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weidaoduzun3 · 1 year ago
Demiurgy and How a Confucian Passion for Learning Can be Considered As Such.
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What is Demiurgy? As the author of Egyptian Mystic Polytheism so succinctly puts it:
Demiurgy is a type of “devotional act.” A devotional act is any activity outside of direct prayer with a religious purpose and significance. What makes “demiurgy” unique as a type of devotionalism is that it is principally concerned with the act of creation. Like theurgy, to mimic the gods and pursue likeness, one must participate in creativity as a lesser version of God’s creation. Producing, crafting, constructing, and creating are all acts that mimic the “Demiurge” or “Creator Deity.”
So, essentially, these are mundane activities that are performed with the intention to ritualize and devote said craft to the Demiurge, the Creator god of the Cosmos. As the quote above mentions, this is similar to theurgy in that these mundane activities help us mimic the Creator.
With that out of the way, lets take a look at Corpus Hermeticum XI.22, which I think supports such ritualized "demiurgy:
Mind is seen in the act of understanding, God in that act of making.
This sentence refers to God’s literal creation of All Things and how He is seen through His creation, as this whole preceding paragraph refutes the idea that God is entirely invisible and “unseen.” For context, here is the passage:
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In Corpus Hermeticum V, we are told God is invisible and entirely visible. For us to understand God, we must become like Him (Corpus Hermeticum XI.20), as so much as that is possible, in each of our Fated predispositions. A way to do so is to create things ourselves through begetting, making music, writing, or exercising, i.e., our own Demiurgy. You can find a list here if the reader wants a more comprehensive list of things that can be considered a devotional act to the Demiurge -- Demiurgy. So essentially, if God is seen in His Creation, we too can see the Demiurge manifests itself via our lesser creations.
Also, possibly a Confucian passion for learning could be considered Demiurgy. Let me explain: To take this principle out of context and apply it to Hermetic thought, I'd like to talk about the Confucian disciple Yan Hui 顏回, who was unmatched in his genuine and effortless love of the Way and learning. In the Analects 6.3 we see a ruler inquiring to Confucius about a "disciple who loves learning":
There was one named Yan Hui who loved learning. He never misdirected his anger and never repeated a mistake twice. Unfortunately, he was fated to live a short life. Since he passed away, I have heard of no one who really loves learning.
Yan Hui is also praised for his love of learning in Analects 2.9 and 5.9. Generally speaking, in Confucian thought, learning, rites, and conforming to cultural adornments 文 do indeed change our native “stuff” 質, which Confucius thought contained inherent flaws that were corrected via rigorously conforming, yet also effortlessly loving social and cultural arts, rites and learning. So, if learning in and of itself can change us for the better; correct our inherent flaws, and make us more like God, then we should all try to emulate Yan Hui and his effortless love for learning because when we learn, we grow. According to Chapter 2 of Effortless Action: Wu-Wei as a Metaphorical Concept and Spiritual Ideal in Early China by Edward Slingerland, learning and instructions (and other things) are essential to constantly strive for and put effort into to abide by the Confucian Way. Learning and instruction change our inherent "stuffs" in a way that makes us effortlessly abide in the Way 道.
So, back to the Hermetica. In Corpus Hermeticum XI.20, we are told to:
“Make yourself grow to immeasurable immensity…”
Arguably, this can be done by a passion for learning (and, of course, many other things)— which cannot be taught but must be realized. And what do we see all throughout the Hermetica? A yearn for Gnosis. Gnosis differs from conventional knowledge, as gnosis is experienced rather than learned. Something that Edward Slingerland argues is the source of Confucius's frustration with the current age of the Zhou Dynasty in Analects 15.13:
I should just give up. I have yet to meet a person who loves ren 仁 as much as he loves the pleasures of the flesh.
Confucius is frustrated by the fact that you genuinely cannot teach a person ren 仁 or "humaneness." Whether we are talking about ren or gnosis (mind you, two completely different things), these things must be experienced and "recollected," as Edward Slingerland argues in Chapter 2. The idea that the gnosis of the gods, God, and the Demiurge is "recalled" is found in passages from Plato's Phaedo 73c-75e and other dialogues I have yet to read, such as the Phaedrus and Meno. Likewise, in Analects 7.30, Confucius exclaims:
Is ren really so far away? No sooner do I desire ren than it is here.
Recollection is also found in the Corpus Hermeticum IV.2:
The man became a spectator of God's work. He looked at it in astonishment and recognized its Maker.
Now that we have established that the Analects, Platonism, and Hermeticism are structured somewhat similarly, let's look at Corpus Hermeticum I.31, we read:
“Holy is God, who wishes to be known and is known by his own people…” Corpus Hermeticum I.32: “Grant my request not to fail in the knowledge (gnosis) that befits our essence.
This suggests that God wishes us to know Him as much as possible according to our inherent predispositions to gnosis. So what I’m getting at is that if we can realize and acquire a Confucian-style passion, such as Yan Hui, for learning, this can change us and make us become more like God. The love for learning. The yearning to know God and His creation and the sciences that we have developed to understand his creation is most certainly Demiurgy. We never stop learning, whether we continue education after high school or not.
So, now that we have established that learning can indeed change us and help us mimic and help us recognize God and the Demiurge's creation, here are some examples of how I use my love for learning (but this love cannot be compared to Yan Hui's) as Demiurgy:
Reading academic literature on my beliefs
Learning the mythologies of the Ancient Egyptian gods
Going to college to broaden my knowledge and to establish a career.
Learning about myself: both my corporeality (psychology/body/health) and my incorporeality (soul).
This list goes on and is certainly not limited to those few bullet points. But if it is not clear by now, learning helps us grow as individuals; learning allows us to better understand the world around us, from our own communities to other cultures around the world. Such a whole-hearted pursuit of learning can be considered Demiurgy because we are actively creating a better version of ourselves. Just as in my musings, I consider Demiurgy because I am creating writings that will go on to inform and help other people understand the topics I write about with an intention of devotion to the Demiurge. My active pursuit of learning also is Demiurgy because everything I learn is done in devotion to the Creator of a world I love so much, and He is ultimately responsible for the very things I choose to learn.
So, do you all think the yearn and love for learning in and of itself can be considered Demiurgy?
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acelessthan3 · 2 years ago
I like people who inspire me to create.
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timmodryoid · 1 year ago
The Creation of Man as the Generation of Souls that Inhabit Many Animal Bodies
My preferred theological interpretation of the "creation" of humanity in Genesis 1 is that it is a generation of souls.
I prefer it because the most consistent ethical way I can see the command to have "dominion" over the "animals" is as a soul has "dominion" over bodies.
The "soul" is fundamentally "human", defined as the "image" of the many deities, who are also immaterial and intellectual. This means that each soul is fundamentally the same substance. The soul that lives in a dog or goat is the same that animates a human body.
The command is a command to incarnate to these bodies, including the hominid body.
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theytistic · 10 months ago
Balance of power (updated)
In this post, the powers are up to date, maybe they'll change, but I doubt it now. I haven't added the weapons yet, because I need to post about the new weapons system, as well as the Yin-Yang and Chinese element classifications.
Ladybug Miraculous 🐞 Tikki - Kwami of creation Luck charm no longer exists, since creating an object that always guarantees victory (it's a bit of an op, isn't it?), but it now has 3 powers in addition to purification and healing: Genesis, which allows the user to choose an object to create, just like the goat's previous power. Terraforming allows the user to transform the terrain in any way they wish, limited only to creation. And the third is Demiurgy, which is basically transforming one thing into another (transmutation), which must be something equivalent, and is limited to objects only. *Note: The Purification of Akumas has been split with that of the cat, but only works in Symbioses; and the Repair of Luck (Miraculous Ladybug) only works on things destroyed by villains.
Cat Miraculous🐈‍⬛ Plagg - Kwami of Destruction I've changed the cataclysm, now with 3 new powers: Corruption creates an energy in the palm of the user's hand that causes a defect in whatever it touches, being regulated by the user in the intensity of the defect, time to start and what the defect will be, which can be either malfunction or resistance worse than sand. A black hole is a point that can be fixed somewhere and attract everything to a single point, or launched, going in a single direction destroying everything in its path until the bearer deactivates it. And the third is the Feral, which basically increases physical characteristics such as speed, sight and strength, as well as creating claws that cut anything, but only for a short time. *Note: Purification only in Guardians; and the Chaos destroyer (miracle ladybug) only works on things created by villains.
Bee Miraculous🐝 Pollen - Kwami of submission Royalty allows the user to give orders to individuals/beings considered, essentially, inferior, and which cannot be disobeyed, only going out of control when they finish the order. Devotion allows an ally a brief increase in powers, as they are "blessed by a queen" if they accept the bearer as their "superior".
Turtle Miraculous🐢 Wayzz - Kwami of protection Barrier allows you to protect any part of your body, allies or objects with a thick, hard barrier that can last up to a certain amount of damage. Resistance protects the bearer or object, making it invulnerable to physical and magical attacks, creating a wave that pushes opponents away, the weaknesses being the powers of the cat and ladybug (demiurgy).
Fox Miraculous🦊 Trixx - Kwami of Illusion Make believe is basically the mirage, but with the difference that it can't be applied to the user, apart from the illusions becoming "real" for those who believe it is real. Trick is an exchange of senses, allowing you to change the enemy's senses or erase them, the greater the change, the shorter the illusion time.
Peacock Miraculous🦚 Duusu - Kwami of imitation Mimer forces the opponent to imitate his movements until he loses visual contact, even minimally. Kaleidoscope allows you to imitate the last attack received on a smaller scale of power, but with multiple attacks.
Butterfly Miraculous🦋 Nooroo - Kwami of manifestation Symbiosis allows you to create a parasite (caterpillar) which, when it comes into contact with another being with emotions and will, it is forced to follow its main will/desire at the moment, gaining powers to fulfill its desire, and initially it has control of itself, but little by little it loses control and becomes a zombie of its will. Guardian (butterfly/moth) allows you to create a being that will do the bidding of its creator (target), and cannot be controlled, only doing the bidding, with the shape and powers to fulfill that wish. *Note: to cease to exist, you must knock out the villain.
Rabbit Miraculous🐇 Fluffy - Kwami of Multiplication Divider allows the user to split into identical copies, where only the snake can tell the difference, and who share their experiences, being able to split unlimitedly, however, their copies cannot receive much damage, crumbling into smoke.
Snake Miraculous🐍 Sass - Kwami of intuition Clairvoyance allows the bearer to see an ethereal dimension and the essences (inanimate does not possess) of people, thus being able to focus and track a person, from footprints, smell, to seeing through walls;
Goat Miraculous🐏 Ziggy - Kwami of the Opposition Breaker any effect, in itself or in third parties, that the user chooses, will have the opposite effect to the default, before or after receiving the effect, so a slow effect would be agility and vice versa.
Tiger Miraculous🐅 Roarr - Kwami's expression Wave creates a sound wave that the user controls the frequency of and which affects electronics and motor functions, basically being an exchange of senses, and depending on the frequency can break anything.
Ox Miraculous 🐂 Stompp - Kwami of irritation Fury spectrum allows the user to increase their attributes and generate an aura on themselves with any color, the more violet the more powerful, however this depends on your emotions, in addition to the more powerful you get, after the effect wears off, you will feel great muscle pain.
Horse Miraculous 🐎 Kalkki - Kwami of Migration Glitch allows the user to completely transform their body into something ethereal, being able to "teleport" short and/or long distances, since while transformed, the concept of time doesn't exist, thus giving the impression of teleportation when they deactivate their powers. However, while activated, he cannot interact with the world, but he can take things into this ethereal "world", as long as he is holding them.
Dog Miraculous🐕 Barkk - Kwami of cooperation Barkk allows you to create an invisible chain, sharing anything from damage, vision, thought, strength, speed, movement, except powers; being limited to just 1 attribute, but it doesn't have to be between the user and another, it can be opponent and another or user and animals (although it would probably be used for sight, as it's already too cruel to use it).
Mouse Miraculous🐀 Mullo - Kwami of proportion Scale allows the user to change the size of objects, themselves or both, not limited in size, being able to increase or decrease the size, not bringing the complications of the sudden change of size.
Pig Miraculous🐖 Daizzy - Kwami of gratification Payback allows the user to repay a target for their "karma", so the worse the person, the worse this "gift" will be, it could be pain, numbness, bleeding, or if it's good, boost, protection, etc.
Rooster Miraculous🐓 Orikko - Kwami of prediction Sixth Sense allows the user to predict the opponent's actions and the things around them, being limited to only one target at a time.
Monkey Miraculous🐒 Xuppu - Kwami of experimentation Incognito allows the bearer to "add" a characteristic, previously not present in the object, to experiment with the effects, one more being: "what if that ball was heavy" or "what if that pencil was explosive", being totally limited to: not turning the object into something magical (indestructible, repelling magic, those things out of the ordinary for us).
Dragon Miraculous🐉 Longg - Kwami of mystification Awake allows the user to transform and gain abilities from any material she touches when activating her power, "turning" into a dragon/semi-dragon from the material, the abilities vary from material to material, from manipulating it to being able to generate or survive on it.
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tititiri · 2 years ago
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Here is the effect when you try to combine your two favourite shows. You can call it YGOau or something...( I saw pokemonAu so why not?)
A couple trigun characters with their ace monsters
Knives: World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy
Vash: Hugin the Runick Wings
Meryl: Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen
Wolfwood: True King Lithosagym, the Disaster
Legato: Dogmatika Nexus
Zazie: Scareclaw Tri-Heart
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alephskoteinos · 7 months ago
If all the Neoplatonic demiurges are solar as Kupperman says, this would mean that, since the Sublunar Demiurge is probably Hades, even Hades, in the Neoplatonic framework, becomes a kind of sun god as well as already being the chthonic god par excellence as ruler of the underworld. It also confirms that demiurgy means imitating the sun.
Also, in "On Images", Porphyry explicitly referred to Hades/Pluto "the sun passing under the earth", which explicitly identifies Hades with the sun, as the sun in the underworld, and perhaps also suggests a link to ancient Egyptian myth and theology via Ra in the underworld.
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troutfur · 1 year ago
Oh my god I forgot Odin does that! He just outright kills his great-grandfather like it's no big deal and then his siblings are later shocked when he betrays them? Like, c'mon y'all. Y'all killed the dude who literally raised you. Why are you so shocked.
Demiurgy be like that. Can't make a universe omelette without breaking a few eggs.
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wurds-fur-nurds · 9 months ago
Particleclothdemiurgy (noun) | \ˈpär-ti-kəl-ˌklôth-ˌde-mē-ˈər-jē\
A theoretical craft or discipline involving the creation and manipulation of composite materials, specifically those combining particleboard and sackcloth, imbued with a demiurgical quality. This practice encompasses the conceptualization, design, and production of hybrid structures that integrate the engineered robustness of particleboard with the natural texture and flexibility of sackcloth, guided by principles akin to those in demiurgy, where craftsmanship and creative force play a central role.
"The artisan's dedication to particleclothdemiurgy resulted in innovative furniture that fused industrial and organic elements, embodying a unique aesthetic and functional harmony."
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gabiignat-7 · 2 years ago
De la puterea coruptă la puterea divină interioară la puterea proprie interioară
Din câte se vede și se simte în această dimensiune putem manifesta și materializa orice gânduri, cuvinte sau fapte, toate venind dintr-o conștiință personală care poate fi în strânsă legătură cu legile Universului, cu Creatorul sau alterată de diverse interese meschine ale unor demiurgi însetați de putere, dar fără interes în evoluția pozitivă a omului.
La fel se întâmplă și când vine vorba de putere, care nu este altceva decât manifestarea puterii divine în interiorul nostru prin intermediul sufletului, dar care din necunoaștere sau neinteres, este subordonată, voit sau nevoit, anumitor entități care pe lângă faptul că o pot fura sau doar distorsiona, o folosesc și împotriva noastră.
Puterea este acea caracteristică divină care ne impulsionează acțiunile noastre, care ne crește intensitatea în manifestare, întărește eficacitatea acțiunilor și ne dă tărie în fața uraganelor venite din întuneric.
Vă întrebați unde este puterea acestui popor? Ea este, dar nu la oameni, ci este exact la cei cărora le-am dăruit-o cadou. Și nu este așa că este simpatic numele de ""marile puteri"? Puterea unui popor este suma puterilor tuturor Sufletelor din popor. Puterea "marilor puteri" este suma puterilor tuturor popoarelor subjugate de bună voie sau nu și folosită ca abuz și menținere în sclavie.
Puterea divină este sfântă, și ei știu asta, fapt pentru care dacă vă uitați la majoritatea oamenilor vedeți pe fețele lor neincredere, lipsă de speranță, tristețe, oboseală, senzația aceea de sfârșeală, ceea ce denotă că sunt secați de Suflet și setați să funcționeze doar pe anumite programe impuse, de obediență, de sărăcie, de sexualitate, și multe altele.
Ca să ne constientizăm puterea interioară este nevoie să ne cunoaștem pe noi, ca să o putem manifesta este nevoie să cunoaștem Legile Universale.
Iar pentru ca acest popor și în general umanitatea să renască, pentru început este nevoie ca fiecare să își recupereze puterea divină interioară și apoi să o crească la potențialul maxim de manifestare.
My Soul, My Friend ⚔️
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eliogia · 2 years ago
demoniaca creatura
concettualismo delle forme di geometrie mentali indescrivibili sul piano grafico, la mutazione del foglio bianco droghe dormi sonni di eccesso ipotesi di gomma vomito Nel momento in cui il cielo ci avvolge dei suoi primi gemiti forte in noi la presenza insinuò il brivido il Grande Serpente Antico Drago colui che chiamano il male seduce la terra Satana ed i demoni morenti in sconvolgente trasferimento dei mali malvagi pallidi a meno degli atti compiuti parole di tra un millennio di quando rimasti i soli di questi tempi i quali non sono mai morti e non sono mai e basta Nel tremila quell'incredibile demoniaca creatura degli inferi rigurgito vinta sconfitta distrutta. Purtroppo non tutti potranno salvarsi ma si trarranno via le anime a costo di scatenare tutti gli arconti i demiurgi degli inferni , gli angeli del paradiso o qualsiasi essenza che possa affrontarla
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weidaoduzun3 · 2 years ago
A Musing on Free Will and Good and evil.
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A rather curse and a blessing when focusing on my life specifically. On one hand it was from my own free will that got me to 2 years of sobriety. But what about all my choices that led me to the cave of despair? I freely chose to get high and fuck up my life.
How do I reconcile the fact that my vices aren’t part of The Good ? On the one hand I think it was necessary to some degree to go through to pain I did, but with a little hindsight—I could’ve done things differently but I simply chose to take to the easy way out.
Yes it could be argued if I didn’t embark on this path of vice I wouldn’t be where I am today, but I think it’s time for me to grow out of that sort of thinking. And start viewing my vices more dualistically.
I’m starting to accept Chaos and Evil to be something that existed prior to the Order of the Cosmos, which was Good.
Peep Iamblichus General Science of Mathematics 18, 1-13:
"Let it be thus for us. In the elements from which numbers arise neither beauty nor the good yet exist, but out of the combination of the One and the causal matter of the Many, number subsists. In these first existences [numbers], being and beauty appear, and, in turn, from the elements of lines, geometrical existence appears in which being and beauty are similarly found and in which there is nothing ugly or evil. But, in the last of things, in the fourth and fifth levels, which are composed from the last elements, evil appears, not as a guiding principle, but from something falling out and not maintaining the natural order."
Here we see that nothing ugly nor evil arrives out of the Monad and Dyad coming together to create the material world. Though I did an earlier thread on how Iamblichus views matter as opposed to his predecessors on my twitter.
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To further his argument he does, ironically condemn matter, hyle, later on his De Mysteriis. In reality matter and embodiment is both a good and bad thing in all works of Plato and his followers.
Evil is viewed as subsidiary of the making of the Cosmos —something unnatural to the cosmic order of things. To me, this is becoming ever more convincing.
In DM 170, 9-10 Iamblichus condemns idols and talisman as being technikōs, artificial, and not theourgikōs, theurgic. But this Iamblichus using apologetics in favors of theurgy. His predecessor Porphyry was really big against burnt sacrifices
Now idols are okay Hermeticism we believe the gods embody these idols but to always remember their true nature—that they are of matter or hyle which does consist with Iamblichus view of matter being both of God and also as an obstruction to the souls theurgy.
AH [23-24]:
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To Iamblichus matter was seen as a way to connect with the divine henads —but also was a huge obstacle to the Soul’s theurgy. In the De Mysteriis 204, 4-7:
"The contamination from material things falls upon those who are held in a material body; and as many souls are subject to defilement by matter should necessarily be purified(by participating in one’s own demiurgy, ie. theurgy)."
According to Iamblichus, because the gods are free from matter—we too must free ourselves from vices of matter. Which is something I also agree with. But we must not forget that matter is used also to connect with the divine gods.
This non absolute dualism in Iamblichus stance on matter is something I find myself extremely adhering too recently.
I still wish to keep my beliefs hermetic, but am using Neoplatonism and other school of Platonism to help fill in the gaps to make since of my past life of neglect to better myself. In the CH IX [4] we are told vice is native to earth, not of the Cosmos.
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It also explains how when an individual comes to God, they ultimately learn that vice is not part of the natural order of things. I present: greed for profit—it has destroyed our planet and has offset the natural order of things—all done in the name of the biggest vice of all, greed.
My vice is get high and make bad decisions—this is NOT natural and not part of the natural Good of things. I should not be so hesitant to actively participate in my own demiurgy, in my own creation and theurgy in fear of the things I create—namely the fruits of my labor. For if I align my nous with the Nous (this looks different for everyone) I can over come the bounds and wheels of Fate and Necessity and participate in my own demiurgy with Providence. This requires free-will. I have all the power to either construct and reap ripe fruits with my labors or I can either reap the rotten fruits of my labors—for it is through and balancing the two natures that God gave me: my divinity & my mortality—is how I’ll unlock my chance in sanctification.
Latin Asclepius [22]
l22] In short, god made mankind good and capable of immortality through his two natures, divine and mortal, and so god willed the arrangement whereby mankind was ordained to be better than the gods, who were formed only from the immortal nature, and better than all other mortals as well. Consequently, since he is conjoined to them in kinship, mankind honors the gods with reverent and holy mind; the gods also show concern for all things human and watch over them in faithful affection.
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fullmilkshakesong · 4 years ago
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Dyticá Leiak's twilight (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1108467418-dytic%C3%A1-leiak%27s-twilight?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=ETRESTLES&wp_originator=dziCKd1meFhX61bufEvM6xdWEDP2dcZDrvkBGrqN12q5OhJYOMuTGHYAVVuhIE%2BqxZe4SlkHVzoev%2FUtS4m1KXlzLqPOUMSv7HbkR4MrOl3kHjsaclpwnoJetLOwBqlm Leiak, omnipresent vague pneuma-dancing spirit, ductile pious water of epiphany and extraordinary example, lives on the water with his parasitic chin in the Vernarthian epigram; he is seen with his jocular back, breaking the lines of the swamps between muscles and silhouettes. Before the First station..., primitive of the three remaining nights before reaching the volcano of Patmos, its deluge begins. "
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sammeldeineknochen · 3 years ago
Die Löcher im Vorhandenen sind die Grundlagen des erst noch zu Schaffenden.
Dietmar Dath: “Gentzen oder: Betrunken aufräumen”, S.263
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hyacinth-halcyon-blog · 8 years ago
Hello! I loved your post about polycentric polytheism - I had never heard of it before. You said you cut some info out about demiurge and I don't think I fully understood it. Do you plan to/could you make a detailed post explaining it More? In general some of the concepts in the post were hard for me to understand, but that the most of all. Thank you!
Sure thing! In the long post I gave this basic description of the demiurge::
The deity at the center of the henad we worship functions as what the Neoplatonists call a “demiurge”. The demiurge is what the One of Neoplatonism throws out and all existence is sent out and organized by the demiurge. Essentially, the center of our practice functions as a demiurge organizing our practice around it and through it.
For those just coming into this discussion, a ‘henad’ means a unity of gods. A unity of gods in its absolute most basic definition can be thought of as a group of gods. More accurately, a henad conveys the idea that these gods are in some way interconnected on a fundamental level. They remain individuals but they are still unified on their fundamental level. This unity is what allows for things like syncretization and mythic role-swapping and overlap to happen, basically. 
So for us, henads are the groups of gods we interact with. Some of them will be entire pantheons whereas others will  be smaller groups. Some will be solidly of one pantheon; others will be mixed. Due to the concept of gods being perfect (here in the mathematical sense of containing all items in a set), they are able to unify across pantheons. (However, again, they still remain individuals with cultural significance and this is in no way an excuse to go “this closed culture god is unified with Zeus so Imma worship this closed culture god”. It merely explains how we can have so many gods with similar roles and powers as well as how syncretization or squishing of gods is possible.) In these henads, we naturally end up having something at the center that the rest of the henad gather around and extend from. This center is the demiurge. This is the deity who acts as a director for our practice and organizes the way our practice is laid out.
I think the best way for me to really illustrate the concept of the demiurge is to demonstrate through my own practice so that’s what I’m going to do. (One reason I liked this essay personally is it gave me words for the way I ended up structuring my religious practice. So my practice makes for a good example.)
My practice is focused entirely around the trollish jotnar of Norse mythology. For me, this makes up my henad of gods. To make a list of the ones I really have some working with we would have Angrboda, Surtr, Jormungandr, Skoll, Hati, Fenrir, Hel, Nidhoggr, Hraesvelgr, Eggsther, and Ymir. Typically, my practice has been centered all around Angrboda. She would be the demiurge. Around her the rest go to the periphery of my practice to some degree. Some are naturally closer than others but they’re not the center like she is. As the demiurge, she naturally directs how my practice is organized and focused. I have noted to myself how my practice, even when I’m learning about one of her kids, I almost always end up coming back to also learning about her in the process. She is the center and acts like both northern star and black hole, guiding me forward but simultaneously drawing me back to her. 
However, this topic is /poly/centric polytheism. This means that the center and thus the demiurge can change and for me for now it has. Angrboda has left me for a while and put Surtr in charge. So now, he is the demiurge of my practice and the director of my spiritual shenanigans. 
As demiurge of my practice Angrboda has me focused on monstrosity and nonhumanity but in my service to her I also have a strong humanitarian task of helping the ‘monstrous’ and othered. That’s one way she directs my practice. However under Surtr as demiurge, while in the ways Angrboda is nonhuman he’s far more human, he has me focused much more on throwing off chains humanity has placed on me and wants me to focus on becoming more monstrous and comfortable in my otherness. They shape my life and practice in noticeably different ways.
My practice also serves to illustrate how by worshiping and focusing on the one I am also worshiping the rest. I was just remarking to friends last night how by getting to know Surtr I was also learning about Angrboda more. By exploring my relationship with him I was also able to explore my relationship with her and learn more about both at the same time. 
I hope all this helps explain the topics more. :>
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yugiohcardsdaily · 5 years ago
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World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy
“3 Level 5 or higher monsters
Cannot be used as Link Material. This Link Summoned card is unaffected by other monsters’ effects. You can only use each of the following effects of ‘World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy’ once per turn.
During your Main Phase, if you control this card that was Link Summoned using 3 monsters that had 3 different Types and Attributes on the field: You can destroy all other cards on the field.
If your opponent Special Summons a monster(s) from the Extra Deck (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon 1 ‘World Legacy’ monster from your Deck.”
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caeciitas · 7 years ago
✏ :3 ?
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