#deltarune dysfigure
dinosaurstirfry · 2 months
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Here's the big post with all my secret bosses lore so far
The secret bosses from my take in order are
Jevil: you already know him, he's the funny chaos man
Spamton: another funny man you already know, he's a big shot
Elephanto: Once a backstage worker, Filmtom got his chance to be a star when he was cast as the main character of a popular kids show. He took the role of a character named Elephanto, he had fame, popularity, and success until one day where it was announced that his show would be getting rebooted to keep up with the newer in color shows coming out at the time however, Filmtom was unable to accept this and refused to take his mascot suit off for any reason. He started to believe he was Elephanto. His descent into madness hit it's point of no return when one day a strange man gave him a script that seemed to shatter his view on reality, now he has kidnapped his former co-stars forcing them to preform shows in front of an audience of lifeless dolls. During his secret boss fight he reveals his true form to be a giant camera with 4 limbs (8 if you count the ones still stuck to him from the mascot costume). He has a strange obsession with wanted to rent a heated limo.
Belliar: Once a well mannered CEO, Belliar had a great life until one day while on a walk with her husband Destane tragedy occurred as a random baseball hit Destane shattering him into pieces, Belliar overwhelmed with grief quit all of her jobs and decided to live alone on an inaccessible island where they play on their piano all day and night, eventually a man had appeared on her island by surprise and showed her the people responsible for her husbands death, it was a young Kris and Dess playing baseball, now her songs of grief turned into pure rage and anger. During her secret boss fight Kris ends up inside Belliars head showing you that an entity named "friend" has been messing with her memories so she can't be happy because in their words "Belliar is a failed experiment that I need to fix". She often trips because of her only having 1 wheel.
Twobe: Along time ago their existed 2 friends, a silly Preformer and a serious Scientist, the Preformer use to be a well recognized celebrity famous for their good humor and kind heart, the Scientists was also very well recognized for their many scientific breakthrough's with their best one being a way to separate their soul by making it stable outside the body using technology which made them invincible to all forms of damage (unless the separated soul gets hit) things were going very well for the 2 of them until one day, the Preformer came down with a horrible sickness that started to rot away their soul and change their skin green, the scientist who was desperate to save their friend did the only thing they could think of, they broken apart their mechanical soul and used the piece to try and save their friend, this worked at a cost, combining their souls merged the 2 together with both of them fighting over control of their newly shared body.
Hyasinth: Hyasinth is an elite warrior trained to protect his leader as a member of the black rosè guards. his goal was noble, to make sure everyone in the world is free. when the fun gang first arrive in his dark world hyasinth attacks them very suddenly because in his words "I cannot allow strangers like you to enter because if I do, then who knows what you'd do to my people!" this battle is then called off by the ruler of the dark world, Flowey. as a member of the black rosè guard you'll find Hyasinth all over the chapter trying to help out darkeners with their request but something is always off about these encounters, it seems like he starts randomly speaking a mysterious person that you aren't able to see, and even stranger it seem like this invisible person may be giving him orders? eventually you'll encouter the shadow crystal holder of this chapter, Squiggler the worm who will ask you to bring him leaves to eat, while doing this request you notice Hyasinth will be randomly following you, always running away whenever you try and get close to him. When you bring Squiggler all the leaves something unexpected happens, Hyasinth shows up and kills Squiggler then takes their shadow crystal, once Hyasinth looks in the crystal he starts to laugh before saying "I GET I.T NOW, I HAVE BEEN FAILING MY PEOPLE T.H.I.S WHOLE TIME, I THOUGHT I WAS GIVING THEM FREEDOM B.U.T I WAS JUST KEEPING T.H.E.M IN THEIR ENSLAVEMENT, THIS IS WHAT YOU'VE BEEN TRYING TO T.E.L.L ME ISNT IT, THE TRUE FREEDOM IN THIS W.O.R.L.D IS DEATH! IT IS THE ONLY ESCAPE F.R.O.M THIS PRISON. I MUST FREE ALL MY PEOPLE FROM T.H.E.I.R CONFINEMENT" before running off, now his goal of "making sure everyone in the world is free" has taken a dark turn. After his fight he becomes a GONER.
*Dysfigure: a previous dark world ruler who's trying to reclaim her kingdom after it was destroyed during the roaring, she's very egotistical so imagine her joy when she found out she was the perfect version of herself.
(This will be updated as I add more things to their stories)
[If the character has a * beside their name that means their lore hasn't been explained yet]
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dinosaurstirfry · 1 month
I have a feeling that dysfigure and her dark world were their equivalents to queen and cyber city respectively
Dysfigure actually use to be good friends with Queen and probably would have ended up as an aunt to lancer if she didn't go insane
Dysfigures dark world was very simular to Queens, the major difference is while Queen trys to make a effort to keep her city nice and clean, Dysfigure became very lazy after she went insane so her city ended up in very rough shape
Dysfigures citizens probably wouldn't accept her back as their ruler even if she did manage to fix their dark world
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dinosaurstirfry · 3 days
Teaser for something a little art thingy I'm working on
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This is just jevil's segment of it, there will be more segments later
He was going to have his cape until I realized that I hate drawing capes
No guarantees but if you request your secret boss then i may make a segment for them
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dinosaurstirfry · 3 days
Dysfigure's ref sheet and lore page!
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How the hell are you also able to write here go away dysfigure
*OK :(
Ok so now that's done with so join me eventually where I'll take about even darker-ners (I'll probably take at least 2 week break from doing these though)
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F1ΠD H€®
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dinosaurstirfry · 6 days
Dysfigures old design
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Dysfigure is actually the early secret boss that i made for my deltarune take
Though back then her name was... Figurleen (could you tell that i had no idea what to name her)
Her original scrapped backstory is that she was a toy that was broken and each of the piece became separate darkeners who wanted to be 1 again (so the exact opposite of Twobe)
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The only things that remain of the old concept are them having the same defeat (turning into a statue) and her glitching reality to dodge attacks
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dinosaurstirfry · 11 days
Little update on my Deltarune take
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I was trying to get Dysfigures ref sheet done in time for before the undertale anniversary so I could reveal something that ive kept hidden about my deltarune take on the day of the anniversary, but I will probably have to delay Dusfigures ref sheet till next week
So in it's place i decided that I'd remake that old Elephanto post i did a while ago with everything about him in it since a lot of the things from the previous post are outdated
It will even have some cool new artwork for him in it as like the one above 2 paragraphs back
But i was wondering should I still reveal the surprise that I was planning to show off on the anniversary, or should I wait and reveal it after I get the posts that I wanna share first uploaded
No matter the decision I'll still give you this teaser for what it is
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dinosaurstirfry · 13 days
Dysfigure meeting my other secret bosses
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Just some goofy interaction stuff
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