#demo reel services
relentlessfilm11 · 1 year
Professional Actor Reel Services | Relentless Filmworks.
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Looking to skyrocket your acting career? At Relentless Filmworks, we understand the importance of a strong and compelling actor reel in today's highly competitive entertainment industry. Your actor reel is your golden ticket to impress casting directors, agents, and producers. It's the ultimate showcase of your talent, versatility, and potential, serving as a powerful tool to land auditions and book exciting roles. With our years of experience in the industry, our team of skilled professionals at Relentless Filmworks specializes in creating high-quality, captivating actor reels that truly highlight your unique strengths and abilities. Whether you're a seasoned actor looking to refresh your reel or a newcomer wanting to make a remarkable first impression, we've got you covered.
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filtershots · 2 years
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rrdcooc · 7 months
Dear Friends,
Pirate media.
I have a friend in the animation industry who was just laid off, along with several other animators in the company. (The industry is in a bad slump, he tells me.) We met because I am an avid fan of a show he worked on, and because of this, he knew he could come to me now. He needed high res footage of an episode he worked on so he could include it on his demo reel.
That's right. Animators don't automatically get access to high res animation that they made.
But because I have a pirated high res copy of every episode of the series in question, I was able to not only provide him with the episode he needed, I was able to offer my services, through him, to anyone of his former coworkers who need to get their hands on high res footage of the show.
Pirate media. You never know when you will literally be able to help someone by doing it.
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littledigits · 1 year
animation blah blah
this isnt a big deal i just wanna vent
a lot of people I know in my areas community have been working on a show and they've done fantastic work. fantastic work DESPITE the chaos of show. Completely bonkers shit thats somehow still normal. A lot of work being redone because of re-writes… work completed thrown out …late deliveries of assets ect. ect. I mean, a late delivery here and there and re-takes are normal…but the extent of it was just like, not the right people in charge in my humble opinion - anyway, thats not the vent. the vent is seeing promotion time come around, and seeing the only people allowed to talk about it being the studio in the US. AGAIN - THIS IS NORMAL ..NORMAL ish -
but I just hate seeing my peers work really hard, and then when reporting time comes around they're not even allowed to MENTION they worked on the show because the big brand hasnt said anything yet. Its the reality of service work which ..well , canada has a lot of - but boy howdy it rubs me the wrong way because ITS UNNECESSARY. you can take 1 second to shout out your service partners on the publication train :/ . I've worked on a lot of shows where the people on the other side of the border always shouted out their service teams and it makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE. I hope if i ever forget it someone smacks me upside the head cuz that acknowledgment can mean the difference of information on someones resume and demo reel. like , if ya'll see a show and there are no animation credits and they just flash up the studio, just know that ..those people are working under harder conditions and take the brunt of the weight when it comes to choices and also dont often get to participate in any 'clout' that may come with the show. ITS GETTING MUCH BETTER, much much better. BUT IT STILL GRINDS M'GEARS WHEN I SEE IT.
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dgct2 · 1 year
The promise of a gay Western starring Pedro Pascal and Ethan Hawke and directed by Pedro Almodóvar proved to be catnip to Cannes audiences when the short film Strange Way of Life premiered at the festival Wednesday. Not even a steady rain kept the crowds away—despite having to wait in line, getting drenched, for close to an hour. 
When Almodóvar took the stage to introduce the film—one of his few forays into English-language cinema—he was joined by Hawke and a quartet of hunky actors (among them Manu Rios, from the hit Spanish teen soap Elite). It all seemed to set the stage for something vivid and sensual in the style of so many other Almodóvar films. 
And it was borne out, albeit in limited ways, in the actual film. Hawke plays a small-town sheriff, Jake, who is investigating the murder of his sister-in-law at the hands of her lover. Pascal is Silva, an old friend of Jake’s who rides into town for shadowy purposes. At least part of his intention is romantic: Jake and Silva had a two-month fling in Mexico some 25 years previous, a brief and wonderful giving-in to forbidden desire that seems to have haunted the two men ever since. Silvan wants to pick up where they left off, while Jake halfheartedly resists. 
In that sense, Strange Way of Life is a melodrama, with lots of heavy talk about the sweet, erotic gleam of the past and all the bitter compromises of the present. Hawke and Pascal find the right tone to handle all this florid emoting, with Almodóvar mostly getting out their way. Though he does let Alberto Igelsias’s swelling score rush in at the lovelorn pair, a dash of old Hollywood flare at once mournful and swooning. 
There is eventually a shootout, of sorts, but it’s not played for fun. And it’s ultimately in service of a poignant conclusion. Strange Way of Life cuts through its grizzle to arrive at something soft and sentimental, a vision of how Jake and Silva could have been had they allowed passion to win out over convention and the harsh strictures of life in the old world. 
There is a small bit of sexy stuff too, particularly a dreamy and wine-soaked flashback to what was perhaps the beginning of Jake and Silva’s first carnal release. It’s brief, just like the sexual epiphany flashback in Almodóvar’s Pain and Glory. Also helping raise the vapors level are those handsome Spanish fellows, who are barely in the film but add to the film’s heady, hot-and-bothered air nonetheless.
It’s a kick to see Almodóvar’s gay gaze applied to a Western, though at only 31 minutes, the film wants us leaving quite a lot more. One hopes that this might be a mere demo reel for a full feature film; Almodóvar has said he is gaining confidence directing in English, so perhaps he might feel ready to pursue a more substantial story Pascal and Hawk. There’s more to be explored here, more conventions of the Western to be turned on their heads—or, rather, expanded to include new narratives. With Strange Way of Life, Almodóvar, such a full-throated and singular filmmaker, proves just the right man to lead that revolutionary charge.
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spdigitalmark · 2 months
The Future of Digital Marketing
The future of digital marketing is poised for significant transformation, driven by technological advancements and evolving consumer behaviors. Here are key trends and innovations shaping the future of digital marketing:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: AI and machine learning will continue to revolutionize digital marketing by enabling hyper-personalized customer experiences, predictive analytics, and advanced customer service solutions like chatbots. These technologies will help businesses understand and anticipate customer needs more accurately.
Voice Search Optimization: With the rise of voice-activated devices such as Amazon Echo and Google Home, optimizing content for voice search is becoming crucial. This trend requires businesses to focus on natural language processing and long-tail keywords to ensure their content is easily discoverable through voice queries.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): AR and VR are set to create immersive customer experiences, offering new ways for brands to engage with their audience. Virtual try-ons, interactive product demos, and immersive storytelling will become more prevalent, enhancing customer interaction and satisfaction.
Video Content Dominance: Video content will continue to dominate digital marketing strategies. Platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels are already popular, and the trend towards live streaming and interactive videos will grow, providing engaging and shareable content.
Social Commerce: Social media platforms are increasingly integrating e-commerce features, allowing users to shop directly from their feeds. This trend simplifies the customer journey and drives sales, making social commerce a significant area of growth.
Privacy and Data Security: As consumers become more aware of data privacy issues, businesses must prioritize transparency and data security. Complying with regulations and building trust through ethical data practices will be essential.
Embracing these trends and technologies will enable businesses to stay competitive and effectively engage with their audiences in the dynamic digital landscape.
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shortsnackattack · 2 years
The Winter We Met
Choso x reader fic // Bookstore and Cafe AU // Cozy vibes
You’ve been working at the bookstore for a while but when you start crosstraining over to the cafe side, you can’t help but admire the grad student in the corner. 
Warnings: Fluff with some slight angst and then resolution. 
You couldn’t say how long you’d noticed him sitting there. Minutes? Hours? Long enough to watch the lines of his forehead crease in concentration as he poured over the textbook perched carefully next to his laptop and a half-drunk cup of coffee. Being new to café side of the bookstore, you’d never seen him before, but of all the students you’d seen camped out here, the long lines of his back and the firm set of his jaw grabbed your attention. And you giving attention garnered you getting attention. One of the baristas conducting your crossover training followed your line of sight, pausing her demo on how to prepare the espresso for a latte. She elbowed you gently, smiling at your misplaced concentration, and murmured low enough that other customers wouldn’t hear, “That’s Choso. He’s one of our regulars.” Your face froze, the embarrassment that you hadn’t been exactly covert in your appreciation of him sent your mind reeling. The new information, however, inspired a small flame of hope to ignite in the back of your mind.
If you continued training you’d see him more often. Maybe even talk to him.
Too engrossed in these happy thoughts, you mentally shook yourself and forced your attention back on what your coworker was saying about pressing the grounds. After your shift ended you thanked her for teaching you and apologized for zoning out a bit. She just laughed and batted the apology away with a simple, “we’ve all been down that road once or twice. Just wait until you work with Amber. She has the biggest thing for his younger brother.” Smiling in thanks, you zipped up your coat and walked out the back door into the light snowfall, leaving behind the warm smell of coffee for the crisp air of winter. Along your walk home you crunched through the snow, thinking over the different measurements you’d have to memorize and allowing the prospect of seeing Choso again warm you from the inside out.
It didn’t take long to spot him each time you found yourself needed in the café. As the weeks melted away, something akin to the distant familiarity that grows between every regular and employee had also taken root between the two of you. Securely tying your apron around your mid-section you saw him at the same table by the windows, typing away in between sips of coffee. Maybe it was the same zing of excitement from seeing him again, or the rush that refused to die down until you were practically closing, but today’s shift flew by.
As you walked to the front to switch the sign from open to closed Choso caught your eye and smiled, his slight embarrassment bringing an endearing flush to his cheeks. He apologized for staying so late before closing his laptop and grabbing his bag. Slightly at a loss for words, you allowed your customer service skills to take over and assured him it was fine. He was far from the last customer still in the café, and the darkness outside wasn’t nearly as warm as the café with the small twinkle lights in the window and russet brickwork.
Collecting cups and plates strewn across some of the empty tables, you surreptitiously watched him don his scarf, hat, and coat before slinging his backpack over a shoulder and walking out with a final wave to you and your coworker. Unexpected as it was, you allowed a small amount of giddiness to cloud your brain as you did the dishes and mopped the floor. Briefly looking over the schedule for the following week, you frowned a bit realizing that your time would be split between the bookstore and café. Your love for working in the bookstore clashed with the budding hope of seeing him again. With a firm reminder that today was the most words the two of you had ever spoken and they weren’t anything beyond goodbye, you attempted to quell any further development of a crush. Barbed little reminders of past crushes and their inevitable endings helped you stamp down any excitement the black-haired man had brought to your day. What would you even say to him?  
Dueling feelings of tampered expectation and slight disappointment accompanied you as you faced the short walk home. That is, before you notice someone still in the parking lot, quietly swearing from behind the hood of their car. The decision to go over and ask if everything was ok was settled as soon as you saw Choso snap the hood closed, a long, drawn out sigh creating a puff of cloud in the cold. From a respectable distant you called out a hello and waved your arm. He squinted a bit before his eyes registered recognition. As you drew a bit nearer you asked him if he was having car trouble. He smiled ruefully, and adjusted his beanie.
“I think it’s just the battery. Must’ve left the lights on or something. I called my brother to swing by for a jump but he’s at a friend’s house and it’ll take about half an hour for him to get here.”
Comprehending, you nodded before an idea sprung up.
“I live just up the street if you need a warm place to wait. And though my coffee’s not as good as the café’s it’ll do in a pinch.”
Choso’s eyebrows lifted at your easy hospitality and tried to refuse, saying he was ok with just waiting inside the car. In the end it was the mention of cookies that made him relent with a flash of an amused smile and a hypothetical, “how can I say no to that?”
With that, he took his glove off and extended his hand forward.
“Choso, by the way.”
You supplied your own name, making Choso smile and slightly nod as though he already knew. You removed your glove to meet his warm handshake.
“I’ve seen you in the bookstore before, but it seems like they have you on the café side a lot now.”
You acknowledged this as Choso made sure the car was locked before falling into step at your side. His stature, though large, wasn’t intimidating. He seemed to radiate a calm, candle-like warmth that had you warming from the inside out.
Once you reached your apartment you apologized for the slightly haphazard way you’d left things that afternoon before work. He removed his shoes and coat with a reassuring smile, saying that after seeing his brother’s room nothing could scare him. You laughed, sending out a silent thank you that it had been easy to talk to him. All fears of what to say next evaporated each time you fell into a new topic, the almost seamless transitions making you feel more at ease the longer you two talked. The small details he told you about his studies or his friends colored him in a bit more, and safely tucking each bit behind your ear, you started brewing coffee.  
Choso leaned against the kitchen counter, talking about his latest research for his thesis before breaking off mid-sentence with a small groan that told you how much he liked the cookies you’d baked. Grinning indulgently at you, he admitted that it probably wasn’t a good idea to offer a grad-student free food.  
“Why are you going to pull an ‘If you give a mouse a cookie?’”
It was as you opened up your cupboard, your back to him while mulling over the variety of mugs that you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Suddenly aware of his presence at your shoulder you looked over your shoulder, admiring his strong profile up close. Unaware of your admiration, he said in a low tone that he liked the dark one that had small etchings of cats in silver. Hoping to return your face to a more normal color, you grabbed the mug he mentioned and picked one of your favorites. Settling the mugs side by side, you two fell into conversation just waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. The sound of the coffee pot and the warmth of the heating created a cozy domesticity that made you more aware of Choso no matter how politely distanced the two of you were. Though kitchen wasn’t big to begin with, his large frame did little to relieve the overwhelming feeling that wherever you went felt like it was still in his space somehow. Only when you’d both started sipping your coffees did a somewhat awkward silence descend.
“I really appreciate your kindness,” he said, his hand scratching the back of his head.
“No problem at all. I couldn’t leave you out in that.”
“Can I make it up to you somehow? You know for imposing on your solitude?”
You assured him there was nothing to impose on, hoping he could attribute the pink rising on your cheeks to the warmth of the coffee and not what he’d said.
“Still,” he continued, at a loss until his eyes lit up. “My brother is planning on having a party next weekend. It’s nothing big, just to celebrate the end of finals. If you’re not busy you should stop by!”
Now it was your turn to say you couldn’t possibly impose. He waved away your concerns, assuring you that he was allowed to invite whoever he wanted.
“In fact,” he continued, a slightly mischievous look on his face, “can you also invite your one coworker? You know, she has the shoulder-length blonde hair, brown eyes . . . I can’t remember her name but every time my brother sees her he can barely get a sentence out.”
“Amber?” you supplied, happy that your coworker’s crushed hadn’t been one-sided after all.
“Amber,” he said with a smile and a nod. “I’d love to see Yuuji’s face when she walks through the door.”
“You’re not going to warn him?” you asked, smirking over your mug.
Choso laughed and shook his head.
“If Yuuji knew he’d freak out. Better to surprise him. Speaking of,” he said, distracted by the ping of his cellphone. “He just got to the car, I should head out. Before I do,” Choso turned to you and passed over his phone, a new contact page open. As you typed in your information, he put his outerwear back on. He briefly smiled at the way you’d added a coffee emoji next to your name.
“You know,” you supplied, nerves making your palms itch, “so you know who’s texting.”
Choso smiled before putting the phone back into his pocket. With another thank you he opened your door and disappeared into the night. Locking the door after him, your calm façade disappeared, and the events of the night piled high upon your shoulders. Did that really happen? The two mugs in your kitchen sink say yes, but the material proof was still hard to grapple with. Almost as hard as the proof that came along an hour later when Choso texted you so that you would also have his number. A smile stole over your face as he followed up his simple introductory text with a suggestion that you add a car next to his name so you wouldn’t forget him either. Knowing how impossible that would be, you responded with something you hoped came across as casual. Flopping onto your bed, phone held tightly against your chest, you encouraged your lungs to keep breathing until he responded with the details of the party.
Saying goodnight with a promise to check your schedule, you put your phone on your nightstand, knowing full well that nothing short of a natural disaster would keep you away from his party. Well maybe a natural disaster or embarrassing yourself in front of him. Whichever came first. Still overthinking the exclamation point you’d sent, you reminded yourself of the early wakeup time and drew the covers up.
  Two, three, four days, you felt yourself going slightly stir crazy as you counted down to the party. It didn’t help that you’d had more bookstore shifts than café ones and had no good reason to seek out Choso. Your coworker Amber, however, was over the moon at being invited. The secrecy of the invitation however, made her even more tongue tied the next time Yuuji came in. She’d told you everything in the back after your shifts ended, lamenting her situation. Convinced that a different atmosphere would change things, you tried to encourage her to not give up. If only you could be so sure of the man who’d invited you to the party, with Choso there seemed to be no easy way to see if your feelings were reciprocated.
The day of the party you didn’t have to work, so the time crept by immeasurably slowly. Distracting yourself with a good book was only effective for about an hour, after which you decided that you might as well shower and pick out an outfit that was nice without looking like you were trying too hard. Thinking back to the college parties you’d gone to the previous year at your own school you knew that this party would be tame in comparison. Choso had just said it was his brother and some of their friends. Simple post-finals party, nothing fancy, so why did your stomach twist at the thought? Acknowledging that maybe your lack of dating experience the past couple years had contributed a new level of anxiety, you dragged a brush through your hair. As you went about your day, getting groceries, checking your mail, watering the few houseplants lined up on your windowsill, you couldn’t help but keep checking the time. How soon was too soon? You’d promised Amber you’d meet her at the café before driving over together, that way you two wouldn’t have to show up alone. Making dinner was harder than normal, your absent mind causing you to almost burn the vegetables in the pan.  Finally satisfied that you were on time, you changed and with a final check in the mirror, locked the door behind you. You quickly brushed the thin layer of snow off your car and drove to the bookstore to meet Amber.
When you and Amber reached Choso and Yuuji’s apartment, you could hear the party in full swing. The house was split down the middle, granting both sides their own front door. The red brick with warm yellow light spilling from the windows lent the scene a cozy aura that sharply contrasted with the brisk chill. With a final steadying breath you knocked, praying they could hear it over the sound of the music. Luckily their door swung open to reveal a slightly drunk Yuuji, a dumbfounded look played across his face as he took in Amber. She smiled and said hello before he could recover and give her a slightly embarrassed but definitely pleased smile.
Reassuming his host status, Yuuji ushered the two of you in and took your coats. His eyes barely left Amber’s sweater dress-clad figure as he asked her if she wanted a drink and led the two of you to the kitchen. Shooting you a small smile he left you two to duck into the next room over and shout something into the crowd. After pouring yourself a drink you turned and found Choso walking over, a relaxed smile across his features.
“Glad you could make it,” he said, his eyes scrunching at the corners, “you look great.”
You laughed a bit and thanked him, following as he gently steered you into the living room where the rest of the party was in full swing. The ghost of his hand on your lower back felt hot as a brand, but he quickly withdrew it, his ears going a bit pink. The two of you sat on a couch that had seen many parties before, chatting about his finals and what plans he had for the holiday season. Though the room wasn’t jam-packed you still had to lean in to hear what he was saying, naturally leading to the both of you getting closer than before. At one point you noticed just how close you’d become, shoulders brushing , his knee against yours. Trying to desperately not focus on how close the two of you were, you asked Choso about the other people there and listened as he pointed out various friends and classmates. You tried to take in as much information as possible, but after the first three names, the rest flew by.
Noticing that your drink was close to empty, Choso offered to get you a refill. You thanked him, grateful for a moment to clear your head as you watched his figure retreat to the kitchen. What was it about him that was so distracting? Without his presence you felt like the room reassumed it’s proper axis, and you tried to attach names to the people he’d pointed out.
Amber, noticing the free spot at your side, fell into the couch with a dazzling smile. “Do you think he likes me?” she asked, with a subtle look over to where Yuuji was messing with his speaker.
“I mean, he does have a hard time taking his eyes off of you…” you led in, not wanting to give any secrets away. Amber looked down, blushing and pulling a bit at the hem of her dress.
“How’s it going over here? You and Choso seem to be awfully cozy.”
Your cheeks burned, but you tried to laugh it off and said you had trouble hearing him over the music, that’s all. Amber quirked an eyebrow and gave you a conspiratorial smile before letting the topic drop. Yuuji walked up to the two of you to announce that they were about to start a round of king’s cup in his bedroom if we were interested. Amber agreed and looked over at you expectantly, but you turned it down, citing that you’d had enough rounds of it in college to last you a lifetime. Yuuji shrugged and offered Amber a hand to stand up. She took it and with one more look at you over her shoulder, followed Yuuji into the next room where some of their friends were shifting the furniture to make enough room for people to sit in a circle.
Uncertain of what to do with yourself you walked into the kitchen and stopped dead in your tracks when you saw Choso, his back pressed against the edge of the counter, a female you’d never seen before eagerly kissing him with her arms encircling his neck.
Shock is different for everyone, but yours snapped your focus in half. You froze before quickly turning around and without many options of where to hide, headed to the small bathroom just to the left of Yuuji’s room. As you passed you could hear someone inside explaining the rules of the drinking game, but that quickly faded as you shut and locked the door to the bathroom. Not actually having to use the facilities, you simply stood at the counter and ran some cold water over your hands before dabbing at the back of your neck. He never said he was interested in you, you reminded yourself.
He doesn’t owe you anything. He’s just someone you met at the café, not your boyfriend.
You grappled with the information, trying to force the puzzle piece into the spot you’d be slowly carving out for him in your mind. It fit like the proverbial square peg in a round hole.
Breathing deeply, you glanced at your phone. You’d already been here for a couple hours. That was enough, right? Leaving this soon wouldn’t be suspicious? You washed your hands and after patting them dry fixed your slightly disheveled hair. Once more reminding yourself that you were getting to know him, that he owed you nothing even if he did seem to draw you close to him, his eyes engaging you with an almost hypnotic intensity.  
The litany of reminders didn’t help to quell the rising disappointment but it did help you regain your feet enough to leave the bathroom in search of your coat. Between the music and not really knowing anyone at the party except for the hosts and Amber it was easy for you to slip out the door without anyone noticing.
The quiet, chilly air helped sooth a deep ache in your stomach as you started walking. Though you weren’t too far from home you didn’t want to go back to the silence of your place just yet, so you headed to a nearby diner that offered breakfast 24/7 and endless coffee. You sent Amber a message so she’d at least know where you went, but considering that she was in the middle of a game you knew you had at least an hour before she saw it.
You sat at a small booth along the right side of the diner and picked up the menu. It wasn’t long before a waitress came over and took your order. The coffee came first and you held it in two hands as you watched the wind outside the window whip the snow around a bit. The diner wasn’t empty, but due to the off-time there were only a few other patrons. Without anyone to talk to you opened your phone and started scrolling without purpose, but the sound of your name caught you off guard. You looked up, startled to see Choso making his way over to your table. He settled himself in across from you as though you’d made these plans together, his eyes scanning over the menu. When the waitress dropped off another set of silverware he ordered a cup of coffee and after finding out that you’d already ordered, ordered the same dish. Without anymore distractions, the questioning silence you’d directed his way was finally unavoidable.
“Choso, why…?”
“Cause you left.” He answered, deadpan.
“But it’s your house.”
He shrugged, noncommittally. “Yuuji’s there. I don’t think they’ll burn the place down.”
“Won’t your friends miss you?” you asked, briefly thinking of the girl who’d been pressed flush against him.
“Doubt it, but even if they do I’ll see them around. But you,” he paused to thank the waitress who’d just set his cup of coffee before him, and took a sip. “I can’t guarantee the next time I’ll see you, so I’m here.”
“How did you even—”
“Amber,” he said adding a bit of sugar to his coffee.
Unsure of where to go from here, you paused sipping your own coffee. Awkward was taking on new meaning until he broke the silence.
“Why’d you go all of a sudden?”
You tried to think of a believable reason that wouldn’t make you sound lame. Though after finding out that he already has a significant other you weren’t sure why you were worried about losing face in front of him anyway.
“Seems like Amber won’t be sober by the time the party’s over so I need to sober up.”
A small part of you hoped he’d see through the lie.
“We could have called a ride for you. Or you could have crashed at our place,” he pointed out as though you’d been friends much longer than in reality.
“True, but this place has eggs.”
As though to prove your point, your plates arrived, bearing the kind of breakfast food that brings comfort.
“So this has nothing to do with the girl you saw kissing me in the kitchen?” he asked, offhandedly. His tone suggested he could have asked about the weather, the latest sports scores, if you’d ever been to Peru.
Nearly choking on the eggs in your mouth you swallowed before answering him with as much dignity as you could muster.
“I don’t know what you’re—” Choso’s eyes caught your own and halted the lie before the rest could come out.
“Okay so I did see you two in the kitchen, but . . .” But what? How do you tell someone you’re stilling getting to know that you’d started developing a major crush on them? He wasn’t yours to begin with, so seeing him with someone else shouldn’t have felt like a devastating blow. Honesty, or as near to it as your dignity allowed, was the best policy.
“It was awkward for me, so I just left. Amber was playing that game in Yuuji’s room, and yeah when I saw you in the kitchen I froze. I didn’t know you were in a relationship or anything so it just caught me off guard, that’s all. I’m fine.”
“Fine,” he said, the word heavy on his tongue. He watched you avoid his gaze for a moment before continuing. “We’re not dating you know—me and that girl you saw in the kitchen.” He paused then watching your eyes shoot up to meet his.
“You and that girl—”
“Yuki,” he supplied, simply, meeting your gaze evenly. “She broke up with her boyfriend about a month ago and ever since whenever she gets drunk she gets a little clingy. I will admit this was the first time she’s directed that kind of attention towards me, but she’ll be the first one to admit it didn’t mean anything to her. It did however, mean something to you. And that,” he said, unwilling to break the spell he’d started weaving once more, “means something to me.”
Choso stared into your eyes waiting for a reaction. You didn’t know what to say at first, the relief and small bit of hope that swelled at his words was still being tampered down by everything that had already happened. Not to mention that he obviously had picked up on how you feel about him. And he, in some way that may be beyond friendship, also cared about your opinion.
“I’m sorry,” you said, hoping he’d hear the sincerity in your voice but your apology just brought a questioning look to his brows.
“For what?”
“My reaction. It wasn’t very cool of me to just leave. I just felt awkward.”
Choso shook his head, his eyes full of something you dared to think was amusement.
“Now why would you catching someone kissing me make you so awkward?” he asked, the right side of his lips quirked into a subtle smirk.
Your eyes narrowed at him accusingly, “You’re making fun of me!”
“Well it’s not every day I make a pretty woman jealous.”
You wanted to retort that NO you were not jealous but your ears had been caught on the word pretty and refused to let go. He thought you were pretty. Seeing your reaction to his compliment his smirk turned into a full on grin. Now you weren’t imaging the amusement and warmth radiating from him.
“I wasn’t jealous,” you say, earning yourself a snort in reply.
“I’ll have to break you of this little habit.”
“What habit?”
“Lying to me to make it seem like you’re fine. I want to know what you’re thinking.” Choso’s eyes wouldn’t let yours go, his amusement shifted into something softer, something that reminded you of sunlit Sunday mornings and springtime daisies. “So please, what are you thinking?”
“Right now?”
“Right now.”
“This is probably the best breakfast I’ve had in a while.”
Laughing at your response Choso picked up his fork again and let you off the hook.
“Yeah they make a decent fry-up here. I’ll have to bring something back with me, though. Yuuji will kill me if he finds out we went to his favorite spot without him.”
“To be fair I wasn’t expecting the company.”
“And I wasn’t expecting the girl I was trying to impress to practically run away from my house.”
“I found you kissing another girl!”
“I didn’t want to kiss her. I was practically dying on the spot. When I found out that it was you of all people who’d seen me like that I grabbed my coat as fast as I could and followed your footprints.”
“What are you a bloodhound?”
Choso laughed, allowing your subtle jab to be taken as the joke it was.
“Seriously, though, after this do you want to come back with me?”
You saw what he was offering. More time together, a chance to deepen whatever it was fizzing between the two of you.
“Sure,” you said, cheeks flushing for the thousandth time that night.
Contented, Choso asked the waitress the next time she came around for the bill and a dozen doughnuts to go. After paying you both stepped outside, the cold hitting you like a wall. With the bag of doughnuts in one hand and the other holding firmly onto yours, Choso led you back to his apartment where the party was mostly dying down, the remaining guests just close friends that had switched from drinking games to video games. The sound of someone losing in Smash Bros came from Yuuji’s room.
Seemingly unfazed by Choso’s reappearance, his friends merely nodded and welcomed him into their conversation. The doughnuts drew more attention to him than your hand that he still kept firmly in his own (when he didn’t need it to open doors or unlock bolts, that is). He only truly let you go so that he could make some coffee for the friends milling about the kitchen. Choso briefly pressed a kiss to your temple with a promise to join you once he was done in the kitchen. The brief contact set off sparks of something unknown but deliciously fizzy in your chest.
True to his word, Choso came back after a while, a weary smile on his face. Instead of going for your hand he slipped an arm over the back of the couch, letting the expanse of his arm warm your shoulders. As the two of you chatted about nothing important you felt yourself gradually snuggling into him more until his arm was fully around your shoulders, all couch pretext lost.
When Amber came giggling out of Yuuji’s room and saw the two of you cozy on the couch she gave you an apologetic smile before saying it was getting late. As much as you dreaded the thought of leaving the warmth of Choso’s side, you agreed and gave him a sweet smile and another thanks for inviting you. He schooled his features, barely masking the look of regret as he followed you both to the door and helped you with your coat.
With a promise to text him once you got home, you and Amber left, Amber excitedly telling you about everything that had happened between her and Yuuji. Once you’d dropped Amber off at her apartment, you headed back to your place already missing her excited stream of talk about how Yuuji had looked at her and how she was sure that if there weren’t other people around he would have kissed her. Finally back at your own home, you took off your boots and coat before fishing your phone out of your pocket and shooting Choso a simple message that you’d gotten home safe. His response came not even a minute later, but it was the second message he sent that made you warm from the inside out.
[Want to go out next week?]
Immediately thinking of the warmth of his embrace as you’d snuggled into his side on the couch, your own response required no time. This, whatever this was going to be, was something you couldn’t imagine getting used to, but the expectation of the future kept you as warm as Choso had as you drifted off to sleep.
Thank you for reading!! xx
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oyecommerz · 3 days
The Future of E-commerce: Trends to Watch in Shopify Marketing
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The e-commerce landscape is evolving rapidly, and staying ahead of trends is essential for Shopify store owners. As consumer behavior shifts and technology advances, businesses must adapt their marketing strategies to remain competitive. In this blog post, we’ll explore key trends shaping the future of e-commerce and how they impact Shopify marketing.
1. Rise of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way businesses interact with customers. From chatbots that provide instant support to personalized product recommendations, AI enhances the customer experience. Shopify stores can utilize AI tools to analyze consumer behavior, streamline operations, and automate marketing tasks. As AI technology continues to advance, integrating it into your marketing strategy will become increasingly essential.
2. Video Marketing Dominance
Video content is more engaging than static images and text, making it a powerful marketing tool. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels have popularized short-form video content, capturing the attention of younger audiences. Shopify store owners should invest in video marketing by creating product demos, behind-the-scenes footage, and customer testimonials. Utilizing live streaming for product launches can also create excitement and urgency among customers.
3. Sustainability and Ethical Practices
Consumers are becoming more conscious of their purchasing decisions, prioritizing brands that demonstrate sustainability and ethical practices. Shopify stores can leverage this trend by promoting eco-friendly products and transparent sourcing practices. Highlighting your brand’s commitment to sustainability through marketing campaigns can resonate with consumers and enhance brand loyalty.
4. Augmented Reality Shopping Experiences
Augmented Reality (AR) is revolutionizing the online shopping experience by allowing customers to visualize products in their environment. Shopify stores can implement AR features to enable virtual try-ons, interactive product demos, or immersive shopping experiences. This technology can reduce returns and enhance customer satisfaction by helping consumers make informed purchasing decisions.
5. Subscription-Based Models
Subscription services have gained popularity across various industries, offering consumers convenience and savings. Shopify store owners can explore subscription-based models for products that encourage repeat purchases, such as beauty products, food items, or digital services. Offering subscription plans not only increases customer retention but also provides predictable revenue streams.
6. Voice Search Optimization
With the rise of smart speakers and voice-activated devices, optimizing for voice search is becoming increasingly important. Consumers often use natural language when speaking, so Shopify store owners should consider how keywords differ in voice search versus traditional search. Creating FAQ pages, optimizing for local search, and using conversational language in product descriptions can help improve visibility in voice search results.
7. Multi-Channel Selling
Consumers engage with brands across multiple platforms, making multi-channel selling essential for e-commerce success. Shopify’s integration with platforms like Amazon, eBay, and social media allows store owners to reach a broader audience. Developing a cohesive brand presence across these channels ensures a seamless shopping experience for customers, whether they’re browsing on social media or your Shopify store.
8. Social Commerce Growth
Social media platforms are increasingly becoming shopping destinations. Features like Instagram Shopping and Facebook Shops allow consumers to purchase products directly within the app. Shopify store owners should leverage social commerce by optimizing their social media profiles, creating shoppable posts, and engaging with their audience. The more integrated your brand is within social media platforms, the easier it will be for customers to discover and purchase your products.
9. Enhanced Customer Experience
As competition in the e-commerce space intensifies, providing an exceptional customer experience is crucial. Shopify stores should focus on improving website usability, offering fast shipping, and providing excellent customer service. Personalizing the shopping experience through tailored product recommendations and targeted marketing campaigns can also enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.
10. Data Privacy and Security
With increasing concerns over data privacy, consumers are becoming more cautious about sharing their information. Shopify store owners must prioritize data security and transparency in their marketing practices. Communicate your privacy policies clearly and ensure that customer data is protected. Building trust through transparent practices will enhance your brand’s reputation and encourage customers to engage with your store.
The future of e-commerce is filled with exciting opportunities for Shopify store owners. By staying informed about emerging trends and adapting your marketing strategies accordingly, you can position your business for success. Embrace technologies like AI and AR, prioritize sustainability, and enhance the customer experience to stay ahead of the competition. As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve, your ability to innovate and adapt will determine your success.
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What’s the most effective social media platform for your business?
The most effective social media platform for your business depends on several factors, such as your target audience, the nature of your business, and your marketing goals. Here’s a breakdown of the top platforms:
Instagram Ideal for businesses with visually appealing products or services, Instagram is great for reaching a younger audience. Features like Stories, Reels, and Shopping make it perfect for engaging users and driving sales.
Facebook With its wide-ranging demographics, Facebook is highly effective for local businesses, B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing, and businesses targeting older audiences. It’s also great for creating detailed ad campaigns due to its extensive targeting options.
LinkedIn Best for B2B (business-to-business) marketing, professional services, or businesses targeting professionals, LinkedIn allows for networking, sharing industry insights, and recruiting talent.
TikTok If your business caters to Gen Z or millennial consumers, TikTok offers an incredible opportunity for viral marketing. Its short-form video content and creative challenges can help brands gain exposure quickly.
YouTube For businesses that can create long-form, informative content, YouTube works wonders. It’s ideal for tutorials, product demos, and educational content, allowing you to build a loyal following and establish authority in your niche.
Pinterest If your business is focused on design, fashion, food, or any other highly visual industry, Pinterest can drive significant traffic to your website through its pin-and-save features. It’s particularly effective for e-commerce and DIY content.
Which platform is right for you?
Visual-based products: Instagram, Pinterest
B2B/Professional Services: LinkedIn
Video content focus: TikTok, YouTube
Local or broad consumer reach: Facebook
Ultimately, it’s about understanding where your target audience spends their time and aligning your content strategy with the platform’s strengths. Experimenting with a few platforms and analyzing your results can help you find the perfect fit for your business.
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Title: Unlocking Instagram Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Gaining Followers:
In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, Instagram stands out as a powerhouse platform for individuals and businesses alike to showcase their brand, share their stories, and engage with a global audience. With over a billion active users, mastering Instagram can significantly amplify your reach and influence. However, in a sea of content, gaining followers can be a challenging task. Fear not! Below, we unravel the secrets to unlock your Instagram success and rapidly grow your following.
Define Your Brand Identity:
Before diving into tactics, ensure your profile reflects a clear and compelling brand identity. Define your niche, voice, and aesthetic to attract your target audience effectively.
Optimize Your Profile:
Craft a captivating bio: Use concise language to describe who you are and what you offer. Incorporate keywords relevant to your niche.
Choose a recognizable profile picture: Your logo or a professional headshot works best.
Utilize the website field: Direct traffic to your website or landing page to convert followers into customers.
Embrace Instagram features: Utilize highlights, story covers, and IGTV to showcase your content and personality.
Post High-Quality Content Consistently:
Content is king on Instagram. Aim for high-quality, visually appealing posts that align with your brand.
Maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged. Experiment with different content formats such as photos, videos, carousels, and reels.
Leverage Hashtags Strategically:
Research relevant hashtags within your niche to expand your reach.
Mix popular hashtags with niche-specific ones to maximize visibility while targeting your ideal audience.
Create branded hashtags to foster community engagement and encourage user-generated content.
Engage Authentically:
Actively engage with your followers by responding to comments, DMs, and mentions. Building genuine connections fosters loyalty and encourages word-of-mouth promotion.
Participate in industry-related conversations by commenting on and liking posts from accounts within your niche.
Collaborate with influencers and other brands to tap into their audience and amplify your reach.
Harness the Power of Stories and Reels:
Utilize Instagram Stories and Reels to showcase behind-the-scenes content, share product demos, and humanize your brand.
Experiment with interactive features like polls, quizzes, and Q&A sessions to boost engagement and foster a sense of community.
Analyze and Adapt:
Regularly analyze your Instagram Insights to gain valuable insights into your audience demographics, engagement metrics, and content performance.
Use this data to refine your content strategy, optimize posting times, and tailor your approach to better resonate with your audience.
Stay Authentic and Genuine:
Authenticity is key to building meaningful connections on Instagram. Stay true to your brand values and voice, and avoid gimmicky tactics or shortcuts that may undermine trust.
By implementing these strategies consistently and authentically, you'll be well on your way to gaining followers on Instagram and unlocking the full potential of this dynamic platform. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, so be patient, stay persistent, and keep refining your approach as you embark on your Instagram journey.
For expert assistance in enhancing your Instagram presence, trust Sinfolix Technologies Pune, the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Pune. We offer Top GMB SEO Service in Pune, ensuring your brand stands out in the crowded digital space. At Sinfolix Technologies Pune, we help you navigate the complexities of Instagram marketing, driving growth and engagement for your brand.
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relentlessfilmworks · 28 days
Elevate Your Acting Career with Our Demo Reel Services
Seeking the best actor demo reel services to stand out in the industry? Relentless Filmworks is here to help. Our expert team specializes in creating personalized reels that highlight your strengths and versatility. With our keen eye for detail and creative approach, we'll capture your talent in a visually stunning presentation. Partner with Relentless Filmworks to deliver a demo reel that sparks the interest of casting directors and opens doors to your next big role.
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catlinya · 2 months
Week 4 in CVAP!
Hey everyone, so this week 4. It’s uhm. A lot more information actually... let me put this in a bulletin form I guess???
We talked about how to make a resume as a Voice Artist ( I remember flinching when I heard that and was like “Ugh resume again?” lol XD I know it’s really needed is just that I remember my ‘deadly’ finals, both of my subjects there needed a resume AND a portfolio, I just remember getting stress out while multitasking other assignments, interviews, and exhibits. and those finals just happened last month so is still fresh in my memory, so the resume is still like ‘ugh’ at the moment haha XD It’s a me problem)
Making of a Demo Reel (I know that well enough hehe ><)
How to make a  Voice Artist Service Agreement (Which is interesting because that is something not talked about often, same with price quotes and everything)
Signs/ red flags in voiceovers and how to avoid them (There are chances there are going to be scammers, I think that is something that can happen in every career so we are learning how to avoid those. Honestly, in some of the examples there, I was having flashbacks. No, I did not get scammed more like we have seen an actual job office scammer a lot of times. And how they scammed people. It was mostly “We will help you find a job but you have to do this and this and also pay us as well and you have to write a waiver”
I guess I had a little bit of an information overload so I kind of had a hard time remembering all of that but thankfully we still have the recordings so I will watch it, same with the previous weeks.
Anyway, this is the last week of my CVAP Journey!
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marketingprofitmedia · 2 months
MindBuddy AI Review – All-in-One Powerful AI Visual Assets
Welcome to my MindBuddy AI Review, This is a genuine user-based MindBuddy AI review, in which I will discuss the features, upgrades, price, demo, and bonuses, how MindBuddy AI can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. Just 3 simple clicks, you can intelligently create and sell limitless incredible AI videos, graphics, visuals, arts, and more to a hungry audience, earning $278 daily.
Are you ready to take your creative projects to the next level? Imagine a minute from now you can get access to the “All in One” AI App That Replaces Canva, MidJourney, ChatGPT4 and Other Expensive Apps and unlock the combined powers of Canva, MidJourney, DeepAi, and Photoshop into one single DashBoard. Introducing MindBuddy AI Never Seen Before GPT4 Tech Creates Stunning “AI 4K Animated Videos”, “Ai Cartoon Videos”, “4K HD Images”, “Instagram Posts & Reels”, “Facebook & YouTube Videos”, “AI Drawing & Images”, “AI Sketch Images”, “”Story Telling Images & Videos,AI Logos & Graphics” And Much More…In 3 Clicks For A Low, One-Time Price All From One Easysy-TUse Single Dashboard with No Monthly Fees. We’re offering a limited-time commercial license to provide top-notch AI-based visual asset creation services to tonnes of hungry customers and keep 100% of the profits yourself.
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What Is MindBuddy AI?
MindBuddy AI is a cutting-edge, cloud-based platform that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to revolutionize visual content creation. This innovative tool empowers users to generate a wide range of stunning visuals, including high-definition images, captivating videos, and professional-looking graphics. By simply providing text prompts or selecting from a variety of templates, users can effortlessly create content that would otherwise require advanced design skills or hours of manual labor.
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MindBuddy AI is very versatile, offering services such as logo design, social media content production, and AI-powered face and headshot development. The software’s user-friendly interface and efficient processing capabilities make it a great tool for corporations, marketers, and content makers..
MindBuddy AI Review: Overview
Creator: Kundan Choudhary
Product: MindBuddy AI
Date Launch: 2024-Aug-06
Time Of Launch: 10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here Product’s Salespage
Niche: Tools And Software
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: YES, Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Discount Code: “MINDADMIN” To Get 30% on Entire Funnel!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
>>> Click Here to Visit MindBuddy AI and Get Access Now >>
MindBuddy AI Review: About Authors
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Kundan Choudhary founded and leads MindBuddy AI. His goal is to transform the way people approach online content creation & software developers. With unwavering tenacity and a desire for excellence, he spearheaded the development of MindBuddy AI, which allows users to simply plan their calendars in ways never seen before.
Kundan Choudhary’s leadership has propelled MindBuddy AI to the forefront of AI Chatbots innovation, always pushing the boundaries of what AI-powered technology can achieve.
His passion for game-changing technology extends beyond this release. His collection includes outstanding products, like as ChatZone AI, VidFusion AI, AI CaptureFlow, AI ScreenSnap, AI EbookPal, PrimeCloud AI, ChatPal AI, AI CoursePal, AI ShortsPal, AI WebLab, SeoCrush, and many others.
MindBuddy AI Review: Key Features
First To Universe Technology Creates Professional AI Visual Assets That Are 10 Powerful Than MidJourney, Canva, Deep AI Etc
Create Tons of Canva Like 4K HD Images For Your Campaigns In 2X Less Time & Effort
Advanced, Easy To Use Editor To Say Goodbye To Complex Editing Tools Forever
Create Google Friendly, Attention Grabbing AI Images, Graphics, etc. & Get 100 More Visibility Hands Down
Use These Mesmerizing Graphics To Give Unmatched Customer Experience With Zero Upfront Cost
Create Amazing AI Instagram Posts & Reels In Literally No Time
Automatically Generate Profitable Facebook, and YouTube Videos For Any Offer In Any Niche In 3 Clicks
Instantly Create Profitable Social Media Graphics For Top Platforms Without Any Third Party Dependency
Get 100X Audience Hooked Without Wasting Time Or Writing A Single Word Yourself
Never Ever Waste Hours Finding Premium Stock Images
MindBuddy AI Creates 10X Powerful AI Visual Assets That Convert Visitors Into Customers
Smoothly Create AI Face Videos & Maximize Audience Engagement Like A Pro
Convert Any Text Into Attention Images Using AI
Create & Sell High-Converting, Breath-Taking Visuals For Hungry Audience Globally
Stop Searching For Reliable Freelance Designers Or Agencies Today
Get 50+ EXTRA Premium AI Features That Leave Your Customers Spell Bound
More Than 18 REAL Beta Testers Made Money Using The Same Technology
Easy To Use Software With Step By Step Video Training
Limited Time Commercial License Included To Provide Demand Services To Hungry Clients
Launch Special Deal ONLY — Get Fast-action Bonuses Worth $14,658
Iron Clad 30 Days Money Back Guarantee Included
MindBuddy AI Review: How Does It Work?
MindBuddy AI Creates Mesmerizing, 100% Fresh Visual Assets For Any Offer In Any Niche In 3 EASY Steps.
Step #1: LOGIN
To get started, just log in to this masterpiece & be on the fast track to success using artificial intelligence to create mind-blowing visual assets that your audience simply loves.
Step #2: CREATE
Now, insert the keyword for which you’re looking to create any image or video, & watch our proprietary AI tech create 100% fresh graphics, videos, images, etc in a few clicks of your mouse.
Step #3: SELL & PROFIT
Boom, you’re done. Now share or embed these industry-leading visual assets anywhere you like & see hordes of customers getting hooked like never before.
>>> Click Here to Visit MindBuddy AI and Get Access Now >>
MindBuddy AI Review: Can Do For You
AI Creates Professional AI Visual Assets That Are 10X Powerful Than MidJourney, Canva, Deep AI Etc
Edit Anything In A Flash Using Advanced, Easy To Use Editor
Convert Any Text Into Attention Grabbing Images Using AI
Never Ever Waste Hours Finding Premium Stock Images
Stop Paying Monthly For Expensive Third Party AI Platforms
Pay One Time For Creating Profitable Social Media Images, Videos, Reels For Facebook, Instagram, YouTube
Don’t Need Constant Logging Into Multiple Platforms
Stop Searching For Reliable Freelance Designers Or Agencies Today
No Huge Investment- Its Pocket Friendly & Needs One Time Investment
No Need To Learn Complex Coding Or Designing Skills
Easy To Understand, Step-By-Step Video Tutorials
Round The Clock, 24*7 Dedicated Support
Users Say About MindBuddy AI
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MindBuddy AI Review: Who Should Use It?
Digital Product Sellers
Website Owners
Social Media Marketers
Affiliate Markets
E-com Store Owners
Video Marketers
Small Business
Bloggers & Vloggers
Advertising Agency Owners
Video Ad Creators
Webinar/Seminar Presenters
Product Review Marketers
Digital Trend Setters
Bad Influencers
MindBuddy AI Review: Why You Buy MindBuddy AI?
You should buy MindBuddy AI because it offers unparalleled efficiency and creativity in content creation. With its AI-powered tools, you can effortlessly produce high-quality videos, graphics, and digital art, saving time and reducing costs. The user-friendly interface and extensive template library make it accessible for all skill levels, ensuring professional-grade results every time.
>>> Click Here to Visit MindBuddy AI and Get Access Now >>
MindBuddy AI Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: MindBuddy AI ($17)
OTO1: Premium Edition ($47)
OTO2: Max Edition ($97)
OTO3: Ebook Edition ($37)
OTO4: Done-For-You Edition ($97)
OTO5: Store Edition ($37)
OTO6: Agency Edition ($197)
OTO7: AudioBook Edition ($47)
OTO8: Reseller ($197)
OTO9: Whitelabel Edition ($397)
My Own Customized Incredible Bonus Bundle
***How To Claim These Bonuses***
Step #1:
Complete your purchase of the MindBuddy AI: My Special Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase. And before ending my honest MindBuddy AI Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
Step #2:
Send the proof of purchase to my e-mail “[email protected]” (Then I’ll manually Deliver it for you in 24 HOURS).
MindBuddy AI Free Premium Bonuses
Bonus #1: Graphic Design PLR Articles Pack
Introducing Graphic Design PLR Articles Pack. Inside this pack, you will discover topics about careers in computer graphic design, all about Cyprus graphic design, available graphic design books, all about graphic design companies, getting into a graphic design firm, how graphic design firms can make a difference, where to find graphic design jobs, popular graphic design magazines, how to develop a graphic design portfolio, creating a perfect graphic design resume, about graphic design schools, relationship building to market your graphic design studio and so much more!
Bonus #2: 30 Freelance Business Ideas Blueprint
Introducing 30 Freelance Business Ideas Blueprint. Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about writing, journalism, ghost-writing, editing, proofreading, bookkeeping, data entry, graphic design, photo editing, photography, illustration, web design, website creation, software programming, translating, transcribing, teaching, tutoring, video production, video editing, voiceovers, virtual assistant, admin, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), marketing, social media marketing, brand management, content moderation, eCommerce and content creation
Bonus #3: Profit Streams Domination
Introducing Profits Streams Domination — 21 Powerful Ways to Make a Living Online. Inside this eBook, you will discover topics about freelance writing, writing and submitting, article marketing, graphic design, logo and design contests, web design, web development, interview and sell, affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing via videos, selling others’ products, sell your product, sell stock photos, blogging, blog management and so much more!
Bonus #4: Google Adsense Domination
Introducing Google AdSense Domination — Make Money From Your Blog With No Product! Inside this eBook, you will discover topics about AdSense money, how AdSense knows what ads to send, where the ads come from, using AdSense for monetization, rules of AdSense, AdSense for Search, how much money can I make from AdSense, once you are approved for AdSense, AdSense block locations, graphics and AdSense, AdSense report tab, AdSense setup tab, my account tab, need more help with AdSense and so much more!
Bonus #5: Affiliate Marketing Blueprint
Introducing Affiliate Marketing Blueprint. Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about different paths to make money with affiliate marketing, making money as a publisher, making money as an advertiser, making money as a network owner, and what you need to get to make money on the three paths, exploiting hot niches, finding matching demographics, generate traffic to your offers, making money off referrals, do you know your affiliate’s reputation, affiliate banks and so much more!
Bonus #6: Business Profits Boosting Blueprint
Discover simple methods and tweaks that you — or anyone — can make and skyrocket your profits drastically! Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about small changes that make the biggest impact! Branding, graphical enhancements, sales copy tweaks, maximizing niche market profits, use of video and so much more!
Bonus #7: MindBuddy AI Free Commercial License Upgrade
For a limited time, you will get a MindBuddy AI Free Commercial License which lets you sell high-quality visuals to hungry customers and get paid top dollar.
MindBuddy AI Review: Money Back Guarantee
Try MindBuddy AI Today With 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
We’re 100% sure that you’ll love the cool new powers you get with MindBuddy AI right now. That’s why we’re giving all of our valued customers a money-back promise with no questions asked. Try it out for 30 days, and if you decide it’s not what you were hoping for, we’ll give you all of your money back, no questions asked.
>>> Click Here to Visit MindBuddy AI and Get Access Now >>
MindBuddy AI Review: Pros and Cons
User-friendly interface
Fast image and video generation capabilities
Wide range of customization options
Competitive pricing
Suitable for various user levels
Potential to save time and money
World class support
You need internet for using this product.
No issues reported, it works perfectly!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Is it easy to get started with MindBuddy AI?
Yes, all you got to do is just follow the 3 simple steps that we’ve mentioned above, and get ready to kick out monthly sucking third-party artificial intelligence platforms forever.
Q. Do I need experience or tech/design skills to get started?
MindBuddy AI was created keeping newbies in mind. So, it’s 100% newbie-friendly & requires no prior design or tech skills.
Q. Do you provide a money-back guarantee?
Absolutely yes. We’ve already mentioned on the page that you’re getting a 30-day money-back guarantee. Be rest assured, your investment is in safe hands.
Q. Is step-by-step training included?
YEAH- MindBuddy AI comes with step-by-step video training that makes it simple, and easy & guides you through the entire process with no turbulence.
Q. How are you different from available tools in the market?
This tool is packed with industry-leading features that have never been offered before. Also, if you’re on this page with us, it simply means you have checked out a majority of the available tools and looking for a complete solution. You’ll not get these features ever at such a low price, so be rest assured with your purchase.
Q. Does your software work easily on Mac and Windows?
MindBuddy AI is 100% cloud-based. You can use it on any Mac or Windows operating machine.
Q. Do you provide any support?
Yes, we’re always on our toes to deliver you an unmatched experience. Drop us an email if you ever have any queries, and we’ll be more than happy to help.
MindBuddy AI Review: My Recommendation
MindBuddy AI is a flexible tool that may greatly expedite the process of creating visual content. It works well to create simple pictures, movies, and graphics, but users who want intricate or highly customised creations may need to utilise other programs. MindBuddy AI is a useful tool for companies and people that want to improve their visual material without having to hire a professional designer, albeit with its drawbacks. Its quick speed and easy-to-use interface make it a serious competitor in the market for AI-powered content production.
>>> Click Here to Visit MindBuddy AI and Get Access Now >>
Check Out My Previous Reviews: RapidStoreZ Review, PetSites AI Review, Auto Money Decoded Review, ProClip AI Studio Review, Sonic App Review, CineMagix Review, & SoundBeast AI Review.
Thank for reading my MindBuddy AI Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: While this MindBuddy AI review strives for accuracy and fairness, it is based on publicly available information and user reviews. It is recommended to conduct thorough research, including seeking out independent sources, before making any purchasing decisions.
Note: This is a paid software, however the one-time fee is $17.
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soundslikedarren · 2 months
Week 4 Blog: Certified Voice Artist Program
This blog is for the last week session in my journey within the Certified Voice Artist Program but I hope this is not the last one in the journey of voice artistry.
Week 4 becomes the most important part of the program. What I mean is that everything I learned with my voicemates are about the legalities of being a voice artist that includes service and agreement, quotations, rates, and the things that always keep in mind to have a safe agreement between the client and the voice artist. These topics are discussed by Ms. Lyn Gonzales a.k.a. "Kween of the Voice" who already has a solid background and experiences in her career of voice artistry and hosting. I also learned about demo reels, which is part of marketing your voice. Building your resumé as voice artist and finding potential clients and opportunities is also part of my learning from Ms. Lyn. In the noon session, I also has a lot of valuable learnings from out trainers. We are with Papa Lem and Sir Navi. They gave feedbacks from our assignment outputs in the whole noon. Best lessons also comes from a direct teachings of coaches and trainers because it will surely last for a lifetime and guaranteed will be applied to your future career. I still listened even they are giving feedbacks from the other outputs of my voicemates. I saw big potentials from my voicemates which is really inspiring. Our trainers were also truly inspiring the way they teach us and everything they shared about who they are before and their experiences in the industry of voice artist. Actually, every people in CVAP can be an inspiration because they are not just voice artists but also fighter to pursue what they always love to do.
Everything I learned from this program is really more than from what I paid for. There are priceless moments, kulitan with voicemates while in the sessions, life lessons and supports from trainers, and mga masisipag na hosts and mentors. I also thank Sir Choy in making this amazing program that changed peoples lives for the better. I am thankful for everyone on CVAP that I become a part of this amazing program. I hope in the future, our fates will intertwine again.
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innovatewing · 2 months
Video Marketing: Tips for Creating Engaging Video Content
In the age of technology, video marketing has become an essential tool for organisations seeking to engage viewers and generate conversions. Creating captivating video content may increase your brand's visibility and attract new consumers. Here, we look at successful video marketing ideas and how Innovate Wings services—PPC (Google Ads), Meta Ads, company growth strategy, and digital platform strategy—can help you magnify your efforts.
Understanding the Importance of Video Marketing for Small Businesses
Effective video marketing begins with a thorough grasp of your target demographic. Videos are a dynamic means of grabbing and holding viewers' attention in a world when attention spans are getting shorter. Making use of video marketing advice will greatly enhance your outreach initiatives and establish your brand as a memorable one.
Know Your Audience
A thorough grasp of your target demographic is the cornerstone of every effective video marketing plan. Find out what their hobbies, problems, and preferences are. Create content that specifically addresses these factors to increase its likelihood of resonance and engagement.
Craft a Compelling Story
Storytelling is one of the strongest video marketing techniques. Emotionally charged stories tend to captivate people. Create a story that is consistent with the message and core values of your brand. Make sure the video you're using to share your story, whether it's a customer testimonial, an insider look at your company, or a day-in-the-life film, is engaging.
Keep It Short and Sweet
Brevity is essential in the age of Instagram reels and TikToks. Concise and direct video content is essential for engagement. Try to keep your videos under two minutes or less, with an emphasis on effectively and concisely conveying your information. This keeps the audience interested and promotes sharing.
Focus on Quality
Your audience is more likely to take seriously high-calibre videos. Invest in quality equipment or hire Innovate Wings to ensure your videos look and sound amazing. Remember, the quality of your video reflects the quality of your brand.
Optimise for Different Platforms
Every social media site has unique requirements and viewer behaviour. Make your films unique to these subtleties. For example, lengthier, more in-depth films do well on YouTube, while vertical videos are ideal for Instagram Stories. To improve exposure, make use of platform-specific tools like captions, thumbnails, and hashtags.
Call to Action.
A great call to action (CTA) may substantially enhance engagement and conversion rates. Make sure viewers know what to do next, whether it's visiting your website, subscribing to your channel, or contacting your business. A clear CTA should be included in every piece of content you generate.
Leverage Engaging Video Ideas
To keep your material exciting and new, try out several kinds of captivating video ideas. Think about Q&A sessions, seminars, product demos, and user-generated content. Your chances of maintaining an engaged audience increase with the variety of your material.
Analyse and Adapt
Examine your video performance analytics regularly to determine what functions well and what doesn't. View counts, engagement rates, and conversion rates are some metrics that might offer insightful data.
Why Hire a Professional Video Marketing Service?
Hiring a professional video marketing provider like Innovate Wings guarantees that your company receives high-quality video content that engages and converts. Our team specialises in narrative, high-quality production, and smart distribution, so your films will stand out in a congested digital market. Innovate Wings gives you access to innovative tactics, bespoke plans, and measurable outcomes, allowing you to maximise your marketing ROI and drive business success. Trust the pros at Innovate Wings to improve your video marketing efforts and efficiently engage with your target audience.
One effective option for small companies is video marketing. By adhering to these video marketing best practices, you can produce captivating video content that captivates your audience and generates results. The secret is to understand your audience, create gripping tales, uphold a high-quality standard, and evaluate your performance often. Video marketing is a dynamic and effective technique to engage your target audience and boost business growth. Understanding your audience, producing captivating tales, and harnessing the power of PPC (Google Ads), Meta Ads, and smart business and digital platform strategies will help you maximise the effect of your video content. Allow us to guide you through the complexity of video marketing and achieve your company goals with targeted and compelling video campaigns.
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mcvoices · 2 months
Episode 4: Into the World of Voice Acting
“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”
Hey, it's MC...Voices!
Great day, voicemates! It's my 4th week here in Certified Voice Artist Program - Batch 26. And as I kept on saying, it's been really really productive ever since I joined here. We had a lot of topics covered throughout the week, a lot of practical activities and... assignments too. During the 4th week session, they offered a comprehensive look into the business side of voice acting, covering essential tools and practices for advancing in the industry.
For the morning session, our trainor was Miss Lyn Gonzales, she welcomed us and proceeded to talk about what we need to do after CVAP. This includes the preparations in doing voice artist demo reel, she provided us valuable tips on creating a compelling reel that will capture the attention of potential clients and employers in the future.
We also delved into making our own voice acting resume, highlighting the importance of showcasing relevant experience, skills, and training. Also the significance of a service agreement in formalizing contracts with clients. Having discussed clients, we were also provided by insights into setting rates based on factors, creating accurate and professional price quotes that reflect the value of services.
Miss Lyn also highlighted the warning signs or recognizing potential red flags in voice over work, we learned to identify them and be prepared for unrealistic deadlines, unclear project details. This will help me in making informed decisions in the future.
With that being said, we were also introduced by finding right opportunities in building a successful career. Networking within such communities can lead to valuable connections and opportunities. I was really glad that if ever I will be in the situation, I will be prepared and know what things should I be aware of because of what we have discussed in this session.
In the afternoon session, we listened to the live feedback of trainors for those voicemates who submitted their outputs. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to submit my work due to some circumstances. But then, I took down some notes and some things that Trainor Papa Lem and Sir Navi said that I really think would help me improve. Their words and advices to help us improve, encouraged me to do a whole lot more.
I believe that this session was a guide in navigating me into the professional landscape of voice acting. From building my portfolio to understanding industry standards and opportunities, the insights, motivations, and words of improvement and encouragement were gained in this whole session.
And I know that even after this training, this program, I would still do a lot more. I am capable of doing things, once I set my heart into it, I know I can and I will do it.
So, this will not be the end since this will be the start of something that my talent and skills opened up for me and my character that will keep me here.
from me to you,
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