#dentist yuma
gilaridgedental · 9 months
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andteambabies · 2 years
can you do soft &team headcannons <3
anything is ok <3 thank you
Of course! I’ll try to make more! I just need more time to write! I have hard time trying to keep up with other tumblr accounts too!😅 Anyway this one is for you🫶🏻💞
♡𝐻𝑜𝓌 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓉𝓌𝑜 𝓂𝑒𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒻𝒾𝓇𝓈𝓉 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒💗
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• you two met in a park that is next to your apartment.
• He was studying to be a doctor and you to be a dentist.
• You walk your puppy every morning around the park.
• One day your puppy starts to run and bark in one direction making you follow her since you holding onto her leash.
• Then your puppy stopped in front of a man that was bending down with a dog treat in his hand. You notice he also has a tiny puppy on his side.
• Then he looks up at you and stands up.
• He bows. "Hi, I'm Kei," You couldn't help to stare at him for a long time. You swear you fell in love with this stranger.
• "hello, I'm YN, and by the way, those are my dog's favorite treat," you grin at him as he smiles widely at you. "My dog's too..." he pets his puppy.
• His eyes and your eyes are glued to each other.
• "Hey, Yuma! Come over here! I have to introduce you to my sister!" The guy said pulling Fuma towards the table where you were sitting with your cousins.
• "Hey YN, meet my best friend Fuma! He is studying for a lawyer!" Your brother said standing beside the tall handsome man.
• "wow he looks like an actor, he is so handsome and a lawyer!"You thought soon bowing at him.
• " Wow, a lawyer! A handsome lawyer~" you complimented as the man named Fuma grinned sheepishly and blush at your words. "Thank you," he said timidly scratching his other forearm.
• "she's so pretty...I never thought his sister would be this beautiful " Yuma thought as his eyes look deeper into your eyes.
• You also did not take your eyes off him for the entire night.
• and neither did he.
• His a tattoo artist.
• And you are his favorite customer.
• You won't come to the tattoo place if Nicho isn't there. Besides him being a professional at his job, he knows how to have a good and fun conversation with you so he can distract you from the pain.
• Also you like him a lot! But he does not know! Right...?
• "here she comes, my favorite beautiful and sexy customer," he thinks to himself and smirks as he goes back to organize his room.
• Yes. You two met in the tattoo shop.
• He works at the coffee shop as his afternoon part-time job and has plenty of experience.
• You are a new associate and he is going to train you on your first day.
• Once you walk inside the store, a tall boy waves at you from the register with a sweet and beautiful grin. "Hey, YN! I'm Euijoo, and I'll be training you, any questions?" He raises his eyebrows.
• You couldn't speak due to his beauty that hypnotized you. So you nod.
• "she's attractive and seems nice...I'm sure we'll be good friends" He thought as he immediately like you on day one.
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• He taps on your shoulder and you turn around.
• Once, eyes lock with each other, everything around you two turns pink, and tiny sparkling hearts burst into the air.
• "Is this love at first sight?" Both of you thought.
• " u-uh, can I also get a copy?" He asked trying to avoid your eyes acting awkwardly.
• You gulped down your throat. "Y-yeah! Of course!" You give him a copy of the school's form. You look at his hand and not into his eyes.
• once he walks away, you feel your heart at peace again. "Wow, his cute!" You mumbled to yourself.
• " I think I like her..." he whispered to himself as he walks back to his friends.
• You were at the convenience store buying ramen.
• You weren't not paying attention as you pass by the refrigerators and you bump into a tall kid.
• He turns around to look at you and you swear that your heart wanted to explode. "He is so cute...." You thought.
• "Is he even real? He looks like he just came out from an anime show"
• He looks away from you awkwardly and walks off. "I know her, I think she's in my class, the one that always sits in the back...wow, I've never seen her face. She's cute...WAIT! Do I think she's cute!?" He panics and immediately leaves the store. Meanwhile, you just stand there in love as if you were hypnotized by him.
• You were getting bullied and he was watching everything.
• He always knew what was going on with you. He would see it every day in the cafeteria. Nobody would dare to stand up for you.
• He felt bad seeing one kid suffer while the others watch but never help so if he wants to see a difference he thought he should be the first one to do it.
• "Oi!" He yelled at the girls and boys bullying you. "Leave her alone!" He said as he grab your hand and pull you from all of them.
• Once the two of you were in a safe place alone both of you look at each other's faces. KABOOM! LOVE!
• "He looks like a prince...my hero..." you thought.
• " I'm Harua," he smiled sweetly at you. " I have a video of them hurting you, and we are going to tell the principal, just stay by my side we'll protect you" he pats your head.
• You two met outside of your two-story house.
• You were in front of the window of your room, playing with your cat.
• He was walking by but stop to tie his shoelaces.
• You went to do something else and your cat was sitting above the window, with a small slip, he fell off your window.
• You only heard a "meow!" you panic and screamed in fear.
• You run towards the window and see a boy holding your cat. " I catch her!" The young boy smiles happily. You run down and outside to get your kitty. "Thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you! You saved her!" You grab your car and kiss her head.
• " What's your name?" You ask the boy, thinking he's cute.
• He scratches the back of his head. "Taki! And yours?" He asked feeling curious if you.
• "I'm YN, I need to pay you back for saving her life, she's important to me, anything you need, knock on my door!" You wink and left the boy blushing.
• You are his new neighbor.
• You are a new student at the school.
• He knocks on your door with his mom beside him. Food on his hands.
• You open the door, and your eyes look at the woman and then at the young boy beside her. "Isn't that Maki?"
• "Hi! We want to welcome you and your family to this beautiful neighborhood with our good and kind people," the woman said sweetly. "Yeah and we made food for you guys!" Maki smile. "His smile is so pretty..." You thought.
• " thank you! Come in!" You open the door widely for them to walk inside. Your eyes are on Maki as walk in. " let's be good friends" he winks at you and proceeds to walk.
• You fell in love with him again.
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cryptid-pet · 8 months
Blood for Treasure
Caruki >>> Azushin Merman Au >>>
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The water kept in a tank will never be compared to water in the ocean. Nothing vast and full of life compares to plastic and fake stones, the dyed fake plants that give the tacky look like in a dentist office. It’s already been painful with the separation of family, no exact contact being at aid. Considering the blessing of not being captured by a butcher, which wouldn’t be pleasant, being under the eyes of the Hunter Brother’s was the second worst.
Check it off the list, maybe the hope will sink in, but the list has been empty with no method to escape the surface. Like a broken ark, there’s no overzone. Just hearing the conversations among Shin and Carla was enough to add to Ruki’s awareness that the slim chance of getting to the ocean alive might be impossible. It’s been two weeks since he and Azusa got separated after the capture, leading to unnecessary worries sinking in. Even if there wouldn’t be a physical encounter, a visual for the brothers to see one another would be great nonetheless, a gift.
The couple tries to break the glass and almost got Ruki killed as many death threats were sent to him. He needs to get out of here, him and Azusa. Of course, he’s worried for Kou and Yuma, who barely can keep civil without a fight breaking out over a clam. Stress and unwanted thoughts kept slipping through the cracks. 
Nighttime came and Shin was granted permission to take the boat on his own, whereas Carla would keep in his study. The goal of Carla is to cure his illness, past attempts and visits from differ places diagnosed with the disease he had to be untreatable. Same with Yuma and Kou, Shin wouldn’t know what to do if Carla wasn’t around, only knowing what he’d want to see or expect from his younger brother; Carla is what keeps Shin going.
For once, Ruki was able to sleep, relying on the mini updates about Azusa as his medication to knock him out peacefully. For the first time within a couple weeks, he hasn’t seen Carla within the twenty four hour day.
Deep in a slumber, nothing, yet something, could disturb the merman. The time changed to two in the morning the following day, and Carla was still doing his research at the moment.
No way he was ready to rest, he never dared to bat an exhausted eye.This illness of his was killing him, mentally and physically. He’s desperate at this point, going for the past five years to make no progress. The research finding was more brutal compared to the poison flowing through the veins. Nothing was wrong with coming up with new solutions and ideas, and Carla went with that. He absolutely took the bullet, and dodged it too.
Meanwhile, back in the closed, secured room, Ruki slowly woke up to the sound of someone entering the room. He’s grateful enough that the tank he was casually dropped into was able to hold his long, silky body.
Such a metal and solid material door slams with an echo as Carla appears in the room, the braid once in his hair taken out and splayed smoothly down along his dorsal.
“Are you awake?” He asked, taking a glance over at the filled tank.
Ruki squints with the broad lighting from above flickering on, “Are you asking me if I’m ready for you to harass me once more?” He sassed, tapping a sharpened nail at the glass with a sway to the tail, “No, I am not awake.”
“Do not get on my nerves, Mukami.” Carla states, approaching. “I am at my limit where you simply lie around dainty and still to sleep, whereas I must keep going for a profit.”
“A profit you get paid for taking my brother and I from our homes, indeed, you are getting paid good.”
It’s true, Carla was ready to snap like he hasn’t already. His composure doesn’t faltar, nor do his reactions to Ruki’s smartass mouth.
“You ARE aware of what time it is? You WILL cooperate with me without further notice, WITHOUT hesitation.”
“Haven’t we given you and Shin enough?” Ruki questioned, being genuine. “You took blood samples, scale samples, and even chipped off one of our teeths for testing, what else could you possibly require?”
“A cure,” Carla spoke, getting up on the step stool beside the tank to open it from above, “I am taking you out, do not resist me.”
“And where are you planning to keep me? In a museum?”
“Do not make this more difficult than it has to be.” With that, Carla found himself literally dragging Ruki by an arm to lift from the water.
He’s strong, but Ruki is stronger thanks to his canal fin thrashing around. After a few minutes of struggle, Carla carried Ruki out of the room and into the lab-like room the merman disliked very much. Like earning lethal injection for a death sentence, Ruki was sat uncomfortably and strapped in a chair, swaying his tail in a brief attempt to grow adjusted.
Carla already started getting himself situated, the elastic on his wrist being used to put his hair up so it wouldn’t get in his face. He notices how Ruki stares intensely at him, like a predator watching over its prey.
“You stare with no fear, are you used to this treatment?”
“What is the valid point of expressing fear?” Ruki tilted his head, “I already know you and your brother get a kick from it.”
“Please,” Carla went through a drawer to find gloves, “Understandable on Shin’s behalf, but do not group me with him.”
“But he is your brother, correct?”
“Yes, but we’re not alike under some sections.” Carla ended up clarifying, shortly returning to stand in front of Ruki. He eyes him, examining; “Your stitches haven’t healed fully, so doing any further cutting along a strong tail would be absurd.”
“You never specified what you needed EXACTLY from my body,” Ruki mentioned, huffing, “You want something such as a urine sample?”
“Your urine is the last thing that will ever become an interest, even though it would be worth money.”
“Then what is it?”
“I want more blood samples,” Carla came beside Ruki this time and started gingerly keading and poking at his upper arm. Ruki doesn’t flinch or resist. “Unlike the four tubes we took from your brother, I’ll be taking triple the amount from you.”
“Twelve tubes of blood?” Ruki asked, “You want TWELVE tubes of MY blood? For what type of documents is this required for?”
“None of your business, the most I shall tell you is it’s for me, only me.”
Creepy enough for those having a fear of getting their blood drawn, imagine twelve tubes. Once the needle is in, surely nobody can feel it outside of the tiny pinch. These needles, unlike in a doctor's office or hospital, were bigger with longer tips. Easily, the nerves would feel every ounce of said needle sinking through the flesh, it kills.
Before Ruki could say another word to form another question, his head was turned to one side forcefully, his teeth gritting. Unlike trying to find a vein along a limb, Carla was trying to go for the neck, where blood isn’t normally drawn from.
“Loosen yourself up,” Carla demanded, extending an arm to the trey nearby on the counter to reach a syringe, “It’ll be painless if you cooperate with me.”
“I refuse, ESPECIALLY with the lack of information you won’t give to me,” Ruki tried to resist against a compelling force, though Carla has more upper body strength than him.
No fear shows by any means, mentally? Of course, the merman indeed has fear mentally for his santiy. It would be an overload of feelings, and that would begin to tank on someone’s health in every catergory. Without realizing at first, an echo of a grunt, a yell in addition, echoed through the hall from the lab. 
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goji-pilled · 2 years
MK-S: Yuma and Nagisa brief sketch/skit/scene with Dark Souls:
Yuma: “And that is how to beat Gaping Dragon in under 90 seconds with no damage.”
Nagisa: “…This is not what I was hoping for when you told me you wanted to ‘show me a cheese’…”
Yuma: *Pulls out a yellow block from her pocket.* “I also got you a block of cheddar from the grocery store.”
Nagisa: “You rock sis!” *Nom-Nom* “So, what does-man that’s good-what’s the Dentist Nightmare Monster drop anyway?”
Yuma: “Key to BlightTown.”
Nagisa: “Where’s that?”
Yuma: “It’s that locked door next to the sewer merchant.”
Nagisa: “Why does a sewer dragon have the key to that?”
Yuma: “I don’t know, maybe it ate the custodian?”
Nagisa: “…Heh. That…that actually makes a lot of things make sense for a lot of enemy drops.”
This originally just started as a play on exploiting a weakness aka “cheesing” a boss (for anyone unfamiliar with the use of the word in this context.)
Yuma the Dark Souls expert... never knew I needed that in my life
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maxxtrails · 4 months
Sunday of Their Visit
What is a visit to Yuma without visiting Los Algodones so that is where we headed on Sunday. Sunday is always a good day to go visit because it is not as busy. Many of the dentist, optical, and even pharmacies are closed. Our daughter and grandson were a little confused when we walked right into Mexico without having to go through any official checkpoint but it does look like that may change in…
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Dental clinic
Known as the global epicenter of medical tourism, Los Algodones entices over 1 million visitors annually for quality dentistry at dramatic discounts. With savings between 50-75% off US prices, Americans and Canadians flock across the border to access major dental treatment for a fraction of the cost back home.
But like any trip requiring border crossings, medical care abroad, and navigating an unfamiliar town, proper planning helps ensure a smooth and successful visit. Follow these top tips when traveling to Los Algodones for your own dental work.
Research Dentists Thoroughly
The most vital preparatory step is identifying a qualified, reputable dentist to perform your treatment. While options abound given the sheer density of dentists in Algodones, recognizing expertise makes all the difference.
When researching providers, look for:
Board certifications by Mexican dental associations
Modern clinic with advanced technology
English fluency among dentists and assistants
Warranties on dental work
Checking online reviews can further validate quality. A little research upfront ensures your savings get applied to excellent care.
Schedule Appointments in Advance
Given constant visitor demand, you’ll want to book appointments with your chosen dentist 6-8 weeks out minimum, earlier if coordinating specialties. This provides sufficient time to get on the schedule when you need.
Many top dentists book solid for months in advance. So line up your slot before finalizing travel plans around your dental dates.
Understand Logistics & Options for Crossing the Border
Algodones sits directly across the border from Andrade, California and the suburbs of Yuma, Arizona. Several entry points provide access:
Andrade Port of Entry
Drive straight across the border from Andrade then park in one of the Algodones lots
Often has the shortest wait times by car
Limited parking on the Mexico side
San Luis Port of Entry
Drive to San Luis Rio Colorado, park then walk across the border
Features extensive parking lots with security
Yuma Entry Points
Park in lots on the Arizona side then walk across one of the pedestrian border crossings
Requires tolerating summer heat when walking back post-dental visit
Each option has pros and cons around parking availability, wait times, and convenience balancing driving and walking distances.
Fortunately, most dental tourism agencies will handle border transportation logistics for you as part of packaged deals. But understanding the basics still helps in case you need to advise on preferred crossing points.
Gather Travel Documents & Consider Logistics
Since you’ll be crossing into Mexico, ensure you have:
Valid passport - While not an official requirement, passports provide the best assurance for smooth crossing back into the US.
Mexico tourist visa - The standard visa received upon border entry allows you to remain in Mexico for up to 180 days. However, check current policies in case exceptional circumstances like COVID emerged since the time of writing.
Additionally think through:
COVID requirements - Testing or vaccination proof requirements have eased substantially but verify the latest with your airline as policies evolve.
Driving vs flying - If driving, check current wait times via webcams so you don’t get stuck for hours when in dental discomfort. If flying, research airport transportation options for the 25 minute ride.
Accommodations - If staying overnight, reserve a hotel on the US side for ease of border crossing. Or inquire with your dentist about recovery stays if needing substantial procedures.
Handling logistics ahead of appointments makes focusing on dental care itself that much simpler once you arrive.
Arrange Payment & Financing Upfront
One of the top advantages of Mexican dental care means accommodating various budgets and payment capacities. Most Algodones dentists accept:
Major credit/debit cards
Third-party healthcare financing programs like CareCredit offering 12, 24 or 36 month payment plans at reasonable interest rates
Discuss payment expectations, options and pricing during your consultation. Having a clear sense of complete costs and payment breakdowns upfront enables moving forward confidently with treatment.
Some aspects that influence price include:
Your insurance coverage - some US dental plans partially reimburse treatment abroad
Complexity of your dental issues and necessary procedures
Types of materials used for implants, crowns, dentures etc
Understanding the full costs helps verify the dramatic savings still justify travel while avoiding surprise bills.
Book Hotels or Timeshares in Nearby Cities
While you can visit Algodones within a day trip due to its proximity to border cities, staying overnight often makes for a more relaxed experience, especially after extensive dental work.
Nearby lodging options include:
Andrade, CA
Small town with limited amenities but some motels available
Offers easiest border access right into Algodones
Yuma, AZ
Features familiar chain hotels and restaurants
Requires tolerating desert summer heat if walking from border
San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico
Very affordable hotels convenient if crossing here
Risk getting caught in long southbound border queues
Additionally, timeshares often sell unwanted nights at deep discounts in various Southwest cities if wanting spacious condo-style accommodations, resort amenities and kitchens.
No matter your budget or preferences, ample suitable lodging exists within minutes of accessing care in Algodones.
Arrange Secure Parking on the US Side
If driving your own vehicle instead of using shuttle services, you may worry about leaving it unattended all day on the Mexico side while visiting dentists.
Fortunately, several secure, reputable parking lots operate mere steps from the border crossings. For less than $10 per day, you can walk across carefree knowing your vehicle remains protected.
Some lots even offer free transportation to walk across the border then back to your parked car afterwards. This makes driving yourself more feasible.
Just remember to remove valuables and log your parking spot location to easily find your car upon your return.
Get Proper Rest & Hydration Before Appointments
Given extensive wait times at border crossings, waking up very early to arrive by 6 or 7am proves unnecessary. You’ll likely wait idle for hours if arriving that early.
Instead, properly hydrate the day before while getting sufficient sleep - difficult with anticipation of major dental work, but vitally important. This allows you to wake at reasonable hours for your scheduled dental appointment while avoiding grogginess.
Pack water and snacks to keep energy levels up while waiting or walking between destinations under the blazing desert sun. Feeling your best before treatment minimizes discomfort.
What to Expect Upon Arriving
If you haven’t visited before, brace yourself for the vibrant chaos of Algodones. As a tiny border town reliant on dentist tourism, endless rows of pharmacies, opticians, souvenir shops, restaurants and dental clinics cram into just a few compact blocks.
Sidewalks overflow with visitors from abroad mingling with dentists and shop owners hoping to draw you into their establishments. You’ll also notice a significant police and army presence helping maintain order and safety.
While the mass of blaring music, solicitors, and general sensory overload may surprise you initially, focus instead on the excitement of finally achieving your beautiful smile at great savings.
In Summary - Plan Then Save
With the right planning and savvy border crossings, Los Algodones offers the convenience American and Canadians need to finally access affordable, high quality dentistry just a short trip away.
Research dentists thoroughly based on credentials, technology and patient reviews. Schedule appointments for your planned travel dates months in advance.
Understand your dentist’s pricing and financing options to anticipate complete costs. Line up the necessary documents like passports and tourist visas for smooth border entries.
Most importantly - arrange trusted transportation and lodging to ease any hassles so you can fully focus on your dental health, comfort and outcomes.
Take control of your health, budget and smile by scheduling an initial dental consultation in Los Algodones today. We'll handle the logistics for you!
Los Algodones Dentists Guide
As the leading dental tourism agency helping visitors access care in Los Algodones and across Mexico, Los Algodones Dentists Guide makes the process easy through:
Dentist referrals & appointments scheduled for your dates
Transport coordination across the border
Accommodation booking & travel planning
Bilingual concierge services on the ground
Learn more about how we help visitors save thousands on treatments from cosmetic dentistry to full mouth restorations. Contact us for your free quote and appointment today!
Los Algodones Dentists Guide C. Tercera 161 Vicente Guerrero Mexicali, B.C. 21970, Mexico 928-224-4024
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southdentalcenter · 1 year
How to Find a Good Dentist in Mexico?
Finding a good dentist in Mexico might seem like a difficult task, but if you live near the US-Mexico border it might be easier.
In Los Algodones, a border city near Yuma in Arizona, you will find the best options for the treatment you require.
Although there are many options, the best of all is South Dental Center where you will have first class care at a very low price compared to clinics in the United States.
Finding us is very easy, we are minutes from the border crossing between Mexico and the United States.
You can schedule your appointment from our website, either by mail or on any of the lines we have available for Mexico and the United States.
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cookorthodontics · 1 year
Utilize Invisalign to Straighten Your Smile in Yuma, Arizona: The Straightest Way to Perfect Teeth
With Invisalign, straightening your teeth and getting a beautiful smile is easier than ever. In this blog post, we will discuss how Invisalign can effectively and discreetly straighten your teeth in Yuma, Arizona.
Recognizing Invisalign:
Find out how the cutting-edge Invisalign system works. Invisalign uses a progression of clear, uniquely designed aligners that step by step shift your teeth into the ideal position. These aligners are basically imperceptible, offering a tactful and agreeable orthodontic arrangement.
Advantages of Invisalign:
Find out the advantages of using Invisalign to straighten your teeth. Because the aligners in Invisalign are removable, you can eat your favorite foods and brush and floss as usual. Additionally, the clear aligners are comfortable, minimizing the irritation that is frequently associated with conventional braces. In addition, the treatment with Invisalign typically requires fewer dental appointments for adjustments.
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Locating a provider of Invisalign in Yuma, Arizona:
Find out how to locate an Invisalign provider in Yuma, Arizona. Look for Invisalign-certified dentists and orthodontists in your area. Look for professionals with years of experience who have a good track record of Invisalign cases that went well and have good customer reviews.
The Treatment Process for Invisalign:
Learn about the Invisalign treatment procedure step-by-step. Your dentist or orthodontist will examine your oral health during a consultation to determine whether Invisalign is right for you. In order to create your individual aligners, digital impressions or molds will be taken. You will then receive a series of aligners to wear throughout the treatment period.
Taking Pleasure in Private Orthodontic Care:
Find out how Invisalign can improve your orthodontic experience and how discreet it is. Invisalign aligners, in contrast to conventional braces, are virtually undetectable, allowing you to straighten your teeth without drawing attention to yourself. For those who would rather have their orthodontic treatment done in a more discrete manner, this is especially helpful.
Using Invisalign to Maintain Oral Hygiene:
Comprehend that keeping up with great oral cleanliness during Invisalign treatment is so natural. You can continue brushing and flossing your teeth as usual because the aligners are removable. Throughout the course of your treatment, this ensures optimal dental health by preventing plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum disease.
Maintaining Your Progress:
Understand the significance of wearing retainers following Invisalign treatment. Retainers assist with keeping up with the new arrangement of your teeth, keeping them from moving back to their unique positions. To keep your smile straight, your dentist or orthodontist will tell you how often to wear your retainers.
With Invisalign, you can straighten your teeth perfectly and have a confident smile in no time. If you're looking for orthodontic treatment in Yuma, Arizona, Invisalign might be a good option for you. Start your journey to a smile that is perfectly aligned by working with a reputable Invisalign provider in your area. You can have straight teeth and better oral health with Invisalign, and you can feel confident throughout the process.
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pvpds-blog · 1 year
Arizona Dental Plans - How To Save Big On Dental Care In Arizona
Good Arizona dental plans have now become much easier to get than in the past. Not that they weren't "easy" to get before mind you, but the quality of dental plans in Arizona has gotten much better and much more affordable, especially in areas of the Phoenix metropolitan area,including Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Scottsdale, Tempe, Glendale, Sun City, Sun City West, etc., along with other major Arizona cities like Tucson, Flagstaff, Yuma and more.
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You can pretty much take your pick between traditional dental insurance and dental discount plans for routine maintenance and you'll pay a comparable amount for each. However, if you are in need of a dentist right away, I highly recommend that you look at the dental discount plans instead. The reason that I say this is because dental insurance plans, although they are "decent" for routine dental care like cleanings, x-rays, flouride treatments, etc, they do NOT cover pre-existing conditions without a long waiting period. This waiting period is usually at least 12 months and in some cases even more. Also, many companies will still not cover you 100% for a pre-existing condition EVEN AFTER the waiting period is over.
Dental discount plans are not insurance. They are simply a discounted service for dental care in exchange for paying for your visit in full at the time of the appointment. You pay an annual fee as low as $80 for an individual or as low as $150 for a family plan, after which you'll be able to see a dentist within one to three days. There are no exclusions, pre-existing conditions are fine and you'll receive huge discounts of anywhere between 10% and 60% on major dental care like dentures, root canals, bridge work, orthodontics and much more. Some, not all, but some discount dental plans even provide discounts on cosmetic dentistry.
If you live in Arizona and are in need of a good dental plan, I highly recommend that you take a good look at dental discount plans first, especially if you are in pain right now.
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Danganronpa : Purgatory Pals (A Danganronpa x Ghost and Pals AU)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iIYg8X7
by coiorbars
Say and Arc run from the cops, but are unexpectedly knocked out, and are now waking up in a luxury room. How did they get here? Who took them here? And, more importantly, how do they get out?
Words: 136, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: GHOST | GHOST and Pals (Musician), Dangan Ronpa AU - Fandom, The Chattering Lack Of Common Sense - GHOST | GHOST and Pals (Song), Hyperdontia - GHOST | GHOST and Pals (Song), Novocaine - GHOST | GHOST and Pals (Song), Appetite of a People-Pleaser - GHOST | GHOST and Pals ft. v4 flower (Song), literally almost every song currently on ghosts page
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Say (GHOST and Pals), Tooth Hurty (GHOST and Pals), Arc (GHOST and Pals), Yuma (Scapegoat), Appetite of a People Pleaser | Obsequious (GHOST and Pals), Trash Dentist (GHOST and Pals), Macne Nana (GHOST and Pals), Crazy Town Maika (GHOST and Pals), Kennith Simmons, Bri Rodez, The Distortionist | Christopher Pierre, Candle Queen (GHOST and Pals), Tamari (Qualia Automata), It’s Dark | Oliver (GHOST and Pals)
Additional Tags: How Do I Tag, i wanted to mix my two interests, damn you Danganronpa lapse, i love ghost and pals, anyway actual tags begin now, Alternate Universe, Fan Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa), characters all belong to their original creator, Character Death, protagonist uses they/them, Say Carnes is the Protagonist btw, Tags May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Are Hard
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iIYg8X7
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gilaridgedental · 10 months
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greyslickthevan · 2 years
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Los Algodones, Mexico: A quick 20 minute drive from Yuma and a short walk across the border, this charming little town known as “Molar City” is a great place to get dental work for cheap! I went because I had to get a crown, and all I had to pay was $250 cash! They had the crown made in 24 hours so I was able to go back the next day and have it put in. I highly recommend coming here for dental work. DM me for my dentist’s info. 🦷🦷🦷 (at Algodones, Baja California, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkmUuA-P4bX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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24 Hour Dentist In Yuma 85364
Emergency Dental Service is an online resource for patients that are experiencing a dental-related emergency. Emergency Dentists are open during off-peak hours and weekends to help patients find a same-day or next-day appointment. Our services include direct scheduling with dental providers, insurance verification, discounted dental plans, and dental financing for emergencies, specialty, and cosmetic dental procedures.  You can contact us at (866) 673-1188 in any type of 24 Hour Dentist In Yuma 85364.
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yuma-smiles · 3 years
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Dentist Yuma AZ
Dr. Sam Carroll, DMD and his excellent dental team strive daily to offer you a superior dental experience from the moment you walk in the door. Yuma Smiles Dentist Yuma dental office staff are caring and willing to listen to your concerns. We offer thorough examinations to ensure you are getting the best dental care possible, and we have a gentle touch during treatment to keep you relaxed and comfortable. When you visit Dr. Carroll's office, you are a part of our dental family, and we treat you like a family member! Yuma Smiles Dentist Yuma, AZ. Visit us today!
Contact Us
Yuma Smiles 550 E 32nd St #6 Yuma, AZ 85365 (928) 723-1266 https://yumasmiles.com/
External Links:
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southdentalcenter · 1 year
Los Algodones Dentist Prices and services you can get
Something that distinguishes the Dental Capital of the World are the Los Algodones dentist prices, accompanied by the high quality of the service they offer. This causes patients from the cities closest to the border and even from other countries to come here for dental treatment that in their city would be more expensive and not as good.
For this reason, in this new blog post, we will talk to you, first, about Los Algodones dentist prices and, later, about the services we offer. It is important to clarify at this point that the costs in this blog are of a general average; If you want to know the cost of our care, send us a message and we will give you all the information you require.
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We will give you these costs mainly because it is more complicated for you to make a comparison of all the clinics in the city. In this way, it will be easier for you to realize that Los Algodones dentist prices are drastically lower than in your city and that investing in traveling here is better than doing it where you live.
Los Algodones Dentist Prices comparison
Dental tourism may not be well known in the rest of the world; But, Los Algodones dentist prices make this a reality for the dental capital of the world. Every day, thousands of people who live in cities like Yuma, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and even Canada, come to Los Algodones for quality dental service at a very low cost.
If you find it a little hard to believe that Los Algodones dentist prices are this low, then we will give you an approximate of them and compare them with those commonly offered in clinics in the United States. In this way, you will be able to realize that spending on a trip here to perform any dental treatment you need:
Dental implants and all-on-4 implants
The placement of dental implants is one of the most sought after treatments by American patients at South Dental Center. Although, depending on the treatment, the price will change with the Los Algodones dentist; whether it is a single implant or a whole all-on-4 piece to replace several of them.
Approximately, the Los Algodones dentist price of a treatment like this is up to 5 times higher in the United States. While in Los Algodones it is up to USD 750, in a clinic in any other US city it can be up to USD 4,100. The same goes for an all-on-4 that goes from USD 8,950 here to USD 30,000 in the USA.
Dental veneers and lumineers
As for lumineers and dental veneers to cover some defects in the teeth, the Los Algodones dentist price is almost 3 times lower. For example, at virtually any clinic in Los Algodones, dental veneers cost an average of $420; while in the United States it is up to USD 1,250 for the same treatment and the same results.
Lumineers require more dental work to make and place; however, the Los Algodones dentist price for this service is usually a maximum of 800 USD. For the same care and service at an American clinic, you would end up paying up to $2,000.
Dental crowns of different materials
The price of dental crowns also changes depending on the material required or requested by the patient. However, the price difference between a Los Algodones dentist and one in the United States is also notorious. When it comes to a piece of porcelain or ceramic, which are more common, here it will cost up to 340 USD, while in your city it will be up to 1180 USD.
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Now, if you want these to be made of zirconia , a material that is a little more resistant, here you would only pay up to 450 USD; much less than the 1800 USD that they would charge you in the United States. Think that the trip to Los Algodones is cheaper and that even so you would be paying less than in your city of origin
Dental braces or Invisalign
When it comes to correcting problems like crooked teeth, Los Algodones dentist prices are also surprisingly lower. Approximately to place dental braces in Los Algodones you will only pay a maximum of 1500 USD for the complete treatment; while in the United States it will go up to 4500 USD.
Now, if we talk about a procedure like Invisilign, with a Los Algodones dentist, you would end up paying only 4500 USD. This price is almost half of what it would cost you in the United States, which averages between 6,800 and 7,000 USD for the procedure, depending on which clinic you go to.
Other dental procedures
Now with common procedures, but equally necessary as it is the treatment of dental roots or cleaning, the costs can be up to 3 times lower. In the end, with Los Algodones dentist prices you would end up saving between 50 and 80 percent of what you would pay in your home city.
Los Algodones Dentist services
Now, regarding the services that we offer as a dental clinic in Los Algodones, the most sought after are six that we will place in a list below. If you require more information about the care offered by our dentists and the prices we offer, all you have to do is send us a message from our website and we will answer you down to the smallest detail.
Our most sought after dental services are:
Dental endodontic treatments like root canal service.
Dental bonding to restore some teeth.
Dental crowns of the most resistant materials.
Dental implants, including all-on-4 to complete your denture.
Complete oral restorations to renew your smile.
…and any kind of oral treatments you need to smile again.
Ask now for these and all the other treatments that we have in our clinic, as well as for the Los Algodones dentist prices that we offer. In this way you can compare how much you would have to pay in our clinic and how much in your city. In the end, you will see that it is worth the investment in a trip to Los Algodones for quality service.
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etherealkawai · 4 years
Clearing the sin out of Ouma for no real reason + featuring my own character! 🕊
Kaede: Alright Kokichi, we’re gonna teach you how to be less chaotic and more child friendly!
Maki: that seems impossible because it is, but I’ll just observe the progress.
Kokichi: guys.. I don’t think this would actually fit in my schedule.
Yuma: but.. why?
Kokichi: because I have a dentist appointment.
Shuichi, sighing: when..?
Kokichi: At tooth hurty 😏 (two thirty/2:30 if you don’t get the pun)
Shuichi: 😕
Shuichi: 🙁
Maki: You see, this is the type of shit we have to put up with.
*short timeskip*
Kaede, while writing on a blackboard: Okay Ouma, first rule of becoming less chaotic is to stop swearing. So, no swearing!
Kokichi: That’s some good fucking handwriting.
Kaede: Thanks, my mom taught me how to write like this!
Maki: Um.. anyways.. Ouma- Ko- can I call you shitass?
Kokichi: I- no..?
Maki: Great, so shitass, I’m gonna be in charge of writing step two. Pay close attention.
Maki, writing rule 2 on the blackboard: Stop with the puns. Nobody likes them.
Kokichi: Why are you telling me this? My entire life is a pun.
Shuichi: I feel like we’ve learned a lot about you and I hate that.
*another timeskip of going through what wholesomeness is with Kokichi*
Kaede: ahaha... well.. if this takes a few more hours then we might need to skip everything else to get to the holy water baptism,
Kokichi: WHAT?? Have you even met me, Kaede? That’ll fucking hurt.
Shuichi: That is the least surprising thing you’ve said about yourself all day.
Yuma: also, a regular baptism is boring, why not use water balloons?
Maki: I’ve already got them, just hold him down. Please.
Kaede: Er,
Kokichi: ...Okay look, as cool as baptization with water balloons sounds, will this get rid of my vandalism charges off my title?
Yuma: No, you’ll still be wanted in a few countries. Sorry sweetie. :(
Kokichi: Then what’s the point? 😔
Kaede: The point is that we’ll remove the sin from you, it’ll be so beneficial!
Kokichi: Ma’am I’m literally a psychological gremlin from the depths of hell what part of this do you not understand?
Everyone: ....
Maki: So anyways, just dump the holy water on him.
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