#delta waterproofing
mail-me-a-snail · 7 days
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comfort. modesty. best of all--arasaka brand waterproof synthweave fabric...crafted especially for all your deep-diving needs. gotta delta right after a dive? don't worry; we got you covered.
continuing in my series of fat men for pride month...i saw this underwear on an ad this morning and genuinely? i blacked out. i woke up with this on my canvas idk how it got on there
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gunzlotzofgunz · 3 months
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Bushmaster CMP Competition AR-15 Semi-Auto Rifle
223/5.56mm, 20'' HBAR competition style barrel The right side is marked ''CMP'' above the forward assist on the upper receiver and the Civilian Marksmanship Program logo is on the mag well on the lower receiver. Rifle is equipped with A2 stocks and sights, the buttstock has the ''Delta'' riser and lead weights. The carry handle is equipped with a Leatherwood style mount which holds a Russian-style 3-9X40 riflescope. The waterproof scope is made in Belarus Rifle is also equipped with a Harris folding bipod
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tj-dragonblade · 8 months
WIP Word Search Game
Tagged by @seiya-starsniper - thank you! This is genuinely one of my favorite tumblr tag-games.
The words are: blue, rich, sky, jacket, and heart
Blue - from the Greek Vacation AU
The wet blue-stained material of his shirt is clinging to him, and through it Dream can see a generous thicket of chest hair, dark and curly and tantalizing. His libido leaps, imagining combing both hands through it, rubbing his cheek against it, and he tamps down on such thoughts with effort. He came down to drink, to people-watch, to placate his sisters who lamented his reclusive habits; sex was not on the agenda, particularly with a man over whom he'd just thrown his drink.
Rich - from the vampire wip that would have been great for the MFT bingo card if only I'd had it closer to done
Dream's hair is long, artfully coiffed and tied back with a black silk ribbon in a very fetching bow. He's wearing a black frock coat and blouse, a slate grey waistcoat brocaded with vivid poppies and silver starlight, all his buttons glittering with ruby accents; there are brocade cuffs on the coat to match the waistcoat, black lace cuffs on his shirt beneath, and the cravat at his throat is a rich deep red. He's got tight black breeches fastened below the knee, black stockings, heeled shoes in black leather with rubies on the square silver buckles and Hob feels woefully under-dressed in his t-shirt and boxers.
Sky - from the mer-Hob AU that also would have been great for the bingo if it was closer to done
The sky is light and the waves are lapping high up on the sand; Dream wades out and dives in, swims to the cave and hoists himself up to the rocky floor that's just barely above the waterline. He leaves his legs dangling in the ocean, sets his waterproof tote beside him. And then he waits.
Jacket - from the Impromptu Fishbowl Therapy wip
Hob suddenly has a jacket, where he did not before; his dream has provided it solely for the purpose of removing it and offering it to Dream. Dream accepts, lets Hob swirl the jacket around his naked shoulders, lets it re-shape into his usual robes as it settles around him, clothing him in a kindness that had not been available when he had escaped his prison in actuality those months ago.
Heart - from the werewolf fic that will be posting very soon since the bingo deadline got extended
Dream threads his other hand into Hob's hair as well, guides Hob's eager mouth up the length of his throat and over his chin, tightens his grip and pulls Hob's head back until their eyes meet. "You cannot harm me, Hob Gadling, nor can you. Hurt me, in any way that matters." Hob's eyes are dark with lust, with the shadow of his impending transformation, and something in Dream thrills to the sight. "I would have you share this new facet of yourself with me, that I might know all of the ever-changing man who lays claim to my heart."
Tagging, no obligation: @valeriianz , @chaosheadspace , @lenreli , @staroftheendless , @delta-pavonis
Your words are: please, light, want, dark, and red
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sylwanin-was-right · 2 years
Im rereading the ASG and im SOOOOO anticipating the information in this book to show up in the sequels somewhere.
It kinda feels like the ASG was mainly made to explain lore for all the games moreso than incorperating it into the movies, which is a shame because of how much lore can be made canon if its given proper time to be explored in important scenes instead of shoved to the side as short montages with minimal narration in favor of extended action sequences.
We could have seen:
Tuk playing with a Banshee toy
Banshee bows in use (tho some archery and weapons versed people in the Avatar server said it looked quite impractical to use lol),
We could have heard the whistling sounds of the awaiei or banshee of paradise (The survival guide doesn't say where the plant is found so it could be placed anywhere convenient in the war to make narrative use of its apparent eerie sounds)
Some symbolism with the delta and unidelta tree could be used as metaphors because of how the smaller unidelta sated one shares root toxins with the larger delta tree (possibke mother/daughter or father/son, teacher/student metaphors), and unidelta makes use to the Na'vi by having non toxic, waterproof leaves for bowls and other tools
The ritualism of gifting a personal belongings rack to a friend as described on page 44 could be seen in Jake's memories when Neytiri was teaching him or in memories of Jake and Neytiri teaching the kids before the humans returned
We could have saw ghe crafting of a bow from hometree and passing down of a cerimonial bow to the boys (whom are explicitly warriors; perhaos Tuk'tirey will be a warrior when she grows up too)
We could've saw in the movie how many plants and animals were being exploited by the RDA for benefits and luxuries on Earth and how workers are treated poorly and exploited for these resources, like
the smuggling of dinicthoid for aquariums
bioluminescent plants smuggled to Earth for jewelry
the experimenting with fngapsutxwll or anemonoid, which is claimed to "[be] studied for possible export to Earth for use in cleaning polluted soil" since it "absorbs small amounts of unobtanium".
Unobitanium minor casualties and suffering, reporting "tactile sensations and distortion in vision and hearing—likely the result of electromagnetic field. Some report disturbing thoughts or compulsions irregular heartbeats limb paralysis muscle tremors or vertigo and nausea".
As for the RDA lore, as bad and greed driven as it already is for the lives it takes and destruction it causes, it would have made the organization more obvious as a metaphor for monopolies and the way they create markets to dominte settler colonial-style rather than just destroying everything for zero reason and only having one market to exploit (capitalists intend to commodify everything not just stop at one thing).
Had their operations been expanded to show how many markets they were controling, the plundering of Pandora for unobtanium (and now the anti aging syrum) could be more obvious metaphors for how companies squander investment in less lucrative but more sustainable alternatives as well as arbitrarily creating scarcity through such markets. The late tho relevant introduction of the whaling fleet in AWOW was an introduction to this as the unsustainable waste and excessive death and cruelty of extracting of venture capitalist markets.
I just wish we could see more care and time taken into the lore of the franchise. I think after AWOW's visual spectacle but lackluster character and lore development, the bar needs to be raised immensely for cultural and narrative immersion.
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kairiscorner · 10 months
Okay! My Spidersona OC comes from another Earth, Earth 2020-6-2 (This is a nod to when the game was released). They go by their call sign, Arachnis and they’re an agent working for a secret organization, The Valorant Protocol.
Their Earth is set in the near future somewhere in the 2030s - 2050s and houses an element called Radianite which is a power source used in almost everything and everywhere. There are others like Arachnis who are called Radiants which when exposed to a certain amount of Radianite, these people would develop remarkable powers (It’s basically explaining some of the game’s lore). That’s how the Valorant agent got their Radiant powers, not getting bit by a radioactive spider.
Arachnis has the usual abilities like the other Spiders. Sticking/climbing onto flat surfaces, Spider sense, faster healing factor, enhanced strength (while not using the full percentage), increased reflexes, etc. However, what sets them apart from the others is they also have fangs and are able to inject venom that is highly lethal that contains a neurotoxin called delta-hexatoxin. They’re based off of the infamous Sydney Funnel Web spider (Atrax robustus).
Their fighting style tends to be more aggressive when dealing with anomalies and luckily not eliminating them due to their line of work as a Valorant agent where they have no “No Killing Rule” like Miguel (O’Hara had to reprimand them for almost killing the anomalies). This, and some behavioral traits of the Funnel Web when feeling threatened/provoked. They also know how to operate guns and always carry their signature Karambit knife with them. Despite their work background and field history, they’re actually a chill person to hang with when not working on missions/training the Spiders at the Society.
They don’t wear the traditional tight suits like everyone else. They’re styled in battle gear based on Techwear fashion.
Jacket - https://www.techwearclub.com/products/waterproof-skill-adjustable-jacket?variant=7ae7b96e-3edc-43b9-b4f6-a9300eabd5d8&gclid=CjwKCAjwt52mBhB5EiwA05YKow8hVVLpcA0X3pV9GKIGViuX4Ou7PpnLJ3UNkwIAYJpA0-5yfNaaGRoCloQQAvD_BwE
Pants - https://techwear.store/products/techwear-cargo-pants
Footwear - https://welovestreets.com/products/wls-techwear-high-platform-sock-sneakers?variant=40731425570968
Color scheme for Arachnis [Caution, if you’re arachnophobic] - https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/topics/wildlife/2017/02/worlds-deadliest-spider-the-sydney-funnel-web/
Arachnis also wear a customized mask covering half of their face where the fangs are and engineered to protect from hurting anyone due to prevent leftover venom from leaking everywhere. It also collects the said venom in a compartment of the mask where they can donate vials of the venom to non-profit medical organizations to create antivenom.
Oh yeah! They still have the standard web-shooters swing around when visiting their New York, capturing various anomalies and enemies from their home universe.
- ☃️ Anon
YO DAMN, THEY LOOK AND SOUND SO AWESOME !! ngl i think miguel would like having them on the team (save for the almost killing anomalies bit) bc they're a little closer in generation and their traits are a little similar, i noticed ! (the venom and fangs thing, they can relate to each other, i BET)
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bikeit · 3 years
Packing: Van-Supported + Hotel Tour
(part 3 of 5) I'm gradually going through past trip notebooks and jotting down all my packing lists down in one place. I'm writing out my packing list for an upcoming trip now so I figured I might as well copy and paste it onto the blog as well...
In 2022 I went on a multi-week vehicle-supported stay-in-hotels tour: a ~1200 mile ride through Vietnam and Cambodia with TdA Global Cycling. Typically for this type of trip there’s a support van that transports one large duffel bag to the next night’s hotel for you, freeing you to just carry daily essentials on the bike.
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The extra capacity combined with our more remote travel including gravel/dirt roads led me to pack heavier. My packing list for this type, climate, and length of trip (retroactively revised based on what I wished I’d had, or brought but didn’t use):
In general, I packed enough clothes to do laundry every six days (this bike tour was organized so we’d ride at most five full days in a row between days off), plus overnight hotel-room-sink laundry for crucial fast-drying items, and wool Ts I can wear multiple days.
Bike clothes:
(3-4x) padded bike shorts [two pairs is enough if washing in the sink each night, but when it’s raining or there isn’t an easy place to hang it to dry it’s nice to be able to take a day off laundry]
(6x) socks
(2x) shorts with pockets (“mountain bike style”) to wear over padded shorts, also fine to walk around town in
(2x) light merino wool t-shirts to both bike and walk around in
(1x) synthetic souvenir jersey from some past trip (conversation starter!)
mesh t-shirt to bike in on the hottest days (there isn't much I find comfortable to bike in on 90-100F sunny + humid days, but the AeroTech Delta Cooling T-shirt was pretty good)
lightweight cycle cap
bandana (can soak in water to cool down on the hottest days)
sun sleeves
arm warmers, leg warmers, leg sun shields [never needed, omit in this climate]
fingerless gloves
[tbd future] full finger waterproof gloves– there was one cold and rainy day at elevation they would have been appreciated
general-purpose bike-and-walk shoes
backup pair of shoes (in case first get wet and don’t dry by the next day)-- this only came up twice after very rainy days, but I was glad to have them. I save an ancient worn-out pair of shoes just for this.
flip-flops / crocs
[tbd future] hiking shoes with better arch support, or insoles [would be bulky, but on one many-hour hike on a rest day I was wishing I had these]
[tbd future] bike helmet brim (e.g. Da Brim) [wished I had more of a helmet visor some days, and this was great on the past Utah MTB dirt tour – on the other hands, it also catches the wind if biking faster]
[tbd future] hi-vis biking vest, especially for days with some dark road tunnels
Other Clothes:
gym shorts to change into after ride
(2x) long pants (one lpermethrin treated since I was in a malaria zone)
(3x) light t-shirts
(2x) long sleeve button up shirt (one quick-dry hiking style, one ‘dressy’)
bathing suit
brimmed hat
light pack towel in case of roadside swimming holes [didn’t end up carrying daily or using, may omit]
Wet Weather Gear
hi-vis yellow rain coat
[tbd future] loose rain poncho for rain in hot + humid weather, instead
rain pants and shoe covers [ineffective and sweaty after hours of riding, getting wet in a warm climate is OK, omitting]
Documents + Paper:
photocopies of passport ID page, visas, vaccination cards, travel insurance in a ziploc bag (I carry copies on me, leave originals in hotel bag)
high-level maps for the regions I’m going through
pocket phrase guide or one-page printout of common phrases and menu items
local travel guide
books / kindle
notebooks and pens
Medical + Hygiene
toiletries kit
on-bike travel medkit (including moleskin pads, ibuprofen, immodium)
antibiotic prescription
a few rapid Covid tests
dry soap sheets
toilet paper + wet wipes in a ziploc bag
(2x) sunscreen
(2x) chamois cream
Basic Bike Tools
As per my standard “on the bike” list:
travel pump
patch kit
spare tube
tire levers
multitool including chain break and master link
grease-cutting hand wipes
More Bicycle Spare Parts and Tools
Since we’d be out in rural areas without easy access to bike shops, I packed additional parts in my hotel bag, as on a supported tour there was an emergency vehicle in case of a major breakdown):
(2x) spare tires (I did end up using one of them, when one tire accumulated multiple larger punctures)
(5x) spare tubes (managed to use 3 plus some patches on a month-long tour with moderately rough roads)
bicycle lube (Boeshield T-9 or other), double-bagged in two ziplocs in case of leak (the bottle did leak once-- I'm glad I bagged it)
rag for chain
(2x) spare brake cables and housings
(2x) spare shift cables and housings
(2x pairs) brake pads
(1x) spare set of pedals (likely unnecessary, omit next time)
(4x) spare spokes (the right length for the front wheel and drive and non-drive sides of the rear wheel– I had to chat with the original bike manufacturer to double-check these)
8mm allen L-key (stiffer than multitool, for pedals / seat during bike unpacking)
spare chain and master link
extra moist towelettes
zip ties
duct tape
This kind of supported tour generally offers a midday lunch / snack popup by the side of the road, and periodic towns where we could buy snacks, but I packed about one snack for every two days just to have some familiar options (peanut butter and dried pineapple) as well as some hydration salts.
(2x) outlet adapters
(2x) USB chargers
small USB battery pack (enough to charge everything for one night-- occasionally a hotel didn't have enough working plugs)
bike computer / GPS
backup distance-only bike computer [didn't use, the phone is already my backup for my GPS, omit]
bright daylight-visible taillight (I like the Cygolite Hotshot Pro series)
bike headling
headlamp [somewhat redundant with headlight and phone, may omit]
waterproof camera [nice for taking photos on rainy days while keeping phone tucked away in a plastic bag, but may omit next time]
[tbd future] ipad or tiny laptop, if part of a longer trip where I may want to do some work or writing
duffel bag (I've been happy with my 100L Patagonia Black Hole)
hip pack (for extra water (Evoc Hip Pack Pro = 1.5L), snacks, toiletries on bike [may omit now that I have a small frame bag]
day pack for hikes (don't need both this and hip pack)
single pannier for carrying clothing on rainy or cold days (usually not needed) or if going on a DIY side trip -- omit on next trip to simplify and allow me to remove bike rear rack as well
stem bag (for sunglasses, sunscreen, extra water)
top tube bag (snacks)
Other Misc
backup pair of glasses
glasses wipes
[tbd future] clothesline for hotel room / balcony: paracord + binder clips + two carabiners
[tbd future] ultralight sleeping bag liner (for a niche problem: there were a few days when it was too hot to sleep under a comforter, but the hotel didn’t provide a top sheet, and bugs or aggressive breeze from the hotel fan on my skin were distracting when trying to sleep, maybe this would help)
Not counting the bike and helmet or the clothes I wore onto the plane, the original version of this packlist came to about 48lbs (22 kg) in the duffel bag. Once I was riding with some of it on the bike (hip pack, bike bags, tools, snack bars, and so on), the duffel that was transferred between hotels weighed about 40lbs (18kg).
The revised version of this packlist for a future trip (removing the strikeout items and adding most of the "tbd future" items) also came to about 48 lbs as checked on the plane total including the bike bags, or about 43 lbs / 19.5 kg once some items were carried on the bike. Not quite at my goal of 18kg but close... I could pack lighter and with fewer separate sub-bags, but I like being organized and bringing a few new pieces of clothing/gear to try each trip.
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daniel-level · 1 month
How Much Does Basement Waterproofing Cost in Toronto?
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Waterproofing your basement is essential to protect your home from water damage, mold growth, and structural issues. In Oakville, with its variable weather and soil conditions, choosing the right products for basement waterproofing can make a significant difference in maintaining a dry, healthy, and stable home environment. This guide will introduce you to the best products for basement waterproofing, helping you make informed decisions for effective moisture control.
1. Waterproof Coatings and Sealants
Waterproof coatings and sealants are among the most effective products for creating a moisture-resistant barrier on Basement Waterproofing Services Toronto walls and floors. Here are some of the top options:
Drylok® Extreme: This latex-based waterproof paint is known for its ability to withstand high water pressure. It penetrates deep into the masonry to create a durable, waterproof barrier. It's easy to apply with a brush or roller and is ideal for both DIY and professional use.
SANI-TRED®: This flexible rubber coating is highly effective in sealing out water and is resistant to mold and mildew. SANI-TRED® products can be used on a variety of surfaces, including concrete, wood, and metal. The system includes PermaFlex®, LRB (Liquid Rubber Base), and TAV (Thickening Activator).
Ames® Blue Max®: A liquid rubber coating that provides a waterproof membrane. It can be applied to interior and exterior surfaces, creating a seamless, flexible, and durable barrier. Ames® Blue Max® is known for its excellent adhesion and resistance to cracking.
2. Basement Wall and Floor Sealers
Sealers are specifically designed to penetrate and protect concrete surfaces from moisture:
RadonSeal® Deep-Penetrating Concrete Sealer: This product penetrates deep into concrete, sealing pores and preventing water, radon gas, and soil gases from entering the basement. It’s particularly useful for older homes with porous concrete.
Ghostshield® Siloxa-Tek 8500: A high-performance, impregnating sealer that offers protection against water and salt damage. It’s a great choice for both indoor and outdoor applications, providing a long-lasting barrier against moisture.
3. Crack Repair Products
Cracks in basement walls and floors are common entry points for water. Using the right crack repair products is crucial for effective waterproofing:
FlexiSpan® Crack Repair System: This product from Basement Systems is designed to permanently seal wall cracks and prevent water leakage. The system uses a flexible sealant and a polyurethane foam that expands to fill the crack, creating a long-lasting barrier.
Hydraulic Cement: Products like Quikrete Hydraulic Water-Stop Cement are ideal for repairing cracks and holes in concrete. This type of cement expands as it sets, forming a tight, waterproof seal that prevents water infiltration.
4. Interior Drainage Systems
Interior drainage systems help manage water that enters the basement and redirects it away from the foundation:
WaterGuard® Basement Drainage System: This system from Basement Systems is installed along the perimeter of the basement floor, beneath the concrete slab. It captures water seepage from the walls and floor and directs it to a sump pump.
SuperSump® Premier Sump Pump System: An effective sump pump system is essential for managing water collected by interior drainage systems. The SuperSump® system includes a high-capacity pump, a sturdy liner, and an airtight lid to prevent moisture and odors from escaping.
5. Exterior Waterproofing Membranes
Exterior waterproofing is critical for preventing water from entering the basement in the first place. These membranes are applied to the exterior foundation walls:
Delta®-MS Waterproofing Membrane: This dimpled membrane provides a protective barrier against water and damp soil. It creates an air gap that allows the foundation to breathe while preventing water from reaching the basement walls.
Henry® Blueskin® WP200: A self-adhering waterproofing membrane that provides excellent protection against water and vapor. It’s highly flexible and easy to apply, making it a popular choice for exterior foundation waterproofing.
6. French Drains and Exterior Drainage Solutions
Proper exterior drainage is essential for diverting water away from the foundation:
NDS® Pro Series Channel Drains: These channel drains effectively manage surface water and direct it away from the foundation. They are durable, easy to install, and come in various sizes to accommodate different needs.
EZ-Drain™ French Drain System: This prefabricated French drain system is designed to be lightweight, easy to install, and highly effective in managing groundwater. It consists of a corrugated pipe surrounded by a polystyrene aggregate, wrapped in a geotextile fabric.
7. Vapor Barriers
Vapor barriers are essential for controlling moisture and preventing mold growth in basements:
CrawlSeal® Vapor Barrier: Made from thick, durable plastic, this vapor barrier is designed to prevent moisture from passing through basement walls and floors. It’s particularly useful for encapsulating crawl spaces and creating a dry environment.
Stego® Wrap Vapor Barrier: Known for its strength and effectiveness, this vapor barrier is made from a high-performance blend of polyolefin resins. It provides superior protection against moisture and radon gas infiltration.
Waterproofing your basement in Oakville requires a combination of the right products and techniques to ensure long-term protection against moisture and water damage. By understanding the benefits and applications of various waterproofing products, you can make informed decisions to keep your basement dry and healthy. Whether you choose to tackle the project yourself or hire a professional, investing in high-quality waterproofing solutions will provide peace of mind and preserve the value of your home.
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Ef Ecoflow 1612Wh Portable Power Station Review
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EF ECOFLOW's Portable Power Station, the Ef Ecoflow 1612Wh, offers a reliable and versatile solution for powering various devices both indoors and outdoors. With its multiple charging methods and robust design, this product promises to be a valuable addition to any home or camping setup. Having used the EF ECOFLOW Portable Power Station during camping trips, I found it to be a robust and effective power source. The ability to power multiple devices simultaneously, including appliances up to 2500W, was a game-changer for our camper van setup. Despite the weight of the power unit and solar panels, the performance was commendable. However, the charging speed with solar panels was slower unless under direct sunlight. Multiple Charging Methods Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon The EF ECOFLOW Delta Max (1600) Solar Generator offers multiple charging methods, making it versatile and convenient to power up. Whether you prefer using AC, solar, car, or the EcoFlow Smart Generator, this solar generator has you covered. With the ability to charge to 80% in under 1 hour via wall outlets, and the option for Dual Charging to combine AC with the Smart Generator for faster speeds, this product ensures you have power when you need it most. Additionally, pairing solar + AC, or Solar + the Smart Generator opens up more possibilities for outdoor use. Ef Ecoflow 1612Wh: Power Flexibility Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon With an impressive 2000W output, the EF ECOFLOW Delta Max (1600) Solar Generator can power up to 13 devices simultaneously. It also features X-Boost technology, allowing it to power 2500W appliances with ease. This level of power output makes it an ideal backup generator for various needs, providing flexibility and reliability during power outages or outdoor adventures. Bifacial Solar Panel Design Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon The EF ECOFLOW Delta Max (1600) Solar Generator comes with a unique Bifacial Design for its solar panel. With a 220W front side and a 155W rear side for ambient light, this solar panel can capture an extra 5-25% solar energy, depending on the surface it's placed on. This innovative design enhances charging efficiency, making it an excellent choice for those looking to maximize solar power generation. Ef Ecoflow 1612Wh: Weather Resilience Credit - Amazon.com   Built to withstand various weather conditions, the EcoFlow 220W Bifacial Solar Panel is designed to be durable and reliable. Featuring a thin, one-piece tempered glass design, it is 5x more durable than comparable solar panels. Additionally, it holds an IP68 Waterproof rating, making it water and dust resistant. This weatherproof feature ensures that the solar panel can perform optimally in challenging outdoor environments. Ef Ecoflow 1612Wh: Emergency Preparedness Credit - Amazon.com   The EF ECOFLOW Delta Max (1600) Solar Generator is an ideal solution for home backup power needs. It can easily power essential appliances such as refrigerators, heaters, and electric blankets during electricity blackouts. With this portable power station, you can rest assured that you are prepared for unexpected power outages and emergencies. Comprehensive Kit Inclusion Credit - Amazon.com   The EF ECOFLOW Delta Max (1600) Solar Generator kit includes everything you need to get started. It comes with a 1612Wh power station, a 220W Foldable Solar Panel, and all the necessary accessories for a seamless setup. This comprehensive kit ensures that you have all the components required to harness solar power and enjoy portable, reliable energy wherever you go. Ef Ecoflow 1612Wh: Customer Reviews Credit - Amazon.com   Customer feedback on the EF ECOFLOW Delta Max (1600) Solar Generator highlights both positive and negative aspects of the product. While some users appreciate its robust performance and effectiveness, others express concerns about the weight and noise levels during charging. These reviews offer valuable insights into the real-world experiences of users, helping potential buyers make informed decisions based on firsthand experiences. Read also: - EcoFlow DELTA 2 Portable: The Ultimate Power Solution - Fdit's Portable Power Station: A Game-Changer for Outdoor Adventures - ALLPOWERS Portable Power Station: Versatile and Powerful Backup Battery - ANFUOTE 1013Wh Portable Power Station: Compact and Powerful Solution for Outdoor and Home Use Conclusion In conclusion, the EF ECOFLOW Portable Power Station offers a reliable backup power solution for emergencies and outdoor adventures. While there were some minor inconveniences such as the weight and noise during charging, the overall performance and durability make it a worthwhile investment for those seeking a versatile and powerful portable power source. Questions & Answers: Question: How many devices can the EF ECOFLOW Delta Max Solar Generator power at once? Answer: The EF ECOFLOW Delta Max Solar Generator can power up to 13 devices simultaneously with its 2000W output. Question: What are some drawbacks users have mentioned about the EF ECOFLOW Delta Max Solar Generator? Answer: Users have highlighted issues with the weight and design of the unit, including loud fan noise and inconvenient plug placement, impacting usability. Question: How does the bifacial design of the included solar panel benefit the charging process? Answer: The bifacial design of the 220W solar panel allows for faster charging and increased solar energy absorption, providing more efficient power generation. Buy On Amazon Read the full article
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
There's some vehicles here that we should probably look at making when they caught my eye and he said all it needs is better suspension is the Thor and sometimes because the name is because it's versatile and can float and it can go in all sorts of atmospheres and it can be an atmosphere vehicle and one of the keys why it works is the tires that don't have to have air and I like it he says it's pretty cool one reason why it works so well is it has a short wheelbase no it doesn't need better suspension it is a very unique vehicle the other one that we already make is a big red truck it's not by Rolls-Royce and we make the version you see in Iraq and it's a little bit beefier than the one shown here and it can't go through walls and all sorts of things there's several others that are of interest and really not bad the first one is very decent that can be actually for civilian use and we're going to look at producing them and we need them and people need them this is a disgusting way to live just being exposed and we're going to start producing them shortly too we have several companies were purchasing today and we're going to mention them
-Walmart or finalizing at 15%, Target were finalizing at 80%, and JCPenney were finalizing a 70%, Robeson hardware we are finalizing at 30%, Ace hardware we are finalizing at 30%, they're different companies, Harley-Davidson finalizing is 75% and these are all purchase agreements there are several more, floor Daniel or finalizing at 60%, turner construction were finalizing at 50%, pretty we are finalizing at 40%, Morrison condition where finalizing at 30%, briggs & Stratton we're finalizing at 80%, Coleman we are finalizing at 70%, Chrysler Dahmer we're finalizing the purchase of 80% of Dodge 70% of Lincoln and we're not purchasing their motor company as of yet, Pontiac automobiles and engines we are finalizing it 100% today we should sign hopefully, Kroger foods 79% for purchase today and is said to mention the number, stater Brothers which are many grocery stores 75% and they are signing and did say to mention the number, lane foods 85% and we are signing today and they said to mention it the number and it's accurate, overland and they ship mostly food but we are approaching 70% today and they said to say the number, green we're purchasing 20% today, citgo 76 Arco Chevron all of those together we approaching 30% each, accelerator izing the purchase we will have 100% today we're purchasing the remaining 10%, Occidental petroleum for purchasing the remaining 10% we will have 100% today, Mobile oil will producing 30%, that's what we will have total, Sunoco 20% shell we are purchasing 10%, several jet airline companies that are commercial Jets one of them is allegiant Air and they do operate and run the resort and it will be ours and he's requested with repair it and shut down that building that was hit and we will 20% and we won't be able to yet, JetBlue 50% United airlines short travel 80% American airlines short travel 60%, Delta airlines 50% and there are several small companies that were purchasing 50% of discover JetBlue and swiss air, there are many many companies in purchasing today and we're running out of battery one more is Harley Davidson has 75% and they said to mention the number and we are going into a purchase agreement today and will begin production today and we also purchased more construction companies and construction supply we have a huge huge firm now we purchased
And it is Grace and they do a lot of envelope work and waterproofing and more roofing too we have also made arrangements and Grace is 80% and we are going to purchase a large number today it's one of the biggest there's only three and we have a good portion of the first two about 70% each this final one is a lever company out of westfalia it's very small place but they made a huge lumber company and the name of it is Westfalia at 70% and we're going to ship number today and we're also shipping Harley-Davidson's once we sign the agreement today tons of them to the dealers and we're retaining the workers, we're going to publish now
Thor Freya
I do have something to say this is a huge number of businesses we have to publish Hera
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deltawaterproofing1975 · 7 minutes
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#BSLBATT American golf cart battery agent Sonny Power Co customer evaluation B-LFP48-104GC battery, weighing 106lbs, only 1/3 of the weight of similar 48V lead-acid batteries, equipped with original Delta-Q Technologies waterproof charger, charging faster. A customer of Sonny Power installed it to drive his #golf cart at speeds up to 40 mph by saving over 212 lbs. You will experience better golf cart handling, less wear and tear and lower maintenance cost -- check the picture below BSL Lithium battery weighs 1/4 of a set of lead-acid golf ball cart batteries.
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david-breunig · 1 year
Top 5 Solar Generators for Sale Today
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The Importance of Solar Generators in the Energy Storage Industry
In recent years, the use of solar generators has become increasingly popular in the energy storage industry. As renewable energy sources such as solar panels become more accessible, it is important to have a reliable way to store that energy for later use. That is where solar generators come in. These devices convert the energy from the sun into electricity, which can then be stored and used to power various devices and appliances.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Solar Generator
When choosing a solar generator, it is important to consider several factors:
The capacity of the generator, which determines how much energy it can store.
The type and number of outlets, which determine what devices can be powered and how many can be powered at once.
The weight and portability of the generator, which determine how easy it is to transport and use.
The durability and warranty of the generator, which can affect its lifespan and long-term value.
Top 5 Solar Generators for Sale Today
Here are our top picks for solar generators:
1. Goal Zero Yeti 1400 Lithium Portable Power Station
The Goal Zero Yeti 1400 Lithium is a powerful and versatile solar generator with a capacity of 1425Wh. It features a variety of ports, including AC, USB-C, and USB-A, to power a wide range of devices. It also has a built-in LCD screen to display the battery level and charging status, and it is compatible with various solar panels for recharging. It comes with a 2-year warranty for added peace of mind.
2. Jackery Explorer 1000 Portable Power Station
The Jackery Explorer 1000 is a compact and lightweight solar generator with a capacity of 1002Wh. It features a variety of ports, including AC, USB-C, and USB-A, as well as a 12V carport and a built-in LED light. It also has a user-friendly LCD screen to display the battery level and charging status, and it can be recharged with solar panels or wall outlets. It comes with a 24-month warranty and lifetime customer support.
3. Renogy Phoenix Portable Generator All-in-one Solar Kit
The Renogy Phoenix is an all-in-one solar generator and kit that includes a 20W solar panel, a 16Ah Li-ion battery, and a built-in LCD screen display. It has a capacity of 210Wh and features a variety of ports, including AC, DC, USB, and cigarette lighter. It is also waterproof and dustproof, making it ideal for outdoor activities. It comes with a 1-year warranty and lifetime technical support.
4. EcoFlow Delta Portable Power Station
The EcoFlow Delta is a powerful and high-capacity solar generator with a capacity of 1260Wh. It features a variety of ports, including AC, USB-C, and USB-A, as well as a 12V carport and two DC 6mm ports. It also has a user-friendly LCD screen to display the battery level and charging status, and it can be recharged with solar panels, wall outlets, or a carport. It comes with a 24-month warranty and lifetime technical support.
5. Rockpals 500W Portable Power Station
The Rockpals 500W is a budget-friendly solar generator with a capacity of 540Wh. It features a variety of ports, including AC, DC, and USB, as well as a built-in LED light and a user-friendly LCD screen to display the battery level and charging status. It can be recharged with solar panels or wall outlets. It comes with an 18-month warranty and lifetime technical support.
Choosing the right solar generator can be a daunting task, but considering factors such as capacity, ports, weight, and durability can help narrow down the options. Our top picks offer a range of features and prices to fit any need and budget, and they all come with warranties and customer support for added peace of mind. Whether for camping, emergency situations, or everyday use, a solar generator is a reliable and sustainable energy storage solution.
Renogy Phoenix Portable Generator All-in-one Solar Kit
Goal Zero Yeti 1400 Lithium Portable Power Station
Jackery Explorer 1000 Portable Power Station
EcoFlow Delta Portable Power Station
Rockpals 500W Portable Power Station
Article source: None Shock! It's amazing how magical this thing is solar generators for sale.
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pjfaze · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ABEO DELTA H20 GRAY / PURPLE HIKING SANDAL WOMEN'S SIZE 9.
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abcnewspr · 1 year
America’s No. 1 News Source Will Report on Safety of the Water Supply and the Disproportionate Impact on Poor Communities, Changes in Sea Levels That Lead to More Flooding, Scientists Who Encourage Clouds to Rain and Snow to Combat Megadroughts and More
‘Good Morning America’ To Launch Weeklong ‘Rivers Across America with Ginger Zee,’ Covering Climate Change’s Impact on Water and Millions of People With Reports From the Mississippi Delta, Colorado River and Crystal River in Florida 
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ABC News* 
No one can live without water. Yet, in some places, water issues are threatening the health of millions of people around the world. ABC News announced today The Power of Water initiative featuring robust reporting across all programs and platforms as well as 23 ABC stations for Earth Week beginning Sunday, April 16. As part of ABC News’ ongoing commitment to climate- and environmental-related stories, anchors and correspondents will fan out across the country and report on everything from the safety of the water supply and the disproportionate impact on poor communities, changes in sea levels that lead to more flooding, scientists who are forcing clouds to rain and snow to combat megadroughts and more. 
“The Power of Water initiative continues ABC News’ dedicated commitment to report on climate change and environmental crises, which are critical issues of our time,” said ABC News President Kim Godwin. “By taking a deep dive into answering questions around the contamination of water, lack of water in some places and too much water in others, we hope to shed light on how this essential resource is posing a health risk to millions.”  
“Good Morning America” will launch “Rivers Across America with Ginger Zee” on Monday, April 17. Zee, chief meteorologist and managing editor of ABC News’ climate unit, is set to begin reporting live from the Mississippi Delta, covering the first U.S. climate refugees, moving a low-lying village to a new purpose-built town inland. Zee will then report on the Colorado River and “weather modification,” which uses microscopic particles to encourage storms to produce more rain and snow than they naturally would in the race to manage the megadrought that is drying out parts of the American West. Finally, Zee takes viewers to the pristine waters of the Crystal River in Florida, live with the manatee families that call the river home, shining a light on the inspiring story behind the restoration of this once-devastated ecosystem. Contributing correspondent Becky Worley brings viewers tips to make home and lifestyle improvements that protect the planet and can also cut costs with her three-part series “This Green House,” detailing how to discover hidden water leaks that could be causing water waste and a higher bill, testing tap water for mineral contamination and other at-home eco-based changes. 
“World News Tonight with David Muir” will feature stories and reporting on water from ABC News’ correspondents during Earth Week, including dedicated coverage on Thursday, April 20, with anchor David Muir reporting from the frontlines of an international water crisis.  
ABC News’ investigative unit will take an in-depth look at the aging infrastructure in Louisiana, which ranks as one of the worst in the country. Senior national correspondent Steve Osunsami reports from St. Tammany and Waterproof, two communities dealing with infrastructure issues and a lack of safe flowing water. Osunsami’s reporting will be featured across ABC News programs and platforms, including “GMA,” “Nightline” and ABC News Live. 
“Nightline” will have in-depth reporting throughout the week, including a story on the shocking statistic that 2.2 million Americans don’t have access to running water inside their homes. “Nightline” will travel to these communities where it’s a daily task to have water for dishes, laundry, showering and drinking, and the steps that need to be taken to find a solution. The program will also feature reporting from Muir and Osunsami. 
“This Week with George Stephanopoulos” will preview ABC Owned Television Stations’ docu-series “Our America: Trouble on Tap,” detailed below, featuring an interview with EPA administrator Michael Regan on the water contamination in North Carolina on Sunday, April 16. “This Week” co-anchor and chief global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz will also examine climate change’s influence on harmful algal blooms and the impact on marine life and coastal communities.
“GMA3: What You Need to Know” will feature dedicated water stories, including a story on several mothers in Flint, Michigan, and how lead contamination in drinking water can impact maternal health and childbirth outcomes; Zee’s reporting from central Florida on how improving water quality restores biodiversity; senior congressional correspondent Rachel Scott’s reporting on the water inequality in Navajo Nation, following two families in rural Utah and New Mexico who travel miles weekly to get water; and a joint project with ABC News Live with reporting from Zee on portable technology that extracts water from the air. Global climate activist Nana Firman, who is a leading voice in encouraging the American Muslim community to practice an eco-lifestyle, will join Faith Friday on April 21. 
“The View” will have several guests on during the week to discuss water and climate, including Zee on Tuesday, April 18, and environmental activist Erin Brockovich on Thursday, April 20. 
ABC News Live, the 24/7 streaming news channel, will have weeklong coverage beginning Monday, April 17, featuring Zee’s “Rivers Across America” series from “GMA” and daily guests to discuss climate and water topics, including fashion brands and beer companies that are aiming to use less water, biodiversity, and ocean cleanup. “ABC News Live Prime with Linsey Davis” will also feature several pieces throughout the week, including spending the day with a group of women whose lives have changed due to access to clean water and are now fighting for clean water for all. Davis will also have an exclusive interview with actor Matt Damon about his water foundation. Correspondent Mireya Villarreal will bring viewers to the front lines of the climate crisis as she travels to the Salton Sea in California, where lack of clear air, limited water, jobs and education have depleted an entire community. However, with one of the largest lithium reserves in the world, this community is awaiting the funds and help needed to make changes. Zee will also take an inside look at hydro panels, an innovative solution to creating water “out of thin air.” ABC News Live will also feature Osunsami’s reporting from Waterproof, Louisiana. 
“20/20” will feature ABC News’ Chris Connelly going inside the investigation of Lake Mead with the Las Vegas police cold case unit, where the remains of as many as four bodies have recently surfaced due to water levels falling to historic lows in recent years, with one body found in a barrel with a bullet wound to the head. The new “20/20” episode “Secrets of the Lake” airs Thursday, May 4, at 10:00 p.m. on ABC. 
ABC News Digital will launch an immersive experience page on ABCNews.com, showcase the network’s coverage of climate and environmental stories, and take users through an interactive journey with photos, videos, graphics and text. The team will publish stories and videos throughout Earth Week, including how manufacturing has impacted water in Puerto Rico; America’s aging infrastructure; the drought impacting the West Coast; how rising sea levels in New York City are affecting coastal flooding; how small businesses are impacted by water problems; and the geoengineering used to combat the climate crisis. “GMA” Digital will also feature several climate stories, including Zee on water-conserving, eco-friendly yard makeover, eco-friendly best practices for food, home and shopping, a 14-year-old mission to alleviate food insecurity through hydroponic gardens, and a look at tap versus bottled water. All digital content is available on ABCNews.com, GoodMorningAmerica.com and the ABC News app.  
ABC News’ flagship daily podcast “Start Here,” hosted by Brad Mielke, will travel to Lake Erie to examine the effect of microplastics on the nation’s drinking water. ABC News Radio will provide original reporting to all affiliates in hourly newscasts throughout the day on April 20. A special edition of “Perspective,” ABC News Radio’s weekly newsmagazine, will be available on Thursday, April 21. The episode will feature a story on how American citizens get their water and why some cities like New York City are doing well while others are struggling, as well as a report on what recent dolphin sightings in the East and Bronx Rivers tell us about the health of the waterways. “Start Here” and “Perspective” are available on demand wherever podcasts are available. 
ABC NewsOne, the affiliate news service of ABC News, will be providing reports and analysis throughout Earth Week, including a look at the continuing presence of dangerous lead pipes in homes and schools, the success of the lead pipe replacement project in Newark, New Jersey, and how the various issues around water disproportionately impact communities of color. Twenty-three ABC stations will also have coverage as part of the network’s The Power of Water initiative, including KRDO in Colorado Springs; WHAS in Louisville; KTRK in Houston; WFAA in Dallas; KXLY in Spokane; KAVU in Victoria, Texas; KMGH in Denver; KESQ in Palm Springs; KXTV in Sacramento; KOCO in Oklahoma City; KTWO in Casper, Wyoming; KKTQ in Cheyenne, Wyoming; KYUR in Anchorage, Alaska; WPBY in Lafayette, Indiana; KNTV in Las Vegas; KVUE in Austin; WDIO in Duluth; WTVG in Toledo; WMAR in Baltimore; KCRG in Cedar Rapids, Iowa; WKOW in Madison, Wisconsin; KNXV in Phoenix and WSB in Atlanta. NewsOne provides news content and services for more than 200 ABC affiliates and international news partners. 
ABC Owned Television Stations will debut a three-part documentary series in partnership with ABC News and National Geographic titled “Our America: Trouble on Tap.” The first episode will premiere Friday, April 21, at ouramericaabc.com, across streaming platforms and on Hulu. The series, produced by Tracy J. Wholf, coordinating producer of the climate unit at ABC News, and Justin Allen, executive producer with the ABC Owned Television Stations, looks at how environmental pollution, climate change and aging infrastructure are gradually eroding the ability of more and more communities across the United States to have access to free and potable drinking water. Additional details on the series are available at ouramericaabc.com. 
*COPYRIGHT ©2023 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All photography is copyrighted material and is for editorial use only. Images are not to be archived, altered, duplicated, resold, retransmitted or used for any other purposes without written permission of ABC. Images are distributed to the press to publicize current programming. Any other usage must be licensed.  
ABC News Media Relations   
Anna Negrón 
For more information, follow ABC News PR on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.   
-- ABC -- 
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Ef Ecoflow 1612Wh Portable Power Station Review
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EF ECOFLOW's Portable Power Station, the Ef Ecoflow 1612Wh, offers a reliable and versatile solution for powering various devices both indoors and outdoors. With its multiple charging methods and robust design, this product promises to be a valuable addition to any home or camping setup. Having used the EF ECOFLOW Portable Power Station during camping trips, I found it to be a robust and effective power source. The ability to power multiple devices simultaneously, including appliances up to 2500W, was a game-changer for our camper van setup. Despite the weight of the power unit and solar panels, the performance was commendable. However, the charging speed with solar panels was slower unless under direct sunlight. Multiple Charging Methods Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon The EF ECOFLOW Delta Max (1600) Solar Generator offers multiple charging methods, making it versatile and convenient to power up. Whether you prefer using AC, solar, car, or the EcoFlow Smart Generator, this solar generator has you covered. With the ability to charge to 80% in under 1 hour via wall outlets, and the option for Dual Charging to combine AC with the Smart Generator for faster speeds, this product ensures you have power when you need it most. Additionally, pairing solar + AC, or Solar + the Smart Generator opens up more possibilities for outdoor use. Ef Ecoflow 1612Wh: Power Flexibility Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon With an impressive 2000W output, the EF ECOFLOW Delta Max (1600) Solar Generator can power up to 13 devices simultaneously. It also features X-Boost technology, allowing it to power 2500W appliances with ease. This level of power output makes it an ideal backup generator for various needs, providing flexibility and reliability during power outages or outdoor adventures. Bifacial Solar Panel Design Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon The EF ECOFLOW Delta Max (1600) Solar Generator comes with a unique Bifacial Design for its solar panel. With a 220W front side and a 155W rear side for ambient light, this solar panel can capture an extra 5-25% solar energy, depending on the surface it's placed on. This innovative design enhances charging efficiency, making it an excellent choice for those looking to maximize solar power generation. Ef Ecoflow 1612Wh: Weather Resilience Credit - Amazon.com   Built to withstand various weather conditions, the EcoFlow 220W Bifacial Solar Panel is designed to be durable and reliable. Featuring a thin, one-piece tempered glass design, it is 5x more durable than comparable solar panels. Additionally, it holds an IP68 Waterproof rating, making it water and dust resistant. This weatherproof feature ensures that the solar panel can perform optimally in challenging outdoor environments. Ef Ecoflow 1612Wh: Emergency Preparedness Credit - Amazon.com   The EF ECOFLOW Delta Max (1600) Solar Generator is an ideal solution for home backup power needs. It can easily power essential appliances such as refrigerators, heaters, and electric blankets during electricity blackouts. With this portable power station, you can rest assured that you are prepared for unexpected power outages and emergencies. Comprehensive Kit Inclusion Credit - Amazon.com   The EF ECOFLOW Delta Max (1600) Solar Generator kit includes everything you need to get started. It comes with a 1612Wh power station, a 220W Foldable Solar Panel, and all the necessary accessories for a seamless setup. This comprehensive kit ensures that you have all the components required to harness solar power and enjoy portable, reliable energy wherever you go. Ef Ecoflow 1612Wh: Customer Reviews Credit - Amazon.com   Customer feedback on the EF ECOFLOW Delta Max (1600) Solar Generator highlights both positive and negative aspects of the product. While some users appreciate its robust performance and effectiveness, others express concerns about the weight and noise levels during charging. These reviews offer valuable insights into the real-world experiences of users, helping potential buyers make informed decisions based on firsthand experiences. Read also: - EcoFlow DELTA 2 Portable: The Ultimate Power Solution - Fdit's Portable Power Station: A Game-Changer for Outdoor Adventures - ALLPOWERS Portable Power Station: Versatile and Powerful Backup Battery - ANFUOTE 1013Wh Portable Power Station: Compact and Powerful Solution for Outdoor and Home Use Conclusion In conclusion, the EF ECOFLOW Portable Power Station offers a reliable backup power solution for emergencies and outdoor adventures. While there were some minor inconveniences such as the weight and noise during charging, the overall performance and durability make it a worthwhile investment for those seeking a versatile and powerful portable power source. Questions & Answers: Question: How many devices can the EF ECOFLOW Delta Max Solar Generator power at once? Answer: The EF ECOFLOW Delta Max Solar Generator can power up to 13 devices simultaneously with its 2000W output. Question: What are some drawbacks users have mentioned about the EF ECOFLOW Delta Max Solar Generator? Answer: Users have highlighted issues with the weight and design of the unit, including loud fan noise and inconvenient plug placement, impacting usability. Question: How does the bifacial design of the included solar panel benefit the charging process? Answer: The bifacial design of the 220W solar panel allows for faster charging and increased solar energy absorption, providing more efficient power generation. Buy On Amazon Read the full article
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