#demon steve Harrington
sidekick-hero · 4 months
The road to hell
(steddie | teen | wc: 2.8k | tags: demon!steve, exes, reconcilation, accidental demon summoning | AO3)
I have no idea what happened, but this prompt wouldn't leave me alone so have a short, self-indulgent demon!Steve crack fic.
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Eddie was not wallowing. He was not.
He’s simply spending his Saturday evening home alone, sitting on his couch and drinking expensive whiskey straight from the bottle with The Cranberries crooning in the background. No biggie.
Steve hated it when he drank hard liquor from the bottle. He always insisted on using the crystal tumblers he'd owned even before he and Eddie had gotten together. Most of their stuff had been Steve’s because Eddie had been living in a one-bedroom apartment the size of a shoebox before they moved in together, while Steve owned an honest-to-god mansion.
Eddie should’ve known they’d never make it.
Their differences had been thrilling at first, sure, but it was never meant to last. He knows that now.
If he’d only known five years ago when the officiator had asked, “And do you want to take Steven Baron Harrington to be your lawfully wedded husband?” he could’ve said no if he’d known that only three years later, Steve would smash his heart into pieces.
The worst part though? Eddie knows that even knowing what would come, he wouldn’t want to give up the three years of blissful happiness before that.
Because Steve and he? They had been happy. He knows they had been. Eddie had been the happiest man on earth until the day Steve said they needed to talk. They hadn’t really talked, after all, because there hadn’t been much for Eddie to say.
What do you say when the man you believe is the love of your life tells you that he can’t do this anymore, that he thought he could be happy with Eddie but it wasn’t working? Apparently, it wasn’t Eddie’s fault, but Steve’s.
Yeah, right.
It’s definitely Steve’s fault Eddie is drinking himself stupid on what is supposed to be his fifth wedding anniversary, if not for the divorce papers he got this morning with his mail. Ready to be signed by him, Steve’s flourished signature taunting him.
What kind of asshole sends his soon-to-be ex-spouse divorce papers on their wedding anniversary?
Eddie’s not wallowing in self-pity because Eddie is livid. He’s so goddamn pissed that Steve would do that to him after promising to cherish him, to love him. How could he have been so stupid and believed all the promises Steve had made? Promises of forever, of growing old and wrinkly together, of sharing the good and the bad times with each other.
Apparently, that has all been bullshit because Eddie’s in the middle of some horrible times and Steve’s nowhere to be seen.
Taking another big swig from the rapidly emptying bottle, Eddie stares at the photo album in his lap. It’s the album with their wedding photos and one of the very few things he had taken from their shared home before he left.
He sets the album aside and reaches for another item, something he'd grabbed by accident during the chaos of moving out. It’s a book with an ornate, leather-bound cover that had always been on Steve's bookshelf, untouched and gathering dust.
Eddie flips it open, curiosity piqued by the strange symbols and archaic script. The words look like nothing he’s ever seen, some ancient language or elaborate code. He squints at the pages, the whiskey making the characters dance.
"What the hell did you collect, Steve?" he mumbles, running his finger along the odd script. He starts murmuring the strange words aloud, half in jest, half in drunken curiosity.
As he clumsily flips through the pages, one of them gives him a paper cut. "Shit," he curses, watching a drop of blood swell on his fingertip and drip onto the book. The blood seeps into the page, the crimson drop spreading and absorbing into the parchment.
The room suddenly grows colder, the air thick with an oppressive energy. Eddie looks around, a chill running down his spine. “What the…”
Before he can finish the thought, the book begins to glow, the symbols pulsing with a dark, eerie light. The room vibrates with a low hum, and Eddie stumbles back, eyes wide with horror and disbelief.
The light intensifies, and with a sudden burst, a figure emerges from the book, surrounded by a swirling vortex of shadows. Eddie’s heart pounds in his chest as the figure materializes, taking on a familiar shape.
“Steve?” Eddie gasps, his voice a mix of shock and terror.
The figure steps forward, solidifying into a very real, very present Steve. Except… not quite. His eyes glow with an unearthly light, and dark, swirling tattoos snake up his arms and neck.
“Hello, Eddie,” Steve—or the demon that looks like him—says, a smirk playing on his lips. “Miss me?”
Eddie’s bottle slips from his hand, shattering on the floor as he scrambles away, fear etched on his face. Seeing Eddie’s reaction, Steve’s smirk fades, replaced by a look of hurt and sadness.
“What the heck is going on, Steve?” Eddie demands, his voice shaking, eyes wide with a mix of anger and confusion. “If this is some kind of…of prank then it’s not funny at all.”
Steve looks apologetic. “It’s not a prank, Eddie. God, I wish it were. This,” he says as he stretches out his arm, the palm of his hand facing upwards, “is real.”
A flame appears atop Steve’s hand, casting shadows over his not-quite-human face.
Most of Eddie was fucking terrified, but he would be lying if he said there wasn’t also a part that thought Steve looked even more beautiful like that.
“So you’re saying… What? That you’re -” He can’t bring himself to say it. It sounds insane, even in his head. Speaking it out loud would mean risking his sanity, he knows it.
“A demon? A spawn of hell? A monster? An abomination? You can choose one of these, I’ve been called worse.”
Steve says it nonchalant, giving Eddie a shrug of his shoulder and a wary twist of his mouth, but Eddie knows him. Knows his tells. His heart twinges in his chest at the sight, fingers itching to reach out and pull Steve in his arms and sooth his self-doubt and insecurities.
But then he remembers that he’s a demon, a fact he conveniently forget to tell Eddie because… Because what? Because Eddie was just a mere human, vulnerable, weak, helpless? Did Steve think he couldn’t handle the truth? Or was he embarrassed what all the other demons would think if they’d knew he was married to a mortal?
“And you kept this from me because I'm just a weak, pathetic human? Is that it? Were you embarrassed of stupid little Eddie, who has to use a lighter to get some fire?”
Steve laughs brokenly, the sound raw and bitter and Eddie’s heart tightens as Steve's laughter echoes hollowly in the room. He waits for Steve's response, his eyes searching for some semblance of truth in the demon's gaze.
"No, Eddie, it’s not that," Steve finally replies, his voice carrying a weight of regret. "I ended things because I’m a demon. We don’t belong here. I’m only allowed on Earth for as long as a deal I have with a mortal lasts. My last one was a ten-year deal, and it ended a few days after I broke things off with you."
Eddie’s eyes widen, hurt mingling with confusion. "So, you broke up with me because your deal ended?"
"Yes," Steve admits, his voice softening, his eyes filled with a mix of regret and longing. "It was stupid to fall for a human in the first place. I didn’t plan on it, I swear, but I couldn’t help myself. Your clumsy ass was just too irresistible."
"Shut up, you love my ass," Eddie retorts without thinking, falling back into their old banter as easy as breathing.
Steve doesn’t laugh, just looks at Eddie with liquid hazel eyes that shine with a red hue if Eddie tilts his head just so. “I do. That’s why I ended things in the worst possible way. I loved you too much to drag you into my mess so I had to let you go. I hoped that it would be easier if you could just hate me.”
Eddie’s breath catches, tears welling up. “But why didn’t you just tell me?” he whispers, the pain in his voice palpable.
"I couldn’t," Steve says, stepping closer, his eyes pleading, glistening with unshed tears. “I didn’t want to hurt you more than necessary. So, I went back to Hell.”
Eddie shakes his head, trying to process everything. “Let me get this straight. You loved me… but you left. You didn’t want to hurt me… but you decided to just tell me it’s over one day, no explanation, letting me think it was my fault. That I wasn’t good enough.”
“I had to,” Steve insists, his voice breaking. “I thought it was the only way to protect you.”
Eddie looks at him, a mixture of anger and longing in his eyes. “So, what now?”
Steve sighs, looking more human than ever despite the demonic aura. “I don’t know, Eddie. I don’t know.”
Eddie’s chest tightens, too many conflicting emotions swirling inside him. “Why, Steve? Why let me fall in love with you if this was how it was going to end?”
Steve steps closer, reaching out but stopping short of touching Eddie. “Because I’m a demon, Eddie. I’m selfish, and cruel. Loving you, having you love me back, it was the best part of my existence. Even if it had to end, those years with you were worth everything. Even if I knew it would hurt in the end, I couldn’t stop myself.”
Eddie’s tears finally spill over, and he chokes out, “You left me broken, Steve. You made me love you and then you discarded me like a broken toy, leaving me wondering what it was that I did wrong, why you stopped loving me. I don’t know if I can ever forgive you for that.”
Steve’s own eyes glisten with unshed tears. “I know. I’m so sorry, Eddie. I thought I was doing the right thing not telling you. I thought… I thought it would be better for you. That you could hate me and move on.”
“Have you?” Eddie scoffs, wiping at his tears angrily.
“Have I what?”
“Moved on,” Eddie clarifies, chastising himself for the tentative hope blooming in his chest.
Steve looks down, his expression one of deep regret. “No,” he admits, “I haven’t. Not sure I’ll ever will but that was supposed to be my problem. At least before you managed to summon me with a grimoire you apparently stole from me. How did you even do that?”
“I just… took it?” Eddie has the good grace to look a bit sheepish.
With a fond chuckle, Steve’s usual reaction when Eddie was saying something silly, Steve shakes his head. “No, dummy. How the hell - pun totally intended - did you summon me from hell? That’s some serious blood magic.”
Steve looks impressed and Eddie wants to preen under it, but he also knows that it hadn’t been his magical proficiency exactly that had summoned Steve.
“It was an accident,” he mumbles, avoiding Steve’s gaze. It figured that the one time Eddie did something truly impressive, apparently, it was a drunken accident. And of course Steve couldn’t let it go, either.
“Come again? This almost sounded like…”
Burying his face in his hands, Eddie groans deep in his chest. Then he raises his arms in an exasperated gesture. “It was an accident, okay? I cut my finger on the paper. Happy now?” He adds petulantly.
Steve laughs at that. “Only you, Eddie, only you…” The way Steve looks at him with so much fondness, face soft and almost yearning, tugs at Eddie’s heart. “Actually, yeah, I’m happy your drunken ass managed something most people who tried failed at, because it means I got to see you again. I… I really missed you, Bambi.”
Eddie takes a shaky breath, trying to steady himself. “So, what happens now, Steve? Do you go back to Hell?”
Steve looks up, his eyes filled with sorrow. “Not if I can help it. I want to find a way to be with you, Eddie. For real, this time. But I don’t know how.”
Eddie’s heart aches at the sincerity in Steve’s voice, but the hurt and betrayal still linger. “I don’t know if I can trust you again, Steve. Not after everything.”
Steve nods, understanding. “I know it won’t be easy. But I’m willing to do whatever it takes to earn your trust back. To prove that I love you, no matter what.”
Eddie looks at Steve, the love and pain in his heart warring with each other. “We’ll see, Steve. We’ll see.”
With his head in his hands, Eddie’s sat on the couch, still processing the whirlwind of revelations and emotions. Steve was back, a demon, but still the man he loved. And now, Steve wants to find a way to be with him for real. The absurdity of the situation makes Eddie’s head spin. He reaches for the whiskey bottle again, but Steve gently takes it from his hand before he can take another sip.
“Hey, I think you’ve had enough of that,” Steve says, a hint of humor in his voice. “Besides, we need you sober if we’re going to figure this out.”
Eddie blinks at him, then bursts into a half-sob, half-laugh. “This is so messed up, Steve. My ex-husband is a demon, and I summoned him by accident, and now he won’t even let me drink to deal with it because he wants me to help him find a way to stay topside. What is my life?”
Steve chuckles softly, the sound carrying a mixture of amusement and affection. “It’s certainly not what you expected, I bet.”
Eddie lets out a shaky breath, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips despite the chaos of emotions swirling within him. “No, definitely not what I expected.”
As the tension begins to ease between them, Eddie gestures towards the broken whiskey bottle on the floor. “Guess you owe me a drink for cleaning up your mess,” he quips, attempting to lighten the heavy atmosphere.
Steve’s chuckle grows into a genuine laugh, the sound echoing warmly through the room. “You can hold me to that. But first, let’s figure out how to fix this.”
Eddie sighs, rubbing his temples. “Alright, demon ex-husband. What’s the plan?”
Steve looks thoughtful for a moment, then grins. "First, we need some coffee. Strong coffee. And then maybe I'll give you a crash course in demonology? See if that magical brain of yours can come up with an idea. You've always been good at thinking outside the box, and that's exactly what we're going to need."
Eddie groans, but can't help the small smile on his lips. "Fine. But if you think I'm going to let you stay here without doing the dishes, you've got another thing coming."
Steve laughs, a genuine, joyful sound that makes Eddie's heart ache with nostalgia. "Deal. Any other terms, oh, husband of mine?"
"Ex-husband. Someone decided to send divorce papers on our anniversary. I should have known you were a demon with a move like that."
All the color drains from Steve's face, his eyes widen comically. He looks so completely human now, if not for the tattoos still swirling on his skin. "Oh fuck. It's the first of May? Shit, shit, shit, Eddie, I'm so sorry! I told Vince to get the papers to you as soon as possible before I went back to hell, I had no idea he'd wait until today."
The thing is, Steve really looks devastated at the thought, his eyes begging Eddie to believe him. He knows Steve - at least he thought he did - and the man he knew wouldn't hurt him like that. Not knowingly. But he also thought that the man he knew wouldn't lie to him for years and break his heart, so what does Eddie really know? He shouldn't be trusted with life decisions, not even his own.
Suddenly he is tired of being angry at Steve. Part of him thinks this is all a dream anyway, and tomorrow when he wakes up he can go back to being angry at him and blaming him for the massive hangover he's got.
Tonight he wants to live in a world where Steve had to leave him because he's a demon and now he accidentally summoned him and is trying to help him stay here for good.
"It's okay, Steve. How about that coffee and demonology crash curse? By the way, I can't believe you never wanted to play DnD with us. You would have crushed it."
Steve gives him a grateful smile and follows Eddie into the kitchen.
"We can treat this like one of your adventures. But don't use your DM voice or whatever on me or we won't get anything done tonight."
The heat in Steve's eyes is probably hellfire, Eddie thinks as he audibly swallows. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Or, in Eddie's case, with drunken accidental summonings.
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magickizu · 2 months
Yes, yes I know and I hear you. Vampire!Eddie and Werewolf!Billy having fun with little, puny, cute human plaything named Steve. It's funny. It's hot. Yes.
BUT!! WHAT IF- Steve is a demon, a fallen guardian angel, assigned to watch over Hawkins. He fell to protect in any way necessary, at any cost...
-So of course he's not gonna blow his cover for little, puny, cute paranormal mortals who just have some fun and a nice friendship! Until of course shit goes down and the upsidedown happens. Then Billy and Eddie are just absolutely confused and shocked and one of them drops "are angels and demons even real!?? How!??" - "wait.. does that mean, you actively, deliberately lost against us. Every time??"
"What's so wrong about letting you guys have your fun, if I don't mind?"
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk!
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Title: demons are a girl’s best friend
Pairing: Incubus!Eddie Munson x Incubus!Steve Harrington x Female Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ MDNI)
Chapters: 1/1
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Since returning from the Upside Down, something dark exists in Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson. Something that is satisfied by only one thing - sex.
And they've set their sights on you.
Tags/warnings: explicit sexual content (18+), f/m/m threesome, p in v, masturbation, choking, pet names, dirty talk, degradation, praise kink, oral (m/f receiving), mild dub con for incubus magic ya know?, rough sex, dom/sub, demons still believe in aftercare. Let me know if anything is missing!
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You can’t sleep. You’ve tossed, you’ve turned, you’ve flipped your pillow over chasing the cool side, but sleep just still won’t come and put you out of your exhausted misery.
It’s been a rough week. As a senior at Hawkins High School, you and the other one hundred-something students in your class are all feeling the impending weight of finals. You’re up later and later every night, hunched over your worn out desk as you write yet another essay, hoping that the words you’re coming up with are still making sense. Your eyes burn as you stare up at the ceiling, the one lone glow in the dark star that’s remained affixed to the paint glowing dimly.
With a groan, you turn over again. All your pent up energy is starting to fizzle beneath your skin, in your blood, and you feel flushed all over. You shift your legs, the friction of your pajamas against your sensitive core making you bite your lip. You slip your hand beneath the waistband, sliding your fingers through the slick that’s built up between your thighs. You whimper at the sensation, giving another swipe, and another.
Your brain starts to wander back to a scene in one of the naughty books you swiped from the thrift store you work at part time. In it, the heroine was rescued by two strapping young knights, whisked away into the forest, where they took care of her needs.
Her every need.
You picture it in your head - four hands gliding over your body, two sets of lips leaving imprints of heat across your skin. A tongue diving between your lips, tangling with yours, while another swirls over the soft skin of your tummy before traveling lower, lower, lower.
Your hand moves faster, your back arching slightly off the bed as your hips chase a rhythm that will bring you the release you desperately crave. In your mind, the scene has shifted and you’re naked, the blunt head of one cock sliding into your channel as another thrust into your mouth.
With a choked off moan, you tip over the edge, your orgasm spreading through your limbs and making them grow heavy. As you lay there in the afterglow, your eyes fluttering shut, your only thought is how desperately you wished that was real.
Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson have not always been this way. Something about them, to the very core of their beings, had been changed when they last went to the Upside Down. Something dark existed in them, begging for release, and it was only satisfied by one thing.
It didn’t matter who it was with, not really, though so far nothing compared to when they were together, satisfying the urge with the give and take of their own energy, feeding off each other. Occasionally, they’d branch out, bringing home women and men alike for a night of pleasure that kept them satiated for a few days. Hawkins, unfortunately, had a limited number of people to tempt and lure. They’d traveled as far out as Indianapolis a couple times, but financially, it wasn’t the most feasible option.
As it was, tonight, Eddie lounged in bed beside Steve, cigarette dangling between his lips, when he felt that familiar tug in his belly. A side effect of that darkness, Steve and Eddie were more in tune with the carnal desires of the town, the threads of lust that stretched from people’s minds and vibrated enticingly.
Eddie sits up, tilting his head back as he blows out a hazy cloud of smoke. Beside him, he feels Steve tense.
“You feel that, too?” He asks. “Shit, that’s good.”
Steve nods, plucking the cigarette from Eddie’s fingers and bringing it to his lips. Eddie watches with rapt attention, eyes trained to his lips.
“We gotta find that one,” Eddie says. “I don’t think we’ve felt one that strong before.”
“Not even those twins from Marion,” Steve agrees. He purses his lips, blowing the smoke into Eddie’s face with a cheeky grin.
“You’re a tease, Harrington,” Eddie growls, leaning forward and shoving him back into the mattress.
“What are you going to do about it, Munson?”
“I have some ideas.”
It’s Friday afternoon, and you’re in the drama club room, painting one of the set pieces for the next production. You’re alone, having stayed back when the rest of the cast and crew decided to call it a day. You needed to get another coat of paint on this fake tree before the weekend so that you could start putting the leaves on it on Monday.
You’re so focused on the task that you don’t hear the door open, or the sound of footsteps punctuated by the clink of chains. It’s not until a hand is pressed to your shoulder do you realize you’re not alone.
With a surprise shriek, you turn, wielding your paintbrush like a weapon. Eddie Munson stands in front of you, hands held up in surrender, a smirk on his face.
“Woah, didn’t mean to startle you, sweetheart,” he says. The smirk spreads into a grin as you blink at him. You drop the arm wielding the paintbrush and press your free hand to your chest, over your pounding heart.
“Christ, Eddie! Give a girl some warning!”
“I did! I called in to ask if anyone was in here but no one answered!” He laughs, a hand running through his hair. “What are you doing here so late, anyways?”
“Wanted to finish painting so it could dry over the weekend,” you tell him. The conversation stalls at that, the two of you just staring at each other curiously.
Eddie Munson is an enigma. Even before that massive, unexplained earthquake Hawkins had about a month ago, he was always on the periphery of the social classes at Hawkins. When he was initially blamed for Chrissy Cunningham’s murder, but found not guilty, it turned him into a greater social pariah.
Apparently, inciting a massive witch hunt because the whole town believes you’re a homicidal satan worshiper doesn’t exactly help your reputation.
He still hangs out with the younger students in his Dungeons and Dragons Club, a couple of freshmen who worked tirelessly to clear his name with local law enforcement, providing him an alibi that cleared him of all charges. You even see him with Nancy Wheeler on occasion, which is a surprise given her popularity.
You’ve always found Eddie to be a nice guy. Severely misunderstood, a victim of the small town hive mindset. You’ve had a couple classes with him over the last two years, and while his work ethic left a lot to be desired, he wasn’t a bad guy.
And, if you’re being really honest with yourself, you’ve always found him kind of cute, with his wild curly hair and darker sense of style.
It’s when that thought passes through your mind that Eddie tilts his head, eyes darkening.
“You need a ride? I was gonna head out soon, I can drop you off somewhere?” He offers. “I just gotta swing by Family Video and pick my friend up from work first.”
You’re surprised by the offer. You didn’t think you were at offering-rides-level friendly. A ride from Eddie Munson does sound way better than walking around Hawkins near nightfall, though.
“Uh, sure. Thanks, Eddie, that’s sweet of you to offer.”
There is nothing sweet about Eddie’s offer to drive you home.
He’d been searching for that thread of lust all day. Skipped half his classes to do so, slipping into random classrooms as he tapped into that otherworldly perception.
It wasn’t until he went to the drama classroom after school, intending to grab something from the cubby he keeps for Hellfire Club, that he felt that familiar tug.
And there you were, hunched over a plywood and paper maché monstrosity, painting the details of tree bark while being oblivious to your surroundings. Everyone else had already cleared out for the weekend and it was just the two of you in the room, no other distractions.
When you didn’t respond to him calling out, he’d pressed a hand to your shoulder.
And what an enlightening experience that was.
That brief contact was all it took to be flooded with images of you in what he assumes is your bed, hand between your legs as you writhe around on the sheets, chasing the euphoria your body has been building to.
When you turned, his hand breaking contact, he couldn’t help but smirk, excitement and hunger coursing through him in equal measure.
Then he got another surge of lust as you looked at him, pupils dilating in that delicious way he craves.
He can definitely work with this.
He offered you a ride home without another thought. It was a half baked plan on his part, but the longer he got to spend with you, the lower your inhibitions would go.
Add Steve to the equation, and he could speed this process up ten fold.
Eddie glances at you, seated in the front passenger seat with your hands folded in your lap, fingers twisting nervously. Every so often you shift in your seat, your thighs rubbing together, and Eddie has to bite back a groan.
“You gettin’ excited about graduation?” He asks casually. You jump slightly, like you weren’t expecting him to speak, but you recover quickly.
“I guess. Will be nice to see someplace besides Hawkins for a while.”
“I know what you mean. Soon as I finally have that diploma, I’m outta here.”
You giggle, and he knows what you’re about to say before the words even leave your mouth. “Is this the year the great Eddie Munson finally graduates?”
“Hey, now,” he says, pressing a hand to his chest in faux insult, “I’ll have you know that I was just waiting for the right year. ‘86, baby, am I right?”
Another giggle, and Eddie risks another glance at you. Christ, you’re pretty. You’re wearing one of those long skirts with little flowers on it, a black sweater, and a pair of black boots, and the whole outfit just does it for him. His fingers dig into the steering wheel as he fights the urge to dig them into your thigh when you smile at him.
“‘86, baby,” you repeat. He’s grinning as he pulls into a parking space in front of Family Video. He sees Steve’s head lift in his direction and throws him a wave.
“You know Steve, right?” Eddie asks, watching you closely for any reaction.
“Uh, yeah, who doesn’t know Steve Harrington?” You ask with a nervous giggle.
Eddie doesn’t even need his other sense to see what’s plain as day in that response and he mentally fist pumps in excitement. God bless Harrington for being one attractive son of a bitch.
Speak of the devil, Steve picks that moment to pull your door open, startling you. While surprised, Steve recovers quickly and slips right into the role of teen heart throb, leaning against your open door and giving you a smirk.
“Well, hello,” he says. “Wasn’t expecting a beautiful girl this afternoon but I am pleasantly surprised.”
Your cheeks turn pink with a pretty blush and Steve’s eyes find Eddie’s over your head. Eddie licks his lips, eyes going dark as he gives a single nod.
The sound of Eddie saying your name catches your attention, head turning to look at him. “She was hangin’ out late after drama club so I offered her a ride.”
“Always the gentleman, Munson,” Steve quips before shutting your door and climbing through the back of the van. “I’ll let stealing my seat slide this time, sweetheart,” he tells you with a wink that you catch in the rear view mirror.
Eddie pulls the car out of the parking spot, looking at you as he does. “Where to, m’lady?”
You open your mouth to reply when Steve inserts himself between the two of you, leaning his arms on the center console. “I have an idea, why don’t you join us at my house? We can watch a movie, smoke a little, if you’re into that kinda thing.”
“Oh, uh, sure?” You reply, a little uncertain. But when Steve gives you a million dollar smile, Eddie feels a trickle of your lust flow through him.
Thank fuck for Steve, Eddie thinks as he routes the three of you to Harrington’s house.
You don’t know what made you agree to hang out with Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington. You’ve never exchanged more than a handful of conversations with either of them, but like most girls your age in Hawkins, you’re not immune to Steve Harrington’s charm.
Then there’s Eddie, rougher around the edges than Steve, with his leather and chains. But like you noted earlier, he’s always been kind, despite what the small minds of Hawkins have thrown at him, and you find him cute in a mysterious kind of way.
You sneak a glance into the rear view mirror, your gaze immediately meeting Steve’s. You look away, embarrassed, but the man in question leans forward, lips close to your ear.
“So, how’s Hawkins High been treating you?” He asks, warm breath tickling your face and making you shiver. “You still doing yearbook with Nance?”
The questions are innocent, nothing more than small talk, but his proximity makes your blood heat.
“Yeah, still in yearbook. We’re waiting for the prints to come back,” you tell him. You turn your head to look at him and you see his eyes flick to your lips as you draw in a sharp breath, surprised at how close he is.
He leans back just enough to give you some breathing room. “You were always my favorite photographer. Always made sure to get me good side.”
Eddie scoffs, an arm shooting out to knock Steve’s shoulder, throwing him off balance until he lands back on his ass.
“Do not feed his ego, it’s big enough as it is,” he jokes, dodging Steve’s hand when he reaches forward to smack him. “Don’t assault the driver!”
Their bickering makes you laugh, some of the tension leaving you as you continue to watch them interact. They’re an odd pair, but as you watch them you’re struck by how their juxtaposition is exactly what makes them work.
Eddie pulls up to a familiar two story house in one of the nicer neighborhoods of Hawkins. You’ve been here for a couple famous Harrington parties, but the home seems daunting when there’s not one hundred other people milling around as a buffer.
Engine killed, Steve and Eddie hop out of the van. Eddie jogs around to the passenger door and pulls it open, gesturing for your exit with a wide arm and a slight bow.
The two of you trail after Steve into the house after he unlocks the door. Steve runs upstairs to his room, excusing himself to change out of his work clothes. As he disappears on the landing, Eddie takes you hand in his, tugging you forward.
“Come on, let’s pick out the movie before Steve can complain about me picking a horror movie,” he says.
Steve’s voice chimes in from upstairs, “It’s May! You don’t watch Halloween in May!”
Eddie rolls his eyes, but you’re too fixated on the feel of his hand in yours to react to Steve’s joke. You’ve read about feeling sparks before in some of those romance novels, and you think this may be what they’re talking about. Your skin tingles where it connects to his, your smooth palm in his rough one.
You’re so lost to your thoughts that you don’t even notice when he stops walking, causing you to crash right into his chest. An arm wraps around your waist to steady you.
“Woah, tiger. You okay?” He asks.
Your arms are pinned between your bodies, hands pressed to his chest, and when you look up into his eyes, your fingers reflexively curl into the fabric of his t-shirt. Your mouth goes dry as your eyes flick to his face, his eyes trailing down to your lips.
“Yeah…yeah, I’m okay,” you whisper.
You don’t know what’s happening. You don’t understand why Eddie is looking at you like this, like he wants to devour you. Your pulse beats wildly as his eyes meet yours, his brown eyes nearly black.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks quietly.
When you nod, you hear him murmur what sounds like thank god before his lips connect with yours.
It’s not a soft kiss, by any means. His lips press to yours with purpose, with demand, his tongue sliding against yours is when you let out a small whine. His hands frame your face, fingers curling into your hair.
“Couldn’t even pick a movie?” Steve asks. You pull back from Eddie, turning to look at Steve where he’s leaning against the door frame of the den, arms crossed, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Don’t stop on my account.”
“You heard the man,” Eddie says, leaning in to pick up where he left off.
“I…wait…I don’t-,” you stammer, looking between the two of them. “What’s going on?”
Eddie releases you, allowing you to step back and give you some much needed breathing room. Your mind is racing, struggling to give you all the reasons why you need to leave, but somehow you keep coming up with reasons to stay.
Steve steps up behind you, a hand trailing lightly from your shoulder and down your arm, making you shiver. “Nothings going on that you haven’t thought about before. Isn’t that right?”
You’re quiet as he leans in, pressing a kiss to your neck. Your eyes flutter shut, your skin on fire where his lips had been.
“I don’t…I’m not-,” you try to say, but Eddie makes a shushing sound, closing the distance between you once more, pressing you firmly between their bodies. Eddie’s hands join Steve’s, skimming your waist until his fingers toy with the band of your skirt.
“Pretty, isn’t she, Stevie?” Eddie asks. “And such a naughty thing, touching herself while thinking of taking two cocks.”
“H-how did you…,” you start, your words disappearing in a gasp as a hand reaches under your sweater, a palm roughly grasping your breast.
“You called out to us last night. Don’t you remember? As you played with that pretty little pussy?” Steve whispers into your ear, punctuating the statement with a nip of his teeth. “We’re at your service, sweetheart. Just say the word.”
You finally manage to pry your eyes open, heavy lidded though they are. Both of them are staring at you hungrily, eyes black as night. You feel like prey, like a rabbit in the woods that’s about to become dinner.
“Okay,” you whisper, even as your brain screams at you to run.
Steve doesn’t know when he’s felt a greater victory than hearing you give in. That pull of lust, that energy in your very core, just begging to be released, consumed, ravaged.
Eddie is immediately on you, lips dancing with yours in a slick slide that makes Steve’s mouth water. His cock is painfully hard as he watches Eddie’s hands pull your sweater up and over your head, leaving you in your simple black bra.
Eddie drops to his knees, gently lifting one foot to tug your boot off, then the other. Steve busies himself with finding the zipper of your skirt and tugging it down, the fabric dropping away from you as Eddie stands.
“Kneel on the couch, lean your arms on the back cushions,” Eddie commands. Steve watches as you obey, limbs shaky as you do as he says. “Such a good girl.”
The praise makes you whimper, the sound music to Steve’s ears. He watches as Eddie steps up behind you, a hand pressing to your back to make you arch deeper, your ass tilting up gorgeously.
“You ever have someone lick your pussy, baby?” Eddie asks. Steve watches you shake your head, but he knows Eddie well enough to know that won’t suffice. “Words, princess. Use your words. We’ve barely gotten started, you can’t go all cock dumb on us yet.”
“N-no,” you manage to say.
“No, what?” Eddie asks, voice teasing as his hand slides down your back, over your ass, between your thighs.
Confused, you glance over your shoulder. While Eddie’s focus is on his hand between your legs, on the fingers digging into the meat of your inner thigh, Steve meets your gaze.
“Eddie has a particular taste. He likes to be in charge,” Steve explains. Your eyes widen. “You should call him ‘sir’, if you want him to keep going.”
“Oh…no, sir,” you whisper, cheeks flushing a pretty pink in your embarrassment. Eddie groans, the sound going straight to Steve’s dick where it presses painfully against the zipper of his jeans.
“Good girl,” Eddie says, fingers curling into the elastic of your panties and tugging them down your thighs until they sit at your knees.
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” he says as he presses a kiss to your low back. “I’m going to make you cum with my tongue, maybe my fingers, too, if I’m feeling generous. Then, you’re going to show me how well you can take Steve’s cock. Alright?”
“Y-yes, sir.”
“Oh, she’s a quick learner. I think that deserves a reward.” Eddie uses both hands to spread your cheeks, giving Steve an unobstructed view to your glistening pussy that makes him groan, a palm sliding over his dick to give him a fleeting moment of relief.
Eddie leans forward, licking a broad stripe from your clit to your quivering entrance, making you shout. With that encouragement, he turns you into his own personal feast, fingertips digging into your hips as he works to hold you still as he circles his tongue over your clit, down to your hole, and back again.
Steve strips himself of his sweater before tugging his jeans off. He rounds the couch, coming to stand before you.
Christ, what a picture you make. Your eyes are clenched shut, mouth dropped open as you moan, fingers digging into the couch cushion for purchase. You don’t even notice him standing in front of you until he laces his fingers through your hair, tugging sharply.
Your eyes pop open in surprise and Steve smiles at you. “That feel good, huh? Having your pussy licked by Eddie? He’s got a talented tongue, right?”
You nod, the movement limited by his hold on your hair. Steve glanced past your shoulder, locking eyes with Eddie as he sides two fingers into you, pumping roughly.
“Oh my god,” you gasp, muscles tightening.
“Are you going to cum?” Steve asks, releasing his hold on your hair to hold your chin. “Come on, sweetheart, give Eddie want he wants so I can fuck that tight little cunt.”
Your mouth drops with a shout, eyes rolling back as you obey. Steve groans at the surge of power that slides through him. Eddie stands as your body sags against the couch. He holds his fingers out to Steve, sliding them over his tongue.
“Come on, Stevie, don’t keep her waiting.”
You think you might be dead. Or dreaming. Maybe some combination of the two.
The orgasm that Eddie pulls out of you is like nothing you’ve experienced before. The way it coursed through your whole body, lighting you up from head to toe, all your other fumblings under your covers at midnight paled in comparison.
You’re boneless against the couch cushions until two sets of hands start to maneuver your body on someone’s lap. You blink, staring dazedly down into Steve’s face.
His hands grip your waist, grinding you against his hard length, the sensation near painful on your sensitive clit. Steve’s face is familiar, yet not at all at the same time. Like something shifts beneath the surface of his smile, his eyes darker than you remember them being.
“Hey there,” he says gently. He brings one hand up to cup your cheek, pulling you closer to plant a surprisingly chaste kiss to your lips. “You good?”
You give a shaky nod, moving your hips over him again, without his guidance. He groans, head tipping back against the couch cushions as his eyes flutter shut. Movement to your right catches your attention, and you turn to see Eddie, now naked, slowly sliding his hand up and down his cock. He leans in closer, using his free hand to grip your chin and tug you to him, lips slamming against yours hungrily.
His tongue sweeps into your mouth to tangle with yours as Steve lifts you slightly, positioning himself at your entrance before urging you down onto him. You gasp into Eddie’s kiss, the stretch overwhelming in the best way possible. Eddie pulls back with a sharp smile.
“That feel good, princess?” He asks, voice gravelly.
“Yes, sir.”
“Why don’t you thank Steve for giving your greedy pussy his cock?” He turns your head back to Steve.
“T-thank you, Steve.”
“Good girl,” Eddie praises. “Now, I want you to make yourself cum.”
Tentatively, you begin to move your hips. Forward, back, forward, back, adjusting to the sensation, familiarizing yourself with the body beneath yours. Steve groans.
“I think you can do better than that,” Eddie teases. He moves off the couch, positioning himself behind you. His hands rest on top of Steve’s as he grips your hips, urging your movements on. His dick presses to your back and he groans into your ear every time he drags you against it.
Steve leans forward, one hand digging into Eddie’s wild hair to pull him into a kiss over your shoulder. You gasp, tightening around Steve as you watch them.
When they break apart, panting, Steve smiles at you. “She liked that, Eddie. Her pussy got so tight just now.”
“Yeah?” He smooths your hair away from your neck, peppering you with kisses and bites.
“Eddie, please,” you moan on a particularly rough bite that Steve punctuates with a sharp thrust of his hips.
“Please, what?”
“Wanna touch you.”
He laughs. “You are touchin’ me.”
“N-no,” you stutter. “More.”
His hand moves from your hip to your belly, trailing down until his fingers graze where you and Steve are connected. His calloused fingertips trace circles around your clit, featherlight and not nearly enough. You give a frustrated groan, grinding harder to chase the friction both men are providing you.
“Tell you what,” Eddie says, with a pointed swipe of his fingers directly where you crave them most. “Cum for Steve, and I’ll let you suck my cock. How’s that sound?”
All you can manage is a whine as Steve starts thrusting from below you, making you tip forward until you’re flush to his chest. Eddie keeps his hand wedged between your bodies, pressing to your swollen clit until the dual sensations cause you to tip over the edge with a shout, limbs shaking as you cling to Steve’s shoulders.
“Jesus Christ,” Steve groans as you flutter around him. Both of them slow their movements as you come down from your release, until finally they release you.
Steve lays you on your back, pushing your legs apart and settling between them, sliding his still hard cock through your folds. Eddie positions himself by your hand, a hand fisting his own length as he stares down at you.
“This is what you wanted, right, princess?” He asks.
“Y-yes, sir,” you say, eyes fixed on his hand. He’s gorgeous, lithe frame covered in tattoos and scars that you want to explore.
“Such a good little slut,” he praises, before tipping your chin back so that the crown of your head is on the cushion. “Now, open up.”
You do as you’re told, dropping your jaw open and moaning when he traces your lips with his tip.
“Aw, don’t tease her, Munson,” Steve admonishes, slowly slipping himself back inside your sensitive pussy.
“Can it, Harrington, I’m working here,” Eddie snaps, his words lacking any real heat. Despite his response, Eddie begins to slide his cock past your lips. He takes care not to push too far, pumping his hips in short thrusts that counter Steve’s deep ones.
“Christ, the mouth on you, sweetheart,” Eddie bites out.
“Her pussy’s even better,” Steve taunts as he slips a hand beneath your knee, pushing your leg up to your chest and opening you up to him further. The deeper angle makes you groan around Eddie, eyes shutting as you give yourself over to the sensation.
Eddie’s hand wraps gently around your throat, squeezing the sides tenderly. You can feel Steve lean forward, can hear the slick sound of their tongues meeting even among the noise of their bodies pounding against yours. Steve’s thrusts grow erratic, until he’s pressing deep, his own orgasm running through him like a freight train.
He pulls out and Eddie follows suit, leaving you feeling empty. You frown at them, until Steve pulls you up, urging you to turn around until you’re laying with your back against his chest, facing Eddie.
“Fuck,” Eddie growls, hand reaching out to trail his fingers through Steve’s release as it slips out of you. “You’re so gorgeous.”
You feel your cheeks heat from blushing and Steve’s chest rumbles beneath you with his laughter. “After all that, you’re going shy on us now?”
Eddie chuckles as he shuffles forward, sliding himself through the slick mess between your legs. Without warning, he slams into you, jerking you against Steve and making you cry out from how sensitive they’ve made you.
He withdraws slowly, slowly, until just the tip of him is barely inside you, and with a wicked smile he sets a punishing rhythm that has you crying out with every thrust. It’s not long before you’re cresting another wave of euphoria, this one almost painful as it crashes over you.
“Fuck, that’s it, baby, just like that,” Eddie says through gritted teeth as he picks up his pace. He leans closer, pressing his lips to yours. He bites at your lips, hard enough to make you yelp, as he thrusts deep, deeper, until he spills into you as well.
Eddie collapses onto you, pressing you uncomfortably into Steve. You weakly smack him on the arm.
“Eddie, off, you’re crushing me,” you whine. You feel him chuckle before he lifts off of you, sitting back on his heels and helping you sit up.
“Come on, let's get you to bed,” Steve says as he stands, sliding an arm around your back and another beneath your knees and lifting you from the couch as if you weigh nothing. “Eds, grab her some water?”
Eddie walks unabashedly towards the kitchen as Steve heads for the stairs. Your head rests on his chest as he carries you up the steps.
Once he’s in his room, he sets you gently on the bed. Eddie walks in, handing the glass to you as Steve disappears through a door to what you assume is a bathroom, if the sound of running water is anything to go by.
You chug the water in greedy gulps as Eddie watches you intently. He’s got his jeans on again, the fly unbuttoned over his boxers. Steve emerges from the bathroom in a pair of sweats, a washcloth in his hand that he uses to slowly clean you up with.
“I’d offer you something to wear, but I kinda like the idea of you naked in my bed,” he says with a wink.
“Are you feeling okay?” Eddie asks as he lays beside you, propped up on his side with his head in his hand.
“I’m way more than okay,” you tell him with a grin. “I’m not really sure where all this came from, but I’m definitely not complaining.”
Eddie smiles, reaching out to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. “You feeling tired?”
“Little bit. I swear, Eddie, I’m fine.” You stretch your arms above your head. Shyly, you look between them. “Should I…I can go?”
“Absolutely not,” Steve says without hesitation. He slips into bed beside you. “You’re staying.”
That gets no argument from you. You yawn, the desire to sleep growing stronger with every passing minute.
Eddie wraps an arm around your middle, settling in closely with his face pressed into your chest with a happy sigh. Steve curls up behind you, his arm looping over Eddie’s to touch you both.
“‘Night, guys,” you murmur, before drifting off in the comfort of their embrace.
When your breathing slows and evens out, Eddie lifts his head to look at Steve over your sleeping form.
“Steve,” he whispers. He watches Steve’s head lift from the pillow as well.
“I feel like I’m floating,” Steve whispers back, voice giddy. Eddie nods his agreement.
“I haven’t felt this good since…ever, probably. Even before Vecna.”
“What do you say we keep this one?” Steve asks.
“I’d say you read my mind, Harrington,” Eddie replies.
He looks down at your sleeping form, and for the first time he thinks maybe being a demon isn’t so bad after all.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
the only time i feel human is when i'm in bed with you
chapter 2: you let me drown in a sea of flames also on AO3
Chapter 1
Eddie stared between Steve and…Robin?
Who was she and why did Steve seem suddenly worried?
Steve shouldn’t be worried about anything. He’s a demon for fuck sake!
“All of them?” Steve asked her, ignoring Eddie’s very obvious confusion.
“That’s what I said, dingus. Get dressed, put the tail away, and let’s go!” she directed, finally turning to look at Eddie. “We can drop you off back wherever you were so they aren’t suspicious anymore.”
“No offense, but I’m not just gonna go home. I want explanations and I want to go with you wherever you’re going and I want to know who the hell this girl is that’s looking at me like she wants to kill me!” Eddie felt his confusion shifting to anger quickly as he spoke.
Steve, despite Robin’s glaring, stood in front of Eddie and cupped his face in his hands.
He was taller like this, only a few inches, but enough for Eddie to feel like he should curl up against Steve’s chest and stay there, let him protect him from whatever was happening.
But then he remembered that whatever was happening involved his family.
“It’s not safe for you to stay with me, especially if it’s your family coming after me.” Eddie started to argue, but Steve leaned in and kissed him hungrily. “They need to see that you’re safe.”
“But I’m safe with you!” Eddie exclaimed, though he still wasn’t 100% sure that was true. “I’m safe with you.”
“This is adorable, but I cannot emphasize enough how much you don’t have time to be charming right now, Steve,” Robin said from behind them.
“Two minutes, Robs. Please,” Steve said without breaking eye contact with Eddie.
His eyes were black now, his horns still pointing out of his swoop of hair. His tail was wrapping around Eddie’s waist and tugging him against his front.
“I’m sorry this is happening right now. This isn’t a fuck and run, though, okay? I’ll have to be away for a little bit, but when I’m back, I’ll find a way to you. I promise.”
For some reason, Eddie actually believed him.
He had no reason to trust him, to believe that he would do anything different than what he always did with the everyone else, but the tug in his chest told him that Steve was going to come back to him.
Eddie leaned up and kissed him, lips softly demanding against Steve’s.
Steve let him lead, let him slide his tongue past his lips and lick at his sharp teeth.
“I’ll fucking kill you if you don’t,” he whispered when he pulled away, smiling when Steve let out a small laugh.
“I’m sure I’d let you,” Steve said back.
He said it with certainty, a promise to Eddie that he wasn’t taking this lightly.
The moment Steve let go, Eddie shivered. A chill fell over the room as Steve turned away, his tail disappearing in the blink of an eye, his horns gone or hidden by his hair again, his eyes back to the hazel everyone in Hawkins loved to fawn over.
He quickly found his clothes scattered around the room and got dressed, listening to Steve and Robin murmuring to each other but not able to hear exactly what they were saying.
He ran his hands through his hair, flinching when he hit some tangles, and then startled when Robin was right in front of him.
“You’re coming with me, dingus number two. Dingus number one can’t be seen anywhere near you and I don’t know how far behind me they are. Let’s go.”
She didn’t even wait for him to speak, just walked out of the room. Eddie raised his brows at Steve, who was smiling encouragingly at him.
“Best if you just do what she says. I learned a while ago there was no point in arguing with her.”
“Who even is she?” Eddie asked as he stopped in the doorway.
“My best friend since we were little. Also a demon hunter.”
Eddie blinked at him.
“I’m sure she’ll explain. See you as soon as I can, baby,” Steve leaned in to give him one more quick kiss on the lips before he pushed Eddie towards the front door where Robin was impatiently waiting for him.
“Cannot believe I had to see two dicks tonight. Worst night of my life,” Robin said as she opened the front door and gestured for Eddie to walk outside. “My car is the next block over, I’ll drive you back to the bar.”
The walk to her car was quiet, Eddie’s mind racing with the night’s events.
Steve fucking Harrington just fucked him into next week.
He was a demon. Horns and a tail demon.
“This is me,” Robin said as she walked up to a beat up Oldsmobile, startling him out of his thoughts.
Eddie got in the passenger seat, ignoring the way he felt so cold, so hollow.
He never cared about hookups, never let himself feel anything outside of the moments it took to get off, barely even remembered their names most of the time.
It was easier that way, especially because most of them were closeted straight men from the city who needed to be somewhere they wouldn’t be recognized.
He’d only ever been with a couple guys from school; one was a surprise make out during a deal, the other was a handjob in the school bathroom that ended with Eddie getting punched in the face for “coming onto him” when he didn’t even get off.
Maybe it was just part of Steve’s charm, his actual, literal magic. He was probably able to control Eddie’s mood before and now that he wasn’t close enough to, he was crashing hard.
“So, Eddie, right?” Robin’s voice filled the car as she drove slowly down the road.
“Sorry for barging in like that. I didn’t know he actually had you with him, and it was kind of an emergency, so.”
Robin held herself awkwardly, like she was silently apologizing for taking up space and having to move. It probably would be endearing if Eddie wasn’t so confused about, well, everything.
“So you ran to tell him about my family looking for me with him and didn’t actually think I was with him?” Eddie asked, suddenly very confused about what role Robin was playing in all of this sudden chaos.
“I didn’t. The Munsons are pretty famous in the demon hunter business for running with wild theories that are almost never accurate. No offense, but your family is batshit crazy,” Robin said as if Eddie didn’t know that.
It’s why Wayne rarely even talked to them, why only a select few were welcome to visit and even then, usually only around holidays.
“None taken. Wayne and I don’t really talk to them,” Eddie shrugged.
“Wayne? Wayne Munson?” Robin sounded shocked. “Wayne’s been the leader of that whole group for longer than I’ve been alive.”
Eddie shook his head.
“No way. The only people he even talks to more than once a year is his cousin Larry and his son, Ben. I don’t even know the last time they came to Hawkins.”
“Today. They’re there today.”
“Wait. You’re a demon hunter, but you’re best friends with Steve, a demon?”
Nothing was adding up right now.
His brain still felt a little foggy, and his exhaustion from the day and night he’d had seemed to be catching up to him, making this conversation damn near impossible to keep up with.
“We met at camp when we were six. Long story short, we ended up becoming best friends, my parents and his parents were business partners, my parents died, I ended up living with an aunt who was more on the needs-a-lobotomy side of crazy. She was a demon hunter and raised me to be one and when I was 11, I told my aunt about him. She tried to kill him and his parents, which obviously doesn’t work, but then she told me I had to be a demon hunter or she’d put me in the system. So, I stopped hanging out with Steve long enough to learn her tricks, and now I’m basically a double agent. That’s what Steve calls me at least.”
“You talk a lot,” Eddie pointed out.
“So I’ve been told.”
She didn’t seem offended.
Eddie liked her. He could see why Steve did too. She didn’t try to sugarcoat words, rambled to hell and back in the most entertaining ways, and she seemed to care a whole lot about Steve.
“And your aunt is…”
“Abigail Buckley.”
Eddie knew that name somehow. How did he know that name?
“She was in the papers a few years ago for trying to set fire to a man’s house who she suspected was a demon. He is, but she didn’t need to set fire to his whole house. She also should know that servants of hell probably won’t be defeated by fire.”
“So he is actually like, a demon demon? Like, been to hell and all that?” Eddie watched her as she focused on the road ahead.
“Yes and no. There’s so many types of demons. Some are like straight from hell, some are just lucky enough to have all the perks without having to visit there. Others don’t even have most of the perks, they just cause chaos and spread disease. That’s a whole thing.” Robin squinted at the windshield. “That your van?”
Eddie looked out of the windshield at the parking lot of the bar, now completely empty except for his van and another beat up car that probably belonged to the bartender who was closing up when they left.
He felt everything hit him at once.
He’d known something was different, wrong, with Steve.
But was it wrong? Or is he wrong?
“Wait.” Eddie looked back at Robin as she put the car in park. “How did they know I was with him? Or where I was? The only person who knew I was even going somewhere was Wayne.”
Robin looked at Eddie like he was an idiot, which was a little unfair, but not completely unfounded.
“You didn’t think the bartender was maybe suspiciously nice to you? Didn’t recognize them at all?” she asked him.
“Uh…no. Should I?”
“I swear,” Robin hit her head against the steering wheel once before looking back at him. “The bartender is your cousin Sue. The only reason Wayne didn’t put up a big fight about you coming here alone was because she was working. She called them as soon as she saw you leave with him. They already suspected he had a place nearby so it won’t take that long for them to figure it out.”
Eddie rested his head against the window and sighed.
This was so much information to process, and he wasn’t firing on all cylinders before she’d started explaining things, so he wouldn’t be surprised if he did come across as an idiot.
He was definitely clueless.
“So what happens now? If I leave, they’ll just keep looking for him, right?” Eddie’s breath fogged up the window as he spoke.
“You get in your van and pretend that you never actually left with him. You can just tell everyone that you decided to take a nap in the van before heading home and he didn’t want to wait with you. They’ll have no reason to doubt you if you’ve never been a hunter like them. They won’t even know that you know,” Robin answered.
“That’s it? They’ll just leave him alone?”
“Not at all. But it gives him a head start to get away until they get distracted by something else for a bit.”
Eddie nodded.
“How long is that do you think?” Eddie didn’t mean to sound so pitiful, he really didn’t, but his head was starting to hurt and his whole body felt sore and tired and his brain was still a bit foggy.
He couldn’t focus on the conversation as well as he should have been able to, and he was starting to convince himself that Steve had possibly fucked his brains out of his head completely.
“Hey. Look at me.” Robin’s voice was stern and he couldn’t help but turn his head towards her, still resting against the window. “Shit. Okay. You’re not high are you? Or drunk?”
“Shit! Steven! I swear to god the things I do for this guy!” Robin was mostly talking to herself, waving her arms manically in front of her. “Sends a guy into subspace with his freaky demon shit and then leaves me to deal with it. Unbelievable.”
Eddie perked up at that.
“Subspace? I’m not- it’s not-“
“Oh it is. It so is. And I cannot be here when the Munsons get here. They think I’m on their side, but they’ll be highly suspicious if I somehow got the jump on them.”
“How did you get the jump on them?” Eddie asked, ignoring the rest of what she’d been saying about subspace. He wasn’t a sub, so that wasn’t possible.
“It’s not hard to tune into the Munson family radio channel. I need to know what they’re doing so I can be ready,” Robin supplied.
“For…what?” he asked, feeling dumb again.
At least this time she didn’t sound nearly as annoyed by his stupid questions.
“For when they actually get their shit together enough to catch him. He’s not as careful as he should be, and he may be tough and technically immortal, but they’ll find a way to change that someday. It’s not like anyone else watches out for him, so here I am,” she shrugged.
"So you don’t…actually hunt demons?”
“I’m a demon hunter hunter at this point. Keep tabs on the people who hunt demons and make sure they don’t hunt the one that’s my platonic soulmate.”
He wanted to ask what the hell that meant, but was disrupted by the sound of a radio crackling.
“ETA to the bar is three minutes,” a voice that sounded a lot like Wayne said.
Wayne was supposed to be at work.
He also wasn’t supposed to be a demon hunter anymore, so maybe Eddie needed to try to catch up a bit before making any more assumptions about what Wayne did and didn’t do with his spare time.
“Shit. You gotta get in your van so I can go,” Robin rushed out. “I don’t wanna leave you like this, but I’ll check on you tomorrow, okay?”
She stared at him, silently telling him to hurry up.
He used up all of his remaining energy, all of the remaining brain cells in his head, and got out of her car, closing the door as quietly as he could manage in the silence of the night.
His van was unlocked, no one was going to steal a beat up van with less than a quarter tank of gas and the engine light on. He hopped into the driver’s seat, put the key in the ignition but kept it turned off, and rested his head against the back of his seat.
He didn’t think he’d actually have to pretend to be taking a nap, his entire body feeling like it weighed 500 pounds and his eyes already drifting shut.
Just as he sighed out and felt his muscles relax, someone was knocking on his window.
He opened his eyes, his vision blurred even though they’d only been closed for a minute.
“Ed?” Wayne was asking from outside, looking at him in a way that told Eddie he better show him that he was physically fine quickly.
Honestly, the fact that Eddie was able to act surprised to see him with the exhaustion clouding his brain was impressive.
Wayne opened the door and put his hand on Eddie’s chest, feeling his heartbeat.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah. What are you doin’ here?”
“The bartender was worried you’d drank too much,” he lied so easily, Eddie suddenly felt sick.
How much of his life with Wayne had been a lie? How much of the time Wayne spent working had actually been him meeting up with family to hunt for demons? How many demons had he managed to find? Managed to hurt?
How many demons were like Steve? Just trying to live somewhere, never actually hurting anyone or anything?
How many of those demons ended up hunted because of people like his own family?
“I barely drank at all. Just got tired so I took a nap,” he said as his brain raced through thoughts of Wayne hurting Steve.
Picturing the way he would try to kill him just for existing as something other than human.
Maybe trying to keep a horn as a trophy.
He wouldn’t do that.
Would he?
“I’d feel better if I drove ya home, kid. We can come grab your van tomorrow,” Wayne suggested.
It wasn’t worth fighting about, and coming back tomorrow would maybe let him get a glimpse of some of the area in the daylight.
Maybe get a glimpse of Steve.
The logic had long left his brain, and even though he knew that Steve was probably going to be long gone tomorrow, a part of him believed he’d find him.
His chest ached at the thought of not knowing where Steve was now, where he’d be tomorrow, or even when he might find his way back.
“Ed? You good?” Wayne asked again, and Eddie realized he’d been zoned out again.
He really needed to get his shit together before he had Robin hating him and Steve ended up hurt or worse.
“Yep. Let’s go.”
He got out of the van and walked over to Wayne’s running truck, settling into the passenger seat and resting his head against the window.
He felt the aches throughout his body whining at the discomfort of the front seat, at the way he was curling against the door to keep some distance between himself and Wayne when he got in the driver’s seat.
He closed his eyes.
Ignored when Wayne got inside.
And let sleep finally take him.
“I’m tellin’ ya, Sue, I don’t think I’ve seen him this tired since he was a kid! It ain’t right. He said he took a nap in the van and I dunno why he’d lie. You sure you saw him?”
Wayne’s voice slowly welcomed him back to the land of the living, quickly followed by the panic he felt at being vertical on their couch.
How did he get inside? Wayne wasn’t strong enough to carry him and he definitely wasn’t awake enough to walk.
“Alright. I’ll let ya know. Thanks again.”
He heard Wayne hang up the phone in the kitchen and he considered closing his eyes again to pretend to sleep away the unavoidable confrontation.
He could see sunlight through the curtains and knew that Steve must be safe somewhere by now, or hoped so at least.
He kept his eyes open as Wayne came back in the room and sat down in his armchair.
“You awake?” he asked with a sigh.
“Barely,” Eddie responded.
He still felt the exhaustion deep in his bones and muscles, felt the ache in his legs and hips from the position Steve had him in the night before.
He sat up slowly, ignoring how lightheaded he felt, and looked at Wayne.
Wayne seemed tired, dark circles under his eyes somehow more purple than usual. His whole body seemed drawn into itself, curling into itself in ways that he’d never seen.
Wayne was a proud man, never showed his exhaustion or stress externally, so Eddie felt shocked into silence for a moment as he took it in.
“What did you do with Steve Harrington last night?” Wayne watched him carefully.
“I wasn’t even in Hawkins last night, how would I have done anything with Steve Harrington? Also, it’s Steve Harrington, why would he do anything with me?”
That felt like a good start. Get Wayne to admit his own truth without giving away anything, confront him about lying, distract him completely from Steve, and hope the rest of his family was called off when Wayne realized Sue was wrong about what she saw.
“Ed, I’m tired. I just wanna know what’s goin’ on. He ain’t good news and you don’t need to have him around. Was it a deal or somethin’?”
Wayne knew about Eddie’s “job.” He’d never told him, he just kind of guessed when he started randomly leaving the trailer late at night for 30 or 40 minutes and coming back with cash to help with bills.
He was giving Eddie an out. Eddie should take it.
He didn’t.
“No. We just talked a bit.”
“Why does it matter? He left and I took a nap,” Eddie was getting frustrated.
Wayne never cared who he hung out with as long as they weren’t getting into trouble and weren’t hurting Eddie, so why the hell did he think it was normal to care so much now?
“He hurt you?”
“He say anything to you?”
“Wayne, this is ridiculous. I wasn’t even drunk or anything. Why are you so worried about Steve?”
Eddie felt himself crashing again, his patience running thin, his body sore and tired, anxiety at the thought that Steve may not be safe.
Confusion at the thought of being this worried about Steve Harrington.
“I told ya Steve ain’t nothin’ but trouble, didn’t I? Just worried he got you involved in somethin’.”
Wayne stood up from his chair like this conversation was done, like he’d explained himself enough and Eddie could go back to sleep and pretend nothing happened.
As if Eddie would let this pass.
He gave him the option to be honest, to explain why the hell he was so worried, and he didn’t.
Now it was time to push him. That’s what he was good at.
“What would he have gotten me involved in? Selling drugs? Bit late for that,” Eddie knew that would sting.
He knew Wayne hated how he made money, had mentioned a bunch of times how he didn’t have to worry about working until he graduated and he could probably get a job with him at the plant or at the mechanic easily enough.
This would hopefully push just the right button.
“If you say he left, then I ain’t worried. Just drop it, Ed,” Wayne started to walk away.
“And why exactly did you come out there when you were supposed to be working? You lied about working on my birthday?”
Wayne froze and turned, face pale, guilty.
“I was workin’. Just not at the plant,” Wayne admitted quietly.
“So you have another job now? I told you I can help with bills,” Eddie insisted.
“No, no. Not really a paying job.”
“So you skipped my birthday for volunteering? Was it at least for a good cause?” Eddie felt his chest tightening, his chest hurting at the thought of his uncle not spending time with him on his birthday to hunt demons.
“What was it for?”
“You remember I told ya about Steve being trouble, his parents being trouble? There’s a handful of other people in town who are too for different reasons. And my other job is to make sure they don’t hurt anybody.”
It was more than Eddie had been given so far, but still not complete honesty.
His head was starting to hurt and his stomach was turning over itself.
“How would they do anything worse than anyone else? The Harringtons aren’t that powerful.”
“They aren’t human, Ed. And if you spent time alone with Steve, I need to know. He coulda done more damage than you know,” Wayne sounded defeated.
And Eddie was pissed.
For many reasons, of course, but the main one being that Wayne had lied to him.
He’d lied for years.
But he’d lied on his birthday.
The one person he had in this whole fucked up world lied to him about working on his birthday, left him alone to illegally drink at a bar out of town.
Didn’t even seem like he was actually sorry about it, either.
“I’ll be in my room,” Eddie finally said, ending the stand-off in the living room.
He didn’t want to talk, didn’t even want to look at Wayne.
He wanted to curl up in bed and cry, and then maybe eventually take a hot shower to ease the ache in his muscles.
Luckily, Wayne didn’t try to stop him as he walked past to go to his room.
He didn’t slam the door, didn’t have the energy to do more than close it quietly and lean against it, thumping his head back against the thin wood.
He closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath.
He was still so damn tired.
He stripped out of his clothes, ignoring the way he still had traces of Steve, traces of himself dried on his skin.
His bed wasn’t anything to write home about, especially since he didn’t know the last time he actually managed to remember to wash the sheets, but it had never felt so welcoming as right now.
He didn’t even bother getting under the comforter, just starfished his body across it’s entire length and width, closed his eyes, and let himself drift off again.
He woke up to voices.
He was tired of waking up to people talking.
Especially when those people were in his bedroom.
“His fever’s goin’ up more and more by the hour. You know what we gotta do, Wayne,” a voice he vaguely recognized as one of his cousins said.
“We ain’t doin’ shit until he wakes up and tells us if we need to do shit. I trust him and he said Steve didn’t do anything except talk with him,” Wayne insisted, voice barely more than a whisper.
“So this is just a coincidence that he’s got the symptoms right after we suspect he was bein’ led down the wrong path by a demon?” a different voice, maybe his aunt, asked.
“Hey, he’s wakin’ up!” a younger voice, probably another cousin, exclaimed.
“Ed? Hey, can you look at me?” Wayne’s voice was closer now, but when he opened his eyes, everything seemed blurry.
He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out except a few squeaks.
A flu was nothing to panic over, but he took inventory of everything else as much as he could.
His body felt heavy, and he could feel how drenched in sweat he was, but he kept feeling shivers wrack his body.
Nothing was cold, but nothing was hot, and his throat and chest felt like it was full of crackling logs in a fireplace.
He could feel his hands shaking even though they weren’t moving, just resting against the bed.
“It’s gotta be it, Wayne. You can’t ignore it! Your boy slept with a demon!”
“Everybody out! I’m talkin’ to Eddie alone for a minute,” Wayne’s voice boomed.
It was rare that Wayne let himself be heard or seen, usually preferred keeping to himself as much as possible, so when he put himself out there, everyone tended to listen.
Eddie’s room was empty in less than a minute.
Wayne sat on the edge of his bed carefully, not wanting to disrupt Eddie’s comfort if he could help it.
“Ed. You and Steve did more than talk, didn’t ya?”
He reached a hand out to brush some hair from Eddie’s face.
All Eddie could do was nod.
“You touch him?”
Another nod.
“You do a lot more than that?”
Eddie almost didn’t answer.
For one, concentrating on what was happening was difficult. His whole body was screaming at him, his mind trying to shut back down and put him back to sleep.
But he also didn’t want Wayne to know. He didn’t think anyone should get to know who he slept with and when, and he knew if Wayne found out, everyone outside his room would know too.
He hadn’t exactly planned on coming out to his entire extended family today, if ever.
“It’s been two days, Ed. Somethin’ happened when you were with him that made you sick and we gotta make sure it stops before it kills ya.”
That didn’t sound good. It sounded like some religious cult bullshit if Eddie’s ever heard it.
And it didn’t sound like Wayne actually believed it would work.
Wayne got off the bed and left the room, and Eddie tried to follow, but couldn’t even lift his head for more than a couple of seconds.
His eyes closed against his will, a small whimper leaving his throat when a sharp pain went through his chest.
He passed out to thoughts of Steve.
This time when he woke, there was silence.
He almost preferred the voices.
“It’s okay, Eddie. Steve’s coming, okay?”
He could barely find the energy to open his eyes, could barely even use up the energy needed to have the thought that it was actually her.
But he could hear her mumbling to herself next to his bed, her hand holding one of his in comfort.
Just before he fell asleep again, he heard her say, “can’t believe he found a human bond and then had to run.”
A cold, wet washcloth was on the back of his neck and a hand was running through his hair.
He was in a comfortable bed, and someone, he couldn’t be sure who, was holding him.
Well, at first he couldn’t be sure.
But now, he felt something tugging at his chest telling him that it was Steve.
And he had no reason to doubt that, especially when he took inventory of how he felt and realized he felt at least 80% better.
His head still hurt a bit and his bones were still sore, but he could open his eyes and see clearly, and he was pretty certain his fever had broken.
“Steve?” his voice was raspy, but it was there.
“Hey, Eds. How do you feel?”
He started to answer when he realized he wasn’t in his bed. He wasn’t in his room.
He wasn’t even in his trailer.
“Where am I?” he asked, starting to push himself up, but being held in place by Steve’s strong arms.
“One of my homes. I had to get you out of there.”
What the hell had happened?
“She helped. Couldn’t have done it without her. But she’s not here. Didn’t wanna risk a trail to us,” Steve explained.
“There’s a lot to explain, but you need to drink and eat, and I can draw you a bath if you want to wash some of that sweat off.”
Eddie shook his head.
Steve was staring down at Eddie, watching as he became more aware.
“Demons like me aren’t supposed to ever find bonds at all. It’s just not possible for us. Or it shouldn’t be. We’re just here to cause a little casual chaos, make sure there’s always assholes ruining someone’s day, make sure the economy crashes occasionally. That kinda thing.” Steve gently scratched Eddie’s back as he spoke. “But some of the older demons, they still have bonds. They’re rare with humans, but they have happened. Robin thinks we bonded and you weren’t given the proper cool down because I had to go.”
He sounded apologetic, nervous, maybe even borderline scared.
“How did we bond?”
“Robin thinks it was the kiss.”
The kiss? They kissed a lot.
“There’s not much information out there, but she thinks when your first touch was a kiss, that started it all,” he further explained.
It didn’t explain anything at all, but Eddie was so happy to just be feeling better, he couldn’t really find it in himself to care.
Especially not when he was being held.
He let his head fall back against Steve’s chest, his arm wrapping around Steve’s waist and legs holding onto one of Steve’s.
“What does this mean?” Eddie finally asked.
“It means that we’re kinda stuck with each other.”
“For how long?”
“Well, until one of us dies or I end up being put in another body.”
Eddie sat up.
Steve appeared completely human right now. No horns, eyes hazel, no tail.
He looked like the guy everyone wanted.
“If I had known it would happen, I wouldn’t have let you kiss me. I swear.”
He was pulling away, and that was the last thing Eddie wanted or needed.
“You kiss so many people, though. Half of Hawkins High has had their mouth on yours. You haven’t bonded with any of them have you?” Eddie asked as he grabbed onto Steve’s hand to keep him there.
“No. A bond is only something that can happen when you meet the missing part of your soul.”
“Oh my god. This is so fucking stupid. I don’t even believe in soulmates!” Eddie threw his hands up, not noticing Steve’s smirk as his own hand intertwined with Eddie’s went up in the air too.
“It’s not quite that? It does have to do with the soul, but with human’s idea of soulmates, you tend to see it as two halves of a soul coming together or two matching souls finding each other. This is more like you are one entire soul, as all humans are, and I am missing a part of mine, as all demons do. You, and only you, have the one missing part of my soul.”
Eddie stared back at him, blinking rapidly.
“I cannot believe this. I am the missing part of Steve Harrington.”
Steve let out a laugh, and nodded.
“It’s pretty hard to believe, but here we are.”
“So what happens if we decide we can’t stand each other?” Eddie asked, tracing his finger along the palm of Steve’s hand.
“That can’t happen now that we’ve bonded.”
“Surely, some bonded demon has gotten sick of their human’s…humanity.”
Steve leaned forward, cupping Eddie’s face in his hands.
“I may not know much about this, but I know that bonds don’t allow that.”
Steve kissed him.
It wasn’t like before, it wasn’t hungry and desperate, hot and passionate.
This was soft, tender, a reminder that they’d gone fast last time.
“Wait. How long has it been? And where is Robin?” Eddie pulled away, ignoring the way his heart was fluttering in his chest.
“She’s busy convincing the Munsons that she managed to cleanse your soul and now you’re resting in a secret location. It’s been four days since we bonded,” Steve said before taking his lips in another kiss.
Eddie let him this time, wanted to feel the physical pressure of Steve’s attention in this way after so long without.
But only a few seconds later, he had to pull away for breath, and to find some solid ground.
The room was spinning, but not in the way it normally would during an intense kiss.
“Water. Food. Bath,” Steve said before getting up.
He reached for a glass on the bedside table and handed it over to Eddie, watching as he drank most of it quickly.
“Hello! Steve! Is everyone dressed?” Robin’s voice called out as a door closed and locked.
“Yes!” Steve yelled back, rolling his eyes at Eddie, but giving a fond smile.
“Good because if I see either of you naked again, I’m going to beg you to kill me,” Robin said as she walked into the bedroom, a familiar bag over her shoulder.
“Is that my bag?” Eddie asked.
“Yeah and let me just say: you have the most organized disaster of a room I’ve ever seen. That’s a compliment and a concern.” She set the bag down on the bed. “Couple outfits and a notebook and pencil. It’s all I could get that wouldn’t look suspicious for the excuse I gave to Wayne.”
“How did you even get me here?”
He knew Steve could probably carry him without any effort at all, but Robin? She probably couldn’t even lift both his legs at once, her bony frame not remotely athletic.
“I distracted them all while Steve grabbed you. Then I said one of my aunt’s friends came to grab him so they didn’t try to find you. They were only a little suspicious, but then I explained I was a friend from school and they didn’t seem to care. For people who just panicked and nearly rioted against Steve at the thought of him being near you, they sure didn’t hesitate to trust me.”
“Well, you’re one of them, Robbie,” Steve winked at her.
“If you don’t shut up, I’m going back and telling them that you turned their precious angel Eddie into a demon.”
“That’s not even possible,” Steve said.
“They don’t know that.”
Eddie watched them, smiling to himself at their back and forth, at the way that Robin was making sure Eddie had what he needed and Steve was okay.
“I knew it!” they all jumped at the sound of another voice in the doorway.
Steve stood in front of Eddie, completely hiding him from view as his horns appeared, his tail lashing out faster than Eddie even realized it could.
“How did this one get in?” Steve asked Robin, his voice deeper than Eddie had ever heard it.
“I don’t know! You heard me lock the door,” Robin answered, slowly moving behind Steve too.
“He followed you,” Steve said.
Eddie peeked around Steve’s shoulder, not at all shocked to find one of his cousins. An idiot by every stretch of the imagination.
“Something wasn’t addin’ up. This girl we ain’t met comes ‘round and insists she’s a friend and turns out she’s a Buckley, and she knew ‘bout what was goin’ on with Eddie. But no one outside the family knows so that meant she had to be listenin’ on the radio. And if she’s doin’ that, what else could she be hidin’? So now we know. She’s helpin’ a demon.”
“Robs, take Eddie and go,” Steve spoke dangerously low, tone in his voice leaving no room for argument.
But Eddie pushed.
“I’m not leaving you! Look what happened last time,” Eddie panicked.
“Baby, he’s here for a fight and I can’t win one if I’m too busy protecting you,” Steve said over his shoulder, his eyes staying on Eddie’s cousin.
Was it Greg? Gary? Gordon?
Eddie suddenly remembered he was the one out on bail and waiting trial for breaking and entering a jewelry store. All evidence pointed to him going to prison for at least a few years soon, so he had nothing to lose.
Steve gave him a short nod.
Oh shit. Can you hear me?
Steve gave another short nod, a hint of a smirk on his face.
He’s terrified to go. Wayne said he almost went on the run.
“Quite a history of breaking and entering you have,” Steve said. “Your lawyer must not have told you how bad it looks to a jury when you commit the same crime more than once. Especially when one of those times is against a Harrington.”
Eddie shivered at his tone.
The subtle threat was enough to make Eddie want to drop to his knees right there.
“Richard Harrington’s a damn good lawyer, too. He’s put men away for longer for doing much less.”
“All I want is to bring Eddie back. Won’t bother you again if you just let me take him home.”
Eddie didn’t need to see Steve’s eyes to know they’d just flashed red.
“You won’t take what’s mine. Not unless he chooses to go,” Steve said, stalking forward and pinning the man against the wall. “He belongs to me and if you want him, you’ll have to kill me. You’ve never managed to succeed with that, so I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.”
If Eddie wasn’t still so drained, he’d be hard.
Something about Steve saying Eddie belonged to him was making him feel weak in the knees.
“Eddie! Wayne is begging for you to come home!”
That made Eddie pause for a moment, and Steve felt his hesitation. He loosened his hold on Gill (that was his name!) and turned his head to meet Eddie’s eyes.
Eddie was walking up to them, shrugging Robin off as she tired to hold him back.
“Wayne let me spend my birthday alone because he thought getting the jump on some demons was more important. Ironically, I spent my birthday with a demon instead. So maybe Wayne should have thought of that when he sent me off to another town with $20 and pretended he had a shift,” Eddie bit his lip to keep from crying.
Steve’s rage filled the room, but he contained it quickly, not wanting to actually kill the guy he was holding against the wall.
Not unless he gave him a reason to.
“Ed, this is bigger than us. You have to understand the responsibility we have-“
“He had a responsibility to me!” Eddie yelled.
The room went silent.
Steve’s tail grazed Eddie’s arm, almost as if to comfort him.
“Maybe if he’d focused on his actual responsibility, I wouldn’t have bonded with a demon.”
Gill looked between the two of them for a moment, face getting red with anger.
“There’s no way in hell you bonded with a demon.”
“It didn’t happen in hell, you fuckin’ idiot, it happened in bed-“
Steve was strong, and he was fast, but he hadn’t expected to need as much strength to keep a hold on Gill.
Gill’s fist swung out, making contact with Eddie’s face before Steve could shove him out the door.
“After everything Wayne’s done for you!” Gill was yelling from the floor as Robin rushed forward to grab Eddie.
“Baby? You okay for a minute?” Steve asked, voice eerily calm.
“Mhm,” Eddie whimpered, not even believing it himself.
Robin’s hands were on his shoulders, guiding him to the bed to sit down.
“Shit, Eddie. How is it already swelling?” Robin was looking at his eye and cheek, not touching, but hovering her hand over it as if that would magically keep it from getting worse.
“You know, Gill. You could’ve walked away. Could have gone home and told them to wait for Eddie to be ready to come back. Told them he was fine. Maybe even worked yourself into my good graces and seen what I could’ve done for you. But now,” Steve snorted. “Now, you better prepare yourself for the maximum prison sentence you can get. Hope you make friends quick.”
Eddie couldn’t focus on anything else as the entire right side of his face started throbbing.
He drowned out Robin’s voice, drowned out the noise of Gill whimpering in pain, drowned out everything as he realized he was going to black out.
As much time as he’d spent unconscious lately, he thought it would be easier by now to just pass out gracefully.
Something told him the way Robin was yelling his name as he lost consciousness proved he hadn’t quite mastered it yet.
Chapter 3
101 notes · View notes
chaosgremlinmunson · 6 months
Possessed by Love
“So, you finally let me spot you. Took you long enough.” He ran a finger down the bare torso of the demon in front of him, “I want to make a deal.”
The demon quirked an eyebrow at him, but nodded curiosity getting the better of him.
“I will give myself to you, however, wherever, whenever you want. My mind, body and soul will yours to possess.” He began his hands still trailing down until they tested on the demon's hips, “I just ask you to help both my uncle and sister, give them both long, healthy and lucky lives. If you do this I will be yours eternally. Do with me what you wish.” He finished licking his lips.
The demon tilted his head for a moment before raising one hand and snapping a contract appearing in his taloned hand. “Deal.” He began his voice a deep otherworldly timber, “You will be mine, and they will have all the things you asked. You will have three days to say your goodbyes and then you will be coming with me.”
Eddie gulped, he'd thought perhaps the demon would stay on this plane, not that he planned to devour him so entirely to his death within just a few days.
“Oh, no, little one, you're not dying, but you will be my bride and rule hell alongside me.” He grinned licking a canine and leaning in towards the shorter man, “You can have anything you desire, just agree to be mine. I will not steal anything except your heart.” He whispered closer to his ear as he shivered.
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steddilly · 1 year
Demon Eddie and Demon Steve who are summoned by separate cults and end up bumping into each other while they're topside. Why were they summoned again? They can't remember, they're a little distracted right now with each other.
31 notes · View notes
fairysteve · 1 year
steve is actually a demon but then he decides humanity is cool actually and decides to be nice on purpose but then his kids start high school and their dnd club gets labelled as demonic and eddie gets manhunted and steve's just on the side like "what gives? i'm literally right here— that guy is just some nerd!"
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wheneverfeasible · 2 months
Because I’m terrible and the plots won’t leave me alone, I’ve now got an idea based on this post about a demon who feasts on pain and suffering being a medical practitioner for the chronically and terminally ill and the patients fully loving it. And then my brain rot had to say “make it Steddie” because I’ve lost all control of my life.
cw: terminal illness, minor and major character death (with a happy ending tho)
But imagine it. Eddie is a demon, a low ranking one at that originally. He gets a job at a medical facility for the chronically/terminally ill. Over time at the happy and consensual feasting he really does become one of the strongest demons because he’s constantly fed to the brim and he even has human worshippers, not that they’re traditional worshippers.
No, his followers are little old senior citizens who slip him butterscotch candies and other sweets they’re not supposed to have, which technically count as offerings. They thank him for his work, because he does actually take care of their bodies as well and even listens to their life stories, which count as praise and worship. They love and are devoted to him and they bring in their friends and family who are suffering too and Eddie’s accidental cult grows.
One day, things change. A young man, an anomaly in his youth, is brought in by parents who no longer wish to be burdened by their disabled son. Steve just shrugs it off and moves in with a smile, seemingly fine with being abandoned by his parents because he dared to be anything other than perfectly healthy.
He puts around the facility in his terry cloth robe and slippers on some days, others he dresses up in polos and slacks or even jeans when he’s feeling more casual, and always with a smile on his face. He makes those around him smile and laugh too, and his cheeks get pinched and he’s slipped candies too and he listens to others’ stories and he seems happy and content.
But Eddie feeds on his pain and suffering all the same, knows that behind that smile is a young boy who was told he probably wouldn’t live to see 30, who listens to the older folks knowing he would never get to live a life like that. Eddie knows that sometimes Steve cries himself to sleep at night.
Over time, Eddie and Steve grow closer. Steve hadn’t believed that Eddie was a demon at first, had thought it all just a joke, until one night Mr. Wozniak was laying in his bed, and Steve hadn’t meant to overhear, but he was passing by and the door was cracked open.
“Will I go to Hell now?” Mr. Wozniak was asking, but he seems peaceful all the same, like the thought wasn’t the terrifying ordeal so many people thought it was.
“No, sweetheart,” Eddie was saying, but his voice sounds a little off, huskier, like…like brimstone sat in his throat. “I’ve never claimed your soul. It’s still your own. Go find Irena. She’s been waiting for you for too long.”
Irena, Steve knew from speaking with Mr. Wozniak, was his young wife who had died decades earlier.
“Will I get to see you again?”
Eddie’s long fingers reach out, his nails long and sharp, dark in a way that was not nail polish. He lightly and gently strokes the papery skin of Mr. Wozniak’s cheek. “You will be at peace. You will find the afterlife is so much more than this Good-vs-Evil rhetoric so popular in this plane of existence. Go in peace, my child, and should you wish it, perhaps one day we might meet again.”
Mr. Wozniak smiles at that, and he closes his eyes with a softly whispered, “Irena, I’m coming…”
A moment later, he was gone.
Steve watches as Eddie seems to grow smaller, appear more normal, and though he knows he should be terrified, he isn’t. Instead he continues on his way, letting the knowledge of more percolate in his brain, though by the next morning when news of Mr. Wozniak’s passing spreads and Eddie assures everyone that he passed away peacefully and in no pain, Steve knows Eddie speaks the truth and he realizes that nothing has changed. Eddie is still Eddie.
They continue to grow closer. He spends more time with Eddie, lets Eddie in fully on how much he hurts, and tells the demon that he wished things had been different and that they could have met under better circumstances.
Eddie tells him that he never enjoyed the taste of regret. It was far too bitter.
They fall in love, encouraged by their friends in the facility new and old, who don’t seem to care that he is a mortal with a short life expectancy and Eddie is an immortal demon lord. What is all that in the face of true love?
And then it happens, and Steve is the one lying in bed, knowing his time has come. He smiles up at Eddie and decides not to regret any of it, not wanting their final moments to be flavored with bitterness.
“Stevie,” Eddie whispers mournfully, and he’s beautiful. It’s not his full true form, but his eyes are a dark blood red, his teeth elongated into sharp fangs, and his pale skin veined with reds and blacks. Horns curl out from his curly hair.
“You said once that I get to be with my loved ones after this,” Steve says, still smiling, and he reaches up to cup Eddie’s jaw with a weakened hand. Eddie nods against him, and Steve wonders if all demons can cry, or if it’s just his. “Then take my soul, darling. It already belongs to you.”
Eddie flinches back, like Steve knew he would, because souls are not little things. Eddie had explained before, after everything, that he didn’t even actually deal in souls, that that wasn’t the sort of demon he was. Steve had asked if he could, on a technicality, and Eddie had paused because saying yes, any demon could, but souls were priceless. When you gave one up to a demon, you gave up everything. You would be theirs until the end of days. Eddie had said he wasn’t that sort of demon.
“Baby, no,” Eddie breathes now, shaking his head gently enough not to dislodge Steve’s hand. “You would be—”
“Yours,” Steve interrupts. “But I already am. You already own my heart. I now willingly give you my soul. All you have to do is accept it.”
And Eddie protests, at first, because Steve is giving him complete control over him for eternity. Steve gives it freely with open arms, and in the end, Eddie can do nothing but accept it. He tells Steve that he doesn’t know if demons have souls or not, but his belongs to Steve just as assuredly as his own heart does.
Steve’s final mortal breath is gifted into Eddie’s crimson mouth, full of peace and love and the understanding that this thing between them will always beat eternal.
It turns out that, whether it was still unknown if all demons had souls, Eddie was the sort that does.
And it also turns out that, when you’re gifted a demon lord’s soul, you become a demon too.
Eddie’s cult ends soon after, disbanded into non-existence. In its place, however, rises a new one that worships not just one demon caretaker, but two as Eddie is soon joined by another with floppy brown hair and sparkling brown eyes that for once smiles without hidden pain. They take care of their charges, gently coax them into eternal rest when it’s their time, and together prove that true love is forever.
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Having the most hilarious little thoughts about Richard Harrington making a deal with demon!Eddie, trading wealth and success in exchange for his firstborn. 
The Harringtons climb the social ladder, Richard’s business thrives. Little Steven is born, grows up … and nothing ever happens, so they sort of put it out of their minds and never tell him about how they sold him off to a creature from the underworld before he was even conceived. 
The day after Steve’s 18th birthday, they return from a business trip to find their son frantically cleaning up the remains of a party. They’re three minutes into a lecture on how there’s soda and chips all over the expensive carpet when Eddie materializes in the middle of the living room, ready to collect his prize. 
Chaos ensues. 
Steve is freaking out. Why is that red-eyed, black-clad weirdo lounging on their couch, chunky boots up on the table as if he owns the place? Why is he looking at him like he’s a particularly tasty piece of meat? Why does the guy only need to snap his fingers and Steve finds himself straddling his lap, one ring-clad hand groping his ass? What the actual fuck is going on? 
The Harringtons are not amused. They have invested so much money into Steve over the years, thinking that Eddie had forgotten all about them, and NOW he shows up? Eddie just shrugs, idly playing with a lock of Steve’s hair. He never specified WHEN he’d come back, did he? What would he have wanted with a baby, anyhow? What is he, a daycare? 
“We thought you wanted to eat him!” blurts Mrs. Harrington, and Eddie just absolutely loses his shit. 
What the fuck is WRONG with those people? They thought he ATE babies? And they were still fine with giving him theirs? Holy fucking shit, humans are disgusting! This is it, deal’s off, he’s taking their wealth and success away again. No, the boy is still coming with him, do they honestly expect him to just up and leave him in this shithole? No fucking way! Oh, and they better never try and summon him again or those incriminating documents will find their way to the tax authorities! 
And that is how Steve finds himself living with a sassy, strangely kind-hearted demon who may or may not own his soul - they’re still trying to figure out the specifics of that. 
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# hype's demon!Eddie fic
Part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
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2jihiir0 · 3 months
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“Kneel, little dove, or else I shall break thy wings…”
I had to get this out of my system after seeing the new gladiator II pictures !!!!!
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devondespresso · 10 months
barista!eddie drawing a pentagram or whatever with the table cleaner while closing and accidentally summoning demon!steve, who's absolutely stoked to see a cozy little coffee shop for the first time
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thewriterg · 11 months
hush puppy
A/n: oh wow headcannons so cute I wrote this while I was half asleep so… —kinktober day; 23—
warning(s); SMUT, power dynamic, degradation, praise, dry humping, pegging, pet names, and language
secret subs! who probably told you they were doms the first time you even brought up sex in fear that you would think how they actually wanted to be treated was gross and we’re afraid you wouldn’t like them if so
secret subs! who used to make themselves nauseous when previous flings would cry under them begging on their cock while degrading phrases were forced from his lips burning his tongue and ended not enjoying sex for a while
secret subs! who gets hard from you calling them a good boy even if they were doing something harmless like washing the dishes that has them rushing towards the bathroom to take care of the growing tint in their pants
secret subs! who act very poised and carry themselves with confidence that you can break down in seconds by a few words and light feathery touches to… sensitive areas
secret subs! who look up fem doms and are aching soon enough face flushed skin hot until they finally slam the laptop closed a vowel to never watch something like it again for obvious reasons… the obvious reasons being a stubborn boner pressing against their pants bottoms while they squeeze their legs together trying to take the pain off their aching cock
secret subs! who start testing the waters with little things like seeing how far they can get with making you angry before you tip over the edge and put them back in their place where they should stay
secret subs! who let out rushed moans not realizing what they said as you bounce on their cock your cunt swallowing them whole “ngh- oh fuck miss please”
secret subs! who let you fuck your frustrations out on them after a long day or a situation that didn’t go how you wanted it to “name augh- please, please, please, name” long whimpers and whines that are loud and clear while you thrust your hips into his abused hole hitting his prostate over and over with your strapped cock
secret subs! who act out just for your attention even if it’s the wrong attention or very right in their mind “please mam I’m ahh! I’m s-sorry I won’t do it a-a- oh fuck! I won’t do it again” he sobbed his arms tied behind his back bare now red and bruising ass revealed to you to use at you disposal “no, you wanted my attention? you got my attention baby” You hummed before bringing your hand down harshly the air whooshing behind it coming down with a harsh sting that brought tears to their eyes
Secret subs! who live for degrading insults as much as they do your praise “dirty fucking slut couldn’t wait five minutes before your getting off on my shoe” You chuckle staring down at him his clothed cock rubbing against the tip of your boot under your desk as you ended your online meeting
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©2023 thewriterg spooktober do not copy, translate, or modify.
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imfinereallyy · 5 months
There is a knock at Steve Harrington’s door.
Three to be exact.
It’s nothing new. This happens every night. It doesn’t make it any less terrifying.
Steve gets out of bed and walks over to his apartment door, hands hovering over the handle. His body shakes, he feels too cold for a July evening.
Steve doesn’t bother looking out of the peephole. He knows there will be nothing to see. He hopes briefly it’s the awkward girl from down the hall, she always wears beat up converse and can hear her raspy laugh two doors down—but he knows it’s not. She often speeds by Steve’s apartment door, like she’s either terrified of him or what’s inside his home.
Three knocks, three times. It’s only number two.
Steve wishes he knew more people here, but he hasn’t been here very long. So no one is looking for him, no one is here to wake him up at 3 am.
His palm sweat—but the chill hasn’t left him. He’s starting to think he’s haunted. Though nothing ever happens inside. Nothing happens at all, except the knocking. Steve never dares to open until it’s finished.
Steve takes a deep breath, and opens the door….
No one is there.
Releasing a stuttering breath, Steve gently locks up and puts his head on then door.
“Fuck.” He whispers.
Then he hears, it from his bedroom.
Steve’s let something inside.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
not to be fuckin dramatic but the tag list for the demon steve fic is actually taking me more time to do than writing the damn thing
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Anyways chapter one will be posted at some point today and there will probably be even more tags by then so
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fuctacles · 25 days
That deal with the devil/fae post where they want the summoner's first born in exchange, and the summoner goes "ok when do we start" BUT STEDDIE WITH STEVIE
She hasn't given up on that 6 nuggets dream but it's became quadruple hard now that she's transitioning, both because of dating and the technical stuff. So she figures, I'll ask a magical being for the right plumbing and it'll all be smooth(er) sailing from there.
Eddie the Banished is the demon, and he's like "of course sweetheart, but I get dibs on the first off spring".
And Stevie gets all red and stuttery at first but she is desperate and she figures, the sooner the better, and since he's already here and offering, she asks "Would you want to do all six?"
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Prompt: “Pick a god and pray” they said, and you did, praying to every god you knew. And as you did this a name popped into your mind, one you didn’t recognize, yet you prayed to them all the same. In response the air stood still, like even the world had forgotten their name.
Devotion Tastes So Sweet On Your Lips (AO3)
It was another one of those nights- Steve was running through the dark trees, waking nightmare chasing him down.
He prayed his footing stayed true. He prayed that his breaths didn't falter. He prayed that the hungry darkness falling fast in his shadow didn't catch him.
He prayed to all the gods. Every deity he had ever learned of, all the new gods, and the old. He prayed until the sweat burning his eyes blinded him and he felt a root leap up in front of his foot.
He stumbled but did not fall.
But the sound of a snapping maw was closing around the dust he kicked up.
Suddenly, in his desperation, a name floated from the depths of his erratic heart to the tip of his bitten tongue.
"Eddie the Banished, of the Fallen Forest— Please- Please," Steve huffed, a force behind the name punched through his diaphragm and left him no air to plead with.
No sooner had the name fallen from Steve's lips, than the ground fell away beneath him- an embankment, steep and unforgiving in its angle. He rolled past tree trunks, slid over rough roots, and scraped jagged rocks loose for gravity to bring along for the ride.
His body hit the bottom and bounced.
Steve was dazed, his ears felt muffled as if he had landed underwater. He sat up so fast his vision swam, leaving trails of light where the stars shone down on him under the glare of the full moon.
He tried to stand, but his stomach protested- knees, shaken and unsteady, refused to hold his weight. He fell, once again on his back, trying to catch his bearings.
When his head cleared enough that the moon ceased it's dance in the sky above him, Steve sat up slowly, taking stock of his surroundings. He strained his ears to hear the snap of twigs or the slide of rocks down the slope he had just ridden as his pursuer followed him into the gorge.
It was silent as a ghost.
Steve pressed his palms to his ears and felt no blood, squeezing to try and pressure shock them into working.
He listened again—
Not even a whisper of wind in the trees.
Steve picked up a twig from the soft bed of moss that had saved his limbs from the worst of the abrupt impact and snapped it between his fingers- the sound sharp enough to startle him.
His ears worked just fine, it seemed- it was the forest that was broken.
As Steve got one knee under him, prepared to make another attempt to stand- a shadow fell over him.
Steve kept his head lowered, subdued under the charge in the air- the unmistakable aura of predator.
He slowly raised his eyes, and only his eyes.
There, standing tall above him, was a Wild God.
"It has been... So long-" The voice was grinding stones carried on the wind, "I'd forgotten what it sounded like." The Wild God lowered his body into a facsimile of a bow. A hand that shadows cling to like smoke, finger tips black as the night and ephemeral, ghosted under his chin, raising Steve's eyes to meet the darkness shining in the Wild God's own. "My name on some desperate tongue."
Steve was struck with a lightning heat deep inside his belly that rose like a plume of ashes from the mouth of a volcano, his face burning under the gaze of the most beautiful and terrifying wonder he had ever witnessed.
"Say it again." The Wild God demanded, voice deep enough to shake the ground Steve knelt on.
"Eddie the Banished, of the Fallen Forest." Steve moaned, unabashed.
Eddie's eyes rolled and the whites flickered behind shivering lashes as he savored the taste of devotion.
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