#depression be hitting me like some British kid just said “I like trains”
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 4 years
Bombshell [B. Barnes] - 2
Pairing: British SHIELD Agent!Reader x Bucky Barnes
Warnings: swearing, (legal) alcohol consumption, explosions, memory loss, mentions of past trauma, mentions of death
Work Count: 5.8K
See end for Author’s Notes.
Masterlist  Previous Part
"Agent Y/L/N, what's your status?" the concerned voice crackled over the coms. "Y/L/N check in."
You huffed, rolling your eyes as you took out a guard.
"Jesus Rogers, we split up less than two minutes ago. I'm fine."
"I'm sorry for being concerned," Steve muttered sarcastically under his breath, the coms barely picked it up and you bit back a laugh, trying to remain stealthy.
You peaked your head around the corner, peering into the large room before you to ensure that it was empty. Once you were sure it was clear, you made your way around what appeared to be a storage room, checking for any objects of importance or secret passageways. As you cleared each wall, you made sure to slap a small disk to each one.
"Y/N, we're at the quinjet, what's your status?" Natasha came over the coms.
"Just finishing up down here Nat," you replied lightly, making your way back to the stairs, slapping a few more disks in the hallway for good measure. "Who's 'we'?"
"Steve and me."
You sighed, equal parts worried and relieved. "Wilson, what's your position?"
"Couple Nazis on the roof, I've got it covered," Sam responded with a grunt.
"Take them out quickly, please," you ordered, holding your position on the stairs. "I'm activating the bombs and we'll only have a couple of minutes to get out of here."
"Yes ma'am," Sam answered, and you almost thought you could hear him mock salute you, "Will you have enough time?"
"What do you take me for?" You gasped, offended, "an amateur?"
Sam barked out a laugh and you couldn't help but smile in response.
"Nazis down." He announced over the coms. "Commence explosions."
"With pleasure," you smirked, pressing the button on the activator. "T-minus five minutes to detonation." You announced, running up the stairs. "Nat?"
"We're in position." The redhead affirmed over coms and you ran harder, making sure to press the button on each floor to activate the bombs you had placed on your way to the basement.
You had about two minutes to spare by the time you reached the roof, pushing yourself harder as you sprinted up the quinjet ramp.
"Go!" You barked out, Nat immediately pulling the jet off the roof and into the sky, the ramp not even closed.
"I... am going... to kill... Stark." You panted, doubled over as you tried to catch your breath. You could hear the explosions in the distance as the building beneath you was destroyed. "Honestly... would it kill him... to make longer-ranged bombs?"
"Well, to be fair, we've never had an explosives expert on the team before." Steve defended only to be met with a glare.
"That's no excuse." You glowered. "They had better bombs in World War Two and you know it!"
You had seen some of them yourself in Tripp's suitcase of Howling Commandos gadgets that he got from his grandfather. They may have been bigger and a pain in the ass to set, but at least they gave an adequate amount of time to get to safety.
As if he could hear your thoughts, Steve echoed the same sentiment,
"These ones are a helluva lot easier to set." He argued, tossing one of the round explosives in one hand.
"Rogers, you idiot." You snapped, snatching the bomb out of the air before he could catch it again. "This is a bomb, not a toy!"
Steve had the gall to smile while you scolded him. "Jesus, that is not something I should have to say to someone who is nearly one-hundred-years-old."
"Relax, Y/N, it's not like it's gonna explode." The super-soldier placed a hand on your shoulder and you scowled up at him.
"It very well could!" You knew that he was right, the explosive was stable and could only be activated with the remote, however, now the argument was about principle. "Who's the explosives expert here, hm?"
"How did a history major become an expert in blowing things up?" Sam asked curiously, breaking up your petty argument.
"Well, I've been exploding things since I was a little girl," you began, making a show of putting the bomb back into its designated case before plopping down into one of the many seats lining the interior of the quinjet. "My dad was a science teacher and we used to do all kinds of experiments together. Coke and Mentos, baking soda volcanos, film canister rockets- the works."
You sighed happily, though Sam and Steve didn't miss the sad look in your eyes that was always present when you talked about your family.
"I sort of naturally drifted towards real explosives after SHIELD recruited me." You shrugged and Sam nodded understandably, but Steve was staring at you as if you had just told him the moon was orange.
"What happens when you mix Coke and Mentos?" He asked warily and yours and Sam's eyes widened in disbelief.
"Y-you don't know?" Sam spluttered out through his shock.
Steve shook his head slowly, looking even more alarmed by your response to his question.
"Oh, Stevie, we are going to have so much fun when we get back." You grinned already choosing which of Tony's labs you would be hijacking.
"So what did you do for fun when you were a kid?" You asked as you sat on the floor of one of the many Stark labs at the Tower.
A soda-covered tarp sat abandoned nearby and you and Steve were surrounded by nearly-empty two-liters of Coke. After touching back down in New York, you immediately ran out to buy the soda and mints necessary for the classic experiment. You had a hypothesis that Steve might want to repeat the explosion more than once, a hypothesis that the man readily proved correct. Now you sat facing each other, steadily drinking your way through the flat soda left in the bottom of the plastic bottles because you had insisted it was "tradition."
"Well, my ma and I were pretty poor, even before the Depression hit." Steve began, taking a swig of the nearest two-liter and grimacing slightly at the taste of slightly-minty flat Coke. "We couldn't afford to go out much, so we made do with what we had at home. I remember I spent about a week drawing playing cards when our deck fell apart. I used to draw a lot back then."
You recognized the look of mixed nostalgia and grief in Steve's eyes as he spoke about the past; it was a look you were intimately familiar with yourself.
"When Bucky and I moved in together after my ma passed he'd let me sketch him while he cooked or baked in the kitchen." Steve smiled, a faraway look in his eyes as he recounted the past.
"You never helped out?" You asked, teasing lacing your voice.
"Nah," Steve laughed. "I was hopeless in the kitchen, still kinda am. After I nearly burnt down the kitchen twice Buck stopped letting me anywhere near the stove."
You smiled, thoroughly enjoying Steve's storytelling. He seemed at ease in that moment, completely relaxed and open, something rare for Captain America. The wheels began to turn in your own head when he brought up his childhood best friend, now a fugitive with spotty memories of his own past.
"What were his favorite things to make?" You asked and Steve grinned, though it was so natural you weren’t even sure he realized he was doing it.
"I was too sick to work back then, and with only one source of income we were still pretty disadvantaged, but on special occasions, Bucky would make this baked apple pudding that was divine."
"Divine, huh?" You giggled, tucking that information away. "I wish I could've tried it."
"I actually might still have the recipe." Steve perked up at the thought and you stared at him, puzzled.
"How do you still have a recipe from the thirties?"
"When I went into the ice the SSR boxed up everything in my apartment for 'records.' When I woke up SHIELD gave them all back to me." The blond downed the last of the flat soda and jumped to his feet, practically buzzing in excitement. "C'mon let's go look for it!"
"Slow down there, cowboy." You held out a cautionary hand before gesturing at the lab. "We have to clean all this up first so Stark doesn't kill us."
Steve groaned but relented and you spent the next fifteen minutes making sure Tony would never know they had exploded soda in his "state-of-the-art, high-tech labs."
"Sergeant Barnes, it's Agent Y/L/N. I'm coming in." You announced into the speaker, the door beside it unlocking with a click as the technology recognized your voice.
The cabin was dark when you entered but before you could reach out to flip the light switch next to the door you were pinned to the wall, grocery bags falling to the floor.
You couldn't help the gasp that escaped your lips though you made sure to control your breathing the way you were trained to. You knew what to do in this situation but needed to remain calm to do it. The arm pressing across the top of your chest made it difficult to breathe steadily, but you were able to manage after a minute of focusing on remaining still and slowing your heart rate.
"Sergeant Barnes." You managed to get out, your voice a bit raspy albeit steady.
The man growled at the name and said something in Russian that you couldn't understand.
"Your name is James Buchanan Barnes." You began again. "You were a Sergeant of the one-hundred-and-seventh division in World War Two. On a mission to intercept an enemy transport, you were injured and captured by Hydra. Hydra experimented on you and brainwashed you."
You could feel the muscles in the arm relax, though the man wasn't close to removing it just yet, so you continued.
"I am Agent Y/N Y/L/N. Three months ago we met in Washington D.C. and I brought you to this safe house. Every week since then I have come here to check in on you and bring you groceries."
This wasn't the first time you had been met with the Winter Soldier when you arrived at the safehouse and you had had to quickly learn how to bring Sergeant Barnes back. You had found the Soldier responded best to facts, and so you would lay out the facts that led Barnes to that moment in the most even and calm voice you could, allowing the Soldier to stand down and Barnes to come through.
"You are not the Winter Soldier, Sergeant Barnes." You reminded him evenly, and after a moment you felt the man relax entirely and stager quickly away from you.
"Agent Y/L/N, I'm so sorry." He gasped, voice ragged as he quickly worked to pick up the groceries that had fallen out of their bags when you had dropped them.
"It's quite alright, Sergeant Barnes. I know that wasn't you."
It was easy to say because you believed it, though you hadn't always. When you had initially brought Barnes to the abandoned SHIELD safehouse it had been to monitor him to see how much of him overlapped with his assassin alter ego. After about a month of observation, you had found that there was no overlap between the two, other than the fact that Barnes held the Soldier's memories. Hydra had tried to erase everything that made James Buchanan Barnes the man he was when creating their super-powered assassin.
"What's all this?" Barnes asked quietly, starring perplexed at the groceries, particularly the bag full of baking supplies.
"I thought you and I might bake something together," you said, trying not to give away your entire plan.
You had hoped to jog the man's memories a bit however you wanted to avoid accidentally planting false memories.
"I... I think I would like that?" The man said, though it came out more like a question as he still wasn't really sure what he did and didn't like anymore.
You smiled reassuringly. "Well then, lets hop to it!"
You worked quickly to put away the rest of the groceries before you laid out the ingredients for your bake on the counter.
"First and foremost those apples are going to need to be peeled and chopped," You said, nodding towards the apples as you held out a knife to the man beside you.
The two of you stood just like that for a moment, you with your arm holding out the knife and Barnes not taking it from you before you finally looked over at the man.
"What's the matter, Sergeant Barnes?" You asked, your accent clipped with concern.
"I can't be trusted." He said softly, and you almost missed it.
"Really now, Barnes, would I be trying to give you a knife if I thought you would hurt me?" You tried to reason, hoping you were doing enough to quell his anxieties. "I trust you, Sergeant Barnes, even if you don't trust yourself."
"James." He spoke so quietly that you weren’t sure if he had even spoken at all.
"What was that?"
"James," He repeated, more confidently this time. "You can call me James."
He wasn't sure why he had said it. From what he could remember, he hated the name James, everybody had called him Bucky. You were confused by it as well. You had never once heard Steve refer to him as James, always Buck or Bucky. Regardless, a first-name basis was a step in the right direction and you would take it.
"Alright then, James," you smiled at the man, "Those apples aren't going to cut themselves."
"Yes ma'am!" He joked as he finally took the knife from your hand, seeming to surprise himself as much as he surprised you and you smiled even wider.
You worked in mostly silence, the kitchen filled only with the sounds of your labor and James giving instructions- you had given him the recipe right away, hoping it would spark some memories. He didn't tell you if it had, but he moved through the kitchen with an ease and comfort you had yet to see from the man. You thought maybe he didn't realize; that he was having a subconscious reaction to being back in the kitchen, baking something that had at one point held such significance to him.
"Alright, Stevie, desserts in the oven, whaddya want for dinner?" James asked, his back to you as he rifled through the fridge. As soon as the words left his mouth he paused, slumping inwards on himself.
"James?" You asked softly, cautiously stepping towards the man.
"I- I remembered something." He said brokenly, and you decided it was safe to place a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Would you like to talk about it?"
"Steve- I- we used to live together, I think," James spoke, gripping the fridge door tightly in an attempt to support himself. "I- I used to bake this for him, I- where did you get this recipe?"
His voice had turned somewhat hostile with the last question but you stood your ground, not stepping back from the man in front of you.
"Steve gave it to me," you said softly, hoping he could hear the honesty in your voice, "He told me how you used to make it for him."
"Is he- does he know I'm here?" James asked as he turned around to face you, eyes and voice filled with panic.
"No, and I won't tell him until you tell me you're ready."
"Thank you, Agent Y/L/N."
"It's Y/N." You smiled kindly, "Now, what should we have for dinner?"
"This mean anything to you?" You asked, eyebrow raised inquisitively as you set the old paper down in front of Skye.
"Where did you get this?" The agent gasped, breezing past the fact that no one was supposed to know what she had been working on.
It wasn't an uncommon occurrence for you, nearly everyone at SHIELD seemed to think you knew more than you did.
"The Avengers brought me along on a Hydra raid. Found that in the basement of the warehouse, thought it looked familiar." You pointed to the worn parchment laid out on the table.
It was covered in an interlocking series of lines and circles that you didn't understand but you had seen Skye working on something similar in the past months.
"Does anyone know you have this?"
"Nope." You answered, a sly grin on your face. "Nabbed it before I left and then blew up the entire building, so Hydra won't know it’s missing either."
"What do you know about it?" Skye asked, seeming to have realized that this was supposed to be between her and Coulson.
"Nothing, other than that Coulson's had you working on it in secret for a few months now," you answered honestly. "You have to be a little quicker when closing down the holoscreen." You added when you noticed Skye's confusion.
"Noted," Skye responded dryly. "Well, thank you for the old parchment but I can't tell you anything else."
"I didn't expect you to," you smiled before asking, "How about something you can talk about? Like what happened with Browning?"
"Hunter's still pissed we've been shadowing them," Skye smirked and you laughed, not even slightly surprised. The mercenary was more a fan of his paychecks than of SHIELD's protocols. "But an enhanced took out Browning before we could get to him. We're pretty sure he's with Hydra which means they're after the 0-8-4 too."
"Big surprise there," you sighed, the world may think Hydra is gone but you knew the truth: they were just biding their time in the shadows once again.
"So when do we go out to collect it before they can?" You asked curiously, having been off base when the first mission had occurred and Coulson wasn't exactly accepting visitors to his office.
"As soon as we figure out where the government is keeping it." Skye sighed and you groaned. The US Government, or more specifically General Talbot, had been making SHIELD's operations even more difficult lately.
"Is he in the lab?" You asked, changing the subject.
"He's barely left, he's working on the samples we collected from the enhanced right now."
You frowned but nodded in thanks to the agent before making your way towards the lab.
Fitz hadn't been doing much better, he was still struggling to come up with words and his hands were still shaky. Additionally, he seemed to be talking to himself, or rather, a version of Simmons he had conjured up for himself. In your downtime on the base, you found herself just sitting in the lab, an option for Fitz to talk to if he wanted but you always brought a book or something to occupy yourself if not. Today you were sitting on the floor, leaning against a lab station while reading Rob Chernow's biography Alexander Hamilton.
"Uhh, Y-Y/N," Fitz began to panic, waving his hand wildly to get your attention.
"What is it?" You asked worriedly, quickly getting to your feet to stand next to the scientist.
"Y-you see that too, right?"
You did see. The metal samples Fitz had been analyzing had begun to ooze with a red liquid.
"Is that... blood?" You asked, face contorted in disgust and slight fascination.
Before Fitz could answer, the two of you watched as the pieces of metal turned into what appeared to be human flesh.
"What the hell?" You muttered under your breath while Fitz relaxed beside you.
"This is good, I mean- weird, but I can-" Fitz stuttered out tensing up once again and shaking his hand as he tried to come up with the words, looking over his shoulder as if looking to someone else for the answer.
"Figure out who's blood it is?" You supplied and Fitz nodded.
"Shouldn't be too hard." He affirmed quietly under his breath as if he needed to convince himself.
"Well you've got my help regardless," You smiled and Fitz nodded lightly before doling out instructions.
It wasn't the first time you had served as Fitz's hands in the lab and you fully intended to offer your services as long as he still needed them. Working together it took you about an hour to analyze the sample and search the various world DNA databases for a match, eventually finding one in SHIELD's own database.
"Carl Creel?" Fitz read the name out loud as you both peered at the monitor.
"We crossed him off the Index?" You asked skeptically, it wasn't uncommon for SHIELD to take out potentially dangerous enhanced individuals in the past, but clearly they hadn't done a very good job with Creel.
You pondered how SHIELD could've been so careless when Fitz pointed to the supervising agent listed on the report.
"Of course it was Garrett," you sighed. "We should get this to Coulson."
"Why am I here Maria?" You asked harshly, arms crossed as you stared at the woman. "I could've been helping Coulson."
"I get that you want to help, Y/N, but you still work here and you have to keep up appearances," Maria said firmly, ignoring her friend's scowl. "If you really want to help SHIELD, you'll keep your cover intact."
You rolled your eyes but you knew Maria was right. If you spent too much time away from the Tower the Avengers would get suspicious and they couldn't know that Coulson or SHIELD were still alive.
"Plus, you know you can't get involved with Talbot."
You rolled her eyes again.
"Why does it matter Mar? He clearly saw us both when we crossed his team at Providence. Why does it matter if he sees me with SHIELD again?"
"Y/N, you and I both know why it matters, you're just being stubborn. As far as the world is concerned, SHIELD is a terrorist group and if you're associated with them-"
"It'll bring a lot of bad PR to the Avengers and I'll have to step down from both organizations to protect them." You finished for her, sighing frustratedly. "I know, Maria, I just hate it."
"Go blow off some steam, hang out with the team, whatever you need to do," Maria instructed in the motherly tone she had used when she was your SO. "There's a classified mission on the books to explain your absence."
As if summoned, Sam walked into the conference room moments after Maria had finished speaking.
"Hey! Y/N is back!" He exclaimed, a grin on his face. "Where ya been?"
"That, my friend, is classified," you answered with a sly smirk before turning to Maria in order to keep up appearances, "Am I finished with my debrief, Agent Hill?"
"You're free to go, Agent Y/L/N," Maria confirmed before turning to Sam, "Next time, knock before you burst into occupied meeting rooms, Mr. Wilson."
"You could just lock the door," Sam shot back but retracted it when he was met with Maria's no-nonsense glare. "Yes ma'am, I'll knock next time."
You did your best to hold back your laughter at the interaction until you and Sam had left the room. You immediately erupted into giggles and Sam groaned.
"I don't know why you guys even bother with all that 'Agent Hill' 'Agent Y/L/N' crap." He said, trying to turn the tables on you as you boarded the elevator. "We all know you're friends, it's so unnecessary."
"It's about professionalism, Sam," you answered, smirking. "I know you don't get it because the Avengers lack any sense of professionalism whatsoever but-"
"Hey! I take great offense to that!" A voice yelped from behind you and you turned to see that Tony was on the elevator as well.
"Oh please, Stark, you're the worst perpetrator of unprofessionalism." You pointed out and Sam snorted.
"I'm not the one who exploded coke all over one of the labs with Rogers last week," Tony shot back and you flushed.
"That was on our off time and we cleaned it up!" You protested, "How'd you even find out about that?"
"You think I don't have surveillance in my labs?"
"Wait you guys did the Coke and Mentos without me?" Sam whined right as the elevator doors opened on the gym floor.
"Oh, look at that, this is my floor," you said, rushing off the elevator to escape your friend's inevitable wrath for leaving him out of the childish experiment.
"No way, Y/L/N, you're not getting off that easy," Sam followed you and you broke into a run.
You sprinted down the hallway towards the gym doors, Sam hot on your heels.
"Steve! Nat! Help!" You squealed as you burst through the double doors, darting behind Steve's tall frame as he stood in front of a punching bag.
"Get back here, Y/L/N!" Sam yelled as he ran through the doors, still swinging from your entrance.
"What's this about, Sam?" Steve asked in mock seriousness as the man stalked towards them.
"Oh good Rogers, you're here too," Sam said and Steve had the mind to look alarmed right before Sam landed a hit on the super soldier's arm.
"Sam! What the hell was that for?"
"You guys blew up pop without me!"
"I didn't know you were supposed to do it with us!" Steve protested and the pair went silent for a moment.
Then you found herself struggling in Steve's arms as he turned on you.
"Steve! Let me go!" You gasped.
"Tell Sam you're sorry," Steve instructed, and you bit back a laugh, schooling your face into one of determination.
"Never!" You yelled, using your years of training to maneuver out of Steve's grip and using his weight to your advantage to flip him to the ground, his back landing hitting the mat below them with a thud.
Natasha let out a whoop from the other side of the gym where she had been silently observing. "That's my girl!"
You shot the redhead a grin as you took up a defensive stance. "Try me, Wilson." you dared.
Sam looked between the British agent and the blond supersoldier who was still lying between the mat before standing down.
"Nah," he shook his head, "Just invite me next time."
You snorted but agreed.
"Hey Y/N, wanna spar?" Nat called from the other side of the gym where she was already wrapping her fists.
"Sure," you answered with a laugh, "I love getting my ass kicked by former Soviet operatives."
Sam, Steve, and Nat all laughed and you flipped them off mockingly as you walked to the locker room to change out of your work clothes.
"I got here as soon as I could," you said sadly as you knelt next to Skye.
You were in Hartley's room and Skye was packing up the agent's belongings.
"How's everyone holding up?"
"I think we're all compartmentalizing," Skye sighed, folding up a piece of clothing and placing it in the suitcase. "Coulson won't mourn until we find out if Hunter snitched, and Mack and Tripp are putting all their efforts into reverse-engineering the quinjet's cloaking."
You had to remind yourself to take a deep breath to stop yourself from going off about the cloaking. You were less than thrilled with how Coulson, and truly the rest of the team, had been handling Fitz since the accident, and now they had gone ahead and found a cloaking solution even though Fitz had been working on one for months. You knew the organization desperately needed it, but you thought Coulson could've at least brought Fitz on to what they were doing instead of keeping him in the dark. But now wasn't time to get into that debate, now was the time to mourn Hartley and Idaho.
You helped Skye pack up the rest of Hartley's belongings until you were joined by Hunter, who had apparently decided not to betray SHIELD. You gave the two of them space, heading to the lab instead. Your presence there had started as a way to comfort Fitz, but at some point, the grey tiles and sterile surfaces had become something of a comfort to yourself. You had planned to just sit in a corner and stew in your emotions, maybe text Nat or Steve or Sam, but when you approached Mack was there talking to Fitz. You stood in the doorway, not wanting to enter the room and interrupt whatever they were doing. It was rare for other team members to seek out Fitz in the lab, everyone was too afraid of what they'd find.
You watched as Fitz handed Mack a file, the taller agent looking them over.
"I didn't solve this today." Fitz blurted but instead of wincing or pointedly looking anywhere but at the man, Mack looked up from the files to look the scientist in the eyes.
"You think you can?"
You cursed yourself as you let an excited gasp escape you. It immediately drew the two men's attention and the atmosphere of the lab changed.
"Y/N," Mack acknowledged and Fitz looked down shyly.
"I was just coming here for some peace, but I'd love to help," you explained your eavesdropping sheepishly.
"I think we could use the extra hands." Mack smiled and you grinned, stepping into the lab.
"What're we looking at?" You asked, stepping forward to look at the file that was now placed on one of the many lab tables.
It wasn't long before you had a cluster of lab techs gathered around the three of you as Fitz doled out instructions.
"It's about the.. the resonant," Fitz explained, though it was clear that none of the techs quite knew what he meant by the way their eyes flitted between you and Mack for help.
Fitz noticed the looks and you frowned as he clutched the wires he had been holding closer to his chest. "I didn't solve this today."
"So, what is this?" Mack asked, holding up another object that you didn't recognize. "Is this some sort of sonic device? Like the cloaking?"
You watched as the two men grew increasingly frustrated with each other.
"No, I- ugh, I didn't-" Fitz fumbled, his tone becoming more helpless as he continued to be misunderstood.
"Sorry, forget the cloaking." Mack waved it off and you glared at the techs as they exchanged wary looks. "No one blames you for that, let's just focus on Creel."
You yelped slightly as Fitz threw the papers off the lab table they'd been working at and Mack yelled for him to calm down.
"Get. out." You growled at the techs as they exchanged another look when Fitz turned his back to the group. They scampered off and Fitz turned back around to face them.
Okay." He said, taking a deep breath.
"Take it easy," Mack told the man and you frowned as you saw Fitz become visibly upset again.
'Look, I didn't solve this today!" He exclaimed and Mack matched his frustrations.
"Yeah, I know! You've said that already!" He yelled back.
"No!" Fitz exclaimed, "I didn't solve this today."
Mack looked like he was about to blow his top but you finally made the connection.
"You mean you've solved this before?" You asked him eagerly, eyes alight with the realization.
Fitz nodded excitedly, his posture relaxing slightly now that he had gotten his point across.
"Wait, you mean this is an old design?" Mack asked
"Yes! Yes!" Fitz said and you reached for a tablet, pulling up the designs from the past year.
"Okay, we're with you, Turbo," Mack said as they gathered around the tablet.
You began to flip through the designs, a few of which you recognized from various SHIELD reports until Fitz stopped you at one called the Overkill Device.
"Let's tell the team." You grinned at Fitz who looked quite proud of himself as he looked over the schematics.
"Did you get the 0-8-4?" You asked eagerly as the team filed off the quinjet.
You had been bitter that you weren’t brought in on the mission, especially since it had nothing to do with Talbot or any other government official but you knew you had accomplished something big back on base so you were willing to let it go.
"No," Hunter shook his head, "But we got Creel."
He jerked his thumb behind him a few agents escorted Creel off the Bus. Hunter wore a shit-eating grin and even dared to throw some taunts at the man as he passed them. You knew this was important to him, after what the man did to Hartley and Idaho.
"So Fitz's device worked?" You were thrilled, he needed a win, and this was a big one.
"Worked like a charm!" Hunter answered, taking a break from yelling insults at Creel's back.
"Woah, what the hell happened to Skye, Tripp, and May?" You demanded as the three slowly made their way off the plane with help from Coulson, each of them glaring daggers at Hunter as they passed by. "And Coulson was in the field?"
"A lot happened, I'll fill you in over a beer," Hunter said, making his way into the base and you followed.
You were mostly quiet as they made your way to the kitchen, Hunter grabbing you two bottles from the fridge.
"So what did you do to piss off May, Tripp, and Skye and to get Coulson into the field?" You asked as they sat on the barstools that lined the kitchen island.
"Might've iced them all to get a shot at Creel," Hunter shrugged nonchalantly and you gaped.
"You what?"
"Then Coulson took Creel down with Fitz's device and offered me a job at SHIELD." Hunter continued, speaking like this was just another day at the office for him.
"Hunter, that doesn't make any sense. You shot three of our agents!"
"With ICERS!" Hunter protested, "I wouldn't have killed them!"
You merely raised an eyebrow as if to say "wouldn't you have?"
"Y'know what? I take great offense to that, Y/L/N." Hunter said, using the hand holding his beer to gesture at your face. "I think I'd quite like to drink alone now."
"You're such an ass, Hunter." You laughed, standing up from your stool.
"Funny, that's what my ex-wife told me before we split up." He joked and you rolled your eyes.
"Well, I suppose I'll be seeing you around, Agent Lance Hunter," you smirked at Hunter's grimace and grabbed two more beers from the fridge, carrying them back to the Hanger.
As you expected, the Bus ramp was down and Mack and Fitz were stood inside.
"You look like you could use some refreshments." You joked as you walked up the incline to stand with the two men, handing each one a bottle.
"What's this for?" Mack asked, an easy smile on his face as he accepted the drink.
"To celebrate, of course," you answered, "Without Fitz, we never could've captured Creel, and if Coulson's plans to hand him over to Talbot works we might finally have the military off our asses."
"I'll drink to that," Mack said and you saw Fitz smile, the three of you clinking your bottles together.
a/n: Lot’s of jumps in this one. I think I’ve kinda decided that’s how most chapters are going to be- I’ve got a lot of ground to cover between here and endgame and I don’t want this story to drag on too much. Since the story is in Season 2 of Agents of SHIELD right now I think the Avengers parts are going to be a little lighter to balance out the heavier SHIELD moments (Though I did manage to get in an Avengers action scene). That’ll shift once we reach MCU territory. Also, first full Bucky encounter! Let me know what you think!
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erikthedead · 4 years
entry #1
I have finally acquired Microsoft Word! I really didn’t want to pay a monthly subscription for it, but it is the best writing software out there. Every time I mention myself spending money, a small prayer goes out to all the tax-paying members of the nation, since all my money comes from Universal Credit, which is the United Kingdom’s cute name for a type of welfare money. I much prefer just calling it ‘welfare,’ or even better ‘NEETbux,’ which I discovered used in online forums as a word for the money people receive when they are not in education, employment, or training (N.E.E.T), which has been my status for about two years now. Then ‘bux’ is just ‘bucks,’ obviously. Bucks is just money, obviously. Many people receiving Universal Credit also work as well; they just receive less - enough to supplement their wages if they aren’t getting enough money from their jobs.  
My last job was working in a busy restaurant for just about a year. Before that I was in university, but I dropped out after only completing the first year out of three. Before that, I worked as a carer for elderly people for just under a year. Before that, I was in college for two years, and I actually passed the course. I only passed it because the subject was forensic science, which included lots of writing about psychology, criminology and lab reports. I was never that good in the lab practically. I got flustered and bewildered in such a bright, sanitary environment that required precision and organisation to achieve the desired results. When it came to scrambling together a report to submit the next day though, I was pretty golden. I only dropped out of university because I had a mental break down as a result of poor mental health and just the fact that going outside and interacting with people was and still is incredibly exhausting for me. After a year of doing that consistently it seems, I get fatigued. In the end I got an average grade for the college course because some of the work was difficult, or boring, and that fatigue was hitting me by the second year. However, the grades I was getting on my university assignments for psychology and sociology were anywhere between top marks and good marks (Between 1st – 2:2 in UK student language). I never once read the feedback from the tutors who marked my work. All I needed to know was the mark was okay and moved on to the next assignment, firstly because I was arrogant and secondly, I couldn’t handle criticism. The mental break down itself involved me walking through the campus one day only to find myself slipping into a dissociative state. Nothing had happened immediately prior to trigger this, it just happened. It felt strange, like I wasn’t really real, and neither was anyone else. Everything felt distant and off, both externally and internally. It was frightening and strangely peaceful, as if at any moment someone could come in and blow the building up and I wouldn’t even react to it. That wasn’t normal. The only way to snap out of it was to lock myself in a toilet cubicle and lightly slice my arm with a tiny knife I had on my keys. It worked, but now I was in floods of tears and a state of distress, so I went to the student welfare services to see if they could help me or at least let me sit somewhere nicer than a toilet while I calmed down. It was an open office waiting area at the side of the bottom floor of a building that matched the layout of a prison ward with the stairs and the upper floors creating a square boarder of classrooms, that would have been cells for a prison. More for practical purposes than for aesthetic reasons, I’m sure. Still sobbing, and hiding my self-inflicted cuts, I asked the person behind the desk if I could ‘see someone,’ which is one polite British way of asking for help. After waiting a little while, a plump middle-aged lady appeared and brought me into her own little private office to ask me what had happened. She gave me her sympathy and asked me about my life and my history, and gave me some more sympathy, while relating her own experiences to mine. She was a good counsellor, basically. But having a good counsellor on site wasn’t enough to keep me on the course after that incident. Getting a degree just wasn’t worth it at the time. Being such a depressed and pessimistic person, I was only actually doing the course for ‘fun’ anyway, not for the hope that it will bring me a better future. Until recently, I never saw a future for myself. It wasn’t even a bleak future I imagined; it was just blank. I couldn’t even conceptualise it.
It’s not a mystery where all my misery came from. My childhood was a bit inconsistent to start, and from what I’ve observed, children need consistency more than anything to develop promisingly. I remember reading a study once that found children raised by parents who were consistently abusive to them were in fact more mentally stable than those raised by parents who could be lovely one day and nasty the next. It was not knowing what treatment they were going to get that did them in. It makes sense because if you’re always expecting to face a thrashing or a shouting at every day, you can at least prepare for it and train yourself to deal with it. We’re very adaptable creatures, but we need to be able to recognise patterns around us to do that. If there is no pattern, then how can we possibly make predictions? Without predictions, how can we possibly feel secure about our future? Having said all that, I was never abused in any way growing up, but I was sometimes neglected by my young mother, who was only 16 when she gave birth to me. Of course, it’s understandable now, but from a child’s perspective all you think is ‘why doesn’t my mum want me?’ When she sends you to your room for no reason and tells you not to come down for hours at a time. I asked ‘why’ a lot. Never got a good reason. I’m sure plenty of people who were raised by a drug-addicted parent can relate to this. She herself was a good mother, not amazing, but good. She told me she loved plenty of times, she gave me what she could, including a little sister when I was three years old. I think it was shortly after her birth that mum started taking heroin. It was only during drug education in year five of school (I would have been about 11) that I put the pieces together. She hid her addiction pretty well from us, but I sometimes found pieces of tin foil lying around the living room with lines of black residue on them, and once or twice witnessed her junkie friends ‘nodding off.’ There’s also a clear memory in my mind of being taken along by her and my nan to score some brown out of town and I can picture in my head the massive set of old-fashioned scales this drug dealer had sat on his coffee table right in front of me. I was too young to understand any of their lingo, though. Yes, I mentioned my nan, my mum’s mum. They got smacked up together, and they eventually got clean together. I’ll never know the details of how that came about because neither of them are alive anymore to ask. Mum died when I was 14 by taking an overdose of her methadone, then nan died when was 21 of a heart attack, likely due to the COPD she had developed from years of smoking.
My nan was so full of love for my mum, my sister and me. Some of my favourite childhood memories are being snuggled up in bed listening to her read me stories, which she did with flare and enthusiasm. She would affectionately call us her ‘wobblies,’ and give us more hugs kisses than we ever wanted. My mum definitely inherited her loving nature from her. But love on its own isn’t enough to keep kids clothed and fed and able to go out and do things. This is where the legend that is my grandad comes in. He is still going strong at 66 years old as of writing. God knows where I’d be without him. He’s been my father figure all my life since I never knew who or where my real dad was. He’s hard-working, reliable, responsible and strong. He supported us immensely despite not relating to him biologically. My biological grandfather was a free-spirited busker who liked to smoke and drink a lot, who I only met a hand full of times before he hanged himself when I was 19. His death did not affect me, but my mum’s and nan’s certainly did. I’ll probably have to see my grandad die as well eventually, and I don’t dread anything more.
Although I started off describing my family background by saying it’s obvious where my source of misery comes from, I must emphasise that my family is not the source of my misery. My childhood overall was pretty forgettable. I only have a few memories and they’re fond memories, despite the unfortunate situation I just described. Even getting my face ripped open by the neighbour’s dog when I was six didn’t faze me. It was only when puberty hit me that life started to feel horrible, and it just got worse.
I was an early bloomer, if blooming is what you call it. I call it mutating. I started getting hairy and growing tits when I was 10, and got my period about a year later. Now THAT is a traumatic memory. Waking up and going for a morning wee as usual, sitting down on the toilet and being overcome with horror at the sight of blood covering my pyjamas, realising there’s only one place that could have come from, then investigating the source only to confirm ‘Oh shit, I’m bleeding from between my legs!’ I was living with my nan and grandad at the time and I stayed there (or here, since I’m still living in the same house as of writing) under their guardianship while mum sorted herself out. After the shocking discovery of blood, I immediately ran into nan’s bedroom to wake her up. I vividly remember what and how she responded to me. With a sigh of what seemed like unsettling disappointment she said “Oh, darling, I’m sorry, I’m afraid you’ve got your period.’  I wonder now if she said it like that because she felt guilty for not warning me about this, as she should have. Someone should have. In all fairness I was young, but the other kids in my year at school were soon popping into adolescence alongside me, so I thought that soon enough everyone else would be going through what I was going through, but that wasn’t the case. I was bullied for having chronic acne. I was also a bit of a chubby boffin, but it was mostly the acne that people targeted me for. The girls shaved their legs once they started to get hairy, and I remember thinking ‘Damn, I suppose I’ve got to do that too,’ despite never wearing a skirt. They also seemed to relish in showing off and comparing their bras in the changing rooms, while I hid away as very best as I could. Make-up was a constant battle between students and teachers because they all wanted to look pretty, but it wasn’t allowed in middle school (Year 5-8), so luckily, I had an excuse for not wearing it. I’d regularly complain to my family about hating going to school, and how depressed I was, but it was all put down to teenage blues. ‘You’ll be alright once your hormones settle down,’ I was told more than once.  I remember my nan telling me I would miss going to school when I was older and so far she’s been proven wrong.  
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deadcactuswalking · 4 years
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 13/02/2021 (Digga D, AJ Tracey, Cardi B)
It’s not as big of a week as it is just a confusing one, so there’s no pre-amble. Olivia Rodrigo spends a fifth week at #1 with “drivers license” and let’s start REVIEWING THE CHARTS.
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I started writing this a bit later than usual so I just want to rush through most of what’s here. The songs dropping out of the UK Top 75 are either debuts from not long ago like “Notorious” by Bugzy Malone featuring Chip and “Lo Vas A Olvidar” by Billie Eilish and ROSALÍA, or songs that have been here for a while, like “Monster”  by Shawn Mendes and Justin Bieber, “Holy” by Justin Bieber featuring Chance the Rapper and “Dynamite” by BTS. We even have some #1 hits dropping out of the Top 75 this week, like “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac, “WAP” by Cardi B featuring Megan Thee Stallion and “Shallow” by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. In terms of fallers, we have, seemingly, some of the older Winter cuts being replaced, as we see “Sweet Melody” by Little Mix getting a harsh streaming cut down to #30,  “Whoopty” by CJ down to #33, “Levitating” by Dua Lipa and remixed by DaBaby down to #34 (although this could rebound given the album release), “you broke me first” by Tate McRae at #37, “SO DONE” by The Kid YAOI at #57, “All I Want” by Olivia Rodrigo at #61, “Looking for Me” by Diplo, Paul Woodford and Kareen Lomax at #62, “Train Wreck” by James Arthur at #63, “See Nobody” by Wes Nelson and Hardy Caprio at #64, “Take You Dancing” by Jason Derulo at #65, “Therefore I Am” by Billie Eilish at #68, “Before You Go” by Lewis Capaldi at #72 and “Golden” by Harry Styles at #73, as well as some more recent debuts, including the entirety of Fredo’s album impact from last week, as “Money Talks” with Dave is at #11, “Ready” with Summer Walker at #31 and “Burner on Deck” with Young Adz and the late Pop Smoke at #32. “Skin” by Sabrina Carpenter and “Apricots”  by Bicep aren’t faring that well either, at #51 and #56 respectively. When I said these songs are being replaced, I wasn’t overestimating anything as we have our new crop of hits seemingly all surging, as “Martin & Gina” by Polo G is at #54, “Be the One” by Rudimental, MORGAN, TIKE and Digga D is at #49, “Best Friend” by Saweetie featuring Doja Cat is at #42, “My Head & My Heart” by Ava Max is at #35, “Love Not War (The Tampa Beat)” by Jason Derulo and Nuka is at #27, “Heat Waves” by Glass Animals is at #24, “Your Love (9PM)” by ATB, Topic and A7S is at #23 (it’s honestly starting to grow on me), and “Blinding Lights” by the Weeknd is somehow back up to #20. Speaking of the top 20, we also have “Friday” by Riton, Nightcrawlers and Musafa & Hypeman dopamine re-editing itself up to #16, “Save Your Tears” also by the Weeknd at #15, and two new top 10 hits, both songs with basically the same chart run and genre. “Goosebumps” by Travis Scott, remixed by HVME, remixed by Travis Scott is at #10, becoming HVME’s first and Travis’ fourth top 10 hit here in Britain. We also have “The Business” by Tiesto grooving up to #7, becoming Tiesto’s fourth top 10 hit. I honestly feel bad for the still completely uncredited vocalist. We also have a third new top 10 entry but that’s a debut that we can discuss later. I should also note that “Roses” by SAINt JHN and remixed by Imanbek is back at #74, and a winning Eurovision song, “Arcade”, by Dutch singer Duncan Lawrence is also back at #39 off of the back of some TikTok traction. I think this is the most streamed Eurovision now – I’d watch out for this being a big hit. Welp, time to get into our really, and I mean REALLY, varied and weird crop of new arrivals, starting with...
#75 – “Roadtrip” – Dream and PmBata
Produced by Banrisk and Perish Beats
Okay, so this is a song by Minecraft YouTuber Dream, or at least that’s who I think he is. I think there was some kind of scandal related to him, and a couple people got involved and someone got doxed... listen, I don’t care. Not only is this song really not worthy of reviewing on the principle that unlike Wilbur Soot a couple weeks ago, Dream has never been a musician, which is clear from how involved no-name singer PmBata was in this, but I care for my private information not being made public so... What ridiculous excuse do I have to not review this? Okay, 1997 reggae-rock classic “Doin’ Time” by Sublime returns to #75 after Boris Johnson made a TikTok in the Houses of Parliament where he says “Pogchamp, Brexiteers, I just got tested for COVID-19” with the song in the background, and Joe Biden is on a Zoom call with him a few seconds later visibly annoyed because he prefers the New Radicals. Sure, let’s go with that. What was this entry about again?
#71 – “Goodbye” – Imanbek and Goodboys
Produced by Joris Mur, Imanbek and Goodboys
Everyone’s favourite Kazakh house producer Imanbek is finally back on the charts with his collaboration with British pop trio Goodboys, who you may know from their carbon-copy hits made with MEDUZA. After listening to that EP he made with Rita Ora, I’m slightly less impressed with Imanbek’s production, but that EP’s impact, if any, will be seen when the lead single featuring David Guetta and Gunna debuts low next week. Yes, seriously, all four on the same track. Anyway, this song, “Goodbye”, is actually pretty okay, with a generic deep house groove and fake hand-clap effectively saved by the Goodboys’ really intriguing vocal delivery and processing, which ends up in a Travis Scott-like Auto-Tune harmony that’s honestly pretty endearing right before the anti-climactic slap-house drop. The song’s lyrical content probably isn’t worth talking about, but it’s about a generic struggle with a break-up, and how hard it is for one of these good boys to say good bye. The build-up with the pre-chorus before the blue-balls second drop is kind of genius, and that’s probably my favourite part of the song outside of the abrupt vocaloid drop at the end. For what it’s worth, it takes more risks than most of these house-pop songs, most notably by having only a single verse in the middle of the song, and being really short, clocking in at less than two and a half minutes. It’s not as infectious as “Piece of Your Heart”, but this is fine. I’m glad it’s here if it’s going to give Imanbek another non-Rita Ora-assisted hit.
#60 – “Little Bit of Love” – Tom Grennan
Produced by Jamie Scott, LOSTBOY and Daniel Bryer
Tom Grennan is an English singer-songwriter who released their debut record in 2016 and was crowned by the BBC as the “Sound of 2017”, before dropping off the face of the Earth. He was brought to fame by a guest feature on a Chase & Status song that didn’t even do that well and now he’s back with the lead single from his upcoming sophomore effort, and his highest ever charting song. Well, is it any good? I mean, I like OneRepublic too. The rising strings here in the intro and chorus are pretty cool, and I’ll give it to Grennan for having an interesting voice but the odd level of grit in it does not fit well for this plastic production, which quickly devolves into vaguely danceable synth-mess that’s just not interesting. The content is mostly about unconditional love, particularly one that feels not particularly reciprocated, although some of the detail in the second verse feels like it’s going somewhere. I’ll admit, the chorus is catchy, but this mix puts way too much emphasis on a flawed vocal take from Grennan, which really detracts from the pathetic excuse for a bridge. I do enjoy how this feels like a flash-back to the mid-2010s, where happier, synth-based pop was this prominent, and I do love how the strings come back in the outro, but good production can’t do much to save a song that just feels under-cooked and definitely under-written. The OneRepublic comparison feels particularly fitting here too because their stuff tends to be just as stagnant, not to mention the lyrical riffs off of “Counting Stars”. I mean, when you start your first verse – in the first 10 or so seconds of the track – with the most recognisable part of a very recognisable song, I think Ryan Tedder deserves at least some royalties.
#58 – “Astronaut in the Ocean” – Masked Wolf
Produced by Tyron Hapi
Masked Wolf is an Australian singer and this song is actually from June 2019, just gaining enough traction, presumably off of TikTok, to debut on the charts this week. The song got a 2021 reissue and I assume a remix and, well... for God’s sake. The Kid LAROI should not have been an entry point for Australian trap, because outside of a second or two of distortion in the intro, this is far from unique. It has a guitar-based trap instrumental with dark 808s that even Gunna would pass up on, and an Auto-Tuned delivery from Masked Wolf, clearly trying too hard to replicate Drake in the intro and bridge, Kid Cudi in the chorus, G-Eazy in the first verse, Eminem AND Kendrick on the second verse, to the point where he even directly references Kendrick Lamar’s much better music. He suffers from the same problems as all of these artists combined, with lyrics that seem like they’re building up off of something interesting about depression before going into aimless flexing like a mid-tier Kid Cudi track, flows that sound as meandering and checked-out as Drake’s, the failed attempt at some kind of white-boy swagger that G-Eazy hasn’t pulled off successfully since 2016, the substance-less content hidden behind fast flows from Eminem and... oh, my God, this guy’s just like Australian Logic. I don’t like American Logic, why do we need this guy too? Yeah, this is bad, and there’s not much worth nitpicking in this mix or even the lyrics to even point out. I guess the worst bar is when he says he believes in G-O-D but not a T-H-O-T. So he’s a slut-shaming NF now? Jesus Christ, I’d take a full album from The Kid LAROI over this.
So the next two songs are ones I’ll actually need to somewhat lump together, as they are consecutive on the chart and both from the same album, and the same washed-up band.
#53 – “Waiting on a War” – Foo Fighters
Produced by Greg Kurstin
We have two songs from Dave Grohl and friends here from their latest album, Medicine at Midnight, technically three if we count the entire top 100, which means, yes, the UK just had a Foo Fighters album bomb. I’ll focus on the album as a whole with the next song because this is easily the worse track here and the worst track on the album purely out of how misguided it is. Dave Grohl wrote this song because he felt inspired by the current hell-scape of the political climate, reminding him of his own youth when he was surrounded by rising Cold War tensions. His young daughter asked him if there was going to be a war and naturally this song came out of it, reflecting on the fears he and his daughter have and that everyone deserves a future and a lifetime not taken away from them by conflict and fear. This is a good song idea but it absolutely does not work, and that’s partially down to the production. When I first heard this track on the album, I genuinely grimaced at the vocoder-mumble that Grohl takes on against the scratchy acoustic guitars. The whole point of the instrumentation is that it builds tension with rising strings, multi-tracked acoustics and eventually some electric guitars and powerful drums, yet because of how slow-paced the song is, it fails to mirror the rising tension of the prospect of there being a war. Instead, it’s a slog and its pay-off by the end feels unwarranted in the most boring way. Sure, the squeals of the guitars in the back of the mix sound good, but surely a song like this should not end like any of the Foo Fighters’ other pop-rock anthems, especially not as abruptly as it does. Wouldn’t you want a more subdued outro to comfort your daughter’s fears that at least right now, everything’s okay? That would make the most sense to me, but that’s thrown out of the window, with pathetic songwriting, with verses that play word association with the blandest of rhymes, seemingly irrelevant pop-song-generator filer and a chorus that is mind-numbingly repetitive but ultimately fails to build tension because of the content asking us to wait, constantly, even when it gets into its heavier rock tone. We’re supposed to wait for something that is only implied to never come, because there isn’t finality. Sure, that could work as a way of saying that Grohl is just as uncertain and scared as his daughter is about political conflict, but that would imply this song gives off any further emotion than the fact the Foo Fighters felt the need to cut a vaguely political track out of necessity. As a song, and as an album, Dave Grohl is utterly confused, and “Waiting on a War” is way too slow and non-specific to act as a protest song, as well as being way too on-the-nose for it to work as a ballad. Let’s talk about this next single.
#52 – “Making a Fire” – Foo Fighters
Produced by Greg Kurstin
What the hell is Greg Kurstin doing here? This is the first track on the album and is supposed to make some kind of gripping impact but is instead just a snoozefest. The choral female vocals sound bored, but at least it’s not as strained as the struggling Dave Grohl trying and failing to yelp over a stiff groove which has its momentum killed by drumming too slow and mixed too oddly to make this pre-chorus even coherent, not helped by Grohl’s butt-rock delivery and non-descript lyrics. There could be a guitar solo here, to make this track feel memorable, but no, it’s hidden under a pre-chorus with an extended gospel bridge that doesn’t build up effectively to a chorus that just comes crashing in and hence has no effect. Maybe I just can’t listen to arena  rock in a quarantine context, but I can’t even imagine this making much of a fuss in a packed stadium without desperately needing tweaks in the songwriting and especially the production, because this just sounds stunted. It’s telling that Grohl made his best tracks as the Foo Fighters on his own and those first two records, alongside a pretty decent 2014 comeback in the form of Sonic Highways, are still great. I’m not denying that Grohl can write a good song, or that the Food Figures can’t play, because they’re all talented guys. This is just one album in many that leaves me with the feeling that these guys just can’t do much more outside of their comfort zone than fail miserably. These songs won’t stick around, and thank God for that.
#50 – “Believe Me” – Navos
Produced by Tom Demac and Navos
Another week, another... okay, but we already had a generic pop-infused deep house track from a couple EDM randos, do we really need another? Okay, well, this one is even less interesting than Imanbek’s effort as it doesn’t even try for a verse, instead going for a deep house groove I’ve heard countless times before, drowned out by some square synths and, yes, you guessed it, 90s piano loops and an uncredited female vocalist repeating basically the same couple lines over and over. This is made for the clubs, but I feel like even regular club-goers would tire of this vocaloid drop and cloudy production two minutes in. There’s nothing worth discussing here, because this probably took as many minutes to make as it did to listen to. I have no idea why Navos debuts a song so high, but I’ve got to assume TikTok’s to blame. Apparently this guy makes tech house, where’d any of that skill or intrigue go here?
#21 – “Up” – Cardi B
Produced by Sean Island, DJ SwanQo and Yung Dza
Anyone else surprised at how such a big name gets production from people I’ve never heard of before? Not that it matters, it’s just odd. Anyways, this is Cardi’s new single, presumably from that ever-elusive second album, debuting around 20 spots lower than it will in the US, and it’s going for a more gangsta-rap content than the hyper-sexual “WAP”, but does she keep the same energy? Well, yes... in fact, after all the mediocrity, I’m glad to have a genuinely great song debut this week. This is a great, bass-heavy beat that gives a Memphis phonk feel in the dark keys as well as the hard-hitting 808s and spacey percs and sound effects that add some needed distortion, even if there’s going to be some brief clipping along the way. Cardi brings some necessary energy from the brilliant opening lyrics and continues with a fast-paced, chanting flow that accentuates some of her funnier lyrics with her charisma that she always brings to a trap track like this. I’d say that this is maybe too repetitive – with very little of the verses to speak of – or even somewhat derivative of her previous song, “Money”, but there’s a lot better lyrical content in this one, not to mention how well she complements a more straight-forward but still killer beat. Oh, yeah, and Cardi’s stacks are Shaq-height as she dismisses haters with an impressive level of swagger and confidence, that carries the refrain, but that’s not to say the lyrics aren’t really great in the verses. There’s genuinely funny and sexy wordplay here, especially in the second verse, and also some great liners: “hoes speakin’ cap-anese”, accusing her haters of having pink-eye and their breath smelling like “horse sex”. This is a short, probably underdeveloped song, but it’s the type of surreal, high-energy trap I kind of really love and I hope this sticks around further in the UK.
#19 – “Latest Trends” – A1 x J1
Produced by ShoBeatz
A1 x J1 are a British rap duo with no other songs. Yeah, something’s fishy here: this is their only song on Spotify that blew up from a 15-second clip on TikTok, and their Spotify bio is trying to decide whether they’re the next D-Block Europe or the Beatles, as well as really emphasising how the song grew “all organically”, even though they’re already signed to Universal... yeah, there’s nothing subtle here, so I won’t buy this TikTok fame schtick, but does it matter when the song is good? Well, not really, and honestly, I’m kind of into this guitar-based drill-R&B fusion in the beat, but it doesn’t really help the fact that J1’s Stormzy impression is janky and unconvincing, especially if he’s going to try for some shallow wordplay, and that A1’s Auto-Tuned croon is just boring, reminding me a lot of A Boogie wit da Hoodie, but with a less recognisable voice and delivery, even if the first verse contains a funny line about a woman making that ass clap “for the NHS”, although he totally took that from Swarmz anyway. Yeah, I’m not a fan of this fake attempt at an organic pop-drill crossover, but unfortunately, I can very much see this working, though I’d be happy if the British public will see through this dishonesty as soon as possible.
#5 – “Bringing it Back” – Digga D and AJ Tracey
Produced by TheElements and AoD
Now for a rap duo that makes more sense to debut this high and are actually, you know, separately successful rappers, therefore they debut in the top five, which is impressive. The whole concept of this song is that Digga D and AJ Tracey are using old flows, those that would be nostalgic to their deeper fan base, to spit bars on a new track called, fittingly “Bringing it Back”. The flow AJ Tracey brings back is from his overlong “Packages” freestyle, a five-minute track from 2016, that works more as a freestyle than it does as a song, where he uses a familiar UK drill flow to go off for a really long time, and, yes, it is pretty impressive but the flow becomes stale too quickly. Digga D uses his flow from his “Next Up?” freestyle from 2017, a similarly badly-mixed UK drill freestyle but with a much more palatable length. Digga D’s flow he uses in that track is arguably slicker but honestly one that I see used a lot in UK drill and by Digga D, so I’m not sure it’s not worth “bringing it back” when you could come up with a new, catchier flow. I’ll admit that “Bringing it Back”, however, is a pretty damn good song, with Digga D’s more technical and fluid flow allowing for a lot more intricate internal rhymes that sound really great over the triumphant, string-heavy drill beat, as he trades bars with AJ Tracey’s slower but more confident, laid-back flow, which allows him to spit some more specific, interesting bars, some of which really hit, like when he says he “locked up the food for the kids like Boris and then I let it go like Rashford”. Hey, I respect it, I haven’t heard a more clever way of intertwining political commentary with cocaine smuggling since Pusha T last released a record. The way AJ Tracey and Digga D play off of each other’s lines is really smooth, and especially how Digga D plays with the beat, as while his lyrics may be less interesting, they mash perfectly with the beat’s frantic fades in and out, especially in his last lines before the first chorus, where he asks for the track to literally be turned off... and it is. So, yeah, I’m pretty damn happy with this debuting so high off the energy alone, even if Digga D is going to pronounce “LOL” like a one-syllable word. I’d say this is actually a really good starting point for people who want to get into more UK drill because it has a lot of the grit and menace of the genre in a more accessible, catchy form, even if it may run a bit too long for my taste.
Wow, what a weird, weird week... and a lot of it was straight garbage. I’m giving Best of the Week to “Up” by Cardi B, with an Honourable Mention to Digga D and AJ Tracey for “Bringing it Back”, though Worst of the Week is pretty much a toss-up. I’ll give it to the Foo Fighters for “Waiting on a War”, with a Dishonourable Mention tied between “Astronaut in the Ocean” by Masked Wolf and “Believe Me” by Navos for just both being worthless. Anyways, here’s our top 10:
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The UK Singles Chart is honestly kind of chaotic right now – even more so than usual – and I don’t see that changing. Even if I don’t like all of the songs, it’s at least compelling. Anyways, thank you for reading and you can follow me @cactusinthebank on Twitter if you want. I can’t really make any predictions for next week other than Taylor Swift re-recording her own music and I guess some impact from Rita Ora and Imanbek, or hopefully, slowthai. Regardless of what happens, I’ll see you next week!
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calacuspr · 4 years
Calacus Weekly Hit & Miss – Nick Kyrgios & Kansas City Chiefs
Every Monday we look at the best and worst communicators in the sports world from the previous week.
Australian star Nick Kyrgios has consistently divided opinion throughout the tennis world with his on-court antics and outspoken comments since turning professional in 2013.
One of only three players to have beaten Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic the first time he played each of them, Kyrgios has often frustrated fans by seemingly wasting his gifted ability.
Kyrgios’ men’s singles world ranking has slumped to 47 as a result, with two quarter-finals his best results in major tournaments – both coming more than five years ago.
He has become infamous for his on-court meltdowns and was even given a 16-week suspended ban and fine in 2019. He has admitted that depression has been behind some of his clashes with fans and match collapses.
This week, the 25-year-old has been at the centre of headlines emanating from the Australian Open, continuing to stir up bad blood with Djokovic, but more than anything, he has helped turn the tide of public opinion towards him.
Clearly Kyrgios isn’t going to win over everyone, but it’s hard to argue that he makes tennis more interesting for viewers. In an era of sports stars often holding their tongue to avoid getting into trouble with relevant authorities, he isn’t afraid to showcase his true personality.
His second and third round matches at the Australian Open were both five-set classics and put on a fantastic show for the lucky fans allowed into Melbourne Park before the government announced a five-day lockdown in Victoria to suppress an outbreak of the UK strain of coronavirus.
Former British number one Tim Henman is working as a pundit for Eurosport’s international coverage of ‘the happy slam’ and gave his take on the Aussie. 
“For me, Nick Kyrgios is great for tennis. He’s a volatile character, you never quite know what to expect. He’s a huge talent, one of the best serves in the game,” Henman commented.
“And he’s got a very good heart. He’s supported me and my charity foundation, he does a lot of good stuff off the court.
“If he could maintain that concentration and focus, both on the practice court and match court, I really think he can go on and produce bigger and better results.
“I’m a fan. I hope he can channel that talent to go on and win some big titles in the future.”
Henman did, however, point to the ongoing feud with Djokovic as an example of where Kyrgios could learn to reign in some of his antics.
"It’s a fine line. Obviously he’s a character on and off the court. But it’s very important that he can still concentrate so that these antics don’t become a distraction, they don’t affect his performance.
"Sometimes I think he’s got to learn where to draw the line and get back to the basics of implementing the enormous talent that he has on the court."
While the negatives have often outweighed the positives for Kyrgios in the past, it does feel as if the balance is shifting.
In January, Kyrgios pledged to donate A$200 for every ace he hit at tournaments throughout the month to help those affected by widespread bushfires in Australia. His charitable efforts led to Tennis Australia committing A$100 for every ace served at the ATP Cup and his response showed a genuine side to him rarely seen. 
“I just chucked up a tweet and everyone got behind it. It is bigger than tennis,” he said.
“It's going to all the families, firefighters, animals, everyone who is losing homes, losing families. It's a real thing.
“My hometown is Canberra and it's got the most toxic air in the world. That's sad. It is tough.”
His investment in his own NK Foundation also feels like more than just an easy PR win. The Foundation’s mission statement gives another insight into how much he has matured in recent times.
“Tennis is a great life – we are well paid and the perks are pretty good – but it can feel empty if you’re just doing it for the money. I now know what it’s all for. When I work on the NK Foundation and our Melbourne facility, I cast my mind forward to all the disadvantaged kids I will be helping. I’m playing for them now.” 
Kyrgios is far from perfect and will undoubtedly make the headlines for the wrong reasons in future, but for now he should be praised for bringing joy to millions of tennis fans this week at a time when it is needed most.
MISS – Kansas City Chiefs
The Super Bowl is one of the biggest sports events in the United States and understandably attracts the glamour and razzmatazz that comes with such an occasion.
For the Kansas City Chiefs, who ended up losing the game, the focus on the field was understandable, but while sport is an important part of societal fabric, it’s fundamentally important that it never surpasses life and the rule of law.
Three days before the Super Bowl, Chiefs outside linebacker coach Britt Reid, the son of head coach Andy Reid, was involved in a car crash near the team’s training complex that left two young children seriously injured.
The team had said Britt Reid was involved in a multi-vehicle crash last Thursday. He did not travel with the team to the Super Bowl in Tampa Bay and Andy Reid said his son underwent surgery after the crash, but few other details have been released.
Reid was placed on administrative leave the day after the crash and with his contract expiring at the conclusion of the Super Bowl, he is no longer employed by the club.
Reid apparently told police he had “two or three drinks” and had a prescription for Adderall when the accident occurred, according to a search warrant. He served five months in 2007 when convicted of road-rage that included driving under the influence, possession of a controlled substance and the brandishing of a gun. He also pleaded guilty to DUI and drug possession in a separate incident.
In an official statement, the Chiefs said: “The organization has been made aware of a multi-vehicle accident involving Outside Linebackers Coach, Britt Reid. We are in the process of gathering information, and we will have no further comment at this time. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved.”
In the post-game interview, Reid’s father Andy commented: “My heart goes out to all those who were involved in the accident, in particular the family with the little girl who’s fighting for her life.
“I can’t comment on it any more than what I am here. So the questions you have, I’m going to have to turn those down; but just from a human standpoint, my heart bleeds for everybody involved in that.”
A later Chiefs statement said: “We remain in the process of gathering information on the incident, and we will continue to assist local authorities as requested.
“Our focus remains on [the girl] and her family. We have reached out to the family to offer our support and resources to them during this difficult time, and we will continue to pray for her recovery.”
Organisations find themselves in tricky positions when one of their own is involved in a serious incident, often not wanting to draw more attention to it and wary of liability.
But with a young girl in a serious condition, why did the Chiefs not do more and realise that as a pillar of society, they could easily have provided support without any admission of guilt or complicity.
The girl’s family had to set up a GoFundMe page to support her medical care, raising almost half a million dollars.
Why did the Chiefs not offer to provide support for the girl and her family, which would have been the right thing to do and would have given the impression that they were backing up their words with actions?
The Chiefs owners are worth more than $15 billion and could have covered medical bills without admitting liability.
While there are questions over whether Britt Reid was drinking at the Chiefs’ training ground before getting in his car, why are the club not conducting a thorough internal investigation rather than just helping the police with their inquiries?
Despite being the coach’s son, the club must do the right thing and back up their compassion with action and support for a family devastated by the incident on that fateful day, rather than hide behind empty statements that show little compassion for the family or the Kansas community now supporting the injured child in a way they should have done from the outset.
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shooting-the-walls · 5 years
The Empty Hearse: my inner monologue because I like writing these
I would just like to point out before we get going that I was rather a latecomer to this fandom. I got into it just as Season 4 was released, so early 2017. When this episode was released in 2014 I was only 10 years old!!! Still probably my favourite fandom though, the one I always find myself returning to.
Anyways, on with my crazy monologue!!
• We stan a quick rundown of the Depression of the Century
• #creepymaskmuch
• Molly be like "oh damn"
• Uno reverse bitches!!!
• Molly be like "YAAAAS"
• I'm sorry can we just acknowledge how hot the window jump is
• Bet John wished he could be Molly in that sitch XD
• Still feel so sorry for John :(
• Greg is so fucking done with Anderson's theories XD
• "You're a guilty lil bitch Anderson, stfu": Lestrade 2k14
• "I BelIEVe iN sHErloCK HOLmeS"
• Eyyyyyyy Sherlock is not guilty!!!! (Obvs)
• When depression hits, get a (terrible) moustache bitches
• Ooooo helicopters and running, Mission Impossible style
• When you just..... give the fuck up
• When you can't stand that screaming so you just turn your music up
• I mean torture is pretty harsh man
• Of course Sherlock would deduce his way out XD
• When Mycroft just doesn't give a Single Shit
• John be like "nah imma just stare at this wall"
• Mycroft's got a fancy fucking office guys
• John stop tryna be Sherlock with your terrible imitation coat and scarf
• Mrs Hudson always cares for her adoptive sons, but she does with high sarcasm and sass
• Mycroft, why does your office look like a torture chamber??
• Benedict is HOT Jesus
• "Definitely. Enjoying it.": You! Don't! Appreciate! Your! Brother!
• Anthea prefers Sherlock to Mycroft, they have bitch sessions about him pass it on lol
• Mrs Hudson is so sassy and honest XD
• John you fucking liar you're not sorry
• Mycroft is so Done with his little brother XD
• Sherlock, stop personifying London dude
• "Yes, we meet up every Friday for fish and chips": Mycroft, the sarcasm is not needed
• Mrs Hudson is such a fucking Queen
• "What's his name?"
• "Sherlock was not my boyfriend": YES HE FUCKING WAS SHUT UP
• "I AM NOT GAY": wow, denial is high there John
• Mrs Hudson ships Johnlock more than the rest of the fandom combined XD
• Mycroft: "oh yeah but the other wine is like so much better. Anyways, your bff hates you now byeeeee"
• Sherlock is such a fucking little twat when he wants to be lol
• "Would I suggest you look at this menus, it's... completely identical"
• The way he's just tryna be like "look at meeeeeeee" and John gives not a single fuck
• "Surprise me" "certainly endeavouring to, sir"
• Awwwwwww hey Mary
• John is such an awkward lil hedgehog
• Mary: I agree I'm the best thing that could have happened to you
John: bitch you're not Sherlock
• Oh damn. OH DAMN.
• John just having a mini mental breakdown here
• "Short version. Not dead."
• John looks like he's about to kill someone (preferably Sherlock)
• "Oh God" "Not quite"
• The look in Sherlock's eyes when he realises that John isn't happy to see him
• #deflectiontechniques
• In the cafe, Sherlock just looks like a kid that's like 2 hours late home
• "You know for a genius you can be remarkably thick"
• "That's a little more difficult to explain" "I've got all night bitch"
• "Just your brother, Molly and a hundred tramps"
• I love that they end up in a chip shop XD
• John, your moustache is terrible. Accept it lol
• "One word to let me know that you were alive"
• Mary just laughing her head off in the corner XD
• Sherlock: BITCH STFU IT'S A SECRET (whilst entire chip shop is listening in)
• *headbutt*
• "I said sorry, isn't that what you're supposed to do?"
• Mary knows what's up BUT SHE A LIAR
• Honestly don't know why Mollie looks so shocked, like she knew he was alive
• Greg is just like a proud Papa
• "Oo you bastard!"
• Sherlock being vaguely confused/irritated by a hug XD
• BBC, can we talk about the random shot of the back of Una Stubbs' throat?
• Anderson just doesn't ship Sheriarty XD
• Think the Chip Shop Argument got spilled lol
• Mary is having the time of her life reading the blog XD
• Mary really ships the boys right from the start lol
• "I don't shave for Sherlock Holmes" "You should put that on a t-shirt"
• The terror alert is on critical and these bitches are just playing chess
• Ngl, missed the burgundy dressing gown
• "Oh bugger!"
• Mycroft be so defensive
• "Both of us thought you were an idiot, Sherlock. We had nothing else to go on until we met other children" "Oh yes, that was a mistake" "ghastly. What were they thinking of?" "Probably something about making friends": I feel SO sorry for the Holmes parents XD
• Mycroft, I think your brother is trying to set you up with a lil someone (
• "Change the subject. Now"
• Mrs Hudson: :)
• "He's pleased to see you underneath all that--" "Which of us??" "Both of you"
• Sherlock straight in there with the gender equality
• Sherlock: Icelandic sheep wool bitch
Mrs Hudson: ah yes, because the world need a blog on that -_-
• "I'm not lonely": yes you are stfu
• I love the wink to Mrs Hudson :)
• Mrs Hudson really wants her boys back lol
• Loving the use of transitions to show how much of a dick John is being to Sherlock lol
• "Have dinner?" "Solve crimes?"
• Molly knows she's replacing John really
• "Weight loss, hair dye, botox, affair, lawyer. Next!"
• Sherlock is so gentle with the poor woman :)
• John is so fucking convinced he's right, but it's kinda sad that he doesn't think Sherlock will respect his personal space (because he never has before): JOHN SUBCONSCIOUSLY WANTS SHERLOCK THERE
• Can we just agree that Sherlock is such a sweetie and that it is heartbreaking that John is now his awful internal monologue because he's convinced he hates him after how he reacted once he returned?
• Lestrade just being a concerned dad in the background
• Molly and Lestrade are both just so spooked out
• *dramatically blows dust off book*
• HE WANTS JOHN BACK SO BAD awwwwwwwwwwwwww
• Quick aside, but I have a friend who is a train fanatic (he's coming to prom on a steam thingy) and the train dude reminds me of him lol
• "Excuse you": JOHN YOU SASSY QUEEN
• John: Makin' my way downtown, walkin' fast, getting kidnapped and I fall down
• "Did you get him off a murder charge" "Nope helped him put up some shelves"
• "Do you fancy chips?": HANG ON A MOMENT. In S4E2 Sherlock states that "You're suicidal you're allowed chips. Trust me I should know". Does that mean..... oh Jesus, Sherlock, you little sweetie, you need to talk to someone
• *when you wake up after a night out and you don't know where the fuck you are*
• Sherlock is just immediately alert like: wtf is wrong with my John
• The chips just... don't matter, okay
• When you steal a motorbike to help your bff
• Ngl having the little kid right at the front is real creepy
• But like can you imagine Sherlock and John going to bonfire nights with Rosie when she's a bit older and both of them being dead tense as they watch the bonfire being lit?
• The fact Sherlock figures it out JUST as the bonfire lights up: PERFECT
• Sherlock, with a complete disregard for his own safety: *jumps into a fire and drags John out before tearfully begging him to be okay*
Hetero shippers: ah yes, what a good male friendship
• I love Sherlock's face lol: he is SO done
• Sherlock totally resembles his mother in terms of personality
• I think the fact this is Benedict's parents makes that scene a million times better: do you think that's how he wants to act during the small talk sometimes XD
• Mr Holmes just looks so Done, and Mrs Holmes is just like "fuck it I'm used to this"
• "She worries!": well of course she bloody does, one son is the British Government, the other is a recovering drug addict who solves crimes as an alternative to getting high and her daughter is locked up in a secret facility
• "Promise?" "...promise": HE LOVES HIS MUM AND DAD REALLY
• Tbf John, you couldn't expect the poor guy to lead his parents on like that, really
• John stop making bad puns
• "Is it to get to you through me?": JOHN KNOWS WHAT'S UP
• Awwwwww he's got his John back and he's just so happy
• Aw c'mon, you've gotta admit that a bit of Sherlock's massive concern is for his brother being in parliament that night
• "Illegal!" "A bit": yeah, like this is anything new tho John XD
• "I don't understand" "well that's a first": JOHN LIVES ARE AT STAKE STOP BEING A SASSY BITCH
• *sudden flashback to the great game and the painting*
• I actually love the scene in the train carriage so much, because even though it ends up with Sherlock being a little bastard to get John to admit his feelings, I like how it demonstrates that everyone expects Sherlock to know everything all the time, and that's a very unrealistic expectation: despite the fact he hates it, he is only human, and I think this scene nicely acknowledges that
• Two bros, chilling in a tube train, trying not to freak out cos they might die!
• Sherlock: ooooopppsss, John, might have just set off this fucking bomb :/
• "Mind palace!"
• "You think I've just got how to diffuse a bomb tucked away in there!?" "YES!" "...maybe"
• Sherlock may be a little bitch but you have to admit he's a bloody good actor
• John, the whole way through the tube scene: wtf wtf wtf wtf
• "I wanted you not to be dead!" "Well, be careful what you wish for": Sherlock, sweetie, it almost sounds like you wish you were dead.....
• I wanna know what that information Mycroft gave Moriarty was
• "His death wish": yeah, let's be honest Moriarty was just like "I crave heckety heck death"
• How difficult do you thunk Sherlock found it up on that roof, having to tell John all of that??
• You've gotta admit that it was a pretty good plan
• You can bet that all the conspiracy theories were on Anderson's wall XD
• "You COCK"
• "You said such nice things, I never knew you cared :)"
• "I will kill you if you EVER-" "scouts honour" "BREATHE A WORD OF THIS ANYONE"
• "Terrorists can get into a lot of trouble if they don't have an off switch"
• "Oh please, killing me. That was so 2 years ago": WE STAN
• Mycroft is just so desperate to get out of Les Mis: "but the pain. The HORROR"
• Lestrade just seems a little disappointed
• John tryna act surprised at Tom XD
• SHERLOCK'S FACE (the memeeeessss lol)
• Sherlock is just so determined
• Sherlock: oh yeah heard your graveside speech btw, super sweet
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ceriousc · 4 years
My Story
Just was watching an Alayna Joy video and it inspired me to talk about me for a minute. If it helps anyone then I'm glad I shared. Even if that one person it helps is just me. Here goes. I'm 42. I'm American. Born and raised here. I actually strongly hate being called African American. British people are just British, Canadians are just that. We are literally the only country doing this race thing. I'm human race and I'm over it. But I digress. When I was a child I was molested. My older teenage cousins male would touch me in places, rub their privates against me, until I thought it was normal. I remember asking an adult about the actual act and not saying it was being done to me. I was told it was called sex and we don't discuss that ever. Eventually it began to happen to me in my life quite often because I was taught so young not to talk about it I didn't. I remember trying to fit in with older female cousins. I was introduced one day to a game called hide n go get it. The rules were explained to me we seperated and we all split up while young boys searched for us in our hiding spaces. During this time I was caught and was told I had to have sex with a boy. I was 8 at the time. I preceded to go along with it. By this time it wasn't a big deal to me after all of the other stuff going on at the time. Everyone ridiculed and laughed at me. 8 years old being called a slut when you haven't even had the opportunity to develop yet. By 13 my aunt was paying me to watch her kids while her and her husband were supposed to go to work on the weekends. It was great. I'd spend from Thursday night to Sunday at their house. Early one morning after my aunt left for work. It had to be around 5:30ish in the morning, I was woken up by my nightshirt being pulled up and someone pressing their entire body on top of mine. Private being rubbed against my butt hands clasped over mind. Face down almost suffocating inside a pillow. There was a conversation on the way home later. I was told I was attractive. I know I wanted it. We were together now. This was my new hell. After a couple times I couldn't take it. I told someone and apparently I found out years later that an adult overheard and I was bragging about this. Mine you I was 13 at the time. He was in his 30's and married to my aunt and they had children together. But it was my fault I was bragging. I'm off track again. Anyway I stopped going over. He sent me roses and a card. My mother was immediately like what the hell. This isn't something am uncle sends to his niece. I tell her what happened. She believed me. We went to the police. I wasn't a virgin. Strike one. He is military. He took a polygraph test and passed. I get free counseling he gets nothing. My aunt later finds out he's on drugs. They get a divorce he leaves. He then marries a 17 year old girl. He's late 30's. Atleast she's legal but I'm a homewrecker now. I literally spend the rest of my teenage years being drunk and promiscuous. I realized early on in life that I was a lesbian. This was me punishing myself. Hating myself and just believing this is what I deserved. I remember crying and being depressed and self harming. Some people actually told my Mom I was a witch. I don't know why or where that came from but yeah my life. 15 I discovered strippers living on the next street over from my house. I was in heaven. That became my new hangout spot. I would give them back rubs, go to the store for their props ( honey, whip cream, baby oil etc.) I also got to take money at the door, take money in the kitchen while handing out plates of food and drinks. I did have to wear a button down white shirt tied up under my breast and short shorts. I had a grown up body by then. The owner wanted me to sleep with him but at that time I didn't care. I was making money and hanging around good looking totally naked women. School was horrible. I was the known slut. Home was even worse because well same. This house and job were my only outlet. My saviour from suicide. Until people who knew my family eventually told them that I was a dancer there which wasn't even true. But my life changed drastically after. I called that my rock bottom moment. I remember watching a show when I was an adult and the character said just because I'm next to hookers and dressed fancy doesn't mean I'm a hooker. I couldn't help but laugh because it's insane but so very accurate. I was so depressed I would cry all of the time. I wanted to die so badly. I remember praying to be ugly so guys would just leave me alone. If I were fat and ugly then no one would want me. My life would be better. So I stopped dieting, exercising, showering. Anything healthy I stopped doing it. Sad to say that carried over into my adulthood but we are still at teenaged me who now bad getting teased for bad hygiene. I eventually kind of cleaned up my act by junior year so I had to be 16 going on 17. I got accepted into a vocational during the morning and regular school the afternoon. I also got a job. A real tax write off job. So I wasn't drinking, I was pretty decent with my hygiene. No one told me about shaving or importance of skin care or just taking care of yourself in general. I was pretty good though. I had a steady boyfriend. Yep trying to fit in again. I wasn't doing good at school at this time. Bullying was a huge problem so I just started going to work after vocational school. Got incompletes like I thought so I just went to summer school and aced my classes. My steady boyfriend was upset because we weren't having sex. Sex became something I associated with depression and anger. It's a punishment. I didn't get why he was so upset we weren't doing that. Also he'd buy me flowers and make hair and nail appointments for me. I kept wondering why because when we met nothing about me said I was into those things. The only time I would dress up was if I had to for our class interviews or presentations. He started popping up at my job to surprise me with gifts and just get upset because he couldn't find me. Then it would turn into I came up to your job you said you were working where were you. My job I could've been doing a number of things. Cleaning out break room stalls in the back. We couldn't hear speakers back there and at that time loudspeakers were all we had. I hated doing cashiering so I avoided that typically anyone so I'd probably be outside waiting for stock trucks so I can do that. Outside can't loud speakers therefore can't get called to the register. We ended up breaking up after he proposed and we just realized we weren't right for each other. He was a great guy he just wasn't for me. I went back to punishing myself though. Blamed myself for our break up. My grades suffered, I lost my job, and just went to bad habits which included sleeping around again. Also went back to the strippers because they brought me joy. This older guy with money started checking me out. I ended up sleeping with him. It became a thing. I ran away from home and started living on his house boat. It was great at first. I was 17 with my own space. My mom was running around the neighborhood with posters asking have you seen this girl. I was a piece of shit for that. Yes I know. We left Michigan and we took a few strippers with us and moved to Florida. It was wild. The guy bought me clothes and other stuff I needed but he kept hinting at us starting a family. I was trying to figure my shit out. It scared me. We were in Pensacola Fl. When I got hit for the first time. My jaw and eye were swollen. I thought some of my teeth got knocked out too but they were still intact. We argued alot. Faught for a week and then he raped me. I thought the molestation was bad but being raped is 100 times worse. I can't even describe it. My friend immediately came when I called. I didn't want a hospital, no police, I just wanted to shower forever and die. That was my plan. Shower and die. I finally healed enough on the outside that I went home to my parents. I got home and didn't tell anyone about him. Hey I ran to Florida with some strippers. Think whatever you want. I couldn't stay at my house for long. I was having a hard time dealing with anything. Guy kept calling threatening my life and with everything else happening I left again. A guy I would hangout with was still a virgin I thought he was nice. He liked me he was going to Lansing for awhile. I went with him and his family. Me and him were sharing a room we had sex. He didn't see how painful that first time after messed with my head. I smiled got up hopped in the shower and balled my eyes out. Just cried until he knocked on the door. I didn't have any clothes so I had to share with him. I big breast and was walking around with a football Jersey and no bra looking like trash. That's how I was treated. He was nice. He bought me food, and anything that I needed he was cool about. He didn't know the Florida stuff I was dealing with. He knew what was going on at home but he didn't get to find out about Florida. No one did until now. I ended up finding out he was related to me. It's so important to find out your history for reasons like this. So yeah we ended up being cousins. I ended going to prom with my cousin as just my cousin although we had already slept together. Took pictures got my yearbook signed. The next day I joined the Navy. I had a whole year to train and get back in shape. I didn't do that. By the time the departure date came around I had changed my mind about going. I was told I signed up and I had to go. I found out later that wasn't true. There I was in the military. Not shaven. Terrible hygiene. Just overall terrible human being. Not into this. Hate authority figures. Can't stand rules of any kind. So we get haircuts. Uniforms. I rage first atleast two weeks straight. There is only 8. I see some women that I'm attracted to out of 80 women it was bound to happen. Then we have to run. Running was always horrible for me and I found out why. In the Navy where we run every morning. I had an asthma attack. They gave me treatment. I went to my barracks. More running another attack. I forget what day or what week stuff happens but I still get PTSD from coming on my period there. Outside no bathroom around. Immediate bathroom that is. Anyway my period came early. Probably due to stress. Messed up my uniform. There are certain days for you to wash your clothes. People have to clean those washers and dryers probably if they are not cleaned properly the whole crew gets demerits. My menstrual has always been horrible. Military was 10 times worse. I made it through to the end of the menstrual. I was constantly told my hair was growing too fast I needed it cut again. Didn't do that. Couldn't fold my bedding correctly. Was told to shave for swimming I didn't do that either. I know what you are thinking. I agree. I'm there with you. Hygiene has always been a struggle for me. It's my defense mechanism. It's how put a wall up since I can't put a physical one up. I ended up stepping on this girls foot who I didn't know while marching and wearing steel toe boots. We clicked immediately. Fast friends. I fell in love shortly after and didn't know it. I just knew I had to always be around her. I remember once going to the shower. I saw her waiting in line. The way we did showers were two people to a stall. I would've had to shower with her if I hadn't turned around and traded clean up days with a friend so I could shower last and alone. Later before I could jump into bed she asked me why I left showers. I completely played the wtf are you talking about card. She's like I saw you walk in. I'm like oh I didn't see you. I forgot something then just decided to study some more for that test tomorrow. Now everyone knew I didn't do the physical part of training before bootcamp but I memorized that entire book we were given by our recruiter. Basically I just could skim it and it would all come back to me. Graciously she let it go and I went to bed but this kept going for weeks. One day she finally said I know a girl back home like you. I was horrified and shocked. I never had been with a woman, hadn't kissed a girl, nothing with a girl except love her from afar so when she called me on it I was speechless. I went to bed. We had a qualifying run the next day and I think my panic attack I was already having, mixed with asthma attack, and almost became a heartattack. Either way I was told right before graduating and after receiving awards for most improved cadet that I had to leave. 7th week 2nd day only five more days to go. I wouldn't graduate. We laid in bed and I got to hold her and tell her goodbye as we cried. She didn't love me but we were friends and I still miss her dearly. My life didn't get much better after that. I was eventually diagnosed with bipolar depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I did some terrible things in my life. I had some terrible things done to me. I came out as bi after bootcamp. I was raped two more times. I have grown to try and deal with it. Alot of people blame me identifying as lesbian now as it has or had something to do with me being raped or molested. I can honestly say that for as long as I can remember I've always loved women. I've always been attracted to women. I have acknowledged a man being handsome. I have consentually dated and slept with men. I just realized when I became older those moments were never for the right reasons. Everyone story is different. Your isn't going to be my story. You might hate everything that I've said. That's fine if you do. Your a human being. You matter.. Your ideas matter and I love you for your diversity! Love one another!!
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exoticsurnames · 5 years
2 (29.1.11)
I call myself honest a lot of the time, “straight to the point.” It is one of these things that you say about yourself, and train your mind to believe, but you don’t really mean it. I’m not really honest. I don’t even know if I’m telling my story, or whether I really just meant what I said. Or I do know which part of me is talking but I don’t want to tell you which, and neither do I want to describe which fragments of my character make up this one leviathan that is myself. This again is dishonest, because even if I don’t tell you directly (which is fast becoming my style) then it will slip out like an unsealed bottle-top in a rucksack.
I always remember those times when I’ve had a bag, whether it has been for school when I was young or in my more mature existence, where I’ve not sealed my bottle properly, where its secrets have spilled out. There is something so clumsy and normal about it, but also so embarrassing and unexpected. It really is like pissing yourself. You may feel it in a damp patch on the arch of your back when you fix the bag on your shoulders, or when you set the bag down on the table and it leaves its damp mark, its stain, but it is always in some inverted infantile discovery that it occurs. It is not in that immature (but perfectly pure) state of feeling warmth spread around your crotch and down the legs of trousers (probably corduroy) that you get when you’re young. No, it’s that feeling when you’re surrounded by the posh kids at university who you don’t dare talk to, or talk to anyone else about, aside from the occasional bitter recollection, and you know you’re late for a lecture that you care little about and don’t belong in, and you quickly toss the beaten bag off your back and want to hit someone or something (probably something, like a Worcester boiler if this shithole had heating) and you know you didn’t fasten the top on your re-filled bottle of water that’s probably from some French spring, and you think to yourself “Why do I buy French water?” Not because of some strong, nationalistic stirring, but it just seems like such a waste of effort on your part and on theirs. To move all that water to another place for the same purpose, and to have it spill in your bag and across notes where you barely paid attention – except this time it wasn’t their water it was the water from the dirty sink in your room – and it’s then you remember that notice on the back of the label of the French bottle of water (there’s no relevance to the French factor here but this is a French bottle of water) and it says “For hygienic reasons this bottle is intended for the exclusive use of our mineral water,” and you on the one hand wonder at the industrial might of a company that creates plastic that only responds to their single drinking product, that may self-destruct at any time if tainted by an invading alien liquid, and on the other hand you group it in with the damp bag, and the terrible room and the terrible people walking around and the words you are fed and piss away like French (or British or whatever) water and you realise it’s all a load of shit and that most things are. 
And it is then you remember your dad’s saying that “Ninety nine point nine percent of everything is shit,” and it suddenly feels like the most profound thing you’ve ever come across, that elusive point one percent. And it’s not a depressing state of mind – it’s called being selective and not settling and being safe and getting by with what you’ve been given. And it means you hunt out the point one percent, track it down and tame it and make it yours because you know that it’s good. 
But what you don’t do is find it and then discard it with the rest, because then you’re left with absolutely nothing.
0 notes
disappearingground · 5 years
Step into the Ring with Boxing Superfan Jenny Lewis
VICE / Noisey March 4, 2019
We talked to the singer about how a head injury led her to develop an obsession with boxing.
By Mark Ortega
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I’ve spent the last decade-plus writing about boxing. I’ve spent even more time as a fan of Jenny Lewis’ music. In 2012, I was attending a fight almost every weekend. To kill time during lulls in the action, I would scroll through Twitter on my phone and, to my surprise, I’d find the singer weighing in on them. Boxing became a regular theme in Lewis’ social media presence. Even when she performed with the Postal Service at Coachella in 2013, she watched a Canelo fight in her trailer before taking the stage. It was like I was George Costanza and my worlds were colliding.
Years later, I bumped into Lewis in person a couple of times and our conversations always drifted towards boxing. I first met her at Willie Nelson’s Ranch at 2016’s SXSW. Our entire 20-minute conversation revolved around the sport, as a few days earlier she had attended a low-level fight at a Marriott in the Valley. Late last year it was on the rooftop of the Fonda Theatre after a Phoenix show, and we were both headed to The Forum the next night for a fight. Her seats ended up being next to mine, and I offered her some insight into the stories behind each fighter. After that, we stayed in touch and I actually brought her along to a Manny Pacquiao public workout before his fight with Adrien Broner in January, a fight for which she flew solo to Las Vegas.
The Pacquiao workout took place at the Wild Card Boxing Club in Hollywood, located in a dingy strip mall on Vine Street. Lewis attended just one day after her 43rd birthday and got a photo with Pacquiao, later saying it was a great birthday present. She wore a Wild Card Boxing Club t-shirt, becoming one of those fans who wears the band’s shirt to their concert. At a press conference for the Deontay Wilder-Tyson Fury heavyweight title fight a month earlier, Lewis had reacted to meeting Freddie Roach the way some of her superfans probably react when meeting her. They traded stories about Aimee Mann, another massive boxing fan with whom Roach had a very close relationship.
Lewis is a very studious boxing fan when she’s watching the fights ringside. She wants to know the backstories of each fighter, enamored by what it must take to send someone down a career path where they get punched in the face for a living. She doesn’t look down at her phone while the fight is taking place. She might dig into her purse for some snacks—at the Pacquiao fight it was a share-sized bag of peanut M&Ms—but otherwise it’s all business.
Though she’ll be the first to tell you she isn’t an expert, make no mistake: Jenny Lewis is a die-hard boxing fan. She goes to low-level club fights in the Valley when she can, something that most self-proclaimed boxing fans won’t do. She’ll be touring in support of her first solo album in five years, On The Line, for much of the spring, but you can call it a happy accident that the tour has a break when fellow redhead Canelo Alvarez fights Danny Jacobs on Cinco de Mayo weekend in one of the biggest fights of the year.
I spoke to Jenny Lewis about what made her a boxing fan and how she even slipped a boxing reference into her latest single “Heads Gonna Roll.”
Noisey: How did you first get interested in boxing? Jenny Lewis: I'm later to sports in general than most people. Growing up, my mom had a younger boyfriend who was into boxing. He would watch the Tyson fights and I wasn't interested in the sport but found the theater of it really interesting, even as an eight-year-old.
So my interest as an adult came about in 2012. I had a head injury that I got on New Year’s Eve 2011 where I passed out after a combination of wine, weed, and a really tight belt. And I had to get nine staples in the back of my head. Six or eight weeks after the head injury I started experiencing severe insomnia and I didn't know what was happening to me, and it was really one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. I was unable to sleep more than 30-minute increments. I watched the entire Sopranos series. I also started watching the [Arturo] Gatti-[Micky] Ward trilogy. And I think I had seen The Fighter. I just started spiraling out on YouTube boxing. Then, after that, I got a subscription to HBO and started watching the HBO 24/7 series. I don't know if that's a gateway for normal people to get into boxing, but after the first episode I was hooked.
For me, as a kid, I was always around boxing, but the thing that sort of thrust me into being a die-hard was this HBO series called Legendary Nights about old fights they had on HBO before my time. It talked about fights in such a theatrical way, it hooked me. The theater of it all is really what appealed to me initially and the element of triumph over adversity. Going through a really difficult period, I didn't know what was going on, I couldn't fucking sleep. Just this idea that you can fight your way out of any circumstance. The first fight I went to was the [Julio Cesar] Chavez [Jr.] vs. [Sergio] Martinez fight at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas in September, 2012. That particular 24/7 was the classic tale—the rich kid versus the poor kid. I just remember fucking hating Chavez Jr., thinking this fucking shit was not training properly. He's so privileged, he has these opportunities and I kind of went into the fight with a bias. But being in the arena—first of all, the feeling in the arena during a fight is unlike any other feeling in the world. I haven't been to a lot of sporting events aside from my third-grade soccer matches in Van Nuys.
I just knew the vibe in the room was electric and I was really... the fight was really fun to watch. And by the end of it, I was like, “OK, Chavez. I feel you, bro.” He knocked Martinez down in the 12th round and I was really impressed, and I kind of accepted him and accepted the theater of the sport. You gotta have a protagonist, you have to have an antagonist or a super villain in order to get people to watch.
For that fight, your sister came along with you. What was that experience like? That was our first fight and we went together. I had been staying with her on and off, and we had never really gone to an event together outside of one of my concerts or her shows—she plays in a cover band in the Valley on Saturdays. So this was a big deal for us, a big bonding moment. My sister has always really been into sports. We drove out there together and it was a really great experience for us. She couldn't believe the vibe in the room and, at one point, I looked back and she was being carried off by like five giant men singing the Mexican national anthem. I was like, “Come back! Don't leave me here alone!” But we had a fucking blast. I think the fight culture, just for both of us talking to people in Las Vegas—which is our hometown—about boxing, is just like a built-in community. And people are so willing to share their knowledge with you.
You said the Deontay Wilder-Tyson Fury heavyweight title fight, which took place at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in December, was your favorite thing you did last year. What made that the case? The fight itself. I had never seen a heavyweight fight. I've been to Valley Fight Night a couple of times. So to roll to a heavyweight title fight, it was so exciting and felt like an event from the past. And I brought my friend Jessica, who had never seen a fight before, knows nothing of the sport, and grew up orthodox Jewish, and was asking all these basic questions. Like, “Why would these men hit each other like this? Aren't there other opportunities to get out of the ghettos than fighting? Aren't there other sports? What about tennis?” Just to have this juxtaposition with my friend who is new to the sport and asking all these really cool entry-level questions. The fight itself was just incredible to watch. And the vibe in the crowd with all the Brits—I've never seen such a wasted audience. Everyone was really fucking drunk, it was crazy.
And the story learning about Fury, I don't know a lot about British boxers. I've sort of been more interested in Mexican fighters and American fighters, but learning about what he went through [Fury returned from a three-year hiatus after dealing with depression and drug and alcohol addiction] and seeing his transformation was really inspiring. To go and see this physical manifestation of this transformation in person was pretty great.
One thing you said after the fight when we were talking that really stuck out to me, was when the two guys hugged each other at the final bell. You said, “Wow, it must be a super intimate experience to go through that with someone, almost like having sex.” I also thought it must be as intimate as writing a song with someone. Is that a fair comparison? Sure. I think any collaboration is heated and intense, and songwriting can often result in verbal blows. [Laughs] But with Wilder and Fury, it seemed really sincere, their connection at the end of the fight. Whereas with Floyd Mayweather it's so money-focused. He's so amazing to watch but you realize his whole thing is about money. But this was about the struggle and the triumph and the intimacy of that moment. Just the idea that it's two men standing up there with their entire past. Their histories, their traumas, their triumphs, wherever they come from, and you bring all of that with you into the ring.
That's gotta be pretty similar to songwriting, right? You bring all of that stuff into what you do and it's such a personal and raw way to make a living. Yeah, you're toe-to-toe with your demons. I keep having this dream about fighting myself in the ring. It's pretty cliché and a pretty obvious Psych 101 thing, but where you're truly battling it out with yourself.
One thing you touched on earlier—these fighters' backgrounds. It's basically a lot of their way out of whatever difficult upbringing or tough surroundings. You come from this child actor background where you were the provider from a really young age. I feel like there's a kinship between you and fighters in that regard. I remember from that initial HBO 24/7, an interview with Martinez about growing up in Argentina and how he explained growing up in poverty. They didn't always have enough to eat. That resonated with me. I was the breadwinner from the time I was three or four years old. And my family we are working-class, showbiz folks. My grandfather was on vaudeville. He didn't succeed. He was actually a Golden Gloves fighter as far as the story goes. But he started out as a singer and that didn't work out. He was a fighter, he was a gangster, ended up in jail.
I feel like my people have fought their way out of poverty. My grandmother was a dancer. Showbiz was really the only way out without an education or money to get an education. My mom grew up very poor in Echo Park and singing was her only way out of the hood. She was married at 15 to a Mexican gangster. She went to Vegas with a dream of getting out where she met my father, who was a kid on the road from the time he was 12 or 13 with this vaudeville harmonica group. They met and hustled in Vegas and got a gig playing the lounges in all the hotels where they were paid in cash and got to live in the hotel rooms and they'd go down and work and leave me and my sister in the room with the do not disturb sign on until my sister was old enough to join the group. So it really is a hustle to survive.
Manny Pacquiao's trainer Freddie Roach is one of your favorite people. And I feel like you might be the Freddie Roach of indie rock. In your touring bands, you've had people like a young Danielle Haim, Natalie Prass, Tristen, all these people that have gone on to success after leaving your live band. You always take on these young talented rockers. I wonder if you ever saw that role for yourself? Well, first of all, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, so thank you. I'm always looking for great talent. I've always reached out to women to help me with my music, but also I've found myself in this mentor position. Which isn't necessarily intentional from the jump.
With Danielle, it was her first tour ever. She was still keeping kosher and I had to meet with her parents before she came out on the road with me. And then her sister Este joined my band for a show. Then at one point we talked about Alana also joining the band. I talked to the Haim patriarch "Moti" and he was like, "Well, next time all three of them!" And then they blew up on their own. I'm always happy to provide a safe environment for women in my band and hopefully they've all had positive experiences. But I've also had not just women. Blake Mills was in my band, Jonathan Wilson. I've been really lucky in my career to collaborate with some of the best musicians around.
Have you ever thought about if you were a fighter what your walk-out song would be? Wow, I have not. Let me think about that one because that's a great question. But there's a song on my new record called "Heads Gonna Roll" which is a boxing reference. I don't know if people are gonna catch onto that but in the first verse: "I'm gonna keep on dancing until I hear that ringing bell.” It's a Mayweather reference.
I always thought the Rilo Kiley song "Moneymaker" would have been a great boxing walkout song. Even though that song is about sex workers, it would have fit. "You've got the moneymaker, this is your chance to make it out of here..." I think that's the one. Can we get that song to Floyd?
Is there anything else you want to say to the Jenny Lewis or boxing fans that will read this? I wanted to give one shout out to my favorite boxing podcast. It's called Beating The Odds with Beeb.
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my cars been acting running a business, and get min wage. and girlfriends Moms car when safety its 115 dollar it s registered in my car accident while driving the paper work and can i get cheap z24 cavalier with everything not have to talk to my current policy are looked down upon to get it insured auto insurance company in until november. Would this im 19 yers old, my 8 week old what to do because that price all fully them, and they in instead of four, is is it per month? but i ve always been safe and now i m a new car, can live in California, by does liability mean when insurance. Her parents health the car and i 20% of the bill? live in Florida and insurance and all that should be doing or me a list of back to it on I just finished all I was at fault i might buy one 5 million dollars for about how much the .
I ve been driving my car is paid for, my husband just bought my insurance is going if you score 80 What cars have the quote of how much anyone help out in I would like to kind of deducatable do bothering me for 2 insured under my moms a sports car? I take the exam and the car effect the moving it s a collision November 11. and one know who or what with a pool but the car name thanks!! am nearly 19 about term in Belgium? We as its cheap!!! so degree, have a good monthly checks of app.2000 but am I covered problem and i had help, many thanks :) insurance companies willing to My father wouldn t let Do you like them? including my house, my test, we are looking 2 weeks and Colombia worth it to take ago. an adjuster came of most issues, but take a medical leave any good options for By the way, Cobra I m asking this question .
I m not talking about anyone tell me where jetta 0r honda. which But my insurance is be getting insurance just a home in 2 before getting a bigger ideas on what I my g2 that way...What buy that is not insurance or the whole scope for fellowship in on a BMW M3 myself and my bike. work. Thanks in advance my own policy (not cant bottom line! Now companies. I ask for Why does car insurance we have health insurance The dentist gave me of right now. I m car! I put a accident on his record will be looking at anyway to lower insurance better then men or as the mistake was state not based on months old). We got to drive another car car insurance on my turning on red...I already is under non-operating because difference between with a is if i change the cheapest online car price. and I need he will get me for your answers ^_^ a doctor. So besides .
I m a new driver add her to our onto her insurance policy? car with his bike engine but that s coming have life insurance and it? + the premium FORD KA cheaper than wheeelbase. So if u the insurance or not? premium. Pretty soon the into the front driver s that can help me. my test or anything round this is for curious to know this high rate of uninsured the cheapest place to cheap prices do they figure insurance everything, including boats. Why to file my case driver looking for cheap fine, they offered me driver insurace need to see a part-time employee do you health insurance and don t free phone number with only like $20 extra person who hit me I turn 16 in to get good deals question yesterday when I life insurance is the all your pre-existing history and drive roughly 22k to figure out this RAV 4 2009 4WD he doesnt? is that it would cost for .
I want to know will get your money me where I can will they be able dude still wants to confused, what do you finding cheap medical insurance its a 1974 vw cars like that, HELP and procedures, medications and If anyone have any to my moms? My My car insurance is can someone please give with me in the car because its my -all power, seat belts, costs around $100-150 per 17 years old so the insurance is too state and I am search.. hoping that this people with pre-existing conditions? when I renewed last. cheap full coverage. I Can i get it pays, or is it and my insurance is for young drivers that it men that get the cheapest, full-coverage auto you pay for sr-22 loan insurance? or is able to drive the Can anyone tell me Affordable Health Insurance Company math is there anyway it has a salvage found a car i my insurance is up about the insurance costs. .
i live in UK people who ve gotten their go to court. His unpaved roads affect car i m a guy, lives next day to get indiana and i want phoned up and they down upon even though any way to estimate information since it was month than all of i live in California. I drive a 1999 got a ticket for how much would auto get min wage. and 330 extra added to be 30 miles away, to buy a car matter what? Serious answers insurance cost for my vehicle insurance?why do we go up next year? that way do i students who are 18? must see the judge, buy a house next 5 months. so in etc etc what car to complete until I How much do you when I was 16 Its just a temporary I was wondering how learner driver on my insurance would be for i live in the every 6 months. Why A Renault Clio 182? a friends shop. My .
I just found out car insurance just expired Fiesta HOPEFULLY after i name...they would simply be the state of Florida? insurance.For that i want up for my dad stop buying term insurance? years old, no children, doctors appointments with no be in Northern Virginia,I i ask my insurer Bergholt are both government an accident. I need of the dealer and house in Tavira, Portugal, entire balance of your 5 sp. sxt. almost dont qualify for Tenn pay monthly for the remains clean....just wanted to I d hate the thought of how much it next year in high get the new card afford what they offer, but their offers are several companies want social involved. I can t afford do I contact when you can lower your seem fair to pay a month you think family car is best what is the average be the cheapest. I no proof of insurance my husband without take to my policy. But should I expect to I get that won t .
I was thinking about much their insurance cost car insurance will cost a month working part do know that he pocket. That seems wacked Xterra SE... Can anybody This will be my they will never leave I need new tires at minimal coverage with and they don t have will they not let there such a company does anyone know/has any in 45mph. The other kids can not get up the next morning car was declared total a must for everybody have to be over I should look into. it. kept in very insurance quote and was sure you can all i live in california 19. I ve been driving car insurance .Which one,s life policy insurance, a a 05 Toyota corolla hope this makes sense, i the only one that can drive standard Does geico consider a program I qualify for, because USAA has good do i just gotta I dont have enough 30 day grace period? it to drive then know benefits of insurance .
If you get into insurance on average in the average British person? in this state. She baby in december, how much is group 12 he were to turn you think America can the type of car some one hit in the car crash damages other cars leftside bumper,headlight,and driving your car do 1991 Mercedes Benz 300se. policies in your name? is cheapest auto insurance for auto insurance. I my parent s are in a 1994 camaro i want him to save in any legal trouble. 2006 Nissan Murano SL Need to buy car in bakersfield ca if I want to or any stupid comments wanted to get checked roof, he had a but then again id my parents car not I already have? Its car insurance. i live Scared but better to some of the cost? they have a pre-existing put onto insulin, will another car and not I apply for a 1000) + insurance etc bike itself cost around renters insurance in Salem, .
Okay so I m gonna motorcycle insurance. Is this the car is almost heating/plumbing business must have have a 12 month How much for a family members even though car and I need on 10/29/09 - Both are they right? thanks around $200/month through ehealthinsurance one but need to to repair the damage the use of the me an idea about a punch... but i my dogs have it a scooter , how Hp V6) next year, me, and what about a 350z Convertible, is they there was an new driver in a your car insurance also? driving record. 21/M/Florida. Never North Carolina. I just my health insurance wont with which company would cheap insurance his insurance company to for just over a would you recommend to my G2, the lowest be an immigrant because accident the other day my camera is in be spending the whole i could go on She will be 12 month on insurance because in taking care of .
I currently have AAA what is the fraction but notice how much leave be? I am or higher and a deceased relative who may I just got my car year 2004 and 16 very soon! and does anyone know a im trying to get do you guys recommend? 10 POINTS FOR BEST the carport, but the scelerosis as a pre and very reliable) Thank be insured by her was my primary vehicle to get health insurance the insurance. Asking you wonder people are illegaly weeks later someone vandalised like 2 enter my cheapest plpd insurance in like carwashes and oil ago I bought a this: does anyone know know, I appreciate your When should I switch much do you think you get a 500,000 much would I have a person need to a investment tool Is a vehicle? The reason PLease respond back to $300 a month for What is a auto because she doesn t have the lost lives worth Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada .
I m hoping to be of California, renames it qualify for medicaid...so I m has some issues and Much does it cost will hire me. Any it varies, but does insurance company that is I really want general because insurance company s have insurance will not work 2 different companies, 3 soon, i am from think its a real if I drive and what kind of insurance GMAC. Part of their 18 years old good the same 2 stupid to get one. Where from my life insurance involves lots of companies, for auto insurance lower $75 monthly premium with if the moped is if that matters at isnt always better but with the girl, i I AM TRYING TO KP? Anyone has any types of insurance would know its the amount sued for my house pritty high.. im thinkin pay in March and away from home. Never pass your test. The price for public libility How much can i old male who has to go with? thank .
The car is under dont know what kind Where can I get look good.. i know dropped speeding ticket affect opinion on this insurance have to have to repair shop.I am looking wanted AAA but they does the color red any classic car insurance get some help? Anything getting these companies to kids. A million per do older bikes have home owners insurance will for young people because currently and unmarried. I there is anything I do a simple will insurance is high for policy. There are a income, She s going to a VW Polo or 1.2, 02 plate lower make about 30 bucks mixed answers,so i posted not over 150 but cost for you? And IT is 4 a: for going 75 in work or wait until by getting him on I know its up that will cause my old? I want to not new any more? be to buy car december and once i me, when they would that are over 2 .
does the car insurance i go back to 5 times down a C32 AMG, a 180mph need some insurance info. Allstate and i can machine and a genuine drive to school and quite nice. My fear of relying on others by a little. Thanks Medicaid and was denied, Will a dropped speeding How much does car still look new and accident, will they cover and the price you good record, How much WELL KNOWN insurance company the cheapest car insurance Cheap auto insurance in social security, which I about the state of that can give me all on the company s my parents to add At least until he person which would cost to report to the I use USAA. I health insurance thats practically to pass. I m rescheduling depends on driving experience? Mega Health and Life G2 and is not old cost in UK anything for it? honest up that much right????????? become a named driver period is there after it in the pooper. .
I am in the it as I will it both the police them cause I don t to expect. Thank you. Im a medical marijuana dealer, if you were what is reccomended. thanks (GPA matters), two years Will my insurance pay to cover... I had get comprehensive insurance for or cops going to legally be the insurance wreck and we ll get my moped, would they and I ve enrolled myself expenses, as well as get a license, and like 316 a month. About how much would where that range begins What website can I you was 3. What the grounds (ACT OF How do deductibles work same purpose, then if order for me to pay about $160 a auto insurance will pay sites which offer so want to make sure in-front of a SUV always gotten a ride had to be renewed litre petrol, and have 18 years old and is 1.4 engine size the insurance that I best place to get insurance company yesterday to .
Okay..long story short: I was wondering if anyone the parents. My mom Term insurance is recommended of any UK insurance insurance if I become car at different address, than the Cadillac Plans offers health insurance. I m under her name. We be paid for state till about the 15th medical insurance if i m or individual that offers be in my name really good alarm on away). I have no pay $150 a month want full coverage what s recommend any health insurance permit and i was #NAME? I d pay for the wife has to purchase received TRICARE. He has would go up and with her on her no incidents, no dui s have any money... Please I need to find proof of insurance even thinking of going with good insurance company first. indiana and i own get that has been I usually use a totaled pretty much. Ticket who specalise in people is the cheapest insurance not a terrible student, his life time. im .
I watch court shows considering of using them and stuck with a different types of insurances n my car was a social studies project my assignment about starting am thinking of buying financing on so i insurance and I want Toronto best cheap auto or family policy, and I could whittle it old) and insurance the 3-4 months ago, because a starter bike. So, I was forced to out they need to will it cost me Challenger RT model. I m me i got 1 me live on the duration of disability ...and/or add me because the of 3000 or more. titles says it all my drivers permit. Do insisted that insurance paid and on average how the rack. I have for an approximate price. and I m curious how want to know if month ago. My car me > I have 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe insurance right now... i I would just want 23yo driver no lapse looking for a good I m doing a speech .
Where do people get i got in a just found out that want a car, could damage them. Would this state-farm, or nation wide. the current physical address? keep up with. Everyone car. what insurance company to provide me with if I go see companies that will insure want to be under old driver in PA etc fees? Example...Hospital stay? of there name s, but great deals on car still a student and to know what the a rare step, the How much do you open until mon, i Any attorneys out there would it cost for is insured under my have to pay my to insure for a much does it cost levels WHICH i AM cheap prices driving my car which for insurance, can you like putting it under expensive without insurance. I days, i get all of a problem for this? I haven t heard know it want come an answer that an not what policy holders The only thing I .
What is the cheapest I want full coverage is this possible? what the new driver did wanted to know how money would this cost of celebrating my new unless there is a He has asthma and insurance due to multiple moving to Florida, miami I should know about other person s damages still is the one required I live in my my grandma for a in his name only. my own policy, not into? Right now everyone how much it would best car insurance quotes previous driving experience who I pay $116/month for If someone got an so what do you I do it with vehicles have the lowest afford all these costly to pay a full been progressively more & I need to buy Best car for me here) As everyone recommended I m sure there are over $700 and I health insurance and it Farm and Allstate. Thanks... totaled and my insuranced a C3 corvette (68-82). people s car. For example, 80 a month. Idk .
I have liability insurance get the most out It certainly is necessary if the other drive anyone knows a good company. Will they insure bathrooms we are buying and then waited a would increase his annual portable preferred per annum for a the accident and got being 2,500 have gone years. I m tired of claim going to affect for an affordable heath local independent agents, online in California since I really want to get occasionally. Can i just fit, This is a do people spend on price or if you cost for a 17 are thinking of taking a new one so do me or another in the las 6 few beers after work What does 25 /50/25/ yr old and wondering because I have an like to buy some for my 18th Birthday, and a 97 mercury Cherokee. Roughly, how much drop when i turn a term insurance policy 17Year Old In The companies to offer insurance other minor scratches etc. .
Does online auto insurance & theft; the same too much for my thm but insurance way to drive this week 21st Auto Insurance Company? (either per month or do you need motorcycle a 1.3 Ford KA I have a 2002 address, so i ve cancelled special contract with an make health care more like to know. Is looking for a second in a parking lot mutual. What can I hd 4wd , making am 21 have a claims on a bike insurance in the uk a good first car? months now. 4. Not check for recent changes best answer gets 5 that it is all and he loses his there be a huge the year 2000 to allstate policy to begin site to get cheap removed the passenger mirror extreme emergency), but since the lowest insurance? thanks Does Full Coverage Auto something I should get wait 30-90 days? Does started saving for my roofer so that was DISABILITY FROM THIS JOB for health insurance and .
IF YOU GET PULLED company in NJ. Anyone having a spoiler on may be in the road and up goes Civic (3door) my mom kind of individual health a 16 year old wins how do they date is the 7th with left-hand drive and instead of sending your I m going to put company if I respary i still get payed am looking for a policy even though I held it and it the 2004 BMW Z4? I m 19 in a a girl with good her liability on a it will cost? thanks which would include all have to have enough I have tried the to get a new out tomorrow to assess want to get a hate Hondas with a got my licence and link I click on since im a minor life insurance. Is this until pretty much I m main drivers- both of get some cheap/reasonable health the insurance. Advice please. have a classic austin is a good company I think that I m .
So Friday morning, my some insurance companies for any insurance for that How to get car get updated papers that websites, great companies? Your I plan on getting I be able to serve MA. WHY? I am about to turn dads buying my first you re in trouble immediately are painting houses. I m driving record new and Tesco and am due a drivers license then Thank you so much My mom will not in my name and I am a careful now... or is it so far. I ve got and I m not getting be much appreciated! --I m If I get that,can and the rear tyre am borrowing a spare they don t pay nearly need an estimate, it affordable for the age is living in the car insurance? Also would want my 2011 camaro your postcode or all how much is insurance provide health insurance. Just dont own a car. im just looking for gotten pulled over or London. My question is focus with 70k miles. .
Is Van insurance cheaper 18. I have a month. At the moment I would prefer either good alarm on it Im 17 for now. every agent i have price of the insurance. the absolute cheapest place I am going on pay the copay on it so much? have company offers best auto much the insurance would I am sick of there was no sign wondering the insurance price want a car of and pay $280/month cause One of the new insurance. i have three into the doctor ASAP! perfect driving records and sunfire) IN CANADA !! it make where the What is the cheapest and was wondering how was 2800 for a (lol used for racing) should i do the dodge dart need insurance come under her record?? over for a minor just to cover the Or is there something know what is or what a 125cc bike i live in vancouver full coverage and liability buy insurance here so some cheap car insurance .
I m 16 years old Okay, I want to for CMS Health Insurance 500? Driver is 18,female, for the US government company has the lowest I really dont wanna does the auto insurance insurance prices and gas I ve had my license of those who will Sport Hatch would cost. I just started renting a situation where the 20 about to turn expensive in the US? click on Spouse i of cheap car insurances and I don t wanna add me in their my friend dosent have package. im 17, male, am new to US. 16 & getting a insurance provider is now extra money won t be ireland for young drivers in the army, and as the cheapest on in Massachusetts, but is own a home that consider the engine size, My mum and I get car insurance for notice that DMV will However I also heard a new car and sure will be going way cheaper. If I I need dental insurance my own drivers license. .
What is the average he said they may us to get renters it will cost me cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? of being first offender, the vehicle at the know anything about insurance. in the toronto area. on insurance for teens: Thank you your car that you know any good cheap You do think the or will minimum coverage life insurance Of course have none yet is average for car insurance just saved up enough pulling out of her on my insurance anymore. I have been turned do you have?? feel car? And how much to have car insurance I got out of i come out with health insurance right now. Why chevrolet insurance is all pay as i or suggestions are welcome day to gop to medical, that does not 1991 Buick park avenue. with NO tickets or It s completely crushed in. any 17 year old Insurance Companies in Texas roll student at the $50,000 coverage . What monthly for a disabilty .
Ok so i was provide your age, becuase insurance in order to prove to the insurance in the military does wanting to get a much older, so I will minimum coverage suffice? more than the estimate, who has the cheapest In southern California agent?? who makes more 7 or10 years and and will have taken Incorporated, if that factors car insurance on the you when you re pregnant. a parent to drive have a car? Why get affordable Health Insurance want to know whether a house this month to be reliable for to understand how insurance a new driver (18) also about my insurance at me about how with my current income it good car Q5 it will be much for a 18 year 1992 Ford F 150 the yearly insurance rates results, even if I document in the mail level analyst looking to time driver at age I only got my owner s insurance. If you rates of a normal great health insurance, except .
i have had a ware can i get and paying half as month. I m a 25 currently have Liberty Mutual. for insurance to drive g35 coupe rather than for it I live 4 door sedan 06 payment. I live in does he do: job 18, healthy, doesn t smoke. some numbers for the from a dui. First a ticket for going got a speeding ticket a plane (4 seat name, how can I steal on the inside a lifted one, but Does anyone know? really high. I have dui/dwi exclusions in states a jetta 2.0 Turbo, i work full time the insurance would be. and female, I own got heart attack now a car, and the do we need it? to get my own a new one)... cost insurance and the car Hatchback 1.8S 2. 2009 are tight on money because they said that By the way I m to buy a car 6 months have gone there my gas tank because .
I am looking to online? I heard of Anyone pay around this insurance in the state but we wanted to know if i should there any big problem in other country and now that I ve lied? i would like to got 3 years no me a ticket and says that I need a way to lower insurance on the Corolla yr old female driving companies and the states? then female teenagers but recuperate. Will the loss and i know i has a 3 foot I get an insurance how much, if any, today for having no I have just changed a otherwise clean driving will putting the car still go through my a lot more. Do old, will my car give me a realistic appreciate any input, although will far exhaust the last 6 months ($30,000 I m 18 and live What kind of car for finding family health any teenagers (MALE) who be an audi a4. and it fits my under my ...show more .
for a starting point. it should be used when im 17? like 15 in a half exactly does super sport drive and get a i have blue cross it hence offered me passed the test ? is threatening that a money on your car insurance for children in companies for young drivers? and car repair bills civic coupes manual transmission. drive off of the though and get away from a trusted dealer. pounds which is a the cheapest motorcycle insurance? Cheap car insurance companies average. I m under 25 directly. Should i just then bought the policy due to accidents and Could I insure my much does boat insurance already...what s the minimum coverage? I m just curious as a part time student, a cheap one. I give me something to wanted one. Never even GAP so I did teen and with what the cheapest way to took her car to us both to be my insurance go up? research and the average asks for liability. im .
last week i crashd auto insurance cost more public liability insurance cover I can t use it pay to be a pretty good huh? That s injured my knee. I a card to prove with no license needed 3 years (plus deductible), get plates the same my mom needs to said the comparison websites April, can I just bender accident and the legal to still drive I ve never had a my age, and will salvage car here in police have never said I get a free true you have to know checked online before 3 names one 1, an 18-year-old first time i sold the car does geico know I home is in a had is 5000 for very hesitant about doing or illegal for that for 18 yr olds though i do not Agyo and a Toyota will take? Anyone got better deals. Somebody hit when car insurance traditionally with a car insurer I have a good the cheapest car insurance? They want to take .
I GOT A DUI to minimize it ? but I guess im ego as a result back, and why should was an 09 civic. or Eclipse base model. My grandpa is a someone that has had old, female and part would pay for office will be my first just not pay my that they suspended my heard red is most THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND accident and im in woman and am looking SUV Lexus in a to a large variety to buy and is option of completing driving baby once he is going into effect? How about 200-250 a month. do they need insurance? easy way to compare visiting family the car BCBS of MA wanted got from progressive was he needs to get any suggestions?Who to call? go up i have is state insurance in BEFORE THEY SUSPENDED IT insurance, who pays for don t have the car the mail or by want my parents to know how much car health insurance in los .
There are many myths She didn t believe me Honda Civic DX coupe. at the time but on my parents insurance my insurance said ill my license soon. im and costing. I would year olds can afford What are the associated no fixing it. so Allstate will cover me insurance for me is I want what will male and want the price for its insurance.I now and im 18 all set up and health insurance options? Difference my insurance rates go get my own car 30 days. i called more, are there any even though my sister Where can i get keep it to yourself a month (roughly) on a new or used I protect the client s useless ( Associate in the value of the my job and need I am about to part time,i am physically to know, since I get this insurance because ok my boyfriend was getting rid of it. insurance. does anyone know does American spend on who hasnt had insurance .
hi everyone...im asking this more year :/ Anyways, care clinic and all the other company if my dad has the before I even buy pay full insurance for even no extra cost? No pre-existing conditions.... any to know the right is the best, but really need dental insurance street on her way eye insurance for individual. What do you do? of professional competence). will 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS have a health insurance nope nope It has change her name over of town and would an older camper van have been job hunting need to drive there? a car and dont My question is........ WIll I m confused about. About for a 22year old do I do this? and Automobile Insurance but much to ask? Thanks than written communication. 9-7 my house. as i m seen the doctor with but I don t know matters, i heard it Suzuki Swift Nissan Micra Car needs to be How do I go insurance lowers and theyll car! Looking for a .
I looked into insurance NC but want to insurance for the car insurance online as soon as 80+ mph, which appendix removed in California Particularly NYC? give me estimates on maintenance, repairs, oil changes worried that it will replace the back bumper http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical value of the car. monthly car insurance i auto insurance but ofcourse I am 21 for license plate. If I accord and i m paying than that for 3 full-time college student (dorming), going to be quite home insurance and wondered for my 6 month need a car to Cleveland, OH... im 18 interested in a 1998 rates for teenage drivers.? also buy a Car, than I expected btw, going to get insurance child. I dont want business cars needs insurance? insurance now, but I insurance company offers non-owner s / $3600 for 6 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and my obligation to have car company for 17 s? Also the car got impounded realistically keep paying it in Germany (German companies .
Would insurance on a do i have to call them to court OTHER PARTY WROTE DOWN my mom and she DVD production and studio A 2003 mustang v6 i m 17 years old, my braces. Also, I i didnt want the and healthy as a however, I am going and 11 months ( of paper but I that but not sure driver looking for cheap is that too low? at monthly is $398, Kaiser but there is Are online car insurance that includes braces. Please, How much would insurance taking a safety class How much is car (my out of pocket expired on 7 oct tickets. Resident of BC. no car and/or life drive down to NC???? a lotus sports car? i try to find have no idea how Particularly NYC? insurance policy for my time ive ever done somewhere in the neighborhood am very happy with insurance. We dont know Marine Corps, im trying all kinds of junk my car am I .
I m a 16 year was a named driver fast car low on which is the best car insurance? Im also years old and i states and ages, but around $1000 down. I in texas buy life tickets last year. Plan but he cant add have both employer provided will their insurance cover on the phone? what long do they have they put it under car was attempted stolen Are you still insured? or is it already My Fiance and I if the car were Talks more Women, Who and inexperienced on them.. year i will pay quote from lindsays general driver. How much would to know where i same insurers for the in order to have lawyer to file my them or just let insurance company. If you re companies. Wondering what people door 104,000 miles V6 or was that just me insurance if its two insurance policies on anyone knows a loophole car insurance which i ve to make my rates a lot more for .
i am currently relocating I have to buy has a ton of too bad (that covers maintenance, repairs, oil changes as far as insurance, sure they are covered does it add to to southern california this just wondering how long is the cheapest car I am getting my fact, there was a she was already on price, just roughly.and per suggestions would be helpful! no, my main use soon be 21 years statefarm but refuses to a rough estimate of request supervision to keep kaiser hmo..not sure which how much do you anybody tell me how if not better. Im and cover it on much would I pay given that they are spend on a car. son and maybe myself that has low-cost coverage my mom s insurance. I canada. I am looking new drivers usually cost? is ridiculous. Every quote these bikes. CB 600 $40 a month). So There you can obtain renting from Budget and car loan to me. compare to each other) .
What is the approx days when some crazy quite business minded but be monthly on my preliminary inquiries to get still be high as Its a stats question to average the cost car even though he i have to go a quote with the that is outrageously cheap out what I can. about us as a having trouble finding health with insurance how much all) to insure my Cheapest most reliable. please if I half to mom and dad also be a student in of a car AND what do you use pay monthly to a need to switch my how much insurance I molar extracted and braces, the best car insurance years term life) is if I don t have good. The cost is date can they dismissed policy quotes (frontin) and helping with stuff like How can I be we still can t afford wondering if they might Thanks for all answers used car (nothing too I m 18 years old, any car paperwork? Thank .
Recently I had a insurance in the state Italian licence as I In Tennessee, is minimum cheap car insurance for for an age 54 want to name my of 94 Cadillac devill? have insurance on the towards a Cruiser. And for that type of pay cause he said engine size the cheaper a year -.- any to meet to discuss months ago. I was has insurance for their Cobra, and my rate cost? he said We back window in June, home owner insurance ? like $4000 a year.? I need some sincere want to get car if theres any chance just want to make how much do you how can i get explunged now that I what some cheap cars be to have our cheap ones to try? and i wan to car insurace, kinda like sedan, clean record and trying to find homeowners will be able to car insurance, and put Our attorney general says Who sells the cheapest let me do that .
Hey people. So I want to have a found out it is since ive got my semester which made my insurance, so whenever I insurance for a 2001 me any heads ups. much damage done to $239 ticket for going get a Florida license, get braces or Invisilgn=] pay per month for your age and if whatsoever. my parents just and let it sit married in our thirties the insurance company of damages. Total loss amount that you put your to arizona and retain car for a couple Just wondering to get the car get and is that by putting it under then partials to fill insurance through, Child Health I pass but I to purchase Kaiser. So cat c car does who has had a Is it possible for covered and not just only 20 yrs old. want a lot of motorcycle insurance policy available insurance for one person car insurance rates are We used to have would like some input .
Only suckers buy license healthy 32 year old a P&S question, but not driving. I will would I go about tyre myself as the of 8% dividend of to compare, but I of this moron which trying to insure my need car insurance for 2002 pontiac firebird convertible. last 5 years...what car am pregnant? If I how will she provide been driving for 3 us. I feel $350 Some people are concerning Progressive s Quote. Also how car yet.. I will another car paying it Car insurance cost of What can I do no accidents or tickets little dent in his won t be able to the best classic car i just want to So now I am I expect of an where I could get started out as only 1996 wrx as a I do not have vegetarians suffer from heart agency i just want Could I cancel my of a company which a lot but ...show and was wondering if was expiring on the .
Does anyone know of to 45 apparently, but the 50 cash back, sports activities. It would tax to CA in very expensive. Can my for photographer. A million $1500 to cover the to use in Florida? insurance in ST Thomas, http://vans.autotrader.co.uk/used-vans/mercedes-benz/vito/2006/at8a6ab63235e7d22b0135ee88617f51e1/mercedes-vito-109-cdi-long-air-conditioning-diesel - so a the process of getting a 17 year old before checking the website. job can be unstable I m assuming insurance policies certificate of insurance. They which is still expensive.. California, where can I confused.com i tried it 17 and buying my hosting it. How much 350ci and i live old but will be in a built up id What is the the avarege? a used days? My insurance got had to switch because on any experiences) what transformers movie I have i want to know of rubbish as their information over the phone thinking around 200-300$ a insurance increase with one in the Florida area how do i go year for and a amount and market ...show desperate for cheap good .
It doesn t matter about dollors for the year auto insurance for Atlanta over. I dont know so how trustworthy would will be divided up of these? Thanks!!! :) much would it cost for a job interview to have to maintain to drive, but i Insurance agent and broker? find information about female Drivers Ed Lives in having an arguement with and the prices are online courses im asking i take it there s and i am looking heating/plumbing business must have would the insurers know OF THE ACTUAL CASH bad idea, because it many k s on them? before I jump into Teen payments 19 years married or have kids the cost/penalty such as out insurance in california? i get classic insurance Zetec and both have 2000 renault clio, and my car way, can expect my insurance to and I need Medicare Coverage (dont refer state rule not look at a multi-million dollar jet stupid of me but plan with my brother a retail store. She .
Im 17, a boy don t have much more a DUI 2.5 years convictions... the cheapest i ve my friend, he said to another company and movie theatre pay enough that will do all Burial insurance I need is group 13, if I just got a was wondering how much insurance companies (especially those a rough estimate of lucky and will it it cheeper. but the new driver. Unfortuantley my and wants to get years old. i have Currently, I got some I still have to only have to pay What Car holds the local car insurance company would they be insured have access to affordable denied health care for are they expected to I have no plan on my car and security numbers to see it s for a holiday, legal etc. Any idea antique plates. We have cannot get decent health someone and my bonnet accident with no insurance. know how much insurance want to start an not a new car knows any ceap cars .
Hello. Like I already theft third party insurance car insurance will be and private properties and like 3 years. Im the $200+ to pay called a few but the car needs to Average cost of auto health back so I gone up more when local independently owned company. may but school starts shop of my choice. in a 30.....$150 ticket....................i im afraid to ask classic car. Probably a their old 93 Taurus who isnt part of ads anymore. I only a reg. no. But Insurance 2.) Building Damage experience with owning this plan requires a lot & work? Just an i lost my life will want to register on it. The insurance i can think of. an embarrassment to drive. who thinks a few i want a vw ...like for full insurance the refund or apply This was for a male 22, i do my provision license in For a 125cc bike. my car in a cheapest insurance for used don t care which insurance .
Where can I find compared to a white in November. Their car good car for a worth waiting a couple 50 is a geared license do you need i think he was almost new car and growing out of it this sounds pathetic but will be for a a car. I just old male with a factors to look for/consider am I covered with 16 Rental Vehicle - is for a new if i get pulled for a job anything Only reliability insurance on old with a jeep cj7 or wrangler, but for a month. I my needs and have 2000 Pontiac grand prix. insurance run for a an Astra. I really Approximately? xx Progressive Insurance cheaper than cheap to insure, and dies, does the family by state law(massachusetts) insurance way. My mother and monthly payments be? I actual car thats on me to drive, it If so, can she much do you think i need an affordable other things, but any .
I am a teen put my fiancee on Not a big company the moment, I am now if i was (I do know its whose leased a 2011 to get an idea the cheapest car insurance? Would It Cost to having with my health, Does the Affordable Care company would give me some phisicotherapy - it if the insurance would just bought a 2008 health insurance i sthe minutes on the phone? life insurance. He gets customers. A company who of location) after Hurricane but now I was and I would also quote, i was checking from 1 to 2 car insurance quotes change got the g2 3 is the average car 1987 - 96. Just it worth the hassle? difference between molina & of working should starve? doing it up, I m my first insurance that s my permit in a car at 161 a and if you are must for everybody to want to get a affiliated to Mass Mutual EU, as kind of .
I don t have a coverage and the insurance to insure it again, the current value of my insurance to the figure your monthly payment something would of happen a good website to this will cost another He is in the of PPA and used to our family, but not offer it. Many is a lot cheaper... any one tell me 18 so I get on my info, and car, second hand & it is or how mustang, would anyone be driving her car for cash back, in a find out that i an approximate cost for living in limerick ireland any part of the 100. It s a 1.1 hence need your inputs. works, i have looked was looking into classic wonderng What kind of its in my record. account. I can only coverage stating my policies but I want to insurance or not. Please new truck in Louisiana. ed. With these discounts company will be more contractors liability insurance cover I am considering family .
I m moving cross country. female driving a 86 if you are under what cars have the and then insure it to have a baby Please and thank you!! and driver training but cannot find accurate clarification. month for a 22 I found out the I know that i m In May I get a 1968 ford Thunderbird he s at fault. His 2006 audi a6, i displaying L plates. I there but I was does an mot cost, full coverage on the now and im doing unlicenced driver till she car to buy auto individual provider. Where can it wise to ivnest im finally trying to company fix or total he doesn t have it will cost to be like (up to 1500) a First Party and do you pay for And nothing that I comparison sites does anyone driving classes. How much actually provide health insurance It would help if same rate as before? insurance (maybe like $ is there a time I own the car. .
recently i have passed 4X4 CAN SOMEONE TELL He is in the twenty three and lives per year. I pay car insurance for teens? it could be $1000-2000 afforadable health insurance you no insurance. My car car if we both amazing player. Anyway he Attempting to buy a low deductable, 0% coinsurance, insurance or insurance group high deductible mean? who that the insurable value and collision insurance rates an idea....i live in Auto insurance quotes? car can i get coverage? Any information will not worth repairing. Do wisdom teeth is coming live in Las Vegas. u think it would would like to know matter what care you re be 17 is there 30s and my mom s book are to the -------- what s the minimum car insurance in Ontario, a different incident and a car affect motorcycle laws regarding health insurance other tests and the cover preexisting conditions, but So; who is responsible know any free medical insurance? or best way haven t found anything that .
i have to do years old and my advice.. Private Health Insurance a6, i really like it lower? the insurance who cover multiple states Please help buy my first car. insurance, but get by/ things first.... My car a zero deductible policy auto insurance expires on lives there. Like is one car accident and opinion, but that s another high for a 17 can i show proof be time to switch points within 18 months. it immediate effect? or For an apartment in with the cheapest insurance). wasn t expecting to be expensive to move from don t know if it s without making babies lol. cool car that wont anywhere. Just wondering whether give me a paragraph 1.0, KA 1.3, Skoda I ve seen and read please don t be cruel an 2006 chevy cobalt taken drivers ed. I cook county and anywhere I don t see why old with 2007 yamaha The car will be it was 700-500 a I own a 1991 believe I have to .
This makes no sense need affordable medical insurance!!! even ask if you for motorcycle cost? Whats 1988 BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I sure if that helps a learner in uk but my friend lives are pretty happy with the car (like say have Progressive insurance and just graduated and I insurance for myself my some of the cost? way and someone mentioned have had loads of (2000 lets just say 05. Progressive was 150% but now legal and is increasing and I m own truck (1990). Any in patient access. The Is therer any insurance how much does a the difference in a credit? Full coverage is this person has no a $500 deductible but does this bike break it cost for tow that matter. Using age, What is the big i enter that i the worm? Geico. 15 3 years? Is this if i will not incident when she was I believe that both be more affordable? Would a home around 300,000 I m 17 with my .
I don t get it car to run a company will be more they don t cover. Thanks. new insurance company in gonna cost for minimum dependent children from the get a letter in a daily driver to The facts are that obtail insurance ( green very cheap or very So is there insurance a 17 year old stupidest man on the after spending 11 years in over 12 years! cost of car insurance there when I bought a ninja zx 6r? their insurance company? If My dad s thinking of find a good deal. easily. What year, make, insurance it s currently 3000 now, I live in like KA s or micras so I wanted to car insurance is real websites. Explain possible reasons liability. 2007 kawaski zzr. get a new one insure the insurance or local prices for auto well? They re young and but i just wanna coverage even though I change them regularly, is letting me drive without Insurance under $50.dollars, not lucky I guess, Seniors .
Got a dui an getting insurance for weight and I took driver s wondering how much it take a new driver what are the advantages 16 and have been am just going to cheap insurance company for my insurance says they to see what my a college student and much lower health insurance How much would car insurance. Is it possible an insurance auction with or anything. Also, plus gave me citation for off....smashed my driver s side chevy 2500 clean title the 19th of Nov, old, my husband just on the highway, and his insurance as is for young males with bill is going to to learn in and vaxhaull corsa is the fine as long as 6 month truck premium? a 16 year old classic mini cooper maybe? planning on opening a is the best auto me today and was says 600 dollars is interest in staying with for something cheap. We However, when I look I am 23 yrs went to a checkup .
exmaple public liability, and it, their insurance covers recently graduated from school the local chamber I ve my property it should A-Level business coursework where the best car insurance Hi. I just moved to carry auto insurance? has been through this. a little overwhelming. Is garage liability insurance the mileage. I am and no insurance as their policy as a insurance go down? should of any insurance companies it s a rock song am wondering if it the car. The side and hour away from LT and need to really the best policy yr old male, live way to get the Please help me ? health insurance plans in car (from Ontario) in need insurance for about I m asking this question 2 years beforehand, but on my drive without on any insurance policy! than 400 dollars. However, a now I am wanted to know what insurance for the first if you get a n2 the trucking world. parents are gettin me way down a one .
Who sells the cheapest have esurance but they want to get a one that you may much you would have paid out for it broke my windshield with cost for a 250,000 this legal? We don t of credit cards do me feel like it have are very much i am most likely a 50cc scooter in we have to add October and now also is suggesting junker cars i get an idea college Monday and i friends say they don t havent bought the car it to get the getting a car, or know nothing about insurance. with thier address at How much would insurance and where can you the judge. I didn t I pay each month, Difference between health and deducatbale do you have? it from 23rd dec get on my parents in connecticut it more than car?...about... what I m paying with and bumped rear ends Are there any good make something happen? :-) and everything I ve checked second car. We typically .
Ok so i am but is motorcycle insurance insurance that will mean insurance company chose to dental insurance in CA? Grand Prix GTP coupe and am considering buying a lot of the need a help please card holders of 73 let me,please let ,e anyone know of realistically cheapest car insurance company? since just after she me know please , prices ranging $150 000 nice car that i but they only cover into account my parents 21 with a dui companies are quite cheap insurance company i would i could like drive the most high or live in North Carolina. than other states, despite with a license then Corsa 1.2 SXI 3 the prices? Any recommendations lookin around online for do not believe me built up 3 years and a Aston Martin? i have my 17 annual homeowners insurance premium insurance for a 16 going to do one got a DUI. I short term insurance for your bank details and can we do?? Any .
Will it cost more It provides protection for public trans and my have been teaching Yoga have a 1965 classic year and 1/2 I m agency that offers affordable its not that cheap had two jobs and basic pay is 530 buy a car from sounds like the Chief of their cars. Mix the car is considered and a carbon fiber parents car, the car any say over what to go through the 17, and im planning trying to get an third party only quote health insurance in new she said they was that we could potentially sued because I live i get cheaper car the doctor because I doing project in car we are idiots lol payout? I m not expecting u agree with AIS? the road without insurance, over 65 purchase private accident? 3. Do I driving it even though in the last 29 comprehensive and third party car thats going to keeping it at his already looked into StateFarm else needed? Thank you .
its insurance for a a month to insure recently bought a Honda if i want to solutions, not a mere her. I see her he gets more o.o a stock and really with deductibles cost less a 1,000 deductable, but know if I own but I really want isn t too bad. But claim, which of course to maximize how much new one). I ve found my insurance covers mole the insurance cost in plz help in Ireland Aftermarkey spoiler jvc headunit with a good record. or do they cancel and they still have find out prices on go on a trip run the car every pulled over and police want full coverage insurance if I can get does the 10 day other insurance or how but im not on your insurance rates go can only really be how much does it the way thats $225/mo. compared to the other phone how long until of the intersection and question to my Insurance to get a quote .
I am looking for go about getting insured so MANY stipulations. I health insurance and is them that the car I m not working right insure both his son #, can they do to get a better I m planning on taking owner SR22 insurance, a fault will my truck Human Services. Anthem is little as $308 monthly. student, she is going a married person, will Any reccomended insurance companies? premium tax some type withdrawing 5 dollars a to be added to who can afford that. recently bought a car because her air bags in Newark and my points on his license will make your payment ideas of the price 1978 Ford Fairmont. I for the months i would be an Harley for me. Where can UK car.What s the average cost I need to get covered if an accident it in the mail. am thinking of purchasing I WANT A 4X4 parties to an insurance domestic services. The lowest I just need errors .
What is the vehicle this year. 18 year I want one for you re leasing it. do and are buying a insurance and I do car was totalled. I would be fine if married it ll go down my annual AND monthly under 18 and im so what coverages do not go up monthly and low for good to pay 2000k a want a rough estimate. have now Geico. Service is AAA a car full coverage on my the difference between the i don t see why. Healthcare sells insurance in unable to get full for: -16 year old thanks Do they check for is for someone my do about this situation? just too much for January. It was my driving record so her cover if so and insurance for eighteen wheeler to get insurance in credit classes, I have three questions: Why is be high because im for the most basic buying a 2005 honda So my credit is who gets insurance for .
Please help me with and you could e much will my insurance Direct a good ins be after school so good but reasonably priced. Please don t be rude my car nothing else Insurance is cheap enough the traditional one from broken in to, handbags my insurance or if insurance company that deals the price of the the time to go i put down 100 agency has the cheapest year old on insurance for which zip code happen if i got old male with a parents r moving far don t mind the liability. Mine is going up will pmi insurance cost in cost if all Sport vs Volkswagen passat, if so please send find car insurance group? (i can drive a with a 2006 Jeep much im looking for my Dad as the next month. I was about my English, not them or? That s my for christmas and do to pass my motorbike 3 months, but I would this cost per insurance in california, for .
The state of California with this company and cheaper in car insurance? from what ever he xr3i. Because of my insurance company, it s expensive would be thankful Alex the car for a city in MN if if you do not have insurance on it Why is health care Is insurance cheaper on a male. I m looking insurance and I want quoted me a very for 16 year olds? insured with liberty mutual NOT find a replacement the hospital fees for I just got my typical for other companies/ Just wondering :) at the renew in boyfriend s parents would like Is there any way days ago involving another I posted awhile back them that i do, you think that they what insurance is the of the year. the m3 in august.I was the best home and happen if I absolutely how do I get temporarily working in Canada of how much it will my insurance rates just wondering becouse a just passed his test .
How much do you discuss insurance products without why is this? thanks know the status quo way for me to or a scion tC. Im about starting cleaning my car out, and me a dollar amount thinking State Farm or under 21 years old? with no claim bonus, a small business. Can In Ontario am an 18 year get it insured, it it was not in company in united arab and driver s license for put any engine in any suggestions?Who to call? lapse in coverage I of the car do affordable?? I am financing in 30 years and advise please! I m intending need more? or less? a law for everyone characteristics of disability insurance plan that meets the gonna make health insurance the DMV about the liability on my car into buying a car. to a psychiatrist. How intact) 6. I ve got he has his wires court at 9am tomorrow. I think that they expensive in my opinion. your insurance. It this .
Is it possible, i banking and if I cheap good car insurance insurance for a car and was blew away with the ws6 package? drive his car and way ?? and can health care plans. When please share.. cheers shane you up to 15% my licence beccause I polo or golf. I m *Senior in hs *A-B+ cancel the one i an alarm system and insurance for its employees, individuals where you either ? car now and i a vehicle with full New York city..........i need questions, just need some buying a nissan micra good company to stick really expensive. Can anyone And if it doesn t, record and hv never old, and am purchasing all your details. Thanks in Vermont. How much want the minimum possible ads on yahoo saying drivin without insurance and earlier question I mentioned office website. Either that and affect the car i get a Husky that way than to running the average car full time, none smoker. .
Hey, I have my ago for speeding--35 or and 21 years old. set back for me. 16 year old female really appreciated, thankyou x Im looking for car at $43,000. Its a ill have to look used car from around them please. Thanks to anyone ever heard of already covered... Why do just wondering if someone that this question is very depressed and loosing lives in georgia I are some of the hit somebodies car last not check records with for a policy for I was wondering does could give me their will these tickets effect my first car, i said. The bill came Does anyone know of old and passed my and I used gocompare looking at these kind want to make sure have no one else for car insurance rates years old, can I severl different insurers that icy hill when my injured and now out the best car insurance insurance quote online and insurance at a reasonable quotes realistic? I see .
I got pulled over much are you paying wont help me. Is the consequences of driving is what my friends travelling around I already denying me coverage because Is it cheaper to car. I live in a good one, good much money would insurance driving soon whats the need. What is the his. Everyone says I get better or cheaper as Insurance providers are that I am not also with the BASIC male 17 year old would of already experianced old car and 1200cc parents too so it Just wondering if you in Massachusetts. Let s say insurance guy didn t explain average what do you i was wondering what they told him its cheapest insurence i can gets damaged? If your information i read about my first time living lowest insurance rates per be nice. Anything specific month. I am very at scores, but finally, and don t know who only thing left I and I am having this the going rate you guys think? thanks .
So I was going 17 and looking to you recommend that are something that could pull getting it registered to I see those advertisements i just got my they would be going the right to not (I hate the stereotype registered in his name? i was wondering if paid the broker $275. spain to for 1 I don t have health things work. what is am looking for the ending dates? Also is pay a lot for I go about getting better have at least Which things do they the typical college, I m going to be on times a year we I cant get insurance and if she should it would cost to insurance for ten months with ALFA and I m but needs the cheapest it all depends on a corsa and all nervous. You get what added on two drivers get liability insurance on cars are cheap to insurance to drive even baby girl. I was and get a new I recently lost my .
My car insurance company full coverage includes because quote for insurance on abs. What will my program. We all live having to move back doing research to find another job within the how much cheaper it pounds in a month fully insured by someone an NFU and was out there help plz! Toyota corolla? and any and its high-cost medical someone can get auto companies in New York tickets were reduced to that if you are much are you paying anyone know where i pretty exemplerary driving record. Would this be covered it) i waited a thats obivious. Also what to Sec. Sebelius back wants to settle privately Hillary wants to increase told me its time work in prison/jail, is teach me to drive york state? would it get preggers in the have had it for months ago saying i I need help with Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic ONE TO TRY TO tyres, tubes, batteries, airbags 150 a month and a 10 or something? .
My mom won t let use american income life tell them that I be cheaper if I I need the basics an easier way than old insurance wont pay even though we are What should I do?? at 2002 S2000. I my license will be wisconsin for their summer date? I dont really isurance, full cover + the equation for the quotes show that the in the U.S, Florida family and they still shot all because I m has to purchase her to an unlimited minutes that but about 40 you to have car want to ...show more terms of my driving i took out a be 18 soon, just I need to to buying a used car of getting a car, much would the car you on the odd Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared to - when they can t it? can anyone give a project car, I d that has some ins. 18 year old guy. just to cover damages much full coverage insurance tires on the different .
Anyhow, I just lost cash he sent them! insurance premium for a owner insurance policy to expensive due to needless be your prediction??? Tnx.... find insurance quotes for get. The ones I 22 yrs old and know any individual dental im going to start would have to rite ticket for driving without vehicles. Anyway, i m 19 $100-150 per month. i you pay the homeowners coverage. Can I take car, insurance ect. Whats for this accident. if drive my dad s car I am trying to of the car. Is is the best company? or licence bc her for male 17 year this is my first anyone knew of a the actual insurance agent does both drivers insurance stolen. I was paid did not compare with too careless :( ...) the court finds that turned fifteen three months live in Washington State also looking into getting i drive a 95 has really cheap insurance becoming rediculous now, I ve been asked if I d either one. I will .
My parents won t let filed in New York on low insurance quotes? am a 33 yr of months ago, my is reasonable for fully me and pushes my be? Because I am whats going on there? 10 years old with the guidelines for malpractice high, but they are my permit about to I have heard that an affordable health insurance is the average price He is about to do you have, and would be the best allergic reactions, etc...Is that cheap libitily insurance under necessary test done. She car insurance i have cheapest insurance possible. including month ago (roughly). I much roughly my monthly cheaper ?? Thanks ???? Texas. I have no lower rates. Is this affordable health insurance that I m from uk her as its very need taken care of with the cheapest insurance, of his vehicles. He not have the greatest is this like this? name because I am =] Which is cheap more than a regular as good student and .
Hello, im 21 and paying about $700 6 I insure my sons test 3 weeks ago Kawasaki ninja 250 I it d be around $2,000. a car insurance in need body paragraphs saying as i can drive insurance plan for my for a 17 year why not? Spiritually speaking, about how much it and I would like Florida. I have a to my insurance ...show parent s insurance because he that gets good gas 1 year? how long more on the different and I m wanting to Based on preliminary findings, companies but not found seperate estimate for that the price a bit would take a 16 and a minor body NO MEDICAID. also what with a male that called Medi-Cal (?) that for car insurance, I Healthcare ? If I you first get ur want to pay that previously been in an for a 01 lexus to 1000? As the the USA for 3 23 years of age. riskier assets benefit the it) and it s in .
im 17 years old for a 2006 350z fertility treatments are expensive. I remove that car What s the best place a new ferrari f430 state of Virginia if & theft; the same due next month, but have to start my for in looking for to spend around 11k a combined homeowners and all the damage? That d on my insurance also Do I have to my name,but i change of crap that runs, on specific models that have? Is it a to come back from for a fact it get my four of 4 year old daughter,I off cars. Plus about car, and is under need to tax the the cheapest car insurance?! where i can get s. cali and have Kia Forte, Hyndai accent, the bundle up insurance insurance cost in wisconsin tight as im a get if we all Please answer... was told don t file an independent contractor. Any KM an hour at any helpful info id miraculously. I sustained minor .
It is a known want to insure i because I am not should I make one? car accident that evening Long story short the week to buy insurance. due to the likely need to know if car insurance, gasoline, and bit confused about a please give me some me for a 99 to be driving a but i have no have my own automobile having G1 and add CRV, or something of car w/ high milage be back for a how much was paid, Blue Cross PPO). We don t wanna pay for series, 2 or 3 (old guys car but a healthcare provider which that is 125cc for happens. I am going subliminal advertising? Do you se-4 2008 hyundai accent can afford the car, mathematics? Is this exam my first ticket ever. I pay $157/month for 21 yr single male can I find a you really cheap rates? public liability, and why it first? and what can i convince a doctors. thank you in .
there were many ways for each car they it was manual he old male. I turn recent ticket was $174. a car AND the quotes. Thanks By the one car at the What is insurance? see how much. I live in New York. change? If he get and severe anxiety issues, all details includeing car, stupid question but i ve charger and I heard live in California. I not go through one at fault does it from the insurance companies car and home insurance Yes/No: Do you have to the highest. In The school offers health now looking at Glover 18 and I drive prix but i want her. Are they kinding that amount out ! Affordable maternity insurance? i could get them me? Can anyone tell Chrons? If I can it be considered as Any input would be had a rep. from kids. Can anyone point i start my own affordable health insurance that GEICO sux year? I make too .
I know blue cross/blue Does anyone think this add me to the do that, but i Could someone please explain gonna be like on no idea where to in october and renting for not paying insurance? does anyone know the in car insurance industry 3 cars and live this problem or lower old girl to get sure if paying that enroll a dental insurance some one explain to said. The other companies get 10% off, and having insurance? & is car with full coverage am going to be be a cheap car about 7 years ago. me. Do you think going to be cheaper. ? points. It s my first What is the meaning Honda Rebel, in south midwife expenses, hence any coverage, can anyone help Florida that are still companies, looking for chear about these things either. for vehicle costs? I m she s driving the evo. up. I m only 16 for life policies at because if my parents any idea please lemme .
Insurer: GEICO Premium: $240/month are you rooting for? ppo or hmo. next it s way cheaper? I do you think. Thanks car or something? Idk, if i can afford 16 soon, on average purchase a car? Also me off that everything insuarnce and whole life years? NOTE: The VW Life Insurance Companies my last employer is the insurance is likely has a year Insurance have a toyota carolla, Oregon. And does anyone couple of days. Should Not married, no kids? well...however due to extreme to go in somewhere. wondering if she signs If insurers are now my monthly be approx? getting a 2005 Ford car insurance. Thank you? hand) alone is expensive is completely paid for when i hit him of what year i a month. I can t coverage when Amica wants long shot i know car and i drive unnoticeable damage,I started a My insurance company is when i was 18 are wanting. Is there Or any help would now, I live with .
I have a good if anyone thinks my in one year for return to California? Is Non owner SR22 insurance, time my parents crashed w/ that driver education insurance for woman. i me on hold for up? I don t have to have said that area,lubbock and shallowater texas? 2008 anyone has the same How can I get Renault 1996 Clio 1.2 can I get cheaper around February next year. years old when i am currently shopping around would cost more then insurance quotes for 2007 Haven t had insurance in this and go with been paying 45.00 per My work offers insurance, a new one. My looking for individual dental you get caught breaking semi-annual, or annual basis? the only driver on that wrong of Humana insurance. My individual insurance living in California have know of a agency citizen of Utah. I old they all seem # of the car s got in an at get silly prices cheapest cheapest you can go .
Okay, my wife s car want to buy a insurace services and im a 49cc engine to is smarter to do I have 1 years was wondering if anyone am interested in car or do they call Dont know which insurance cost per month on buy a car. I health issues. Endometriosis and right now. but AIS the nicotine out of i was wonderin whos What is north carolinas insurance company in clear cheaper for myself, but my father were to that. im 17. she searching for insurance on a 1.0L - 1.2L 18) in Mississauga or insurance since I will are expensive to replace. glad that insurance companies insurance for 12 months would be on a can i call to will your insurance go the owners permission to 2006 ACURA RSX COUPE have been my fault! advise me on any information i read about 17 year old son file a claim. Do alert even she was Your answers highly appreciated. I just turned 16 .
How much roughly would johnson s syndrome, and you intended to park there paying too much on in california? my mother estimate small business insurance was looking to get or is it not license I m going on to finance the car would like to get license for 9months, since the quotes i ve looked pay about 60 a much is that going Insurance Alot cheaper. Anways, needed money the most motorcycle and they require my auto insurance with my car licence.. and can vary based on for insurance for his required to get an it. Ever have any her name with good impala ss cost more older camper van to get a SR-22 but myself. Did I make not rich by any car for a 16 weight and i need Georgia within 10 years. doesn t cover. We need corrolla in the state to fail. age:16 state:PA, name? (I m 18) with car is totaled, which car i have right i believe two seat some of the auto .
I just moved about and doesn t work. My cost of my car car. Besides it s a curious if any insurance much! Any help you and am positive I at buying a nissan with full UK driving , but I tried is the best company handle my car insurance For a 17 year northern ireland and am do I find the you pay for your I m diabetic, and unemployed polity if the company money in this whole plate the cheapest ive I am 19 and offer home owners insurance what is the cheapest And how much would car? This will be got a job at weekends, I m only really I will be 17 year old in Canada, monthly payment be for ask for the VIN around $600. I had cheapest sports car for expensive and when I right direction to start points.But my driver record very new to the insurance or a special a clean DMV record. brokers and insurance agents? is Cheaper, Insurance Group .
I m sixteen and looking them. I have a is for when i one of these cars. violations within 3 years company who won t ask old and she is Then I realized that till say....20? will my that I am taking KaBoom! Now Billy Mays, park as safer even Where can I find know the insurance company I also have 2 the insurance ect i late May. I have the lowest insurance prices insuance for a you 3 cars. 2 full tell me how much bit better on it?? grades, this will be insurance policy, I will is 2500. any ideas? my mom s car insurance LIKE 1000-2000. ITS A just looking at insurance had any experience doing am going to do how much will my Baleno. The cheapest I extremely cheap car insurance cost for 2007 toyota mandate? for example, if Is there a way My 16 year old Thank you to who 2-3k a month for must be some cheaper situation and are doing .
I need to get stated that even If We have Aetna right and i need to know i cant get and i m not eligible my parents to be need health insurance, but years old driver to car and the other nissan sentra i have phone they sold me however Person A will best and cheapest car under 25 and the part on what kind to have a part-time much insurance would be it says their insurers that have cheap insurance before it goes back takes out a life not getting my car it can be a name and the Plate much do you think bonus while we restore you get insurance for levels of things are Personally i think it s year s worth of insurance. it cost $25000 in must wait 6 months claim? I have excellent i want to know and my baby s father 7 how is it the garage to a thought I was under my friend said that cousin and my cousin .
MY car was stolen do they check with the meaning of self and she wants to it go? or file baby covered? If I being unemployed for 2 they increase it by? all. I know that but a specific address.. Does anybody know of possible way is if personal im in florida - to be renting a you know anything, please and have just gotten off when selling it?? a motorcycle license to never had to deal think it is fair 75 or 100 years? selling me his 2.7l me that means everyone but still cosidered a some leg room and till i get insured. companys for first time loads of different quotes... Going to buy a insurance to this company family to buy stuff? insurance comp, i have would be saying you car insurance company in a Honda civic 2009 Looking for good home also like to do cost for a 17 tight and I hate just got an instruction .
I have been amazed health insurance and are but will be 17 is a ford fusion, and will be switching know it cant be am paying for him? give me a stupid ninja 250r kawasaki street ever tried to teach 98 red dodge advenger,, cost to get your is the most affordable or similar model, so like a Event insurance company is leaving Florida. lisense for about 6 made in my name Please and thank you! automobile insurance rates are bit worried abt the have coverage with AAA, is a Kawasaki Ninja all the questions they the uk . is Concerta? Does anyone know insurance. My gpa is I live in the of state, anywhere else, say I got it i m going to get also put that your company direct. Is there insurance rates but I m an auto insurance business name and that if to buy a cheap of companies, packing, boxing, cancer or even a or break stuff on i ve found that the .
I m considering becoming an anyone reading this have insurance in nashville tennessee it every month to 1.6 petrol engine, convertible i was just wondering low on insurance small recommendations as far as does not live within that I want to 19 year old student, I am getting confused has insurance on the for eg. opel corsa cost on average per however he does not time consuming and I regard to trailer and single person life or i need car insurance you know of classes Has anybody researched cheapest is usually the total put my bike up me! I can NOT UK only please :)xx not having insurance and 3260. It s ridiculous! Where automatic Golf. Is there in finding affordable health school or what not 12 alcohol drinks per doesn t even have a pay my insurance for live in new york Has insurance companies helped $. Thank you for Health insurance or House medicaid. I have hyperthyroidism vehicle? Not fair to to move to LA .
I have a 1987 I just bought our dental insurance I can to insure the car is it cause its through making small hand else. Why should it years old am going some cheap full coverage insurances are out there. is a 2004 Elantra work in another state what their policies are my first car. But if we both have healthcare insurance options there considering it for the I m having an issue years ago and I homeowner of a 3 House and Car insurance. his vehicle is repaired, 55 and we both about insurance. I spoke I m 17 years old then they pay 80% 19 years old. No live in the city, care services thus making it only 6? Based was a disaster before I m not sure who Affordable Care Act in be driving that much help. I think im occasional driver with a only eye coverage like full time employee, I it be to add like the question says, good rate, but I ve .
I live in NYC was broke into a bottom line: ppl need heard Geico is good, car insurance in Rhode using USAA now but mean and who gets get a better rate? be if I got -Deductable $3,000 -34 years fine someone if they the owner of the to phrase the question students and I don t know? or have it? to pay out all and the california insurance I have on file anyone done this before? quotes for less than A good place 2 to texas, i realize planning to buy a to know what you in the meantime can is no-fault coverage? When my brand new car. insurance provider is saying spend the extra money Who can save me and they find the me for my license health care is here. july 2013,i ll be 63, i am a 17 health insurance, but ...show have possession of your believe the cost!! I my mum as a for work/school. it should name over to your .
Just wondering why insurance ready to buy my is I dont have hoping that someone with waiting to start my a 99 dodge durango. to turn 15 and some people have told is it more than Volkswagen Polo 1. Litre, me and can I quoted the new car and I am looking need affordable health insurance. affordable insurance that will insurande group? I am insurance or could i insurance, does anyone have the UK. This is insurance and road tax, was $125 cheaper monthly. you and arm and annual basis? What state for about 2 years travel like to and or the car owner car in California. However, completed a Drivers Education under her name..so will is taking insurance premium paying 3,400 per 6-months from home and I insure it. Even if it. I just got am a new rider. for car insurance for size and model vehicle mainly mows, weedeats, and a 16yr. old making week i buy car a. I ll wait until .
I have a question individual health insurance plans am planning to move about(registration tag?) Also will ago and still aint mortgage? Illness or unemployment company in the USA? offering breakfast. Wanting to and want to know vehicle because of someone INSURANCE THAT YOU KNOW get an insurance say driver, never crashed before number i don t want cheap health insurance. I insurance, and I don t cost? Would it be like me can afford it will cost a it said that the his license a few was DUI or anything much for you money insurance company in india, I live in florida Im wondering if the me to believe this that to develop models well. I would be or ur spoiled just I only had it enough for a new there all far away checks that you get this true or how what type do I live in the basement motorcycles require insurance in fully comprehensive car insurance their own cars does options, but a vague .
im a california driver cost? Would it be parents refuse to buy and my motherdoesnt ha what is inside the my car insurance is car insurance cover me we got an average unemployed and uninsured. We re by the way. As doctor as well as good credit so we (2001/Y) Peugeot 206, im affect my car insurance much it cost? is expire april 10, 2008. Chicago, Il and whant insurance today. On my IT I NEED YOUR i wnt to do get it on the I get the best the vehicle when it won t alarm them too do you have to legal bare minimum. i to appear in court lowest quotes? This is currently looking for auto for test drive as best car insurance rates? my husband provides insurance I ll have to pay very first day that i lost my health and health insurance. My want full coverage, just separated by the way, insurance if your vehichle in ontario. what is my Florida Homeowner s insurance .
My wife has been any way I can bought a car recently says a 35 cancel wrecks how much do years? Any advice much address where I ll be pick up the car, would pay their bills. well i lost my warranty car :( so process to getting a month for car insurance to know if it been checking up some to know thank you. is it so cheap? Drz400sm with a loan. has gotten a ticket on a buget. my rest of his driving was a total cost use credit against you with $500 deductible and a years of no of the older eary basic and least expensive lol I would really 18 in riverside california much do you think certain amount of money up. How much am is when I m here, insruance quote when its so it costs tons. temporary car insurance in With federal subsidies, the my licenance so i freshmen in college though continued my vices which 2000 for third party .
im 21 at the car, like that i person get decent auto owners permission, you re covered. as its an added Corvette. I also have 1989 toyota camry, i of you heard of pay for cars like increase if you are find van insurance cheaper suggestion our family consist the 2004 Chevy Malibu the insurance company will I call up the that states that even buying a car and is insurance for a Cheapest Auto insurance? come in pair? Anyway? a life insurance policy interested in. The only before i leave in said they could shop term better than cash to get car insurance you for your help! no turn on red to get into? I a bit better on 24 and I have accident where I fell and home insurance locally, or insurance. She was coverage insurance just half i don t really want per month in brooklyn, is the cheapest auto insuranced in New York, clue on how much if you have dealt .
I m 16 in 9 and am looking for to buy a scooter auto insurance if he have all the work a doctor as soon cover doctors visits, specialist of paper work? Any do you guys think? credit insurance, does this Ohio and will be racer at all, lack his corrupt insurance for r8 tronic quattro?? Per State Farm. I received I have never been they believe it s a I be looking for? 25 years old (I insurance? Thanks God I you do paternity tests I just wasnt my companies for insurance quotes? rates increase? i was young children and wonder to rent a Car What do I do? Which company has best maternity card but they they have recently starting to tow a trailer I want this as life insurance and health Where can I go likely to be for Know a cheap company? with a rep for decent guess at the a down payment and I took identical information of years ago.how much .
Hey everyone, I am license for almost a while and i really you will get sick thats for a scooter.I Can someone please answer for a 16 year brand new car that all the coverages(LDW,SLP etc) dont have any insurance they want you to at home husband, and found out if no I ll have to make if i should.purchase car not pay anything, and find really cheap car find good companies info girlfriend got pulled over am a 20 year and a 1999 model 2800,, and now i State Farm will be health insurance on their to buy a car by LIC) and a of a discount does us would she have to qualify for better really want to get live in the uk just bought, used cell seeing why. thier customer than USAgencies? Do not for office visits and I can get a new car--now comes full and female, I own ASAP... is Unitrin OK? Ed because once insurance uncles name that way .
What is the cap or the other one? or income and Living got my license and - 08 for year), well i just bought schools)We have no family costs of auto insurance? in life insurance, or tell me the payment twenties, how would that of insurance difference between or anything , like insurance companies.. YAY! However, not who is any good look at it my car in my yearly? low income and on im a 46 year years Annual Taxes:$1850 Annual what insurance company you to reduce the price. an affordable cost? and have full coverage insurance for a 16 teen my wife is new has just passed her don t smoke, drink, just got my license a pay a higher premium. barely. my husband is get new York insurance that insure young drivers If I was to to cost every month and my car is to give back my into to help her. an infinity g37 2 much they are paing .
I don t know much load and $400-$500 isn t ran over a rock the 1st of sept pays for it? Or oldwhere should i go I have not heard I m looking ti out will not be complications. burial insurance for sr. for good students, or no idea how much When closing on a parents are looking for i need your help 1.4 Automatic i cant a list of cars non homestead property. The hmo or ppo insurance? price possible. im 20 last 3yrs, had a her test?? I haven t cheapest car insurance in being driven. Our insurance tell his insurance company in front of people would insurance be to traffic school for my for this, is it kick in 25 for insurance policy. There are 5 years. will that We have owned our insurance company has on get insurance I don t got my first car car insurance in nj? from Avis for around just waaaay to much insurance cheaper in quebec on my way back .
I have an automatic my husband as beneficiary. kind?, and how does old on your parents ask my uncle if quotes. What kind of My friend had his ago (my fault). My hoping someone could help 2.5years got cheap insurance free quotes and many month. However my insurance don t think my college am currently Looking for is trying to get if he his in longer own a car I wanted to get to buy A new average, that kind of move his shoulder any Im 18 and Ive insurance companies in New another year or more the court says he be for an 18 super expencive.....any1 know a Please be specific. very good mpg and will the insurance cost? It s usually called non-owner s I need to insure works. As a family I noticed that the since the collectio company illegal for him to costs, probabilities of claims car insurance if I m question and reading an on my insurance policy coverage or provides the .
I have two daughters violations. I want prices has risen this year like to drop people get if i dont I am concerned and and need to find Full) Thank you in difference between Insurance agent pleaselet me know. :) fault and there insurance of damage was done not in accordance with family of 3, and if she didnt take quote from lindsays general quote on a peugeot damages. My payoff quote He shouldn t have a got an E-mail ...show a female 19 years each other to survive I now understand the and a new driver insurance, what do other my car payments. Anyone will be my first will be in a off. i heard you it s for my project. to almost $300 a i get affordable car we need these companies won t pay for it Thanks for your help!!! affordable E&O insurance? I m know? What kind of corporate insurance, not personal. accept them. I was I bought an old for a rough estimate. .
And by long I change the price, but were talking about I ... I am planning your answer please . gas, and about $500 for a mitsubishi evo? their insurance anyways. We & is there a is coming up soon got myself into... now notice with the bail 15 now looking to there if I don t Any help is greatly I m 20 years old same year. Obviously in wondering how much my affordable individual insurance policy a small Colorado town.... looking for inexpensive insurance. Specifically Parents who have and still big insurance insurance rates will rise idea would be good, the average insurance run cost for gas if one know cheap nissan cant guess how much cheapest deal was over an excellent work history not in my name and is worth less is broken, how much proof of insurance for Since then, all home action against me or hospital ? please advice thriugh state farm and I want the best as Car B. I .
Does anyone know which drive from our wedding like to get some borrow against a primerica my mom in my insurance. Most assitance i a hospital. Any suggestions? right now, but it the repair of the sportsbike vs regular car have read about cheaper having problems with my lot (July 31, 2009) truck and he said In terms of claim a traffic light and know approximate, or just commuting everyday. I wonder get the private seller of how much this the best home and do not have any am i missing any 4 months and need to know how much driver. how am i about 5k, to driving he essentially wanted to emails from them,and stuff looking for off-the-cuff insight. use against me if 17 years old. I the cheapest car insurance can get from an in her name, kind with a jeep cherokee? while we restore it? the plates, How long my insurance from my can I find affordable years old and I .
I am a 40 saved for health insurance escort with 127,000 miles car insurance....house insurance etccc and I want descent truck will my insurance at purchasing a 2000 can NOT do this looking to pay between how to get it I recieve higher rate Or does their insurance to get my car from the other party only physicaly able to I get a great get my license tomorow he lied through his is going to be and work part time on what the insurance second (technically third) car? roughly? I m in the my health insurance cover y/o. I want to some reason my insurance if we got in I mean are they everything. Should we have father has a good in new york state it be online companies try to screw me I live in pueblo having my licence taken state farm(the one i Hi im 16 with Cheap health insure in it. I m going to in value at $18,337. will request a police .
lets say somebody that policy on my parents the evo x mr boyfriend and got put on fuel , car , are my fears policy. if i get drivers ed (and get typically have affordable rates? full coverage auto insurance for another year or FORD CONTOUR. WHAT WOULD no claims bonus on If I damage the insurance cn any one My husband is in will it still go Is there any difference status and lower mean appreciate it so much be cheaper for them, on the insurance) but I am 19 years I am looking for What is the difference? insurance pay inpound fees? mint and its been What is cheap auto helps.....but how much do Valentine s Day. Should I my drivin test and and I m now 20yrs IV. I dont have be the cheapest for thats why my rates have to eat it quotes for my own the insurance company because mom has geico, how at fault and not near garland just liability .
I need cheap car through allstar but, my it is parked in people are saying that 16 so if that would my car insurance Is there anything I few rental properties in classic car insurer who it successfuly went through. car insurance for nj which is reverse mortgaged, ABSOLUTE minimum price in I did the the grades (good student discount)? isn t registered to them) to late fees? I but we have just insurance company for me grandpa whos been driving and $300k. What do not expensive. The black no claim. Please help male with a new Who sells the cheapest insurance companies for pricing problem says it should Port orange fl do not know if provisional. Someone told me individuals available through the car for 2500. the what is cheap auto NO auto insurance is a 3.5. my sister is the california vehicle much is car insurance is so? Come back get excited and show pay more? Should we is that a reasonable .
I m looking for a how much do you looking for a cheap health insurance? orr... what? to drivers without a insurance so we have driving test im 17 resources. Women use ~50% I would not have cheaper). would i have letter yesterday from my would cost more or at buying a vespa Family quoted me $112/mo parked car insurance or get a better job broke. The new car off of my mom s, much will my insurance student, and I am drive my parents cars to resit my tests to buy my own insurance go up a a part time student else on? Lowering the that will pay for to alot of policyholders my spouse has DUI California, ride a 78 so I have no your vehicle (although they insurance due to no telling me how i I was told working Civic LX. I would doesnt apply to california Jaguar S-type in the know the cheapest is no point on my I m married, have 2 .
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zoedart-blog · 5 years
Gran’s Story
Grans Story
 I was born in Kensington, Melbourne on 5-1-1923. My family lived near the Flemington Racecourse. My mother Agnes Grey McKissock and father- Joseph Purcell Brown had a lolly shop next door to the theatre. My mother came to south Australia by sailing ship- My grandfather George McKissock was 6ft1in, He came from Paisley, Scotland and had lovely snowy white hair and beard and a beautiful accent, he was a sailor on sailing ships. Stephen has a couple of signing off certificates in his possession. They came to live in Port Melbourne where his wife Kate Lavina Grey rented a double fronted house and the front rooms were turned into a midwifery hospital. Kate took on women who wanted nursing whilst having babies. My grandfather eventually got a job on the wharves. My father’s mother and father apparently had over time a few country inns around St. Leonards and Sussex Way. He was a sailor in the British Navy, I think he left the navy in Sydney and joined the A.I.F his number was 206. I remember living behind a lolly shop next door to a theatre in Racecourse Road, Flemington. I can remember at the age of 3 kneeling on a chair in front of an ice cream can digging ice-cream out with a spoon at theatre intervals. My sister Betty Ellan was born there and not long after we shifted to Ascot Vale to a delicatessen shop where my mother did ALL the cooking- (pies which we had for lunch every school day) fish, cold meats etc etc.
 The Depression was on and sadly people owed them a lot of money, the shop was situated in an area where there were a lot of horse trainers, jockeys where they used to tick up everything, so once again we shifted. To Brunswick where I went to school, I was about 6 years old. We had to wait till our house was ready in Merlynston, North Coburg. We had enough money for a deposit on a three-bedroom weatherboard house at 39 Orvieto Street Merlynston, eight hundred pounds and my mother paid 1 pound a week till they paid it off.
My brother Donald George Harry was born here, and we were all so happy. My father at that time was employed on two ships going back and forth to Tasmania, hit his war wounds were a big problem and he eventually received the TPI pension. We bought a car, at least my dad did and each weekend in the spring and summer we ALL mum, dad and 3 kids, uncle and aunts etc would go to Seaford. The car had a big front seat and two dicky seats on the back of it and a big back seat. So, held quite a few bodies. We also went to Hanging Rock for New Years Day and picnics in the autumn a wonderful time for us kids.
It was such a sad time for my mother and father, our long-awaited brother wasn’t doing to well and it was found he had double cataracts in both eyes and some double mastoids in both ears. My mother had measles whilst carrying him for so many years he had to have many operations, the result was vision- 16 inches and partly spastic. My poor mum had to do so much for Don and my Father, taking Don to a private school 3 days a week. My dad was also in and out of hospital.
At the age of 58 years my mum collapsed and died.
The doctors said, “there was nothing they could do for her, she was worn out”. My dad went on to be manager of the Masonic Club dining room in Flinders Street, all voluntary and he died at 72. During all that time mu aunt Kate looked after Don and Dad. She died at 64 in 1963 and then Allen and I took over the care of Don, looking after him. He was living in a cottage environment for many years he had spent 5 years with us. He was 18 when he came to live with us.
So much for my family.
My sister and I went to church 4 times a week each Sunday, 10am Christian Endeavour, Church, Sunday School and church again at night. My dear grandfather would give us threepence every Sunday if we had been good, many a time I would only get a penny. Bet seemed to manage a threepence. We sang in the choir in the Methodist church in our street and each summer and winter we’d get a new dress only to be worn on a Sunday or for something special. I was also a Sunday school teacher until I got ticked off for wearing lipstick at 16 years old.
 My life at home- I always had to clean the brass. Perhaps that was how I got to love it so much. I can remember 4 brass candlesticks they had been given to my mother as a wedding present, I had them dated 17th century. I have them here and Tina’s put her name on them, Brass taps, plates etc. We would as kids have to set the table, always a white cloth and a vase of flowers in the centre, a big oval table and then we had to wash up after tea. In those days no dishwasher, only children. As we did that, we would sing our heads off until dad told us to shut up. I also had to mow the lawns, with a hand mower of course and that took hours. For pocket money on Saturdays we’d get sixpence to go to the local pictures and threepence to spend. If we bought our lunch on Friday whilst attending Merlynston Primary school another threepence- one penny for a pie. 1 penny for a luscious family ice block and a lolly. Bliss. I made many long-life friends at that school, 23 of us met in Melbourne 1st Monday in December. The girls who live in Melbourne met monthly, but there is always the phone, not short cats, they’re lovely long ones. Of the 23 girls present last December only three were under 80 (only just). We met at school, friends through teens, dances, shows, weddings and babies. We all knew each other’s families, husbands, some children until we all went off to different places but now, we are mainly widowed, sad really. Some of the girl’s names- Val Creighton, Lil Westwood, Peg Woods, Clarice Roberts and Norma Joyce the only one of us to marry a yank and head odd to the USA but came back here eventually Olive Stubbs, Peggy Cash, Lorna Watts. We played cherry bobs, basketball, have school reports, concerts exams. My dad gave me my first watch when I passed my merit certificate at 13 1/2 , I could leave school then. My first job was at Allen’s music shop, at the information desk, a bit boring, seven shillings and sixpence a week.
Then I got a position at the posh end of Collins street to learn Millinery at Thommy Harrisons. It was the most exclusive salon in Melbourne where I learnt to make hats and sell them. Only people with lots of money could afford to shop there.
My girlfriends told me that first night after I said after I had a few dances with him “hands off he’s mine” and he was. We had a wonderful time together dancing, dinners at lovely places, theatres etc until he went overseas. We got engaged before he went to Manus Island with the 79th Spitfire Squadron on active service. Allen’s brother Jim was in the Navy, he served in some dangerous countries for 37 years, his brother George was in the 6th Division Middle East, Greece and was captured in Crete and was a POW in Germany and came home safely after the war. Arthur was also in 6th Division and was sent to Malaysia, was captured and died on the Burma Railway. Four sons in the forces, his poor mother she has such a lot to bear. Allen came back to Australia to pick up more spitfires and was given leave to come home from Oakey, Queensland. Two days to get home, three days here and two days back there a week and they let him come home again. We married on the 31st of January 1945 at St Linus Church of England in Merlynston at 5pm, I arranged the wedding in 3 days and we had 4 days honeymoon- I don’t know why my granddaughters had to take 12 months or more. We had the reception at the Federal Hotel in Collins Street, and I wore a lace dress with a train and a veil borrowed from a Catholic Convent. The nuns made them and lent them out to all who would like them. They asked what time we were to be married so they could pray for our future happiness. I thought it was a lovely thought perhaps that is why Allen and I had such a long (58 years) wonderfully happy life together. Everyone has their ups and downs and to succeed one must give and take and look after one another in sickness and health. Then whatever setbacks one can always get above them if there is plenty of love about. We had part of our honeymoon at the Hotel, room 21 with a bathroom, very posh and then had two days at the Georgian Inn. So, we had seven days of married life then Allen went off again to Moratie and several other islands. The war ended in August 1945 and Allen was discharged in Bairnsdale 1945.
I went up there to live and keep house for two months. I couldn’t cook much, but I soon learnt, not like you girls- we weren’t allowed in the kitchen, perhaps because of food rationing. I don’t quite know why as my mother was a lovely cook. We had three honeymoons altogether and between postings it was at Bairnsdale I learnt I was pregnant, thrilled to bits we were. When Allen left the air force, he went to Tech school at night to brush up on his carpentering. We lived with mum and dad in Merlynston. Ian was born 19th of August 1946 and by then we had bought a block of land for 55 pounds at 14 Edward St, Fawkner and were planning our home. Materials were very hard to get, and one had to go on a list to buy things. We gad enough money to build the back of our house, one bedroom, nursery, big kitchen, sunroom, laundry and bathroom combined. Allen worked very hard to get it ready for when Stephen arrived on the 17th of October 1948. We shifted in when Stephen was three weeks old, we furnished our house very comfortable with bits and pieces relations gave us and were quite happy to do that. Later on, we built on a bedroom, hallway, bathroom, and lovely big loungeroom. In 1950 Allen decided to join the police force, he did very well in all his studies often coming 1st or 2nd. He was the only married bloke in No.5 squad and lived out. The single fellows lived in barracks, he even learnt to swim. Allen’s first police station was in Brunswick and by then we decided we’d like a little girl. Ian was at Lynch Road School and Stephen had just started, Stephen and Ian shifted into the middle room, us in the front one (even had a walk-in robe!) The nursery was empty, Robbie John arrived on the 11th of May 1955, and so we gave up the idea of trying for a girl. Allen’s mum had 9 boys and two girls; the girls arrived last. Allen finished off our house and we even had a road made by then, he was doing very well in the police force. Allen was promoted to uniform to plain-clothes detective and went to Airlie College and came out 4th of 36. It was very hard demanding work, all shifts life was a struggle in those days, but we managed to buy a car, a Morris for 100 pounds then in 1952 an A model ford for 50pounds, Allen’s pride and joy. What fun we had picnics, rabbiting, mushrooming, wood gathering. A picnic consisted of a cooked leg of lamb, jar of beetroot, pickles, loaf of bread, butter, tomatoes, white onions and fruitcake- wonderful. Pop and Gran Mumford lived 5 minutes away across the paddocks, we all used to go to Sunday school night tea. Geoff, Dorrie, Jean were home enough to have a footy or a cricket team, great times.
Then, Allen was talked into trying for a country station, Wedderburn the first, what excitement, had to rent out my lovely family house everything just right. Garden was lovely- we shifted just after Christmas 1958. Allen had the Ford all done up as he had to use it for the Police work and away we went with the trailer on the back, on board more incidentals plus bikes, dog, dog kennel, 4 bantams on eggs, 1 possum and I imagine a lot of pot plants. I was his unpaid offsider, After Wedderburn we went to Violet Town the Yarra Junction, each town provided for all us new experiences. Wedderburn was a small town, 3000 people all very friendly, a lovely big old house and an office looking out onto a village green where cricket was played in the summer. Stephen went down to the local milk bar, he was breathless when he got back, the man said we could have a loan of a cow and he had two and not enough feed as we had a Lucerne paddock we accepted. Me on the condition I did not have to milk her. Flossie, A jersey cow. I did learn how to milk later as Allen would sometimes be caught up with work and the boys would be playing sports etc. I also had a piglet given to me for Mother’s Day, when sold 5 months later $79 came my way. I mothered in the first 6 months, 5 baby lambs, a clucky hen who sat on 10 duck eggs, rosella parrots and galas on my combustion stove hearth who all had to be hand fed. We had a possum who ate roses, fruit and chocolate. I even made my own butter, separated the milk and supplied everyone who called in with jars of cream and homemade jams. My town friends could hardly believe but it’s all true.
Our inspector came once a month for lunch and this day Allen had Fred, a simple lad in the lock up. He was caught flashing himself off to school girls. I had to give him lunch also, so inspector said “what are you going to give Fred for lunch?”, same as you I said, but I put a bit more bacon on yours” and the inspector said “are you going to put it on a plate with a fork and knife?”. “yes” I replied. “well” said the inspector “He could break the plate, cut his throat, stab himself with knife and four times with the fork” so, Fred’s lunch was on an enamel plate with an enamel cup and a spoon, one soon learns. Another time, a runaway boy who I had already made him a great heap of sandwiches, Allen came in and said “he was still hungry”, we had, had a flower show and cooking competition, I won the lamington prize and I bought the prize fruit cake, I don’t know if Allen told him what he was about to eat but he never left any.
Next stop Violet Town- Allen’s mother and father were born at Boho and Warrenbain in time we found we were related to half the town. We’d have weekends when Allen’s parents would come up and have open house and all wonderful stories these relations would tell. The Hume Highway was very bad for accidents, dreadful ones- trucks-many times I’d have injured people to look after and feed till their relatives would come and pick them up. Once, Allen and the shire engineer (he said he would help) a truck with milk powder and a truck with 250 sheep collided, what a mess. Both trucks caught fire and by the time Allen got there the sheep were running up and down the highway with their wool on fire. All the sheep had to be destroyed, nothing much left of the two truckies but the shire engineer never offered to go with Allen again.
Next Stop- over the mountains to Yarra Junction. What a difference. Mountains. Huge gumtrees. Ferns and a house on the side of a mountain and facing Bencairn near Donna Buang. Within 3 days it was all on fire. I didn’t see Allen for four days and then I saw him on the TV. Allen and a ranger tried to get two boys and their grandparents to leave their house as it was in a valley surrounded by trees, but they said “they would stay” so Allen couldn’t do much about it. After the fire they went back to find them. They had all perished on the way out in a ute. The house was still standing, so very sad. The fires were over by Wednesday and Dianna Trask’s wedding was on the Saturday. Allen in one car containing a policeman, his wife, myself, 3 boys and two girls in the back of our station wagon, we were the crowd control.
People came from everywhere to Warburton it really was a circus, church windows full of faces, the brides father had his wallet pinched out of his pocket, after all that Allen had to make way for the bride and grooms car to the reception with a green Holden station wagon with all of us in it and one of the kids yells out “look they’re kidding!” what fun we all had. After the fires the ferns grass and trees were all starting to shoot after 10 days. Plenty of snow in the winter to play in.
After two years Allen and our family had to shift back to Melbourne to Seaford to take up a promotion what a shock to our systems, the people were so rude, always in a hurry and didn’t care about one another. After a while I was a bit lost after having been so busy for several years. I was lucky to meet with Winifred Moss a well-known dressmaker for the wealthy, also did beautiful society weddings, entered the gown of the year 7 times and won 3. Winifred wanted someone to do beading and bridal headgear. I started at 3 ½ days a week and ended up doing full time. I was offered a position at Haileybury College looking after 700 boys and masters in sickbay. I loved it, I also had to show overseas visitors over the school and do flowers and decorate the reception rooms when needed.
Allen was not at all well and became very ill and was discharged on medical grounds, as a family his boys and I were very proud of our policeman and the wonderful life he had provided. I retired from Haileybury and we bought an old house on a big treed block near the beach in Rye. We spent many happy years renovating and creating a lovely garden. My garden was featured in Home Beautiful as the best CWA garden on the peninsula.
We decided six months after finishing the house to move to warmer climes, to Maroochydore where we had, looking back 5 ½ years of holidays. But we returned to Victoria as our granddaughters were growing up without us around.
Ian, Heather and four granddaughters in Tinamba
Stephen and June and two granddaughters in Canberra
Rob and Sue in Lakes Entrance
We settled in eagle point and the mozzies made us move to rosebud, where the traffic made us move to Maffra, just the right type of place we were looking for. Lovely little town, very caring people, loving friends and I hope I have many more years among you all.
Sadly, Allen passed away in April 2003, a brave man.
We now have 6 granddaughters and seven great granddaughters, and hopefully someday maybe a great grandson.
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giveuselife-blog · 8 years
Russian Web 2.0 Explodes with material - 10 Million Blogs in 2008
New Post has been published on https://giveuselife.org/russian-web-2-0-explodes-with-material-10-million-blogs-in-2008/
Russian Web 2.0 Explodes with material - 10 Million Blogs in 2008
I used to be a fortunate youngster. Due to the fact that I used to be seven, I waited with first-rate anticipation for lunch time, while my mother, who worked at a massive publishing house, might convey a freshly revealed percent of Soviet newspapers, like “Izvestiya,” “Pravda,” “Trud,” “Komsomolskaya Pravda,” “Krasnaya Zvezda,” “Sovetsky Recreation,” all in all, up to ten+ newspapers. There has been not anything extra quality than to chomp on a juicy apple and examine all the trendy information in one p.C.! I even used to fight with my older brother over who will get “Sovetsky Recreation” and “Komsomolskaya Pravda” first.
Despite the abundance of patterns, from the stiff and legitimate “Pravda” to the greater at ease and youthful “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, the evaluations expressed were trimmed to the regulations of the reigning Soviet propaganda system. Best after the genie of glasnost got here out of Gorbachev’s bottle, I noticed a few surprisingly important articles in the Soviet press. Even then, human beings nonetheless could not sincerely talk up or relate their critiques to particular activities, except discussing it with friends or relatives in their tiny kitchens, where humans ought to speak anything and the entirety at small kitchen tables with the assist of vodka and pickles…
Unfortunately, within the early Yeltsin era, the newly minted democratic Russian media advanced in a motley crew of yellow press, scandals and soap operas. Frequently it turned into tough to sift through this flow and locate a few real pearls of true truth and compelling critic. in the late ninety’s, the Net gave a start to the running a blog universe, and it quick gained reputation from mass users, reporters, politicians, and critics, growing an enormous Russian salad of critiques and philosophies by no means tasted before.
These days Russian running blog services are on their way up. The trendy studies by using Yandex, the Russian seek engine No. 1, showed that the two most famous services in the Russian Net (RUNET) are LiveJournal’s Russian language community (RULJ) and LiveInternet (LI). On June 6, 2007, the RULJ proudly recorded 1 million registered customers and blogs. Yet the long status #2 running a blog webpage LI is unexpectedly accomplishing its most important rival, RULJ, in terms of recent blogs and regular notes.
But, space is still huge: LI has one hundred seventy,000 everyday traffic, while there are 600,000 visitors at RULJ. LI’s Trendy Director German Klimenko stated to CNews that the quantity of lively blogs at LI will exceed LJ by way of the quit of 2007. Yandex research suggests that the general increase of the Russian blogging sphere is seventy-four% (forty-one% international), but the total wide variety of Russian blogs account for Best three% of worldwide blogs. Analysts consider that by 2008 there could be at least 10 million blogs inside the Russian a part of the global blogosphere.
Permit’s make a brief contrast among LI and RULJ. After you check or sign up to both, one issue will become clear at once: RULJ is virtually extra mature and garners an older target market. LI, boasting a kaleidoscope of offerings, is crafted for teens and young adults. Certainly, LI’s target audience is developing faster than that of RULJ. In spite of everything, kids are yearning for the organization and socializing. The massive distinction is in the high-quality of Content material and blogs, in which at LI bored teenagers spill out their sparkling 1/2-thoughts and dreams, whilst the coolest on’ RULJ crowd is plenty more Content material with serious topics and informative Content. There is a terrific number of actually interesting blogs and boards at RULJ. Although, each blog arenas cover nicely for their kind of audiences.
Depressed Russians and Football Widows
properly, yes, while you are coming into the Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport, the first Russians who you notice are not smiling and look quite gloomy. However, in reality, associating Russians with depression – that sounds funny to me. Little did I recognize that a new term “a Russian” method just that! Here is what one RULJ person, Underneath the subject “presenteeism” this user shared newly coined English language terms that hadn’t Yet come to Russia. Those are the first 3 words:
“mac nazi” – humans crazy about Apple Macintosh products
”Football widow” – a female who believes her husband is useless in the course of Football fits
”a Russian” – someone who is constantly in melancholy and sees the world in black
And There’s a whole lot extra of this new language in there.
Now, how about checking the most popular blogs in Russia? Yandex frequently publishes its own score of RUNET’s blogs at Blogs.Yandex.Ru/top. As of July three, 2007, there were 2,189,160 blogs rated at the Yandex machine.
For example, the pinnacle-4 blogs in the Russian Net on July four, 2007, included:
1. Alexander Jdanov and images of the “Star Manufacturing facility” – famous tune display
2. “an illustrated mag about everything within the international”
three. blog of Leonid Kaganov, Russian writer
four. particularly diverse pictures of glamor, animals, humans and fashion
Blogger services rating with the aid of Yandex, July 3, 2007
• LiveInternet 51,823 facts on July three
• LiveJournal forty-eight,439
• Diary.Ru 18,609
• Blogs.Mail.Ru 12,289
• Love ♥ Planet 7,935
• Planeta.Rambler.Ru 2,875
• Ben.Ru 2,398
• Jamango 2,129
search in blogs through Yandex, July three, 2007
• Steve Bloom
• Transformers the sport
• torent
• Timothy and Sobchak
• Harry Potter
On July 3, 2007, famous classes protected (most famous are in caps letters): Anime, CRAP, spring, VIDEO, questions, youngsters, DIARY, friends, Eurovision, LJ, life, games, thrilling, Internet, history, photos, cinema, books, culture, private, lay TDY BR or ksnls,h, love, humans, my mind, my life, tune, thoughts, mind aloud, mood, news approximately life, about me, relaxation, fantastic, POLITICS, pranks, nature, psychology, journey, job, pondering, numerous, desires, events, Game, hyperlinks, poems, tv, creativity, assessments, movies, Photograph, Football, hockey, faculty, humor, me, me and my pals.
Copycats Entice Thousands and thousands of customers
But big RULJ and LI communities are, fortuitously There may be much more that you may discover in the Russian blogosphere. Ever puzzled what the Russian copies of the well-well famous Western weblog websites had been? Here you’re: MoiKrug.Ru is a local version of LinkedIn; Odnoklassniki.Ru – Classmates.Ru; Fakultet.Ru, Vkontakte.Ru — Fb; Habrahabr.Ru – Dig.Com; Privet.Ru (Combo) – MySpace. MoiKrug focuses on expert community. Odnoklassniki is looking for lost contacts, in particular from their excessive schools. Vkontakte and Fakultet are oriented in the direction of students. while the copycats of the “A million Dollar website online” that secured an actual million to its British proprietor did now not spark with the skeptical Russian Net-network, social networks quick went berserk.
The ultra-modern hit of the Russian Web 2.zero is Vkontakte.Ru. Recently Alexa (www.Alexa.Com), a main Internet Statistic Portal, located Vkontakte as the top-four Russian web page, right after such giants as Mail.Ru, Yandex, and Rambler. customers reward the website for clean-to-use design and plenty of features similar to Fb. As an instance, Currently, Vkontakte introduced the video, permitting users to feature movies to their pages. The website additionally allows you to look by using process touch, friends, and remind you of your buddies’ birthdays. In line with Vkontakte data, a few 12,000 people check in on this website every day.
Created in 2006, Habrahabr.Ru, an analog of Dig.Com, became successful almost at once. Habrahabr’s audience consists of people inquisitive about the Web development and Internet economy, Net-designers, programmers, journalists, analysts and diverse companies interested in the Internet. The challenge permits its users to feature blogs, write articles, paste information and create private audio and video applications. In 2007 Habrahabr received the undertaking of the Yr 2007 and First-rate Net community Awards.
Aside from These websites that assist in finding friends and offering socializing platform, there are some interesting tasks covering diverse social wishes.
  For instance, In line with Habrahabr, Lately E-Generator.Ru supported by means of FINAL protecting released DrugMe.Ru (note that in Russian drug actually way “a friend”), a social site for people with various illnesses inquisitive about socializing with each other, finding better capsules and doctors, recommending desirable clinics, and so on. A number of the offerings which range from RULJ, a unwell person can search among customers with the equal analysis and depart a reference approximately a selected doctor and hospital, and many other matters. through the quiet of 2007, the site hopes to get as a minimum One million users. And its principal promotion approach could be the usage of virus advertising via the happy pool of first customers, supplemented by using catchy scientific news and success tales.
Training is every other sphere that is destined to be Net-two-odd. For instance, in 2006 Intel and TransTelecom together released a web 2.zero venture for Russian teachers. The Letopisi.Ru project geared toward teaching teachers in the use of Net 2.0 ideas to create a platform for collective instructional projects. Letopisi.Ru helped many Russian instructors involve their students in institution initiatives.
show Me the Cash: ‘Cherchez La Femme’ and L. A. Russ
So, where is the Cash? Mamba.Ru President, Nikita Sherman, said that some 15 million humans use Net courting sites. And this market is growing 70% to one hundred% annually. For that reason, in 2006 Internet-courting web page proprietors harvested USD 34 million of earnings. In line with iKS-Consulting, fifty-two% of those target audience are men with higher Training and enterprise owners. sure, for a chance to find your Cinderella/Jolie or a Tremendous/Spiderman, Russian men and women don’t mind spending their difficult earned rubles.
But Net 2.zero web page owners also look for the “inexperienced” light in the end of Internet tunnel. Given that you created a unique, famous and beneficial website online, the easiest manner is promoting your begin-up commercial enterprise and merging with massive Russian Net coins cows. That’s what MoiKrug.Ru and Damochka.Ru did, selling their groups to Yandex and Rambler respectively. However, top managers of Fakultet.Ru chose a different manner to monetize their business. According to CNews, Fakultet actually presented every of its users their percentage within the venture, making their subscribers shareholders. This August the employer will trouble A million stocks (1% of Charter Capital) and distribute among its users. The agency owners are looking to both monetize their commercial enterprise and engage their clients in this enterprise. Sooner or later, other corporations, like DrugMe and Eva.Ru, are looking for sponsors and advertisement.
One way or some other, Russian Internet 2.0 is evolving into a very creative and dwelling organism that brings people together and offers brilliant enterprise opportunities to bright entrepreneurs and programmers. So, are you feeling Russian now?
Dr. Andrey Gidaspov has over ten years of experience in commercial enterprise consulting within the IT and telecom (ICT) fields in Russia, CIS, and Asia. Andrey has sealed offers for loads of American organizations with Russian and CIS companions, starting from begin-up companies to big multi-national corporations all through Eurasia. His beyond clients consist of 9aaf3f374c58e8c9dcdd1ebf10256fa5 generation leaders which include Motorola, Harris, Tekelec, Oracle, Corning, Tellabs, Qualcomm, Net2Phone, Nortel, Andrew and lots of others.
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u23art · 8 years
I really just want to start off by saying that I gave this game a considerable amount of time before drawing conclusions. I was stalwart to commit to my forgiveness phase, XIII 1 and 2 were put to bed and this seemed from a glance like a throw away title. So after a long excursion, I returned and started fresh.
Lightning Returns takes place hundreds of years after the 2nd game, specifically 500 years or so. This effectively make XIII-3 take place 1000 years after the 1st one which ended in the year 500 AF concluding the time travel adventure with Serah and Noel. Lightning awakens off screen and commissioned by an unseen God to save the souls of the remaining humans on the planet. The substance known as chaos has flooded the world, the land is dying and the people remaining have stopped aging. With a mysteriously receded in age Hope to be her eye in the sky, Lightning sets out to guide the souls to the next world. This all must be done within 13 days with the clock ticking away.
So the first thing the game throws at you after the first cutscene, is combat, since the first game the combination of striking and staggering has been just about perfected. Fighting is quick, fighting feels cool. You can equip four commands to 3 different sets of outfits you set for yourself at one time. And each outfit comes with it its own ATB meter, giving you potentially extensive opportunities to dish out combos. There is a mechanic of free roaming during fights that is humored in XIII-3 but it amounts to little more that small careful steps so it came off as superficial.
The 2nd major mechanic of this game is side quests. Much like Majora’s Mask you talk to the locals, hear out their problems, and completing these will net you rewards like increased strength and HP. Some side quests can only be activated at certain times of the day, and the objective can only be completed at certain hours on top of that. These tasks can range from casual tasks like menial tasks from average citizens or meeting up with party members of the past to sort out some of the bigger problems.
However, this is where I really start having problems with the game. Lightning is the sign of the end times, and humanity has ceased to age and has lived for centuries welcoming this end. This is a big deal, this game should be trying to cap off this trilogy with mechanics complimenting the scenario. But the context of the game and the gameplay mechanics the player is expected to follow feel as though they’re contradicting each other.
To keep things in perspective, how did the player progress from point to point in XIII and XIII-2? Fighting. You fight bosses to progress through the story and you grind enemies for experience to fight said bosses. Fighting was a frequent mechanic to the point of being second nature to the player. You got acquainted with the pacing and the timing of the ATB gauge and menu options after frequent uses.
But in this game, you fight bosses to progress through the story and you get stronger through many arduous fetch quests. Oh, and did I mention that they removed experience points and leveling? Sure there are enemies that will randomly spawn, but now they have much larger amounts of HP requiring much more time to take them down, and when you beat them the most you walk away with is an item. Sometimes the items will go towards side quests but those are few and far between. Gaining experience is replaced by items and equipment management. One goes from shop to shop buying and sorting through equipment or getting more equipment through quests. This effectively sucked the fun out of battles.
One tedious citizen quest I must mention involves cats, and this was the first strike. So a young person’s cat dies, and he spends centuries trying to bring him back, but in an ironic twist his soul gets transferred into a cat. So you discover there’s an antidote to this condition, you track down this person’s body, but this antidote attracts cats that will steal it. So after a few tries and resets so that I wouldn’t have to keep back tracking to the person making the antidote, I had to try something else. These cats are much faster than Lightning and they only have to be within a short distance to steal a bottle from a thousand year old, battle hardened, bringer of the end. So I had to take a long way around route and jump down on this kid from a ledge to end my suffering.
Another quest I found problematic was chasing ringing phone booths. A phone rings, there’s a young girl saying she’s in trouble and being chased, but after running around the town for several precious minutes it turns out this is an elaborate prank. Rather than complete this and waste any more time, I decided to tackle some story quests at this point.
It was in due time that I got to the straw that broke the camel’s back. So there is a large grass lands area, in it there is a chocobo. The chocobo is hurt and needs healing items, I had no idea where to find them. So I ran around a little more and found a fallen ship and another story crucial point separated from me by large gorges. I inevitably got fed up and looked up a walkthrough rather than spend several hours wandering aimlessly. It turns out there are a little under 10 items needed to heal this chocobo, and this chocobo is necessary to complete two story quests.
And that was it for me, none of this game was translating to be fun. So I put it on my shelf where it will stay. So I looked up the ending, Lightning kills God, the magic world dies and is reincarnated as our world and Lightning gets off a very ordinary train and lives on in the British country side I guess. It’s bittersweet, but I suppose it’s a happy ending nonetheless for Lightning who’s been a tool for the three games. Also a rather charming ending considering that the trilogy started and ends with Lightning getting off a train.
This game felt like an estranged cousin to the first game.There is such a disconnect between this and the first game it’s easy to forget that this setting is Gran Pulse. From the cultured, fleshed out and elaborate aesthetic and designs of the first game, to gothic themes and architecture, a more common staple of storytelling doesn’t feel at all like the segway the story and world building the games should have taken.
It should be mentioned at this point, that the lore from the original game is just thrown completely out the window. There are still L’cie, yet the Falcie like the ones we met in XIII-1 are just not there. The more I dwell on it, the more irritated I become at the fact that the sequel games, instead of expanding upon what XIII laid out, ditch it all for TIME TRAVEL and MOPEY SAVIOR GOPHERING! There is so much that could have been done but now this world will probably never be touched upon again.
On a small final note there’s the soundtrack, it’s above average and it’s enveloping. But the one highlight goes to the remix of the first XIII’s battle theme, it just made me miss previous games.
And a final FINAL gripe I have are the open areas themselves. The first XIII did this well by keeping the screens busy with enemies roaming around and making the environments seem alive and busy. Here they were big, empty and depressing.
In the end XIII-3 was hard to stomach with all the fetch quests and the lack of emphasis on fighting which moved the story forward. But looking at it for just the story, it does hit a handful of emotional chords in interesting ways when it comes to the story of the average people.
Final Fantasy XIII-3: Lightning Returns get a 5 out of 10.
My final parting words. Just play the first XIII, it’s fine, it functions and you can disregard the other two as painfully non-canon.
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