#demiman demiwoman demifemale demimale
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genderstarbucks · 1 year ago
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Demimasc | Demifem
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Demimasculine | Demifeminine
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Demiman | Demiwoman
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Demiguy | Demigal
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Demimale | Demifemale
Villainpunk, also known as evilpunk, is a punk subculture dedicated to the reclamation of demonization, a rejection of the social norm of goodness, taking pride in identities that carry a stigma. It can be shortened to vilpunk.
(No spoons for ID)
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syunkiss · 8 months ago
if your confused abt ur gender and parts of it are fluctuating, you could be demigender
(obviously if you're not you're not but demigender isnt known to many people) Demigirl, also known as Demiwoman, Demifemale or a Demilady, is a demigender identity describing someone who partially identifies as a woman or girl. In addition to feeling partially like a girl or woman, demigirls also feel partly outside the binary. That can include anything under the non-binary umbrella like agender, genderqueer, or xenogenders for example. Demifemme is a subset of demigirl. It is for someone who isn't comfortable with having a gendered term like female, woman, girl, etc. in their gender label. The masculine equivalent of demigirl is demiboy.
Demiboy, also known as Demiguy, Demiman, Demimale, or Demidude, is a miaspec demigender identity in which one's gender is partially male, and partially another gender(s). A subset of demiboy is demimasc, which may be used by those who don't feel comfortable using a more gendered term like "boy," "dude," or "male." The feminine equivalent of demiboy is demigirl. Demiboy is a gender that is partially male, and partially another gender(s). Partially male, and partially nothing or non-binary.
Demifluid or demigenderfluid is a gender identity for “someone whose gender is partially fluid (genderfluid) with the other part(s) being static; an example could be: one part of their gender is ‘woman’ while the part that fluctuates is ‘man’ or other non-binary gender. A Demifluid person can have any static gender and any fluid gender. The fluid gender can change constanty while the static one will stay that gender.
Demiflux is a gender identity where one part is static, and the other(s) fluctuate(s) in intensity. For example, the static side could be female, but the other side could be male. The male part can fluctuate, going from full intensity (male), half intensity (demiboy), to no intensity (agender), while the female part does not fluctuate. It is similar to demigender in which the gender is almost “split in two” or divided into two sections. The difference is that demiflux has a part that fluctuates.
these are just some terms i thought to tell you since they are not very known and you mentioned i think that u were questioning
WOAH THAT WAS VERY INFORMATIVE THANK YOU !!! i think i might be demifluid :3
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cococomiskry32 · 2 months ago
Sorry for the long wait.
Well I found out by doing research and watching lgbtq tiktoks compilations.
Abrosexuality someone who's sexuality changes like on day they could like male another female another day it could be both or no one! (The time can not be a day but not that long and the experience is different for some people)
I am not genderfluid myself so I might not know that much but it's like abrosexuality but instead of sexuality it's gender. One day a genderfluid person may feel more female another day, more male, some days both or neither
Also known as Demifemale, demilady & demiwoman
Demigirl is a person who feels like a girl but not fully, they are like a mixture of girl and non-binary, some feel like thay are in the middle of girl and non-binary (I am not one of them)
Demiboys (demimales, demigentlemen & demimans) are the same but instead of female it's male
Also known as Enby
Non binary is a umbrella term for some one that is neither male or female but it's own thing. Some confuse them as lack of gender which is agender.
Here to educate myself more about lgbtq+ community :)
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ryanyflags · 2 years ago
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5 stripe version of demimasc/boy/man/male, demifem/girl/woman/female, and deminonbinary/enby/enban. 2 versions of each, the second one has slightly darker grey stripes.
I thought I'd make some simplified versions of these demigender flags :). As far as I'm aware, the original demigender flags have no stripe meanings, though the two grey stripes are thought to be for partial connection. I don't think combining them into one grey stripe takes away from the meaning of it too much.
I also edited the yellow is be more muted/slightly darker.
People don't have to use this if they don't want to, I just thought simplified versions would be nice.
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imoga-pride · 6 years ago
Demigirlby Flag
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Demigirlby, demiwomanby, demiengirl, demiengirlby, demigalby or demiwomenby: partially nonbinary/enby partially gal/girl/woman; demigirl demienby or partially girlby/womanby/womenby. See also demixirl.
Demienboy Flag
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Demienboy, demimanby, demidudenby, demiguyby or demimenby: partially enby/non-binary partially man/boy/guy; demiboy deminonbinary or partially enboy/manby/menby. See also demixoy.
Based on a post of @queerlection. 
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lgbtsupport · 5 years ago
hi, so I was wondering if you could help with some questions I have about my gender. I'm female and I like it sometimes and sometimes I want to be a guy and I dont really know what I am and I was wondering if you had any advice on feeling comfortable in your skin and figuring out your identity and if there was anyone I could just talk to about it
So as you probably know gender is a spectrum. Most people usually identify at one pole or another being Man or Woman, however there are people that identify as both neither or somewhere in between. (I’ll include proper definitions at the end)
So if you feel somewhat of a girl but not entirely you may identify as demigirl* or if you feel somewhat of a boy you may identify as demiboy*.
There’s also genderfluid* or nonbinary* which can be pretty much anywhere on the spectrum the difference being that genderfluid (hint is in the name) fluctuates between different genders.
There’s many gender identities that you may feel fit you and like I said I’ll include them all below so you can have a look.
As I always say you don’t need a label, only if it makes you feel comfortable, and you can totally make a label of your own if that’s what suits best for you. A label is for you only and nobody else (and you don’t need one to be valid)!
Hope this was helpful!
- Lola
*Demigirl: A demigirl (also called a demiwoman or a demifemale person) is a gender identity describing someone who partially, but not wholly, identifies as a woman, girl or otherwise feminine, whatever their assigned gender at birth. They may or may not identify as another gender in addition to feeling partially a girl or woman.
*Demiboy: A demiguy (also called a demiboy, demiman or demimale person) is a gender identity describing someone who partially, but not wholly, identifies as a man, boy or otherwise masculine, regardless of their assigned gender at birth.
*Genderfluid: Genderfluid is a gender identity which refers to a gender which varies over time. A genderfluid person's identity will change constantly, it changes between ALL the gender identities. This may change dramatically, and rapidly, depends on the person.
*Nonbinary: Non-binary (also spelled nonbinary), or genderqueer, is a spectrum of gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine‍—‌identities that are outside the gender binary.
Agender: Not having a gender or identifying with a gender. They may describe themselves as being gender neutral or genderless. 
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clarabellabells · 6 years ago
Please get some help
Demienboygirlby Pride Flag
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Demienboygirlby (demigirlbienboy or demigirlbyenboy): identifying partially as non-binary man-woman (or partly nonbinary woman & nonbinary man); being part enboy part girlby; experiencing demienboy, demiboygirl & demigirlby (demienby, demigirl & demiboy) identities.
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datewithanarsonist · 6 years ago
Hey, i could probably look this up on the Internet but i wanted to ask you: what does it mean to be demigirl/demiboy?
I am probably not the best person to ask because i don’t identify as demigirl or demiboy, but I can share my understanding of it, please feel free to correct me if anything i say is wrong.
Demigirl/demiwoman/demifemale is a gender identity describing someone who identifies partially as female- regardless of their assigned gender. Demigirl may be used by transfeminine people assigned male at birth, or by someone assigned female at birth but who doesn’t fully identify with female.
Demiguy/Demimale/Demiboy/Demiman is someone who partially identifies as male. People who use this term may be afab but don’t identify entirely as female or identify as transmasculine, this term may also be used be someone who was amab but don’t entirely identify with that assigned gender.
Demigender people may identify as nonbinary, demigender or, transgender. And if you identify as Demigirl/Demiboy you aren’t limited to that identity. Sometimes people identify as multiple. Ex. Genderfluid Demiboy.
Once again, I don’t identify as demigirl or demiboy this is just my understanding of the two terms.
If I am wrong, please comment or reblog with corrections, or any additions!
Hope I could help!
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pinprick-shop · 4 years ago
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A demigirl (aka demiwoman/demifemale) is a gender identity of someone who identifies partially as female, regardless of their assigned gender at birth. They may or may not identify as another gender in addition to feeling partially female. Demigender people often identify as non-binary and/or transgender. The demigirl pride flag features 💗pink (for femininity), 🤍white (for gender neutrality), and 🐦shades of grey (for the partial nature of the gender). The male counterpart is a demiboy (aka demiman/demimale), for someone who identifies only partly as male. The demiboy flag is similar to the demigirl flag, but features blue instead.💙 . 📌 Enamel pins by The Pin Prick 🛍 www.pinprick.shop 📷 IG: @pinprick.shop [-10% code in bio!] 🌎 Shipping worldwide! 🏳️‍🌈Stay proud! (at Transgender Support) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF-Tk_HBzLA/?igshid=doga4tesxkgc
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trans-matters · 8 years ago
Hi Kyle. I am new here but I've been looking at your blog and you seem so great!! But I do have a question, I currently identify as a female but I've been starting to think that I might be demigender. Do you have any links to sites that have more about demigender and what it is about? (I have looked through lots of sites but they don't give me too much info about it) Thanks Kyle :)
Demigender is a gender identity that involves feeling a partial, but not a full, connection to a particular gender identity. Demigender people often identify as non-binary.
Examples of demigender identities include demigirl, and demiboy
A demigirl (also called a demiwoman or a demifemale person) is a gender identity describing someone who partially, but not wholly, identifies as a woman, girl or otherwise feminine, whatever their assigned gender at birth. They may or may not identify as another gender in addition to feeling partially a girl or woman.
Demigirl can be used to describe someone assigned female at birth who feels barely connected or disconnected to that identification, but does not experience a significant enough dissociation to create real physical discomfort or dysphoria. Demigirl can also describe someone assigned male at birth who is transfeminine but not wholly binary-identified, so that they feel more strongly associated with “female” than “male,” socially or physically, but not strongly enough to want to identify as as a woman.
Demigirls may also identify as demigender, non-binary and/or transgender and can be any age. Demigirl come from “demi” meaning half in french. The male contrapart is demiguy.
A demiguy (also called a demiboy, demiman or demimale person) is a gender identity describing someone who partially, but not wholly, identifies as a man, boy or otherwise masculine, whatever their assigned gender at birth. They may or may not identify as another gender in addition to feeling partially a boy or man.
Demiguy can be used to describe someone assigned male at birth who feels barely connected or disconnected to that identification, but does not experience a significant enough dissociation to create real physical discomfort or dysphoria. Demiguy can also describe someone assigned female at birth who is transmasculine but not wholly binary-identified, so that they feel more strongly associated with “male” than “female,” socially or physically, but not strongly enough to want to identify as as a man.
Demiguys may also identify as demigender, non-binary and/or transgender. The original coiner of the phrases demigirl and demiguy is unknown.
I hope this helps anon!
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awalkingmeme · 8 years ago
what exactly is demi?
Gender:A demiguy (also called a demiboy, demiman or demimale person) is a gender identity describing someone who partially, but not wholly, identifies as a man, boy or otherwise masculine, whatever their assigned gender at birth. They may or may not identify as another gender in addition to feeling partially a boy or man.A demigirl (also called a demiwoman or a demifemale person) is a gender identity describing someone who partially, but not wholly, identifies as a woman, girl or otherwise feminine, whatever their assigned gender at birth. They may or may not identify as another gender in addition to feeling partially a girl or woman.Sexual Orientation:Demisexuality is a sexual orientation in which someone feels sexual attraction only to people with whom they have an emotional bond. Most demisexuals feel sexual attraction rarely compared to the general population, and some have little to no interest in sexual activity.
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midar1 · 8 years ago
you said you were a demigirl what does that term mean? (sorry if I sound rude. not my intention)
demigirl (or demiwoman or demifemale) identifies partially, but not wholly as a woman or otherwise feminine regardless of their genitalia. they may or may not identify with another gender besides that (i don’t). same goes for demiboy (/demiman/demimale). and hey don’t worry, i’m glad u asked!! 💕
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ryanyflags · 2 years ago
Hello! Can you do Demiboy and transmasc flag, Demigirl and trnasfem flag, and Deminonbinary nad transneutral flag? Thank you!
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Yeah! Here's transmasc + demiboy/masc, transfem + demigirl/fem, and transneutral + deminonbinary :>
All three combo flags are basically just their 2 original flags spliced together, with the top part being demi- and the bottom part being trans-.
(Also, I use "demimasc/fem" as alternatives to just "demiboy/girl", since boy and girl are diminutive and don't fit everyone.)
Below are the 3 trans flags I used,
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imoga-pride · 6 years ago
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Cross-aligned flags respectively:
Lunarian/Woman-aligned Male: a man who shares experiences with womanhood and feels it is an important part of their personhood.
Solarian/Man-aligned Female: a woman who shares experiences with manhood and feels it is an important part of their personhood.
Demigirl/demigal/demiwoman/demifemale (com)boy/man: identifying partially as a woman/female and completely as a guy/male.
Demiboy/demiguy/demiman/demimale (com)girl/woman: identifying partially as a man/male and entirely as a gal/female. 
Based on fem-aligned and male-aligned bigender flags, neumale/neufemale flags and man-woman flag. Note these flags aren’t essentially about presentation/gender expression.
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lgbtqia-moodboards · 8 years ago
What does Demigirl/demiboy mean? I'm sorry if that sounds ignorant, I'm still trying to learn all the different lgbtq+ terms because I'm genuinely curious about everything
A demigirl (also called a demiwoman, demifemme or a demifemale person) is a gender identity describing someone who partially, but not wholly, identifies as a woman, girl or otherwise feminine, whatever their assigned gender at birth. They may or may not identify as another gender in addition to feeling partially a girl or woman.A demiguy (also called a demiboy, demimasc, demiman or demimale person) is a gender identity describing someone who partially, but not wholly, identifies as a man, boy or otherwise masculine, whatever their assigned gender at birth. They may or may not identify as another gender in addition to feeling partially a boy or man.-Mod Gabe
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ryanyflags · 3 years ago
could you make demiboy+ and demigirl+ flags?
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Demimasc/boy/man/male+, demifem/girl/woman/female+, and deminonbinary/enby/enban+.
You only asked for the first two, but I thought I'd add deminonbinary too.
The flags are based off of their respective demigender flags, with the ray pattern of genderplus. I edited the yellow for deminonbinary+ to be a bit darker, since the original yellow used for deminonbinary is kind of hard to see for me.
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