff at him and it got really really really dangerous.I would not be at all surprised if it’s some point as a thing in Seattle that CHAZ or CHOP as  it became called , there ended up being several murders I think four or five rapes and endless lawless behaviour where they just went in and cleaned it up. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if martial law ended up being declared in some of these places. The local mayors and governors do not seem to understand that the federal law-enforcement agencies like the ATF, the FBI,  homeland security etc. have a mandate a legal mandate to protect federal property.
Bojo crabs ……………… 
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson toured a crab fishery on the Orkney archipelago on Thursday, July 23/2020, amid increasing support for Scotland’s independence from the rest of the United Kingdom. Speaking earlier in the day, he was keen to press the case for the whole of the U.K., to work together to tackle the coronavirus and subsequent economic fallout.
Following his visit to the fishery, Johnson also toured a local cheese-making dairy and was then due to meet members of the military, whom he will thank for their help in responding to the coronavirus outbreak, which included setting up testing sites and transferring patients.The visit marked the first anniversary of his premiership, with Johnson reaffirming his promise to increase opportunity and prosperity for all parts of Britain.I read it it’s quite funny in one of the articles I read they said when he was holding the crap he look like Edward Scissorhands from the movie. Interestingly that movie stars Johnny Depp.
a strong union 🤣🤣🤣……………… 
For years now Scotland has wanted independence from England. Actually make centuries! Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, used her daily COVID-19 presser as a. 'party political broadcasts’ and a lack of proper scrutiny of her decisions has allowed her to cultivate a 'Saint Nicola’ persona in Scotland through the crisis, a leading MSP told MailOnline today.Michelle Ballantyne, Conservative MSP for South Scotland, spoke out as PM Boris Johnson visited Orkney and said the pandemic would have been 'disaster’ for Scotland if it had been independent from the UK.She stated that a largely pro-Independence press have failed to hold the First Minister to account during the pandemic while the Government in London fielded questions every night for months at the Downing Street news conferences.The collapse of press scrutiny in Scotland has allowed Ms Sturgeon to sell the idea of holding a second Independence referendum to the public, as two polls find that 54 per cent of people would back secession if there was a second vote. It has also caused even people in England to imagine that the SNP leader has handled the crisis better than the PM, as a YouGov poll last month showed. DM.
4 million. …………”
US coronavirus cases surpass !!4 MILLION!! and another one million are expected in just two weeks - as Texas sets single-day high for fatalities and California sees record 12,000 infections in 24 hours. Cases are doubling each week, if you look at the graph and stats! THIS IS ALARMING, especially since a U.S. election for president is the November. The Republican national conversation, initially scheduled in North Carolina but the POTUS cancelled it there because of discord l believe. It was moved to Jacksonville, Florida. Due to Covid-19, these massive gatherings are impossible. POTUS said he would do a digital speech. I wonder how on earth they will have an election🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.The number of cases is now on track to record an addition one million infections in just two weeks.In the past week, the average number of daily cases has reached 66,000 and, based on that trajectory, cases will increase by one million by the first week of August.More than 143,000 Americans have now died from COVID-19 after daily deaths surpassed 1,000 on Wednesday for the second time this week.There has been an uptick in deaths, on average, across the US since the beginning of July after hotspot states including Florida, Texas and Arizona saw explosions in cases and hospitalizations.In Texas on Wednesday, they set one-day records for increases in COVID-19 deaths and hospitalizations in the state.Meanwhile, California surpassed New York on Wednesday to have the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the country . Some from DM.
“ are you coming Sydney”………… “indubitably sir”…………… “ stock the cellar!! “ ……… “ your request is my command sir” ………… “ and don’t tell anyone I’m driving the LR.”
Well they are off to Balmoral! Himself is asking Sydney if he was coming along to Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿. As is if there was any doubts, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂if he was going to come along and he answered in dubitably of course indubitably! If, am he must! stock the cellar, Himself has got to have that Boddington’s!! 🍺 🍻 🍻!Sydney, the ever faithful Butler, said your request is my command sir! 😁😁😁😁😁Himself is not supposed to be driving , yet tell him to keep schtüm on the fact that he is going to be at Balmoral driving the Lone Ranger! Have a wonderful time!!
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Entertainment purposes
July 23/
Thank you PG!  Lots happening it seems...looks great😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
40 notes · View notes
fortheheavenssake · 4 years
💟💟 PG MM Anon(II) 💟💟 Interpretation Collection -11
69. July 23
MM ANON ……… love life exposed …………… gift of jewellery ……………… it’s all a mask ………………… sister protection ……………… yippee ,Balmoral …………… 15 Bank accounts??……………… return to school??? ……………… “ it’s the theatre Jim, but not as they show it”………… Sending in Federal Troops ……………………Bojo crabs ……………… a strong union 🤣🤣🤣……………… 4 million. …………” are you coming Sydney”………… “indubitably sir”…………… “ stock the cellar!! “ ……… “ your request is my command sir” ………… “ and don’t tell anyone I’m driving the LR.”
Entertainment purposes
July 23/20
💜💜💜💜💜💜🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈😊😊😊😊😊😊THANK YOU DEAR MM ANON, I AM SO SO PLEASED ABOUT YOUR TEST RESULTS 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻PG🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
July 24/2029 0250 hrs CST Riddle from July 23/2020. Riddle #69
love life exposed ……………
Well the court has ruled in the case regarding it is GM that the court can do that the records can be unsealed. This is in the case involving VRG! The floodgates will open as explosive documents detailing Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex life can be UNSEALED in Virginia Giuffre’s defamation case within a week!Judge Loretta Preska, in Manhattan ruled on Thursday to unseal more than 80 documents that GM had wanted to keep under wraps.The judge said the documents - which will run to hundreds of pages - should be made public within a week.They include flight logs from Epstein’s jets, a deposition in 2016 in which Maxwell’s lawyers said she was asked ‘intrusive’ questions about her sex life.The documents also include police reports from Palm Beach, Florida, where JE had a home. It will include communications between GM and JEfrom January 2015 when VRG made allegations about them in court papers. In the papers VRG claimed she was forced to have sex with Pa three times when she was just 17, at JE orders. The documents were part of a defamation lawsuit brought by VRG against GM, which was confidentially settled in 2017. The case is separate from the criminal proceedings against GM, who is accused of procuring girls as young as 14 for JE to abuse. I honestly feel sick 🤢🤢🤢and pray 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻for anybody who has to read all of this horrific information!
gift of jewellery ………………
I can just not find anything that I think is relevant. The only thing I can see is the Fringe Tiara, that her Majesty loaned to princess Beatrice on her wedding. I am looked up and down sideways for any possible wedding gifts you received. I just find nothing. So maybe it’s some thing obvious that I missing but I’ve tried my best and I just I just can’t seem to find anything that makes any sense.
it’s all a mask …………………
Well I think the word of the year besides COVID-19 is mask. Everybody and their dog is making masks fashion designers and etc. I ordered some from the Lug company and that this is the cutest patterns and they’re water repellent, just like the Lug bags very very cute. I was just a metaphor for how things really are? It’s a small some big grand conspiracy to help the New World order? Everybody online is got some crazy conspiracy theory. I am doing my best to keep away from it all. But I do think going forward wearing mask will be a new normal.
sister protection ………………
Thirteen nuns from a Michigan, U.S.A., convent have died from COVID-19 in a deadly wave that claimed 12 in just one month and left more than a dozen seriously ill.The nuns, who lived together at the Felician Sisters’ convent in Livonia, Michigan, were all aged between 79 and 99 years of age.Twelve of them died in the one month between April 10 and May 10. At the time, 18 other nuns had contracted COVID-19 and were being treated for the virus. On June 27, one of the 18 nuns battling the virus also died.The nuns lived and worked together - mostly as teachers - at the Livonia convent, which was home to 65 sisters prior to the pandemic. Most definitely are under God’s care now.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
yippee ,Balmoral ……………
Yep kids, they are off to Balmoral!! I wish them a marvellous time!🥂🥂🥂The Queen and Prince Philip are to move to Balmoral early for a socially-distanced summer holiday with her family. Her Majesty, Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are going to go to Scotland early next week. All visitors and family will have to stay in other buildings on grounds. 15,000 acres, loads of room.😁😁 ⛺️ fishing 🎣 🌳 🌲 💐 🦌 🦊. You get the idea, their love of the outdoors is well known.
15 Bank accounts??………………
GM is alleged to have 15 back accounts are the globe. I have a strong belief there are more and as l said last week she became a naturalized U.S. citizen back in 2002. I believe she may several passports despite this. Her connections are broad, spread globally and the wealthiest of the wealthy. This is a major double sword because she knows a lot of very awful truths and secrets about the elite allegedly. She is quivering in her paper boots. Now they are unsealing VRG records from that case in Florida…….big shoes are about to drop!!
return to school??? ………………
There has been a reuptick in the cases of COVID-19 in various places around the world where the case that had kind of stabilized. We are seeing that in Canada as well in several provinces. In our country, it’s due to people gathering in large gatherings and then having what they call a super spreader. Then they return home and it spreads throughout their community. So as far as returning to school I think in many parts of the world that’s still up in the air. I’m thinking especially regarding our Cambridge children, they probably still do not know what they’re going to do. It is likely going to probably come down to digital education and a continuation of more of the same as had been done earlier in the year. As we, in the northern hemisphere are heading to autumn and the flu season when begins, this is very concerning. The southern hemisphere is on fire, en Fargo, 🔥 with COVID-19 cases it’s just unbelievable. stay safe Ladykinrannoch 💜💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜
“ it’s the theatre Jim, but not as they show it”…………
Back to MM Anon’s favourite Star Trek reference.💜💜💜💜💜😊😊😊😊😊😊💜💜💜💜💜Theatre in the west end of London is historic and a huge tourism money maker. It brings a lot of tourists in and many locals who enjoy the theatre both dramatic and musical. As we know in the UK Panto (pantomime) season is a huge fundraiser for the theatre district itself plus it’s a tradition and everybody just loves it. This is going to be I don’t know how many millions they say that will be has been lost already. Theatres and music venues in England will be able to host physically distanced outdoor performances from Saturday 11 July under new government guidance, but industry figures are calling for more clarity on when full-capacity indoor performances can return. U.K.The culture secretary, Olive Dowden, announced the relaxing of restrictions where performances can now take place as long as they are “outside and with a limited and socially distanced audience”. “As I’ve seen for myself at the Royal Academy this morning, the National Gallery and as we’ll see shortly from the National Museums Liverpool, our cultural institutions are beginning to welcome back visitors,” he said. “I’m really urging people to get out there and to play their part, buy the tickets for outdoor plays and music recitals, get to your local gallery and support your local businesses.” The government said that now “gives the green light” for outdoor opera at Glyndebourne, and outdoor theatre at venues such as the Minack Theatre and Shakespeare’s Globe, but industry figures were disappointed that the announcement did not go further. Earlier in the week, Dowden unveiled @£1.57 billion, WITH A B, BILLION!!!, rescue plan for the 🎭.Jon Morgan, director of Theatres Trust, welcomed the relaxation but called for more clarity on when theatres can move to stage five of the government’s plan when performances are allowed indoors with audiences. “Oh, what a performance… Britain’s theatres are dying on their feet. Now Andrew Lloyd Webber’s fighting to prove the show CAN go on — yet as SARAH VINE found at his Covid-safe staging, if the rules aren’t relaxed, the curtain may fall for good” DAILY MAIL
Sending in Federal Troops ……………………
In American cities are specifically Portland, Oregon, Chicago, Illinois there’s a few others where they are or mayors and governors who are I have specifically. ordered the police not to do their job. The numbers of shootings and murders in Chicago has skyrocketed just unbelievably and there’s been little children involved. There was a open broad daylight shooting at a funeral home where I believe 15 people were shot and it was a gang members funeral and I was I guess other gang members that did the shooting. Apparently there are 117,000 gang members in that part of Chicago where the entire population of the community is 500,000 so you’re looking at more than 20% does astounding!! These mayors/governors are of the opposing party of the current U.S. government and are actively, as in the case of Minneapolis, have instituted laws ready to defund the police. I want to specifically talk about Portland, Oregon. Tonight I believe it was the 54th night of riots and destruction and the local law-enforcement are held back they’re not allowed to do anything. They have specifically received instructions from their mayor and governor. Imagine being those fine dedicated to serve and protect officers being handcuffed, so to speak, from doing their job. IMAGINE LIVING THERE?!🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺Homeland security together with the ATF, the FBI and Various other federal law enforcement have been there to try and stop the destruction. They are there because their specific mandate is to stop damage and protect federal buildings to federal property from destruction or damage. President Trump has said he is in sending in more federal aid despite what the the mayors and the governors are saying. Specifically in Portland it was really interesting on Tuesday evening the mayor, whose name escapes me, he went down into the riot and he had a microphone and a mask and he was speaking they knew it was him he was on a big screen I think and he was speaking in support of all these rioters, these antifa people. The crowd then they turned on him they were yelling at him to resign they were throwing stuff at him and it got really really really dangerous.I would not be at all surprised if it’s some point as a thing in Seattle that CHAZ or CHOP as it became called , there ended up being several murders I think four or five rapes and endless lawless behaviour where they just went in and cleaned it up. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if martial law ended up being declared in some of these places. The local mayors and governors do not seem to understand that the federal law-enforcement agencies like the ATF, the FBI, homeland security etc. have a mandate a legal mandate to protect federal property.
Bojo crabs ………………
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson toured a crab fishery on the Orkney archipelago on Thursday, July 23/2020, amid increasing support for Scotland’s independence from the rest of the United Kingdom. Speaking earlier in the day, he was keen to press the case for the whole of the U.K., to work together to tackle the coronavirus and subsequent economic fallout.
Following his visit to the fishery, Johnson also toured a local cheese-making dairy and was then due to meet members of the military, whom he will thank for their help in responding to the coronavirus outbreak, which included setting up testing sites and transferring patients.The visit marked the first anniversary of his premiership, with Johnson reaffirming his promise to increase opportunity and prosperity for all parts of Britain.I read it it’s quite funny in one of the articles I read they said when he was holding the crap he look like Edward Scissorhands from the movie. Interestingly that movie stars Johnny Depp.
a strong union 🤣🤣🤣………………
For years now Scotland has wanted independence from England. Actually make centuries! Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, used her daily COVID-19 presser as a. ‘party political broadcasts’ and a lack of proper scrutiny of her decisions has allowed her to cultivate a 'Saint Nicola’ persona in Scotland through the crisis, a leading MSP told MailOnline today.Michelle Ballantyne, Conservative MSP for South Scotland, spoke out as PM Boris Johnson visited Orkney and said the pandemic would have been 'disaster’ for Scotland if it had been independent from the UK.She stated that a largely pro-Independence press have failed to hold the First Minister to account during the pandemic while the Government in London fielded questions every night for months at the Downing Street news conferences.The collapse of press scrutiny in Scotland has allowed Ms Sturgeon to sell the idea of holding a second Independence referendum to the public, as two polls find that 54 per cent of people would back secession if there was a second vote. It has also caused even people in England to imagine that the SNP leader has handled the crisis better than the PM, as a YouGov poll last month showed. DM.
4 million. …………”
US coronavirus cases surpass !!4 MILLION!! and another one million are expected in just two weeks - as Texas sets single-day high for fatalities and California sees record 12,000 infections in 24 hours. Cases are doubling each week, if you look at the graph and stats! THIS IS ALARMING, especially since a U.S. election for president is the November. The Republican national conversation, initially scheduled in North Carolina but the POTUS cancelled it there because of discord l believe. It was moved to Jacksonville, Florida. Due to Covid-19, these massive gatherings are impossible. POTUS said he would do a digital speech. I wonder how on earth they will have an election🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.The number of cases is now on track to record an addition one million infections in just two weeks.In the past week, the average number of daily cases has reached 66,000 and, based on that trajectory, cases will increase by one million by the first week of August.More than 143,000 Americans have now died from COVID-19 after daily deaths surpassed 1,000 on Wednesday for the second time this week.There has been an uptick in deaths, on average, across the US since the beginning of July after hotspot states including Florida, Texas and Arizona saw explosions in cases and hospitalizations.In Texas on Wednesday, they set one-day records for increases in COVID-19 deaths and hospitalizations in the state.Meanwhile, California surpassed New York on Wednesday to have the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the country . Some from DM.
“ are you coming Sydney”………… “indubitably sir”…………… “ stock the cellar!! “ ……… “ your request is my command sir” ………… “ and don’t tell anyone I’m driving the LR.”
Well they are off to Balmoral! Himself is asking Sydney if he was coming along to Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿. As is if there was any doubts, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂if he was going to come along and he answered in dubitably of course indubitably! If, am he must! stock the cellar, Himself has got to have that Boddington’s!! 🍺 🍻 🍻!Sydney, the ever faithful Butler, said your request is my command sir! 😁😁😁😁😁Himself is not supposed to be driving , yet tell him to keep schtüm on the fact that he is going to be at Balmoral driving the Lone Ranger! Have a wonderful time!!
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
70. July 24
MM ANON ……” since 1948 ,no changes ………… wags wobble………… phone a drone ………… Kim-vorce ……………… masked burger………… flowers for team Johnny ………… bailed out by old Bailey…………… Ban her from the palace ………………… tell all will destroy her……………… K&W&LCG will sunny fly to island???……………” I’ll drive Sydney!! “ ……… “ I’ll walk sir” …………… “ bloody get in”😱😱😱
Entertainment purposes
💜💜💜💜💜🌈🌈🌈🌈🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌈🌈🌈🌈💜💜💜💜💜
July 24/2020. Riddle #70!
” since 1948 ,no changes …………
The Daily Mail has this amazing story today. I know people who don’t move stuff about. I used to always move my furniture around and decorate each season. Now the furniture moving….not so much🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 due to my back. But l love moving my special things AND decorating each season! There is a house stuck in time. An ex-Royal Navy sailor, 89, has left decor untouched since 1948 saying it’s saved him thousands. Doug Bethel, 89, from Liverpool, Merseyside, still lives in the house that his family first purchased in 1948. Following military service he was a gas engineer, now retired obviously, although men do still have a lot of “ gas” 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂especially around that age. Pardon my humour😂😂🤣😂☺️🤣🤣☺️. He has left his house untouched, when he returned to live with parents after leaving Royal Navy.Mr Bethel has kept his childhood bedroom untouched and still has the original kitchen and cooker in house. Since it was built, house has survived two explosions- one during the Second World War and another in 1986. This goes to show you how things are quality that were built back then last and stand the test of time. Now if you buy an appliance they’re made to be disposable they don’t last that long and it’s cheaper to buy a new one then to fix it. I would love to walk through this house and have him explain everything. That used to be my type of favourite patient to work with, the special patient who was seasoned as I should say , elderly , but I prefer the word seasoned and had lots of life stories and life lessons to tell. The pictures are amazing! The outside of the house looks a little rough but the inside is glorious! The floral wallpaper on the walls, my goodness it’s beautiful. He’s done an excellent job of taking care of everything it at all looks just spic and span.. Well that’s a phrase I haven’t used in a long time, spic and span. That’s what my mum used to always say when we cleaned the house and it was all done and she said yes things look spic and span. Does anyone else remember that phrase? I don’t know why that came out of my mouth today but it’s interesting how things stay in our brain and then they come out. I’m noticing that as I use this audio software and I’m just talking instead of typing, it’s a whole different type of experience. I love that mirror he has on the wall that’s Dewar’s, oh man I’d love to have that , beautiful!
wags wobble…………
WAGS was an American tv show, tacky like the Real Housewives shows. It stood for Wives and Girlfriends of Sportsmen, of professional Americans athletes. THAT was a slutty show wowza! I am ashamed to admit l watched some of it.😞😞😞☹️☹️☹️😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I doubt that this is what MM Anon is talking about!
However I do believe she’s referring to the ongoing battle between football/soccer wives Coleen Rooney and Rebekah Vardy. This is been going on for months if not eat over a year or longer I’ve been reading about it. Are used to really like best friends. And Khalid a Rooney is married to Wayne Rooney for those of you who don’t know he’s he’s like a premier player in the football league in the UK. She had a feeling that someone in her close circle shit close to Facebook friend I think like 25 soccer football wives I think there’s 25 of them in there and she had a feeling somebody was on sharing details outside of that group. So she decided to put it up on her self to do a little test of each woman. And she came to the conclusion that Rebekah Vardy was the one that was releasing confidential information. that’s of the backstory that I know so this is what the daily mail is saying today.
Rebekah Vardy no w has accused Coleen Rooney of leaking stories to the press HERSELF, says she’s been made a scapegoat and was left ‘suicidal’ by fall-out from Wagatha Christie row, in bombshell court documents from £1m libel claim.Wagatha Christie🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Rebekah Vardy revealed her ‘extreme anguish’ about being exposed 'to public ridicule’ in legal documents.She also claimed in the papers that the stress of the scandal had left her fearful of losing her unborn baby.In an astonishing claim, Rebekah detailed how she believed she had been 'made a scapegoat’ by Coleen. The saga started in October when the wife of Wayne Rooney accused Rebekah of leaking stories about her.
phone a drone …………
Well Madam has pulled one of her favourite tricks pardon the pun Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣. This Audio talking type thing is so funny because it’s hard to when I laugh so when he says ha ha Ha ha ha I’m actually laughed and then when I see the half I laugh even harder oh it’s funny anyways she’s pulled another stunt. Oh help me help me l’m a poor innocent female I’m a poor innocent female! There are drones flying all around the mansion I am living in trying to capture photos of Archficial! This goes back to one of her first earliest dance when she phone hairy and said all the paparazzi are stocking me outside my house in Toronto oh I’m so scared that it it off and then he released that statement which locked him into her with her for good. Now apparently they her and hairy they have filed a lawsuit and all these John Does with drones are going to be sued. She is a feminist why are there no Jane Does? How does she know that they’re just men? Why are there no John and Jane Does? Miss feminist!Oh first of all there’s no drones actually , well first of all she is not at Tyler Perry’s house mansion whatever. She’s lawsuit happy otherwise known as litigious! Oh well used characteristic by the rich and celebrities alike. So she’s now filed a lawsuit against people that don’t exist for something that’s not happening at a place where she’s not living with a child that doesn’t exist in her care! Does that make sense did I say that right or you say it slower she’s now follows a lawsuit against people that don’t exist, for something that’s not happening, at a place where she’s not living, with a child that doesn’t exist in her care!!! Wow that is a lot to unpack in that one sentence wow! What a joke! She is such a joke such a bloody joke it’s just hilarious it is I mean if it weren’t so Flippin sad that our beautiful royal family was dragged into this it is just so hilarious I said this is her life this is how she’s living her life can you kids imagine what a waste of a life that God gives you wow wow wow wow!
Kim-vorce ………………
I find it so incredibly sad. I spoke about it yesterday, to watch a man publicly mentally implode. Bipolar disorder, a full-blown manic phase, millions of dollars at his fingertips right in front of the public, it just breaks my heart it absolutely it’s just breaks my heart. I have not affinity for the Kardashians or Kanye West don’t get me wrong, I’m not , I’m no fan but I am a human being with compassion. I worked in mental health and it’s just it’s just breaks my heart to watch this happen. Then when he went on to talk about how him and Kim wanted to or she wanted to abort their first baby, North.can you imagine now that’s out in the public and when they were little girl gets older she’s going to read that oh my so so damaging. Other than celebrities always naming their babies weird names you can see his illness evident in the names of their children as well. Kim has remained silent but she released a statement two days ago saying how heartbreaking it is that the family can do nothing to help him do it to the mental health laws there. Also the two of them have been considering divorce for quite some time. Yeah I having a chronic mental illness that has the phases that is dramatic and drastic as he is that doesn’t fit into the reality show a life of a perfect family does it? Let’s get rid of him .In my province, the family can go to the magistrate and get someone formed, it is a form that it’s a short word for the form that’s that’s filled out by the magistrate to compel the person to see a GP or ER , by police or RCMP escort if need be, and often is! They can compel them to see a doctor. Then if the doctor feels they need mental health assistance they can fill out a different form, transferred to Psychiatry and then they will be held against their will for 72 hours for assessment and after such a time as if it’s determined that the person is really in need of hospitalization then there is another form that the psychiatrists, two of them have to fill out and then they start treatment. The 72 hours is for assessment, therefore minimal meds given to allow a clear assessment. However in most cases the person by the time they reach the involuntarily assessment phase they are so ill that they cannot go 72 hours without treatment. They are either violence or acutely suicidal or both and there are various treatment modalities that are used.There’s also a review board process in this within 21 days they can apply to the review were to have the review board if you review the case to determine if it’s appropriately involuntarily hospitalized. The review were consists of psychiatrists nurses legal people and members of the community.
masked burger…………
Who would’ve thought the the new cottage industry for 2020 would be making facemasks? Designers of all types are making them fashion a fashion statement to coordinate with your clothing. I think that’s a good thing because of this is going to be the new normal we’re going to have to be wearing them and you might as well have something not only be utilitarian but look nice as well right? In the U.K. fast food chains including McDonald’s, Burger King and Domino’s have confirmed they will enforce the new face mask rules.From July 24, you must wear face masks in all shops, public places, restaurants etc.and you could be fined £100 if you fail to do so. The government has also issues guidance guidelines for restaurants and fast food places, which l guess are not considered restaurants 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂. Dine-in and takeaway customers must follow different rules when inside a food establishment.If you’re buying food and drink to takeaway, you are required to wear a face covering.The government says this is the same as entering and browsing a normal shop, where it’s also compulsory to wear face masks.But if you plan on eating in, you won’t need to wear a face covering.Ministers have previously said “it’s not practical” to wear face masks in places where you’ll be eating. This actually makes zippo sense. Close the eat in then!!
flowers for team Johnny ………… 💐💐💐💐💐
A female fan gave a bouquet of flowers to JD outside the courthouse. They flouted social distancing rules as he leaned in for a cuddle with the female fan outside of the London court.He was seen smiling after receiving the stunning bouquet of white flowers as the pair talked outside, seemingly ignoring COVID-19 restrictions. There are no rules for celebrities and politicians! This was a few days ago like ten, l can find no other reference.
bailed out by old Bailey…………… ⚖️ ????denied
For those of you who are not aware of what oh Bailey is here’s a little education. Old Bailey is the Central Criminal Court of England and Wales (commonly called the Old Bailey). The Crown Court sitting at the Central Criminal Court deals with major criminal cases from within Greater London and in exceptional cases, from other parts of England and Wales. This is the applicant case though and it’s JUSTICE DENIED, grins and arrogance hand signs! 'You robbed a hero of his life’: PC Andrew Harper’s widow tells of shock after 'barbaric’ travellers who dragged him to death were cleared of murder and says: 'I have a life sentence to bear… more painful than a meagre number of years in prison’. PC Andrew Harper’s widow Lissie today said she was 'immensely disappointed’ that the three teenagers who killed her husband were cleared of murder and convicted of manslaughter, describing the crime as 'barbaric’. Henry Long, Albert Bowers and Jessie Cole, who are all travellers, hugged each other as they were cleared of murdering the police officer by dragging him to his death behind their car - but were convicted of manslaughter. Speaking outside the Old Bailey in London today, Ms Harper said: 'I’m immensely disappointed with the verdict given today. I now have my own life sentence to bear, and believe me when I say it will be a much more painful, soul-destroying and treacherous journey than anyone facing a meagre number of years in prison will experience.’ PC Harper, 28, had tried to stop the thieves stealing a quad bike and his ankles were lassoed by the trailing loading strap as the teenagers tried to escape in Sulhamstead, Berkshire.
Ban her from the palace …………………
Well the only thing a person I can think of that being banned from the Palace would be Madam. that would be each and every royal residence even probably within 100 metres. But why would this be coming up now? Interesting! MM Anon, you always leave me wondering with some of your clues and my brain just goes Squirrley. I would’ve thought these orders would’ve been given a long time ago.
tell all will destroy her………………
It’s being marked down and I don’t know anybody that’s going to buy this book “finding freedom” by Scooby Doo and Durand. She again has bitten off way more than she can chew and is now stepping away from having any part of that book and is denying participating with it. Anybody associated with her gets Markled. Some people may be lucky enough just to lose their reputation and employment. Others are not so lucky they may end up in a world of legal trouble both civil and criminal. Those I’m thinking of ourJM, GM, MA, DR,TM et al meaning the rest of the M family that we have seen and heard from. It is all coming together now like a perfect storm. Her lawsuit against the mail on Sunday, this book with the ridiculous title, all of the I don’t want to use the word friends, but famous people who have said they have met and held Archie. People like, Ellen degenerate, yes I said degenerate. One I cannot figure out for love nor money, is the monkey lady whose name escapes me right now Jane Goodall that’s her name Jane Goodall. What is her what’s what’s her part in this game here? A respected woman of her age. Who has spent decades of her life doing groundbreaking research and is so well respected , what is she got to hide that she’s got to be part of this nonsense. I don’t know but as London scoop says I so often harken to, that up is down down is up inside as outside outside and inside. I just find it very very sad! Only in her case only in her case! I want you to know that wasn’t a spelling error on my part that’s what I call her Ellen degenerate because she is a degenerate and how she treats people and lies!
K&W&LCG will sunny fly to island???……………”
As I predicted/ well educated guessed, 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣, several riddles ago, oh I’m a psychic with a 🔮 oooooooo and it’s purple too Wowza!! The Cambridge family, aka K, Catherine, W, William, L, Louis, C, Charlotte, G, George, will take an island holiday. Oh what a clever detective I am eh 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂?I am guessing it will be to the place in the Caribbean that Pippa’s in-laws own. With Vogue Williams, the wife of Pippa’s husband due to deliver their baby girl soon, like any day or minute now, they won’t be going. They usually all go together. The Cambridges, her parents, Pippa and James Matthew, his parent, and James Middleton and his finacé , whose name escapes me! I know she is from France!
“I’ll drive Sydney!! “ ……… “ I’ll walk sir” …………… “ bloody get in”😱😱😱
HMTQ and Himself are off to Balmoral for their summer vacay!. As we all know after that MVA, motor vehicle accident that Prince Philip had last year, he was told that he could no longer drive by the HMTQ. That would be the only person he would he would listen to. Sounds like the rules are changing up in Scotland though oh he’s insisting on driving. And despite Sydney’s best efforts that’s a no no questions asked he’s driving. And Sydney is insisting not but himself is firm and that he was driving. And Sydney cheeky adorable Sydney says he’ll walk sir it and then you have himself chickie reply get in the vehicle! Oh my love just absolutely love these scenes!! I can picture them so vividly in my head! Then having this I would imagine rather loud conversation outside a Range Rover, aka Lone Ranger! The three horrified faces are probably people watching, watching and listening to what’s being said!
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
71. July 25
MM ANON … … “ SHOWGIRL”…………… “that girl” ………… “ I don’t trust her “……………… quarantine …… “we never consulted the authors”😂😂😂……………”it’s a gym Jim, but not as they row it”………… “coming for a swim”…………… knock em for SIX……………Four!!!…………… “jump Frankie”…………” it’s only to the Glen Sydney “ …………… “ it’s three miles sir” ……… “ get the bloody hamper” ……… “I’ll drive back sir” ………… “ not a bloody chance Sydney” ……… “ then I refuse sir” ……… “get your bloody arse in the LR” … “reluctantly sir “😱😱
Entertainment purposes
💜💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😊😊😊😊Thank you MM Anon😊😊😊😊💜💜💜💜🌈🌈🌈🌈
July 25/2020 FIVE MONTHS UNTIL CHRISTMAS 🎄. Riddle #71
Some help from the DM today again.
“ SHOWGIRL”…………… “
ALLEGEDLY, When Madam began “dating” Prince Harry she was snubbed by her future sister-in-law and contemptuously referred to as “Harry’s showgirl” by a senior royal, according to bombshell revelations in a new book.In “the book” “journalists “Carolyn Durand and Omid Scobie paint a sympathetic picture of Madam who was shunned by palace staff and Harry’s older brother William, who once advised Harry to take his time “to get to know this girl.” I used the word book and journalists in quotes because they are not real journalists and it is an insult to all great books to call this trash a book!“In those last two words, ‘this girl,’ Harry heard the tone of snobbishness that was diametrically opposite to his approach to the world, MY WORDS😁😁😁. “During his 10-year career in the military, outside the royal bubble, he had learnt not to make snap judgments about people based on their accent, education, ethnicity, class or profession.”
“that girl” …………
This was a tv show when l was a kid with Marlo Thomas. Anyone recall that? ‘P****d off’ Prince Harry branded William a snob after his brother accused him of being ‘blinded by lust’ over 'this girl’ Madam sensational Finding Freedom biography claims. This or that, feels like something right outside of Sesame Street! This and that are demonstratives grammatically speaking! Now I shall do my best Elmo voice how is that or this , this and that are demonstrative in English language grammatically speaking. Do you English grammatical language? Don’t I sound just like Elmo? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂. Since their whole “relationship was a booty call“ William is exactly right.ALLEGEDLY Prince Harry thought William was a ‘snob’ after he was warned to take things slow with ‘this girl’aka SEAHAG🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂. ALLEGEDLY the Duke of Cambridge told Harry not to ‘rush this’ and ‘take as much time as you need to get to know’ this SEAHAG! Madam was described by palace insiders as 'Harry’s showgirl’ who came 'with a lot of baggage’! Well that’s putting it mildly she has more baggage than the whole Louis Vuitton company put together!😆😆😆😆🤣🤣😂
“ I don’t trust her “………………
I’m going to stick with Madam here. After their first teatime or meeting with William and Catherine, allegedly William found Madam taking pictures of the children and private parts of their home and he was furious. She was allegedly planning to sell them for a quarter of $1 million but I bet you she could have gotten more. If she had sold photos of the children they would have been worth millions! They would have been embargoed in the UK but they would still be selling today around the world.No actually they would not be selling today because they would have sued her and probably brought charges. That is nothing to mess about with, he is the son to heir to the throne and those children are also in line of succession and to violate that, in the sanctuary of their home, is no small crime in the UK. So based on, first of all they knew everything about her before that, so I mean they did not trust her anyways. The way she trapped in at Harry there is just nothing about this woman to trust. I do not need to explain it you, you all know it. I do not trust her, she messes in dark evils!
If this is about AH or GM, same rules apply, no trust!
Don’t you just love rules and rules that you don’t know exist and then you have to obey them as if you knew that they existed the whole time? It’s so special so very special I am being very facetious😁😁😁😁! Fury of the Brits caught out abroad! First holidaymakers return home from Spain and straight into quarantine, after ‘ridiculous’ snap ruling not even the airlines knew about came into force, leaving thousands unable to go to work. Vacationers returning will have to quarantine after landing back for two weeks. This raises problems for those who owns their own businesses or can’t be off work.Others worry their employers won’t allow them to isolate for two weeks. With so many people looking for work this could be absolutely disastrous. People returning from a well deserved holiday to find that they don’t have a job just devastating.
…… “we never consulted the authors”😂😂😂……………”
A spokesperson for Harry and Madam told Us Weekly on Saturday that the couple “were not interviewed and did not contribute to Finding Freedom. This book is based on the authors’ own experiences as members of the royal press corps and their own independent reporting.” If you believe for one fleeting second, you can insert another F word if you like I put that in there for you MM Anon, and I thought you might get a laugh out of that 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂, that Madam had no input into this book I have a bridge in the middle of the Sahara desert that I want to sell you! To call themselves a journalist to call themselves a book come out and say this is only on their own recollection is a laughable! There is no way on this planet that Scooby Doo has been in her inner circle, closest to her for all this time and she put gave no input to what he was writing about her? If it is laughable, it’s laughable and it’s just, there’s no way that it’s true! I just simply don’t believe it! It is another one of her lies compounded on lies compounded on more lies compounded on a book full of lies compounded on a relationship full of lies, a child that was lied about, a pregnancy that was a lie, the engagement that was a lie, her whole life has been a lie. She doesn’t know the truth she has no idea what truth and authenticity is!
“it’s a gym Jim, but not as they row it”………… “
MM Anon, once again using the tried and true Star Trek metaphor, as shall heretofor be referred to as. 😁😁😁😁How is that for legal mumbo jumbo LEGAL ANON😁😁😁?? Gyms and swimming pools in England reopened today!!But this does not mean that all gyms have opened. No more dash in and out on your lunch break or a quickie after work, no, no, no. This must be planned like a keen covert ops!!!😁😁😁😁. Most gyms will request earlier arrival times and pre-booking. “We ask that new members arrive 15 minutes before the class start time, and regular customers arrive a couple of minutes before. They ideally want to allow class participants to fully exit the studio before the next class begins. Likely so they can sterilize the life out of the place after all that sweat! You’ll need to arrive in your gym clothes! As is the case with many clothing shops, some gyms are keeping their changing facilities closed to reduce the amount of time people spend in the facility. Lockers are likely to also be out of bounds to allow for distancing. El stinks for sure! DEFINITELY NO LUNCHTIME WORKOUTS PHEW🤢🤢🤢🥴🥴🥴! Kids I’m not making light of this at all I’m just trying to use a little humour into this ongoing situation that we’re all in.SAY WHAT😲😲😮😮😮😮😮🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 No more showering. Some gyms will also close their showers, while others will reduce the number that are open to allow for social distancing. Where possible, customers will instead be encouraged to wash at home after a workout session. PHEW!!Prepare to have your temperature checked. Many gyms may require clients to have their temperature taken at the door. You will also be asked to declare that they are feeling well before being allowed to enter the facility. Gyms are trialling a discreet thermo-scanner, which reads your temperature the minute you walk in the door. Gym equipment will be spread out. Once gyms reopen the number of machines that are available to use is likely to be reduced. They will be implementing one metre distancing between mats and planning the flow of the centres to ensure social distancing can be kept all at distance. Equipment will be spread out and user numbers will be monitored and limited to ensure safe distances are maintained.
“coming for a swim”……………
See above, in the U.K. public pools reopened today. All social distancing applies. They have come up with the miraculous way to stop osmosis from happening!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂If you don’t know what I don’t know if that means I don’t know how I could begin to explain that joke and if you do want to know what osmosis means you’re probably belly laughing right now. Basically what it means as you know things travel through water if you’re in the water and you got some dead skin or a scam or something loose on your skin is kind of just float away along with every germ you’re carrying it’s going to flood the way to the next person. Mind you if they’re using chlorinated pools that’ll kill anything! The big thing now are these UV you VO what is that UV whatever other lady letter that I used to kill The germs in pools instead of using chemicals.
knock em for SIX……………
This is a Cricket term, also has become slang usage. It means to be completely devastated. It is the highest scoring action in the where the ball exits the circle without leaving the ground in Cricket. Slang usage ie I was knocked for six after l lost my job.
Cricket has resumed in the U.K. Now fans are allowed!! They, 1000!! are returning to the Oval for the Surrey vs Merseyside two day friendly! Wonderful for both the teams and the fans some sense of normalcy!
Four!!!…………… “
Fore is the golf term that means somebody shot a ball and watch your head basically. Four with three!!!‘s we had this before when you were teasing us of the baby Cambridge number four! I don’t know if I’m gonna fall for it this time as much as I want to! Three !!!, three children, four is number four on the way..? I so badly want to believe that!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Reality bites and intervenes though. Premier Daniel Andrews issues desperate coronavirus plea to young people in Melbourne, revealing Victoria is ALREADY in stage four lockdown!! Premier Daniel Andrews says Melbourne is 'effectively’ in stage four lockdown.Victoria recorded another 459 cases on Sunday, along with 10 more deaths.Masks became mandatory across the city and Mitchell Shire on Thursday.The Premier issued harrowing plea to young Melburnians to take pandemic seriously. PLEASE HARKEN YOUNG ONES, YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE AND CAN SPREAD THE VIRUS🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻!
“jump Frankie”…………”
As per usual and MM Anon, you leave me one clue that makes me go Squirrley and I’m just going Squirrley Squirrley Squirrley! All I can find is something about a kid from a show called, The Middle, which I’ve never heard of and he’s jumping in and I don’t know what it doesn’t make sense. I highly doubt that you’re referring to some obscure American television show. I can’t find any high jumping athletes I cannae find nae the UK diver. I’m lost here. I am again thinking and searching and it’s probably obvious to those of you in the UK but I have no idea what this is.
Frankie is a male dog character who first appeared in JumpStart 1st Grade in 1995. He originally appeared mainly in products for first graders. Nowadays, he is the mascot of JumpStart and stars in games for a wide variety of ages.In JumpStart Around the World ,Frankie began wearing an outfit consisting of a blue collar red sweater with yellow trim, a V-neck, and the yellow letters “JS” on it. He continued to wear a similar outfit in other games released prior to and during the JumpStart Advanced series debut, though oftentimes the 'JS’ on his sweater was dropped. In the JumpStart Advanced series JumpStart All Starsfeature and title screens, Frankie wears a red shirt with blue stripes and yellow stars on it. Is this it? Are the Cambridge children using this to learn?? I have no doubt that I’m wrong but at least I found two interesting to interesting things to talk about anyways.
OK I was going to give it another 15 minutes before I gave up because I don’t get up and VoilaI found something about a chat named Frankie Detorri. He Is a horse jockey and has a signature move that he makes when he wins he jumps off the horse. We are you heard me right he jumped off the horse!Frankie’s flying on super Saturday! Dettori retains title as Royal Ascot’s top jockey with stunning 150-1 treble, including two Group Ones.
Dettori won the Queen Mary Stakes and then the Coronation Stakes. Ha persistence pays off oh I’m so happy! The treble was completed with Palace Pier in the St James’s Palace Stakes.The jockey moved onto 73 Royal Ascot winners - the same mark as Pat Eddery.
“it’s only to the Glen Sydney “ …………… “ it’s three miles sir” ……… “ get the bloody hamper” ……… “I’ll drive back sir” ………… “ not a bloody chance Sydney” ……… “ then I refuse sir” ……… “get your bloody arse in the LR” … “reluctantly sir “😱😱
I hear you have the humourous continuation of yesterday the disagreement between prince Philip and his dear man Sydney. Himself is trying to say it’s only a short drive but Sydney is saying it’s 3 miles Sir! Sounds like they’re going fishing or on a picnic and he’s telling him to get the hamper and Sydney wants as well I’ll drive back. And quite Himself saying no way and then he is Sydney is saying no way and himself is saying get your butt in the range rover or the lone ranger as he calling it end of dutiful Sydney says reluctantly with horror on his face I could just see and hear hear this ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha conversation!
72. July 27
MM ANON ………… BARC-ALONE-A……… no Transport home………on ya bike …………… obesities ………… floating for Vlad…………… Kim-jong-corona ………… Hurriicant ………… Moderna………Daisy down……… dog collar reunion …………………”more than kin and less than kind” ………… “ a three-pounder Sydney,the Gillie can smoke it” ………” Sydney, Sydney ……… SYDNEY???”
July 26/2020. Riddle #72.
💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈😊😊😊😊😊😊Thank you so much MM Anon, l am praying no clues will drive me Squirrley today!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 I must add, I thank you so much for all, the other month I said I want more Royal news in the riddle blah blah blah, but I truly am grateful that you’re including all this world news because I have, for my own mental health I have stopped basically stopped watching the news because it was really affecting me in a bad way. And a lot of the things here I didn’t know so I didn’t know about the hurricane I didn’t know about Russia I didn’t know but all these things so thank you so much for including them because even though I know these things take so much time to research and get the right information and put it in there the right way it’s just it’s just great thank you just my opinion !PG💜💜💜💜😁😁😁😁😁😁💜💜💜💜
All uppercase has a reason and it’s obvious spell obviously Barcelona who is alone in Barcelona?Going to leave that one for now. This makes me think of Manuel from FawltyTowers, or Flawty Woerts or Lawfty Swoert, if you watch the show, you get the joke ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha . I think this is referring to the coronavirus and the fact that millions potentially of UK citizens will be trapped alone in Spain and in Barcelona which is in Spain. More than 600,000 British holidaymakers in Spain are already grappling.The government suddenly pulled its air bridge with Spain with almost immediate effect this week following a spike of coronavirus cases in the country.The move, which came into effect from midnight yesterday, means anyone returning to Britain from Spain faces an automatic fortnight-long quarantine at home.The rules apply to all regions of Spain, including the Canary and Balearic islands - though politicians in the latter say they are attempting to thrash out a regional air bridge.
‘Fortunately I’m feeling OK’: Barcelona football legend Xavi announces he has tested positive for coronavirus with Spaniard set to miss Al Sadd’s game TODAY while he is self-isolating. Long-serving Barcelona icon Xavi revealed he tested positive for coronavirus.
Barcelona goes into ‘voluntary lockdown’: City’s 1.6m residents are urged to stay home and avoid groups of more than ten after spike in coronavirus cases.Regional government stopped short of imposing a mandatory lockdown.Authorities said requested measures were to avoid a mandatory lockdown.Barcelona residents told to shop online and only leave home when it’s essential. Please let us remember Ladykinrannoch’s son and his partner live in Barcelona and they have a business there let’s remember to pray for them.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
no Transport home………
Well it sounds like Ryan air is having lots of trouble and layoffs so that could impact many people.Europe It’s starting to cut off Spain in terms of travel because of the coronavirus has risen again and they are terrified of a second wave. Francis actively discourage not Francis Francis Francis the country France thank you, is actively discouraging its citizens not to travel to Catalonia or to Spain which is I guess I think due to this and Norway is also oh my gosh Norway is reimposing quarantine! Oh my stars! And British tourists are warned they’re Being given a warning that airbridges could be close without notice! So I have a feeling that people are going to be trapped where they are, some people ,not all people and it’ll be like the other ruling there yesterday that Dominic Rasb made that people have to go in quarantine as soon as they return to the UK and nobody knew that because it happened like a snap. We are far from done with this coronavirus kids and the sooner we accept that the better let’s all go out and buy some fancy masks. I bought myself a ordered online a number of them and I don’t wanna plug any company but I don’t know if you gals gals,how old am I, only getting us ladies haveThe lug purses they’re terribly popular with young mums I know my niece has about 15 of them are more anyways they’re they’re highly utilitarian but cute and they are water repellent and fluid repellent and they have now started making masks and they have an endless selection to choose from and they come in sets of three so I ordered my set the three for $30 and the I ordered the set I ordered because that was the only one that had a purple purple coloured mask with that I think a dragon fly……I AM MOTHER OF DRAGONS😁😁😁 RIGHT SANDIEDOG??😁😁😁on there anyways They haven’t come yet but they’re on their way to me but if you go to lug life dot ca life I’ll have to hand type that in anyways if you don’t know lug it it’s OK l don’t know if it’s allowed on Tumblr to do a website like that so will find out I guess if it gets posted but anyways just a thought I thought about how I need to have a water repellant mask because if it’s water repellant that maybe it’s fluid repellent so if someone spits at you like accidentally like with her but when they’re talking to you anyways I just thought they would be more protective plus they are awfully cute so I have ordered myself a collection of very pretty masks my sister’s got me a purple one and I ordered one from our local shopping centre or what am I talking about, the shopping channel, oh my stars my brain is wonky and you guys all get to come along with me ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I love how this thing when I’m laughing listening type ha ha Ha ha ha I don’t I love you even more and I can’t stop myself oh no I don’t love you even more I love you more I said I love you even more I said l laugh LAUGH even more oh my goodness you guys are going to have a ball reading this.!.
on ya bike …………… obesities …………
I’m going to combine these two there’s a huge backlash and there’s been a couple articles that I read that mayor city con of London , Mayor Sadiq Khan of London, oh that won’t type so let’s I’ll have to do that my hand all the software is racist oh it’s racist it won’t type the name ha ha ha ha . The taxi drivers are especially ticked off about this. He is taking one lane of the already busy lanes of traffic in London and oh I don’t know how many miles I think 10 or 15 miles have already been done and I think there’s another equal amount being planned and they’ve been designated as bicycle lanes because he has this grand idea that people will cycle to work or cycle to downtown London and that way they can avoid using public transportation and less than their risk of coronavirus and basically that will drive the taxi drivers out of business and lessen the ability for disabled people to take the taxi because there are less places where they can pick up and drop off people because they cannot drive in those designated lanes. It’s really upset a lot of people. And in that with the obesity is that the stats are saying people with obesity and have a higher risk of dying from coal coronavirus. And the the p.m. forests and not evening Boris the Prime Minister Boris Johnson although he is in the evening as well I mean let’s face it that he lives both in the day and the night time as opposed to me, who seem to be sleeping during the day and a vampire oh. Anyhow he when he first started dating this Carrie Symonds, I think that’s howhow you spell her last name, she literally made him start eating well and exercise and he dropped a bunch of weight. And he said he’s dropped another was it 15 pounds or something since recovering from corona. So there’s been a lot of lots of talk about that as being a high risk factor in how the outcome is if you get coronavirus. And that simply because people who some people with obesity and have coexisting medical condition such as the hypertension and diabetes and that sort of thing, not everybody though some people are perfectly medically healthy and obese. Going to be really interesting I don’t know why I said that twiceGoing to be really interesting to see what happens with the gyms. With all the l mentioned at length last night or last night oh my goodness in the last riddle all the restrictions placed on the gym yet you have to come there ready to go early actually if you want, you can go back and read read yesterday’s riddle for all the details or Google it or whatever it’s all it’s gonna be really interesting because people have gotten used now either to a stopping working out which is a bad thing or working out at home and there’s so many great options now that you can use plus you don’t have to pay your gym fee so anyways it’s gonna be interesting to see what happens to yet another business as a result of coronavirus another change in our world. I realize that may be the longest run-on sentence in the in the world ever but it’s a longer sentence in those three travellers got for murdering that Police constable👮‍♀️ and I’m not joking! I know that’s not part of the clue but I’m just absolutely absolutely disgusted absolutely disgusted about that ruling by that judge I hope they appeal I hope the whoever has the power to appeal that decision because that is just disgusting what happened there!
floating for Vlad……………
Vladimir Putin has signed an order officially changing Russia’s constitution to allow him to stay in power until 2036!! Well isn’t that special that he’s able to do that wow in that supposedly a free country where they hold elections all the time isn’t that amazing can you hear the sarcasm?He signed the executive order Friday officially altering Russia’s constitution. His, oops l mean the new rules allow him to run for two more six-year terms, staying in power until 2036.I love that , you left in there that there’s two more elections , wow so he can run in an election two more times. Oh that’s great that he allowed the people the freedom of choice two more times! Vote for me or like the doctors who first started talking about coronavirus, you’ll accidentally fall from a window! Do you kids remember that? When the corona versus coronavirus not corona verse although it has become a universe of corona, that when the coronavirus first started appearing in Russia and doctors were sounding the alarm, I believe it was three doctors high ranking doctors that “fell” out of a high window and died. The changes are now in effect. This comes after Putin claimed victory in the vote which was widely thought to be rigged. I want to know many people died during that “ free election“. Yeah you’re not you’re not voting for him, you’re floating for him, if you speak your peace you sleep with the fishes like in the Godfather! Remember those two that were poisoned in what part of England was that. Can’t remember and then the 2people who found the perfume bottle that held the poison, oh I can’t even think about it it’s so terrible. How many Russians have sought asylum in the UK and ended up dying under mysterious circumstances. if you Google Russians found dead after the most recent election probably after every election there’s just all rules and oodles of articles and not just Russians in Russia Russians and New York Russians around the world anyways if you’re interested there’s lots of information there if you want to read it.
Kim-jong-corona …………
Well North Korea , KJU, and I guess The rumours of his death are premature, because there’s a new photo of him. And apparently they have their very first case of coronavirus and he’s declared a national emergency. I wonder how coronavirus got into North Korea might be there close relationship with China? I’m being sarcastic can you tell if my tone of voice? Someone suggested I do a podcast I think it would be hilarious if I only knew how to do that I would love to do a riddle on a podcast you could hear me doing this and you could hear my tone of voice and the sarcasm that is sometimes evidence often evidence! Not evidence evidence of a dent with a T. When the software gets mad at me it just shuts off when it won’t type the word that I’m saying it just stopped working it makes a ding and it stuck it’s like it has a temper tantrum , oh anyways you know I meant evidence and not evidence on it still think evidence with that stick with evidence let’s stick with that anyways. Do you think do you honestly believe in your heart of hearts with a close relationship that that Pyongyang has with China that this is their first case of coronavirus when the entire world has been in Fuego with this disease???? Raise your hand if you believe this isThe first case in North Korea raise your hand I’ll wait and then I’ll count your hands OK carry-on carry-on and counting and counting I don’t see any hands interesting. There’s no way that this is the first case of coronavirus in that country they are in bed with China like like let’s say Madam and any man on the planet that will have her that will pay her or rather that will pay her enough a ha ha ha ! So things must be pretty bad there for him to actually Go public about it! Not call public go public there we go! No wonder what’s going on there I want to how many people have died, have any people have been experimented on by the crazy government treatments experimental treatments etc. oh you need somebody to pray for pray for the poor people of North Korea those are brainwashed and those who are in work camps including probably some Canadians and some Americans for sure probably from other countries as well in the Commonwealth.
Hurriicant …………
This clue has two letters i’s and ends in t not e. Therefore means something more than just a hurricane. Hurry I can’t. That mean people weren’t able to evacuate in time. You know I used to say I wish we just had riddles again about the royal family. But you know MM Anon, I love that you were giving us all this world news because it’s so important and even though it takes a blank of a long time for me to research all this information, I’m well into two hours on the riddle now and I have a five clues to go, but I think it’s so important and I thank you for doing that. Hurricane Hanna roared ashore onto the Texas Gulf Coast on Saturday, bringing winds that lashed the shoreline with rain and storm surge, and even threatening to bring possible tornadoes to a part of the country trying to cope with a spike in coronavirus cases.The first hurricane of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season made landfall at around 5 p.m. local time about 24 kilometres north of Port Mansfield, which is about 209 kilometres south of Corpus Christi and about 113 kilometres north of Brownsville. As of Saturday evening, it had maximum sustained winds of 145 km/h.
Many parts of Texas, including the area where Hanna came ashore, have been dealing with a surge in coronavirus cases in recent weeks, but local officials said they were prepared for whatever the storm might bring.(CBC) Southern Texas area struck hardest by coronavirus hit by Hurricane Hanna.
Texas officials grappling with the coronavirus are now working a second front after Hurricane Hanna made landfall on the southeastern part of the state Saturday evening and now threatens parts of the state with flooding.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Medina is a huge pharmaceutical corporation.Time is of the essence to provide a vaccine against this pandemic virus.
Moderna is proud to be among the many groups working to respond to this continuing global health emergency. They have outlined key milestones in their work to advance mRNA-1273, their vaccine candidate against the novel coronavirus, Covid-19. (Reuters) - Moderna Inc said on Sunday it has received an additional $472 million from the U.S. government’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) to support development of its novel coronavirus vaccine. Let’s pray🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 an effective vaccine comes sooner rather than later!
Daisy down………
Daisy Lowe, I’ve got Daisy down and Daisy done she got done by the law.She doesn’t waste any time! Daisy Lowe moves on with love interest number THREE in four months of lockdown as she is seen smooching a mystery man in a park PDA-fest.The model, 31, was pictured passionately kissing the handsome man just a month after she was linked to musician Christian Langdon. Daisy stepped out with Christian in June despite being under government-ordered lockdown for 10 weeks.A spokesperson for Daisy told MailOnline she and Christian were just friends, despite their cosy display during lockdown.The model dated singer Jack Peñate for six months, until March, but said she 'could not see a future with him.
Daisy Lowe risks being BANNED from driving and a £1,000 fine as she is caught texting behind the wheel while driving past the British Transport Police station.The model, 31, was seen looking down at her phone as she waited at traffic lights outside the British Transport Police station. It is illegal to hold a phone while driving and the law still applies if someone is stopped at traffic lights or waiting in traffic .Daisy, who is the daughter of singer Gavin Rossdale, (OF THE 90’s SUPERBAND , BUSH, I LOVED THEM!!! ALSO WAS MARRIED TO GWEN STEFANI NOW WITH BLAKE SHELTON, JUST TO HELP YOU KIDS OUT KNOWING WHO THIS IS).let both hands go of the wheel while she was stopped and checked her phone.According to gov.uk, people can get six penalty points as well as a £200 fine if they use a hand held phone while driving .Those who commit the offense can also be taken to court where they could potentially be banned from driving or face a £1,000 fine. Yes I’m sure £1000 fine will bankrupt her indeed not!(DM and me😁)
dog collar reunion …………………”
With the exception of I think two or three clues I’ve had to research my butt off to find this information. And you always leave me with one clue that makes me Squirrley! Now I know a dog colour is a slang name Ashley’s dog tags that are a slang name for what the military people wear around their neck their identification. So I’ve been googling every sort of reunion of every dog in soldier I can’t find anything this is a dog collar so dog collar I mean a collar is a slang term for an arrest. What to the dog do you do reunite oh I’m stuck here I truly am stuck here. but I never give up and I’m pretty sure I have found what this clue is about.
Pet dog named, Appy that went missing a YEAR ago is miraculously found 150km from home and reunited with his owners this week!☺️☺️☺️😊😊The Border collie named Appy is reunited with family 12 months after going missing.Appy disappeared from Adelaide in 2019 before turning up again this week.The beloved dog was found by a council officer 150km north of his home.How the dog managed to make the 150km trip or how he survived for the past year remain a mystery. How is that for a feel-good story with amongst all the world news! Thank you for including that even if it’s the wrong answer I’m just happy I found that story I love border collies friend of mine used to have one but he probably still does and his name is Guinness and I love that dog oh I love that dog oh so nice.
“more than kin and less than kind” …………
Oh at last we return to the Bard! This is from Hamlet. “A little more than kin, and less than kind”. Prince Hamlet’s father was murdered by his brother and he married Hamlet’s mother, your usual Shakespearean tragedy. This is Hamlet’s assessment of his relationship to the new king of Denmark, his uncle Claudius. Hamlet thoughts of Claudius are he is more than “kin” (more than a “cousin” because now a stepfather), but definitely less than “kind.” With all that’s been going on in the media with this new this ‘ book’ trash that’s being portrayed yesterday’s daily mail the entire website was full of articles. I’m not sure what your meaning by this, Harry is kin but he’s not being kind? I fully believe in Harry 100% that he’s been entrapped in this and he’s been working on behalf of her Majesty to extricate them from this horrendous situation. The obvious meaning to me, because I 100% believe in Prince Harry is that even though he is married to Madam, the word kind, one of her is he kind is he kind is he kind is he kind I’m saying that in the most childish sarcastic voice you could imagine. Even though they’re married publicly anyways, I don’t know if the divorce or an annulment has come through ,we don’t know that. As far as the public since you’re in the married and she is anything but kind and never has been , this whole book and everything she’s doing the entire time is belittling him and of course he’s having to go along with it in the public because the royal family is playing the long game. They are dealing with much more than just Madam, they’re dealing with The backers. As we know this is not a small plot to take down the monarchy this is the world issue. And as London scoop said it will involve a major case overturned in the United States and it will affect or involve the entire world, but mostly the UK the United States and Australia. Well you put that together, who lives in Australia that is playing this game? I’ll give you three hints VRG! What case legal case in the United States has been overturned? I’ll give you two hints JE! What legal case involving the UK is now underway in the United States? I’ll give you two hints GM!. It is vital now that we continue to pray for our Queen the entire family and especially Prince Harry.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
“ a three-pounder Sydney,the Gillie can smoke it” ………” Sydney, Sydney ……… SYDNEY???”
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha OK kids can you picture this oh me in my head right now picture himself standing in his waders up to his chest Fly fishing with Sydney standing by holding him up also wearing waders maybe not holding him up but being there last he fall in the middle of the river ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha ha.
If you know anything about flyfishing that is a place for flyfishing and you got to be in the middle of the river to do flyfishing and of course you don’t want to get wet so you got to wear your waders your rubber thing that you just step into they go all the way up to your chest and the straps over. hence the term so you can wade into the water. i’m not quite sure how old Sydney is but I can’t imagine he is the a young man of 25. I’m still laughing anyhow sounds like her himself vantage to bag a nice fish and Himself says the Gillies can smoke it. Well we all know the Gillies are the fisherman there , they give lessons or t help. Every year there’s a Gillies ball , which I doubt this year will happen , where the Gillies get up just up in their finest of their kilts and they have a ball at Balmoral. Some of the pictures from the past are just beautiful and they all get a dance with HMTQ. I’m not sure what’s happened to prior to poor Sydney but I have a feeling that he’s got lost in the water and being rushed down the river poor poor Sydney ha ha ha ha ha ha!
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
73. July 27
MM ANON:…… arrivals !!…………… HMTQ, “ ego lava manus meas”……………” you bloody talk to them”……………Kate cry’s lies………… lying interview……… O ‘no!! …………… one man and his dog…………… a foggy moggy……… “ let’s go shooting Sydney “………… “ with guns sir” ……… “ lots of bloody guns” ……………” O dear”
Entertainment purposes
July 27/2020. Riddle #73
💜💜💜 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😊😊😊😊🌈🌈🌈🌈Thank you MM Anon🌈🌈🌈🌈💜💜💜
I am using rainbows because for a very specific reason because I think we are very near the end of our dear Prince Harry being released from the abomination this hell he’s been through!
arrivals !!
Well let’s see now this could be at the airport because of the air bridge problem with the rise in coronavirus and possible UK tourist being stranded. Two!‘s. Arrivals arrivals makes me think of a new baby. I know Vogue Williams, Pippa’s sister-in-law is very very pregnant with her girl with a girl rather and I know Sophie Turner is pregnant and I do believe they both had their little baby so I’m just gonna do a little jig over to the daily mail and a check that out for you I will be back in uno moments! Vogue Williams has been pictured with her baby girl for the first time since she gave birth last week.The model and TV personality, 34, was seen running errands with her newborn in London on Monday, five days after welcoming her second child with husband Spencer Matthews, 31, into the world. The new mother-of-two looked glamorous in a short black dress and leather lace-up boots as she loaded her daughter’s pram into the back of a taxi. Baby number one check mark ✅.Sophie Turner gives birth! Game Of Thrones star welcomes a ‘girl named Willa’ with husband Joe Jonas as proud new parents reveal they’re ‘delighted’. Just in case you’re keeping score Joe Jonas is the brother to the chat that Priyanka Chopra married. Man this is a small world that these people travelling wowza! The actress, 24, and the musician, 30, welcomed their first child in secret last week at a hospital in Los Angeles.The couple are now proud parents to a baby girl who is believed to be named Willa.News that the couple were expecting their first child together broke in February, nine months after their Vegas wedding. Arrival number to check mark ✅ two!‘s Two babies!!
HMTQ, “ ego lava manus meas”
I wash my hands of this! Her Majesty has given the go ahead and I think we can expect any day now any moment now a big headline!!! Hallelujah this is exciting!! Like in the olden days when they used to have the ,oh what’s it called ,when the guys on the horses went with those long lances on either side what the heck is that sport called ,back in the olden times oh what’s it called? I got to Google,hang on, I’ll be back. OK I’m back it’s jousting. And how they used to do it was the king and the royals would be all ,or the queen ,but it was always a king will be sitting in the royal box of course having front centre stage. They would drop a hankerchief and that’s when the two riders would start riding towards each other and trying kill each other with those big poles or whatever they call them lances. I’m not even sure what they were called. I wasn’t alive during the mediaeval times.OK kids I’m old and I’m gonna be 54 in a few days, but I was not alive during the mediaeval times, even though you might think so because I do have a lot of knowledge but I am that that’s not because I lived lived back thenHa ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Oh kids I love this thing to type ha ha Ha ha ha LOL and then I laughed even harder and I have to just stop I have to shut it off oh this is so funny oh man so too funny.Back to the serious I do believe her Majesty the Queen has officially dropped the handkerchief Lord Geidt has been given permission to release the hounds. She has done everything she can and she’s done with things. Now off on vacation and let the you know what hit the fan, which is actually really is with this book, but she will play her hand and she has washed her hands! Per the Latin clue! she’s usually good ,good handwashing skills during the coronavirus definitely end in Latin thank you for that MM Anon,they should write that in Latin too and in addition to English wash your hands social distanceHa ha ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Oh kids forgive me I’m just like I am having way too much fun doing these riddles in the audio format because I feel like I’m talking to each and everyone of you personally and I know that you’re fixated on my words and my facial expression, on the tone of my voice and as you read it you’re trying to imagine all of that. I’m doing my best trying my best to to make this the best experience for you all while solving these clues that again was a very long sentence but that’s OK that’s what I’m known for. I hope Madamgets a long sentence all in favour is your hand oh wow everybody’s hand just went up before almost before I finish my sentence good job kids!
“you bloody talk to them”……………
Well this is got to be Himself. I wonder if this is not meaning that Prince Harry should talk to the media. that he should announce separation or something like that. Seems to me that there would be a statement released if they were separated rather than him going public with the media. I’m thinking hard. The other way I’m going to go with, now this is something that some people will not like, this so this is not personal against anybody.OK I want to make that clear with what I’m about to say! I think this might be Prince Philip taking a hard talk with Prince Andrew and basically ordering him to talk to the FBI and law-enforcement regarding what he knows and what he doesn’t know. To be questioned and provide answers accordingly. I’m pretty sure that’s what this is. Again this is nothing personal please I love the Yorks I love the girls please please no one take this personally!
Kate cry’s lies…………
There was an article in the daily mail today from insiders and courtiers That actively denied that Madam made Catherine cried you’re in the way the fittings for the dresses for the wedding. If truth be told there was all that arrangement was done within two weeks the men’s suits the boys is rather the dresses for the girls they were all a rush job within two weeks.. There’s nothing that could make Catherine cry involving Madam just another one of her lies that she’s put out into the PR world. When she just love to have that much power over her wouldn’t she just love it oh man that would just fit her narcissistic ego publicly telling people she made Catherine cry how pathetic!
lying interview………
Surely this is not referring to the engagement interview that was years ago. Ever since everything Madam has said has been a lie. might this be Scooby Doo and who are you whatever that lady’s name is Durand I am stating they had corroborated at least every fact in the book with at least two sources and lying about that. Unusual this though usually when a book comes out the authors go on tour but so far I’ve not heard of anything happening like that. Just one side of the story? Royal expert says it’s clear Finding Freedom authors have spoken to people 'close’ to Harry and Madam as couple deny involvement in book that airs their grievances - and 'backs up what’s already been said’. Don’t believe that for a minute Harry had nothing to do with this book other than his reputation being dragged through the mud and his name being used in vain! The Duke and Duchess of Sussex last night stressed they did not contribute to the forthcoming biography. Oh I hate that they use that title they the duke of Sussex stressed nothing it is that sea hags PRPR did that stressing nothing to do with him nothing to do with him at all!Author Omid Scobie confirmed neither he nor co-writer Carolyn Durand have spoken to the royal pair. But he boasted of access to their inner circle to offer readers a unique insight into the Megxit saga. Maybe he can swing those inner circle access into being incarcerated, he could be cell buddies😄😁😁😁😁Royal historian Kate Williams said their closest confidantes ‘clearly’ spoke to “writers” of this “ book”! Well since Madam’s favourite people are her herself and when you say me myself and I except I’m pretending to be her. Those are her favourite people so those might be the sources. I could see that I could totally see 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄that that being three separate sources yes and then there could be the duchess, the actress, the theatre 🎭 patron,the video star, the whatever that’s many many different people to interview. Wow that’s amazing that I can see that now, 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 no she had nothing to do with it look at this now let me count this up. By my math that’s six sources so I can totally totally understand! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄Can you guys hear this sickening crying sarcasm in my voice as I said that I wish you could because I said that as sarcastically as I’ve ever said anything in my life!!🙄🙄🙄😝😝😝😁😁😁
O ‘no!! ……………
Oh my heart bleeds for her not!! I never ever ever liked her haughtyI know everything and I’m going to tell you how to live your life approach to it whether it was her show, tv channel or her stinking magazine! OW’s, AKA ALLEGED BACKER, monthly magazine founded 20 years ago will cease printing after its December 2020 issue, according to reports. Oh doesn’t your heart just bleed for the billionaire?? Mine sure doesn’t! Although I do feel for all the people losing their jobs that I do feel for. The staff of O: The Oprah Magazine, which was created by Winfrey and Hearst Communications, was informed of the decision on Friday.The report came the day after the president of Hearst Magazines, which publishes the magazine, resigned after being accused of sexual harassment. Why does everything have to come down to perverse sexual behaviour? Everything, it’s just it just has seeped into every nook and cranny and that’s the way evil is, it will find its way in through the smallest weakest spaces.Which is precisely why we must be ever ever on guard, always on guard lest evil enter.
one man and his dog……………
So it was in the beginning, so it has been throughout, and so it continues now, Harry has been at Nottingham Cottage with his dog whose name none of us know because he doesn’t want Madam to know! Madam has been dealt with, she is done, she did her own self in with this book,she is gone and things are official! Harry is back in the fold, with his dog, where he belongs, back where we wanted him and soon it will be public very very soon. I’m not giving a day or time but l am saying imminently! Trust me on this if you’ve ever trusted me before I’ve done probably now this is 73 probably close to 300 riddles and the way I’m reading these clues I’m pretty sure I’m right!
a foggy moggy………
Now I know a moggy is a cat. Foggy can mean foggy as in weather or foggy in a persons thinking. there’s an article in the daily mail I’m good I just put it here. But I don’t know if that’s right because the other clues are so serious and I don’t I mean cats aren’t great, they’re awesome they’re really awesome but I don’t know if this is right. 😁DM.No fat cats here! This Moggy loves to lie on his owner’s vibrating fitness plate - with hilarious results. Cyacya the cat was filmed by his owner rocking up and down on the machine. The owner Asami Niwa said the cat had learned to turn it on himself in Tokyo, Japan.Footage shows the cat rolling around on the machine for a full-body massage.DM😁 But this makes no sense with all these other clues that are so serious this makes no sense that there would be a clue in here just about a cat using an exercise machine. It’s got to be something else on my mind is just thinking thinking thinking and as I always say there’s always always a clue or two that drive me Squirrley and a couple have already been this riddle entire riddle has about four or five of them and I’ve managed to crack two of them and I am not going to stop until I get there with what I think is the proper answer. I have it now I have it now and if you kids go to the daily mail you got to see this video this is unbelievable.
DM😁Feline scared? Spooky moment security camera shows moggy being followed by a 'phantom cat’.Juliette Bird, 53, and Deanna Crawte, 28, saw the 'ghost’ of a cat on their CCTV. Neighbour’s cat Topsy appeared to have a spectral feline following close behind.Their neighbour then told them that her other cat Liquorice had died recently. Seriously on the video you see the cat walking and you can see like a ghostly foggy image of a cat behind right behind him on the CCTV footage it is freaky I’m gonna see if I can put the link in here if F what’s this called Tumblr will will let it go allow it anyways if not go to the daily mail because it is absolutely freaky and it is a foggy moggy.
“ let’s go shooting Sydney “………… “ with guns sir” ……… “ lots of bloody guns” ……………” O dear”
Oh I’m already in stitches raining this oh Prince Philip wants to go shooting Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Picture this they’re all kitted out in their flannel, in their leather and all that cute stuff that they were up in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿. Sydney, poor Sydney , poor Sydney, Poor Sydney is asking with guns Sir, like with actual guns sir? As he’s asking this, he’s thinking of 1 million places where he can hide all the guns and 1 million excuses to give that would be excepted by Himself,ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂.Himself replies,so you can read the reply,as many as possible, poor Sydney is trembling absolutely travelling is terrified I can just see this in my mind ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha .🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
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watchilove · 5 years
Swiss Haute Horlogerie Manufacture Audemars Piguet celebrated the unveiling of The Art of Listening: Under Water, a new public site-specific sound composition by Norwegian contemporary artist Jana Winderen during Art Basel in Miami Beach. Located in the Collins Park Rotunda, the installation brings awareness to the ocean’s increasingly fragile ecosystem and represents the artist’s most recent investigation on the environmental impact of human-created sounds on our planet.
Art Basel Jana Winderen
Audemars Piguet marked the celebration of the artwork’s debut in the Collins Park Rotunda with a private press walkthrough and intimate brunch. Led by Susan Simmons, Audemars Piguet Foundation’s General Secretary and Audemars Piguet Associate Curator Denis Pernet, the walkthrough provided guests with an inspiring insight into the Manufacture’s collaboration with Winderen and the latest resultant work, which was completed onsite in Miami by intermixing sounds from local waterways and undersea life. Visitors experienced the work first-hand by listening to the recorded sounds of the oceanic environment and reflecting on the ways in which human activity is constantly interfering with this delicate ecosystem.
Jana Winderen recording
The composition discloses sounds specific to the Miami harbour area, the Barents Sea and the Tropical Oceans exposing the constant presence of human noise that pervades these oceanic environments. The work was produced in conjunction with long-time collaborator Tony Myatt and is free and open to the public throughout Miami Art Week.
Jana Winderen recording
The Art of Listening: Under Water bears strong resonance with a theme present in many of Audemars Piguet’s artistic projects, raising environmental awareness around the world. When asked about her interest in working beneath the surface of the water to source sounds for her compositions, Winderen replied: “I have always been drawn to the underwater environment since I was quite young. There is so much life and activity within it, almost all of which is entirely inaccessible to humans. Recording these sounds offers a way to understand the plants and animals beneath the ocean as well as how these life forms respond to the inescapable human activities which surround them. When you listen to the composition, it’s impossible to decipher the difference between the two, the natural and unnatural, which I hope brings pause and contemplation.”
Jana Winderen
Additionally, Audemars Piguet presented Du Petit Risoud aux profondeurs du Lac de Joux in this year’s Collectors Lounge at Art Basel in Miami Beach, Winderen’s first site-specific commission for Audemars Piguet which followed a two-part residency in the Vallée de Joux in early 2019. The work, which made its debut at Art Basel in Basel (June 2019), also examines the human impact on our environment, bringing listeners on a journey through the unique ecosystem of this remote valley by uncovering the heightened sound of civilisation heard throughout the surrounding forests and the depths of the Lac de Joux.
Jana Winderen
The Lounge also represented the latest chapter in Fernando Mastrangelo’s collaboration with Audemars Piguet. Mastrangelo first unveiled his Lounge design during Art Basel in Hong Kong (March 2019), evolving the project for this year’s edition of Art Basel in Miami Beach by displaying bespoke furniture, design cases and walls inspired by the natural landscape of the Vallée de Joux, precisely crafted after his visit to this mountainous region.
Art Basel Miami Beach Lounge
Both Winderen’s and Mastrangelo’s commissioned works presented in Miami Beach provided viewers with intimate glimpses into the multitude of ways in which artists creatively interpret the world around us.
“To break the rules, you must first master them.”
About Jana Winderen
Jana Winderen
Norwegian sound artist Jana Winderen takes her audience on immersive and sensory journeys through our environment. By revealing the small and most inaccessible sounds of our environment, the artist appeals to listeners’ emotions, hoping to gain their interest in and respect for our complex world, while raising ecological awareness. Winderen has graduated from the Fine Art programme at Goldsmiths, University of London and has a background in mathematics, chemistry and fish ecology from the University of Oslo. Since 1992, sound has been at the core of her artistic practice, leading her to travel across Europe, Asia and the Americas to record audio environments and ecosystems hard for humans to access physically and aurally.
Jana Winderen
For the last 14 years, Winderen has used high-precision and high-quality hydrophones, microphones and ultrasound detectors to record sound from fish, crustaceans and mammals, as well as inaudible sounds such as ultrasounds lying above the range of human hearing, gathered in oceans, rivers, lakes or in other environments inaccessible to the human ear. Winderen uses these natural sounds as source material to compose sound collages for immersive multi-channel sound installations, live concerts, as well as soundtracks for film and dance performances. She releases her work on vinyl, CDs, cassettes and as digital downloads.
Jana Winderen
Her sound work has been performed in major institutions and public spaces worldwide. Her current projects include the composition Listening with Carp exhibited at Now is the Time – Wuzhen International Art Exhibition in China, as well as Through the Bones presented at the Thailand International Art Biennale in Krabi (2018–2019).
Jana Winderen
Her multi-channel audio installation Bára, a commission by TBA21–Academy, was shown in 2018 at the exhibition Oceans: Imagining a Tidalectic Worldview, Dubrovnik Museum of Modern Art and at Le Fresnoy: Studio national des arts contemporains. It was also presented as part of Tidalectics, Augarten in Vienna in 2017. Other recent work includes Raft of Ice a permanent temperature interactive sound installation for the US Embassy in Oslo (2018); Spring Bloom in the Marginal Ice Zone: From the Barents Sea to Lake Ontario for work of WIND AIR LAND SEA in Toronto (2018); Rats – Secret Soundscapes of the City, commissioned by the Munchmuseum on the Move/NyMusikk in Oslo (2017); Transmission, commissioned by the V-A-C Foundation for Geometry of Now, Moscow (2017); and Spring Bloom in the Marginal Ice Zone, a commission for the Sonic Acts Festival (2017), among others. The Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo dedicated an important monographic exhibition to Winderen’s research in collaboration with Tony Myatt, Rungrueng Ramanyah and Palin Ansusinha, from June to August 2019.
Winderen was the recipient of the Golden Nica, Prix Ars Electronica for Digital Musics & Sound Art in 2011. Her work is published by the London-based label Touch, alongside artists including Oren Ambarchi, Fennesz, Phill Niblock, Hildur Gudnadottir. http://www.janawinderen.com/
About Fernando Mastrangelo
Fernando Mastrangelo is a Brooklyn-based, contemporary artist specialising in sculpture, furniture, architecture and interior design. Inspired by landscapes, people and politics, his sculptural work experiments with forms, materials and content to create a universe in which nature, textures and the human condition are layered and interconnected. Seeing his work as a “relic for our time,” Mastrangelo repurposes natural granular materials like sand, salt and silica, while often addressing ecological issues. Each piece’s form is influenced by the material used and its geographic origins.
Art Basel Miami Beach Lounge
Mastrangelo received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle in 2002 and completed his Master of Fine Arts in Sculpture in 2004 at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. After his studies, Mastrangelo worked in collaboration with Matthew Barney, before launching his own design studio, now known as FM/S. Located in Brooklyn, his studio has grown over the years to experiment with painting, sculpture, furniture, architecture and interiors, and presents a variety of mediums and collections.
His group and solo works have been exhibited in numerous art fairs and venues including the Collective Design Fair, NYCxDesign, the Sight Unseen Office, the Salone del Mobile in Milan, Art Genève in Switzerland, Art Basel in Miami Beach, the Brooklyn Museum, the Mendes Wood Gallery, the Mike Weiss Gallery, the Neuberger Museum, and the Rossana Orlandi Gallery in Milan. In 2017, with the next generation of makers in mind, Mastrangelo launched a non-profit organisation, In Good Company, with an annual group exhibition that honours the spirit of creativity by providing a platform for emerging artists and designers to exhibit their work without commercial or creative restraint. To learn more about In Good Company please visit http://www.igc.design.
About Audemars Piguet
Audemars Piguet is the oldest fine watchmaking manufacturer still in the hands of its founding families (Audemars and Piguet). Since 1875, the company has written some of the finest chapters in the history of Haute Horlogerie, including a number of world firsts. In the Vallée de Joux, at the heart of the Swiss Jura, numerous masterpieces are created in limited series embodying a remarkable degree of horological perfection, including daring sporty models, classic and traditional timepieces, splendid ladies’ jewellery-watches, as well as one-of-a-kind creations.
About Audemars Piguet and Art
Pursuing its commitment to craft, creativity and innovation, Audemars Piguet formed a partnership with Art Basel in 2013, supporting the world’s premier contemporary art shows in Hong Kong, Basel and Miami Beach. Since then, Audemars Piguet has presented innovative Lounge concepts and artworks at all three Art Basel shows, inviting artists to creatively interpret its heritage and origins.
Audemars Piguet Innovative Lounges
For Audemars Piguet’s inaugural Art Basel Lounge, French designer Sébastien Leon Agneessens created Between Now and Then, an environment that introduced visitors to Audemars Piguet’s place of origin, Le Brassus. Mathieu Lehanneur’s 2014 Lounge concept Mineral Lab explored the themes of technology versus nature. Starting in 2016, Sebastian Errazuriz’s dynamic, immersive Lounge designs complemented Audemars Piguet’s presentation at each Art Basel show. The trilogy of Lounge concepts were inspired by three core natural materials native to the Vallée de Joux — ice (Ice Cycle, 2016), wood (Second Nature, 2017), and ore (Foundations, 2018).
Origins Projects
Since the formation of the partnership in 2013, Audemars Piguet has developed and presented collaborations with artists and designers in the Manufacture’s Collectors Lounge at all three Art Basel shows. The displayed artworks and the spaces in which they are presented reflect on Audemars Piguet’s sense of deep-rooted history, its connections with nature and commitment to creativity, innovation and independence. Audemars Piguet commissions annual Origins projects whereby artists create works that offer their own, highly personal interpretations of the company’s cultural and geographical origins. These projects testify to the fertile dialogue between two distinct areas of creative endeavour—contemporary art and Haute Horlogerie—and are emblematic of the company’s deeply held values.
Audemars Piguet first commissioned the photographic works by British photographer Dan Holdsworth in 2012. At Art Basel in Hong Kong 2014, Audemars Piguet unveiled a new panoramic film, Measure, by Austrian videographer Kurt Hentschläger. In 2015, Audemars Piguet presented an eco-wall of living moss combined with a sound installation titled Wild Constellations by Geneva-based artist Alexandre Joly. In 2016, Audemars Piguet hosted an exhibition titled To Break the Rules, You Must First Master Them, installed within the Yuz Museum of Contemporary Art in Shanghai for which French designer Mathieu Lehanneur created a temporary space which explored the rich history of the brand. The exhibition, which featured more than 200 watches, was complemented by an original video-work titled Circadian Rhythm by Chinese artist Cheng Ran. This was subsequently presented at Audemars Piguet’s Lounge at Art Basel in Miami Beach in 2017. Remains: Vallée de Joux, a series of ultra-high resolution prints interpreting Audemars Piguet’s origins, was presented on the Lounge at Art Basel in 2018. For Art Basel in Miami Beach 2018, Quayola also presented Promenade, a film which explores the logic and aesthetics of autonomous vehicle computer-vision systems as a drone flies through the secluded forests of the Vallée de Joux.
The Audemars Piguet Art Commission
At the crux of Audemars Piguet’s involvement with the arts is the Audemars Piguet Art Commission. The Commission, announced in May 2014, draws inspiration from the craftsmanship and technical excellence inherent in Audemars Piguet’s legacy of watchmaking. For each Commission, an artist-curator duo is selected to realise a new artwork which explores complexity and precision, while enlisting contemporary creative practice, complex mechanics, technology and science. By inviting artists to push the limits of technical virtuosity and scientific ingenuity, the Art Commission explores the link between the traditions of Haute Horlogerie and Art. Recipients are given carte blanche to realise their project. Audemars Piguet provides full financial support for each Commission, in addition to the specialised expertise required.
The first Commission, unveiled at Art Basel 2015, was created by Swiss artist and composer Robin Meier and curated by Marc-Olivier Wahler. Synchronicity explored the underlying mathematical rules of self-organisation among seemingly unrelated components: fireflies, computers, crickets, sounds and electromagnetic pendulums. In 2016, Ruijun Shen curated Chinese artist Sun Xun’s Reconstruction of the Universe, a large-scale immersive bamboo installation and 3D film, comprised of tens of thousands of hand-carved woodblocks, unveiled at Art Basel in Miami Beach. The following year, Los Angeles-based, multidisciplinary artist Lars Jan was selected for the third Art Commission. His large-scale installation Slow-Moving Luminaries, curated by Kathleen Forde, was also presented on the oceanfront at Art Basel in Miami Beach 2017 and explored topics of oscillations, including time, memory and the changing climate. At Art Basel 2018 in Basel, Semiconductor (Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt) presented HALO, curated by Mónica Bello in collaboration with the CERN. Taking the form of a large cylinder, this work was illuminated and enveloped in the sound produced by data from particle-collision experiments taking place at the CERN.
  Art Basel Jana Winderen
Unveiling of The Art of Listening: Under Water. Courtesy of the artist and Audemars Piguet
Art Basel Miami Beach Lounge
Art Basel Miami Beach Lounge
Audemars Piguet unveils the latest chapter of an ongoing collaboration with Jana Winderen at Art Basel in Miami Beach 2019 Swiss Haute Horlogerie Manufacture Audemars Piguet celebrated the unveiling of The Art of Listening: Under Water…
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loradmurphy · 7 years
Beach Wedding Inspiration with Blue and Gold Styling
This post Beach Wedding Inspiration with Blue and Gold Styling first appeared on The Wedding Community Blog
Today I’m taking you to the beach. I’d like to help you escape this bitterly cold weather, and think of summer. I’m not talking about the beach of a tropical island though; oh no. We’re going to a beautiful beach at Daymer Bay in Cornwall, the perfect setting for this beach wedding inspiration shoot.
When I first saw these pictures I fell in love. Not only with Cornwall, one of my favourite places in the UK, but also the styling ideas the creative team worked so hard on. Blue and gold were the perfect colour choice for the styling, and the concept of creating a Mediterranean wedding right here in the UK.
The blue and gold colour palette looks great against the sea, sand and rocks. The styling has a rustic edge, especially the alluring tablescape. This is styled with fabulous patterned table runner, napkins, and plates, complemented with beautiful blue glassware, gold cutlery and candle holders and simple sprigs of flowers in small gold vases.
I adore the choice of flowers too, all white and blue. The air plants and succulents really bring the Mediterranean vibe out.
And what about the two sensational wedding cakes? The first is a two tier, blue and gold hand-painted square cake, and the other a four tier navy blue cake with delicately hand-painted flowers. They are both amazing.
The team used two brides to show different bridal styles; both are really beautiful. I can’t forget the groom’s outfit either – I really love his style, with his subtle patterned suit jacket and bow tie.
I hope these beautiful pictures by Michelle Cordner Photography really inspire your beach wedding ideas.
Wedding On the UK Coast
“This workshop, run by Liberty Pearl Photography and styled by Elle from inspire hire, was set at the St Moritz hotel, which is a stroll from the stunning Daymer Bay beach in Cornwall.
“The idea was to create inspiration for a Mediterranean/ocean themed shoot. With blue and gold complementing the sands and sea, Elle used stunning accessories to re-create the feeling of a Mediterranean wedding, on the UK coast!
“The couple (who are a real life couple and actually got engaged the night before the workshop) were great to capture. The genuine love and laughter between them made photographing them great fun.
“With so many beautiful details, from the ocean themed stationery, to the gorgeous aqua-cake, I think this styling will inspire any beach-bound brides!” – Michelle, Michelle Cordner Photography
Exotic Influences
“Although this shoot was designed for a photography workshop, I was really thinking about inspiration for brides and grooms to take away for their own styling.
“Our Pinterest boards are full of weddings from all over the world. We often look at beautiful images from Marrakesh, Greek or Balearic Islands, Spanish and Italian weddings, not to mention sunny affairs from across the pond and Australia and New Zealand. Sometimes recreating these details for a UK wedding can seem unlikely, and unachievable!
“I wanted to show how to inject your wedding with exotic influences from around the globe, right here on British soil… or in this case, the sand!”
Pattern and Texture
“Influence from the Mediterranean and Morocco, our styling included an exotic pallet of blues, aqua and green, finished with gold details.
“Although our shoot took place on the beach, these styling ideas would bring the same exotic feel to a marquee or indoor wedding venue, whatever the weather!
“Pattern and texture are very important when designing a look for your wedding, and you can inject colour with your linen, glassware and china. Gold or brass accessories like candlesticks and vases add a warm, luxurious feel
“Finally, remember that your stationery, and even your cake, can also be part of your décor. They are both as much a part of your design scheme as your flowers.”
English Beach Wedding Style
“We chose our beautiful dresses with suitability for an English beach wedding in mind. They were light, comfortable and had lots of movement and texture, yet still easy to pick up and carry if you fancy dipping your toes in the ocean or running along in the surf! I love the wedding jumpsuit featured; how perfect for a beach wedding, at home or abroad!
“We kept our hair and make-up choices relaxed and natural. It’s often windy at the beach, so something natural is more practical than having a hairstyle that should look immaculate.” – Elle, Inspire Hire
Photography: Michelle Cordner Photography
Styling and Props: Inspire Hire
Cakes: Suzi Humphries and Emily Hankins
Wedding Dresses: The Bridal House of Cornwall and The Bridal Room St Ives
Shoes: Charlotte Mills
Groomswear: Moss Bros
Hair and Make-Up: Make Up by Ione and Tamsin Siddiqui
Stationery: De Winton Paper Co and Lucy Morley
Jewellery: Sarah Drew
Furniture Hire: Virginias Vintage Hire
Flowers: Bloom and Flourish and Loulabel Floral Design
This post Beach Wedding Inspiration with Blue and Gold Styling first appeared on The Wedding Community Blog
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gmarieluxuries · 4 months
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