#depending on my dwindling ability to concentrate on anything...
accio-spaceman · 5 years
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Date Night
(A Black Hat production for BBC Radio 4)
“DATE NIGHT, noun: A pre-arranged occasion when a couple who have been together for a long time commit to a regular night out in order to keep their relationship alive.”
The series follows a collection of couples who are desperately trying to keep their relationship functioning by creating a weekly date night intervention. For some, the relationship is already broken, for others it’s their pre-emptive strike in the hope of new-found longevity. More often than not, the stakes are high, involving children, careers and homes.
Programme Website 
Episode 3 - “Terri and Terry” Sketch
Listen on BBC Sounds     Listen on Spotify
Fi Glover – Narrator Marc Wootton – Terry Catherine Tate – Terri Hammed Animashaun – Darville 
16:53 – 20:03
(Transcript Below Cut)
(As both main characters are called Terry/Terri, transcript uses actors’ initials.)
 MW:   Here he is. Oi, Darville?
HA:    Yes?
MW:   He’s coming.
[Narration cuts across scene]
FG:    Terri and Terry are childhood sweethearts, and have been visiting the same restaurant in Chelmsford for the past twenty-five years.
[Fades back to scene]
MW:   …and, uh, I think I’ll have another beer.  Do you, want a… sparkling whatever, or…?
CT:     Yeah, I’ll have a sparkling wine.
HA:    Yeah, that’s fine! You want a glass or a bottle?
MW:   She’ll have a bottle, I’m sure she’ll-
CT:     -I won’t-
MW:   -polish off, no trouble-
CT:     -I won’t! I’ll have one glass, thank you, that’s all I’ll have.
MW:   Good old Darville. He never lets us down, does he?
CT:     Well, I wouldn’t exactly call him one of our closest friends.
MW:   Well, he sends us a Christmas card, doesn’t he?
CT:     We come here all the time-
MW:   -I love his little Christmas cards, him; his dad signs it… The whole team!
CT:     It is very sweet, I will give them that-
MW:   -his whole team signs it-
CT:     -it is very sweet.
MW:   I mean, no-one else sends us Christmas cards, you don’t get a Christmas card from the Colonel, do you?
CT:     Well it’s a dying art now.
MW:   Yeah, you never had a Christmas card from the Chinese-
CT:     -Terry?
MW:   Yeah?
CT:     Are you going to comment on my appearance?
MW:   Oh, yeah, yeah. Uh… yeah, yeah, you look nice.
CT:     And what is you’re actually commenting on?
MW:   Oh. Urm…
CT:     Terry. Terry, there’s no point you looking at my shoes.
MW:   Well, I’m not, I’m just giving ‘em- Just trying to get back so I can take it in!
CT:     Don’t you know what is different about me?
MW:   Are you wearing different shoes?
CT:     Oh god, Terry-
MW:   -No, okay, no! Hold on, just give me a chance. Um…
CT:     Terry-
MW:   -Have you done something with your eyebrows? Are they higher?
CT:     How can my eyebrows be higher, Terry?
MW:   I don’t know, you might have had ‘em-
CT:     -How can my eyebrows be higher?
MW:   Because you might have had ‘em, you know… Threaded, whatever you do-
CT:     -No-
MW:   -and then had ‘em sewn back on, I don’t… I don’t know.
CT:     No, I haven’t had them threaded.
MW:   Okay, um…
CT:     And even if I had had them threaded, Terry, I usually have them threaded so that wouldn’t be something that’s different. I’m asking you what’s different about me today, for…
MW:   -Terri, please don’t say you’ve done your boobs.
CT:     What is the matter with you?
MW:   Well-
CT:     -Do you think I’ve just gone out, and quickly got a boob job?
MW:   Well, I just-
CT:     -What are you talking about? I be bandaged up!-
MW:   -that top is very tight and I’m just thinking, I don’t…
CT:     What, you think I’ve had my boobs done and I decided, in my recovery, to come out for a chicken korma?
MW:   Okay, alright, it’s not that. Am I getting close-
CT:     -….’sake.-
MW:   -am I in the right ball park? Is it in the chest area?
CT:     No, you’re not even in the right part of the body.
MW:   Oh, okay.
CT:     Oh, Terry, for god’s sake.
MW:   Well, no, that makes it a lot easier, I know what it is! You’ve done your hair, ain’t ya’?
CT:     Terry, for goodness sake! Look at my face and tell me what is different.
MW:   I’m looking, I am looking. Okay, um…
CT:     Are you pulling my leg? You must be.
MW:   Well give me a clue, at least!
CT:     The clue, is that I’m wearing glasses.
MW:   Oh, yeah, I thought-
CT:     -my god-
MW:   -I thought-
CT:     -thought what?
MW:   Your eyes looked bigger.
CT:     You thought my eyes looked bigger-
MW:   -yeah, well that-
CT:     -but you didn’t notice the glasses?
MW:   To be honest, I did clock ‘em, but then I thought-
CT:     -oh my-
MW:   -she can’t be talking about them, that’s way too obvious.
CT:     Oh really?
MW:   They’re brilliant, they suit ya’-
CT:     -But you didn’t think to comment?-
MW:   -Yeah, I like ‘em. They’re nice – sophisticated!
CT:     Yeah, they are, aren’t they?-
MW:   -Yeah.-
CT:     -And you know what they’re doing?
MW:   What?
CT:     They’re helping me see more clearly.
MW:   Oh, right.
CT:     Yeah, I’m seeing everything, crystal sharp, Terry.
MW:   Well that could be the glasses.
CT:     [groans]
MW:   It could be one of those, um…
CT:     Oh god.
MW:   You know, those optical illusions.
CT:     Terry, are you listening to me?
MW:   Yeah, I’m listening, yeah. What?
CT:     Our relationship, Terry.
MW:   Yeah.
CT:     Well, I’m seeing it. More clearly.
MW:   Oh.
2 notes · View notes
alison-anonymous · 5 years
flawsome bandits pt. 7 ♡ sonic
Flawsome Feelings
Here comes the seventh part you guys! Wow, I can’t believe I’ve already made it this far! I’ve been writing every night because of all of the encouragement and kind words and a special shout out to @fandomqueen2003 for helping me tie together some loose ends to continue this story on past the end of the movie ;) Please enjoy and I’ll update as soon as I finish the next chapter ♡
Warnings - contains the final fight scene, and a mix of fluff and angst 
Sonic was slowly walking up the stairs due to the aching feeling in his legs from the explosion when he heard a glass-shattering scream. The worst part? It sounded like it came from Y/n. He was instantly put into action, rushing up the rest of the stairs like his own life depended on it, slamming into the room. His green eyes glanced around the room in fear, searching for the girl of his dreams but… she wasn’t there. 
Instead, an ice blue hedgehog stood in the middle of the room.
It was a girl, obviously from her softly shaped quills and exaggerated eyelashes. Confusion overwhelmed his recovering brain, trying to understand what exactly he was seeing. His guard instantly turned on, as he slowly began to put his fists up in defense.
“W-who are you and what have you done with Y/n?” He didn’t mean to growl as deeply as he did, but his emotions were all over the place at the moment.
The girl hedgehog’s eyes widened the instant she saw him, slowly putting her gloved hands up in the air in surrender. For some reason, tears began to pool in her eyes as she took in his form, looking him up and down. Was this real? Was he really standing before her? 
“Sonic, it’s me! It’s Y/n.” 
“Y/n?” Sonic slowly shook his head. “No, that’s impossible…” 
The ice blue hedgehog turned to the open box and it was only then that Sonic noticed Y/n’s vial was empty. Wait… did she… drink it? No, she couldn’t have. 
...could she?
Y/n plucked the yellow vial out of the box and gingerly held it out towards him, sincerity written clearly in her eyes. “Take it, Sonic. Please.” 
He rapidly shook his head, eyes going wider than Maddie’s fine china plates. “Hell no! I’m not drinking piss! I don’t even know what it is!”
“It’ll help you remember,” Y/n blurted. “Please, Sonic.”
Sonic’s expression softened as he realized that there were no traces of lies surrounding her. Was this hedgehog before him really Y/n? Was this what drinking that vial had done to her? She was never truly a human? As these thoughts scattered around in his brain at a million miles an hour, he looked deep into the creature’s eyes. Those e/c irises… they were so familiar. And then it hit him.
They were Y/n’s eyes.
His brain practically exploded at that moment, his knees growing weak. She was a hedgehog. Had she always been a hedgehog? That vial was still sticking in the palm of her hand, daring him to drink it. And even though the liquid that sloshed about the tiny case looked like urine, if drinking Y/n’s vial had turned her into his kind, then what did he have to lose?
His dignity, for one. 
Nevertheless, he gently took it out of her hand, noting that they both wore the exact same pair of gloves and popped off the cork. It had no smell. He shot Y/n one last skeptical glance before raising the vial to his lips and drinking. The cool liquid slipped down his throat like an icy slug, dissipating the second it hit his stomach and racing up to affect his internal chemistry. Within seconds, the flashbacks were already happening. The impact was so great that it caused him to topple over, Y/n being quick to catch him just as Tom and Maddie came rushing into the room to see what the hell was going on. He remembered everything - growing up with his powers, losing Longclaw, being on the run with his best friend, gaining trillions of enemies along the way and always being afraid. But the most important memory hit him like a truck, the racing in his heart and the butterflies in his stomach making sure to let him know that it was still true.
He was in love with Y/n.
“What in the actual hell is going on here?” Tom screamed, Maddie clinging onto his arm in fear. Before them stood not one, but TWO hedgehogs. One of them the speedy boy they had come to accept and the other completely new. The girl hedgehog turned to them, still holding onto Sonic’s shoulders in an attempt to keep him upright. A sheepish smile crossed her lips (A/N: just to clarify, she still remembers everything of her time on earth, the vial just changed her back to a hedgehog and gave her back her memories). 
“Uh, hi Dad. Hi Mom…”
“Y-Y/n?” Maddie stuttered, brown eyes filling with shock. “What happened to you?” Y/n glanced around the room, trying desperately to collect her thoughts and come up with an explanation that wouldn’t freak them out at the same time. But the only answer was to tell them the cringiest truth there is.
“This is… what I really am. Or, was, I guess. I kind of drank whatever was in that vial we found that had my name on it and I got all of my memories back.” She did her best to explain, giving her foster parents a warm smile. The fear began to burn in her chest as the question raised in her mind about whether or not they would still accept her in this life form. Tom and Maddie exchanged shocked and horrified glances, but when they both looked back at her, the answer was already clear.
Whatever she was, whoever she was, Y/n was still their kid. The one that they had loved and raised in their home and shared so many memories with. They were one of the lucky foster families that just fit like puzzle pieces. They knew that all Y/n had wanted for years was an answer to her past, a reason for why she felt so different and wrong. And if the answer was that she was a hedgehog? 
It may be crazy, but… they would find a way to accept it. The two gave her the warmest smiles they could, and it brought tears of relief into Y/n’s eyes as she smiled back. Just as Tom was about to open his mouth to say something more, Sonic finally snapped up straight and looked Y/n straight in the eyes, the determination thick.
“I’m in love with you.” 
...silence. Sonic’s panting breaths from the adrenaline were the only sound in the very tense room. The emotions that were going throughout the heads of everyone were very mixed. Sonic didn’t even realize how he was practically hanging on to Y/n’s next sentence, praying with every fiber of his being that she would tell him that she loved him back. Unfortunately, she was in too much shock to be able to process what was going on.
“Um… what?” Was the only words she was able to muster.
“Um, I second that. What?” Tom practically shrieked, Maddie making sure to keep a good grip on his arm in case he went back into protective father mode. Sonic’s excited expression slowly began to fade as he realized that the look on Y/n’s face wasn’t the ecstatic smile he had been hoping for. Her nose was twitching ever so slightly, her mouth open in a very small o, and her eyes… 
Were full of fear.
“Sonic, I…” Y/n drawed off, trying desperately to think of something to say. Of course she was in love with him too! She loved him more than anything in the world! But… Why did she feel so afraid? Was it because of the circumstances they were under? Or was it maybe, just maybe… she didn’t want to let him down? For the person she is now to not be the same as the person he had fallen in love with before? She didn’t have a chance to explain as Sonic held up a hand and offered her a half-hearted smile, trying his best to mask the heartbreak written on his forehead.
“It’s okay, I understand.” He hesitantly stepped away from her, crushing her heart into pieces. Her ears pressed back against her head as she looked down at the floor, an awkward silence filling the air between them all. Tom and Maddie looked at one another in melancholy, knowing that there was obviously a ton of chemistry there. But before anyone could say another word, Sonic was quick to get the conversation flowing again. 
“Hey, wait a minute… do you still have your powers?” 
“Wait what powers? What the actual fu-” Tom was interrupted once again by Y/n plastering on a fake hopeful smile and closing her eyes to concentrate.
“Ah~, ah~...” She sang so gently, so beautifully that it could have made any choral instructor cry. But the thing that was even more beautiful was how the second the notes left her mouth, she began to levitate off of the ground. Her e/c eyes popped open and a grin spread on her face once she realized it was still working. Tom and Maddie’s mouths dropped open in shock as she lowered herself back onto the ground.
“Okay, so… our daughter is actually a hedgehog with singing magical abilities… okay.” Maddie sighed, nodding softly to herself. “I can deal with this.”
The new revelation posed yet another question to the already overloaded atmosphere. Y/n’s happiness spurt dwindled once more as she looked at Sonic. 
“So… does this mean that I’m going with you?” She looked back to her parents. “Or staying with them?”
No one could find an answer for that one…
A hop, skip, and a very awkwardly silent car ride later, the fantastic four showed up at the huge tower where Sonic’s rings were supposedly dropped. Maddie and Tom slipped out of the car, followed in suit by Sonic, who helped Y/n jump down out of the car. His hand lingered in hers for a moment, and once he realized that they were still touching, he hesitantly pulled away, looking to the side. A frown fell upon both of their mouths as they walked up to Y/n’s parents.
“Well, there you have it, this is your tower,” Tom said proudly, placing his hands on his hips as they all stared up at the huge skyscraper. Sonic and Y/n exchanged a hopeful glance before looking back up at the tower. 
“So, should we-” Maddie began, but didn’t even get to finish her sentence as Sonic was already gone. She looked around the empty area next to her daughter, mouth hanging open. “Wait, he’s just…”
“Gone,” Y/n giggled, folding her arms across her chest in an attempt to suppress the feeling of throwing up from her nerves. “Yep.”
Maddie felt concern bubble inside her own stomach for her daughter, practically bursting at the seams for a chance to spend some one-on-one time to talk to her about… well, everything! She had just found out that she was never a human, that Sonic was in love with her, and that she might never see her parents again if she chose to go to the “Mushroom Planet” with him. Seriously, some Mother-Daughter time was seriously needed in this situation.
Sonic was back by their side in seconds, his finger tapping his chin in thought. “No good, we need a key to get to the roof.” 
Y/n’s head lowered in disappointment, but next to her, Tom squared his legs and got into the famous Superman position. He craned his head towards the tip of the skyscraper and said in the best authority voice he could muster:
“It is time to abuse the power entrusted in me.”
An awkward silence followed as the remaining three exchanged confused glances. Was he… expecting someone to say something or? Y/n finally had the courage to break the silence, glancing at him worriedly.
“Shh, let the moment be, Y/n. Let the moment be.” 
Now, everyone knows that trying to get up to the roof while having two alien hedgehogs following in suit would arouse much suspicion. So, Tom and Maddie did the only logical thing that they could think of.
They shoved the two into one of Tom’s very old, very smelly gym bags.
Considering the recent basic-rejection that had happened barely less than an hour ago, it was very awkward for the two. There was not one part of Y/n’s body that wasn’t pressed up against Sonic’s or intertwined with his limbs. They had tried their best to get comfortable inside the very confined space, but it was practically impossible, especially with the minimum light coming in from the small opening of the zipper. As the two tried desperately to get comfortable in the bag while trying to manage their racing hearts and provide some personal space, they soon began to realize that they were probably just going to have to deal with it. They attempted to calm their bodies at the same time, and as soon as they turned their heads back to face each other, they were a hell of a lot closer than they had previously anticipated.
Their lips brushed against one another.
Y/n froze, Sonic’s eyes bugging out in shock as he tried to pull his head away, but not having much room to do so with. Their noses were still touching, eyes staring widely into each other as their breathing became labored, heart beats climbing through the roof. If the butterflies had been real, they would have suffocated within seconds from the amount of butterflies floating around in the bag.
“I-I’m sorry,” Sonic stuttered, pressing his hands against the side of the bag in order to push himself away from her. Y/n couldn’t help but feel her heart sink in her chest, her eyes falling as she wrapped her arms around herself. 
“...it’s okay.” Her voice was so timid and small that he had a hard time hearing it, even with his close proximity. Sonic’s eyes softened as he looked at her, his chest beginning to ache. Of course he was still head over heels in love with her, but she didn’t feel the same… right? She would have said something when he had confessed to her! That’s how this “love” stuff works, right? 
“You really want to get away from me, don’t you?” Y/n sighed, pulling her legs up to hug them into her chest. The bag began to rock back and forth, signifying that they were taking off. Sonic felt his heart break at the mere suggestion of the words. Without thinking, his hands suddenly found themselves cupping her cheeks, lifting her head up so that she would meet his eyes. The second e/c met green, he felt himself slip into a golden gaze, getting lost in the flecks of color littered throughout her irises. The innocence that had still remained in her ever since she was a kid, teasing him about how she was going to beat him in a race one day. How she was the only person who had ever been able to keep up with him. The feelings that she awoke within him were different than any other person. She made him want to be better, to be the best Sonic he could be. She made him feel like he was worthy of the good things that were handed to him, like things would all be okay in the end. 
She was his. 
But he… wasn’t hers.
He had been in love with her for years. And… he was starting to think that he always would be. The fear that had crossed her eyes at his confession had confirmed it in his mind that she didn’t feel the same way. And he would find a way to be okay with that. But now that he was looking at her now, curled up in a fetal position with tears threatening to spill out of her eyes… she didn’t think that he hated her now, did she?
“Y/n, all that I’ve ever wanted was to be by your side every day,” Sonic began, internally cringing at how cheesy the truth was. “But… I get it, you don’t feel the same way. I’ve always wanted to be more than just friends and-ugh, how much longer?!” His frustration of trying to have a conversation in the overly heated, overly crowded space was beginning to get to him. The two waited for Tom to answer, but he simply cleared his throat awkwardly.
Sonic sighed, accidentally pressing his forehead against Y/n’s, causing a red hot blush to float across her cheeks. He didn’t move, however, still waiting for an answer. “Dude, it’s dark in here~...”
“Do you have your child in there?” An unfamiliar voice broke in. Y/n and Sonic furrowed their brows in confusion, raising their heads to try and peer through the little open hole in the zipper. Unfortunately, they couldn’t see anything.
“Oh, no, don’t worry. It’s not mine.” Tom’s voice chuckled nervously. Y/n winced, already knowing that this conversation was not going anywhere good.
“...it’s not your child?”
“Nope.” It was only then that the precipitation coming from the two hedgehogs’ body heat finally began mingling with the old sweat stains from high school Tom, making for a very putrid smell to rise from the fabric. Y/n let out a gag, covering her nose, Sonic following in suit.
“Oh my god,” she choked. “I’m choking.”
“Bro, this is worse than the dog cage you had me in earlier.” Sonic cried, tears beginning to prickle in the corners of his eyes. Suddenly, the zipper began to close, and despite their attempts to stop it, the light faded away. 
Leaving the two of them in the dark with the lovely smell of Tom’s old gym socks.
Once they finally made it onto the roof, Tom let the two hedgehogs crawl out onto the pavement, coughing and sputtering with Sonic having an old pair of underwear stuck to his leg. He quickly kicked it away and stood up, helping Y/n in the process and turned to the two humans. 
“That was disgusting,” Y/n shuddered, her lungs thanking her for finally allowing them to breathe oxygen of her own. Sonic nodded in agreement, sticking his tongue out in disgust. Tom and Maddie rolled their eyes, smiles still playing across their lips as they looked around the perimeter of the rooftop they were on.
“Well, we’re here. See your rings?” 
Sonic glanced across the ground and zipped over to the little bag sitting on the ground, holding them up with a triumphant look on his face. He slowly took one out of the bag and held it up to the sky, the gold reflecting in little patterns across the pavement.
“So, that’s it?” Tom asked excitedly. “We did it?”
“Yep! All I have to do is think about where I want to go and throw it,” Sonic confirmed. His excitement slowly faded as he realized the truth of it all and the decision that Y/n was going to have to make. The three slowly turned to face the ice blue hedgehog, her e/c eyes beginning to fill with uncertainty.
“I guess it’s time to decide… are you going with him?” Y/n glanced towards the boy that she had spent her whole life with. “Or staying with us?” And at the parents that had helped her when no one else would.
...it was an impossible decision.
“I…” she didn’t have the heart to even finish the sentence, her gaze forever looking between the three people she loved more than anything. Of course there was a huge chunk of her that wanted to go with Sonic. She had been through everything with him, grew up around him, learning to love his flaws and appreciate his strengths, comforting each other after the loss of Longclaw and finding a way to fit as perfectly as puzzle pieces when having to live on their own together. He was her other half, the yin to her yang. She had already lost him once, and they had somehow defied all logic and found a way back together again. And even though she was simply petrified, she did love him back with all of her heart. 
But then there was Tom and Maddie.
Even when she was lost, confused, and entirely alone with no sense of the world around her, they took her in. They were patient with her and loved her even when no one else would. They understood that she needed help and were willing to help her, sticking up for her whenever peers made crude remarks at school or people on the street gave her judgemental glares. And over time, they helped her to grow accustomed to the world around her with nothing but their time and love and patience. They began to grow on her, in a way, and before she knew it, she already felt like she was a part of their family. 
She was a part of their family. 
Two families, and she had to pick one to spend the rest of her life with. The other to never be seen again. The very idea brought tears to her eyes once again, as she knew that all of them were praying that she would choose to go with them. But she couldn’t.
“I’m sorry,” she choked, e/c eyes fluttering and hands beginning to tremble. “These last few days have been the craziest days of my life. But they’ve also been the best. I don’t want to leave earth,” she turned to Sonic. “And I know you don’t either. But like you said, what if Longclaw was wrong? Maybe we could find a way to stay here. We’d be careful. More careful than we were before. I don’t want to spend another day without all of you with me.”
Maddie’s eyes began to glitter with tears as Tom pulled her into his chest. Sonic’s eyes met Y/n’s once again, glittering with sincerity. He looked down at the ring in his hand and sighed. A slow smile began to make its way across his lips. The second that he looked back up at Y/n, his eyes widened in fear.
“Look out!” He cried, and in one swift move, pushed Y/n behind him as one of Robotnik’s eggbots pointed a laser right at him. He made sure that the laser was on him and not on the girl behind him as he stared daggers into the machine. Thankfully, it didn’t go off. As everyone began to relax, it was very short lived as multiple more eggbots began to float up until they were surrounding them.
“God fucking damnit,” Y/n swore. “We don’t get a break, do we?”
“Did someone leave their Find My Phone on?” Sonic asked, grabbing onto Y/n’s hand firmly. And to make things even worse, Dr. Robotnik himself came floating in just in time for the dramatic perfectly-timed show up. The lid to his drone opened to reveal his smug, shit-eating grin as he stared at the four. Y/n felt her knees begin to tremble with the anger that surged through her veins at the sight of him. He was the one who had their vials, so was he the one who had done this to him? 
She wasn’t sure. All that she was sure about was how much she wanted to punch him in the face. 
“Well, well, well, look who remembered who they are. Oh, hey, welcome to San Francisco Mr. Wachowski. Enjoying the clam chowder?” He tilted his head to the side, and all Sonic wanted was to wipe that smirk off of his face. With a chainsaw, preferably.
“Says the government whackjob who keeps trying to kill us.” Tom remarked sarcastically.
“Nice of you to swing by on your way to Comicon,” Y/n rolled her eyes, absentmindedly intertwining her gloved fingers with Sonic’s. He felt his pulse begin to speed up. 
“Yeah, what are you wearing?” Maddie asked, eyeing his eccentric red uniform up and down. Robotnik self-consciously glanced down at his outfit and scoffed.
“It’s a flight suit. Designed specifically for my body in order to reduce-”
“Yeah, why don’t you just shut up and we can get back to punching you in the face, right Dad?” Y/n interrupted, giving her dad a sly grin. Maddie looked at her husband in shock.
“I punched him in the face.”
“He punched him in the face, it was so awesome!” Sonic cheered. 
“Enough!” Robotnik scowled. “It’s time to push some buttons.”
“Your flying eggs are pretty impressive Eggman,” Sonic gave Y/n a mischievous wink. “But let’s face it! You’ll never catch us.” 
“Two birds with one stone, eh? Confidence. A foolish substitute for intelligence.” He slipped his goggles on over his head and pressed a button that set his eggbots into action. The four began to step back towards one another, not being able to hide the fear that was slowly rising in their chests. It had been quite a while since Y/n had been exercising her powers, and she was quite severely rusty. 
“Um, kids, I know that you both have freaky powerful powers, but Maddie and I-”
“Are completely defenseless and are most likely going to get blown up?” Sonic finished. The two nodded.
“Yeah, probably.” Sonic shot them a knowing smile and gently let go of Y/n’s hand.
“Don’t worry, I know exactly what to do.” 
And then he pushed them off the roof. 
A scream escaped from Y/n’s mouth as she raced towards the edge, looking down as her parents fell down through the air, their screams disappearing in the air whooshing past them.
“Sonic!” She cried, looking at him with wide eyes. He quickly put his hands up defensively, but was interrupted by Eggman once again.
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“Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting that. But I was expecting not to expect something, so it doesn’t count.” He flipped open a switch and just as he was about to press down on the switch, time slowed for the two hedgehogs. Y/n had begun absentmindedly humming in order to boost her telekinetic abilities, and Sonic was just… being Sonic. She was quite surprised that she still harnessed the ability to slow time, as before it had taken her years in order to master the ability. Nevertheless, she turned to the blue hedgehog and jabbed a gloved finger at his chest.
“What the hell, Sonic? You pushed my parents off the roof!”
“And I’ll fix it, I promise, N/n!” He was quick to defend himself. You had to admit that it was kind of adorable how a battle was taking place, and they were exchanging this conversation in their own version of time. Y/n sighed, but a small smile made its way across her lips.
“You better. What do you want me to do?”
“Take out these bots, please,” Sonic asked, but just before he turned to jump off the roof after her parents, he jumped back to her side. “Oh, and one more thing…” 
He pressed a kiss against her cheek.
Y/n’s cheeks flushed a bright red as she watched Sonic quickly jump off the side of the building before she had a chance to fully react. Her heart pounded like a sledgehammer against her chest, the butterflies fangirling within her belly. Okay, okay, focus Y/n. You need to take out these bots now, worry about Sonic later. She turned to take a good look at all of the bots and let out a slow, methodical tune, her vocal chords happily giving in to the usage of her powers once more. She began to feel almost weightless, zipping through the air at her very thought and destroying a bunch of bots in the sky as Sonic attempted to reach her parents in time. Unfortunately, they weren’t moving fast enough. 
Just as Y/n had destroyed another drone, she realized a bit too late that Robotnik’s drone was speeding towards her in the already slowed down time universe. Her eyes widened in fear, her pitch lengthening a little bit as she jumped off the side of the building. The feeling of falling made her stomach clench as the wind floated through her fur, and within seconds she was falling next to Sonic. She pointed up to the drone just as one of the eggbots slammed into both of them, knocking them both momentarily unconscious. 
When Sonic finally woke up, he heard screaming. Shaking his head rapidly in an effort to regain his vision, he noticed a bit too late that they were almost at the ground. Through much panicked struggle, he was able to grab one of the rings with his quills and throw it before the two humans just in time to send them someplace else. Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to save him and Y/n. He quickly swiveled onto his back, grabbing the still unconscious Y/n from the air before him, and pressing her to his chest as they crashed into the tree and tumbled onto the ground. The bots that Y/n had previously destroyed slammed onto the ground around them, waking both of them up with pained groans.
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“Sonic..?” Y/n breathed, feeling a sharp pain in her ribs.
“It’s okay,” Sonic soothed, staring daggers up at the man who was descending upon them. The two gradually forced themselves back up into standing position, eyeing the man angrily.
“Well, you two are the new Bonnie and Clyde, aren’t ya? Piece of advice? Don’t run.” Eggman taunted. “It’s bad for your joints. They proved it.” Y/n scoffed, but instantly regretted it from the pain igniting up her ribcage.
“Alright, Egghead,” Sonic looked to Y/n for confirmation that she was ready. The ice blue hedgehog gave him a weak, but firm nod. “Let’s get fast.”
And so began the greatest chase scene that any movie critic has ever feasted their tired eyes upon. Between Sonic’s quick feet and Y/n’s hovering and haunting hymns, followed by Dr. Robotnik’s blows that erupted into flames, it was easily the most diabolical, outstanding chase anyone had ever seen. It was frantic and random and sweaty and frankly, Y/n and Sonic were quite petrified they were going to die as they swooped and zigzagged throughout the city. Turning heads of every person who caught the sound of Y/n’s mystical singing, and seeing two blurs running through the lengths of the city away from a very crazy man in a drone. And even though Y/n was able to keep up with him, she was not strong enough to keep in full swing with him, always being a foot behind him or more.
Sonic threw a ring that sent them to Paris, and then to the Great Wall of China where Sonic helped Y/n to recharge a bit by holding onto her hand and pulling her along with him while she took a little bit of a break, still singing in order to propel herself forward. But no matter where they went, no matter how fast they moved, he was always there with an eye on his targets.
“W-we can’t lose him,” Y/n croaked, her voice beginning to grow hoarse. Worry began to set into Sonic’s stomach as even he was beginning to grow tired. 
“I have an idea,” he whispered just as he sent them into the Desert. They waited until Robotnik was right where they wanted him and using their combined powers, entrapped him into a sandstorm de la Y/n and Sonic. With him being distracted, they were able to start climbing up one of the pyramids in an attempt to get back to Green Hills. Hope began to fill their chests, propelling their feet and vocal chords a little bit faster as their home was right before their eyes. Just as They set foot into the portal, Robotnik shot straight at the two, sending them careening into the portal with blood-curdling screams. The two crashed onto the dark pavement of Green Hills, rolling along the road until they came to a stop next to one another. 
Y/n let out a pained, exhausted groan, her head throbbing and mouth feeling like it was full of needles. She forced herself up onto her knees and crawled over to Sonic. 
“S-Sonic,” she whimpered, shaking him slightly. But… he didn’t wake up. “Sonic! Wake up! Wake up, please!” 
And that was when the tears began to fall.
♡ a.a.
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ninnieartsies · 4 years
hello, it's the fic anon again! do you have any hard limits on the ship in terms of kinks? i wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable when i write the fics in case it gets ns//fw... i certainly would also like a background on raimundo too please (as a whole character) cause i'd be ashamed if i write him too ooc! ♥️ thank you sm for giving me permission to write about your wonderful oc too! 😭💖
sdsfllkds I’m!!  💞 💞
Hard limits would be mainly piss/scat/vomit based stuff. Other than those, I’m pretty aight! So if you wanna go wild and explore some, feel free to! òvób Rai is good for that stuff!
Okay, so I’m putting the stuff about Raimundo under a read more since it gonna be long-ish. TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR CANNIBALISM, SADOMASOCHISM, MEDICAL/INJURY DESCRIPTIONS, bad renders of SCAR PLACEMENT ART, and other stuff!!
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This bastard of a man is 190,5cm (6'3’’), and he weighs 74kg (163.14 lbs). His eyes are red, and his hair is black. 
He has a habit of using endearments/petnames on everyone but especially his s/o. These typically are babe, sweetcheeks, darling, my love, love, snookums, snugglebutt, and so on.
SOMEWHAT OF A TL;DR: Think the trope Grumpy/dangerous one being soft for only One Person -ship trope.
Raimundo is a cannibal vampire, which means that he eats other vampires, but will also eat humans. Human blood is like a snack for him, so it doesn’t sustain him, while vampire blood will satisfy him for three days. If he eats human flesh, he’s alright for three days, while if he ate vampire flesh he’d be good for a week.
Rai’s blood is black and tarlike, and it stinks absolutely horrible. It is especially revolting to those with a sensitive nose.
Werewolf blood will make him high (think weed usage).
He’s a sadomasochist, who has a hard time creating emotional bonds with people. But with mutual trust and enough time, anything is possible. His sadomasochism makes it that he can’t get off unless pain and/or humiliation is involved; either him receiving or giving. 
He likes cats and strawberries. 
Strawberries are pretty much the only thing he can eat that’s not raw (human/vampire/other) flesh, without getting sick. Anything else will get him ill.
He can eat meat that is sort of similar to that of a human, be it raw or cooked.
He can’t read or write due to his brain damage.
Enjoys being read stories to.
Rai’s kinks are basically: anything goes. 
Can both top or bottom, both are fine. Though I usually have him top or Katsuk be a power bottom. But you do you!
Rai likes to sit or lay on the floor. For some reason, he finds it comfortable. 
He doesn’t understand technology at all. TV and phones are filled with demons. Automatic doors are hell, and escalators are the stairs of satan.
When he’s after affection, he may squish Bakug. Think big dog thinking its a lapdog. 
Bakugou is someone Rai trusts and respects immensely, and the only one he can fully relax around. This is why he may nap laying on top of him. 
When Katsuki’s busy, Rai may just lay close by to him, or curled around him, as long as he can have a little bit of physical contact, then he’s happy.
Since Rai can turn into a bat, he may also hide himself under the collar of Baku’s shirt and join him on little outings. (Katsuk’s emotional support bat, lmao).
The bat size is basically big ears and a body that’s the size of your hand/palm + wing span. Black bat.
Rai’s and Bakug’s relationship is first and foremost built on mutual respect: Both are aware that they can injure each other badly or even kill each other, if something goes wrong. 
He’s got a bunch of scars littering his body, most noticeable being those on his throat and over his nose. 
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and a burn scar in the form of a cross on his back.
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Now then his personality: 
Raimundo’s sense of fear has dwindled to almost nonexistent since his brain damage got severe enough. He’s very street smart, and one for close combat, and will keep going, despite getting injured in the process… Now, despite him being what you’d call an apex predator, Raimundo is clumsy when he’s somewhere comfortable. He has a tendency to trip over carpets, and fall down stairs (be it him going up or down them). But once he is outside again, and this clumsy streak is nowhere to be seen. This is because he unconsciously switches on/off his survival instinct. Out in the wild/in the cities, he has to keep an eye on the surroundings and not get caught.
Raimundo is pretty violent by nature, in addition to being reckless. He has issues in showing his feelings in other ways than being a complete asshole, or through bursts of aggression. Raimundo is not someone who’d cry, he hasn’t cried since he was a kid. When he’s sad or upset, he tends to get violent. He also has a hard time trusting anyone enough to form a relationship with them. If anyone would be interested in him enough to suggest dating, they’d need to be patient. Very patient. 
He CAN love if the stars align right, and everything clicks. Once he finds his ideal mate, Raimundo is surprisingly cuddly, and he quite enjoys close contact with his SO. He is also POSSESSIVE, and will mark his chosen one often with bites. These bites will be deep and may require stitches if he is not careful enough. Rai is also not shy to show affection through kisses, and/or other means. He may also get easily jealous and act out on it. In bed, he, by default, will be rough. There will be blood involved; it’s either he or his partner that is bleeding. His partners do not have to worry, though. He does not EAT them he views as his. But he may bite too hard since he can’t control himself always due to the brain damage. 
Raimundo’s possessiveness can become an issue. He does not like others touching what is his, and even less if they upset his s/o even a little.
When you reach a friend status, or a trustworthy status in general, Raimundo will be sort of pleasant to be around. He will crack jokes and he’ll even be ready to help you with stuff, if he deems you worthy of his time, more or less. Rai can and will use bad pickup lines for the heck of it if it means he can make Katsuki laugh. For example: sit next to him on the couch, and put an arm around him and say “So. Ya c’mere of’en?” 
Then for the fun part! Raimundo’s medical issues. 
He has BRAIN DAMAGE called CHRONIC TRAUMATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY, that has altered his personality; affects his learning, memories, fine motor skills, and causes seizures.
These seizures can last from a few seconds to a few minutes. In his case, they are unpredictable and episodic. Having lived alone for so long, he doesn’t recognize symptoms, nor does he even understand that he has a brain injury, to begin with.
(Usually, he gets a seizure when he gets overwhelmed, when it’s TOO loud, or he’s idle for too long. Having all his senses stimulated heavily at the same time, may also result in a seizure. Hitting his head or getting a hard enough blow to his head can also cause seizures.)
He thinks it’s normal to black out, be disorientated, and to have gaps in his memory. Now, encephalopathy was also triggered by Rai’s habbit to CANNIBALISM, which he picked up from his step brother.  Even Raimundo’s AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOUR is linked to CTE. As his aggressiveness took a more active part, it in turn dwindled his self-preservation to a bare minimum. Raimundo does understand danger, but MIGHT NOT ACT like someone would expect one to.
Other symptoms in addition to the seizures are his MEMORY LOSS and TROUBLE CONCENTRATING FOR LONG PERIODS of time. He needs to take breaks or he gets frustrated, which in turn can lead to an aggressive outburst. His ABILITY TO LEARN is also affected, it being much slower than that of an average human. He, however, is stubborn so he does not easily give up, but he gets very frustrated when something doesn’t go as he hoped.
Raimundo also has some trouble with his dexterity or fine motor skills. Grasping a pencil is very hard, for example. He can’t always control the strength of his grip either, it being too loose or too strong at times. His hands also shake.
Raimundo’s use of endearments/petnames really comes down to him not bothering to remember names, since he’d probably just forget them after a bad seizure episode.
Katsuki, however, has made a lasting impression, so his name is pretty much etched into Rai’s brain and the few brain cells he got working. Rai also calls Bakugou by his given name, Katsuki. 
he is disorientated, often scared, and confused. Then he becomes lethargic and very SLEEPY. He might think he’s moving, i.e. lifting a hand, but instead, he’s just laying still. Usually, something familiar will help him to GROUND himself. A FAMILIAR VOICE or SCENT calms him down and keeps him from spiraling down into, worst-case scenario, another seizure.
If he is with someone he trusts, he will be more than happy to cuddle/hold hands/anything that offers him some sort of comfort & allows him to calm down.
Rest is important. So don’t be too surprised if he spends hours sleeping after a seizure. Depending on how bad it was it can be a short-ish nap, or he sleeps practically the whole day away.
His speech will slur, he won’t make as much sense, and his reaction time is drastically reduced. He is at his most vulnerable after a seizure.
After a seizure he may also lose memories. Sometimes he can get a fuzzy version of a memory back, but mostly they’re gone forever.
Since an incident where he was attacked by a beast (chimera), that left the scars on his throat a century ago, Raimundo’s voice has been altered. IT’S HOARSE, a little bit strained as the vocal-cords in his throat are PERMANENTLY DAMAGED despite his healing and regenerating abilities.
(The incident almost killed him, so the healing process took more priority in keeping him alive than to worry about his vocal cords.)
In order to not irritate his throat, HE DOESN’T SPEAK THAT MUCH. If he does, he has to take breaks in order to let his voice and throat rest. It is inconvenient, but he’s learned to live with it.
Some days he may opt not to speak if his throat/voice is acting up.
Raimundo also purrs when he’s content or happy. He may also hiss, growl, snarl, shriek… All of the sounds he makes will still keep the same strain. Since Raimundo originally was a human, his growls/snarls will never sound as natural as they would if they came from a wolf, for example.
HE CAN TURN INTO A BAT; he might “hibernate” during the coldest months
EXTRAORDINARY CLIMBING SKILLS: Climbs vertical walls like it’s nothing, and might also crawl along the ceiling. That means, he has some killer gripping force. He can also climb walls while carrying someone.
REGENERATION/FAST HEALING: depending on wounds 2 days to 4 weeks+++
“MOVING” THROUGH SHADOWS; practically just got A game in hiding in shadows, in disappears into them. As long as light doesn’t touch him, he’s practically invisible.
HAS THE STRENGTH TO BREAK BONES, with his bare hands.
EXTRAORDINARY HEARING: can in a sense see even as blind, thanks to his hearing alone (think bats and echolocation, tho not as sharp). To navigate blind, he will need a noise source.
SPEAKS ENGLISH, AND DEMONIC/BEASTIAL LANGUAGE (albeit broken, as he can’t reach the ranges a demon/beast could). 
And broken heavily accented Japanese when with Bakug. Will also mess up meanings of words, or come up with new words.
ex. fries = elongated potatoes
HOLY WATER: burns like acid. Digested he’d cough up blood and probably his intestines, and thus die.
HOLY ARTIFACTS; can kill him if used correctly (i.e. the artifacts are made into weapons). Mostly they just give him a migraine.
SUNLIGHT: The exposed skin starts to bubble and eventually bursts open. Depending on the severity and exposure, the spot can burst into flames. Throw him into a sun-exposed area and you will practically witness him be burned alive. A very painful death.
TRAUMA TO THE HEAD: can cause him to have a seizure at worst, but at the least it makes him disorientated.
WEREWOLF BLOOD will get him high as a kite.
If one was TO KILL RAIMUNDO, you just need to pierce his heart with a weapon of your choice, or alternatively, destroy his brain. He can also bleed to death if he is not careful. But for a quick death, the two other ways are more effective.
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enst1000bk · 5 years
Ugh I’m Soooo Out of Energy!
Hey everyone! This weeks topic is a little bit different than those in the past because it’s a resource in a different way than we have been focusing on. Today we’re going to be talking about energy: Renewable vs Nonrenewable and the advantages and disadvantages of both. Let’s dive in! First, what is energy? Energy by definition is the ability to do work. In order to move any part of my body, or even just to think, my brain has to perform work in order to do the desired function. Energy can come in many different forms like kinetic (moving my arm), electrical, chemical, potential, mechanical, and more. Energy is all around us and fuels every exchange we make in the world while we’re living here. Fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, and oil are examples of nonrenewable energy sources. When the energy stored in a fossil fuel gets used up, there’s no getting it back. They take millions of years to form within the crust of the Earth under very specific conditions, so they technically are renewed at some point, but they’re not renewable in a human’s life time. Other sources of energy like wind, sun, and flowing water can be used to create energy over and over again, which makes them a renewable energy source. Recently, the world has been trying to switch over from a predominantly non-renewable energy market to one that is more sustainable and utilizes more renewable energy sources. 
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 The reason many people still use fossil fuels (especially developing countries) as energy sources is because they are cheaper to use than renewable sources. However, fossil fuels are detrimental to the overall health of the planet. Fossil fuels are the leading cause of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, which is also the leading cause of global warming and climate change (EPA).
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However, as science and technology progress we as a society are coming closer to unlocking the secret to renewable energy. In current years, the cost of renewable energy has been decreasing and thus the use of renewable energy like solar power has been increasing in popularity. In the US about 18% of all energy used came from renewable sources in 2017 (Wales, 2018). Countries like the US and Canada have also made pledges to produce almost entirely renewable energy by the year 2050, with cities like Los Angeles pledging to be 100% renewable by 2050 (Walton, 2019). Clearly, people want to use renewable energy because they know it is better for the planet and the well being of everyone living on it. The problem is that companies still prefer to use fossil fuels so that they can make a bigger profit, because most people in this world thrive off of a capitalist economy in the United States, whether they know it or not. That goes into another rant thought, so why don’t we get back on track and talk more about energy, shall we?
As mentioned in my blog before, energy comes with different qualities depending on how it is used and sourced. For instance, high quality energy comes from high-quality sources, and it takes high-quality energy to mine more high-quality energy. We also know that when high-quality energy is used, some of it is lost as low-quality energy that can’t be used nearly as effectively. Net energy is the amount of usable high-quality energy that is given off from a certain quantity of an energy source. When oil was first being used as a source of energy, it had a higher net energy because most resources were found in large concentrated deposits that weren’t too deep underground, so it didn’t take that much energy to drill down for it, transport it up to the surface, or transport it to useful energy to consumers. Now however, as the hunt for oil slows down due to supplies dwindling at alarming rates, the oil is less concentrated and loses more to low-quality energy, the net energy decreases. Not only does it require more energy to find oil nowadays, but it is also much more expensive. This loss of high-quality energy to low-quality energy is known as energy waste. Almost 84% of energy used in America is wasted, that means only 16% of what Americans pay for for electricity and energy is actually used. That’s a huge waste of energy! One of the biggest wastes of energy comes from our cars. American society revolves heavily around transportation and unfortunately most people don’t utilize public transportation. Instead, most Americans travel places by using their own car that is typically not very gas efficient. Instead of people sitting together in one vehicle like a bus, most citizens that can afford it choose to drive their own vehicle for the sake of comfort and luxury. Obviously, we all want to be comfortable and having your own car makes that super easy, but it also has a direct attack on our planet. In 2017, only 1.15% of cars sold in the U.S. were electric cars, meaning that the emissions coming from cars were most carbon dioxide, and further lead to global warming and climate change (Bellan, 2018). 
The trend for electric cars has continued to rise every year since they’ve been on the market, but the majority of Americans (and people around the world) are using gas-guzzling cars and polluting the planet at a speed unprecedented to anything like it before. Scientists believe that “humanity has about 12 years to avoid the most dire consequences of climate change. To avert catastrophic sea level rise, food shortages, and widespread drought and wildfire, emissions must be reduced by 45 percent from 2010 levels, and by 100 percent by 2050” (Bellan, 2018). That’s a little bit more than a decade! People should be freaking out but most citizens are complicit in watching the earth crumble around them, and I think it’s mostly because of ignorance and a sense of not being important enough to make change. At this point, I don’t think people can say that they aren’t aware of the environmental crises our planet is facing every day. We are constantly bombarded about how awful our planet is doing and how fast we need to act in order to fix it, but most people aren’t doing anything to help. Yeah, people use reusable straws now I guess but that just is not enough. Change has to happen soon, but it needs to be big enough to make a difference as well. I think ignorance comes in to the conversation not in the fact that people do not know what the problem is, but rather that they do not know how to help. I understand why people feel like one person is not enough to make a change, but the reality of this situation is that any help matters. Creating your own compost bin is one more person composting in the world, which means there’s one more person creating healthy soil. And who knows, you might inspire your friend to start composting, and then maybe even your whole neighborhood. Change starts at the small scale and while it may not seem like enough, it leads to bigger reactions. I agree change on a small scale is not enough given the planets current circumstances, but any change at all is a start, and we need some small changes in order to spark a massive movement. In terms of energy, this means that more people need to start buying electric cars or taking public transportation, and supporting companies that provide clean, renewable energy. Without baby steps at the beginning, the solution to the energy crisis can’t start running, and we as a planet need the solution to start sprinting forward if we are ever going to have a chance to reverse the damage already done, and then continue to live sustainably.
Word Count: 1,310 Blog Question: How else can people make the switch to clean energy without switching to electric cars or solar energy? How can we hold corporations more responsible for the type of energy they are using and selling?
                                                  Works Cited
Bellan, R. (2018, October 16). The State of Electric Vehicle Adoption in the U.S. Retrieved from https://www.citylab.com/transportation/2018/10/where-americas-charge-towards-electric-vehicles-stands-today/572857/
Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data. (2017, April 13). Retrieved from https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/global-greenhouse-gas-emissions-data
Wales, M. (2018, November 01). The Cost of Renewable Energy Versus Fossil Fuels. Retrieved from https://www.naturespath.com/en-ca/blog/cost-renewable-energy-versus-fossil-fuels/
Walton, R. (2019, May 08). LA now biggest U.S. city to announce 100 percent renewable energy goals. Retrieved from https://www.power-eng.com/articles/2019/05/la-now-biggest-u-s-city-to-announce-100-percent-renewable-energy-goals.html
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leedanielsmmu · 4 years
Busy Busy Busy
Well evidently I have not been posting on here that much, at least not as much as I would usually like. I can only describe these times as “foggy” I am producing the same amount of work (if not more) that I usually do, but I definitely feel out of sync with my regular routine. I feel my local and the global circumstances are definitely at play there. Ill give you a summary of the progress I have made.
The first few days of the project (Tuesday onward) were definitely challenging. I was tasked with somewhat of a literature review on Gender and Status in Shakespeare’s histories. A literature review is nothing new to me, in fact I enjoy it, however the challenge came from the type of review I was encountering. My usual go-to are empirical studies, with methodologies, abstracts, findings, conclusions etc, but as I was dealing with social issues and literary interpretations I wasn’t seeing many of them. I was thankful that my Undergraduate years thus far have served me well in knowing what to look for even in these different reviews, however I was very grateful to come across a few empirical studies!
Friday came and that was the day where we all pooled together to go over what we had found and had written in our document (we had to review each piece and assign it a value on a traffic light system depending on its relevance). I was pretty nervous as I had only really spoken to Dawn briefly during an interview and I had never even met Dr Sean who was the other highly rated academic working on the project. I was particularly nervous at meeting my fellow students who had been accepted onto the project. I knew that they were not Linguistics based which would have provided me some benefit but they would have outranked me in their literary knowledge I believe. Ultimately, everyone was very friendly and it was almost an introductory session to get used to the system and each other. I feel that I handled myself well and got my confidence back.
I feel confidence is a real issue in these times. Its given my some insight into how I operate in regards to my self esteem. I am very much a creature of habit, I like to leave my home space and find a space separate to it (usually a cafe) where I can then concentrate fully. However, with everything being closed for so long it has thrown me through a loop! I haven’t noticed a drop in work rate and I still have the excitement and motivation when getting to grips with something or completing an assessment etc but my confidence in my abilities have certainly dwindled. It may be due to that lack of reassurance from other people, especially those who are well versed in that relevant area. It may be an area that I can develop on from these reflections, that autonomy and the ability to self-reassure. However I don’t want to become complacent!
For this next week, we have been given the task of using that literature review (and having that base formed) to then go and look for something to analyse. This is certainly my kind of task as I really enjoy pattern recognition, I feel that it is where my dissertation will lead me and beyond, and I will be using similar techniques. This males this current practice and experience priceless, and whats more is that I am loving it! There is a slight competitive edge on the task as I believe we will take votes on what avenue of study seems the most appealing which will then be featured in a published paper (if I remember right tbc) 
On that competitiveness, it is something that I must control. I am a competitive person but I must remember that ultimately I have gotten onto the internship and anything from here is a bonus. I feel it best to push that out of my head and focus my efforts into finding something really interesting and exciting! I think I have an idea but I will need to review it further!
I managed to get out today and sit at a cafe where I could concentrate. It did wonders for me and I feel that some of that fog has dissipated. I may do the same again tomorrow.
Ill do better at keeping this updated.
Ta for now,
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