#dem sensory issues
dontron-9000 · 2 years
Is it time to project my misery onto my blorbo? Why yes! Yes it is.
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Tis the season to getsogoddamndriedoutthatyourskincracksandbleedsandnoamountoflotioncanquenchwintersbloodlustyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy.......
falalalala lala la la.
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ao3feed-sambucky · 9 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/vd4ATUx by anonymous_pile_of_stardust (author_2106) Bucky hat Probleme mit dem Feuerwerk. Sam hilft ihm. T für altes Trauma. Words: 589, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Deutsch Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Jarvis Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Additional Tags: sensory issues, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/vd4ATUx
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tarangelagif · 8 months
Things that have preoccupied my mind in January 2024
Starting off strong, here is a podcast by Ezra talking about How to discover your own taste, below a screenshot on a point they talk about:
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And with that, here are some things that have preoccupied my mind either I liked, or didn't like.
May December - I am not sure how I feel about this movie. The acting was superb from all three stars - Natalie Portman, Julianne Moore and Charles Melton. It is a film inspired on the real life relationship of Mary Kay Letourneau and her former student Vili Fualaau. I found the film uncomfortable to watch, Elizabeth (played by Natalie) uncomfortable. But perhaps I feel uncomfortable because the real and fake situation is uncomfortable. The film throughout had a really annoying piano riff as well.
Saltburn - I joined the hype train like everyone else. I felt like design, production, cast and costume was executed really well. I mean Rosamund Pike executed that aloof, condescending upper class woman so perfectly. The complex family dynamic and grief was interesting to observe. However, I felt like the shocking scenes lacked substance? As though it gave the film the PR it needed. Did we need them in order for the film to progress?
LSDXOXO because I loved his set when I saw Jeff Mills live. It always brings a huge smile to my face every time he spins the decks back during his set.
Alcatraz - Accidentally found them when I mistakened my friend telling me a tennis player vs. DJ. YouTube autocorrected me to these German boys. And well, they are a vibe, got me head bopping all across the central line.
I revisited Mos Def and MF Doom simultaneously, because I was sad I missed out on Mos Def tribute to MF Doom in Paris ❤️‍🩹
Hiatus Kaiyote Everything is Beautiful - my favourite neo-soul Australian band released their new single. Not my newest favourite but looking forward to listening to the whole album.
Jamie XX - It's so good and KILL DEM, He just produces really addictive beats. It won't surprise me if my Spotify 2024 wrapped has him as the number 1 & 2 songs I have listened on repeat.
Synchronicity, Solo Show, at 180 Studios - I have always enjoyed what the UVA team brought. To be honest I think more than anything I loved technology dystopian vibes and being in dark environments so you can concentrate on the art itself, not worry about how you are being perceived but perceiving the art in front of you. Perhaps sensory issues from my end.
Daido Moriyama, at Photographers Gallery. Explored over 60 years of his work at this exhibition. I left with more motivation to branch back into street photography. Not everything needs to have meaning or be unique/special. It can just be capturing ‘life’, who had photos of just a cat or a hat.
Skateboard Exhibition at the Design Museum - read through the history and cultural impact of skateboard culture from the inception in the 1950s to now. Enjoyed reading the descriptions, especially this last paragraph below. But man, Design Museum where is the flow? Why couldn’t they curate the experience better. Ugh.  
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Articles/thought pieces:
The case for mediocrity, an interesting read especially as someone who is still working on being less ambitious with their career. I appreciated that this article did acknowledge that being white and mediocre is easier to adopt this mantra than those who are not.
Friend or specifically third wheel sleepovers are really healing. Especially as I readjust to being by myself again.
Internet art:
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calciferstims · 2 years
when u gotta tuck your shirt in bc you’re bisexual and Dem’s The Rules but you’re also neurodivergent so if you tuck it in the Wrong Way then you gotta tear the WHOLE thing out and keep starting over again until you can tuck it Correctly without setting off your sensory issues
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puppy-boxjuice · 2 years
Totay a bought bwownies but !! Dey have nuts in dem, an a nunno if sensory issue wil allow me to eat it !~ So…gona twy an tell chu !~ Hewe is da box !~
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mocweepe · 4 years
Benrey and/or Tommy for the ask meme?
EEEE TYSM!!!!! >♡<
Sexuality Headcanon: homosexual greyro (polyam)
Gender Headcanon: genderqueer, mostly gendervibe, gendervoid, errorgender, and catboygender (i tink they use he/him, they/them, n xe/xem/xeir n hoard emoji prns specifically. friens can also use it/its)
OTPs I have with said character: tommy, gordon, me (/hj). (i also like benrey/tommy n a qpr a WHOLE lot!!!!!!)
BROTPs I have with said character: tommy, bubby
NOTPs I have with said character: forzen
Random headcanons: autistic KING, he was lying when xe said lots of blue means "i hate you", theyre not actually good at video games buh still luvs dem v v much, PS specifically iz a SpIn
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual cupioro
Gender Headcanon: nonbinary specifically - molebug, sillygender, genderradical, and catboygender (i tink he uses he/him, it/its, fae/faer n hoards bunch of emoji/nounself prns)
OTPs I have with said character: benrey or no1 (i also like benrey/tommy n a qpr a WHOLE lot!!!!!!)
BROTPs I have with said character: benrey, gordon, coomer
NOTPs I have with said character: i don know ne potential ships m super against, buh i don like forzen at all <///3
Random headcanons: autistic n adhd KING!!! sunkist iz a service dog bc he struggles w sensory issues/communication (it also uses ACC), benrey n him have been friens 4 a hot minute longer dan da rest of da science team n das how far can read da sweet voice! when it learned about autism/adhd he hyperfixated on bof of dem n so he knows a WHOOOLE bunch abt dem now.
General Opinion over said character: I ALSO WUV HIM SOSOSOSOSOSOOOOOOO MUCH IT IZ SUCH A KING OMGGGG i honestly rlly wish ppl would stop infantilizing faerrrr >:(((((
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supposed2bfunny · 5 years
do you have any villainous/villanos headcanons?
-Black Hat, Flug, and Demencia are all in a happy polyamorous relationship.
-Sometimes, BH gets really tired of being in charge and just wants to lie back and let Flug and Dem take care of him if you catch my drift ;)
-Dem is a disaster bisexual icon!! She’s also super neurodivergent! All the jumping around she does? Stimming! Sometimes she can’t quite feel herself in time and space (sensory issues, ugh) and leaping around from high places helps.
-Flug is a non-binary icon! What the FUCK is a gender role anyway?
-No one, not even Black Hat, can resist falling asleep on 505. He’s so soft!
-Flug and Dem actually get along quite well at times! They especially love to gossip and complain when the boss isn’t around.
-Black Hat acts cold and ruthless, but if he senses Flug or Dem is in any real danger, he will split the universe in half to protect them.
-Black Hat purrs. It is adorable.
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
[ TRINKET ] + Settled by the short edge of Beth's writing desk - its owner bent over it pawing through a medical text - Ron watched his dear one distractedly. His mind had wandered away from the purpose he'd come to see her with; caught up in the crease of her concentrated brow; the speed she devoured the text at; how she'd scribble notes on a pad with a sparkly purple pen when something struck her as too important to let lie. Between note making this whimsical implement was set down on the table. In one such pause, Ron's right hand came up slow and trapped it neath its weight; rolled it back and forth carefully as he asked--
'--Bef luv...Why...purple?'
The pause was purposeful. He wanted her to hear him.
Walking In Tired Twilight || - The question on the paper is stark in contrast. Tiny precise handwriting crisp against the white background and faint blue lines narrowly ruled in place. Every letter is distinct with a hint of glitter that catches the light. Q. 29:  In the investigation for paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH), are the sucrose haemolysis test and Ham’s acid serum test commonly done? What are the principles behind these tests? A. 29: Osmotic damage does not occur when normal red cells are exposed to isotonic sucrose. The low ionic strength of the solution enhances the binding of the complement components to the red cell membrane. PNH cells develop membrane defects and sucrose molecules enter the red cell, producing osmotic lysis; 5% lysis is positive. In the Ham test, PNH red cells are significantly lysed when exposed to acidified serum {1% is positive}. However, both these tests have now been replaced by flow cytometric analysis of red cells with anti-CD55 and anti-CD59 antibodies to the protein involved in the destruction of red cells by activated complement. The writing might be incidental to Ron, accompanying but set apart. The same could be said of the pen; in its absence she begins muttering the answer in breathy whispers, ticking points away with her fingers. What Ron can’t see is just how fast her mind is working, processing the information at warp speed and the rest of her can’t keep up. She’s spent the last eighteen hours studying, and the few times she managed to curl up on the couch or sought out the bed, it only took minutes for her anxiety to come to roaring life and she’d gotten back up to take on one more chapter. Of Kumar and Clark’s Clinical Medicine’s twenty three chapters, she’s completed and reviewed sixteen, and is double checking her work, not entirely confident in some of her calculations. His presence casts a shadow and she spares him a feverish glance; flushed face, lip showing signs of chafing from having been bitten more than a time or two, and her eyes practically glow with their own inner light. She takes a breath and starts to answer…but nothing comes out. Her brows furrow. “I…I dunno, ac’shully,” she tells him eventually, when she’s managed to change gears. “Been usin’ dem…f’ s’long as I can remembah.” That isn’t strictly true, though. In the fog of memory, shadowy figures dart and blend together. There is a much smaller Beth, as bright as she is now, but angry, frustrated. An exasperated Occupational Therapist is burning through service hours trying to do her job, which is to teach Beth how to overcome her sensory issues and hold the pen correctly. To use her right hand instead of her left. To write full words even if she doesn’t hear them the way the other children do, to copy complete sentences from the board. The therapist has other jobs too, but those have nothing to do with writing. The rest of her job is to teach the girl how to compensate for her leg, something the therapist has a much easier time doing. It is Andy’s idea, then. He’d been in one of the million grocery stores that line Waialae street and had spied a pack of glitter pens, in a multitude of bright colours. Of them all, Beth chose the purple one…because it was the colour of poi, and because it was the shiniest. From then on, she’d only ever used that particular brand and style, even if it sometimes made teachers or doctors lose their minds. “But….purple’s m’ favourite colour…an’ I really like glittah.”
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fionawesome · 8 years
A world that wants me dead
I live in a world that wants me dead.
I didn't realise it until recently.
Until about a month ago I was naive enough to think that, because I'm not properly disabled, the world had spared me the ordeal of a life marred with death, just because I'm not useful to society. For some reason I thought that because I was managing well enough or because I'm not physically disabled that I was spared the horror of living as a disabled person in a world built for non-disabled people.
My earliest memories are of feeling different and at the age of 7 or 8 I was diagnosed with Dyspraxia, a form of developmental coordination disorder that affects motor control, coordination, memory, perception and processing.
When I was 20, The Tories (along with the Lib Dems) got into power in the UK and quite soon after they started doing their best to make life for the rich, easier, and life for the poor harder. It started with small things that could be reasoned away but after a few years their disregard for anyone who wasn't born with a silver spoon up their asses was more blatant than ever before and it wasn't long before a large proportion of the population were vocally riling against the government in a way unprecedented since they tyrannical rule of Thatcher in the 80's.
One of the first things that they started with was the dismantling of the glorious institution of the NHS. It started by underfunding services and then bringing in outside contractors as a way to deal with the difficulties faced by a health system that's crumbling and falling. It then continued with an attempt to stretch doctors so thin that medical care failed at the point of service so that, once again the services could be sold off to the highest bidder, and so that the suffering of the poorest in society could be justified in the eyes of those either, easily misled by the media, or those used to closing their eyes and sticking heads in the sands.
A while later, this assault on the poorest and most vulnerable in our society continued by making the conditions of that society so unbearable as to either force many people to commit suicide or to cause people to die after being declared "fit for work". The longer that this continued (and indeed, as it  still continues), the more blatant it became that this was an outright attack on those most in need of help and the larger the divide seemed to get between those who are classified as "disabled" (and therefore of no use to society) and those who are considered able to "function" within society (and thus, not disabled; no matter how many difficulties they).
It was around this time that I started to become increasingly frustrated with the way that society was drastically devaluing disabled people and my compassion for those who I saw as having it worse off than myself, was increased tenfold. Of course, all of this took place from inside my ivory tower of university life, reasonable accommodations and disability supremacy.
A returning theme in my life is one of self-hatred, caused by the self-doubt instilled in me by an educational system that would not deign to change itself, lest it make my life easier, or my education more worthwhile but I still held inside of me some supremacy when it came to the dichotomy between disabled and not disabled. I didn't engage in the wider disabled community because because I didn't see myself as being disabled enough to face difficulties on the same size/scale as those faced by people with physical disabilities. This was pure ignorance on my part, and I will never attempt to explain away or excuse my views at this point in my life because it shows a complete lack of understanding about disability and throws a fair few people (myself included) under the bus. I'm including it here to highlight how people outside of the disabled community can think about disability, and also to highlight the way in which, at one point, I disregarded the onslaught towards disabled people, purely because it didn't affect me personally.
After I graduated from university I sought out help for the all pervasive feelings of inattentiveness, and attention based difficulties and was eventually diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 23.
I eventually began to see how my Dyspraxia and ADHD were causing me issues within my life and how the world outside of student life was vastly effected by my inability to adhere to neurotypical standards of "functioning". This was so much so, that after a few failed attempts at employment  the DWP suggested that I seek help from the charity Scope. It was through this that I saw my disorganisation, inattentiveness, and general lack of knowledge about the world, catch up with me at full speed, and it was through this that I finally realised that I needed more help with my life than I was willing to admit.
Flash forward a few years and at 27 I am currently experiencing autistic burnout.
After my partner broached the topic of me fitting the diagnostic criteria for autism, and after a few years of self-examination and self-discovery, 6 months ago I started self-diagnosing as autistic.
It was around this time that I started to feel my whole world fall apart.
I've asked myself so many times whether this is all related to my realising that I'm autistic, or whether it's all just some cosmic coincidence. I don't believe in coincidence that's for sure, so mostly my answer has landed on "shit I'm autistic, I should probably be autistic". Of course this is an over-simplification and implies that I had any choice in the matter which is simply untrue, but I can't help but feel like on some level, once I realised I was autistic I became more autistic on purpose. This probably isn't the case and there's plenty of anecdata to suggest that it's a natural progression in the life-cycle of diagnosis for an autistic person (self or professional).
The point is, that I started to feel as if my whole life was falling apart. I could no longer organise myself as easily as I was once able, I was finding social interactions increasingly difficult and I was finding the world of employment to be filled with sensory, emotional, and cognitive challenges on a daily basis. There was a period of about a month where this got so bad that every time I woke up I was (with barely any sensory input), overwhelmed by everything and was forced to either sit in bed on the verge of tears, or fall back asleep in the hope that facing the world might be easier after a nap. It was during this time that I eventually created a set of "communication cards" to allow me to help myself communicate effectively during moments of distress or overload, in the hope that I could regain some kind of "control" over my life and my descent into "burnout".
Whilst this form of alternative communication has proven very useful for me and has helped me on countless occasions, it did nothing to slow my descent into burnout. That, it seems, was inevitable.
It is in the depth of this burnout that I realised a few key things.
The first is that I need to figure out better ways of taking care of myself. My current strategy of burying my head in the sand and hoping that things will get better on their own is damaging not only my mental health but also (at times) my physical health. This is something that I can do something about and it is something with measurable outcomes that allows me to attempt to improve my life, or at the very least navigate the difficulties that I face on a daily basis.
The second is that I live in a world that wants me dead.
It's taken me a long time to come to this realisation but it is undoubtedly true.
I see this now.
I live in a world that constantly devalues my existence, that insists that I adhere to neurotypical standards of "functioning" and of "productivity". I live in a world that will NOT under any circumstance change the rules because my brain cannot follow the rules already set in place. I live in a world that will throw me to one side and close their eyes to my daily struggle, just because it's not their problem. I live in a world that drives compassionate people into media-driven malevolence, towards those who need some help. I live in a world where I do not ask for help on a daily basis because I know that there's not much chance it will make any difference.
I recently wrote a long post about how I struggle with incontinence and after seeing various doctors, multiple times I have given up on ever finding out why it's an issue, and just resorted to "navigating" the issue myself.
I did have a referral for an ultrasound on my bladder but I missed it because I had a last minute, emergency, appointment with the out of hours GP at 5am that same day, because I had misplaced a whole box of my anti-depressant medication a few days earlier and was feeling an significant decrease in my mood.
I can almost hear the replies already.
"It's not up to the NHS or the government or anyone to help organise yourself."
"You could quite easily just get re-referred for the ultrasound."
I could write more but I'm too tired of this kind of shit to be bothered.
There's been plenty of proof that survival of the fittest is a lazy concept invented by dominant (white, cis, straight, middle class) people to justify their treatment of the subservient (working class, disabled, queer, POC), and I'm not going to justify that kind of attitude with a counter argument other than to say; get your fucking act together and pull your heads out of your arses before I forcibly do so myself.
I have "severe" problems with;
Social interactions
Talking to people
Planning things in advance
Losing things
Following instructions
Sitting still
Changes in routine
Understanding social rules
The list could go on.
Why don't you try re-arranging a referral to a specialist, whilst facing these difficulties? You probably wouldn't fucking do it, let alone manage to get the second referral.
I have these problems not because I'm lazy and not because I don't try to overcome them, but because my brain works in such a way that I find these things difficult.
I did not choose this. I do not enjoy having these difficulties. I do not have these difficulties because I don't try  to overcome them.
I face these difficulties on a daily basis because this is the way my brain works.
I have no control over the fact that I find these things difficult, just like I have no control over my eye colour, or my height.
To ostracise a whole section of society and to force a great number of them to commit suicide, or be forcibly killed by unfair and unsafe assessments to their health, JUST BECAUSE of something they cannot control, (be it neurological or physical differences), is vile, heinous, and makes it very blatantly clear that although society believes the genocide of people (based on their differences) is consigned to our history, it is very much a part of our present.
I live in a world that wants me dead.
I live in a world that wants me dead and most people wouldn't bat an eyelid.
If you're not angry, then follow these steps;
Take your left hand.
Hold onto your right wrist.
Punch yourself in the face a few times.
See how it feels to beaten by someone who's supposed to be helping you.
With Anger
The Finnarchist/FionAwesome
Cross posted from my other blog: https://unremarkablethings.wordpress.com/2017/03/07/a-world-that-wants-me-dead/
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libreas · 7 years
Körperlichkeit sollte Forschungsobjekt der Informationswissenschaft sein. Meinen Andrew M. Cox, Brian Griffin und Jenna Hartel.
zu: Andrew M. Cox, Brian Griffin, Jenna Hartel (2017): What everybody knows: embodied information in serious leisure. In: Journal of Documentation, Vol. 73 Issue: 3, pp.386-406, doi: 10.1108/JD-06-2016-0073
Die aktuelle Ausgabe des Journal of Documentation enthält einen weiteren interessanter Beitrag, den wir wenigstens mit einem kurzen Hinweis würdigen wollen. Andrew M. Cox, Brian Griffin und Jenna Hartel beschäftigen sich in diesem mit der Frage, körperlich verinnerlichtes Wissen (Kompetenzen der Navigation im Raum, sinnliche Erfassung der Welt u.ä.) für das Forschungsfeld namens Information Behavior relevant sein können. Und erwartungsgemäß zeigen sie anhand der Beispiele der Freizeitaktivitäten Laufsport, Musik und Lesen, wie sehr dies der Fall ist. Der Körper selbst wird dabei zur Informationsquelle, was allen sehr bewusst sein dürfte, die ihre Joggingrunde mit einer Fitbit-Selbstevaluation verknüpfen. Eine weitere relevante Facette ist die Gewichtung unterschiedliche Sinne für die Informationsgewinnung:
“A key thesis in sensory studies is that the privileging of sight (ocularcentrism) and hearing is a particular trait of western culture.“
Daraus folgt, dass diese korporale Öffnung der Informationswissenschaft zugleich an eine kulturtheoretische anschließt. Und zugleich gilt, wie auch zahlreiche Gesellschaftsdebatten unterstreichen:
“Appearance embodies the biographical self, materialising the stories of who we are“
Der Körper bzw. das körperliche Erscheinungsbild selbst spielt mit Wahrnehmungsmustern zusammen und wird zum Informations- bzw. Zeichenträger, der (aus)gelesen werden kann.
Überhaupt ist jede kulturelle Aktivität zwangsläufig ein Komplex informationellen Handelns, wie die Autor_innen am Beispiel der Musik darlegen. Musizierende haben zudem nicht selten eine äußerst enge körperliche Relation zu ihren Instrumenten, auf die der erzeugte Klang selbst als Zeichen, also vielleicht phonosemiotisch, verweist. Mensch und Werkzeug produzieren also in Wechselwirkung etwas Deutbares, das Schlüsse auf beide Komponenten ermöglicht.
Das Lesen schließlich ist naturgemäß ein Herzstück der Informationsverhaltensforschung. Und es ist naturgemäß auch ein sinnlich-körperliches Geschehen, für das nicht zuletzt Rahmenbedingungen durch die jeweiligen Charakteristika der Trägermedien gesetzt werden:
“Thus the acts of reading and writing are embodied, and this is significant, e.g., in how much is absorbed and how it is remembered. For the argument of this paper this is a critical point, for it reveals the embodied character of activities such as reading texts, which have always been at the heart of information behaviour research, [...].“
Eine Art Human-Medium-Interaction wäre hier das Forschungsfeld. Die Neuigkeit der Autor_innen liegt darin, das Verständnis von einer primär kognitionstheoretischen Annäherung zu verschieben hin zu einer konkreteren Körperlichkeit. Für Informationsverhaltensforschung und Informationswissenschaft ist der Beitrag also eine Aufforderung, die betont symbolische Domäne zu erweitern, was in gewisser Weise zum Zeitpunkt der derzeitigen Digitalisierungsentwicklungen eine bemerkenswerte und wichtige Botschaft ist. Es handelt sich also um einer Art von Sensibilisierung, die auch in die Methodologie hineinwirkt inklusive einer Wertschätzung autoethnografischer Verfahren als Teil der wissenschaftlichen Analysekultur. Die korporalen, medialen und kulturellen Bedingungen der Rezeption, Deutung und Darstellung von Daten, Informationen und Erkenntnissen in der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit wären tatsächlich neuen Facetten. Das schließt auch unterschiedliche sensorische Wirkungen ein: Über welche Sinne Informationen erfasst werden dürfte Formen und Möglichkeiten von Erkenntnis maßgeblich mitbestimmen. In dem Augenblick, in dem die Konzentration auf die visuell-abstrakte Zentralform von Wissens- und Wissenschaftspraxen hinterfragt, dekonstruiert und durch andere Wahrnehmungsformen ergänzt wird, welche verstärkt auch unmittelbarer verinnerlichte und implizitere Wissensmuster aktivieren, hinterfragt man notwendig an sich das Selbstverständnis von Wissenschaft als vorrangig autorisierte Form der Erkenntnisfindung und Wissenserzeugung.
Als Konsequenz des referierten Beitrags kann man festhalten, dass die Forschung zum Information Behavior gut beraten ist, sich mit Lese- und Rezeptionsforschung zu beschäftigen:
“Since the whole study of information behaviour turns around seeking and finding information written down in texts it follows that all information behaviour is in a critical way embodied. This is well understood in the study of reading, but rarely recognised in studies of information behaviour. “
Zugleich ermöglichen korporale Zugänge zu Wissenskulturen die bewusste Auseinandersetzung mit einer bestimmten Voreingenommenheit, die sich daraus ergibt, dass eine gewisse Form von Informationsverhalten den Schwerpunkt bildet, die zwar einerseits aufgrund ihres sehr hohen symbolischen Anteils besonders analysegeeignet erscheint, andererseits aber auch, weil sie sozio-kulturell als besonders hochwertig und überlegen konnotiert wird. Alternative Wissenspraxen werden dagegen oft übersehen oder ausgeblendet. Insofern ist es sehr zu begrüßen, wenn sich eine reifende und differenzierende Informationswissenschaft vom Text (bzw. der Schrift) im engeren Sinne als primären Medium löst und sich anderen visuellen und vor allem anderen sensorischen Informations-, Erkenntnis- und Überlieferungsprozessen widmet, deren Potentiale bislang häufig, wenn überhaupt, über künstlerische Auseinandersetzungen adressiert werden. (ein Beispiel) Die Autor_innen erwähnen außerdem die Entwicklung einer sensorisch über das visuelle hinaus orientierten Museumspraxis als Beispiel. Für Bibliotheken und Bibliothekswissenschaft halten sie schließlich fest:
“In the library world, the focus on the information commons and learning commons concepts recognise the crucial aspects of spatial design in learning and in library use. Interest in tracking movement through space (in libraries and elsewhere) and improving wayfinding all point to a concern with bodies moving around material spaces.“
Damit liegt ein schöner Anknüpfungspunkt für die Diskurse um die “Bibliothek als Ort” vor, was nun präzisiert “die Bibliothek als Erfahrungsraum” heißen könnte. (Ben Kaden, Berlin, 16.05.2017)
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