clarissaweasley-10 · 2 months
Jamie : *Accidentally hits Gray in the face*
Jamie : *Trying to decide between saying 'I’m fucking sorry' and 'Are you okay'*
Gray: What’s wrong with you?!
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huffle-dork · 2 years
After almost 22 hours of work- it is done! (Click for better quality! You know the deal with tumblr lol)
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Sorry it’s watermarked to all hell y’all- my last version of this got stolen and used soooo many times. But I did really wanna share my improvement with y’all!
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A whole 5 years!! I’m like- blown away with what I managed to do ngl and it was so much fun to revisit this!
Oh and soon I’ll have watermarkless prints of these guys available on my Etsy! I was just like literally finished and was too excited to share it first!
And I feel this goes without saying but *ahem* DO NOT REPOST!! ICONS, BANNERS ETC. NEED TO BE CREDITED! If I see this reposted or stolen you will be dealt with and blocked.
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spider-mand · 1 year
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The opening to Absolute Carnage vs Deadpool is so freakin funny, I want a print of that J. Jonah Jameson panel.
Absolute Carnage vs Deadpool issue 1 -- writer Tieri, pencils Ferreira, inks Poggi, colors Rosenberg
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cute-and-undead · 2 years
Undercover (Closed Rp)
This was a night the house had been planning for a little while now. Star had been assigned a mission, one where someone the Council made a deal with had only taken the payment of souls and didn't hand over the goods that they promised. But when hearing about how she needed to go undercover, Jackie offered to come with. And needing to find the souls to return if they ended up not paying their end of the bargain, Robbie was coming with. However, since this was meant to be at a big party, it eventually evolved into everyone coming with. Because of all else failed, they now had a big set of possible distractions to use.
And the day finally arrived, Jackie running his fingers through his hair as he finished styling it. If he was honest with himself, he wasn't sure what to think about this new look, but he didn't hate it. It was nice, very revealing compared to what he usually wore, but it was new and different. He had on a tight pair of black slacks, paired with a loose, dark blue, patterned sheer button up. He kept a few buttons undone, wanting to show off his chest a bit more for the role they agreed he'd play. And paired with some silver jewelry, he thought it was nice!
"I.. think this is sexy enough." he chuckled as he looked himself over. "Feels weird though. It's very.. breezy."
The way Star planned to get the information was from seduction, but two was better than one. So, Jackie was going as her flirty and handsome partner, helping to get their guard down. But for everyone else, this was a nice party, and he was honestly excited to see how everyone would be going to this event - Star, especially.
((@http-anti ))
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ephiesoul · 1 year
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Chibi Angel & Demon Jameson 😇😈
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jjstein2 · 6 months
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i love drawing spooky succubus demon jackie sm 🖤
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allykatsart · 2 years
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*Sigh* I tried to be normal, I did. But I got sucked back into this and now I am here.
Some explanations for these sketches under the cut!
Reaper Jameson: Originally, for the Monster AU, I was thinking of having Jameson be a Reaper. Reapers are in between Demons and Angels, and are mostly neutral. Jameson specifically is the Reaper of Time, and has control over it. The original idea still had Anti capture Jameson... but I couldn't think of why he would do that so I scrapped the idea.
Wizarding World AU Henrik: At some point, Jackie, Jameson, Marvin and Chase go looking for Henrik to help with the Anti situation. Henrik is a disgraced ex-auror, and Anti's betrayal took a toll on him. He doesn't want anything to do with Anti anymore... but he may get dragged back into the situation anyways.
Dark Country Anti: Just a dirty boi. He smokes and has MANY bad vices due to trauma!
Ghost Hunted Au: By @leobashi since they are to blame for this. I came across some of my old art for this AU (Specifically Henrik getting stabbed) and... yeah wanted to try another shot at drawing him. Henrik is v tired.
Demon Harem Au: To my knowledge none of these versions have designs, so I went off some very old drawings of Anti for this! Also mainly made by @leobashi
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darkstar84 · 6 months
Abigael is truly one of a kind
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muffincatfika · 1 year
This is coming from a sleep deprived student running on caffeine and youtube vids but
Jameson Jackson and Shane Madej are the same guy.
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Happy Birthday Anti
There’s few days that will give someone or something power, Halloween or Samhain depending on the circles you know is the most well known for giving power as the veil between the human world and the spiritual plane is at its thinnest. The Equinoxes, Eclipses, Turning of the Year possibly.
But none of these are as powerful as the day of one’s birth.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you~
Chase felt like he was going to throw up, he was filled with anxiety to the point he’d almost had an asthma attack just getting breakfast from the local diner and he didn’t know why. It kept him pacing around his apartment and a hand on a weapon he hadn’t used in years. It felt like he’d forgotten something extremely important but for the life of him he couldn’t remember what it was. At least he couldn’t remember until there was a flash of green static across his phone. Until his heart felt like it burst and he scrambled to dial the others. Only for the flood of static through his veins from the contact to turn everything dark as a familiar giggle rang out in his apartment.
Henrik couldn’t stop fidgeting, couldn’t stay still. He paced in his office, down the halls of his clinic, clicked his pen or ran his thumb over his scalpel. His mind whirled as he didn’t remember why he had to obsessively check that Jack was alright, why he felt like he was going to fall into a panic attack if he didn’t move today. Or that’s what he attempted to do, as he tried to make another round his foot caught on what he assumed was the IV line for Jack. He looked down to dismantle it and found strings, there was a skipping from his heart in terrified realization. His attention snapped up as the heart monitor raced. And then went green as he felt familiar pressure coil around his throat and everything started to dim.
Jameson was a mess and he didn’t understand why. He hadn’t stopped shaking since he’d woken up this morning, he’d almost spilled hot water over himself making tea. He had his watch clutched in a death grip, the ticking clock should’ve been reassuring but it felt like each tick was a hammer blow against his sanity. He froze completely as there was the rising static in the air, as he felt the ticking go out of sync, inner workings started to break. There was a flood of utter fear as his aura snapped out and tried to freeze time to protect himself but he still screamed in his mind as control was yanked away from him.
Jackie panted for air as he paused on a rooftop near Henrik’s clinic. He felt like he needed to keep everyone in sight, like he needed to check on the city for something. His lungs burned and power flared in his veins with the pounding heartbeat fueled by adrenaline. The need to protect drove him as he started another circuit close to where the other Egos were. He felt like there was going to be an attack but he couldn’t know where it would come from. There was a flood of fight instinct as a neon sign went green. It suddenly hit him and the fight mixed with the urge to defend as he worried for the others. As he threw a punch, it was caught and his nerves lit up in pain before he had time to scream.
Marvin’s magic couldn’t control itself today, it flared and hummed to be used but for what he didn’t know as he sketched out runes on the ground in the forest. He needed to do something today, anything, or he’d thought he’d lose his mind, so he was going to do what was supposed to be a simple summoning for elemental forces to thank them. It was October after all, Samhain was going to be this month and it would be easier to do this now rather than then when they’d all be more powerful.
The magician’s ears twitched as he thought he heard something on the wind, it sounded almost like voices but he couldn’t make them out yet. He guessed it was spirits, excited for the same reason as he finished the circle and started to chant and push his magic into it.
Only everything went horribly w r o n g.
The circle flooded with bright green, the wind picked up, dry lightning cracked down around him as static hissed in his ears. Instantly Marvin cursed in Gaelic an he tried to stop the ritual, to break the circle by disrupting the runes, there was an explosion of power that threw him back.
Then a clawed hand wrapped around his throat like an iron clamp and lifted him up as glowing green eyes locked onto his. As a familiar twisted grin showed all the glitch’s fangs as it stretched over his face.
Marvin struggled wildly, clawed at the glitch’s arm and tried to kick from where he hung in the air. His eyes wide and panicked, how was he this strong?!? He shouldn’t be this strong it was only the beginning of October they still had time-
He felt an absolutely freezing chill of realization run down his spine as it hit him like a freight train. The beginning of October, the first in other words-
He heard the whispering again, but clearly now. It sounded like millions of voices singing in different tones and ranges.
Happy Birthday, Dear Anti~
Anti purred as he pulled the magician close, as he relished in the utter terror on his expression at how they’d all forgotten. He didn’t know that the glitch had made them forget just so he could see it, and he’d do it again for the next year after he was finished. Oh he was going to have so much f u n today~
“Happy Birt’day ta me~”
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Demon's Quest, Starring Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor, to be Released on Vinyl
Demon's Quest, Starring Tom Baker's Fourth #DoctorWho, to be Released on Vinyl
A new picture of Tom Baker – now 88 years old – has been released, in preparation for the release of Demon Quest, a special vinyl boxset signed by the man himself! It is good to see Tom looking so well and proud to be still associated with his Fourth Doctor in Doctor Who – a role he last played on television over 40 years ago. (What’s that you say? He returned as The Curator in The Day of the…
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shironezuninja · 1 year
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Oi, Bakas of the World. Can we enjoy Disney, or are one of you Bakas gonna throw a punch?
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CONCEPT: jameson is the one who kills anti himself to escape with the other egos but he becomes so in denial about the fact that he killed his husband that he forgets he did it. what im saying is theres a silent hill 2 au. he goes insane and is forced to face his inner demons reflective of his trauma until he comes to terms with the fact he shot and killed anti
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pxppet · 2 years
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Demon!JJ- er I mean "Jackie B. Jackson" from this AU. Facial hair! Humans love the stuff! (It's a fake from party city but he's just such a genial, kind guy that no one mentions it)
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lostones9 · 1 year
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Reece is tired asf help him give him coffee
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allykatsart · 2 years
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Since I drew Marvin I figured the rest of the Monster AU should get to shine lol. Here's the rainbow of bois, though they're slightly different than how you may remember... a reminder of which is what below the cut!
Jackie: Red, Angel, assigned to Chase before Chase died. Personification of guardianship/protection. Heroic but insecure.
Jack: Orange, werewolf ex monster hunter. May have worked for this AU's IRIS in the past. Has had dealings with demons in the past.
Chase: Yellow, Turned into a Vampire to save his life, now lives with Henrik under strict supervision.
Anti: Green, Demon, personification of fear, likes to control/hurt other supernatural beings, sleep paralysis demons are his bitches.
Jamie: Light Blue, Reaper, personification of time. Captured at one point by Anti, cautious and quiet.
Henrik: Dark Blue, Born a Vampire, a doctor who uses his position to get blood for his own purposes. Has a mansion in his name and dedicates his freetime to sciences of life and death.
Robbie: A frankenstein like creation made by Henrik and Marvin. Taught how to interact with people by Chase. Very protective of his family, however curious and naïve he is.
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