#depressed shizuo
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waikorns-blog · 2 months ago
Can someone write a au about Izaya and shizuo break up and Izaya lives with Simon at the Russian sushi during the break up and simon takes care of him, while Izaya is crying constantly and depressed. But like humor/ fluff .. happy ending 😩
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themosthatedbeingmoving · 1 year ago
Lucifer’s Human verse under cut!!
Human Luci verse :
Human name: Luce Morningstar
Age: 29/32
Gender: Male presenting ( might still make him intersex bi-gender )
Sexuality: bisexual loves both equally
FC: Shizuo ( from durarara)
Lucifer was either given a second chance or punished by creation/god by being taken from hell and being turned into a mortal human —
-He doesn’t remember being king of hell, but he has weird dreams sometimes about a place full of red after falling from a place full of white.
-Doesn’t know he’s a king with incredible power; he’s 29/32 but everyone thanks he’s 18/21 cause he’s short and looks young . ( chilchuck inspired this lol)
— he works as a waiter part time while writing music /preforms in a few small bands here and there, still doesn’t have a steady “adult job” at his age .
— he’s very passionate about music he’s also a savant when it comes to instruments and can sing
— still has depression and anxiety that prevents him from going full musician with this .
— is terrified of being a failure
— doesn’t remember his childhood much just that he knew his family didn’t like him much .
— writes music sometimes for other artists to help pay rent .
— lives in a small basement apartment he rents from a nicer older lady ( may or may not be Rosie ;3 )
— loves kids
— terrible at dating
— gifted kid burn out for sure .
— loves spicy food; and apples.
—- is always followed by crows/ravens /black cats
—- sometimes weird unexpected things happen to him he can’t explain it.
— may or may not still have his powers who knows.
— loves to daydream .
— wants to create a live show that will be remembered forever
—- switches music genres that he’s into like almost every week.
— wardrobe is a mix of elder emo and whatever if comfortable /a white and red trench coat he loves to death .
—very much ADD and gremlin still
— still has red eyes, and sharper then normal canines .
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chickensoup-4-mysoul · 6 months ago
herculean (drrr x f!reader) - chapter 24
chapter 24 - ashes to ashes
synopsis: you continue to spiral as more and more of the facade crumbles.
word count: 2,400
warnings: n/a
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"are you satisfied with an average life? do i need to lie to make my way in life? are you satisfied with an easy ride? once you cross the line will you be satisfied?,, are you satisfied? - marina
You don’t remember when you had dropped to the ground, nor do you remember the tears that are blurring your vision. Your mind and eyes can’t focus on anything, simply swimming in the whirlpool of confusion, emotion, and energy. The sound of someone’s screaming cuts through the muddle. Yours. Your screaming. Screaming, sobbing, drooling, snotting. 
Shock at the revelation. Denial that you would do such a thing. Fear of your own capabilities. Horror at the implications of it all. 
Five years of depression. Even more years of self-hate. Hopeless desire to simply be seen. Deep-seated fury gone unhinged. 
Your heart is caught in a battle, split between two dispositions. An unassuming young woman. A bloodlust driven murderer. Two different people--they are the same person.
They are you.
“(Y/N)!” The voice is muffled by your own, so much so that you barely notice it. Hands grasp your shoulders, pulling you from your stupor sooner than you’d prefer. You jerk away on instinct, not bothering to catch yourself as you fall onto your side. 
“Fuck…” Now that it’s closer, the voice is more discernable to you. You spare a moment to force your eyes open. Shizuo.
The sight of blonde hair and brown eyes is usually a comfort to you. It is a comfort to you. But mixed in with that comfort is more fear. Not fear of him, no--fear of yourself. You’re on your feet much too quickly. Your hand shoots up to lean against a wall, the other warding off Shizuo’s attempts to help. You choke down your sobs, attempting in vain to steady your breathing.
“What happened? Did that damn flea do something to you?” His voice raises in volume but it can’t set you on edge any more than you already are.  Izaya...
Where is Izaya?
Said flea is nowhere to be found. You don’t remember when or how he left, or if Shizuo saw him. Your voice is not available for use at the moment, simply crackling out when you try to respond.
“Shit...j-just don’t speak, dammit, I…” Shizuo is clearly floundering for something to say or do. He’s not used to comforting, that much was clear. The evident loss in his temper certainly doesn’t make it any easier. He pats himself down before finally landing on his breast pocket. Pulling out his pocket square, he offers it to you.
You silently accept it, cleaning yourself up to the best of your ability. Amidst all of the commotion, you still find it in yourself to be embarrassed at him seeing you like this. “Thanks,” you croak, hesitant to give the cloth back to him. He gestures for you to keep it, to which you respond by tucking it in your pocket. The two of you stand there, avoiding each other’s gaze. He wants to ask what happened--you hope that he doesn’t. Your eyes pick up the twitch in his lips as they fix to form words. Panicking, you slip past him, making your way out of the alley.
“We should go,” you murmur, heart leaping at the look of confusion on his face. You don’t know where you’ll walk, but maybe if you walk briskly enough, he’ll be too focused on keeping up to ask more questions. You spare a glance over your shoulder. The sight of him helplessly following you made you feel bad, but not bad enough to slow down.
Following the sounds of the crowd, you’re able to relocate the center of the clamor. The numerous men that had been sunken into the ground are now restrained. You didn’t need any closer inspection to know that Celty had finished her job. However, you were perplexed to find that the woman was nowhere in sight. You attempt to wade through the masses, silently hoping that Shizuo will eventually lose track of you. All you wanted was to be alone, right now.
Your wishes have yet to be answered, as Mikado and Anri suddenly appear in your path. They spot you almost immediately, quickly approaching you. A quick check behind you reveals Shizuo in hot pursuit. You’re closed in. 
“(Y/N)! Did you see all that?” Mikado asks, his head darting between you and the group of thugs bundled together.
“I wasn’t there for it all, but I bet I can guess what happened.” You force a smile and a laugh, suddenly becoming hyperaware of the fresh sting in your eyes. Ducking your head and avoiding their gaze, you attempt to hide what an obvious mess you are. To your displeasure, you narrowly catch the worried furrow in their brows. Shizuo is standing there. You don’t know how close he is, but you feel like it’s too close. “Anyways, I should really be going now--Renji isn’t gonna feed herself!” As you back away hastily, your eyes catch Anri’s. There’s a concern, a sensitivity in them that makes your heart clench. Shizuo’s too.
“W-wait, you don’t need someone to walk you--” 
“No.” Your voice is breathless. A pressure is building in your chest that makes it harder for you to mince words. You’re eager to turn away from them, spinning on your heels in preparation to haul ass in the other direction. In your movements, you notice a growing shadow overtaking you.
“Watch out!”
You can’t decipher whose voice it is, not among all of the conversations occurring simultaneously. Especially not among the panicked screaming. All you can decipher is something above you--something growing in size. Coming closer.
Falling closer.
You remember searching for Izaya and Shizuo, fearful of the destruction they could’ve left in their wake. You remember said destruction; namely the myriad of street signs and stop signs lodged into the sides of buildings. You remember the particularly large movie theatre sign lodged into one of these buildings. 
The building right next to you.
It falls as if in slow motion, practically floating downwards. Your eyes trace the intricate patterns, noting how some of the lights still have enough electricity to blink. Your frazzled brain is absorbed in its prettiness. There is muffled yelling, and even shouts of your name. It’s a moment of suspension, almost serene. Finally, a moment of peace.
...before the hunk of metal is quickly plummeting towards you. Voices flood your ears, sharp, clear, and grating. Your arms shoot up on instinct, palms flattening towards the sky. Paralyzed, or simply not fast enough, you simply stand there awaiting injury-or death. Looking upwards, you are finally face to face with the sign--and suddenly everything is silent. 
All you see is darkness. Loss of consciousness. The end.
Quiet muttering. In the distance? No, surrounding you. There’s a tension in your temples. Rigor mortis? No, your eyes are screwed shut. 
A cool, textured surface pressed against both of your open palms. A weight beneath your feet, beneath standing legs.
You slowly open your eyes, expecting your vision to be flooded with some sort of blinding light, or no light at all. However, all you see are faces. So many shapes and sizes, familiar and unfamiliar, gaping in awe. Your neck cranes upward, nourishing your eyes with the view of your own two hands.
Upstretched, holding up the metal sign. Carrying it. 
It’s full weight is there. It’s heavy--heavy enough to crush you. You can tell it is...but somehow, here you stood, with so many eyes on you. Your breath suddenly constricts as you realize that the gaping faces are, in fact, actual people. Whispers fill the air as they all switch between looking at you and muttering words to their companions. 
You stagger backward, unsure of what to do with yourself. In a panic, you throw your hands downward, taking the sign with you. A crash rings out as the metal clatters against the ground. The hushed murmurs erupt into louder chatter. Scanning the crowd, you find the faces of your friends.
Anri and Mikado looked stunned...mortified.
Shizuo’s gaze is obstructed by those stupid sunglasses. You can’t make out anything in that expression, not with his lips pressed into a thin, straight line. 
An odd sound from above you meets your ears. Looking up, you see a helicopter in the distance. You can’t make out who’s flying it, but the way it hovers closely over your position in the crowd does not sit right with you.
It felt as though your body was still and moving all at once. Frozen in place, unable to grind a single, simple thought out of your stupefied mind--yet your heart races, sending blood crawling through every inch of your body, centimeters between the surface of your skin.
So, you ran.
Once again, you ran--seems like it’s all you know how to do.
Had it not been for the warm summer air, you would have frozen to death. With some sort of twisted optimism, you lamented how the heaving of your chest was a welcome distraction from the uncomfortable sensation of wet clothes sticking to skin. The only light you had to guide you was the moon, and even that wasn’t very helpful as you bobbed and weaved between tall trees.
You had been running for a while--but you can’t say why. Where were you in a rush to go? You couldn’t go home. It was only a matter of time before there were police on your doorstep. Hell, the neighborhood you lived in, it’d be the first place they checked. You were no mastermind or genius, there was no way you could outsmart a detective…
Most of you still sits back in bemusement at what you had done. You look down at your own palms and ponder if it was even these palms that did it. It was as if you sat in the audience and watched from a distance as the girls’ lives were taken. Something searing hot and foreign had washed over you, invading your senses and forcing your hand, before washing away and leaving you in a puddle of horror and regret.
You’re doubled over, choking on air and panicked tears. All you wanted was to curl up in bed, and wake up to your mom sitting beside you. You wanted to feel her palm brush over your cheek again. Your mom, the only person who really believed in you...if only she could see you now. You could picture her soft features contorting in disgust and disappointment. It only made you hiccup harder.
I’m sorry.
Sorry wouldn’t do anything for you now.
I’m so so so so so sorry
ERIKA (Y/N) I just saw the news where are you
ERIKA It’s gonna be fine okay just tell me where you are
ERIKA (Y/N) answer my calls
That helicopter makes a lot of sense now. Looks like “Yuuhei Hanejima” had taken to higher ground to continue filming. Of course, when the commotion surrounding you occurred, the cameras must have found it much more interesting. In just half an hour, photos and videos of you from all angles were plastered over the internet. Headlines about an “iron woman”, eyewitness accounts of you threatening passerby with a giant sign, rumors that the one-on-one fight between Shizuo and Izaya was actually a three way fight.
Everything was going to shit. You didn’t think your head could hurt more than it already did...you were wrong.
Lifting your palm in front of your face, you squeeze your fingers shut before opening them again. It felt normal, like any other girl’s hand. Yet when you held that sign, they were capable of so much more. 
You’re pulled from your thoughts by the sound of scratching and insistent meowing. Peeking over at your bedroom door, you catch a small shadow and little orange paws poking through the bottom. You roll over so that your back is facing the door. You didn’t want to see anyone right now, not even Renji.
After all, who would let a deranged killer near their loved ones?
Scrolling through your phone, your eyes flit over numerous missed calls and messages. It seemed as though everyone in Ikeubukuro who had your number was trying to contact you. Sighing, you continue to scroll through the new notifications until you’re looking through old ones. Many of your friends have moved to the top of the list due to texting you recently, so there isn’t much else at the bottom of the list. 
UNKNOWN (read)Attachment: 1 Image
UNKNOWN (read)Attachment: 1 File
ME Sorry, I think you may have the wrong number.
UNKNOWN (read)I do not.
ME I’m sorry, may I ask who this is?
Your scrolling stops at a thread of messages that had perplexed you so long ago. The number that Izaya claimed to be one of his burner phones. Reading back through the odd exchange, the claim made less sense to you. For him to contact you from a separate number and evade questioning, only to own up to it so quickly in person...it was exceedingly contradictory, even for him.
You open the group photo, immediately finding your father in the lineup…
You jolt up into sitting, heart rate suddenly spiking. The quick movement isn’t good for your head at all, coming with a world-splitting pain that has you whimpering. As the pulsing finally subsides, you come back to your senses.
You were raised in a single-parent household, yes--by your biological mother. Your family was low-income and your mom worked countless night shifts at the hospital to make ends meet.
You’ve never met your father, you do not come from a rich upbringing, and you’re definitely not adopted--so who the fuck is that? How did you even meet him? How did you end up in his care, and why do you not remember? You look back at the photo, eyes boring into the man’s pale, sickly face. A face that, for the past year, you had found great comfort in.
But now, as you stare into the glint in his thin frames, unease overcomes you. Your features tensed visibly, and suddenly your skin was shining with a cold sweat. Your brain may have forgotten, but your body knew--your heart knew.
The shine in his glasses obscuring any humanity in his gaze. His thin lips pressed into a thin, unreadable line--though capable of spreading into a toothy, wicked grimace. Wild, unruly facial hair that grew and grew, only furthering the animosity of his appearance.
No, this man wasn’t comfort. 
This man was torture. 
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animeyanderelover · 2 years ago
OMG hiii ! How are you enjoying in your holidays? I hope you're doing well! As for me, this is my first time being so early, so I would like to request the Heiwajima brothers sharing a darling. Since they're close, I think it'll work out well? (I'm also looking forward to how yandere Kasuka would be)
I find it funny and depressing at the same time how I received this request in the summer holidays 2022 and finally write it in the spring holidays 2023.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, protective behavior, stalking, some violence
Sharing a darling
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🚬▪️Both of them have grown somewhat distant after Izaya caused Shizuo to lose his job despite him promising Kasuka that he would keep working. Then there's also quite obviously Kasuka's position in the showbiz and his often very busy schedule yet both of them retain a good relationship with each other where both of them care for each other. Both of them are two polar opposites too with Shizuo possessing a incredibly short temper and Kasuka making up for it by being the level-headed and almost apathetic counterpart. The younger brother feels some sort of responsibility when it comes to his brother. It can be left open how their darling got mixed in between all of that. They could be someone both have known since childhood, could be a citizen in Ikebukuro or even be someone also working in the showbiz. The easiest way for both of them to fall for someone though would probably be with someone they've known since childhood, before both of them grew distant and Kasuka became famous which would make them the connection that kept them from growing so distant from each other back then.
🚬▪️Kasuka shows his emotions rarely so his obsession flies under the radar but Shizuo is a different story. He's extremely protective and low-key possessive since he's used to being lonely because everyone fears him for his violent outbursts. He might try to avoid you at first since he's terrified of hurting you too, even if inadvertently but deep down he longs for you and your love. I mean, he certainly tries to hide his attraction but his raging jealousy and outbursts as soon as someone makes you cry make his feelings and intentions clear. You caught him multiple times trailing behind you since stealth isn't his strength, especially not if he catches someone flirting with you or making you uncomfortable. His heart is transparent, especially for his younger brother who has known him the longest. Kasuka knows what his brother feels and also knows that his brother is quite obsessed with you. Most people assume that Shizuo likes you anyways but differently from most, Kasuka notices that this goes deeper and is the reason why Shizuo acts even more irritated than normally. His older brother is confused and afraid.
🚬▪️Shizuo's even worse temper because of his inability to regulate his overpouring emotions thanks to you has to stop though. His brother only hurts himself and you too by constantly trying to push you away because of his fear to hurt you, which he already does by rejecting you. So the younger brother takes it upon himself to have this conversation with his brother at one point since things just can't continue like this. He's very straightforward with Shizuo too, tells him that he hurts your feelings by ignoring and avoiding you although he does understand why his older brother is behaving that way. Kasuka knows already that both of them harbor the same sort of feelings for you, Shizuo doesn't know until Kasuka admits his own feelings which shocks him. There's a sense of shame since he's always so easy to read whilst Kasuka expresses rarely openly his emotions and for that is harder to understand. There's a short awkward tension between those two which mainly comes from Shizuo.
🚬▪️Kasuka after all has known since a while, had time to accept that fact whilst everything is new to Shizuo. Obviously he doesn't hate his brother and Kasuka has most likely already suggested the option of sharing. Largely because he cares for Shizuo but also because he can imagine very well what would happen if Shizuo wouldn't be able to see you and love you, tying into Kasuka's feeling that he has to take responsibility for his older brother's temper and outbursts which would surely be even worse due to his obsession. From Shizuo's point of view, Kasuka's option makes the most sense since he also knows that your absence is poison for his temper. It just feels a little bit weird at first, thinking about having a polyamorous relationship since he never considered something like that before. Kasuka most likely imagines that Shizuo needs a bit of time to get used to that thought and gives him that time. In the end both agree to share since they're close to each other.
🚬▪️Shizuo has no idea to even bring that idea up to you though and so Kasuka takes charge of most of the talking when they bring it up to you, additionally forces his brother to apologize for hurting your feelings by avoiding you. If you request time to consider their suggestion, they both will give you time. Shizuo is a bit impatient and itchy though, worried what will happen if you reject that idea and will also start to think weirdly about both of them for bringing such an idea even up. Kasuka just tells him to wait for now. They will start worrying about that if it really happens. You relieve both of them by eventually agreeing though. The planning and troubles are far from over though as there arises a small discussion with whom you should stay. Kasuka has his schedules, his shootings and all his meetings to attend to due to his position as a star which means that him and Shizuo can't have you by their side at the same time. Staying with Shizuo is in the end the better decision as Kasuka is worried for you.
🚬▪️He has paparazzi and obsessive fans so he doesn't know how safe your personal space and identity would be if you were to come with him. Both of the brothers also agree that they'd like to keep the polyamourous relationship a secret although Kasuka is realistic enough to know that at one point someone will eventually find out. So he leaves you in Shizuo's hands, knows that he's capable of protecting you. It's maybe not what he really desires but it's the safer option, especially if he knows that you'd be uncomfortable to be exposed to flashing lights and hate mails from upset admirers of his. So you end up staying with Shizuo who is mildly nervous of the aspect of loving and providing for you. He has a job as a bodyguard for a debt collectors agency but doesn't earn the most money. At least not enough money to treat and spoil you like he might want to do. Kasuka helps him by sending him money since he also wants to do something for their darling, even if he's busy with his shootings.
🚬▪️The poor man is so awkward at the beginning of the relationship though as the tenderness and affection you give him almost overwhelms him. He's, very frankly spoken, just not used to the affection of someone else and doesn't seem to know what he's supposed to do. The only thing he really knows to do well is using his strength to beat others up. So you might have a bit of a rough start with him as he still tends to push you away here and there and might say something that ends up hurting your feelings a bit. He feels so guilty every time he notices how he hurts your feelings though which only continues to smash down his self-esteem. You endure it though, something that genuinely touches him and only hits him with more guilt whenever you give him space and time. Shizuo feels the desperate need to repay you for your kindness and affection somehow, something that doesn't only include protecting you by essentially scaring everyone away with his strength.
🚬▪️Physical affection is something he secretly dreads due to his strength. He's just so scared that he might hurt you and bruise you which is why he is exceptionally gentle whenever he hugs you or holds your hands, something that continues to fluster him greatly every time it happens. He secretly loves it though when his s/o is affectionate with him. He's like a dry sponge soaking everything up that his s/o does for him. Compliments, hugs, kisses, presents, all things he never received much during childhood and adulthood. He's still greatly insecure about himself though and whenever he loses his temper or accidentally says or does something that hurts you, he succumbs to insecurities. He envies Kasuka a lot for his controlled demeanor, sometimes even fears that you'll end up turning completely to Kasuka. He'd completely understand why you'd do that but that doesn't make the thought hurt any less.
🚬▪️You see how genuinely hard Shizuo is trying though, even with his explosive temper and jealousy. He even attempts to become a better cook to prepare meals for you when he invites you over, does his best to buy you little things in hopes of making you happy. With Kasuka on the other hand you often chat and he calls you a few times a week to hear how you're doing and how Shizuo is doing. At times you and Shizuo worry that he feels secretly jealous and left out since he's such a busy man but if he is, he never lets anyone notice it. He just provides Shizuo and you with some of the money he's earned and you tend to get presents sent to you by him. Some of them are too expensive for your taste and if you tell him that you'd feel too guilty receiving presents in a certain price range, Kasuka is considerate enough gift you what you like within an acceptable price to pay. At times he tends to feel a bit annoyed and guilty for having so little time to spend with his s/o so presents tend to be a way of apologizing for him.
🚬▪️When Kasuka has free time on his hands and knows about it beforehand, he plans with Shizuo and you to meet and to be sneaky enough to not let any of his fans and paparazzi find him. In almost all of the cases, Shizuo leaves you alone with him unless Kasuka specifically asks him to tag along. You spend so much time with him after all, his younger brother deserves some time with you alone since he has so little with you. That seems to be a silent agreement between the two brothers and Kasuka appreciates it since the lack of time he can spend with you tends to get to him, he just hides it better. You two have to stay hidden though to minimize the risk of being caught together which tends to limit the things you can do together. Whilst that might upset you a bit, Kasuka is just grateful to be able to have you to himself for a while at all. He has a wide range of hobbies though and if you tell him that you'd like to try one of them out with him, he'll try to arrange things so that you two can do it.
🚬▪️Considering that a few of his hobbies include flower arrangement and painting, you tend to get a lot of bouquets and paintings he did himself to make it more personal. The difference between the two brothers is almost painfully obvious. You can always read Shizuo and always have to try to tame his temper, Kasuka on the other hand is silent and you can't decipher him as easily as you can his older brother. Kasuka doesn't speak too much, mainly because he just likes listening to you talking and watching you. He's very straightforward though so if he notices that something is on your mind, he'll ask you about it rather quickly. He's more collected, a better observer which can make him more risky in the way that he's better to read your facial expression and your body language. Due to the lack of emotions he expresses, it makes him in return harder to read which could make for a rather effective manipulater if he'd ever do so. Luckily both brothers lie seldom to you.
🚬▪️Shizuo is the one mainly protecting you and keeping you safe with his strength which is already enough to make even the less sane person think thrice about hurting you. If Kasuka gets to know about a problem that Shizuo can't solve with sheer imtimidation and his violent temper alone, he will do something too though. He might not be as physically strong as his older brother but he has other ways, mainly a lot of connections and the ability to spread rumors. Social platforms can be a scary thing after all. They truly are like night and day if both of them are able to spend together time with you. Kasuka is comfortable with your affection and initiates it himself, Shizuo still tends to still get shy and embarrassed about it which results in slight envy but it's nothing serious. Kasuka could be considered as the brain of the relationship since he, due to his composure, isn't swayed as easily by his emotions. He doesn't claim the control in the relationship though, Shizuo often just thinks of him as more suited to make plans although if he has an objection, Kasuka listens to him.
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cryptid--bunny · 2 years ago
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HAPPILY!!!!!!!!! Small note however, I meant antisocial not sociopath (I was corrected by a friend shortly after posting abt it not being a used medical term anymore! my apologies <3)
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Anyway!! My reasons for a Bipolar Personality Disorder (not bipolar depression, they are different things!!!) is the way it's developed is thro childhood abandonment, disrupted family, poor familial communication, and other caused but these r the ones that I see relate to Izaya. His parents are literally never home, not even in the same country. They never communicate and we don't even. hear about his mom. We know very little about his dad expect he seems to care abt the kids but makes no effort to rlly be there for them LMAO.
Izaya also is implied (at least imo) to have basically raised his sisters, which can be INCREDIBLY stressful for a child, especially doing so alone, and when there's. Twins. That leans into disrupted family and minorly into poor familial communication.
BPD tends to come with intense fear of abandonment (already stated he has abandonment issues), impulsive discission making (he is incredibly smart and a thinker, however the way he continuously goes after Shizuo can be argued as being impulsive - especially with their first meeting), distorted sense of self (his whole "god complex" - which isn't him seeing himself as a god by the way but he very clearly doesn't see himself as human.)
All in all the way he carried himself and keeps everyone at an arm's length, both emotionally and physically, and how he reacts incredibly abnormal to just. normal situations.
Bonus points: I have bpd and I see a lot of myself in some of the shit he does (hence being a silly wittle kinny)
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my son he has every disease
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subarashiihibi · 2 years ago
whats your #1 most strongly held izaya opinion? (your metaphorical hill to die on so to speak) and also whats your #1 favorite thing about izaya
OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank u for the ask. let me see.....
i think it's that he is so fucking interesting. and i think there is a lot of mental illness hiding behind his weird freakish (affectionate) smile. for starters he absolutely has bpd and cptsd. i think having to take care of his sisters and not having his parents around growing up took a toll on him. yes shinra was the trigger for him to go crazy mode but izaya didn't exactly have a normal childhood before that either i feel.
the way i imagine it is he most likely had to grow up faster than what he would have wanted to and for anyone i think that would be really detrimental to their development. we really don't get any insight into how he feels about his childhood or his parents so i'm just going off of what we do know and my own brain it just makes sense to me...!
ughru...........i rly want narita to explore izaya's character throughout the years. not just his childhood either but i am so interested in what he was like during college too. i am just very interested in him really haha. (^□^)
but anyways i think that him seeing himself as a god or some other kind of omnipotent deity is just a way to shut off his human emotions and whatever else he deems unnecessary. because what good do they do him...?
(he's actually quite similar to scaramouche genshin impact hehe... unfortunately scara can actually cook so i have to dock a point there but whatever.)
(my writing is not as eloquent atm as everyone else i see on tumblr who analyze izaya like this i'm sorry but i hope you understand i think really hard about him as a person and how his brain works.)
now. my number one favorite thing about izaya.
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the answer is simple: he is sickeningly cute.🤬🤬🤬🤬
he's getting people to join a gang and going around planting the seeds for disasters all throughout Ikebukuro and all this crazy shit and WHAT is he wearing? bunny(???) slippers. he's sulking over eating hotpot alone. he pretends to be a girl on the internet. i'd be a fool to not want to wife him immediately. he makes me feel like this.
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also when he uses kaomojis it makes me wanna run around in circles he drives me CRAZY. 24 yr old man still typing cutesy like that... how could i not fall for him.
the thing about izaya is the whole town of ikebukuro thinks he's this really dark and brooding evil dude but that's because he wants them to! the truth is he is just some guy who's just trying to catch the hanamaru kindergarten reruns on tv. ughhhhhhhhhhh i love him so bad.
this is just me making fun of him but 3 million yen wheelchair?💀 i need to know the full list of "gimmicks" it includes cuz i just feel like no matter what it's not enough to warrant that price tag.
but again thank u for your ask. i rambled a bit here and there but i hope you enjoyed my answer. i had a lot of fun typing it ^_^
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no-i-will-not-shut-up · 3 years ago
anyone else has characters that just turns you into a different person every time you see them
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mihariori · 2 years ago
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He really had no interest in talking about Shizuo, negative interest if anything. Obviously given the situation she found him in though it'd be impossible to avoid. So he simply answered answered her question.
"You must be a bit new around here. Shizu-chan is a pretty big deal around here," He hummed as he continued on, he knew the entire area well enough he wasn't even thinking as he was walking with the girl. Probably better then most since he needed to know escape routes along with the usual things.
"He's known pretty much for his strength and a very short temper. He's really not the kind of guy who you want to get involved with, luckily he stands out wearing a bartender uniform. Bumping into him might get his sights set on you," It was a warning and it was easy to take from that Izaya had no real fault in the exchange. Which, in fairness he usually didn't. At least to anyone watching without added context.
"You got me out of there, you don't have to keep apologizing," He gave a short laugh, shaking his head as if to dismiss her words. Really, he was more grateful for something potentially interesting to do. That and if he cared, there was the fact if Shizuo knew he had been saved from his rampage by being swept off by a cute girl, it'd piss him off even more. Not that he cared.
"Your mother sounds like a very kind woman," He noticed as she started to take note of the back streets they were on. He shook his head slightly when she brought it up, "You don't really need to remember it. There isn't really much reason to be back here," It was pretty much all just the back of shops, at best it was a somewhat depressing short cut. At worse it was a wonderful place to get mugged.
Another turn and the sound of the streets became clearer before he lead her out into the bustling streets once again. They weren't all that far away from their starting point, it was just a bit more then a block away. If one looked hard enough, they could notice some of the people who had fled the rampage were now here. A bit more distance would probably be best, so he headed to a café a few blocks away.
❝ Oh no, I wouldn't think it was brave at all. It's just it looked like you needed help; that was all! ❞ She replied, hands once more waving in front of her in that dramatic way of hers. After a moment, a smile found a home on her features. ❝ It's nice to meet you, Orihara-san! ❞ She responded, seemingly oblivious to the danger around them — something that wasn't uncommon for her. She tended to be quite spacey more often than not. Though the mention of someone finding them certainly widened her eyes.
As she turned to see what prompted her to stop, her features went blank, trying to figure out what could make something like a guardrail fly like that. If she had to guess, she would say it was linked to why he was running, and she could hear a man yelling. Undoubtedly someone had to be particularly scary to achieve a feat like the one unfolding before her. Her features remained the same as she turned her attention back to him. Her more naïve and kind parts decided it would be best to ignore it.
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The only good thing she could count on in this situation was that Jason the bear would certainly not be the one who would find them. She wasn't sure what she had gotten herself into, but she was glad that it meant he was safe. Before she even had time to answer, she was being led away. ❝ Orihara-san, that's very kind of you. Um, would it be alright if I asked about who you were running from? ❞ She couldn't say she knew the city too well, so whether they went to lunch or a café wasn't too big of a deal for her, especially because she certainly didn't want to impose on him.
❝ I'm sorry about grabbing your hand when you didn't know me. It just looked like you were in danger, and my mother told me once when I was younger that it is always best to help people in need. ❞ She stated after a moment, feeling she needed to explain herself just a bit further. She had only heard the yelling and then saw him running; for all she knew, he could have been running because he had caused the trouble, yet that thought hadn't crossed her mind. She only thought that he was running because he was being chased.
She paused momentarily as she took the time to look around their surroundings and realized she was lost. This was an area that she had yet to venture to; however, because it seemed like he knew where he was going, it would be alright. All thoughts of her shopping and the list were no longer her priority. She knew there was plenty of time to buy groceries and things for her apartment later on; what was important was listening to him and accepting his proposed offer. Though there was part of her that wanted to at least offer to split any bill they had once they got to their destination.
❝ Ah, I've never been to this street. ❞ She remarked in wonder. There was certainly a lot going on in this city she now called home. The hustle and bustle of her new life was certainly something that she had to get used to, and part of her missed the quietness of her more rural home. This was her newest and most significant challenge, and she wasn't entirely sure if she wanted to make this town her permanent residence. However, she knew that she would at least be here a year; it would give her plenty of time to make a decision.
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subarashiihibi · 2 years ago
HAHAHAHA yeah it is...............Something huh.......................................................... i remember it blew my mind when i first heard it years ago ive been empty ever since 😊 actually so on that phone call before their final fight shizuo tells izaya abayo to which izaya replies with sayonara and GUESS WHICH TWO WORDS IZAYA SAYS IN THIS SONG???????
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 every time i listen to this cover i get so depressed and #fucked up just cuz like Wow... it kinda sets in that Ya izaya kinda admitted to being in love with shizuo...i dunno the validity/how canon these cover songs really Are but to me theyre canon ...!!!!!! and idk how much obvious it can get tbh ... 
so i actually got into the original singer of katte ni shiyagare after hearing izayas cover a little bit and his name is kenji sawada right... apparently back in the day he was known for being a little Flamboyant to say the least... he wore makeup and kinda pioneered vkei as a genre  which is quite a feat yanno... just a littrle funny they gave a song by him to izaya of all people💀💀💀 
on that topic juliya (the name for this izaya alternate)’s outfit is also based off of kenji sawada’s!!! i just thought that was cute haha sorry for the rambling.
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dude i dont even have to analyze those lyrics like with subarashii hibi (although i do see a common motif of sleeping between the two of them hmmm). this is literally everything all out in the open what the FUCK
fucking crying i cant do this today shizaya you won i give up. i have a project due in like 5 hours and i was like just going to add katte ni shiyagare to my playlist of shizaya-related videos that i was going to make posts on sometime in the future. but i decided to scroll down to see the lyrics real quick and WHAT????????? so now my project is definitely doomed
here's the link btw
and yes the translation at the top is being accurate bskjghsd i just double checked and that is definitely the ai kanji in the last sentence
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durarara-brain-rot · 1 year ago
Also her reaction to Shizuo breaking his bones as a kid was “depressing but a mood as a disabled person.” (Gay hand flip)
Also I said I wondered how she’ll feel about Vorona and she said “Verona Italy???” Mind you she only knows about Verona Italy from assassin’s creed.
I have gotten my sister (who used to hate anime) to agree to watch all of durarara with me!
I am so excited because for the first time someone is actually watching it with me!
I will be updating her thoughts on the show.
We just finished ep 1
She loves Celty and is very confused about the plot but says she’s watching for Celty.
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azumasoroshi · 2 years ago
dude im being 100% fr shizaya fanfic writers were and are fucking insane
because my school banned ao3 (my fault, but that's not important), i saved a bunch of super long shizaya fics (which are PLENTIFUL for some reason, maybe because tastewithouttalent wrote so goddamn many) and have them open to entire work which allows it to stay open on my school devices without being “registered” per say
and they have been like. fucking destroying me
To Hell and Back by corteae started with “izaya and shizuo travel around the world and wacky shenanigans happen” and i was messaging my discord server like “SHIZAYA WORLD TOUR WOOOOOOO” and i was expecting wacky shenanigans and then suddenly everything went off the fucking rails in the way i LEAST expected it to happen
like maybe i wouldn’t have been so blindsided if i hadn’t skimmed through the tags so quickly but like it’s more fun that way. i hate when i actually see a ‘major character death’ tag warning because i want to be surprised
ANYWAY that was genuinely like. one of my favorite fanfiction reading experiences to date. it was like reading a whole novel with how much original stuff was in there but it was so focused on izaya and shizuo and characterized them so unexpectedly well that the original stuff never really felt out of place or forced even though it was so wild
and even though it got super dark at times it maintained this really hopeful outlook on everything and sometimes it was downright cheesy but it just WORKS for that fic and i love it because of that
and some of the challenges it made the characters go through just worked SO well for their canon characters especially post-ketsu and i gasped audibly at some of them and Ahrhghgghhfdgfd
and then the past few days i was reading this zombie apocalypse fanfiction (april 23rd by izayas) and it was like. the most depressing fanfiction reading experiences to date. i literally had a panic attack in school after i read this for a bit too long a session like holy shit it just felt so real and so heavy and hopeless
the writing was phenomenal and well-planned/foreshadowed and probably has the best shizuo AND izaya characterization that i’ve ever seen?? like i could believe things would actually happen in this way in canon. probably because their hate for each other is so intrinsic and they’re never really able to let go of that?? which is not what i expected because yes they bond and yes they care for each other but it was always in a way so that you could feel the wall between them, and even when they connect it’s only briefly, never enough to tear them away from their hatred fully
it almost feels shakespearean in how tragic it is?? everything is so character driven and all their downward spiraling is so poetic and sickening but utterly gorgeous to read. like at so many points you’re like GOD if only they had done this one small thing different, if only if only if only and it’s just htrgrhgfhgd drives me insane which is probably what izayas-san was going for lmao. esoecially at the end you can really feel the shakespeare tragedy kicking in
it’s notable that although it’s tagged shizaya and very much centers around their relationship, it’s much more an exploration of the will of human nature and their individual struggles with coping and growing from their experiences, and there’s like. no typical romance whatsoever
it’s about their sick, twisted, passionate love and whether it’s enough to save either of them or if it’ll kill both of them and just. god. i am empty after that fic i didnt cry but it feels like all the tears have been drained from my body i dont even know how to feel or how to function. i had to take a break from writing this review and it’s been a whole weekend and there’s still this weight on my chest that i cant get rid of :sob: for my sanity’s sake i sincerely doubt i could ever read it again but i honestly treasure that experience
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minaramen · 2 years ago
Thanks for the 7th Anniversary - Part 2: Cosplay stamp rally
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
*Cut to a hallway*
Staff: Hello
Minami: Good morning
Torao: ……
Minami: What happened, Midou san? Is that a memo?
Torao: The model we performed with gave me her contact details
Minami: Aah, I see. Good for you
Minami: Why do you look so depressed? I would have expected you to say something like “mpf, well, it can't be helped"
Torao: I used to think it was hard to be a popular man, but lately I’ve started having some doubts about that
Minami: For example?
Torao: I mean, on the contrary, it makes me look like a super easy man
Minami: That it does
Torao: If you want to get close to somebody you should just face them and say you want to exchange contacts. Direct and honest
Torao: At least, that’s the kind of people who approach Touma. Although he seems to think they give him their contacts for business purposes
Minami: Inumaru san’s lack of knowledge about people from the entertainment ended up being a boon
Torao: Yeah
Minami: And still, he was a celebrity among other celebrities competing in Black or White. He joined the contest twice with different groups
Torao: How about you, Minami? Have you ever received the contact details of somebody you barely knew?
Minami: It happened several times before I traveled abroad. Now, not anymore
Torao: As I thought. The difficulty level required to reach you is too high, now. I would immediately give up
Minami: I suppose there’s something good in becoming an adult
Momo: Ah, Minami and Torao! Hello!
Yuki: Good morning
Minami: Ah, Re-vale san. Good morning
Torao: Good morning
Momo: What's with the long faces? Are you reconsidering your talk or what?
Minami: We were just checking our difficulty levels
Minami: Do you normally receive contact details from strangers, Momo san?
Momo: Contact details? Not really? I only accept things like that after a good talk with the person!
Minami: How about you, Yuki san?
Yuki: Pretty often, actually
Torao: Aah….
Yuki: Mh? Why did you say “aah”?
Torao: It was an “aah” to say “as expected”
Yuki: And what do you mean by “as expected”?
Momo: Darling!! You’re back-stabbing Momo chan without him even knowing! I’m jealous!
Yuki: Fufu. It’s hard to be a popular man
Torao: Aah…
Yuki: Could you please stop saying “aah”...
*Pin pin*
Yuki: Oh, that’s strange. Chiba Shizuo san is messaging me
Momo: Chiba Shizuo san?
Yuki: Yes. “It’s pretty sudden, but shall we go cruising together?”
Yuki: I don’t see why…. What’s going on, I wonder?
*Pin pin*
Minami: Ah….Shiba Shizuo san is messaging me as well.
Torao: What did he say?
Minami: “It’s pretty sudden, but shall we go play golf abroad together?”
Yuki: Do you often do things together?
Minami: No, it’s my first time being asked
Momo: Maybe you both got spammed?
Minami: The content is a little different
Torao: He must feel lonely. Showing such willingness to use money to dispel his gloom
Momo: That’s what rich people do! I understand rich people's feelings pretty well!
Yuki: Chiba Shizuo san is not somebody who would blow his money like this. Dispelling his gloom…
Yuki: Doesn't sound right
Minami: Maybe he argued with Nikaido san?
Yuki: Most likely
Yuki: Since it was announced that Yamato kun will act in Mikatsuki Ookami, there’s been a weird tension in the air
Minami: Maybe, due to the fact he had an argument with Nikaido san, he’s trying to comfort his broken heart by spending time with us, who are the same age as his son
Yuki: Ah, that must be it. That’s pretty annoying, I’ll just forward the message to Yamato kun
Momo: Wait, wait! You’re going to make things even more complicated, if you do that! We’re not even sure whether they had a fight!
Yuki: Let’s ask, then. “Did you fight with Yamato kun?
*Pin pin*
Yuki: He did
Torao: How docile, the internationally famous Chiba san…
Momo: Okay, well, what if we ask Chiba san to come to the Nanahoshi school festival? 
Yuki: Ah, yeah. Idolish7 will be there as well, since they’re going to perform
Minami: Are you going to the Nanahoshi school festival?
Momo: Yes! Since it’s a school connected to the entertainment world, it’s totally fine for famous people to go!
Momo: I think it should be fine if Chiba san comes as well. Then, we could mediate for him with Yamato
Yuki: You’re so kind, Momo. You make it difficult to imagine there was a time when you were angry with Chiba Shizuo san
Momo: I’m not doing it for him, I’m worried about Yamato! His careless nature reminds me of mine, I can’t let him down
Yuki: Ah
Minami: We’re planning to go to the Nanahoshi school festival as well
Torao: Yes, since Haruka attends the school
Momo: Ah, I see! He’s in the high school trio together with Iori and Tamaki! How cute!
Minami: However, Isumi san doesn't want us to go
Yuki: Why?
Torao: Apparently, he feel embarrassed because of some kind of class project
Momo: Is it something involving Iori and Tamaki as well?
Yuki: Maybe they’re dressing up as women?
Minami: There’s no shame in dressing up as women, nowadays
Torao: They may feel embarrassed, and then end up being unexpectedly good looking
Momo: Must be so cute! I can’t wait!
*Cut to Kujo’s house*
Haruka: Excuse me
Touma: Excuse me
Aya: Welcome! Haru chan, master!
Touma: Master, what…? I’m not a master, I’m really really really really average
Aya: Haru chan told me that you’re super good at making okonomiyaki!
Haruka: You told me you wanted to learn how to make them
Touma: I can teach you, but keep in mind that my okonomiyaki is really really really really normal 
Touma: Nothing more than “aah, so that’s the way I can make okonomiyaki at home”
Aya: It’s okay! I’ll put all of myself in learning that, so please teach me!
Haruka: Apparently, Kujo asked for some okonomiyaki with udon. I remember you prepared us something like that before, Touma
Touma: I always put chinese noodles in there. Your grandma doesn’t, right, Haru?
Aya: I want to learn how to make ramen and put an okonomiyaki on it, and then a fried egg on the okonomiyaki!
Haruka: How many things do you want to put on the plate? Did Kujo really ask for something like that?
Aya: He really did! He also said it was cute!
Haruka: Cute?
Aya: After a business trip to Hiroshima, he also bought an okonomiyaki keyholder! Look!
Haruka: Ah, it’s true…he should go for something cuter when he buys souveirs for a girl…
Aya: I do think it’s cute!
Haruka: Really?
Touma: Is a fried egg cute, by the way? Well, let’s try to do that…
Aya: Wah!! Thank you so so much!! I’ve already made the sauce myself, so we don’t need to…
Haruka: Wait wait wait…! I thought the okonomiyaki sauce was a crucial thing…!
Aya: I want to show some originality!
Haruka: We need to make plain flavor first! By the way, is he home?
Aya: He is! Want me to call him?
Haruka: Ah, no…!
Aya: Tenn nii chan!
*Door opens*
Tenn: Hello
Haruka: Ah… hello…
Touma: Hello! Our Haru really cares about your little sister
Tenn: Thank you, I’m glad you get along with Aya
Touma: You're having okonomiyaki, right?
Tenn: I’ll try some. Are you good at making it?
Touma: I’m not. I’ve made it sometimes but it’s just average. I’d dare to say the flavor is not terrible, tough
Tenn: I look forward to it. Also… you take care of Riku as well
Touma: It’s not biggie. He’s a good guy, I can’t leave him
Tenn: He told me you’re a good person, Inumaru Touma. Thank you
Touma: Ahah! Oh, stop! I don’t need to be thanked for…
Haruka: Wait!
Touma: What happened, Haru?
Haruka: I didn’t know you and Kujo were on such good terms!
Touma: Well, he’s Riku’s brother…
Tenn: He often takes care of Riku…
Haruka: But you're more connected with me! And still, you’re always super cold with me and best buddies with Touma?!
Tenn: I don't have the impression I’m being cold with you
Touma: Y’know, Haru always puts you on a pedestal
Haruka: Whaat?! That’s…definitely not true…
Tenn: I know it's not true. I understand why you don’t like me. It’s because I make you think about what Kujo san did to you
Tenn: Make yourselves at home, okay? Aya, call me if you need anything
Aya: Thank you, Tenn nii chan!
Haruka: Still…it’s not that I don’t like him…
Touma: Haru?
Haruka: No, it doesn't matter. Can I help you with something, Acchan?
Aya: Can you bring me the electric grill?
Haruka: Yes
Touma: I’ll cut the cabbage. May I wash my hands, first…?
Aya: Ah, the hand soap is here! By the way, Haru chan, will you join the school festival?
Haruka: You know about it, Acchan?!
Aya: Tamaki nii chan asked Tsunashi san to go. I was invited as well
Haruka: So, are you going to come?! Don’t come!!
Aya: Why?!
Touma: He’s been repeating the same thing for a while. “Don’t come to the school festival!”
Haruka: It’s awkward. I thought we had a different concept, as a group!
Touma: I think we've gotten more comfortable with these kinds of things, lately. Also, I promised your grandma to take pictures
Haruka: Pictures?! What the heck…
Aya: Haru chan, what are you going to do at the school festival?
Haruka:....cosplay stamp rally
Aya: Cosplay stamp rally?
Haruka: You need to find guys in cosplay and get a stamp from them. If you get ten, you receive a souvenir
Touma: Sounds interesting. What cosplay are you going to do?
Haruka: It’s a secret. I will never show you
Touma: But then I won’t be able to collect stamps!
Haruka: Do you need the souvenir that much?! If you guys come, I’ll hide!
Aya: Is it such an embarrassing dress?
Touma: A bunny girl
Aya: An old drunkard
Haruka: No and no
Touma: A feudal lord
Aya: A full body suit
Haruka: No and no
Touma: It doesn't seem that embarrassing… Okay, if you were asked to compare your costume to somebody from ŹOOĻ, who would you choose?
Haruka: You.
Touma: Me?! Do I look that bad?
Aya: You don’t look bad, Touma san
Touma: Really? But I think my eyes have an unpleasant glare…
Aya: It’s kind, actually! And you’re also amazing at julienne strips!
Touma: How cute…I want a little sister like this too
Haruka: Aaah…the school festival….it really sucks…
*Cut to Tsukumo building*
Ryo:....everything is perfect. The drawers are empty, the desk is empty
Ryo: It looks fun, doesn't it? A whole agitated world. But it’s okay, I'll take care of the rest. 
Ryo: Ah, that’s…
Ryo: That’s the document that proves that Riku and Tenn, from Trigger, are twins…
Ryo: Were it to be publicity released, it would create a big mess
Ryo: Mpf…I'm done with that. Let’s take care of it. The shredder…
Ryo: That Shirou guy put away the shredder as well? What am I supposed to do with this, now?
Ryo: It would taste bad, just throwing it away. I need to properly get rid of it
Ryo: Shall I burn it? It’s good for me to act like a lovely guy, for once!
Ryo: But, where shall I burn it? Let’s see…
Ryo: A temple? There is often a bonfire there. I think I’ll go on the next rest day…
Ryo: I’ll harmlessly go out with Riku and Tenn’s birth secret in my hands
*Cut to North Meir Royal Palace*
Seth: <Well, I was able to complete my duties without any delay today as well. I wonder if Nagi's alright…>
Seth: <The other day, during our call, Japan's summer heat looked terrible…>
Seth: <It would be difficult even for me to wrap some of North Meir’s cold breeze in a ribbon and send it to him…>
Thorvald: <Your Highness Seth>
Seth: <What’s going on, Thorvald?>
Thorvald: <A person from Hotel Midou gave me this>
Seth: <What is it…a letter? Who wrote it?>
Thorvald: <Sakura Haruki>
Seth: <The dead Japanese pianist? Who’s the addressee?>
Thorvald: <It’s for Nagi. I think Your Highness Seth may have forgotten, but…>
Thorvald: <The staff member from hotel Midou who got this letter from Sakura Haruki contacted the royal family, and Your Highness asked me to dispose of the problem… >
Seth: < ....... >
Thorvald: <I was reluctant to throw it away, so it’s been in my possession ever since>
Seth: <It’s the letter Sakura Haruki wrote Nagi while he was receiving medical treatment at the hotel…>
Thorvald: <Exactly. I thought of giving it to His Highness Nagi, but…>
Thorvald: <I was worried he may have gotten angry if he'd known that the letter was about to be destroyed without him even knowing>
Thorvald: <I was afraid it might cause a fatal, definitive crack between two people who just got over a conflicted relationship…>
Seth:  < ...Did you see the contents of the letter?>
Thorvald: <I didn’t open it. His Highness Nagi would notice if the letter had been opened>
Seth: <The fact that Sakura Haruki was imprisoned is pure reality. If he wrote complains and increscius things about me, Nagi would mistrust me>
Thorvald: <Probably, yes
Seth: <We need to continue loving each other, it’s in the best interest of North Meir as well>
Seth: <I’ll pretend I never saw that letter and get rid of it>
Thorvald: <Your Highness Seth…>
Seth: <Don’t look at me like that, I know what you're thinking! However, Nagi would definitely get angry…>
Seth: <If I act carelessly, I’ll just end up making the whole situation even more miserable. It’s better to bury everything in the darkness>
Seth: <I never saw that letter>
Thorvald: < ...understood>
Seth: < ….aren’t you going to stop me?>
Thorvald: <The authority and welfare of the Royal Family is more important to me>
Thorvald: <I am not willing to see the two of you going back to a conflicted relationship, just to protect a dead man’s honor>
Thorvald: < Since Your Highness Seth told me to get rid of it, I’ll do it right away. As Your Highness wishes>
Seth: < .......>
Thorvald: <So, with Your permission…>
Seth: <Wait! Forget wait I said. Nagi will have the letter>
Thorvald: <Your Highness Seth…that’s a wonderful, brave, just decision. You’re the pride of North Meir>
Seth: <However, I have a request. I want to be the one who gives the letter to Nagi>
Seth: <Nagi will probably question me. His blood will boil with indignation against me. So, in order not to make the situation spin out of control, I want to be close to him to properly apologize>
Thorvald: <You have a wonderful heart. I am so impressed I can’t find the words>
Thorvald: <So, the letter will be kept in the Royal Palace until Prince Nagi is back…>
Seth: <No, I feel like the content may be urgent>
Seth: <In that case, his resentment towards me will double. I need to give him the letter as soon as possible>
Thorvald: <You’re saying that…You’re planning to go to Japan? When?>
Seth: <This weekend>
Thovald: <I can't organize the trip in such a short time!>
Seth: <Adjust the schedule, then>
Thorvald: <But…ah…I wonder if I can… I'm off to make preparations >
Seth: <Yes>
*Door closes*
Seth:  <Nagi…I’m afraid you’ll scold me…however, thanks to this letter, I’ll get to meet you after a long time>
Seth: <I wonder if you’re doing well… >
End of part 2
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metalandmagi · 4 years ago
Winter 2021 Anime Worth Watching!
Since 2020 basically sacrificed itself to give us the most stacked anime season of all time, I’m currently buried under the weight of almost 20 shows airing per week. So for anyone who’s looking for some anime to watch this winter, here’s some first impressions! I’m speed running my list this time by only talking about the new shows...because otherwise this would be my great American novel. 
If anyone’s interested, I have master lists for both 2020 anime and 2019 anime, because there’s no shortage of fun things to find. 
New Shows!
And before anyone asks, So I’m A Spider, So What? isn’t on here, because CG spiders freak me out.
Cells At Work Code Black: This...less comedic spin off of Cells At Work (made by a different studio) takes the wholesome concept of Osmosis Jones meets cute anime girls and turns it on its head. In this much more depressing version, we follow a rookie red blood cell who works in the body of an overly stressed, alcoholic smoker who puts every strain on the body imaginable. I love Red Blood Cell AA2153 and his co-workers, but man am I glad we get the regular Cells At Work airing this season too, because I need something fun and uplifting after seeing my sweet son go through hell every episode. 
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*Heaven’s Design Team: Have you ever wondered how God came up with some of the weird ass animals that live on this planet? Like, what’s the deal with giraffes? And why can’t we have dragons and flying horses? Well this is a comedy about the engineers and designers in heaven creating the new animals that are going to inhabit the Earth. That’s it, that’s the show. It’s kind of in the same vein as Cells At Work, having comedy blend with a surprising amount of educational information. If you want something light and funny, this is the show for you (though I don’t think it needs to have full length episodes). I’m just hoping there’s an episode about how the hell the platypus was created. Also it’s the only new one available on Crunchyroll.
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Horimiya: A romantic comedy about a girl named Hori who fits the image of a perfect queen bee and a quiet bespectacled boy named Miyamura who never makes an impression at school. When the two meet by chance outside of the classroom, we see that Hori is practically raising a younger brother by herself, and Miyamura is actually a sweet guy who happens to be covered in tattoos and piercings. This show is an exercise in breaking down the images people have of others in their minds, and it’s a concept that really hits home in a fun and meaningful way. Honestly, this has become one of my immediate favorites. The characters have great chemistry, and I can’t wait to see more of them!
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Monster Incidents (Kemono Jihen): When big shot Tokyo detective Inugami is called to a rural town to investigate a series of strange animal deaths, he finds a mysterious boy with the nickname Dorotabo who has been shunned by the other children in town. As the detective gets closer to Dorotabo, he discovers that there may be more...inhuman secrets to the boy than he realizes...and Dorotabo discovers that Inugami has some secrets of his own. This is a hard show to sell without spoiling the first episode, but it had twists and turns that kept me engaged from start to finish. I’m really interested to see where the plot goes, because I thought this was going to be something totally different just from the PV and series summary. If it plays its cards right, this could be a great paranormal detective show!
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Wonder Egg Priority: A psychological drama about a girl named Ai who starts having dreams about a mysterious egg that promises to give her what she wants most in the world...a true friend. Before long, she begins to see how the dream world and reality are tied together, and trippy antics ensue. It’s hard to say more without spoiling anything, but I had to go back and add this one in because I made the mistake of thinking it was an OVA when it’s actually a full series. And what a series it’s starting out to be. This anime has all the psychological discomfort of a Satoshi Kon product with the beauty and style of something from Kyoani (even though it’s made by Clover Works). It’s really one of those anime you just have to see to understand.
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Sk8-∞ (Skate the infinity): An original skateboarding anime from Bones, featuring a typical sports anime protagonist who takes a new transfer student who has never skateboarded in his life under his wing. Together they compete in dangerous races and take the skating community by storm. The character designs rival Appare Ranman’s in outlandish creativity, and I can smell the main characters’ ship dynamic a mile away (considering they’re exactly the same as the protagonists from Robihachi). If you’re looking for some wild and crazy fun with top notch skateboarding animation, don’t skip this!
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2.43: Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu (Seiin High School Boys Volleyball Club): Yes, it’s another volleyball anime. And no, it’s not just a clone of Haikyu. This story follows Yuni Kuroba, a physically built but emotionally weak teenager who finds out his childhood friend Hajime is moving back to their hometown for high school. Yuni discovers Hajime has become an exceptional volleyball player and they join their school’s volleyball club hoping to turn the unknown team into a rising star. If anything, this anime is much more like Stars Align or Free, where the sport is a backdrop for letting the characters explore their personal problems. Or at least it seems that way after the first episode. I went into this show ready to throw it in the trash because how could anything compete against my beloved Haikyu, but I found myself really enjoying the dynamics of the main duo and I’m curious to see what the rest of the team is like.
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And speaking of sports anime rip-offs…..I can’t believe I’m including this but…
Skate Leading Stars: The show where the animators clearly wanted to design another throw away idol anime but saw how popular Yuri On Ice was so they decided to make whatever the hell this show is instead. It revolves around a fictional team sport called skate leading, and we follow the world’s most insufferable main character, a former figure skater named Kensei who wants to return to the ice and join his school’s skate leading team after he finds out his childhood rival is going to compete in the sport. Look, this show is just trashy enough to get a certain type of audience hooked, and it mainly has to do with the best boy of the winter season, Hayato Sasugai, the aspiring team “coach” who pulled most of us into watching this show with his punk appearance, snide comments and smug personality. He’s basically the lovechild of Izaya Orihara and Shizuo Heiwajima in a high school sports anime setting. The show treats itself with the perfect amount of sincerity to get away with being absolutely ridiculous most of the time without making you feel like you’re watching it from a dumpster...like Try Knights. You will know after one episode whether this show is for you. All I can say is, Hayato is worth the watch, and I haven’t seen any 3D animation used for the skating scenes (yet) so that’s a win for me. 
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Honorable mention:
Jobless Reincarnation ( Mushoku Tensei): Yet another isekai where the main character is hit by a car (big surprise) and gets reincarnated into a fantasy world...but he happens to remember his previous life and narrates himself growing up as a jaded adult. I’m only including this because it looked amazing animation wise, and I love the opening where getting hit by a car and dying is actually traumatic. And I love the protagonist’s parents (who are retired adventurers who just want to bang all the time). But honestly...the main character is the fucking worst, and I don’t know if I want to keep watching it because of how creepy and weird he is. Like...he’s the hit on your fantasy mom as a baby kind of creepy and weird. But for anyone who wants a cool looking isekai that had an amazing PV, it’s worth checking out. 
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Continuing Series!
Because the real gold of the season is in all the established anime getting their next seasons, I’m just going to list some of the things that are also amazing and definitely worth checking out if you haven’t already (because I’ve already talked about most of them at some point and don’t know what else to say).
Attack On Titan season 4
The Promised Neverland season 2
Beastars season 2
Log Horizon season 3
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 2
Re: Zero season 2 (second cour)
Dr. Stone season 2
Cells at Work season 2
Osomatsu-san season 3 (second cour)
Higurashi New (second cour)
Jujutsu Kaisen (second cour) 
Not to mention all the shows I don’t watch that everyone else loves...like World Trigger (which I have seen quite a bit of, but long shounen shows are too much for me now) Quintessential Quintuplets, and Non Non Biyori. 
So there’s just some of all the anime airing this season. Hopefully, someone can find something they like. Here’s to a great year...well, of anime at least...
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oriharaizaiza · 3 years ago
I waited a bit with analyzing this particular chat, since I wasn't sure if it actually took place in the beginning, or if the events mentioned in it are those that occur later in the book; but I don't think that's the case. I was concerned it might be because of Izaya's reaction to the mention of guns, and not wanting to talk about it. However, I think if this was about Shizuo getting shot, I think Celty wouldn't talk about it in such a detached way, so at the moment I think this event simply inspires Izaya's later actions.
We start of with Mikado copy-pasting several lines of mechanical laughter, and Izaya low-key complaining about it, only to quickly delete the chat history when Celty joins.
What he's deleting is apparently him 'jokingly' talking about ways to legally murder Shizuo. Now, why? One possibility is simply to protect his identity, after everyone knows about their rivalry, and with Celty especially he can't risk that. However! He knows 'Saika' and Celty are friends, regardless of whether he's aware of Saika being Anri and apparently he can see who's online in a user list; so then why would he have been okay with Saika seeing it, when she can easily tell Celty about it?
I think the answer is pretty simple. This wasn't calculated at all, it was just Izaya venting his frustration to Mikado, and then getting embarrassed about it when Mikado points out how obsessed and stupid he's acting. Then he realizes the others will see and goes 'oh fuck, oh shit' and gets rid of the evidence.
"Shizuo's name seems to pop up in here a lot", in context, it's easy to assume that that's because Izaya talks about him (wether out of frustration or obsession is impossible to know though). Alternatively however, it could simply be a reference so Saika's spamming in the previous book.
And then we have this private conversation with Mikado. Online, Mikado hardly hides his intentions and the 'big boss' past of his personality. I'd say he's completely in control of this conversation, not Izaya! It also reveals that Izaya probably has a very dark sense of humor, the type you'll recognize if you hang out with depressed neurodivergents a lot. (Which is not to say he's depressed; he just shares the humor and the nihilist world view).
There's really no manipulation going on here, they talk as friends would, although Mikado does seem rather eager to use Izaya for his info. And Izaya just goes with it too, even trying to stir Mikado in the right direction for understanding what the Saika thing actually was, though Mikado doesn't really question it.
(it was the Saika children logging in individually under the same name while under influence of Haruna, not Anri. There was never any virus involved, that's just a bullshit explanation that Celty came up with.)
Izaya does take a dig at Mikado for being dirt poor though, which probably double serves as a slight warming that Mikado should keep up friendly relationships with him or he'll lose access to that privilege. ... Mikado proceeds to be a killjoy anyway.
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Shizuo: Why are you on the floor?
Izaya: I'm depressed.
Izaya: Also I was stabbed, can you get Simon, please.
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evilkitten3 · 4 years ago
durarara!! au where simon makes izaya take on the raira trio (and saki) for like an internship (after punching him) so instead of the rest of the series being a drawn out gang war, it ends up being a high-stakes dark urban fantasy version of the office.
-namie is still there, and she and mikado have bi-hourly death glare matches
-anri continues trying to slash izaya, coming up with more and more complex ways to get him, and ultimately recruiting mairu and kururi into her “shank the twink” schemes
-masaomi still flirts with anri. and sometimes namie. and also mikado. no amount of pointing out that saki is literally right there will get him to stop, and pointing her out too much usually makes her start flirting too
-initially, only namie, izaya, and saki are allowed to touch the Evil Master Plan Chessboard, but izaya and saki both lose privileges (izaya for one too many fires, and saki for reasons no one is comfortable discussing)
-izaya still gets shanked by yodogiri but anri doesn’t try to slash him while he’s in the hospital bc she’s way too nice. manami very much does try, and izaya constantly taunts them both about it
-manami joins anri and the twins in the “slash a bitch” team
-mikado and saki seem to be having a subtle contest of who can be more unsettlingly adorable
-if izaya, mikado, and saki are all in a room together, someone else has to be there with them. otherwise that room will soon be on fire.
-if izaya, mikado, saki, and the twins are all in a room together, then that room is probably already on fire.
-saki is the only person there who genuinely likes izaya. this does not stop her from betraying him at the drop of a hat if someone she cares about is in danger. or if it’s just kinda funny.
-izaya has to find a better hiding spot for celty’s head and sulks bc now he can’t prance around his office monologuing about valhalla with it. this has convinced namie that there may in fact be some sort of benevolent deity.
-sometimes mikage shows up. the raira trio spends the better part of several months trying to figure out if izaya is sleeping with her or namie. this comes to a conclusion when they walk in on namie and mikage making out.
-during shizuo and izaya’s pointless death matches, the whole office shows up to cheer him on. and by him i mean shizuo.
-mikado eventually starts timing izaya’s Evil Monologues
-anri has yakuza immunity bc absolutely no one is stupid enough to piss off akabayashi. she ends up acting as a spy for the awakusu-kai but unfortunately most of what she has to report is “yes orihara is still insane. no i don’t think he’s been doing any drugs but honestly that’s actually even more depressing he’s just Like That”
-izaya does still do his Evil Plans but he has to be even more careful and every now and then one of the kids gets in trouble and he ends up getting forced to help out
-the recruitment process: “will this be a paid internship?” “of course this is a paid internship, i’m not a monster”
-izaya’s crush on shinra gets increasingly obvious and somehow absolutely nobody notices
-every single one of izaya’s attempts at a hot pot party fail miserably
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