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good-omens-scrapbook · 12 days ago
“Aziraphale hastened to the mitten tree and reached for his own finished wares. He’d completed them that morning and received a great deal of praise from Edith. They were loving detailed and intricately patterned. The hat was mostly black, with two bright gold eyes knit into the front and a silly red tongue hanging over the forehead. It was the scarf that made the ensemble though, it looked just like a snake.
In some ways he looked very much as Aziraphale would have expected. Wisps of uneven red hair stuck out from the rim of his new hat, curling into his eyes. His round face was dotted with freckles, but sallow beneath them as though he’d been recently ill. Most arresting were his eyes, which were at once familiar and so very different. They were large and round, normal except for the inhuman shade of gold- the hue that Aziraphale had known for thousands of years.”
On the 29th of December 1996, child-sized Aziraphale finally found the human child version of his demon.
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I absolutely had to depict the moment that Tony and his mother Maddy are leaving the church after meeting “Ezra” and his parents.
(Sorry, @demonicputto, I can’t knit as well as Ezra and Edith. So this year Tony has his snake scarf and hat made out of fleece instead. And Maddy’s coat is still a work-in-progress, as she’s a very new resident of the house!)
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silanth · 1 year ago
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Сегодня особенный день для меня, поэтому я пишу этот пост (о Боги!) на моем родном языке. С сегодняшнего дня мой рабочий стол на досуге будет выглядеть так. Я начала свой, пока что, самый масштабный по объемам переводческий проект - потрясающий фанфик "By My Side" за авторством не менее потрясающей Demonicputto (https://archiveofourown.org/users/Demonicputto/pseuds/Demonicputto/series).
Господи, он ОГРОМЕН. Когда я только-только подступалась к нему, его размеры и концепт заставили меня вспомнить "Детство, Отрочество, Юность" Льва Толстого. И того самого переводчика, которому выпало переводить Войну и Мир. Сейчас я чувствую себя тем самым переводчиком, с той лишь разницей, что к Войне и Миру я на пушечный выстрел бы не подошла, а "By My Side" был жадно проглочен всего за полторы недели. Клянусь, в какой-то из дней этого книжного запоя я читала около 8 часов практически без перерыва (ох уж эти обсессии, они такие обсессивные) и пару раз промахивалась мимо дверных проемов, не в силах оторваться от экрана. Так вот, к чему я это все. В процессе чтения у меня было предостаточно времени для того, чтобы ужаснуться размерам этого текстового сериала, испугаться предстоящему объему работы, взвесить все за и против, хорошенько подумать, готова ли я вообще подписаться на такой долгий проект. К концу последней вышедшей на данный момент главы от моих сомнений не осталось и следа. Я это сделаю, черт возьми. Потому что это буквально самый восхитительный фанфик, который мне довелось прочитать. Если бы у меня была возможность, я бы поставила его на особую полку моих Самых Любимых Книг, и он уделал бы там всех конкурентов. За эти полторы недели меня покатали на таких головокружительных американских горках, что мне удалось отвлечься от кошмара, происходившего в Арцахе, а сделать это, находясь в Армении и переживая за армян как за родных людей, не так-то просто (Спасибо, Demonicputto, ты, сама того не зная, спасла меня от самых страшных ужасов этого мира).
Отдельно мне хочется восхититься самим автором. Я давненько не видела, чтобы с персонажами обращались настолько трепетно и аккуратно, с любовью и уважением. Я безумно люблю их обоих и очень радуюсь, когда им отдают должное. Спасибо от всего сердца.
Я могу заявить со всей ответственностью, что на данный момент "By My Side" - мой самый любимый фанфикшн по Good Omens. А прочитала я очень много. И лучшее, что я могу сделать, чтобы выразить свою любовь к нему - перевести его на мой родной язык, русский. Я очень хочу, чтобы его смогли прочитать те, кто не владеет английским языком в достаточной степени для того, чтобы комфортно и без напряга прочесть настолько большой текст. Я хочу разделить свои впечатления с теми, кто будет читать этот перевод. И, конечно же, я эгоистично хочу прожить эту историю снова. Это - самое приятное. Я совершенно не хочу с ней прощаться.
В прошлом у меня уже был опыт перевода художественной литературы уровня "Книжка, которую я перевела, продается во всех книжных России". Так что я воистину воздам этому фанфику по заслугам, да пребудет со мной сила переводчика, аминь.
P.S.: Я обязательно буду постить ссылки на перевод здесь по мере его выхода. Кажется, мой блог превращается в переводческий. Как же волнительно!
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sais-12-blog · 6 months ago
This was me last year with "By my side" by @demonicputto . This was, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that THIS WAS THE BEST PIECE OF LITERATURE I'VE EVER READ! Scenes from this series pop up randomly in my brain even a year later after reading it because it's so good and I haven't been able to stop to think about it 😭😭😭. English isn't my first language (and since I'm a perfectionist) I wasn't confident enough to leave a comment BUT, after spending a year in the fandom I've gained confidence in my skills and I just want to say that IT'S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND INCREDIBLE THING I'VE HAD THE PRIVILEGE TO READ AND I JUST LOVE IT SO MUCH 😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITTEN IT ❤️❤️❤️
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Everytime I see posts like this I get filled with such profound sadness
Cause you know who has the same brainrot as you? The same unhinged feelings as you after you've read the fic? The person who always wants to scream about the fic with you?
I never used to leave comments but since I got into the habit of commenting on everything i enjoy it's been incredible. Especially when the author gets back to me about it and we get to have a discussion of what other ideas they had. One writer replied to my comment with a 5 paragraph essay detailing the Floorplan of the building the characters lived in and it was incredible
Anyways this is all to say that if you find a fic that just makes you want to scream from the rooftops, leave a comment saying that to the author and maybe they will join you and you can scream incoherently together
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captainblou · 1 year ago
I've been going through my AO3 bookmarks, and here are my absolute favourite fics I've read since I came back to the wonderful world of fanfiction:
By My Side - rated T - A 10 works long, 1 MILLION words ongoing serie by @demonicputto. It's breathtaking, I've spend evenings religiously reading it and can't wait for next part
Back to the Roots - rated E - 91K words. An oldie but GOD is it good! The first part is heartbreaking, it HURTS. But it's so, so worth it.
Trial and Error - rated E - 15K words by @fellshish. The Metatron brings in the demon Crowley to stand trial in Heaven. For tempting an angel. Uhhhh. Awkward. <== loved every bit of it, not gonna spoil, but JESUS.
I'm beginning to see the light - rated E - 12k words by @ineffabildaddy. I'm a big fan of Sam's writing, so please check their other works, but this one hit me different. Human AU, trans Aziraphale and a loooot of love.
Communicatio in Sacris - Rated E - 10K words by @voluptatiscausa. Oh is this efficient. Priest Crowley. Poems. The poem lives rent free in my head, I sometimes mutter it... holy holy holy.
The Grindr logo doesn't even have a G in it - rated E - 79K words. I have to include it, even if it's probably the most recommended fic of all time. It's for a good reason. It's awesome.
And many more, but really, those I will read again and again and again.
Also currently reading (and loving, go give some love to the WIPS!)
Don't Fall Away From Me - rated M - 160K words (WIP) by @phoen1xr0se. Came for the Muriel&Crowley dynamic, stayed for the plot going insanely interesting insanely fast
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aziraphales-library · 5 months ago
hi hello !! v much appreciate the work you've done and i've enjoyed going through my fave tropes through your tags 🤍
just wanted to ask if you have know of fics that show Crowley and Aziraphale as childhood best friends or basically them as kids? i've checked the kid fic tag but that's mostly about them adopting or taking care of kids. I know there are a bunch of human aus that reference a time they were best friends or knew each other when they were younger and then got reunited, which are great !, but I want to read more of cute Crowley and Aziraphale being friends when they were still kiddos 🙏🏽
Would appreciate any recs! Thank you so muchh !!
Hey. You'll have more luck with our #childhood friends and #high school au tags, so check those out! Here are more to add...
Angelic Lullabies by nemingo (NR)
There was once two kids as different as the sun and the moon. One was kind hearted their head turned to the clouds. The other was... angry. But they did share a common ground. A loveless home. But elements could rage around them, they'd always have a shelter.
You're the One That I Want by emmagrant01 (M)
The Grease AU absolutely no one asked for.
And you've got your demons by liber_solis (T)
In which Aziraphale is the new kid at school and Crowley has a reputation Or They say it has to get worse in order to get better, but no one had warned Crowley about the dangers of making a bet and regretting all his life decisions afterwards. Of course, he should have seen it coming, because it was very difficult to not fall in love with Aziraphale
in your own time by ineffabildaddy (E)
Aziraphale and Crowley grew up together as next-door neighbours on Hogback Lane, classmates at the local Catholic school, and inseparable best friends. By the age of eighteen, both were hopelessly in love with the other, despite the knowledge that they were doomed to live apart, as Crowley aimed to pursue university study in London and Aziraphale committed himself to remaining in Tadfield, dedicating his life to the Church. After almost twenty years spent away from his hometown, renowned botanist Crowley decides to come and visit Tadfield again at a moment's notice; the purpose of his visit is to speak at a Careers Day for the school he and Aziraphale, now a beloved priest and a frequent helper at the school, attended. The twenty-four hours that follow will change both of their lives for ever.
By My Side by Demonicputto (T)
When Crowley is given the chance at a human life (birth to death, family, Free Will, the whole shebang) he takes it. He does this, in part, to protect Aziraphale from being forced to take the same opportunity against his will. However, once Crowley is off on this metaphysical adventure, Aziraphale learns that his friend’s new life is not all that was advertised. To protect a small, amnesic Crowley from a childhood of cruelty, Aziraphale must go after him. If he’s going to do so, he must become human himself. Now in the form of a nine-year-old boy (though with his memories mercifully intact) Aziraphale must navigate adoptive parents, child therapists, and nativity plays to try and provide what protection he can to his dearest companion.
A Careful Kind of Something by hope_in_the_dark (T)
Ezra Seraff and Anthony Crowley aren't exactly what you'd call friends. Yet.
- Mod D
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demonicputto · 1 year ago
An overview of my fanfiction series so far, with short blurbs about each section. (They get a bit spoilery in the later sections, if you care about that sort of thing.)
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To be continued in Part 11, at some point.
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angelicandroid · 1 year ago
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rereading @demonicputto 's By My Side series and made this little thing. Did I forget Aziraphale's glasses? Yes. Is the artstyle kinda really wonky? Yes, mostly because I tried to capture the spirit of the late 90s by copying the artstyle of the Paranoid Android music video but anyways thanks for writing an amazing, seemingly never ending story.
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cachestarhouse · 8 months ago
So, I don't remember which section, let alone which chapter of @demonicputto's <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/series/1654357">By My Side</a> this is mentioned in, but I got to hear it live with the Las Vegas Philharmonic the other day. So good!
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ao3feed-ineffablehusbandz · 2 years ago
God Only Knows
God Only Knows
by Demonicputto
Aziraphale's life as a human has not always been easy. Growing up was difficult. Going to school was difficult. So was getting a job and dealing with parents. But hardest of all were the times he spent separated from Anthony--Crowley's unknowing human form.
That will no longer be a problem. He and Anthony have finally moved in together and there are plans for a wedding on the horizon. It should all be easier now, but knitting their lives together comes with its own slew of difficulties.
There will be new jobs, new family members, a new apartment and an old flat. There will also, of course, be a wedding. That will bring its own share of new developments, but the greatest changes in a human life are rarely the ones that anyone can prepare for--especially when one isn't, actually, human.
Words: 6117, Chapters: 1/12, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of By My Side
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Secondary original characters - Character
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Canon disguised as AU, Musician Crowley (Good Omens), Reincarnation, Swearing, Wedding Planning, Marriage
From https://ift.tt/LEeSXUV https://archiveofourown.org/works/45237886
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carontnav · 7 months ago
This is @demonicputto and @charlottemadison42 😍
That feeling tho when you find that fic writer that just absolutely fucking
understands the characters to their core
writes so well they–just so–they just—their writing is—-THEY WRITE GOOD
shatters your bad mood with a new update
writes a fic that you can read over again and still clutch at your heart like HOLY SHIT I FUCKING LOVE–I LOVE THIS FIC
writes a scene that has you all giddy in public and that one random stranger asks you like “ooo you are smiling :) :) is that a boy :) you are talking to :)” and you’re like “no I’m reading a Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies AU, please leave”
understands and portrays the characters better than the people who make MOVIES with those characters
amazing. just amazing. fic writers are awesome
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good-omens-scrapbook · 2 years ago
While everyone is reeling about the trailer for Season 2 coming out tomorrow, I’m deep in a reread of @demonicputto ‘s entire series, especially the first two story arcs.
Ezra is learning to cook under his mother’s tutelage, and this is his first from-scratch cake:
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Sure, it’s lopsided. And the frosting is a bit uneven. And Ezra’s really not pleased with the candy sprinkles in the batter. But Tony is certain it will be delicious, because Ezra made it!
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In fact, Tony is so excited that he’s forgotten a fork or any napkins! He’s going to get chocolate all over his pajamas, I just know it!
(There are people who can make incredible fake food for dolls, but I’m not one of them. That’s a real cake, with real frosting, and I really am worried that Tony is about to face-plant into sugary goodness.)
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untitledfanfictionblog · 2 months ago
Pinned post with all my fic rec links. My main blog is @lukeqatwalker, I post more on there, haven't really figured out what I'm doing here other than I want to make a nice little list of my favorite fanfiction.
Bucky Barnes adjacent
Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson/Steve Rogers
Cuddle Duty Optimisation by Mumble_Bee
Bruce Banner/Bucky Barnes
Two Young, Savage Things by Dira Sudis (dsudis)
Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov
Growing Seasons by Violsva
Bucky Barnes/Joaquin Torres/Sam Wilson
take my hand, wreck my plans (that's my man) by notcaycepollard 
Marvel Mutants
Logan Howlett/Scott Summers
Tapped Out by strangenewwords Go and get your hands dirty by strangenewwords
Logan Howlett/Wade Wilson
Void by RovingOtter One Single Thread by JadedAce Riding the Wild Wade by alternatedoom second nature to me now by edgebug
Other Marvel
Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote
Larger Rules Even You Must Follow by by ashe_urbanipal
Wade Wilson/Venom Symbiote
The Other Kind of Get Together by autoschediastic
Foggy Nelson/Matt Murdock
Audio Tracks by GoggledMonkey Chocolate to Soothe the Soul by pocketbucky (SophisticatedCat) Your All and Nothing Else by Werelibrarian Invisible Ink by ctimene Shampoo, Rinse, Repeat by ctimene
Not Marvel
By My Side by Demonicputto  Loosely Ballroom by marginalia_device
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captainblou · 9 months ago
3, 12 and 32 for the TMI Friday?
Thanks for the ask love!!
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
Oh I’m a mess. I have so many docs opened with scenes, outlines and stuff… I write stuff as they come to me because if I don’t I’ll forget. I wrote a dialogue while still in bed this morning because it was giving me the feelings and I was afraid to loose it if I left my bed. But, when the main ideas are set, I try to outline each chapters with the main scenes I want in them, usually I outline the first and last before filling the gaps in the middle. And then, I just start writing. Whenever I feel the block, I open a new document and write a scene that actually flows until I can come back to the main doc.
Long story short I’m a chaotic writer. I write while watching TV, I write at work, I write in my bed. And I reread everything a thousand times.
12. How does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
I would love to tell you that I write for myself and don’t care about what people think, but that would be a lie. I love getting feedback. I love receiving comments, I love reading how excited people are over the stuff I write. It makes me feel good about myself for the first time in years. I was so sure I was done for creative stuff when Covid hit and I was just not capable of writing anything when everyone else was soooo productive… My self esteem was so low at that point, that I’m not even ashamed of saying that I write and post my stories because it feels good to receive feedback.
So please guys, comment on the fics you read. Even if it’s nothing groundbreaking, not all of us are going to post Slow Show, alright, but please, comment, give us our bread!!
32. Name 3 of your favorite fanfic writers.
Oh god, this is so difficult. I have to admit that I mostly read stories but don’t stick to a writer
@ineffabildaddy is a must. Sweetheart, the way you write smut is unbelievable, I’ve said it before, never thought I’d cry over porn in my life, but you did it, more than once
@demonicputto and their mega fic By My Side is my Roman Empire. I can’t wait for the next part, seriously.
@fellshish never misses!! Trial and errors is *chief kiss*
But also, my to read list is so full it’s insane, I’m probably missing out on a lot of amazing writers… Send me your fav’ @eybefioro !!!
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ineffablepartners · 6 months ago
Tony on stage!
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I don’t know the context but the vibes are impeccable
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aziraphales-library · 10 months ago
ello ello ello!
i am looking for fics where, human or not, crowley and azi grow up being together being friends and turns to lovers ! thank you for your blessed job <3
Hi! We have #childhood friends and #friends to lovers tags, so check those out. Here are some to add to the collections...
Stronger Than Hurt by TawnyOwl95 (E)
Everything changed the summer that Crowley fell off the Eastgate's garage roof and broke his arm. Fourteen years later he stood outside a tattoo shop with a picture of the drawing Aziraphale Eastgate had done on his cast, and hoped for a second chance.
Christmas light by Tigerphoenix (T)
After years of neither hearing form his father nor sibling Crowley is convinced to return to his childhood home. He knew from the start it wasn’t a good idea, but he did it anyway. Maybe something good comes out of it. Aziraphale returns home to his family home every year for Christmas. But Christmas with nine people is exhausting. Nothing wrong with some time alone, right?
I scorn to change my state with kings by bearwonder (T)
They’d seem an unlikely pair, if anyone saw them from the outside — Crowley in black skinny jeans and Aziraphale in beige corduroys — but no one does, and that’s just how they want it. Crowley and Aziraphale meet in kindergarten. This is the story of their lives.
What About Hope? by AppleSeeds (M)
Crowley met Aziraphale in the spring of 1989 while he was on his lunchbreak from the factory, his attention immediately drawn to the posh boy sitting by the canal writing poetry. It was immediately obvious that they came from entirely different worlds, but the time they spent together was the happiest Crowley had ever known. With Aziraphale, Crowley experienced many firsts - his first kiss, his first love... his first heartbreak. Twenty years later, they are reunited when Crowley, now a successful writer and vlogger, comes to work as an Associate Lecturer in the university department where Aziraphale is an academic. Seeing Crowley brings back Aziraphale's intense regret for allowing himself to be persuaded to leave him behind all those years ago. Aziraphale desperately wishes to renew their acquaintance, but Crowley seems determined to keep his distance. Aziraphale can't blame him for not forgiving him, since he has never been able to forgive himself, but when Crowley begins to spend more time with him, Aziraphale is left with the hope that maybe they could at least be friends again - no matter how much it might hurt.
And a Silver Sixpence in His Shoe by smolalienbee (T)
If there is one thing to be said about Aziraphale Z. Fell is that he leads an ordinary, quiet life. He lives in Soho, London, above an old bookshop that he’s been fortunate enough to inherit in his late twenties. He likes sushi and good wine. He has a few friends - like Nina, who works at the coffee shop across the street; or Maggie, who runs the record store that he takes an absolute pleasure in frequently purchasing from. (He’s lonely. Terribly so. He’s been lonely for about ten years now, since - he does not want to think about that.) Today is his 35th birthday. At age 15, Aziraphale made a Promise. At age 25, he had an Earth-shattering fight with his childhood - and closest - friend. At age 35, that same friend shows up at his doorstep and suddenly, Aziraphale’s entire world is thrown upside down. A story of something unexpected, something old, something yellow, something stolen, something new and something promised. (It’s going to be a long week.)
Dancing in the Dark by Demonicputto (T)
In search of inspiration for his next album, rock musician Tony Jay is headed to London. It's not the atmosphere he's after, but a reunion with Ezra Fell, his dearest friend from childhood. A one sided, adolescent crush fueled Tony's first songs and, now that they're both older, he's hoping those feelings might finally be requited. But, Ezra may not be ready for that. In his eyes, their relationship is far more complicated. Unlike Tony, he remembers who they truly are: the demon Crowley and the angel Aziraphale.
- Mod D
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demonicputto · 1 year ago
Chapter 12 is up!!!
Aziraphale was just settling down for his lunch, when Crowley shuffled out of the bedroom still in his night clothes. His hair was a soft red mess and he kept rubbing at his eyes. He might have been up, but it was clear he was not fully awake. Aziraphale said ‘Good morning’ and got a grumble in return. It would be no use speaking with him until he’d gotten ready for the day.
Aziraphale was picking crumbs off his plate, by the time Crowley was brushed and showered and nursing a cup of coffee over on the couch. He washed his dishes and then spread peanut butter on a few slices of toast. This he took out from the kitchen and placed on the coffee table for Crowley.
“You came to bed late last night. How are you feeling?”
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