#demon slayer writing
someone-wrote-here21 · 8 months
Giyuu relationship headcanons
My headcanons for what it might be like for a relationship with Giyuu.
Posted on ao3 in my Demon Slayer Oneshots/Headcannons book!
Requests are always open/welcomed!
Enjoy :)
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•Giyuu is a very quiet, private person so its no surprise that he isn't a big fan of PDA.
•How ever, he will hold your hand when you go out together and sometimes give you quick pecks on your lips, cheek or forehead when he knows no one is looking.
•But when you're alone together in the comfort of your home its a whole different story.
•He loves to have some sort of physical contact with you most of the time. Sitting down reading reading a book? His heads in your lap with you petting his hair. Cooking a meal for the both of you? He's either helping or he's hugging you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder.
• I bet sometimes if it's a slow morning or if he is really tired after a long day? Giyuu would let you do his hair. I think he'd really love just the sensation of have your hands run through his hair, even if he doesn't say it. It helps him relax and calm him down, especially if he gets in his own head with worries.
• If you're a civilian, every night he'll stop by your house after his patrol of his prefecture just to make sure that you're alright.
• If you're hashira like him then he trusts in your abilities as a demon slayer to protect yourself, but will still worry since he doesn't want to loose you to demons like he's lost others in the past.
• I don't see him as someone who says verbally that he loves you a lot. I think most of the time he will show it with his actions rather than words. But if you really want or need to hear him say it or if he feels that his actions aren't enough, he will tell you out loud.
• I think for a confession it would be spontaneous. I feel like he'd be very anxious to tell you, especially since everyone that he has been close to in the past has died, but I think he would confess one day on accident.
• It'll happen either one night when you are patching him up from one of his missions or when you two are out walking or something. The light would just hit your face with such elegance and beauty that he would just blank out for a minute in awe, all his worries flying out the window and just say, "I love you...." quietly but but with no hesitation.
• He'd then get so embarrassed later but also kinda relieved he got it off of his chest and that you feel the same way. (please tell him you feel the same way, it'd break his heart if you didn't T-T)
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cloudymistedskies · 2 months
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To keep things in mind:
- Mari’s backstory is in her perspective, meaning some important aspects are left out since she doesn’t know them (yet).
- This will be unnecessarily long.
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As much as Mari could remember, she didn’t live a completely terrible life, but not a good one either. Her parents (mostly) neglected her well-being, especially her mother who doesn’t even bother looking at her in the eye, and people in the village she lived in avoided her for some odd reason.
Amongst that, she only had one person who took care of her and loved her and that was her older sister, Riko. She raised her and took care of everything she needed, and treated her with affection and care. With the lack of parental love and having nobody else to care for her her besides Riko, she developed a co-dependent relationship with her, practically relying on her for everything.
Riko then would one day suddenly leave the village when she was 7 with no further reason aside from ‘working to get money’ and left Mari to be cared for by her father, who only did the ‘bare minimum’ which was feeding her. Being left all by herself (at least that’s how Mari felt), she was scared of showing any sort of vulnerability to anybody around her and began to show more aggression and hostility to anybody that isn’t her sister.
Riko would still occasionally visit the village to check up on Mari every once in a while. But whenever she isn’t around, Mari spends most of her time exploring the mountains near her village or the forest and befriending bugs/insects she spots.
Then when she was 8 years old, during her usual exploration around the mountains, Mari got distracted by something, which then leads her to getting injured and lost around the mountains. She was spotted by the Tokito dad who was chopping off wood and seeing a lost injured little girl, he immediately went to go help her.
It was difficult at first, since Mari tried to fight him off, fearing that he was gonna hurt her but he eventually somehow managed to calm her and took her into the shack where she met the Tokito twins and their mom.
After treating her injuries, the parents left to find more herbs to treat Mari with, leaving her with the twins. Muichiro was curious and excited to see another person his age, trying to make conversation with her despite the girl not responding to anything he said and keeping quiet. Yuichiro tried to tell him to leave her be, but he refused and kept talking to her.
Mari was anxious as she was in a different place and was unfamiliar with any of them. In an attempt to get away from Muichiro, she tried to stand up, but the injuries didn’t recover yet and resulted in her feeling a sharp pain around her leg, causing both the twins and Mari to panic.
Muichiro immediately tried to help her out, and Mari was about to push him away and refuse but he managed to catch her arm in time and with a soft smile, he assured her that he won’t hurt her and just needed to see if she’s okay.
The genuine kindness in his eyes reminded her of her sister, making her realize that the family wasn’t trying to hurt her and was genuinely helping her out. So reluctantly, for the first time let herself be vulnerable for just a moment.
Ever since her first meet with the family, Mari became a frequent visitor to their shack, spending most of her time there when Riko wasn’t visiting and bonding with the family. It was the first time she experienced feeling welcomed from anybody aside from her sister.
Then the Tokito parents died when when her and the twins were 10. Their relationship became a little strained (especially with Yuichiro), but she still visited to at least either accompany them or help out with anything. Yuichiro refused any of her help, which upsets Mari.
She hated feeling useless. Hated that she wasn’t good at even basic house chores or lacked any talent. Mari wanted to feel useful, to have a purpose to fulfill.
And she was granted that wish when she was 11 and went out during night to admire the moon that looked bigger than usual. As she walked up to the mountains for a better look, she spotted a rabbit and with typical curiosity chased it.
The rabbit escaped, leaving her disappointed. But that disappointment would quickly turn into fear when she heard the bushes rustling and spotted something that looked.. both human but also not human..? That was what she described in her head.
The creature then tackled her, prompting Mari to instinctively stab it using a knife she was carrying around for self defense. Hitting it directly at a vital spot before barely managing to push away and run off. Turning back, she became more confused and scared when she sees that the creature was still chasing her even after she stabbed him.
Mari finds herself cornered and just as she thought she was about to die, somebody came to the rescue. Wielding a sword in her hands, a young woman shielded her from the creature, telling her to go hide while she takes care of the creature.
Scared for her life, Mari did what the woman asked and hid herself in the bushes, covering her ears in fear while hoping it’ll all be over soon. Eventually, she heard footsteps and slowly looking up, she notices it was the same woman who saved her, asking if she’s okay.
After ensuring that Mari was okay, she offered her to take her back to the village after some small talk, which the younger girl agreed and the pair started making their way back to the village.
On their way there, The woman explained to Mari about demon slayers and what role they serve as one. Surprisingly to Mari, her interest was piqued when she said she was a demon slayer. As if she was drawn into it. When they arrived to the village, Mari remarked that her uniform looked similar to what her sister wears usually. That remark made the young woman confused for a moment before realizing what she’s saying and told her that it would mean her sister is a fellow demon slayer.
That information surprised Mari. It was no wonder she’s busy, has a sword with her, and even has a crow that talks and delivers letters to Mari. After being taken to her home, the girl was stuck with a thought of being a demon slayer like her sister. She made a plan of following the crow who delivers her sister’s letters, believing that it’ll lead her to her current whereabouts.
She didn’t mind running away. She knew her parents wouldn’t even notice her sudden disappearance. But she was worried about leaving the twins behind, especially since they’re in a bad place after their parents death.
Mari didn’t wanna just suddenly abandon them, but then she thought more about it. Along with being by her sister’s side, she could possibly finally have some use, even protect the twins from any dangers from demons. And for some reason, something about it just drew her in. Those reasons were enough to motivate her to become a demon slayer.
After a week passed, she ran away during night, following wherever the crow was going and eventually being lead to an estate.
Instead of meeting her sister, she met an old guy, Genkichi. He recognized Mari as Riko’s younger sister and took her in the estate. After some quick talk and informing her that Riko is out for a week long mission, Mari then asked him to train her, which the guy was surprised by the request and hesitated.
At first he was denying her, but after some time he reluctantly gave into her wishes. Genkichi was surprised of how quickly Mari learned, especially for somebody whose only 11 years old. It was intriguing for him.
Riko eventually returned and was shocked and bewildered to see Mari training to be a demon slayer, let alone being here as well. Definitely, she didn’t approve on her being one, but Genkichi convinced her to let her be; explaining that Mari is unusually talented for someone her age. Riko reluctantly gave in, still not agreeing with the idea but their mentor was pretty stubborn.
Throughout out the months, Mari was trained under Riko and Genkichi. Despite her odd talent with swordsmanship for her age, she wasn’t able to learn wind breathing. This disappointed her greatly since she knew that being a strong demon slayer meant that she has to know how to use breathing forms.
Then one day, while asleep, she finds herself in a ‘dream’ where a young woman was training as a demon slayer like she was. The young woman used a breathing technique called ‘Cloud breathing’ and performing a form of it.
After waking up, she still has vivid memories of the dream. Wanting to test it out, Mari decided to try performing the same form. It took a few attempts, but much to her surprise, she successfully performed it. Mari was ecstatic about it, and ever since then, she’s been sleeping more frequently to learn more forms of Cloud Breathing, more determined than ever.
After just 9 months of training, Mari took the final selection exam. After the exam, she slept for a whole day. During her time sleeping, she finds herself in a field of clouds. She walked for several minutes, eventually finding a familiar figure.
The woman that she dreamt of. The same woman who was the reason why Mari knew Cloud Breathing in the first place. The same woman called out to her, beckoning her to come closer. Mari was hesitant, but she complied, eventually facing her.
The woman was called Harumi, and explained to Mari that she made Cloud Breathing. She was very much impressed of Mari learning it as Cloud breathing, as it wasn’t as easy to master it, let alone learn it due to it’s picky requirements.
Harumi told the young girl that she was special, that she was born strong to fulfill some form of use, to fulfill a purpose. And that purpose she has to fulfill was killing the uppermoon one.
Her soft tone, the praises, and the seemingly genuine kindness, everything felt real to Mari. She felt obligated to accept it. It was for the first time she could actually prove she actually has some use.
Ever since that dream, Mari was now more motivated in being a demon slayer, determined to fulfill her purpose and become as strong as she could. She was happier than ever now that she has her sister by her side. But the question still lies: Will her happiness last?
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Taisho Era Secrets regarding Mari:
- Mari joined the same Final Selection exam as Muichiro (and Aoi). Surprisingly enough, Mari didn’t know that, nor does she even remember the people who attended that time aside from Aoi.
- The bow Mari is wearing was gifted to her by Riko when she was around 12. It holds a special place for her.
- Along that, Riko also made her haori!
- At some point, Mari would meet her relatives during a mission, which would significantly improve Mari’s happiness.
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This is so unnecessarily long, nobody is gonna read this istg
Word count: 1762
This isn't art, but its Mari's backstory so !!!: @larz-barz @kimetsu-chan @rion-isnot-an-ai @pinkwisteria @kiiroibarathedragontamer @sunnilovesgrilledcheese
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unpopularwriter25 · 3 months
Hello there✨✨✨
I'm so glad I found your blog✨✨ This little delulu wanted something to be written by a wonderful writer like you.. I want the scene where the s/o found out that Rengoku had died.
Thank you very much for accepting this✨🎉
Thank you for the request!!
Embers of a Promise
Summary: Tanjiro arrives back home after the mission and delivers y/n the news about Rengoku.
Warnings: Nothing major, mentions of Rengoku's death.
Note: Don't ask me why I used this gif.
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The sun had begun its slow descent, casting a golden hue over the dense forest that surrounded the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters. Birds chirped their evening songs, and a soft breeze rustled through the leaves, carrying with it the scent of pine and earth. Despite the tranquil setting, an air of somberness had settled over the area, a stark contrast to the usual hustle and bustle of the slayers preparing for their next missions.
You stood at the edge of the training grounds, watching the last rays of sunlight filter through the trees. Your heart felt heavy with unease, a feeling that had been growing since the morning. Rengoku had been dispatched on a high-priority mission, and although he had faced countless demons before, something about this one felt different.
The tension broke when you spotted Tanjiro, his usually bright expression replaced by a somber look. His eyes were red and puffy, and he seemed to be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. As he approached, your pulse quickened, dread pooling in your stomach.
"Tanjiro," you called out, your voice trembling despite your best efforts to remain calm. "Where is Kyojuro? Did the mission go well?"
Tanjiro looked up, his eyes reflecting the pain he was struggling to contain. He took a deep breath, trying to find the words, but his silence spoke volumes.
Your knees felt weak, and you had to steady yourself against a nearby tree. "No... please, no. Tell me he’s alright."
"He... he fought bravely," Tanjiro began, his voice cracking. "He protected everyone on the train. He saved so many lives. But... he couldn't..."
"No!" you cried out, your voice breaking as you felt your world shatter around you. "He can't be gone. He promised he'd come back. He promised!"
Tanjiro stepped closer, reaching out to you, but you pulled away, collapsing to the ground as sobs wracked your body. The forest seemed to close in on you, the once serene setting now a cage of grief and despair.
"He was so strong," Tanjiro continued, tears streaming down his own face. "Even in his final moments, he was smiling. He wanted us to keep fighting, to carry on his spirit."
The image of Rengoku's vibrant smile, the way his eyes lit up with passion and determination, flashed in your mind. It was a cruel reminder of what had been lost. The man who had been a beacon of hope, the one who had believed in you when you couldn't believe in yourself, was gone.
You clutched at the grass beneath you, the earth feeling cold and unforgiving. "How am I supposed to go on without him?" you whispered, more to yourself than to Tanjiro. "He was everything to me."
Tanjiro knelt beside you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. "I know it's hard," he said softly. "But we have to honor his memory by continuing to fight. He wouldn’t want us to give up. He believed in us."
The words barely penetrated the haze of your grief. All you could think about was the last time you had seen Rengoku, his warm smile and his promise to return. Now, that promise lay shattered at your feet, leaving behind a void that nothing could ever fill.
As the sun finally dipped below the horizon, plunging the forest into darkness, you cried out into the night, the sound echoing through the trees. Your heart ached with a pain that seemed too immense to bear, and the world felt irrevocably broken.
In that moment, surrounded by the growing shadows and the echoes of your grief, you swore to carry on Rengoku's legacy. You would find the strength he had always seen in you, even if it felt impossible. Because in your heart, you knew he was still with you, guiding you, his spirit as unyielding as the flame he embodied.
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Pairing: Kamado Tanjirou x Reader, Tomioka Giyuu x Reader
Genre: NA
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Kamado Tanjirou
(You’re part of the Kamaboko Squad for this one)
You and Tanjirou had initially met during the Final Selection. Although it was a brief meeting and both of you went your own different ways after that, you had unknowingly left a good impression with your kind nature on him, which only got better when the two of you met again.
Tanjirou met you again after his battle with Rui, at the Butterfly Mansion. The Insect Pillar, Kocho Shinobu had taken you under her wing, and you had been staying at the mansion ever since. The two of you hit it off quickly, and soon you guys were inseparable.
It was on the Mugen Train that Tanjirou saw your talents as a swordsperson. It was kinda scary how you could go from being kind and empathetic to a complete badass when facing demons. Fortunately, Tanjirou’s keen sense of smell told him that you were inherently kind, and his time spent with you showed that you only intended to protect humanity.
Tanjirou was the one who confessed first, and was overjoyed when you reciprocated his affections.
The two of you are a fucking power couple on the field, but at the same time you are that mushy couple who has disgustingly cute nicknames for each other-
Tanjirou knows you can handle yourself, but during battles he can’t help but get a little overprotective. It’s just his mind telling him to save the person he loves, even if it means sacrificing himself. You’ve had a lot of discussions on this.
He loves to see you interacting with others. The kind nature that hides your proficiency with a nirichin blade reminds him of his father.
Nezuko approves of her brother’s choice, and likes to hug you a lot. Interactions between you and Nezuko might just be Tanjirou’s favorite thing to watch.
Tomioka Giyuu
(You’re a Hashira for this one)
Giyuu had always considered that he didn’t deserve the title of the Water Hashira. But if there was anyone worthy in his eyes of being a Hashira, it was you. You were only a year younger than him, but had quickly risen in ranks, and you were one of the strongest Hashiras he had met.
Despite what your fellow Hashira had to say about him, you approached Giyuu with the intention to make him your friend. Although the first few attempts were a bit awkward, you were proud to say that you had made a friend in the ever aloof Water Hashira.
Giyuu had always known about and respected your skills as a comrade, seeing as the two of you were often paired for missions; however, seeing your kind and giving nature, and being at the receiving end of it was a completely different and exhilarating feeling. As time went by, he found himself thinking about you even in the most mundane parts of his life.
The both of you ended up confessing to each other at the same time, the entire affair consisting of blushing and averted gazes (Mitsuri may or may not have been fangirling in the background)
On the field during battles, you both are like a well-oiled machine, each knowing the other’s weak points and strengths, and working according to it.
Giyuu tends to get a little overprotective every now and then, but not to the point that it affects his behavior during battle. He knows you can hold your own, but he will dote on you afterwards though, making sure that you are out of danger and alright before tending to his own wounds.
Giyuu doesn’t say it, but he adores when you dote on the Kamado siblings.
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subbmissivesuccubus · 6 months
Oh God. You were going to die. This was it. It wasn't demons or Muzan that take you in the end. It was your damn husband and his insatiable lust and stamina.
Lying face down on the bed, you panted against the mattress, your face a mess of tears and sweat, hair sticking to your forehead, eyes rolled up and cheeks painted a bright red. Behind you, tugging at his cock and eager for round...whatever the next number- was your husband.
Maybe you shouldn't have riled him up the way you did. You know how possessive he can be so why on Earth did you purposefully get him jealous by flirting with another man? Oh, right. Because you wanted to get fucked rougher. Well, you got what you wanted and now you're going to die.
You jumped as you felt the familiar sensation of a fat cock press against your entrance, your stuffed cunt instantly begging for mercy. You swore that if he fucked you one more time- made you cum one more time- filled you with his seed even one more time- you'd see the pearly white gates call for you.
You gripped onto the bedsheets and pulled yourself away, your body working on autopilot as your husband had successfully fucked the brain cells out of you. You heard him chuckle as you tried to crawl away, your body feeling like jelly, your arms and legs numb and barely capable of getting you to the edge of the bed before:
A pair of hands grabbed you by the hips and dragged you back, laughing at your whine of protest. Uzui reeled his hand back and smacked you across your already beaten ass before he spread your legs and gave an equally painful spank to your pussy, making you scream. "Now, what made you think that was a smart idea? Try running away again and see what happens."
Obanai lets you think you escaped before he grabbed you by the ankles, ignoring your cries as he pulled you back towards him. He flipped you onto your back like you weighed nothing, making you squeal as he took a nipple between his fingers and twisted, your back arching off the bed. "Are you trying to piss me off even more?"
Just as you reached the edge of the bed, wondering if you could make it, you felt Rengoku press himself against your back and- oh- fuck! He slid right inside you! You gasped as the man pushed his cock in with one fell swoop, taking your breath away as he instantly started moving his hips, preferring to fuck you where you were instead of dragging you back. "Get comfortable, baby. I'm not done with you."
Sanemi caught you the second you tried to move, simply reaching forward to grab a fistful of your hair and pull harshly. You yelped as your neck was forced to snap back, your back arching as your husband pulled at your hair, his other hand looping to the front to grab you by the neck before he leaned towards your ear and growled: "I'm going to give you a choice. I can fuck you here, on the bed, or I chase you and fuck you where I catch you and trust me, I won't be as nice."
Gyomei didn't say anything, even as you got off the bed and onto your wobbly feet. You wondered if you could just leave when he said, in his booming voice: "Are you sure that's what you want to do?" You froze, body trembling. Why was one sentence enough for you to rethink your whole lives decisions? You didn't know what Gyomei meant by it, but you knew it probably wouldn't be fun. With a gulp, you climbed back onto the bed before getting in front of your husband. You spread your legs wide as you lay down in front of him, reaching down to grab at his fat cock and press it against your entrance. The man smiled as he slowly started to sink inside your familiar heat. "Good girl."
Giyuu grabbed you by the legs and pulled you back while also changing his own position. To your horror, you found yourself slung over his knee, a predicament you just experienced an hour before which was why your ass was a bright red already. You started apologizing profusely, kicking your legs like a toddler but your husband simply ignored your pleas and held you down, the task quite easy for him even if one arm of his was free to do the spanking. "It seems one round wasn't enough to discipline you. Guess we have to go again."
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anqelically · 2 months
FEATURING. sanemi shinazugawa, giyuu tomioka, obanai iguro & mitsuri kanroji
WARNINGS. gn!reader, fluff, comfort, reader and iguro are naked (no nsfw), hints to iguro’s past
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SANEMI SHINAZUGAWA realized he wanted to marry you one day when he came home late at night to find you asleep at the dining table, apparently waiting for him. after the loss of most of his family, the shinazugawa brothers had moved into your home after you offered. you lost your mother to an illness not too long after, making it only you three who inhabited the tiny home.
you always cared for sanemi, and sanemi had always cared for you. so when you learned of his nightly activities, it worried you. sometimes he’d come home with torn clothes, and other days sanemi returned with fresh wounds. if you hadn’t fallen asleep by then, you’d dress his wounds tenderly. it wasn’t any better after joining the demon slayer corps.
the thought of him putting himself in danger like that gnawed at your stomach the first few weeks. but then time passed, and you no longer feared as much. there was always a possibility of losing sanemi, but he proved himself to be strong, both physically and in drive. though, you always prayed for his safety.
your upper body leaned on the low table, chest rising and falling as sanemi approached. the meal you set for him had grown cold a long time ago, but he’ll eat it regardless. first, the boy was going to carry you to your futon. though, the sight of a sleeping genya, whose head rested on your thigh, made him pause.
in his sleep, the young boy clung to your figure. and it was no wonder you only supported your head on the table with one arm, the other one rested on genya’s back. it must’ve been uncomfortable for you, yet you remained in that position for hours, awake or not.
the first one sanemi carried to their respective futon was genya. he was much heavier than before, the older boy thought. he was glad that genya was growing properly, especially with how much you fed him. the black-haired boy loved your cooking so much he almost always ate nearly half of it.
sanemi eventually carried your slouched form to your futon. he set you down gently before placing your blanket over the lower half of your body. you got warm easily, so sanemi knew it would be best to not cover you completely.
the moonlight shone on your sleeping figure as sanemi brushed your stray hairs away from your face. his eyes traveled from you to the cold plate on the table. always so caring, you were. his gaze then landed on genya, who you always treated as your own brother.
sanemi, despite the many things he has yet to comprehend, was sure of one thing— his love for you. the two of you were still teenagers, but he was sure of his feelings. as his fingers traveled from your forehead to your cheek, cupping your face lightly, there was only a single thought that occupied his mind.
one day, in a world free of demons, he’d take your hand and ask you to be his.
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it was when you were crying in his arms that GIYUU TOMIOKA knew that he wanted your hand in marriage. although he was skilled, he was rendered unconscious during a mission after slaying two demons with tricky demon blood arts. although he was only unconscious from night till the next afternoon, you couldn’t help but worry.
you were no demon slayer, so the thought of your partner being bedridden had scared you. you rushed to his bedside when giyuu’s crow informed you of his state. and as you sat by his sleeping form, the little butterfly estate girls told you that although he was littered with cuts, none of them were deep.
part of you always believed that giyuu was invincible. even though you knew he was the highest rank in the demon slayer corps, he never came home with worrying injuries. a few small cuts here and there were all treated by you before the two of you fell into bed.
seeing giyuu’s bare torso covered in white patches reminded you that giyuu was not invincible, and even someone skilled like him was vulnerable to injury.
compared to the corps members that already died before giyuu was assigned the mission, he was barely harmed. but since you didn’t see it that way, he saw the tears that brimmed your eyes after he woke up. your hug was gentle as if you’d hurt him if you squeezed him tight.
giyuu snaked his arms around your waist as you cried and told him how you worried for him. your words, even your tears alone spoke volumes about how much you cared for him. the black-haired man held you tighter, knowing that he cared for you just as much, and one day hoped to show you by proposing with a ring fit only for you.
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you and OBANAI IGURO were lying bare in bed the moment he realized he wanted to marry you. it was late at night and the two of you had your limbs tangled together underneath a thick blanket, skin-to-skin for half an hour in near darkness. the muted moonlight that shone through the shoji door was only enough to outline the other’s figure.
obanai’s skin burned beneath your smooth fingers, the gentle touch scorching his very being. you always had that effect on him, especially when he was most vulnerable to you, when he was bare.
your fingers brushed the skin of his cheeks, lightly touching the part of his face that he always kept bandaged up. your fingers ran over the bumpy skin once more before you cupped his cheeks, pressing your forehead to his.
there were a few nights you’d spend like this. though, it was always so dark. you wanted to see your lover in full, but knowing how he felt about it, you never forced him to. after all, it had taken you some time to get used to the reminder of your own past; the large scar that ran from your chest to your belly button.
you laid your head back onto your pillow before you asked him if it was okay to light up a candle although you expected him to politely decline. instead, he hesitated before saying you could. after you asked once more to be sure, the black-haired man decided to light the candle for you.
his face, illuminated by the candlelight, turned towards you. obanai watched as you crawled towards him and sat on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. you told him that his beauty never failed to make you awe as he snaked his hands onto your hips.
you smiled at him lovingly before you laid your head in the crook of his neck, finding comfort in your position. he tucked back a piece of your hair before resting his cheek atop your head. obanai thought someone as tainted as him didn’t deserve such love from you, someone so pure. however, you wandered into his arms with no argument, embracing his being. obanai was sure that when the time was right, he’d marry you under your favorite cherry blossom tree.
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the two of you were having brunch when MITSURI KANROJI realized she wanted to marry you one day. being the absolute bundle of joy she was, mitsuri was excited about the brunch the two of you planned days before. you’d be coming over to her estate, so the woman made sure to have lots of food prepared.
you arrived at mitsuri’s estate earlier than planned with a tray of sakura mochi you made just for her. although she ushered you to the dining room while she rushed the rest of her cooking and baking outside, you couldn’t help but wonder what was taking her so long. and when you realized it was because mitsuri was running all over the place to pay attention to everything she was cooking at once, you opted to help her.
you smiled at the love hashira, telling her she didn’t have to do all of this by herself, especially since she was providing for their meal. with a blossoming pink dusted across her cheeks, mitsuri thanked you and the two of you finished soon enough.
with everything set on the table, the two of you dug in. mitsuri babbled about her recent adventures like always, and you listened with a small smile on your face. from the moment you met, mitsuri was always so bright. the happiness she had always oozed out of her being and spread onto you, though you’ve never minded it.
while you found yourself lost in admiring her, another blush made its way onto mitsuri’s cheeks. your fond stare nearly made her heart melt when she noticed it. setting down her bowl, she felt her heart race against her chest as a certain thought crossed her mind.
you seemed to have caught yourself and quickly coughed before eating some of the fluffy pancakes she had made, commenting on how good they tasted. mitsuri giggled before she grinned endearingly. if you got married one day, then maybe the happiness of sharing a single meal would continue forever. truthfully, she wished that day would come soon.
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NOTE. i was so into sanemi’s coming up with the other 3’s was a bit difficult 😓 sorry it’s a bit ooc (imo) this is my warm up dw
—requests are open + join my taglist !
@aureatchi @soleelia
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klyette · 5 months
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# 𝜗𝜚relationships: multiple x fem ! # 𝜗𝜚contains: fem reader, smut, older men, tit playing + fondling, pussy spanking, choking, rough sex, squirting, clit rubbing + pinching, making out, pornhub themed, filming, big dick
𝜗𝜚 notes ! So each part has different kinks or smth like, tit play, clit toying, etc . ໒꒰ྀི ⸝⸝⸝ ꒱ა !
HE whispers in your ear, his big hand rubbing at your smooth skin, a camera in his other hand as he films your legs. He lifts the camera up to your lips, filming your soft lips that he adores kissing. Your breaths are heard, your chest going up and down, he moves the camera down at your tits. His calloused hand groping at your tits as you let out a whimper, the camera is still on your tits. His fingers playing with your nipples as he does it like he strums a string instrument. "Shh, you pretty thing~" He says, he kisses your breasts and fondles it before he changes the camera view.
HE points the camera at your wet sloppy cunt, his palm connecting to your wetness, he shows the camera. "Isn't she just a cutie? Already all wet, just cuz I played with her tits.." he says, his palm spanks your cunt, his finger rubs along with your slit. Your leg trembles as his finger rubs circles around your clit, his finger slightly touching your bud. "My pretty girl, aren't you?" He says, the camera filming your clit, as he toys with you. His thumb goes up to your clit, his big thumb hiding your clit behind his digit, he pushes slightly down on it, then he rubs at it. His thumb rubbing your clit as he films it, kissing and nibbling at your skin.
HE rubs your clit before sticking two of his fingers in your wetness, your juices staining his fingers as his fingers move in and out of you, his thumb still lays on your bud. His fingers do a scissor motion inside of you, your legs tremble as his fingers move faster in you. "Taking my fingers so well, aren't you just great, doll?" He says, grinning, he sticks another finger in and thrusts them into you, he slips them out of you, slurping up your juices off his fingers before he puts them back into you, he films himself coming closer to your wetness. His tongue licks at your cunt, his tongue flicking at your small bud, he smirks against your wetness. "Mmh, don't you taste amazing, atta girl~" he whispers against your cunt, moaning at your taste. Your legs shake and you cum, getting your juices on his tongue before he gets up and places the camera on the bed.
HE takes off his pants and his dick is so hard, it's standing tall and proud, his big dick twitches as pre-cum slightly comes out. "You are going to take me all, aren't you, baby?" He grabs your legs and hooks your legs under your arm, he kisses your tits before slipping his dick into you. His tip is only inside of you yet it feels big, the rest of his dick enters you, half of his dick is now into you. He slides easily, his hand grips your hips before he slams into you, groaning. The camera view is still on you, recording this sexual act between you two. "So tight, you are made for me." He says, closing his eyes as he fucks you, hitting your special spot which makes you clench around him harder. His head goes slightly back, your legs shake, and he kisses your inner thighs. Fucking you more harder, his hand goes down to your clit and his hand goes for the camera, recording his thumb rubbing your bud. His dick ramming into you, his dick aches into you, your cunt clenches around him so tight, his hand goes around your neck, choking you as he fucks you. You look up at him with tears brimming at your eyes, his hand still around your neck, your eyes roll back slightly. He pulls out, his dick pumping out his semen, coating your stomach in his whiteness, he furiously rubs at your clit, he lets go of your neck and points the camera at your wetness as you squirt. Getting your juices all over him and the bedsheet, it lands on the camera lens. "AHh!" You scream, your mouth opens and your eyes roll back to your skull. "You did so good for me, good girl~" he whispers, the video ends at the good girl.
Nanami , Toji , Alhaitham , Zhongli , Blade , Aiku , Gallagher , Chris Prince , Sanemi , Muzan + ur faves + other fandoms !
©kylette; no other claiming
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vampcubus · 4 months
:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 : kyojuro rengoku, tengen uzui & wives, poly obamitsu, tanjiro kamado, inosuke hashibira, zenitsu agatsuma.
:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : sfw, gn!reader, big spoon coded reader cus i said so, wholesome fluff, cuddling n snuggling, polyamory (tengen & obamitsu's parts), kamaboko trio aged up as per usual.
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— A teddy bear in the shape of a man and enthusiastic to be used as one! As a Hashira, Kyojuro is often kept away for days and weeks at a time, so he makes the most of every moment you spend together.
— Kyojuro's not happy unless he's got his arms full of his favorite person, so you can expect him to seek you out the moment he arrives home.
— If you’re a civilian and he finds you in the kitchen, he’ll drape himself over you from behind, nuzzling his face into your neck and lavishing it with smiling kisses, rugged hands settling on your hips.
— Kyojuro wants to be cuddled to sleep and truly can’t bear to be parted from you, no matter how swelteringly hot it gets in the summer months. And if he has obligations, he tries to wake up a little early so he can have a few minutes of cuddle time with you before he’s whisked away. You don’t even have to be awake for it, he just wants to hold you for a little while <3
— He started out as a big spoon but converted into a little spoon when he discovered what it felt like to be properly held. He’s no more content than he is when he’s got his back pressed to your chest and you’ve curled yourself around his broad frame. 
— He likes it best when you rub his belly when his eyes are too big for his stomach, always easing a bit of the discomfort <3
— Kyojuro is comfy to lay on, with two perfect pillows for you to rest your head on (his pecs <3). His muscles are quite soft when relaxed, and the way his heart stutters when your cheek rests on it is so cute.
— Kyojuro feels safe in your presence so he’s very prone to falling asleep on your shoulder or with his head in your lap. With his workload and inconsistent sleep schedule, he’s often a cuddle session away from nodding off. Particularly so when you start playing with his flaxen hair, it’s like his off-switch 🤭
— He’s a bit of an oversized lapdog and’ll climb into your lap every chance he gets. As far as he’s concerned, that’s his seat. It looks funny to outsiders if he’s bigger than you, but he hardly cares, all too eager to get all comfy in your lap and tell you about his day.
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— Big, tough man too cool to cuddle? No sir. Tengen is a touchy lover and raises a brow when you try to sit anywhere other than his lap, like why aren't you in your assigned seat? 🤨
— Pulls you flush against his side every chance he gets, wrapping a heavy arm around your shoulders. You often get a companion wet kiss to the cheek to boot just to see you scrunch your face up and wipe his spit off your cheek >:(
— His wives are just like him– Suma especially who practically hangs off of you with those big doe eyes, clinging onto your arm during outings as a group. Between Tengen and Suma, your hands will never be lonely and you'll certainly never be cold. Those two are space heaters and can't keep their hands off their partners to save their lives.
— Makio is easily flustered by affection but ultimately craves it, even if getting her to admit it is like pulling teeth. A hopeless romantic at heart <3 She’s a big spoon and overheats easily, so she prefers to linger on the edges of the cuddle piles. She’ll smack your thigh if you move around too much with an annoyed grumble. She can be such a meanie sometimes 😔
— Hinatsuru doesn’t mind holding or being held, she just wants to be close to you. Though generally more soft-spoken than Makio, Tengen, and Suma, her affectionate touch translates her love for her partners so clearly. Often rubs soothing circles over your back, rests a comforting hand on your arm, and pets your hair while you cuddle.
— Tengen likes to talk when you cuddle, prattling on about his or your day while rubbing your side or back mindlessly. Most times, he talks you to sleep or vice versa, considering what a busy guy he is before retirement. Sometimes you’ll get caught up in deep conversations about your past lives, silly theories, or ping-pong flirtatious banter until you can barely keep your eyes open.
— Tengen likes it most when you and the wives crawl right on top of him, all to eager to be living furniture for his beautiful spouses while you all gossip and giggle to each other.
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— Dare I say the clingiest partners ever?
— Obanai hesitates where as Mitsuri openly throws herself into your arms at every opportunity. Just be patient and take things slow and he'll follow Mitsuri's example. It’s a subtle shift, maybe he leans his head on your shoulder to test the waters, unable to meet your eyes. He melts if you wrap an arm around his shoulders and rub his arm, eyelids drooping as he relaxes further against you.
— Mitsuri is a cuddle bug in every sense of the word, like a tiny, purring kitty rubbing its body against your legs when you come near. You swear she chirps like one too, especially when her affections are met with a head pat or tender kiss.
— Obanai won’t say it, but he likes it when he’s in the middle, tucked safely between his two favorite people. The three of you spend many long hours this way, just relaxing in each other's embrace before your obligations call you away from the cuddle puddle– with no shortage of complaints from your lovers (Obanai’s longing wistful look as you go is just as painful as Mitsuri’s whines)
— Their clinginess only worsens as your relationship progresses, I’m afraid 💀 Obanai has a death grip comparable to a boa constrictor, especially when he’s in a deep sleep.
— I have a vivid image in my mind of Mitsuri having to use her insane strength to pry his arms off of you and scooch herself in your place so you can pee in the middle of the night, barely able to stifle her giggles. (Obanai is very much this meme)
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— Touch starved but doesn’t know it, and is also unintentionally touchy. Until he isn’t. Until his touches seem all too intentional, never without meaning.
— Cuddling with you is one of his favorite activities and he’ll even schedule official cuddle time if you let him, so you never go without the comfort of one another’s arms for long. He’ll even decline plans if it’s the wrong time of day…
“Sorry, I’d love to, but it’s almost four and I always cuddle with my partner around that time.”
— And no it’s not negotiable. What if he was late, or missed it and hurt your feelings? No no, he’s far too considerate for that.
— Besides, he misses cuddle time the most when he’s out in the field, miles away from your warm embrace. You can tell he’s missing you in the letters he sends home, commenting about how it “ sure is cold out here,” though the longer he goes without the less subtle he is, rephrasing how he misses you in every paragraph. Can you really blame him? He truly adores you so it’s hard to be away from you :((
— Prefers to be the little spoon but ultimately will be happy no matter how you’re cuddling. (I expand on little spoon Tanjiro in this post <3)
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— Instinctually touchy and yet so unused to cuddling. Inosuke doesn’t know much about positive affectionate touch so he tends to squirm out of hugs and gets a little anxious when you hold him still too long, much like a dog would. He asks you what you’re doing, voice a little softer than normal, cheeks a little pink beneath his mask.
“Cuddling you?” you reply, equally confused by his reaction as he is to your affection.  “Well stop it. It feels weird,” he huffs, and you comply, albeit a bit disheartened. You can’t help but be curious about his rejection, so you push past the sudden awkwardness of the moment to inquire about it. “Feels weird how?” “I don’t know! It just does!” he snaps defensively, a little frustrated, an emotion you can’t help but mirror. But then you relax, reminding yourself to be understanding. It must show on your face though, because he follows you around until he’s sure you aren’t mad at him. Your understanding nature is something he’s still getting used to as well.
— Take it slow with him if you can help it, form positive associations with touch, and then try again another time and he’ll be more receptive <3 REALLY receptive after a while, like before you know it you’ve got a stage 10 clinger on your hands 😭 
— Especially if you start sleeping together, cus he likes to cover you with his whole body as his way of protecting you while you’re in a vulnerable state.
— However, he will get bitchy if he catches you taking naps without him there to cuddle up to you. Like just say you don’t love him 😔 You’ll wonder why he’s giving you dirty looks and the cold shoulder all day, yeah it’s cus you didn’t immediately come find him to nap. Traitor.
— He associates cuddling with sleep so he’s prone to nodding off, and if you guide his head to rest on your chest and massage his scalp? He’s dead to the world, snoring and everything.
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— You cannot pry this man off of you and I mean it. He was clinging to you before you were even an item, often to your leg, your kimono, your hand, wherever he can reach. If you reciprocate once, he’ll keep coming back for more of it. So touch starved it’s pitiable, and he’s smart enough to know that looking pathetic earns him sympathy.
— That said, he’s taken aback if you initiate cuddling, almost unable to fathom being desired. It’s only then that he gets a little shy, chuckling nervously as you take him into your arms. Doesn’t know what to do with himself.
— Zenitsu isn’t picky about how you cuddle, just that you’re touching in every way possible. Tangles his legs with yours, wriggles as close as humanly possible, and holds your clothing in an iron grip.
— Oftentimes he looks so blissed out when he’s wrapped up in your embrace, eyes half-lidded or drooping with sudden sleepiness. You’re just so comfortable, and comforting, and beautiful and aaaa before he knows it he’s muttering all these things to you.
You awaken slowly to a considerable weight on your chest, squinting with your eyes closed you feel around blindly and find the familiar shape of your husband sprawled out on top of you. You sigh, recognizing his snores and a smile tugs at your lips despite it being tough to breathe. Your palm rests on his back, bunching in the thick fabric of his hoari. Your eyes finally crack open, the morning light illuminating your fully-dressed partner. Must’ve been a long night, you mused to yourself, able to picture a half-asleep Zenitsu stumbling into bed so clearly in your mind. Though even his unconscious alter-ego tended to seek you out. You turn, shifting Zenitsu onto his side. He stirs, but only slightly, immediately tucking his head under your chin with a grunt. “Don’t go,” he murmurs in his sleep, most likely to a dream version of you and a fondness warms your chest. “Stay.”
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xyaehir · 20 days
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normally when you tuck yourself into bed with your lover, you expect him to snuggle into you immediately as he’s done many times.
so why was he scooting away from you instead? and why is he looking at you like he wants to fight?
you blink once and twice before looking at him quizzically. your lover is a man that is undoubtedly and obviously whipped for you, so why now is he acting like it’s the opposite?
“what are you doing?” you finally ask after multiple beats of silence. you watch him turn his head to the side and scoff, his glare intensifying at your arms.
or rather, what was nestled in it.
he narrows his eyes, “there’s an impostor here.”
you quirk an eyebrow, confused, before following his gaze down to your lap.
“why do you have that thing?” he side eyes the big plushie you’re hugging close to your chest.
oh. so that’s what this was about?
you sigh a bit dramatically, amused. “this ‘thing’ is comfortable to sleep with,” you mock his tone, gesturing to the plushie. “plus, he’s literally custom made to look like you.”
he scoffs before crossing his arms. “it’s custom made to look like me? but all it looks like is a filthy homewrecker!”
you laugh, shoulders shaking while he gapes at you (even though you can see the upward quirks of his lips as his facade threatens to break).
“this is no laughing matter, my dear wife!”
he lifts up his hand to point accusingly at the plushie that looks like his clone. “and you! why are you trying to ruin our relationship, huh?” he pokes his face repeatedly, each time putting more and more force.
“you wont take my wife, you hear me?!”
you giggle, watching the amusing interaction play out. “i can’t believe you’re seriously upset over something like this.”
he stops after processing your words. his gaze darkens a little and he reaches both his arms out to shakily grasp your shoulders. “honey, this is a serious situation! this thing is trying to ruin our lives!” he frowns, shaking you slightly.
“you’re a clown.”
“wh- hey!”
“it’s just a plushie, it can’t do anything wrong.”
“oh, so i’m the bad guy now, is that it? sorry for protecting our marriage then!”
you purse your lips to prevent anymore laughter to spill out and provoke your husband to poke the innocent plushie more. “baby, let’s just go to sleep, alright?”
his eyes soften when you reach out to pull his arm closer to you but suddenly narrows at the plushie still on your lap, his favourite pillow.
“sure, on one condition,” he states before picking the plushie up and throwing it out of the bedroom, quickly locking the door.
(you never saw that plushie again and he claims he has nothing to do with it.)
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— (bllk) nagi, reo (genshin) wriothesely, kaeya, childe, kaveh, itto, ayato (i can see it a lil) (star rail) sampo, jing yuan, caelus (haikyuu) suna, atsumu, kuroo, oikawa (jjk) gojo, geto (maybe), yuji, inumaki (if he could talk properly) (kny) douma, zenitsu (om) mammon, asmo
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i’ve seen A LOT of drabbles like this but im not sure if anyone did this exact thing 😭 btw sch is starting real soon so ill be on n off on this app 🫢 this isnt edited yet 🥹
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@xyaehir 2024. this is my content. do not translate, copy or plagiarise my works in any way. reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated. <3
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someone-wrote-here21 · 9 months
How the Kamaboko squad helps you when you're sick
My headcanons on how I think the Kamoboko squad would take care of you when you get sick.
Posted on ao3 in my Demon Slayer Oneshots/Headcannons book!
Requests are always open/welcomed!
Enjoy :)
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■ Tanjiro
- Being the oldest of his family, Tanjiro has a lot of experience taking care of people as he has helped his mother with taking care of his siblings, especially when they're sick.
- If you're the type of person that tries to keep working and denies that you're sick (even if it's pretty obvious), he will hover over you and make sure you stop and rest.
- This dude will be bringing you healthy meals in bed, making sure you drink enough fluids, and cuddle you, all until you feel better.
If you're the vomiting type of sick, Tanjiro will hold your hair back for you (if it's long) while you puke it all out in the toilet.
- If you don't like taking medicine, then you bet Tanjiro's gonna be using some of the tricks he used to get his younger siblings to take their medicine on you.
- He will try to be by your side to help you get better as much as possible, but not so much that you feel smothered.
■ Kanao
- Being the younger sister of Shinobu and having lots of experience taking care of people in the Butterfly Estate, you know for sure she knows what she's doing.
- Kanao will be bringing you medicine and healthy meals that are specially made for when someone is sick.
- When taking care of you, she will be somewhat strict, but only if you're proving to be difficult and not taking the medicine or refusing to rest.
- If you're the vomiting type of sick, Kanao will help you when you're puking it out and will clean you up without batting an eye. If you feel bad about it afterwards, she'll reassure you with a smile and tell you that it doesn't bother her as long as you get better.
- Kanao won't hover by your side, but will keep tabs on how you're feeling and periodically check on you take sure you're okay.
- If you want her to stay by your side though, she will and you'll both just cuddle and/or she'll read to you.
- I also feel like she'll probably get you to take some vitamins after you've gotten better to improve your immune system and make sure you have less of a chance of getting sick again.
■ Zenitsu
- I don't think Zenitsu has a lot of experience taking care of other people but I do know that he will try his best to make sure you get better quickly.
- With his super hearing, he'll probably hear that your sick before you actually tell him. He can also tell if it's just a cold or if it's a fever by your heart rate, not just by taking your temperature.
- This boy will dot on you until you feel better. Want food? He'll get it for you. Feel headachy? He'll get you a cool towel for your forehead.
- Even though he himself hates taking medicine, Zenitsu will persuade you to take it, while complaining with you on how bad it tastes. (He may or may not have asked Tanjiro on how to trick you into taking the medicine, shhh)
- Zenitsu will be by your side all the time to make sure you're doing okay, if you need him for anything, basically smothering you in his worry and wanting to be by your side when you get better.
- He is definitely asking Tanjiro for advice on how to care for you though, because even though he's inexperienced in taking care of others, he really wants to do his best for you and want you to get better.
■ Nezuko
- Now with Nezuko being a demon, she can't really take care of you during the day, but when night comes she's doing all she can for you.
- Being the eldest after Tanjiro means she too had helped take care of the younger siblings and knows just what to do when someone is sick.
- She'll change the cool towel on your forehead for you, make sure you have water to keep hydrated, and monitor your condition throughout the night.
- If you wake up to go puke, Nezuko will be by your side helping you, and will help clean you up with gentle care too.
- If you're having trouble sleeping, then Nezuko'll cuddle you as you sleep and/or hum you to sleep with a lullaby, staying awake to make sure you get your rest and to make sure she gets back into her box before dawn breaks.
■ Inosuke
- This boy has never taken care of someone else when they're sick, being raised by boars in the mountains and all. That doesn't mean that he doesn't know how to in his own way though.
- Being raised in the mountains, I'm sure Inosuke has some homeopathic remedies that he used instead of regular medicines.
- He won't be actively taking care of you but will bring you little gifts to make you feel better like acorns or really pretty rocks he found.
- Inosuke will also eat with you in your bed if you can't really move that much without feeling nauseous. And if you get headaches then he'll be slightly quieter when around you and won't yell as often.
- Inosuke will check up on you sometimes to see if you're getting better but if you ask him about it he'll make up an excuse saying he's just trying to make sure his minion is ready to fight him yet.
- When you recover, Inosuke will definitely challenge you to a fight to make sure you're still strong enough to be one of his minions. (His way of making sure you're actually okay and feeling better.)
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cythena · 2 months
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ꨄ︎ synopsis . now you're cursed it seemed. maybe it was karma for your relentless attempts to fluster giyuu. they worked out in the end but now he's set on messing with you too.
warnings . oral f receiving, breeding, awkward moments for reader, cowgirl, fingering, messy kissing, really chill tbh
word count . 3k words
notes . part two to this post! since i got a request for it i was a little bit stuck on what to do soooo i reversed the roles now giyuu gets to have fun.
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he's doing it on purpose. that evil evil man. there was no way he was that aloof. he's completely aware of what he's doing and he's enjoying it. he loves getting back at you for everything you've done to him.
everything he's done was a calculated move in order to provoke you. whether it was innocently masked questions or touches, they were all done with the intent to fluster you. your words would jumble together and cheeks grow hot. all while he kept that stupid stoic expression like he wasn't messing with you.
you're so upset but can't help but enjoy this game he's started. you even started distancing yourself from him a little. whenever meeting with him, you try to avoid giving him any opportunities. yet somehow he always manages.
he still makes your head dizzy. even from your distance you admire him, his strong jaw, smooth skin, sharp nose. he's so handsome you wish this game would end soon. then you could finally get your hands on him again — or at least even the score.
it's not fair fun anymore. giyuu let your hook up get to his head. you were always hyper aware of how he reacted to you. he avoided you but his eyes lingered. with a gaze so intense and heavy, it was impossible for you not to notice. you relished in his attention and used it as fuel to your advantage.
on mission assignments together, it was nearly impossible to avoid each other. giyuu had suffered previously whenever ubuyashiki made the ignorant and cruel decision to partner you two together. it was undeniable how well you worked together combat wise, but other than that it was insufferable.
the bright side of it was how fast missions were completed. the most time was spent walking together and back, then separating to return home.
"y/n," his voice calls for you from the trees in front. his back is turned to you while he sheaths his sword. when he turns to you, you're flicking blood off the metal of yours with a twirl of your hand.
"yes, tomioka?" your melodic voice rings in his ears. he mentally scowls at the use of his last name once again.
you take few steps to move closer to him, keeping your distance still. he closed a decent amount of the distance to stand in front of you. he bends his neck slightly to meet your eyes.
"we'll stay at an inn for the night."
you're not given time to respond before he's walking to way back to the village. you follow him with a short distance between you until you reach the inn.
the inn is a decent sized place, refurbished and well kept. it's clean and a little busy. a few customers are returning to their rooms with buzzed looks on their faces.
giyuu speaks to the receptionist. he's an older man, sweet faced and kind looking. a woman standing next to him looks to be his tired wife. her eyes are shut and she's wobbles a little.
"good evening. you travelers are out quite late," he smiles and leads you to a room. you trail behind giyuu.
his wife holds freshly steamed yukatas which she hands off to you while a drowsy smile. "have a lovely night you two."
the man shuts the door behind you. from the outside you hear the woman speak again.
"what a sweet couple. the man reminds me of you when you were younger."
your ears perk up now. you glance around the room realizing the circumstances. you were give a single room because they assumed you were together. not that you had a problem with it but still. did you two really look like a couple?
giyuu was already settled near a small table. he begins ridding his haori and sword, placing them on the ground neatly. you remove your outer layers too, opting to be mature about the situation if he is as well.
you face the other direction until he calls your name.
"i need your help, my wound requires bandaging."
"oh, i'll be there in a moment," you reply. you turn your back to him once more to finish taking off your sword.
he takes a seat on the table. his legs spread open, his wrist rests on his thigh and his hand hangs. the other arm props the rest of his body up from behind his back. his collar is loosened and stretched from his neck, revealing his adam's apple.
you swallow thickly at the sight. it's almost...arousing.
you brush it off and focus. "where's your injury?"
giyuu's hand reaches from his thigh and tugs from the opening in his collar. somehow he yanks the buttons open in a single motion. he pulls one side of his shirt away from the center and lets it slide off his arm.
a red wound stretches across the side of his lower torso, next to the eye catching muscles of his abdomen. it makes your mouth water on sight — even though it's nothing you haven't seen before.
your face burns and your eyes go wide. it's inexorable. you notice how giyuu's eyes squint as he watches your face reveal your feelings.
"is there a problem?" he asks, keeping eye contact. "are you able to help?"
that little bastard- you think to yourself.
"yes. just give me the bandages?" you mutter. you try to speed up the process as much a possible.
you kneel down between his legs to reach easier. you're eye to abs with him now. pushing the thought out of your head, you wrap the bandages around him.
giyuu smiles while you're focused on his wound. the sight of your head between his thighs is something he's shamelessly fantasized about. suddenly your head shoots up and you catch the coy smile playing at his lips.
you loose your balance and fall backwards onto your ass. he doesn't react, instead slipping the rest of his shirt off. you take this opportunity to hurry back to your side of the room, far away from him and his stupidly defined abs.
you needed a nice break. finding time in your schedules to meet with mitsuri and shinobu was difficult. a free slot in your schedules aligned on the day of a festival in your town. so the three of you planned a date for that evening.
you all dressed in beautiful clothing, a refreshing change from your corps uniform. you wander the stalls together through the bustling crowds. red and orange lights glow and illuminate your faces. mitsuri stops to sample multiple snacks while shinobu admires handmade crafts.
a cat figure catches your eye and you step to the side for a little.
"i'll catch up with you in a moment," you assure them before heading towards the booth.
it's a cute little wooden cat. you pick it up and examine the delicate woodwork.
"i'd like this. how much?"
"eight yen but for a pretty la-"
an arm suddenly extended over your shoulder and offered what looked to be ten to fifteen yen. the owner happily traded the cat for the generous sum. he gave you the cat wrapped in a pretty box.
you turned to thank the kind person. giyuu stood behind you, shadowing you. he also dorned a deep blue yukata.
"tomioka, i didn't expect you to be the festival type," you said. you both stepped away from the stall and continue walking.
"i'm not." he turned his head and gestured to the three familiar boys and young girl. "tanjiro asked me to come."
"and you were just so willing?"
"it's near your house, i hoped to see you."
his words sent heat to your face once again. such romantic words said so stoically. he was doing this on purpose.
"came all the way here in hopes of seeing me?" you tease.
"if you weren't here," he steps closer to you, "i would've went to your house."
"and if i weren't there?"
"i would've waited." where did he learn this from? he's so forward with his words. he returns to his original position and looks off the the side. his gaze lies on nothing i particular as he speaks again, "but kocho mentioned your plans before."
your path takes you towards a quieter part of the festival. it's just as bright but with more seating and open space available. the loud atmosphere is replaced by a relaxed one. the crickets chirping becomes more apparent now.
you're admiring a particularly beautiful latern when your foot catches an uneven stone in the pavement. you lose your balance and in a flurry of movement, fall forward. giyuu reacts swiftly.
his arms reach out and wrap around your waist and pull you close to his chest. your arms smoosh against his body as your heart races.
"i remember you telling me...not to fall for you," you must be crazy because you hear a chuckle in that statement.
giyuu's soft gaze lingers on you, a faint smile tugging at his lips. you push your palms flat against his chest to get off. before beginning to move, your own lips curled into a playful grin.
"it seems it's too late for me," you whisper.
"y/n!" a high pitched voice gasps.
your head whips to see mitsuri and shinobu joining you and giyuu.
shinobu's eyes close as she brings her fingers to stifle her laugh. "my my, i wouldn't have expected tomioka-san to be so close to anyone, let alone, y/n."
"if you and tomioka-san had a date please don't let us interrupt!" mitsuri's face flushed in excitement at the sight of you and giyuu holding each other.
you quickly push yourself off of him and walk over to them.
"no! we don't have a date, it's not what it looks like." your voice is a giveaway to your humiliation. you hide your expression from all three of them to mask your embarrassment.
a few days after the festival, you don't get any interaction with giyuu. no missions or training sessions bring you together. the distance makes you a bit relentless.
you settle down in your yard, admiring the afternoon. a kakushi calls your attention.
"y/n-sama, i have a letter from tomioka-sama," they say with a bow.
curious and pleased to see some interest from giyuu. you walk over over to the kakushi. they hand you a neatly folded up paper. it's the usual template for any giyuu letter. you'd be concerned if it were longer.
"i need to see you. come to my house as soon as you can - giyuu tomioka."
how dry-
you thank the kakushi and walk back into your house. with no pressing matters at the moment, you decide to visit him immediately. the letter seemed somewhat important.
the journey to his house is quick and you find yourself at his door in no time. you knock firmly. there's a brief pause before the door slides open.
giyuu reveals himself shirtless, his toned muscles and faint scars from battles past on full display. the lighting from the oil lamp highlights the contours of his well-defined chest. he uses his elbow against the frame to hold his head up.
"giyuu what the fuck—" it slips out of you.
his fingers spread through strands of his hair as he gazes down at you. "you're here."
"it seemed urgent," you swallow, trying to keep your composure. he moves aside to let you in. "obviously not that urgent. why are you dressed like this?" you pinch the bridge of your nose.
"is there a problem?" he asks with innocent in his voice.
"when you have guests over—"
"but it's nothing you haven't seen before."
confidence instills itself in you. "so you're dressed like that because i'm here?"
"isn't it more comfortable this way?"
you roll your eyes, trying to hide the heat rising in your cheeks. “perhaps. comfortable or not, it’s still a bit unexpected.”
he chuckles softly, his gaze never leaving yours. “well, if you’re uncomfortable, i can change.”
the playful glint in his eyes tells you he’s enjoying this moment far more than he’s letting on. you take a deep breath, trying to regain your composure.
“no, don’t bother. let's just get to why I’m here.”
as you turn, giyuu steps closer, his presence warm and unmistakable. “if you insist,” he says, his voice low and soft.
he closes the distance between you. your back is pressed against a wall. his lips capture yours in a sudden, fervent kiss. the softness and warmth of his touch make your heart race, and you melt into the kiss, losing yourself in the moment. his hands grasp your face delicately, like glass. you layer your hands on top of his.
he's gentle at first. his lips brush against yours with tender and soft motions. the intensity rises as the pressure of his kiss and fingertips increases. the fervor behind them is fueled by passion, desperation, and yearning. your mouth feels like a fire that only he can cool.
you part with a deep inhale, your chest rises and falls while a string connects your lips.
"that's what i'm here for?"
"not all."
he yanks your shirt off and tosses it. his hands reach to undo your belt while keeping your lips interlocked. you skirt falls onto his floor. he's practically salivating at the sight of your body.
he knew he missed it but not this much.
he pulls back to gawk at your bare body, free from anything barriers. he brings his hands to settle in on your hips.
"nuh uh." you shake your head and gesture to his pants.
he reluctantly pulls away from you to shed his pants. he wastes no time before attacking your lips once again. he trails kisses and bites down your neck until he reaches your nipple. he takes one into his mouth while he tweaks the other with his index and thumb. he uses his other hand to slide across your clit, gathering your slick and then sliding between your folds. his tongue swirls the bud and teeth nibble lightly to tease. you hold onto the base of of his head.
"tomioka," you sigh. you're immediately cut off when he bites harder than usual.
"stop that."
you smile to yourself, pleased with riling him up. you lean back against the wall and sigh. you relax into his touch and in what feels like seconds, you feel yourself tighten around his fingers.
"giyuu! h-hah."
he slows fingers, almost halting your peak completely. your eyes shoot open to see him lowering himself to his knees. you could cum just from seeing his eyes looking up at you. he lets his tongue out before his face disappears between your thighs.
your body doubles over. he matches his fingers to the pace of his unrelenting tongue. he greedily slurps up the heavenly taste of your cunt. you feel the smile pressed against your folds.
high squeals are pulled from your throat. he takes your thigh and rests it on his shoulder. both your hands tangle in his hair and push his deeper.
"oh, i'm cu-mming," you whine.
he spreads your cunt to blow cold air that makes you shiver. his nose pressed against your clit now while his tongue dips into your pussy. a swipe of his tongue is enough to tip you over.
your thighs press against his head while he continues to swallow every bit of you he can get. you're forced to push him away from you. his lips and chin are drenched and all he can do it lick around his lips and fingers.
he looks up you with hazy eyes and uneven breathing.
"ride me?"
you nod, still dizzy. giyuu lies back and rests on his elbows. you straddle him and hover over his cock. your palm wraps around the base to guide him into your hole. he steadies himself by grabbing your hips with a hand.
you slowly rock back and forth, gradually moving to a steady bounce. giyuu lets out soft sighs of relief. his adam's apple bobs with each swallow. he helps you bounce with his hand on you.
"mhm- shit," he groans.
you speed up your pace and steal more sounds from him and force them from yourself.
"hah- fuck fuck, feels good." his breathing grows heavier.
you're practically slamming yourself down on his cock. he reaches that spot that has you squealing every time. you squeeze down on him and your eyes roll back in pure ecstasy.
giyuu pushes your back down so you're flat on your stomach against him. he bends his knees for leverage and thrusts into you.
your head falls into his neck while you relinquish control. his thrusts are dangerously good. your legs are going weak.
"jus' like that...please, i'm gonna-"
he pulls you away and captures your lips in a deep kiss. he holds the back of your neck.
your pussy contracts around his cock. shivers rack through your whole body and you can't stop. "giyuu!" you sob.
your back arches further into him.
"so pretty." his gasp catches you off guard. you're locked into eye contact with him. he whimpers underneath his breath. "can i- cum?"
you're shocked he's asking for permission. a part of you wants to deny and tease but he's been so good to you.
you start to meet his thrusts which pulls a loud gasp from him. you stroke his cheek with your thumb, teasing just a bit.
"you can cum."
timed perfectly, giyuu spurts his load deep inside of you instantly. he refuses to look anywhere else besides your eyes. he's still rocking your hips onto him when he's done.
slowly, he comes down from his high. you settle down against his chest with his cock still inside you.
"hmm, don't wanna get up," you mumble.
giyuu wraps his arms around you. "don't."
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gyutarowritings · 4 months
You wake up in the middle of the night to frantic shuffling beside you. The sound of sobs hit your ears and the grip around you tightens.
You wrap your arms around your lover. Comforting them like they had done to you.
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Sanemi, Gyutaro, Genya, Obanai, Giyuu, Akaza
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reticent-writer · 1 year
back to the half demon half human reader thing: this time, upper moons? i think it would be cute
Demon slayer masterlist
Baby demon - hashira
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Muzan walked into your room. You haven't made a noise since he put you down for a nap.
He found you staring at the flower themed mobile. He cooed at you as he picked you up.
He had you in his hip while he took a walk around the castle letting you see each demons domains.
You babbled as you played with the buttons on his best.
"My Lord I didn't know you had a kid." Douma commented, seeing him walk by.
"I Don't."
"Please stop pulling my hair." Kokushibo said while grabbing your hands that were tangled in his long locs. You were standing on one of his legs while he was sitting.
Once he got a hold of both of your hands you started to dance
"Da Da Da" You babbled.
"Yeah, that's right dada. Can you say it?"
"Da da... Dadaa."
"Yeah, I'm dada." His blew raspberries into your cheeks.
You giggled and squirmed.
He knew you were a half demon from the start.
You were presented to Douma as a present from one of his followers, you're unique like him. Visually different (I was thinking something like an albino or vitiligo) but still adorable to look at.
"Aww you look so cute Y/n!" He exclaimed as he took you from his follower's arms. You had on an outfit identical to his with a matching hat.
You giggled as he tickled your stomach before sitting you on a soft pillow next to his own.
You always sat next to him and his followers came and visited.
"Do you want your binkie?" Akaza tried to calm you down but nothing was working.
He tried feeding you, cradling you, swaddling you, putting you down for a nap and more.
You would not stop crying.
There was one thing they he hadn't tried yet but he was too embarrassed to do it. Your screams were enough to drive him to do it.
He sung to calm you down.
It worked.
"Ready or not here I come." Daki took of running to find you.
You giggled, not so quietly, as you watched her run around while you were hiding behind Gyotaro.
"Gyotaro where did they go?" Daki whispered as if she didn't know you were behind him. He shrugged cause you to giggle harder.
"GOTCHA" She exclaimed and tried to reach around her brother. You screeched and tried to run but she caught you and threw you in the air.
Guess who's my favorite
Who was your favorite
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planetsano · 1 year
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everyone should have a token pussy eater on their roster. a man that wouldn’t even dare to take out his cock if all you did was tell him to eat your pussy. a boy that’s so well behaved he wouldn’t even entertain the thought of letting his cock pry you open if the initial goal is to make you cream on his tongue. it should be a god given right, really.
imagine how nice it would be to have an armin or a shoyo willing to drop to his knees so he could push his tongue past your folds— sucking on your clit, lapping up your juices as if you’re some sort of summer fruit. a megumi or a yuta eating you out to make an insufferable day just a little bit better.
boys who can cum in their pants by only having his head between your legs as he ruts against the bed. glossy and puffy lips that are slightly parted as he catches his breath. yeah. ♡
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armin, jean, connie, yuuji, yuta, inumaki, megumi, isagi, hiori, yukimiya, tanjiro, shoyo, sugawara, keiji, takemichi, kazutora, chifuyu, call 1-800-token-pussy-eater for more information.
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subbmissivesuccubus · 5 months
I don't know if this kink has a name but I am just obsessed with super casual boob play lmao
Also!!?? Thank you guys for helping me reach 2K followers! It's so exciting and i've been having so much fun writing and reading the smut on this website. Here's to many more stories which hopefully give you the tingles <3
"Alright, so that's the groceries we need for this week."
"Oh, don't forget to buy flowers! It's my moms birthday tomorrow."
"Are you even listening?" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest as you glared at your boyfriend, the man simply staring at you.
"Ok, so that's a no." you said, rolling your eyes before snapping your fingers in front of your boyfriends face, the man jumping and blinking a few times as he was brought back to reality.
"Can you pay attention now?" you asked sternly.
"Sorry. I was too busy staring at your tits." he said honestly, making you sigh. There he goes again with his very obvious boob obsession, your man having a clear fetish for your breasts.
"Well, if you continue to ignore me, you won't see my boobs for a week."
"Or, you flash them to me now, I promise I'll remember every single word you say."
"Oh my God."
"Come here, baby. Come here." he begged, hands reaching out to quickly grab you by the hips and drag you forward, his nails digging into the fabric of your skirt as he all but manhandled you onto his lap, smiling at you as he got your legs to straddle his waist.
"You're a degenerate." you snarled as you placed your hands on his shoulder, more than familiar with this particular song and dance.
"I'm your degenerate. And besides, this is your fault you know." he said, casually fisting the hem of your t-shirt before pulling it up, "If you didn't have such perfect titties, I wouldn't be like this!"
"So you weren't obsessed with boobs before you met me?" you questioned, allowing him to tug the t-shirt upto your chin, the man greedily looking at your bra covered breasts. Not having the patience to take the shirt off of you completely, he simply pulled it over your head so it looped around the back of your neck, your arms still in the sleeves but he didn't care as all he wanted was access to his favorite part of you.
"Of course not." he said confidently as he all but face planted into your cleavage, groaning in delight as he pushed his face in as deep as he could go, "I only got obsessed when you came into the picture."
You huffed, trying to fight the blood rushing to your face and between your legs as you fisted a hand through his hair, tugging at it a bit as you got his attention:
"Are you going to listen to me now?"
"Mmhmm." your boyfriend groaned, nodding a yes against your boobs, truly happy being surrounded by your plump flesh. Sighing, you once again told him what he needed to buy for groceries, allowing him to grope and kiss you wherever he wanted. His tongue ran over your skin, huffing and humming in response every time you asked him if he was listening.
He soon pushed your bra up as well, too eager to bother unhooking it as he placed it against your collarbone, the elastic of the band digging into your skin and making your tits look even more delicious than before. He opened his mouth and took a nipple in, closing his eyes as he started suckling gently, his arms wrapped around you and pulling you in closer.
"H-Hey..." you moaned, gripping his hair tighter as he suckled on you, "It's getting late. You need to leave before the stores close."
"Mmhmm. I know." he muttered against you, tongue coming out to flick at your nipples a few times before he moved to the other breast, giving her the same treatment, "Just- fuck- give me a minute."
You sighed, jumping as you felt his hands move down to your ass, taking greedy gropes of your butt as he lost himself in the sensation of your breast in his mouth.
Yeah, you were not getting your groceries today.
You slipped away from the group of friends in the living room to your bedroom, wanting to get your phone which had hopefully finished charging by now. As you were checking your phone and responding quickly to a few messages, you suddenly felt a hand on your waist that swiftly moved upwards and groped your right breast.
"Eh-hey!" you hissed softly, head snapping back towards your boyfriend, his touch so familiar that you instantly knew it was him, "Cut it out! We have guests!"
"I know but I just need one suck, ok?" he asked even as his other hand came up to start unbuttoning your shirt dress, "I'll be super quick, I promise."
"You- ah!" you squealed as he got the buttons undone enough to expose your bra, his fingers digging into the cup of the right side to pull it down, revealing your bare breast to the crisp air. He turned you around and quickly bent down and took the nipple into his mouth. Your head kept snapping between him sucking your nipple and the door, on edge as if anyone walks in, it would be very obvious.
Your man groaned as he suckled on your nipple, eyelashes tickling your skin as he closed his eyes. The sound of the TV and chattering was loud enough to thankfully drown out his groans, your boyfriend suckling you so hard it made your toes curl.
"Wh-you-" you hissed as his hand quickly pulled down the other cup of your bra and exposed your other breast, "You said only one!"
"I know but I can't not suck her too!" he protested, giving your left nipple a greedy lick, "she'll get jealous!"
"What the fuck are you talking abooouuttt!" you gasped as he suddenly took the nipple in and sucked on it as well, just as vigorously. You stood there for a few seconds, allowing your maniac of a boyfriend to suck and feel you up before he finally pulled away.
"Just what I needed. Thank you baby." he said, kindly helping you stuff your tits back into your bra and right your dress, giving your tits a final squeeze before he walked out of the room, leaving you a frustrated mess with your nipples tingling.
What a menace.
It was movie night, one of your favorite ways to spend time together. It was always a treat to just relax with your boyfriend, put on a random movie, eat popcorn and talk.
And of course, he also loved that he gets to play with your tits the whole time.
You huffed as your boyfriend pulled you onto his lap, his legs spread wide to accommodate you between them. Bowl of popcorn in hand, you munched away at the treat even as your man slid his hands up your shirt, aiming for your breasts.
"Ew, why are you wearing a bra?" he asked, clicking his tongue as his hands got in contact with the soft fabric.
"Sometimes I like having my boobs supported by something, ok? Fucking sue me."
"You don't need a bra to support your tits when you have my hands. I'm taking it off."
Before you could even protest, your man slid his hands to your back and unhooked the bra masterfully, practically an expert at it at this point. He was about to push the straps down your arms and pull the bra out from under your shirt but then he realized- why are you wearing a shirt? You might as well be topless as he was going to play with your boobs the whole time anyway.
So with your shirt and bra tossed onto the floor, you tried your best to focus on the movie playing on screen even as your boyfriend happily groped away at your tits. Ample flesh spilling out between his fingers, he squeezed you like a toy- like your tits were something he could use to alleviate stress. Occasionally, he'd flick his fingers over your nipples, working them up to stiff peaks before gently pinching them between his thumb and index finger. He'd place his hands underneath your breasts, cupping them before he bounced them up and down, loving the feeling of your heavy flesh landing on his palms, the ripple of your breasts on impact instantly making his cock hard.
And of course, as usual, once he was done playing with his hands (which was practically an hour long activity), he'll move onto his mouth. Your body automatically moved along with him as he lifted you up a bit higher onto his lap, looping an arm over his shoulder so he had the space to lean down and take a nipple into his mouth.
"Y-You're not even watching the movie, are you?"
"Mm-mmm" he responded, shaking his head no against your breast, his response making you shiver. You rolled your eyes and continued to watch the movie, failing at it even before he started sliding his hand into your pants.
Of course, your boob obsessed boyfriend can't sleep unless it's on said boobs.
"Take it offfff!" he whined, wrestling with you as he harshly tugged at your shirt.
"It's cold!" you protested as you tried to pull the fabric back down over you, "I'm going to freeze!"
"I'll keep you warm! You know the rules- no clothes in bed."
"You're wearing clothes!"
"Yes but I don't have a pair of delicious tits that are just begging to be suckled!"
"Oh my God- fine, how about this?" you asked, slapping his hand away from your shirt before you pulled up upto your chin, flashing him your bare boobs, "Just get in here and I get to keep the shirt on."
"...Why didn't you just say so?"
You grunted as you were tackled, pushed to lie down on the bed as your boyfriend landed on top of you, face first into your tits. You pulled your shirt over his head, covering the dopey smile on his face as he used his hands to push your tits against him, shaking his head from side to side as he motorboated you.
He thankfully still had some sense to pull the blanket over the two of you and you were able to dim the lights, whipping your phone out so you can get some screen time before you went to sleep. You felt wetness on your left nipple, your boyfriend finally done with shaking your fat tits in his face.
His tongue ran in circles over the hard bud, dragging it slowly as he knew he could take his time. He started flicking your bud harshly, his hot tongue making you shiver with each flick. Eventually, he sealed his lips around it, groaning happily as he started to suck. He was noisy- moaning like he was eating a delicious meal and the slobbering noises of him feasting on you making your ears ring, the pressure he used to suckle on you keeping you on your toes.
As he sucked on the left one, his hand came up to play with the right, toying with her as he got her ready to be sucked next. He rubbed the nipple around with his thumb before pinching it gently, giving her a few twists once in awhile. He was latched onto the same nipple for almost 30 minutes before he moved onto the next one, but not before dragging himself from underneath your shirt and pushing the fabric upto your chin.
Fuck it. You were falling asleep and now your body was running hot so you didn't really care.
"Baby... I want-" he gave your nipple a kiss before he snuggled his face into the fat of your breast before looking up at you, "I want to drink your milk. Make it for me."
"How many biology lessons did you fail for you to think that's possible?" you asked, your eyelids drooping and voice heavy.
"Why are you not pregnant yet? I cum in you like, everyday."
"...You know I'm still on birth control."
"I know but I'm confident I can defeat it."
"Mmkay, keep dreaming. Now shut up- i'm gonna sleep."
"...Stop taking your birth control."
"I'm not having a baby just so you can drink some breast milk."
"Of course not. We'll have a baby because we're in love and we'll be together forever!"
You opened one eye and looked down at him, letting him know you were not impressed.
"...And so I can drink your milk."
"Just keep sucking or sleep."
He pouted before he took your left nipple into his mouth.
Gojo Satoru, Haibara, Shanks, Sanji, Luffy, Ace, Kaeya, Kaveh, Childe, Cyno, Itto, Uzui, Sanemi, Eren, Jean etc. etc.
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anqelically · 3 months
WARNINGS. sanemi shinazugawa x gn!reader, 0.6k words, angst, character death, blood, inspired by a certain something..
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“you’re so mean, sanemi.”
you lay in a pool of blood, crimson spreading from your chest to the floor around you. the liquid, soaking your clothes and staining them dark, also soaked the white-haired man’s tattered uniform. you looked up at him as he held your weak form.
he was crying, you noticed. his pretty face stained with tears that you never expected him to shed. ever since the day you met, you knew sanemi was strong. he could fight— something you weren’t always good at, but he excelled at. and when you both lost the familiar face of a friend, he did not cry like you would. so seeing him like this, salty tears falling from his eyes and dropping onto your cheeks, only made you cry further.
you loved sanemi shinazugawa; it was a truth you had been aware of for years. even when you lost your family, even when you decided to follow in his steps and take on demon-slaying, even when he treated you coldly, and even now, bleeding out on the floor of an unfamiliar castle, you loved him.
when sanemi first figured out that you were training to be a demon slayer, he yelled at you. it was the first time he ever did so. the two of you stood a few feet apart in the home you shared, genya quietly peeking into the room when sanemi cursed you out for your decision.
but you loved him, so you stood there, hands squeezing your kimono, as you took on his verbal slaughter. again and again, every discouragement of his reached your ears and brought you to tears. even as you cried alone in your room, his words repeating in your mind, you loved him because deep inside, you were sure the sanemi you knew was still there.
“you’re so mean,” you repeated. “y-you said you didn’t care for me anymore, you liar.”
“i lied,” he held your cheek softly, gritting his teeth. “you were supposed to stay away from demons, not go and chase them. don’t die on me, y/n! you can’t die before i do!”
you sobbed as you mustered enough strength to raise your hand. your fingers brushed the mark on his face before you wiped some of his tears away. sanemi moved the hand that held your cheek so he could press your fingers against his face.
“you were supposed to live, no matter what. even if i died, at least you would survive.”
“and what if we both lived? what if… what if we both lived long enough to see a world without demons?”
sanemi answered, “that’s simple. i would have married you in an instant, y/n.”
you could no longer feel your legs. the image of a future that would never occur flashed in your mind. a life in which sanemi was your husband, doting on your shared child as you watched them lovingly. oh, how you would abandon everything just for that to happen.
“then marry me when i meet you again. when you pass, in some decades, find me in the afterlife and marry me. i’ll still love you, sanemi. always and forever.”
his eyes widened, a certain numbness spreading throughout his chest. sanemi looked down at you, finally, after all this time, deciding to lean down and place his lips on yours. with your remaining energy, you kissed him back, the taste of iron and salt fresh on your tongue. and when he pulled away, sanemi hugged your body even tighter. though, you couldn’t feel the pressure.
“i love you,” he finally confessed, his words being the last you heard before you finally succumbed to an everlasting slumber.
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NOTE. to celebrate the start of infinity castle !!! (my fav arc). a happier part 2 is posted btw :)
—requests are open + join my taglist !
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