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bunnyteapartyy · 3 months ago
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toshiko sees no difference !
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trashrat420 · 3 months ago
I made more !! Wave 3 is here chat
I hope people like these cause p:eg has been my favorite fangan since I first played the prologue, which means as long as I can come up with ideas I’m gonna be making a bunch of these
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And yes, I am reusing some from my drdt meme dumps, don’t fucking come for me
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chantilly6761 · 2 months ago
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My first time drawing Project EG characters and it's a shitpost comic-
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chishnfips87 · 2 months ago
I had an epiphany
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Peak epiphany right here.
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untitledvik · 4 months ago
P:EG ship edits aka cuties holding each other in some capacity part 1
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These are the only two ships I know for sure are popular idk. Any ideas are welcome including platonic stuff, no romantic shipping with Diana or Toshiko please. Shouldn't have to say that but you know.
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anothercreatur3 · 1 month ago
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and Jett
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lilacc-the-cat · 2 months ago
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As much as I hate to amit it, with how close these two already are I just know one of them gonna be a victim or culprit. There's a couple scenarios I can see happening but my favorite is Eloise being the traitor and Desmond helping her kill so they leave together. This was inspired by a Ulywen fanfic called Undying Loyalty.
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lxndmine · 1 day ago
i made a discord! we're mostly themed after Project Eden's Garden, especially the girls. But even if you don't know anything, feel free to join us
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ablogofloveandtrash · 9 days ago
Looking for More Members...
Hey y'all! Are you looking for a new place to hang out and chat about Project: Eden's Garden in a more controlled environment? I'd love to invite you to the Deloise Discord server! We love to primarily talk about Desmond Hall, Eloise Taulner and the relationship they have with each other, in addition to theories surrounding their characters. The server is only available to those 16+ but is open and inclusive to all that meet this criteria. We hope to see you all there! https://discord.gg/9krPBRPZ7x
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vagabond-cookies · 2 months ago
The deloise never stops
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xulips · 3 months ago
Besides Wolfmon, any other ships you still or have just started liking with chapter 1’s release?
well . i admit after ch1 my view on grace kind of.. fell, so my attraction towards grace-nona-eva as a ship might be toned down a bit. i still like them nonetheless, my view on grace just isn't the same when i played ch0
i've always liked deloise and ulykaimark back at 2022 when i started getting into this game ^_^ and i still do until today!!
a pairing i consider nice after ch1 .. probably dieva + venimai (?) diamon (?) they're super cute, but i'm also an all × damon guy (minus toshiko obviously) so i like all damon ships as well
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horsesarecreatures · 1 year ago
Guns N’ Horses | deloise in america
Anyway, I very much agree with the sentiments expressed here. Even if Gal was an exemplary rider, Glock Performance Horses is an organization founded on blood money and shouldn't be supported.
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nancypullen · 2 years ago
I can see August from here, and that’s just fine with me.  Though I’m not a fan of wishing my life away I surely won’t cry if summer hurries up and makes an exit.  The only way out of it is through August.   Let’s go that-a-way. July has been dandy, though hot.  I’ve learned that gardening here is vastly different than in Tennessee and I can’t expect anything to show off until mid-July.   Well, I’m not talking about veggies, just flowers.  Our Crape Myrtle is just now blooming.  That seems awfully late.  We were in drought conditions most of June so that may have something to do with the tree blossoms. 
The sunflowers are blooming in spurts.
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This one by the front steps has SIX heads on it!
These are outside my kitchen window and are just a couple days from showing their faces.
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Another view of the kitchen window garden - it’s a jumble, but it’s there for the grandgirl’s picking. 
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There was a hummingbird in this shot right before I clicked, I swear. Imagine him there, bouncing bloom to bloom. This photo was snapped a couple of days ago when the Crape Myrtle was still naked. 
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If you think those sunflowers are scrawny, take a gander at the crop by the front porch. Is this the saddest bunch you’ve ever seen?
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Believe it or not, those spindly plants on the left actually bloomed.  I’d go ahead and just pull them up but the yellow finches are enjoying snacking on the drying heads.   This is our second summer here and I still have a lot to learn about what will thrive and what won’t.  I’m going to hit up the arboretum’s autumn native plant sale and fill a large part of the gardens with various perennials.  Purple Coneflower, Black-eyed Susans, that sort of thing.  Less for me to do, less to worry about.  There’s only one other house on our street that has a few flowers and they’re mostly in pots. I don’t think it’s a big deal around here.  Even with my failures we have the prettiest yard on Kathryn Court (it’s a low bar).   I’m declaring myself a prize winner.  It’s a participation trophy, but still a prize.
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The mister is upstairs on a Zoom call, a photography meeting, of course. I’m keeping one eye on my laptop while typing this blog and the other on Glass Bottom Boat starring Doris Day.  I never tire of her old movies. This one has Paul Lynde and Dom Deloise too. Solid gold. If you ever need a lift watch her in That Touch of Mink or Pillow Talk.  Pure fun. It’s been pretty boring around here, and I’ve been fairly mum about the boys’ trip to Berlin and Prague.  They’re having a ball.
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I have laughed every day at the “proof of life” text, and have appreciated it as well.  They are the best brothers, there’s such a bond - my mama’s heart is so at peace knowing they’ll always have each other.  Those two wonderful humans are my whole life. Alright back to Doris Day for me.  I may even go hog wild and have popcorn. Livin’ on the edge here in Podunk.  I hope your day has been delightful.  If it hasn’t, take heart - it’s almost bedtime and you can start fresh tomorrow. Little Orphan Annie, Scarlett O’Hara, Ann Shirley, anyone will tell you that that tomorrow is a fresh start.  You can count on that. Sending out oodles of love tonight, take some if you need it. XOXO Nancy 
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kaisturntoshine · 21 days ago
Since this post still gets quite a few interactions, I feel like I should say...
I've completely changed my mind on Diva. I don't know why I was so harsh (I didn't even know their ship name help-). To say they've grown on me is an understatement. I'm actually upset at my original ranking T-T.
Long live tragic yuri.
Diva: 8/10
Other slight revisions:
Wolfgrace: I'm dropping their rating slightly to a 7.5.
Ulynona: On the other hand, I'm raising them slightly to an 8 (Grace would be pissed at me, I can feel it)
Deloise: I don't care how much exactly, just raise their rating, they deserve more than a 10 with how much I've yapped about them.
Rating Project: Eden's Garden ships (spoilers for CH1)
Disclaimer: Ships are meant to be fun and I find the Eden's Garden cast to be very shippable, so any ship that does not involve Toshiko is fine in my books!
Damon x Eva (Evamon): I don't care as much for them romantically as I do platonically, but Damon's comments about Eva tear my soul apart. Perhaps under different circumstances, their relationship could have evolved. 6.5-7/10
Damon x Desmond (Maithall): Honestly I love these two! Damon sees Desmond as "the only other normal person here" and their interactions could be interperted as Damon having a little bit of a crush on him ("Desmond's remarkable charm", etc. etc.). Not my no. 1 ship for either of him, but it's my og ship and I hope their dynamic evolves more! 8.5/10
Diana x Eva (Diava/Evana): On one hand... toxic yuri. On the other... not a fan. Nope. 2/10
Wolfgang x Grace (Wolfgrace): I like them, I wish we could have seen more of them. I think they are the first pairing I shipped when I played the prologue. Their personalities were total opposites in a way that made them compatible. I'm probably going to ship them more in the next chapter tbh, when I see how Grace is dealing with it. 8/10
Desmond x Ulysses: I've seen the ship exclusively on tiktok. Whilst I personally aren't too crazy about it, I can't deny it's cute! 6.8/10
Damon x Kai (Kaimon): My OTP, it's one of the most popular ships in the fandom for a reason (though I do feel basic about it hehe). I love them so so much!!! 28/10
Mark x Jett (What's their ship name??): They are so silly, though I can't tell if Mark is enjoying the company or not... Hm. 7/10
Wenona x Ulysses (Wenysses? Ulynona?): Didn't expect them, but they are a welcome surprise none the less!! I'm glad to see Wenona interacting positively with another character. I don't know if I prefer them as romantic or platonic, but I enjoy their pairing nonetheless! 7.5/10
Desmond x Eloise (Desloise): My second favourite ship from the game!! I love these two so so much, their characters fit together so seamlessly, like a glove to a hand!! 10/10
If I don't mention a specific ship you like from the game, feel free to ask for my opinion through the comments, reblogs or ask box!
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chishnfips87 · 19 days ago
Crossing The Street
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dr-ratio-official · 1 year ago
Please stop drinking... I'd rather not have to drag you to the ER to get your stomach pumped.
but it's soooo gooofggddddd is so sweet and deloisous...
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