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gaysin-space · 8 years ago
Okay but wlw culture is fucking sprinting to your room at gods speed coz your gf facetimes you to show you her hair omg
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gaysin-space · 8 years ago
This is a PSA that my girlfriend is my whole world and life and I will do every thing in my power to fucking defend and protect her from everything. Thank you 💙
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gaysin-space · 8 years ago
Okay but because it's pride month and my gay powers are at 100% I'm having so many feelings about my gf and guys I just wanna tell you that she's amazing and literally makes me the happiest I've ever been omg
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gaysin-space · 8 years ago
When you're upset that you and your gf didn't take any selfies tonight but then get happy and surprised coz you realise that instead of taking selfies you were just too busy enjoying each other's company and just being with each other
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gaysin-space · 8 years ago
Okay I'm a bitter gay rn, my gf is at home and I'm at uni and all I wanna do is be with her and cuddle her okay
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gaysin-space · 8 years ago
What are these for omg 🙈🙈🙈
Have some back you cute lil muffin: 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
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gaysin-space · 8 years ago
1 to 55 :)))))))))
I know what you mean by “:)))))” bitch 😠😂
1.Kissed a girl? Yes 😻
2.Kissed a boy? Yes 😷
3.Had sex in public? Not yet no 
4.What’s your religion? Don’t have one but I wanna learn about my girlfriends 😌
5.What does your URL mean? I’m gay… I’m in space … so there’s gays… in space
6.Reason you joined tumblr? I have no idea omg probs coz my best mate did? 
7.Do you have any nicknames? Fran, franny-moo, franera, cesca 
8.Do you like bubble bath? Oh yes 
9.Kissed in the rain? I think I have?? Idk I can’t remember omg 
10.Dyed your hair? Yep 😌
11.Soup or salad? Don’t hate me but salad 
12.Vegetable or meat? Meat omg 
13.Go out drinking? Sometimes 
14.Smoke cigarettes? Rarely 
15.Smoke weed? Never 🤢
16.Do any hard drugs? No omg bye 
17.Have you had sex today? Nope, my baby’s away 😩😩
18.Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? Yeah I have 🙈😌
19.The relationship between you and the person you last texted? She’s my girlfriend 💙
20.Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Yes 😂🙈
21.Skipped doing homework to play a video game? … yes 
22.Tried to commit suicide? Mhm
23.The last time you felt broken? Friday? Saturday? 
24.Had to lie to EVERYONE about how you felt? Oh god yeah 
25.Do you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend? Girlfriend 
26.Do you have Long hair OR short hair? Medium 😂😂😂
27.First thing you notice to a guy/girl? Their laugh and smile 😌
28.Do you sing in the shower? Yes ma'am 
29.Do you dance in the car? Yep 
30.Where were you yesterday? At work, at uni
31.Ever used a bow and arrow? Yes?? I think so??
32.Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? A year or two ago? 
33.Do you think musicals are cheesy? Yes and I fucking love them omg 
34.Is Christmas stressful? Oh hell yeah 
35.Favorite type of fruit pie? Apple and blackberry 
36.Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Teacher 
37.Do you believe in ghosts? Yep 
38.Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? All the time 
39.Take a vitamin daily? Nope 
40.Wear slippers? Nope 
41.Wear a bath robe? Nope 
42.What do you wear to bed? Vest top and shorts 
43.Do you want to get married? Yes omg 
44.Can you curl your tongue? Yes???
Relationship preference: 
45.How many relationships have you had? Oh god i dunno man 
46.How can I win your heart? Just be nice and kind and be there for me I guess Idk 
47.what makes a great relationship? Laughter, honesty and loyalty 
48.Shy OR open? I don’t mind
50.Religious OR non-religious? As long as it doesn’t effect us being together 
51.Caring OR non-restricting of you? Caring 
52.Straight edge OR non-straight edge? I’m gonna guess it means like straight to the point? So yes? 
53.Piercings OR no piercings? Don’t mind 
54.Tattoos OR no tattoos? Don’t mind 
55.Quiet stay-at-home type OR party type? Stay at home omg
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gaysin-space · 8 years ago
@valarmorghulis--valardohaeris I'm your bitch though so it's fine 😌😂
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gaysin-space · 8 years ago
11 😌
11: Do you like someone?No. 😒
I’m joking 😂 of course I do omg I have strong feelings for someone in my life right now yes 😌
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gaysin-space · 8 years ago
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So guys, it's @valarmorghulis--valardohaeris 21st birthday today and honestly I can't believe I'm a part of your life and you chose me to be with you and I'm celebrating this massive occasion with you. I thought I would do some throwbacks in honour of the year we've spent together for your birthday. You mean the absolute world to me and I'm so grateful to have you in my life and I hope I'm here to see many many more of your birthdays. Happy birthday my amazing wonderful gorgeous girlfriend, I can't wait to spend the rest of the day with you. 💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙
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gaysin-space · 8 years ago
The curious thing
you’re so cute, sending me asks to do omg
1. What are the things that stand between you and complete happiness?
Myself and my mental shit tbh
2. What will people say at your funeral?
Idk summat about me being gay and savage tbh
3. Standing at the gates of heaven, and God asks you “Why should I let you in?” What do you reply?
“I don’t know man it’s up to you like i don’t mind either way”
4. If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok?
My girlfriends tbh i’ve done it before so yeah she helps me alot
5. Does this person know how much they mean to you? When was the last time you told them?
I like to think you do, I mean i tell you nearly everyday
6. If you could send a message to the entire world, what would you say in 30 seconds?
Explain how war doesn’t solve anything and just makes everything worse and how we need to stop
7. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing?
I’d travel the world and give enough to my parents to support them for the rest of their lives
8. If today was the last day of your life, what would you want to do?
See the great wonders of the world or go to space tbh
9.What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die?
I’d spend more time with my loved ones than i already do
10. If your entire life was a movie, what title would best fit?
The unadventurous life of the depressed emo
11. How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
honest, sarcastic, funny, loving, trusting 
12. What are the chances you’ve passed up on that you regret?
none really? Like i’m happy with most of the decisions that i’ve made that effect my life 
13. How do you apply the learning from this regret to your actions today?
I don’t tend to hang onto negative emotions like that like I just forget and move on
14. What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you?
Everything like literally
15. If you could watch everything that happened in your life until now, would you enjoy it?
certain things yeah but i wouldn’t want to like the past is the past for a reason
16. If you could ask a single person one question, and they had to answer truthfully, who and what would you ask?
idk tbh maybe Harry and if he’s happy 
17. If you could start over, what would you do differently?
A lot of things tbh all my mistakes would be erased 
18. When you’re 90 years old, what will matter most to you in the world?
My family definitely 
19. Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of? What’s stopping you?
Yeah but im working on it and my brain needs to get with the program
20. Would you break the law to save a loved one?
21. Do you ask enough questions, or are you happily settling for what you know already?
I think i do? Like im a really curious person so ill always wanna find out more if people let me
22. How do you celebrate the things you do have in your life?
I make do with the little things i have and make everything go a long way
23. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you have done?
I will have said a lot but i always go through with what ive promised to do
24. When was the last time you tried something new?
The other day i think? I always make sure to say yes to trying new things
25. What were you doing when you last lost track of the time?
probs watching videos on youtube 
26. What is the difference between living and existing?
Living is enjoying life to the fullest and doing the things you love everyday, existing is just getting by doing the bare minimum to survive
27. If you had a friend that you spoke to the same way you speak to yourself, how long do you think that person would allow you to be your friend?
Not very long, they’d probs get annoyed with me very soon and leave me alone
28. If you had to teach someone one thing, what would you teach?
How to be nice to people
29. What makes you smile?
The people who care about me and i care about
30. What drives you to do better at something?
My parents and the fear of disappointing them
31.What do you really love to do? Do you do it often? If you answer no, why not?
I love to read and write and i don’t do it that often but i want to start doing it more as soon as i’m finished with whats causing me stress at the moment
32. What can you do today that you couldn’t do a year ago? What will you be able to do at this time next year?
Talk about my feelings better and actually let people in, and hopefully next year ill be even better at it than i am now
33. What is the last thing that you’ve done that’s really worth remembering?
When I spent a whole day with my mum
34. What gets you excited and driven to achieve?
The future i could potentially have 
35. When was the last time you travelled somewhere new?
when i went to Birmingham to visit my girlfriend 
36. What do you want most out of life?
Just to be happy and have a family
37. If karma was coming back to you, would it help or hurt you?
Hopefully it would help me but knowing my luck it would probs hurt me 
38. If you could go back in time, once, and change a single thing – what would it be?
When a certain person hurt me and fucked up my life
39. If you had a year left to live, what would you achieve over the next 12 months?
Visit every place on my bucket list and tell all my family i love them
40. If you could ask for one wish, what would it be?
To be happy
41. What do you “owe” yourself?
Nothing tbh
42. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind?
My gf tbh cheesy i know but still
43. How do you spend the majority of your free time? Why?
Watching youtube or spending time with people i care about
44. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
A power ranger or a spy omg 
45. What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today?
Went to uni tbh 
46. What terrifies you the most?
People leaving me and being on my own
47. What are you looking forward to?
My future tbh where im married with kids 
48. Describe the greatest adventure of your life
Havent been on it yet
49. Where would you like to live? Why haven’t you moved?
Paris and money tbh
50. What have you done that you’re most proud to have achieved?
Gone to uni tbh didnt think i would but im here 
51. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking?
I wouldnt be able to live or get a job tbh
52. What is your greatest strength?
Listening to others and giving advice 
53. What is your greatest weakness?
My paranoia and insecurities 
54. What did your life teach you yesterday?
That people will always talk about you behind your back no matter if you thought they cared about you or not 
55. What have you done today to make someone’s life better?
Sorted out some money issues so my parents don’t have to stress about it 
56. Whose life have you had the greatest impact on?
My parents most likely
57. What makes you special?
No idea, I don’t think i am tbh
58. How many people do you truly love? What are you doing for them?
A few and I’ll always make sure im there for them whenever they need me
59. What bad habits do you want to break?
Biting my skin and nails and the major bad one i do
60. When did you not speak up, when you know you really should have?
many times especially concerning my sister and dad 
61. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence
Building my life with my gf and our future together tbh
62. If you spend a day watching movies when you should be working a day wasted or well spent?
Wasted omg i feel so guilty whenever i do
63. Would your life be better or worse, if you knew the time and place where you would die?
worse id always be thinking about it 
64. What is honor, and does it even matter anymore?
to me its being true to yourself and i would like to think it does 
65. Would you be a martyr and risk your reputation by standing up for what is right in front of your peers? Or is it better to be pragmatic and do nothing?
always stand up for what is right and be true to yourself and not lose yourself in fitting in with everyone else 
66. Could you be persuaded to kill someone? If you answer no, how much money would it take to change your mind?”
Depends what they did tbh and why it matters to me 
67. What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that look like?
I’d be where i’m supposed to be but idk its never going to happen
68. Would you rather have 10 years of excellent health, or 30 years of average health?
30 years tbh the longer the better 
69. Is being open-minded a virtue, if it’s causing destructive ideas to spread throughout society?
Everyone should be open minded but not if its causing destructive ideas to blossom and spread 
70. Do you consider yourself the hero or the villain in your story?
Villain definitely i sabotage my own happiness too much 
71. How much control do you really have over yourself?
Not much tbh my head gets in the way 
72. When did you last push the boundaries of your comfort zone?
Yesterday tbh to hang out with my new mate 
73. What have you given up on?
Too many things tbh you’d probs cry 
74. Who are you really? Describe yourself without using your name, or any attributes given to you by society and really think.
Im the best person to have fighting for you in your corner and ill do everything in my being to help those who need it 
75. Deep down, who are you?
No idea, if you ever meet her lemme know yeah?
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gaysin-space · 8 years ago
70 Questions go :D
These are actually so cute omg thank you cutey
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Yeah I really do like I can honestly call them my best mates 
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
My mum just 
03: Do you regret anything?
Yeah I do but hey who doesn’t
04: Are you insecure?
Oh god yeah
05: What is your relationship status?
Happily taken by the lil shit who asked me these
06: How do you want to die?
Idk as long as like I’m dead dead and not being buried alive 
07: What did you last eat?
A cookie
08: Played any sports?
When I was younger yeah
09: Do you bite your nails?
No… (she hates that i do omg sorry love I’m getting better)
10: When was your last physical fight?
Oh god years ago but I feel like i could be in one soon
11: Do you like someone?
Yeah my gf obvs
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
No can’t say i have but i kinda want to
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
I don’t really hate anyone but there are certain people i can’t stand
14: Do you miss someone?
Yeah my family in the UK and Australia 
15: Have any pets?
Yesss my baby Talia whose the most precious cat ever
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
I’m good yeah! Tired af tho
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
Yeah, ages ago tho and they weren’t nice experiences  
18: Are you scared of spiders?
Not really they just creep me out
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Maybe, just to see what the past was like
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
Mine or my gf’s bedroom I think? One of the two
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
Nothing? I don’t have anything planned yet
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
Three ear piercings 
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
English and History but in high school
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
Nah, if they aren’t in my life rn then they aren’t important
26: What are you craving right now?
Tropical juice 
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
Yes??? Idk omg
30: What’s irritating you right now?
My housemates tbh
31: Does somebody love you?
No idea love i know my mum does
32: What is your favourite color?
33: Do you have trust issues?
Yeah, if you know me then you know this about me
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
I can’t actually remember? I think it was a sex dream omg
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My gf probs
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
Not really like if i feel strongly about someone then yeah they deserve them
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Never forget and don’t really forgive
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
Certain bits have the potential to be yeah
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
like 4??? idk omg i was young
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
no who the fuck does that jesus
51: Favourite food?
Pizza or pasta tbh
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
Yes omg i don’t have it tattooed on me for nothing
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Message my best mate 
54: Is cheating ever okay?
Fuck no theres no reason to do it ever
55: Are you mean?
I can be yeah
56: How many people have you fist fought?
None, came close tho
57: Do you believe in true love?
Yeah i think theres someone for everyone
58: Favourite weather?
Mild and sunny
59: Do you like the snow?
Only if its really deep (lol)
60: Do you wanna get married?
Yes so badly omg
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
Yes i love it omg 
62: What makes you happy?
My family, my gf, my boys 
63: Would you change your name?
Nah too many would have to relearn it and i cba
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
I mean yes? Shes 45 mins away and i can’t get to her so
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Nothing because nothing would ever happen
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
Yeah a couple tbh
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
My housemate probs
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My mate Rosie last night
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
Yes omg 10000000000000%
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
My parents and my family members yeah
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gaysin-space · 8 years ago
All 150 questions 😌😌😌
I can’t with you omg WHY DO THIS TO ME?! (jk you know I love it)
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
My girlfriend aka the lil shit who sent me all these
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Both? Like depends on the situation
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Well I just booked Hamilton tickets so imma go with the whole cast, does that count?
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I think so? Idk
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Yeah she would, she takes care of me a lot tbh
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Someone who can make me laugh and who makes me happy and who I can spend time with talking about all kinds of crap and we both enjoy it just because it’s us
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
I better fucking be, what you trying to say mate?!
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
My dad, I just want him to be okay
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
It can do? Like I don’t really like talking about my own sex life but other peoples I’m fine with idk
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Idk? Does my mentor count?
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“IM SOR- I’m sorry” which is funny okay
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Call on me, satisfied, burn, helpless, castle on the hill
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
yes omggggg so much
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yep, you can be lucky and have good things happen to you but miracles are things that happen that you don’t expect and turn out to make situations so much better 
15. What good thing happened this summer?
I got to see my girlfriend and she met her fave?
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Yes, of course, always
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Lol no? 
19. Do you like bubble baths?
Yeah I actually do omg
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Fuck no.
21. What are you bad habits?
Biting my nails and the skin around them (soz babe)
22. Where would you like to travel?
Australia is my first option always because of my baby cousin
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
None? I don’t really have one tbh
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My legs I guess 
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Check my phone 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My mum? or my gf tbh
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
No? if they have i’ve forgotten 
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Yes omg
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
Yeah, i want it shorter tho
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
I mean? All of them??
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Oh boy have I
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Anything and everything
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Cheesy I know but my gf 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Primark tbh and waterstones 
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Well im at uni rn but after that i wanna settle down and have a family
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Yes but only if they make an impact on my day to day life
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
It could mean anything from me being triggered to me being in pain
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Yeah i do 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
The fact that i have to?
46. What are you paranoid about?
Lol everything?
47. Have you ever been high?
God no.
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Hell yes
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My negativity tbh
53. Favourite makeup brand?
54. Favourite store?
does food count? Coz costa omg
55. Favourite blog?
My whole dash is my fave so everyone omg
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food? 
Cheesy chips omg
58. Last thing you ate?
Cheesy chips and chicken nuggets omg
59. First thing you ate this morning?
A wispa bar omg
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
I dont think so?
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love? 
I guess so?
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Oh god, i was young omg idk i just remember his name was dylan apparently
65. Are you hungry right now?
I dont actually know omg Im in pain tho
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
I mean they are my real friends so???
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
Molly, Lily, G and Derrelle (Stop i know okay)
71. Craving something? What?
Chocolate omg
72. What colour are your towels?
White and blue
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
I used to
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Oh god alot omg
75. Favourite animal?
Wolf or cat
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Vanilla but both tbh
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Mint choc chip
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
Voltron lets be real
82. Favourite movie?
10 things i hate about you
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean Girls (Ive never seen the second one omg)
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
21 Jump street omg
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
The sassy starfish
87. First person you talked to today?
My mentor
88. Last person you talked to today?
My housemate
89. Name a person you hate?
Theres a few
90. Name a person you love?
My mum
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Not really
92. In a fight with someone?
not that i know of
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
only one
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
like 10? more?
95. Last movie you watched?
96. Favourite actress?
I dont really have one?
97. Favourite actor?
Dylan o’Brien
98. Do you tan a lot?
I can tan quickly?
99. Have any pets?
1 cat my baby
100. How are you feeling?
Meh but im just tired
101. Do you type fast?
I think so omg
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Oh yeah alot
103. Can you spell well?
i guess im okay omg
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
I do sometimes im not gonna lie
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
sadly yeah
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
When i was a kid yeah
108. What should you be doing?
Nothing i dont think?
109. Is something irritating you right now?
Not really, i dont think so
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My gf i think
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
I used to
116. Are you listening to music right now?
Yeah, the Hamilton soundtrack
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
I dont think ive ever had it?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
Only when im craving it omg
119. Favourite book?
The realm of possibility 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
I am omg
121. Are you mean?
I can be when i feel i need to be
122. Is cheating ever okay?
No, fuck no.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
No omg
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I believe you can be infatuated with someone when you first meet them
125. Do you believe in true love?
Yeah… It gives me hope i guess
126. Are you currently bored?
No im in pain omg
127. What makes you happy?
My boys and the people i choose to surround myself with
128. Would you change your name?
Nah too many people know it now
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Nothing because they know im gay so they know it wont happen
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
I think it was my housemate?
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
When you’re wearyAnd the road is darkAnd I’ll guide youWith the beating of my heart
134. Can you count to one million?
Nah I’d get too bored and give up
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
That i was taller than i actually am omg
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
closed but open at home
137. How tall are you?
5′6 i think?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
no omg 
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Milk pls
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
It was long but okay
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
I hate the way you’re always rightI hate it when you lieI hate it when you make me laughEven worse when you make me cry
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“my gift to her is that she shall become uglier with everyday that passes” 
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gaysin-space · 8 years ago
When your day is made by talking to your girlfriend and laughing so much you actually can't breathe omg
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gaysin-space · 8 years ago
valarmorghulis--valardohaeris :
Yes i am incredibly happy :D
I can’t with you, you’re too cute omg
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gaysin-space · 8 years ago
One to a hundred cus I'm too lazy to pick 😂😂😂
You’re such a lil shit omg 
1: is there a boy/girl in your life?
Yeah and shes the lil shit above 
2: think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
No. I never have and never will forgive anyone that’s hurt me.
3: what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
Like, anime? But a really specific scene and i have no idea where its from omg
4: what’s something you really want right now?
Cuddles and sleep tbh
5: are you afraid of falling in love?
I mean, it’s scary yeah but I’m not afraid of it. If it happens it happens you can’t stop it so just embrace it
6: do you like the beach?
Yes I love the beach and wish I lived on one
7: have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
8: what’s the background on your cell?
A picture of me and my gf
9: name the last four beds you were sat on?
Like people’s? Mine, my housemates, my girlfriends and my mates 
10: do you like your phone?
Yeah, she does the job
11: honestly, are things going the way you planned?
I mean, of course they aren’t but then again nothing ever does. Do I wish everything went swimmingly? yes but who doesn’t. Then again if everything went as planned it would be a very boring life.
12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
Probs my mate who just changed her number
13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
Emotional. Physical I can deal with and I know it passes. Emotional lasts forever and leaves deep scars,
15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
Zoo but more like safari because zoos are cruel
16: are you tired?
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact?
Like first person I added? My whole life because she gave birth to me like :’)
18: are they a relative?
Yes, my mother :’)
19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
lolololol no. They are your exs for a reason like hello.
20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
I’m talking to her rn IF SHE REPLIES THANKS
21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
If the whole wedding was paid for and sorted and perfect and exactly what we wanted? Yes.
22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Omg of course, she’s so gorgeous like don’t tell her or anything but i wanna date her omg
23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
None, i used to wear so many when i was in highschool omg
24: is there a certain quote you live by?
“Everything happens for a reason”
25: what’s on your mind?
Nothing tbh, Just that i want to sleep
26: do you have any tattoos?
Yep, only one so far tho
27: what is your favorite color?
28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
Hopefully tomorrow
29: who are you texting?
My girlfriend ( @valarmorghulis–valardohaeris )
30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
Yep, when we were watching a film last week
31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
Omg yes all the time
32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
Yeah, my housemate whose like my little older brother :’)
33: do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I bloody hope so otherwise this is gonna get awks
34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
Yes? I think so?
35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
Well that would mean that I’m single so.
36: were you single on valentines day?
Nope ^^
37: are you friends with the last person you kissed?
The best of friends (that’s so gay omg I’m so sorry)
38: what do your friends call you?
Fran, babe, wifey, bitch. ya know the usual
39: has anyone upset you in the last week?
Yeah i guess? Idk its just been a lot of emotions this week
40: have you ever cried over a text?
41: where’s your last bruise located?
Somewhere on my leg 
42: what is it from?
Have no clue tbh mate
43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
When everything kicked off and I wanted to run away from home
44: who was the last person you were on the phone with?
My mum
45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
Yeah my boots
46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
Nope they make me on edge
47: would you ever go bald if it was the style?
Maybe idk tbh
48: do you make supper for your family?
I have sometimes yeah
49: does your bedroom have a door?
Yeah, it would freak me out if it didn’t
50: top 3 web-pages?
Youtube, Tumblr and facebook
51: do you know anyone who hates shopping?
My mum omgggg
52: does anything on your body hurt?
Not rn no, apart from my nose omg
53: are goodbyes hard for you?
Yes. Always. I hate them and never want to do them,
54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
A cup of tea today omg
55: how is your hair?
It’s okay? I need to wash it omg
56: what do you usually do first in the morning?
Check my phone and message my gf
57: do you think two people can last forever?
Yeah, anyone can make it if they try hard enough and want to be
58: think back to january 2007, were you single?
Yeah, I always have been in January. 
59: green or purple grapes?
Purple all the way
60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug?
Tomorrow hopefully
61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
Yeah, with my gf or in Paris
62: when will be the next time you text someone?
In like 5 seconds :’)
63: where will you be 5 hours from now?
In bed, asleep
64: what were you doing at 8 this morning.
65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked?
Yeah, my gf 
66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
My dad tbh
67: did you kiss or hug anyone today?
Both, only kissing one person but I’ve hugged a few people
68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
70: how many windows are open on your computer?
71: how many fingers do you have?
I’m so?? is this sexual or like a trick question?
72: what is your ringtone?
Perfect (the marimba remix)
73: how old will you be in 5 months?
74: where is your mum right now?
She’s at her mums
75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
She moved to America
76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
Yeah ( @bexxyfree @riccasze @lamentableinsomniac )
78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
omfgggg yeah… let’s not because… Yeah.
79: is there anyone you know with the name mike?
No? I don’t think so omg
80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
Yeahhhhh I love it tbh
81: how many people have you liked in the past three months?
Just the one
82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
Pfft yeah how about we try today?
83: will you talk to the person you like tonight?
Yep, currently am
84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
I wouldn’t do that but probs Lil
85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care?
I mean yeah if it’s causing them harm
86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
Well, we may have started a popcorn fight?
87: who was your last received call from?
My mum
88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
Omg um, yes? IM SORRY! I’d make sure it was a dead butterfly though omg
89: what is something you wish you had more of?
Money. Always. And self esteem and confidence tbh
90: have you ever trusted someone too much?
Yep. Two people stand out in my head tbh
91: do you sleep with your window open?
No omg are you crazy?!
92: do you get along with girls?
Yeah I guess so?
93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
My mum, but only because I don’t want her to worry
94: does sex mean love?
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
Hell no it isn’t
96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
97: did you sleep alone this week?
Yeah sadly :’(
98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
Yep and she makes me so happy always
99: do you believe in love at first sight?
I believe that you can be infatuated with some at first sight but love takes time
100: who was the last person that you pinky promise?
My gf today and i always make her omg 
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