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glamboyl · 5 months ago
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nodynasty4us · 3 months ago
Our most important newspapers don't think that's a story. To some extent, I think this is because they don't want to offend Republicans -- but I also think it's because they don't really care what happens outside the Acela Corridor (D.C. to Boston, or, more precisely, D.C. to Cambridge), and possibly L.A. and Silicon Valley. They send reporters on safaris to diners and say they're trying hard to understand "flyover country," but they don't send reporters to Republican-controlled state legislatures where deomocracy is being killed.
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mtviewmirror · 4 years ago
Do You Know About Congress?
Do You Know About Congress?
What do you know about Congress? I know that Congress makes our laws.    Congress has 2 bodies of representatives.  The representatives are Senators and House members who are elected by citizens of that state.  A Senator must be at least a  30 year old citizen and they must be a state resident.  A House member must be at least a 25 year old citizen and they must be a state resident.  The majority…
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jaynezak · 4 years ago
Best Countries For Expats Part 2
Best Countries For Expats Part 2
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Best Countries For Expats Part 2
“You are never too old to set another goal, or dream a new dream.” C.S.Lewis
Australiaseems like a perfect place to live – beautiful weather, shrimp on the barbie and kangaroos. Australians speak English and they are friendly and helpful. They have good health care and the outdoor lifestyle is similar to California. Australian TV is like American not British TV.…
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protoslacker · 7 years ago
Instead of clinging to the old left/right spectrum of political ideology—which reflects the centrality of “the market” and “the state” in organizing society—we need to entertain new narratives that allow us to imagine new drivers of governance, production and culture. In my personal work, I see the enormous potential of the commons as farmers and fisherpeople, urban citizens and Internet users, try to reclaim shared resources that have been seized to feed the capitalist machine—and to devise their own governance alternatives. In this, the commons is at once a paradigm, a discourse, a set of social practices, and an ethic.
David Bollier at P2P Foundation Blog, first in journal-e. Re-imaging Politics through the Lens of the Commons
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Yeah, and that's largely been corrected by now two and a half centuries later, and in turn that's pretty much what's now generating the populist demagogues from the demographic which the founding fathers regarded the "right" people. Insert the Churchill quote about deomocracy.
“When they drafted the Constitution, the Founders’ greatest fear was that a populist demagogue would flatter the mob, subvert American democracy and establish authoritarian rule. “The only path to a subversion of the republican system of the Country is, by flattering the prejudices of the people, and exciting their jealousies and apprehensions, to throw affairs into confusion, and bring on civil commotion,” Alexander Hamilton wrote to George Washington in 1792. “When a man unprincipled in private life[,] desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper … is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity … It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may ‘ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.’””
—  The Founding Fathers feared demagogues and hoped for civic virtue
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nanims7-blog · 5 years ago
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moonoverlondon · 8 years ago
Easily threatened?
PM lashing out is just
lack of confidence!
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angeleyes0101 · 8 years ago
Chaos Is A Fallen Angel Who Fell In Love With A Demon.
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grayrea · 2 years ago
Ok Universe, deomocracy. That means more rain
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thecureforscurvy · 8 years ago
Anti-protest laws: Protecting the people, or the government?
In recent years massive protests have been staged all around the nation and in response, 18 states have introduced anti-protest legislation. I know, some of you may be thinking “Good!”, and that protesting is an ineffective waste of time. On the other hand, some of you might be all for protesting, thinking it a result driven way to spread your message. Whatever your stance, I hope we can all agree that any proposed measures that seek to block or limit the right to free assembly are a direct encroachment on everyone’s civil rights.
Such legislation would not only infringe upon the First Amendment right to peacefully assemble but would also set a startling precedent for further governmental intrusion.
I know what you’re going to say, “the majority of these laws are aimed at protests that turn violent, block traffic or damage property.” While this in part is true, many of these proposed measures are also broader reaching than that. Arizona for instance, is looking to expand its racketeering laws to include, and broaden the scope of rioting.
At an organized event if even just one person were to break the law, all attendees could be charged with conspiracy and subject to prosecution under classifications as a criminal enterprise, effectively legalizing guilt by association. And who is to say it stops there? This bill could be tailored to suit any group or organization that happens to find itself the object of governmental disfavor. There are already laws in place against the obstruction of traffic, rioting and property damage so why is this necessary? What is to be gained by criminalizing all parties, rather than only the individual(s) who willfully sought to break the law? Censure. Anti-protest bills are designed to discourage the masses from criticizing their government over fear of criminal prosecution and monetary reprisal. However, if the governing body of the people is allowed to trespass on one set of rights, what is to prevent further trespasses on all rights? Whether the government likes it or not, those who wish to voice grievances or congregate to petition for a cause, must be allowed to do so for the sake of posterity.
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They thought they could burry us. They didn't know we were seeds.
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ramrodd · 4 years ago
Newt Gingrich, the Son of Man and the Rape of Congress.
It turns out, your corespondent was correct; Donald J; Trump has emerged as the Anti-Christ, constitutionally. He's actually not the Anti-Christ, but the more like King Saul: he is jealous of the actual contituntional Philosper-King, We, the People. He along with the Movement Conservatives who consider themselve the original Reananaucs, have been led astray by Newt Gingrich since he bagan his agenda to become Speaker of the House.Gringrich has been running an Trotsky-inspired political scam on America based on the formula for creating a domestic, internal insurgence leading to polarization, tribal confrontation, violent revolution and regime change by political coup.
As I recall, your correspondent referred to Daniel 3, Daniel 6 and Daniel 9. Daniel 7:12 is, or course, the Son of Man and the numerological triangulation of this guy's prophecy revolves around Obama when it started and Trump. The GOP has been engaged in a domestic insurgency since William F. Buckley, Jr, published his Sharon Statement and established Movement Conservatives like Rick WIlson, Nicole Wallace, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham through his farm system for engaging and developing people with the same crypto-Nazi cogintive organization as Mike Pompeo, Mick Malverny and Tom Cotton and give them a lucrative career advancing a Newty's program of insurgency as useful idiots.
Now, we have had an election where that prophecy is being played out in real time on Twitter until the Rape of Congress by Trump's followers, who are almost entirely useful idiots who add mass to the demonstration, but at the tip of that lynch mob, the Proud Boys,/white supremacists/ Q-ANON conspiracy to inspire a race war, Virtually all of them are Pro-Life.
Pro-Life is the Anti-Christ.
Now, the people around Obama/Biden were engaged in the Democratic Socialsm of Jefferson Deomocracy as reformed by the 13th Amendment. The numerology of the 13th Amendment, is the same numerology as the Son of God in Daniel 7:13,  That is, Jesus is very often attached to the number 13 in some way as either the finger of God, Himself (which Jesus most certainly was) or it was the finger of God, Itself. It is just a consitent figure of speack in the entire narrative of the Bible, from "In the Beginning" to Amen in Revelation. Numerology is a signpost installed by God from the very first and over the centuries. In that regard, it is perfectly inerrant.
And I couldn't explaing this to you in this manner if the Arabs hadn't invented the numerological symbot for "nothing" Zero/0. Zero doesn't exist, numerologically, in the narrative of the Bible (or anywhere in the Judeo-Christian literature, codified and uncodified,  as a concept, until the Romans showed up. Everbody used alphabets that had originated out of number after Melchezidek came along. He was part of the guild associated with the Magi of Matthew.  This guild apparently  spread out across the Mediterrean and planted some seeds of wisdom gleaned from the systematic application of process theology to the universe as it unfolds out infront of us. The big change they made was to introduce 9 base numerology to replace the 8 base numerology of the Egyptian priests, which had produced the social economic structues based on building pyramids as important scientific observations of the firmament. Intellectually, 8 base numerology is a cul-de-sac and becomes decadent. It's a closed system economics, zero-sum/engineering/gold-based banking that was preventing the globalization of the capitalism the Roman empire brought to the world. I mean, there was stuff that began to occur at that moment, when the seed of 9 base numerology began to grow in Abraham's imagination, to Bretton Woods. This is the thing about Elizabeth Warren: she is hooked into that righteous banking model.
But it really became jet propelled when Islam inventing Zero/0 as a useful symbol of accounting. And the only thing that has prevented this rigtheous banking system to take mankind to Space is everything connected with William F. Buckley's Sharon Statement of 1960 but creating the Tsusamie of the Rape of Congress on 7 January 2021.  
Remember Daniel, Chapter 7, where the Finger of God designates the Son of God. 7 very often is used as a lightening rod where the lightening from the Finger of God will enter into history as a Sign. So, Daniel 7:13 is the place where the Finger of God sets the process in motion to produce The Cross and Daniel 7:13 the Finger of God has touch America with divine intent and produce the Rape of Congress that can be traced from 1960 through Speaker Gingrich to Steve Bannon to 7 January 2021, God created a lightening rod to expose the working of Satan in the American body politic and that agency is Newt Gingrich. Trump just happened to be his marionnette.
Trump didn't become a crime boss until he won the election with intellectual property his Moscow partners in the 2013 Miss Universe Contest stole from the DNC and Clinton campaign by committing treason with a transnational crime consortium.. They've had him by the balls the whole time and Putin has nothing to do with it.
Now, the only question in my mind was how much coordination went on between Gingrich, Bannon and this transnation criminal consortius which is currently has America under seige with a Nory based cyber-attach trying to look like it's coming out of the Kremlin. This is the reason for the structural polarization Newty's political strategy creates, to overthrow Congress and the federal government.  I mean, if you've read Atlas Shrugged, she describes exactly what Newt Gingrich has been doing since he got into politics: Newty is the answer to "Who is John Galt".
Virutally all Libertarians have been useful idiots for this insurgency since they began attending YAF meetings and the C-PAC convention annually. It's like Comic-Con or a Trekkie or AmWay convention only focused on reinforcing the Virtue of Selfishness, Public Choice economics and narcissism the new righteousness. The basic Pro-Life Evangelical community family values.
All the Pro-Life Evangelical warriors who participated in the Rape of Congress pretty well define the right-wing useful idiot, while the people who Trump launched down Pennsylvania Avenue as a shot below the warterline of The Constitutional Ship of State, the basic cannon foder led by peoole being financed by the transnationa criminal constortium with Euro-dollar black mone being laundered through PayPal and Patreon.
How can you tell the difference between the cash flows of the Koch brothers to the Prouc Boy insurgency and Vory drug money?
You can't. That is one of the functions of Citizens United: it's all green. It goes into Meta Chruchs like First Presbyterian and, from my perspective, shouldn't be stopped. The fact is, we need to repartriate these black eurodollars to repair the damage done by the pandemic and whatever damage the Trump administration has done to the US Economy, which scares me in connection with the connection between John Galt and the potential collapse of American finances that was avoided in 2008.
And your coorespondent intuited the Finger of God in contemporary American politics by a using a narrative 2500 years old employing the numerology of the Bible. My biggest complaint about Christian apologetics is that it is just another version of the Marxist dialectic historic deconstruction that became the dominant paradigm in the 60s cultural wars (and continuing). History is a forensic science, like the practice of law, and in, Christian apologetics, history is superior to narrative/literature as a social construct.  And, as a literature major, that pisses me off.  Before history could congeal to abstract reconstruction, narrative IS. In the Beignning was the Word and history emerged from one of the ribs of the Word by way of narrative.
And before the Word was in the mind of God, Number IS. I Am that I Am: number the stars if you can.
And, again, Islam provides an essential validation of number in the mind of The One (as is presented in Revelation 4.2) in Sura 74:30 "And above it is 19" employing symbols I can employ to explain how number works as a figure of speach and a jewel in the fabric of Scripture. All that tapestry is lost in historical reconstruction because it doesn't seem to be evidence that can be defended in a court of law or a PhD defense.
But there it is. You have been praying all your life of a sign from God and now you have one: the Rape of Congress on 7 January 2021, as I write this 7 days and a wake-up from a constitutionally processed peaceful Change of Command.
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obsessivelollipoplalala · 6 years ago
I love seeing a post that makes no god damn sense, going on the blog, and then seeing the person hates Dems/doesn’t vote lol like, people are so predictable
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thoughtfullysassynight · 6 years ago
Q. 1. Discuss how deomocracy and development are related to each other.
Q. 1. Discuss how deomocracy and development are related to each other.
1. Discuss how deomocracy and development are related to each other.
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protoslacker · 8 years ago
That apparent top-level indifference, coupled with a failure to fill key jobs at the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies, has resulted in a government paralyzed by inaction when it comes to protecting the next election, experts and government officials told NBC News.
Ken Dilanian, Hallie Jackson, Likhitha Butchireddygari and Gabriela Martinez at NBC News. Trump White House Has Taken Little Action To Stop Next Election Hack
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