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20 september 2023
Aku sengaja menyimpan waktu pulangku, selain meeting sampai pukul 6, aku sengaja diam di kamar yg dialihfungsikan menjadi kantor.
Aku gerah, melihatmu begitu akrab dengan teman baikku. Aku cemburu, tentu saja
Sama seperti kamu yang sedikit marah ketika aku pergi berdua dengan teman baikmu meski untuk membeli keperluan kantor dan makan siang.
Karma di hari ini terjadi begitu instan, ya?
Pukul set 7 aku benar2 gerah. Berhubung D dan F lagi akrab2nya sama aku, jadi aku ikut mereka ngerokok di atap. Ya mreka ngerokok dan aku ikhlas jdi perokok pasif, hehe.
Kutinggalkan G dan teman baikku di kamar berdua. Apapun yg mau kalian lakukan aku nggak mau urus. Aku terlanjur cemburu dan nggak mau tau. Aku naik ke atas, ketika itu D ada telpon, mengharuskan aku duduk berdua dengan F. Lalu kubuka cerita, dengan tanya : "Gmna cirinya cowok yang nggak menginginkan kita?"
Lalu aku bercerita panjang tentang kisahku yang menyedihkan. Lalu ada D naik, aku bercerita sedikit, lalu aku pamit ke bawah. Karena bajuku basah di bagian pantat, soalnya duduk d atas abis hujan
Aku mau ganti pake baju yang kubawa dri rumah, sok ngide banget bawa baju ganti krena emang tau bakalan diem d kantor lama dan aku nggak betah pake batik.
Aku ke kantor bawah, niatku ganti baju pake bajuku, kemudian ada G yg duduknya emang sebelahan sama aku. "Bajuku basah"
Katanya, "ganti harus diganti, pake bajuku ya."
Kemudian kita naik ke atas, ke kantor di lantai dua yang berupa kamar tadi, kemudian teman baikku masih duduk di sana, swndiri. Aku pinjem baju G, kemudian aku naik lagi.
Ngobrom bentar sama F dan D kemudian akuu turun lagi krena emang pengen ketemu G. Di kantor bawah, kita berdua, ada. Dia tanya "kamu dari mana?" Aku hilang aja di atap sama F dan D.
Cuma ada kita berdua soalnya yang lainnya lagi solat. Kemudian dia pegang2 area fav dia di badankuuu, hampir kita melakukan hal yg bkin kelepasan, kalau saja dia nggak bilang "nanti sabtu jangan ngewa ya"
Aku paham betul, dia sabtu mau pergi ketemu pacarnya di jkt "emang siapa yang mau wa?" Skrg aku nyesel kenapa nggak jawab aja "dri skrg gak wa kamu lagi juga aku bisa kok."
Kemudian aku pergi begitu aja, dan yaaaa hatiku sakit banget. Aku lgsg naik ke atas, ke F dan D kemudian aku bilang "mina san, mou owarimashita." Kemudian aku nangis depan mereka berdua.
F bilang "jangan nangis, aku suka pengen nafkahin." Aku jadi ketawa lagi. Tapi tetp aku nangis. Sakit banget. Perasaan nggak diinginkan itu muncul lagi.
Awalnya F sama D tetp cerita dan berbicara panjang. Tapi ketika mereka diem, F usap kakiku (aku nangis posisi meluk lutut) dan bilang "sok nangis aja, keluarin." Tangisanku makin banjir. Sampe terisak.
Kemudian aku dengr D jalan menjauh, ke tangga, aku kira dia mau bawaa minum, ternyata malah bawa tisu. Tisu toilet lagi. Ya aku lgsg ketawa dong. Haha ada2 aja.
Abis itu aku turun karena ya pengen ketemu G lagi tanpa sadar lagi sembab. Abis itu aku ada telpon masuk jdi aku ya smbil nelpon ke kantor bawah ketemu G. Trus naik lgi ke atas dan ketemu F dan D lagi.
Abis itu lagi nenangin aku. G datang. Yah kaget juga.
Karena merasa lapar, kita masak mie. Aku mau beli sendiri. Eh taunyaaa "yu sama aku, kata G"
Yah aku mls cerita dri sini krena aku udh niat mau nutup hati ke G.
Jam 9 malem kmrin masih gini.
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The discord server was talking abt nyos and genderbent events and long story short, here’s some girls.
Mette’s out here stealing hearts AND stealing hoodies. 💕
ft. @ask-hetaaca-greece!
#APH Denmark#APH Greece#DenGre#nyo denmark#nyo greece#hetalia#Hetalia Ask Blog#My Heta Academia#my heta academia au#tw nudity#???#I mean nothing's showing
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#Repost @mattrendar • • • • • • Mos Eisly Cantina “Bounty hunters playing cards” redrew one of my older drawings the other day. Love these classic Empire strikes back, Characters. Hope everyone is having a good day so far 🤙🏻 #Battletribe #Rendarart #Bobafett #ig88 #bosk #zucas #4lom #dengre #bountyhunters #scumandvillainy #empirestrikesback #nodisintegrations #iwanthimalive #cardgames #texasholdem #highstakes https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-iLupAMv4/?igshid=ngdkke7rfpqx
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angel and petal!
angel - what’s one character trait you like about yourself?petal - what’s your favourite smell or perfume?
“Sometimes being overly analytical has its perks. Helps me pick up new ideas or skills faster than most others.As for a smell...”
“..Can’t think of one”
( @ask-zodiac-denmark )
#Hetalia Greece#Hetalia Denmark#aph Greece#aph Denmark#aph dengre#I think you can click images for better quality#and I might have to find a new ship name#it's come to my attention that DenGre could be Denmark and Greenland#so RIP Hera#sdjdsj#Fuck it's art
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જીજી હોસ્પિટલમાં ડેંગ્યુ પ્રસૂતિગૃહ !
જીજી હોસ્પિટલમાં ડેંગ્યુ પ્રસૂતિગૃહ !
જામનગરની જીજી હોસ્પિટલ જ ડેંગ્યુનું પ્રસૂતિગૃહ બન્યું હોવાની ચોંકાવનારી હકિકત પ્રકાશમાં આવી છે. દરરોજ અહીં હજારો દર્દીઓ આવતાં હોવા છતાં નિંભર તંત્ર દ્વારા દિવસમાં બે વખત સફાઈ કરવાના બદલે સમૂળગી સફાઈ પ્રક્રિયા જ બંધ કરી દેવાઈ છે અને હોસ્પિટલના જાજરૂ-મૂતરડીમાં માથું ફાડી નાખે તેવી ગંદકી વચ્ચે વૉશબેશિનમાં ખતરનાક મચ્છરોના દર્શન થઈ રહ્યાં છે અને આશ્ર્ચર્યની વાત તો એ છે કે, હોસ્પિટલમાં તા.18 સપ્ટે.…
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Lagu penghancur mental saya, minggu ini
Barasuara "cinta melulu". Sebenarnya udah lama kenal sama bandnya, tapi baru oke dimusik mereka waktu denger lagu cinta melulu so akhirnya jatuh cinta dibanyak lagu mereka dan nikmatin musik mereka.
Amigdala "tuhan sebut sia sia", "balada puan" dan "ada yang lebih tabah dari hujan bulan juni". Ini ampun-ampunan deh, baru bisa dengerin album mereka di spotify karna emang bru dimasukin dan aku taunya dari akun penulis buku nkcthi di story ig dia, awalnya cuman tau lagu "ku kira kau rumah" yang sudah meluluh lantakan hatiku waktu dulu pertama dengr di yutubnya indielokal kalo ga salah. Lalu dengerin albumnya yaudah deh matik, terus yang "ada yang lebih tabah dari hujan bulan juni" itu kaya semacam musikalisasi puisi kayanya maafin aku kurang paham hah, ak nontn dan denger ini di yutup amigdala sendiri, dan udah berdarah jiwa raga ditambah mata membengkak sama sakitnya penghatannya, keren banget vokalisnya waktu bacainnya, pokoknya bikin mati dan hancur lah.
Billie eilish, kalo ini mah almost all her song lah. kayanya bnyak deh yg paham gimana magisnya vokal dia, musiknya dia tu fav ak banget kaya temen introvert gitu deh, pkoknya bikin hening jiwa kya bicara sma jiwa sendiri aja. Pokoknya ini bkin matik udah.
Rizky febian "menari", lagu ini awalnya ga masuk banget dikuping ak, karna chorus ga sih ya namanyanya, tau ah pkoknya dengrin aja pasti tau yg ku maksud, nah itu tuh kya tiba2 naik nyelengit dan agak ganggu banget gitu padahal kan vokalnya dia ni udah bikin matik dengen kelembutannya, tapi ketika ditengah ada yg tiba2 tinggi kan kurang bah gitu. Tapiiii pas nntn yutup ricis yg lgi grebek kamar iki *who care dibilang alay, aku bukan fans but karna kurang kerjaan hahaha*, nah ada tuh scene dia nyanyiin dan lirik akhirnya yg "dikehidupan baru ijinkan aku jdi takdirmu" dia tekenin banget katanya dia artinya it kya "oke ak ga papa skrang kamu sma dia tpi kalo boleh nanti jka kta hidup lgi dikehidupan yg lain, biar ak aj jdi takdir kamu" nah jdi kan bikin penasaran dan akhirnya, wak oke nih sakit juga jiwa sya waktu didengerin.
TheOvertune "tak bisa dipercaya", "i'm still love u" dan "ahava". Ini band dengan mulut manis nan perayu ulung, udah matik bersemu deh kebanyakan lagu mereka, trus lgu yg "i'm still love you" it bikin mewek sumpah, hancur jiwa deh cobain dengerin matik udah sama kemanisannya. Ga kebayang pacar mereka ni gimana kalo lgi rayu wkwk nah terus lagu "tak bisa kupercaya" itu meaningfull sih mnrut ak, meski musiknya ga kya mereka biasanya tapi enak aja.
Teza sumendra, ini jua almost semuanya lah karna emang suaranya sexy ampun ampunan, kalo kamu belum tau sama dia maka skrang juga dengrin, kalo udah dengerin kamu pasti tau gimana rasanya gerah denger musik dia. Bikin mati juga lah pokoknya, dan suara dia kya fetish kebanyakan cewe kayanya hahahaha
Kunto aji, untuk semua lagu di album mantra-mantra . Kalo ini udah jangan ditanya kunto aji mah penyanyi yang ngecover lagu atau bikin lagu selalu dan always bikin kta kya geleng kepala terus bilang "okeh, i'm fine. Ga papa kta manusia jgn slalu nyalahin diri". Pkoknya dialbum ini bikin mental healing aja udah, harus dengerin. Album terrrr hebat dan ternyaman
Yura yunita "buka hati". Ini lagu kya bikin aku tu kebayang banyak hal, dri hub kta percintaan sesama manusia, hub kekeluargaan dan hub sama tuhan jga. Pokoknya meaning full lah
Udah 8 musik itu aja dlu, nanti kalo list fav song sya udah berubah, nanti sya bagi lagi
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Dulu time aku nk eplain for things alu tk buat kau biarkan kau manipulate, kau bodoh kan aku dengan fitnah kau, kau hina aku atas fitnah kau buat aku. sikit langsung kau takn dengar ratuan aku, rayuan orang yg tagih tknk buat apa kau suruh buat now aku pun taknak dengr explaination kau sbb kau bukan dengar apa aku nk smpai kan in fact kau gelak2 lagi dengan aku pun nasihat dn rayuan.
kau rasa la bodoh. orang lain tngok kau bengap mcm setan terkekek belakang kau kau apa tau??? sbb kau acah good semua kau nk semua kau ada mcm dunia ni kau punya smpai hukuman Allah pun kau nk ambil alih
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Tras las lluvias, piden acentuar el descacharreo y eliminar depósitos de agua
📬 Tras las #lluvias, piden acentuar el #descacharreo y eliminar #depósitosdeagua ▶️ #LaPlata #Sociedad #Dengre #Mosquito 📲
Como consecuencia de las tormentas registradas en la región durante las últimas horas, y con el objetivo de prevenir la reproducción del mosquito Aedes Aegypti que propaga el dengue, la Municipalidad de La Plata insta a los vecinos a acentuar el descacharreo y evitar la acumulación de agua en recipientes, tanques y tachos. Asimismo, avanza la fumigación en todos los barrios de la ciudad.Como…
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#Aedes aegypti#control de plagas#dengue#Enrique Rifourcat#fumigación#La Plata#mosquito#tormentas#zoonosis
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Abdul Qadeer Khan
Abdul Qadeer Khan ڈاکٹر عبد القدیر خان; b. 1 April 1936); DEngr, NI (twice), HI, FPAS; also respectfully known by some in Pakistan as Mohsin-e-Pakistan (in Urdu: محسن پاکِستان; lit: Savior of Pakistan), more popularly known as Dr. A. Q. Khan, is a Pakistani nuclear scientist and a metallurgical engineer, colloquially regarded as the founder of HEU based Gas-centrifuge uranium enrichment program for Pakistan's integrated atomic bomb project.[2] Founded and established the Kahuta Research Laboratories (KRL) in 1976, he was both its senior scientist and the director-general until his retirement in 2001, and was an early and vital figure in other science projects. Apart from participating in atomic bomb project, he made major contributions in molecular morphology, physical martensite, and its integrated applications in condensed and material physics.
Abdul Qadeer Khan was one of Pakistan's top scientists,[3] and was involved in the country's various scientific programs until his dismissal.[3] In January 2004, Khan was officially summoned for a debriefing on his suspicious activities in other countries after the United States provided evidence to the Pakistan Government, and confessed it a month later.[3] Some have alleged that these activities were sanctioned by the authorities, though the Pakistan government sharply dismissed the claims.[4][5] After years of nominal house arrest, the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on 6 February 2009 declared Abdul Qadeer Khan to be a free citizen of Pakistan, allowing him free movement inside the country. The verdict was rendered by Chief Justice Sardar Muhammad Aslam.[6] In September 2009, expressing concerns over the Islamabad High Court's decision to end all security restrictions on Khan, the United States warned that Khan still remains a "serious proliferation risk".[7]
Early life
Khan was born in Bhopal, India (then British Indian Empire) into a Urdu-speaking family in 1936. His father Dr. Abdul Ghafoor Khan was an academic who served in the Education ministry of the British Indian Government and after retirement in 1935, settled permanently in Bhopal State.[8] After the partition in 1947, the family emigrated from India to Pakistan, and settled in West-Pakistan.[9] Khan studied in Saint Anthony's High School of Lahore, and then enrolled at the D.J. Science College of Karachi to study physics and mathematics.[9] After making a transfer in 1956, he attended Karachi University, obtaining BSc in Metallurgy in 1960; subsequently he got the internship at the Siemens Engineering.[9]
After the internship, he was employed by the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation and worked as an city inspector of weight and measures in Karachi.[9] In 1961, he went to West Berlin to study Metallurgical engineering at the Technical University Berlin.[9] Qadeer Khan obtained an engineer's degree in technology from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, and a doctorate engineering in Metallurgical engineering under the supervision of Martin Brabers from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, in 1972.[9] Qadeer Khan's doctoral dissertations were written in German.[9] His doctoral thesis dealt and contained fundamental work on martensite, and its extended industrial applications to the field of Morphology, a field that studies the shape, size, texture and phase distribution of physical objects.[9][10]
Research in Europe
Main articles: Nuclear power in the Netherlands and Netherlands and weapons of mass destruction
In 1972, the year he received his doctorate, Abdul Qadeer Khan through a former university classmate, and a recommendation from his old professor and mentor, Martin J. Brabers, joined the senior staff of the Physics Dynamics Research Laboratory in Amsterdam.[11] There, he began his studies on the high-strength metals to be used for the development of gas centrifuges.[12] The gas centrifuges were first studied by Jesse Beams during the Manhattan Project in 1940s but research was discontinued in 1944. The Physics Laboratory was a subcontractor for URENCO Group, the uranium enrichment research facility at Almelo, Netherlands, which was established in 1970 by the Netherlands to assure a supply of enriched uranium for nuclear power plants in the Netherlands.[11] Soon when the URENCO Group offered him to join the senior scientific staff there, Qadeer Khan left the Physics Laboratories.[11] There, he was tasked to perform physics experiments on uranium metallurgy,[11] to produce commercial-grade uranium metals usable for light water reactors.[11]
In the meantime, the URENCO Group handed him the drawings of centrifuges for the mathematical solution of the physics problems in the gas centrifuges.[11] Uranium enrichment is a difficult physical process, as 235U exists in natural uranium at a concentration of only 0.7%; URENCO used Zippe-type centrifuges for that purpose to separate the isotopes 235U from non-fissile 238U by spinning UF6 gas at up to 100,000RPM.[11] Abdul Qadeer Khan's academic and leading-edge research in metallurgy brought laurels to the URENCO Group.[11]
URENCO enjoyed a good academic relationship with him, and had him as one of its most senior scientists at the facility where he researched and studied.[11] At URENCO, Abdul Qadeer Khan pioneering research to improve the efficiency of the centrifuges greatly contributed to the technological advancement of the Zippe centrifuges, a method that was developed by mechanical engineer Gernot Zippe in the Soviet Union during the 1940s.[11] URENCO granted Qadeer Khan access to the most restricted areas of its facility as well as to highly classified documentation on gas centrifuge technology.[11]
1971 war and return to Pakistan
Main articles: Operation Smiling Buddha, Project-706, and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto#Father of the Nuclear weapons program
The clandestine and highly secretive atomic bomb project of Pakistan was given a start on 20 January 1972, when President (later Prime minister) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto chaired a secret meeting of academic scientists at Multan.[13] The winter planning seminar known as Multan meeting, the atomic bomb project was launched under the administrative control of Bhutto, and the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (or PAEC) under its chairman, Munir Ahmad Khan.[13] Earlier efforts were directed towards the implosion-type bomb with exploration of the Plutonium route.[13] Prior to 1974, Khan had no knowledge of existence of country's integrated atomic development, a controversy that highly doubts Abdul Qadeer Khan's "father-of" claim.
It was only on 18 May 1974, when he was alerted after India surprised the world with its first nuclear test (codename: Smiling Buddha), near Pakistan's eastern border under the secret directives of Indian Premier Indira Gandhi.[13] Conducted by the Indian Army, it was only three years since Pakistan's humiliating defeat in the 1971 Winter war and the outcomes of the war had put Pakistan's strategic position in great danger.[14] The nuclear test greatly alarmed the Government of Pakistan and the people.[13] Prime minister Zulfikar Bhutto squeezed the time limit of the atomic bomb project from five years to three years, in a vision to evolve and derived the country's scientific atomic project as from the "atomic capability to sustainable nuclear power".[13] Sensing the importance of this test, Munir Ahmad Khan secretly launched the Project-706, a codename of a secret uranium enrichment program under the domain of the atomic project.[13]
Following the news about Pakistan, Khan wanted to contribute to the post-war military posture and approached the Pakistan government officials, offering to assist in Pakistan's secret atomic bomb project through his knowledge acquired at URENCO.[15] He insisted in joining the atomic bomb project[16] but was disuated by the military scientists who considered as "hard to find" a job in PAEC as a "metallurgist".[15]
Undaunted, he wrote to Prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, highlighting his specific experience and encouraged Prime Minister Bhutto to work on an atomic bomb using uranium.[15] According to Kuldip Nayyar, although the letter was received by Prime minister Secretariat, Qadeer Khan was still unknown to the Government, leading Bhutto to ask the ISI to run a complete background check on Khan and prepare an assessment report on him.[17] The ISI declared him as "incompetent" in the field of nuclear technology based on his academic discipline.[17] Unsatisfied with ISI's report, Bhutto was eager to know more about him, and asked Munir Ahmad Khan to dispatch a team of PAEC's scientists to meet him.[18] The PAEC team including Sultan Mahmood travelled to Amsterdam and arrived at his family home at night. Discussions were held until the next day.[18] After the team's return to Pakistan, Bhutto decided to meet with Khan, and directed a confidential letter to him. Soon after, Abdul Qadeer Khan took a leave from URENCO Group, and departed for Pakistan in 1974.[18]
Initiation and atomic bomb project
Main article: Project-706
In December 1974, Abdul Qadeer Khan went to Pakistan and took a taxi straight to the Prime minister Secretariat.[19] The session with Bhutto was held at midnight and remained under extreme secrecy.[19] There, Qadeer Khan met with Zulfikar Bhutto, Munir Khan, and Dr. Mübaschir Hassan, government Science Adviser.[19] At this session, he enlightened the importance of uranium as opposed to plutonium, but Bhutto remain unconvinced to adopt uranium instead of plutonium for the development of an atomic bomb.[19] Although Bhutto ended the session quickly he remarked to his friends that: "He seems to make sense."[19]
Early morning the next day another session was held where he focussed the discussion on uranium against plutonium, with other PAEC officials presented.[16] Even though he explained to Bhutto why he thought the idea of "plutonium" would not work, Qadeer Khan was fascinated by the possibility of atomic bomb.[16] Many of the theorists at that time, including Munir Khan maintained that "plutonium and the nuclear fuel cycle has its significance",[14] and Munir Khan insisted that with the "French extraction plant in the offing, Pakistan should stick with its original plan."[14] Bhutto did not disagree, but saw the advantage of mounting a parallel effort toward acquiring HEU fuel.[14][20] At the last session with Zulfikar Bhutto, Khan also advocated for the development of a fused design to compress the single fission element in the metalized gun-type atomic device, which many of his fellow theorists said would be unlikely to work.[16][21]
Finally in 1976, he joined the atomic bomb project, and became a member of the enrichment division at PAEC.[19] Calculations performed by him were valuable contributions to centrifuges and vital link to nuclear weapon research.[13] He continued to push his ideas for uranium methods even though they had a low priority, with most efforts still aimed to produce military-grade plutonium.[19] Because of his interest in uranium, and his frustration at having been passed over for director of the uranium division (the job was instead given to Bashiruddin Mahmood), Qadeer Khan refused to engage in further research and caused tensions with other researchers.[19] He became highly unsatisfied and bored with the research led by Mahmood; finally, he submitted a critical report to Bhutto, in which he explained that the "enrichment program" was nowhere near success.[19]
Kahuta Research Laboratories
Main articles: Engineering Research Laboratories and Kahuta Test
Bhutto sensed great danger as the scientists were split between uranium and plutonium routes.[19] Therefore, he called Khan for a meeting, which was held at the prime minister secretariat. With the backing of Bhutto, Qadeer Khan took over the enrichment program and renamed the project to Engineering Research Laboratories (ERL).[19] Abdul Qadeer Khan insisted to work with the Corps of Engineers to lead the construction of the suitable operational enrichment site, which was granted. The E-in-C directed Brigadier Zahid Ali Akbar of Corps of Engineers to work with Qadeer Khan in Project-706.[19] The Corps of Engineers and Brigadier Akbar quickly acquired the lands of the village of Kahuta for the project.[22]
The military realized the dangers of atomic experiments being performed in populated areas and thus remote Kahuta was considered an ideal location for reearch.[22] Bhutto would subsequently promote Brigadier Zahid Akbar to Major-General and handed over the directorship of the Project-706, with Qadeer Khan being its senior scientist.[23]
On the other hand, the PAEC did not forgo the electromagnetic isotope separation research and a parallel program was conducted by theoretical physicist Dr. G.D. Allam at Air Research Laboratories (ARL) located at Chaklala PAF base, though G.D. Allam had not seen a centrifuge, but only had a rudimentary knowledge of the Manhattan Project.[24]
At first, the ERL suffered many setbacks, and relied heavily on the knowledge from URENCO brought by Qadeer Khan.[24] Meanwhile in April 1976, theorist Ghulam Dastigar Alam accomplished a great feat by successfully rotating the first generation centrifuges to ~30,000 RPM.[24] When the news reached Qadeer Khan, he immediately requested to Bhutto for G.D. Alam's assistance which was granted by the PAEC, dispatching a team of scientists including G.D. Alam to ERL.[24] At ERL, Qadeer Khan joined the team of theoretical physicists headed by theorist dr. GD Allam, working on the physics problems involving the differential equations in the centripetal forces and angular momentum calculations in the ultra-centrifuges.[24] On 4 June 1978, the enrichment program became fully functional after Dr. G.D. Alam succeeded in separated the 235U and 238U isotopes in an important experiment in which Dr. A.Q Khan also took part.[24][25] Contrary to his expectation, the military approved to the appointment of Major-General Zahid Ali as the scientific director of entire uranium division
During his time in the atomic bomb project, he pioneered research in the thermal quantum field and the condensed physics, while co-authored articles on chemical reactions of the highly unstable isotopic particles in the controlled physical system.[55] He maintains his stance to use of controversial technological solutions to both military and civilian problems, including the use of military technologies for the civilian welfare. Khan also remained a vigorous advocate for a nuclear testing program and defence strength through nuclear weapons. He has justified the Pakistan's nuclear deterrence program as sparing his country the fate of Iraq or Libya.[56] In his recent interview, Abdul Qadeer Khan maintained that he has no regrets for what he did and maintained that:
[P]akistan's motivation for nuclear weapons arose from a need to prevent "nuclear blackmail" by India. Had Iraq and Libya been nuclear powers, they wouldn't have been destroyed in the way we have seen recently.... If (Pakistan) had an [atomic] capability before 1971, we [Pakistanis] would not have lost half of our country after a disgraceful defeat.
—Abdul Qadeer Khan, statement on 16 May 2011, published the Newsweek, [57]
Abdul Qadeer Khan faced heated and intense criticism from his fellow theorists whom he had worked with in the atomic bomb project, most notably theorist Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy.[58] In addition, Qadeer Khan's false claims that he was the "father" of the atomic bomb project since its inception and his personal attacks on Munir Khan caused even greater animosity by his fellow theorists, and most particularly, within the general physics community towards Qadeer Khan.[2][58] Due to public promotion by the Pakistan media, he remains one of the best known but also most controversial scientists in the country.[3] He has been depicted in the media as Pakistan's own Dr. Strangelove (commonly referred to Edward Teller) in Stanley Kubrick's 1964 satirical film of the same name.[59]
He is the recipient of the following honors:
Nishan-e-Imtiaz (1999)
Nishan-e-Imtiaz (1996)
Hilal-e-Imtiaz (1989)
Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology[53]
60 Gold medal from universities in the country.[53]
University of Karachi[53]
Baqai Medical University[60]
Hamdard University[53]
Gomal University[53]
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore[53]
Selected research papers and patents
Nuclear and Material physics
Dilation investigation of metallic phase transformation in 18% Ni maraging steels, Proceedings of The International Conf. on Martensitie Transformations (1986), The Japan Institute of Metals, pp. 560–565.
The spread of Nuclear weapons among nations: Militarization or Development, pp. 417–430. (Ref. Nuclear War Nuclear Proliferation and their consequences "Proceedings of the 5th International Colloquium organized by the Group De Bellerive Geneva 27–29 June 1985, Edited by: Sadruddin Aga Khan, Published by Clarendon Press-Oxford 1986).
Flow induced vibrations in Gas-tube assembly of centrifuges. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 23(9), (September 1986), pp. 819–827.
Dimensional anisotropy in 18% of maraging steel,[61] Seven National Symposium on Frontiers in Physics, written with Anwar-ul-Haq, Mohammad Farooq, S. Qaisar, published at the Pakistan Physics Society (1998).
Thermodynamics of Non-equilibrium phases in Electron-beam rapid solidification,[55] Proceedings of the Second National Symposium on Frontiers in Physics, written with A. Tauqeer, Fakhar Hashmi, publisher Pakistan Physics Society (1988).
Khan, Abdul Qadeer (1972). Advances in Physical Metallurgy (in English, German and Dutch). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Press. ISBN 969-8500-00-6.
Khan, Abdul Qadeer (1983). Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Kinetics (in English, German and Dutch). Islamabad, Pakistan: The Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences. ISBN 978-969-35-0821-5.
Khan, Abdul Qadeer; Syed Shabbir Hussain, Mujahid Kamran (1997). Dr. A.Q. Khan on science and education. Islamabad, Pakistan: Sang-e-Meel Publications. ISBN 978-969-35-0821-5..[24]
#United States#Sardar Muhammad Aslam#Pakistan#Khan#Islamabad High Court#British Raj#Bhopal#Abdul Qadeer Khan
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OH! its danger noodle
dengr noodle -> Danger Noodle™
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Eros and Pandora's box 👀
Eros- Are you in love?
Pandora’s Box- What is a mistake you’ve made that you regret?
Letting Aries pick the movie was a big mistake
(feat @ask-zodiac-denmark )
#Hetalia Greece#hetalia denmark#aph Greece#APH Denmark#aph dengre#aph aquarius#aph aries#dskjnvsjfsjfd#rest in pasta Hera#ALSO#HERA IS NOT THAT MUCH SMALLER THAN MAT I SWEAR#HE'S LIKE SLUMPED OVER ON THE COUCH#AJBDSVHJBDF#fuck it's art
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Nda teehh pokoknya tidak.... saya yakin saya bisa mengatasinya... sy hanya perlu waktu... Saya g main main.. kl teth smpai berhenti saya detik itu jg kluar dr pp..Saya yakin kita bs selesaikan.. Teth mau membuktikan omongan sy? Sy g mau dengr atau bc ini lagi . Sya slut.. teth bs tegar hari ini hari ini
Bukan masalah tegar. Kalo tegar mah ya udh biasa. Tpi klo merusak nama baik itu yg sulit. Teruslah pake topeng pak. Saya mohon dgn sangat
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Susahnya nak istiqamah jadi baik Allah je tahu. Back then it felt easy. Buat je lah banyak2 ibadah. Khyusuk dalam solat, solat on time, banyak solat sunat, banyak ngaji, buat baik kat orang, cakap yang baik2, guna masa buat benda baik. Tengok benda baik, dengr benda baik. Bila dah besar, dah rasa susah nak buat benda2 ni, now only I understand kenapa 'adults' yang I nampak on screen selalunya buat dosa2 kecik. Pegang2 laki perempuan, tak tutup aurat perfectly, party, mencarut. I thought these things were so easy to be avoided. But it is not. You have to balance yourself out. Buat baik at the same time tinggalkan benda yang buruk. Kalau banyak sangat buat baik kadang2 benda buruk yang kita buat kita tak nampak buruk dah. Rasa cam 'takpe ah' sebab dah banyak buat benda baik, perasan yang benda baik tu boleh replace benda jahat. Tapi tak. Kalau kau banyak buat benda baik pun, benda jahat kau tak kurangkan, sama je. Rosak jugak hubungan dengan Allah. Lately ni I reflect upon my actions and my heart, aku rasa aku ni TAK BAIK langsung. Sumpah jahat. Buat benda baik pun perasan je benda tu boleh cover dosa. Pastu dengan tak rasa bersalahnya buat dosa. Pastu kekadang reduce kan amalan sesuka hati. WOIIII syurga tu ko dah jamin ke ko akan masuk. Tak kan. Tolong lah ubah. Try harder to increase your ibadah. Jauhkan lah diri daripada buat benda bukan2, daripada lengah2kan benda yang wajib. Try harder to pray to Allah untuk dia BERKATI dan REDHA dengan semua benda yang kau pernah dan akan buat. Sebab syurga tu Dia punya. Kalau kau dah 'banyak buat baik' pun, kalau Dia tak izinkan, kau takkan dapat rasa nikmat tu. So, Idk, but lower your ego I guess, with your own yourself and with God. Admit and accept the fact that you are so far from being a 'good muslim'. You have a long way to go. Make yourself a better person. Fix your relationship with Allah. Improve your relationship with people. Inshaa Allah, tenang la nanti hati you tu.
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This Shit Kray
I have a dengrative spine... Arthritis in my right knee... A torn meniscus disk in my right knee...A hip bursitis in right hip.
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Pertma dengr lagu ini langsung jatuh hati, ibu segalanya.Maafkan anakmu yg sllu buat sallah
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Part 53
Sesuai janji gw kedesi, pas hari libu gw putusin buat kerumah dia. Rumahnya agak jauh dari tempat gw tinggal bahkan dari kampus, wajar kalo dulu dia sampe telat. Sesampai dirumah dia, gw sempet bengong, nih rumah gede banget, 2 lantai, tamannya luas, tapi gak terawat, berantakan. Gw pencet bel yang ada disamping pintu pagernya, pagernya tinggi banget, takut ada yang maling kayaknya. Sekitar 10 menit gw mencet mencet belnya gak ada yang nongol, gw masih tunggu, mungkin orangnya lagi pada keluar. Setelah setengah jam tetep gak ada yang keliatan, gw putusin lain kali saja, saat gw mau nyalain motor, dari rumah sebelah ada yang keluar, perempuan masih muda, mungkin saat itu usianya 20an, dia tampak curiga liat gw. Gw langsung tanya ke dia. "maaf mbak, yang ini bener rumahnya desi" tanya gw, sambil nunjuk rumah desi "iya dek, adek siapa ya?" katanya masih tampak curiga "saya temenya desi, mbak" kata gw "oooo, sepertinya saya sudah lama gak liat mbak desi, ada perlu apa ya" katanya "kebetulan saya bukan ingin ketemu desi mbak, saya mau ketemu ibunya desi, tapi daritadi gak ada yang bukain pinta mbak" kata gw "oooo, rumahnya emang sudah kosong dek, orangnya sudah pada pindah" katanya "kalau boleh tau pindah kemana ya?" tanya gw "setau saya dulu pembantu mereka sempat cerita, kalau nyonya rumah sakit, lumayan parah, jadi beliau minta anterin kebandung, ke rumah keluarganya, kalau Bapaknya saya kurang tau, selepas nyonya rumah pergi Bapak gak pernah kembali kesini" cerita dia "ooo begitu, jadi rumah ini bener -bener kosong ya" kata gw "iya dek, kalau saya boleh tau ni dek, ada perlu apa adek mau ketemu ibu" katanya "saya mau nyampein pesen desi ke Ibunya mbak" kata gw "oo gitu, gini aja dek, nanti kalau adek ketemu desi, bilang saja ibunya lagi sakit parah, dia susul kebandung saja secepatnya" katanya "iya mbak, nanti kalau ketemu saya sampaikan" jawab gw, sekaligus pamit buat balik. Selesai darisitu gw langsung kekostan desi, ternyata dia gak ada di kostan, gw masuk aja, karena gw sudah dikasih kunci cadangan kamarnya, jadi kapanpun gw mau pake kamarnya tinggal masuk. Cukup lama gw nunggu dia, gw sampe ketiduran. Gw kurang tau sudah berapa lama gw tidur, gw baru sadar ketika gw merasa ada orang yang lagi dikamar, masih sambil tiduran gw liat desi, dia ngebelakangi gw menghadap kelemari, ternyata dia habis mandi, dia hanya pake handuk yang dililit didada, bagian bawahnya sangat rendah, gw bisa liat jelas kemulusan pahanya sampe bayangan urat dipahanya keliatan. "woi gila, lo pake baju dulu dikamar mandi baru keluar des, jangan pake handuk doang" teriak gw, dia sepertinya kaget "ehh lo sudah bangun, gw kira lo masih tidur" katnaya nyengir "gak papa kali den, itung itung rejeki lo" lanjut desi "sialan lo, sudah ganti dikamar mandi sana, gw masih normal des kalo tiba tiba gw nafsu gimana" kata gw sambil rubah posisi tidur nyamping, biar gak liat dia langsung. "males ah, disini aja, lagian kalo lo mau liat liat aja, gak papa" katanya santa, sialan dibocah, mau nguji gw pikir gw dalem hati. Gw diemin aja sekitar sepuluh menit gw baru balik badan, ternyata dia sudah selesai pake baju kaos sama hot pant doang. "des, tadi gw sudah kerumah lo" kata gw "serius den, gimana kabar nyokap gw" katanya semangat "gak ada orang dirumah lo" jawab gw "jadi lo gak ketemu sama mereka" katanya agak kecewa "nggak des, tapi gw ketemu sama tetangga lo, dia cerita tentang nyokap lo, katanya nyoakp lo lagi sakit parah, sekrang dia sudah pindah ke bandung, dak kayaknya gak bakal balik lagi" kata gw, desi kayak shock dengr cerita gw, dia cuma diem saja. "lo gak papa kan des" tanya gw pelan "ini semua salah gw, gw sudah tau nyokap sakit, gw malah tinggalin dia, seharusnya gw tetep dirumah" kata desi, nangis "udah lo sabar aja, semuanya sudha terjadi" kata gw sambil nenangin dia, dia nangisnya lumayan lama, gw cuma diem aja. Sekitar sejam dia nangis sambil tengkurep, akhirnya dia duduk "den, gw harus susul nyokap ke bandung" katanya "iya, lo kesana saja dulu, kalo lo sudah enakan lo balik kesini lagi buat lanjut kuliah, lo cuti aja dulu" kata gw "iya den, gw mau balik, tapi kayaknya gak bakal balik kesini lagi den" katanya "lho kenapa? kuliah lo gimana? " kata gw "gw gak mau ninggalin nyokap lagi den, gw nyesel banget" katanya, gw cuma berpikir, klo kejadian ini terjadi sama gw, mungkin gw bakal lakuin hal yang sama. "yaudah, kapan lo mau balik" tanya gw "besok den, gw naik bis saja, lumayan murah, tabungan gw masih cukup" katanya "kalo gitu buruan, sekarang kita cari tiketnya, mumpung belum terlalu sore, takutnya loketnya tutup" kata gw Kita pun langsung ke loket penjualan tiket bis, kebetulan masih ada beberapa sit yang kosng, setelah pesen tiket kita kembali lagi ke kostan desi. Dari sore sampe malem gw bantuin dia packing barang brang dia, dia juga sudah lumayan tenang, setelah selesai kita rebahan dilantai istirahat. "den, makasih ya, lo sudah mau bantuin gw selama ini" kata desi "biasa aja des" jawab gw santai Malam itu dia banyak cerita tentang nyokapnya, ternyata nyokapnya memang sudah divonis kena kanker usus saat itu, dan selama ini desi yang rawat dia, sama ditemein seorang pembantu. "sabar aja ya des, besok juga lo sudah bisa ketemu nyokap lo lagi" kata gw "iya den. gw kangen banget sama dia" katanya. dia merubah posisi tidurnya, dia meluk gw, kepalanya ada diatas dada gw, gw gk bisa ngapa-ngapain, gw tau saat ini dia lagi butuh temen. masih sambil rebahan dia ngeliat kearah gw, dia mendekatkan bibirnya kearah bibir gw, terasa hembusan nafas dia dileher gw, untung masih ada akal sehat yang nangkring diotak gw, gw tarik kepala gw pelan pelan sebagai tanda penolakan. "kenapa den" tanya nya "maaf des, gw gak bisa" kata gw "gw gak menarik menurut lo" katanya pelan "maaf des, bukan itu, lo cantik banget des, tapi gw gak bisa" kata gw "tapi gw ikhlas den, kita bisa lakuin malem ini kalo lo mau, gw ikhlas, sebagai ucapan terima kasih gw ke lo, karena lo sudah sering banget bantuin gw" kata desi "gak papa des, lo cukup bilang makasih aja sudah cukup kok, gw bantuin lo ikhlas, gak ada ngarep apappun" jawab gw "yakin lo, padahal banyak cowok2 diluar sana yang mau cobain gw" katanya "artinya gw bukan salah satu cowok diluarsana" kata gw nyengir "iya den, lo emang beda" kata desi "maafin gw ya den" katanya gw cuma ngangguk, "tapi gw masih boleh peluk lo kan, enak banget melouk lo" kata desi "terserah lo aja" kata gw, dia langsung meluk gw lagi, cukup lama juga kita tiduran, sampe gak berasa sudah hampir tengah malem. "des, gw harus balik ya, sudah malem, nanti emak nyariin" kata gw, dia agak kecewa sebenernya, tapi tetep ngizinin gw balik "besok gw anter lo ke loket ya inget" kata gw, dia cuma manggut aja, lalu tersenyum manis "siap pak bos" katanya Keesokan harinya, gw langsung kekampus, sesuai dengan rencana gw sama desi semalem gw akan minta tolong sari buat nganterin desi ke loket, kaerna barangnya banyak banget, gak mungkin bawa pake motor. Gw cerita sama sari seadanya, gw cerita sama sari kalo desi ada keperluan mendadak. Setelah sari setuju, kita langsung ke kostan desi, gak lama nunggu dan naikin barang ke mobil sari kita langusng ke loket. "Sar, makasih ya lo sudah nganterin gw" kata desi, pas sudah sampai di loket, kebetulan bisnya sudha mau jalan "iya des, gak papa santai aja" katanya "den, makasih ya semuanya, gw gak bakal lupa sama lo" katanya "iya, kebangetan kalo lo sampe lupa sama gw" kata gw sebelum berangkat desi sempat kecup pipi gw, tanda perpisahan. Gak lama bis meluncur, gw balik sama sari "ciee yang dapet ciuman" kata sari ngeledekin "apa sih lo sar" kata gw "emang kakak sama desi sudah jadian ya?" katanya "kita gak ada hubungan apa apa sar" jawab gw "serius kak?" katanya semangat "iya serius" jawab gw, sari cuma senyum senyum aja "sar makan yuk laper" kata gw "siap, mau maknan dimana?" katanya Terserah lo, yang penting murah?" kata gw Dia pacu mobilnya sambil senyum senyum, baru ini gw bener bener merhatiin dia, dia ternyata cantik.
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