skinpickingsupport · 2 years
For the last day of BFRB Awareness Week, I want to announce that Scars of Shame is now free to watch online!
Please reblog to spread awareness about compulsive skin picking through this comprehensive documentary, which features top BFRB experts! Let us know what you think by commenting or using #ScarsOfShame in your posts!
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doodyfandangler · 4 years
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This portrait is very important to me. The woman in the picture has a condition called #dermatillomania and I have it too, to a lesser extent. So this portrait has very personal connotations. The condition is also known as #excorationdisorder and is a #bodyfocusedrepetitivebehavior it’s a compulsive disorder so telling someone to just stop will most likely make it worse. Because of this amazing and beautiful woman’s disorder, she does not line up with the media hype of what a woman ‘should’ be to be considered attractive. I hope this post will bring awareness and maybe some understanding to people who have this condition. She is one of the strongest badass women I know and she’s proud of who she is! #dermatillomaniaawareness #bodypositive#bfrb#ocdawareness @pickingmefdn (at Birmingham, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_mYZxzHWhS/?igshid=tqmakodyrjbi
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whatevermakesmesigh · 5 years
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Tenderness + harm Warning: these images might not be pleasant, but they are true. #dermatillomania #dermatillomaniaawareness (w: Wroclaw, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-KGO6dBb3o/?igshid=1njlp2n4i8rh1
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maddyinchains · 7 years
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This is me, no filter or cover up (obviously).
I suffer from Excoriation Disorder/Dermatillomania
It is a disorder that makes you pick at your skin, for possibly hours on end some times, even if there is nothing left to pick at. A voice in your head tells you to stop over and over, but pulling away from the mirror feels as hard and trying to pull two pennies apart after they’ve been superglued together. It leaves you unbelievably angry at yourself, to the point you think you belong in a psych ward. Most times this is a reaction from anxiety issues (I’ve been diagnosed with anxiety/ depression for about 3yrs); but other things may trigger this behavior. The only reason I had the confidence to post this is because my account is not followed by anyone I know, but more importantly to show others out there that also struggle with this problem that they are not alone. It is a horrible thing to deal with. Even with the knowledge while picking that the end result could be as horrific as my end result, we still can’t pull away from the mirror; keep our hands at our sides. It is sickeningly embarrassing, if not emotionally impossible going out in public, or even seeing your family. And if you do see anyone that is not aware of your disorder, makes the feeling of the need to run and hide unbearable; the anxious thoughts make even the shortest encounter an excruciating experience. This post was not to just sympathize the inconveniences that come with having this disorder, but to help those that struggle with it by sharing what I have learned from the years of battling it.
~TIPS~ *if the urge to pick is brewing, act immediately, don’t wait. *put on a cute pair of gloves so you can dig into your skin. *dim light in any room that has mirrors *cover mirrors that you go to often *do not go more than arms length from a mirror *wear long sleeves and pants *OCCUPY YOURSELF
~TIPS FOR AFTER PICKING~ *after you stop picking, was face with cold water and the lightest cleanser you have, be very gentle with little pressure *immediatly after, rub an ice cube all over face (this closes pores and helps reduce redness) *apply light face moisturizer. NO- oils, lotion meant for anything other than for the face, touching, over applying, or exfoliating features in moisturizer that will agitate the skin more *DO. NOT. TOUCH. YOUR. FACE. you risk infection especially after picking due to open sores, so use a wash cloth/clean makeup sponge
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