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beemovieerotica · 7 months ago
dear people with OCD: the next time you have spiraling & intrusive thoughts, what-ifs, or catastrophizing scenarios, I am sending a cardigan-wearing 46-year old NYU professor directly into your brain and he says "Aaaaand scene!!!" and he claps his hands slowly. and he says "Wow. Wow. Powerful stuff. Evocative imagery. A little bit post-modern, a little bit hysterical realism in the vein of Don Delilo but let's pause right here." and you will recognize your thoughts as a perplexing avant-garde film shown to an audience of 15 liberal arts students who are now trying to get a good grade and sleep with their professor.
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yr-bed · 3 months ago
In the larger context of your filmography, aren’t you often making movies about fairly ordinary people? I’m thinking about The Color Wheel and Listen Up Philip in particular… I guess that depends on what you think of as an extraordinary person. Do we have any firemen kicking down a burning door to save a child in any of these movies? Certainly not. No, that’s a more extraordinary person than anybody by most measures, but do I have a direct in to the mechanics of that person’s dramatic struggle? Well, not clearly enough that that movie gets written, although someday I think it should, by me. These movies all live in the realm of social realism, to reappropriate a dismissive term of Don Delillo describing a certain type of American fiction. He calls it “around-the-house-and-in-the-yard” fiction. He uses that to discuss something he doesn’t like, although I like books like that and I like movies like that and this is certainly an “around-the-house-and-in-the-yard” kind of movie.
‘Golden Exits’ Director Alex Ross Perry on What He Wishes He Knew as a Young Director
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botantimes · 6 months ago
Hunermendekî kurd li Almanyayê pêşangeha rism û peykeran li dar xist
Delîlo Tarim li Almanyayê pêşangeha rism û peykeran li dar xist. Delîlo Tarim kurdek e û ev du sal in ew li Almanyayê dijî. Tarim mamosteyê rismê ye û wî li Stenbolê, li Zanîngeha Mimar Sînanê xwendîye. Wî bo Botan Timesê ragihand ku li Almanyayê pêşangeha xebatên xwe yên rism û peykeran li dar xistîye. Ew, armanca xebata xwe wiha pênase dike: Di nav van şert û mercên zehmet ên jîyanê da…
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random-racehorses · 11 months ago
Random Real Thoroughbred: DELILO
DELILO is a mare born in Turkey in 1997. By HOMBRE out of NAHCIVAN. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/delilo
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sex-ray-spex · 2 years ago
I don’t trust anybody’s nostalgia but my own
Nostalgia is a product of dissatisfaction and rage. It´s a settling of grievances between the present and the past. The more powerful the nostalgia, the closer you come to violence.  -Don DeLilo, White Noise
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everywriterneedsfanart · 9 months ago
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The body will hold on Frank Turner, The Fisher King Blues // Don DeLilo, White Noise // Maurice Pirenne, Evening // The Crane Wives, How to Rest // Richard Siken // StarParkDesigns // Birdtalker, Heavy // Dan Clandenin, The Voice of God
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shakespearesdaughters · 1 year ago
Do you have book recommendations?
I will always recommend Donna Tartt
The rules of attraction by Bret Easton Ellis
The Idiot by Elif Bautman
Ducks, Newburyport by Lucy Ellmann
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
The Patrick Melrose novels by Edward St Aubyn
White Noise by Don DeLilo
Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsey
The Plot by Jean Hanff Korelitz
Severance by Ling Ma
my year of rest and relaxation by ottessa moshfeg
~ to name a few ~
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sillagen · 11 months ago
Çok halsiz olmama rağmen artık dinlenelim ya diye kalktım. O sıra "kayayı gırcı duttu ilvanlım, kaytanlım aman aman diye ilvanlım türküsünün ardından dama çıkmış bir güzel delilo delilo hayreney, damın etrafı gezer delilo delilo hayreney, elinde bir deste gül delilo delilo hayreney, kendi gülünden güzel deliloy deliloy 👯🏻‍♀️" söylerim
Annem: 👀 biz bu kızı çöpten de almadık niye böyle bakışı
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How Did We Get Here
Okay I’ve decided to probably end my note taking/review/spiral of madness and pessimism right here on this Fanadventure but since this is a Fanadventure that I *want* to really like and understand just what is going on, and I’ve heard other people talk about it favourably, I think this is a good one to end this session on. I am intrigued, mostly, by the description simply being an ASCII art of a vending machine with an arrow pointing to said vending machine, labeling it an “object of unimaginable horror.” Which is an absolutely bold move for your description, leaves me in the dark and perfectly poised to continue reading your comic to get some answers on why this vending machine is apparently one of the most cursed objects in this MSPFA.
So far so good. A new structure emerges. A school setting, which is something that I have surprisingly not come across often in my journey across MSPFA. I guess KittyQuest had it…and The Tapestry had it a little bit in one of Act 2’s interludes…and NightFall had it???????? Is that really all the school-based settings? Whatever, we have a different structure and that’s all I’m looking for at this point.
Ah, and here it appears that our main villain/symbol of the story, the humble vending machine, appears. I’ve got to say, having a vending machine as the symbol for your story is a good choice, because who really honestly thinks about vending machines? Who even *uses* vending machines? Vending machines are like, such mundane objects to me, like faucets or chairs or coffee cups. But vending machines are also delivery of goods, they are corporate, and they are also machines with complex machinery that break easily. All interesting avenues to take the symbol’s evolution towards.
I like this vibe. Having already seen probably the aforementioned vending machine (a figure that haunts this review and my thoughts of this comic), the cozy, casual vibe of just students wandering around the halls, talking to each other is a unique kind of vibe that I haven’t seen in a MSPFA thus far. And, since I *know* this comic is tagged with “horror,” there’s a lingering sense of dread in the air as well, as I know that there will be a shoe that must drop at some point, pressing me forward as I advance through my reading of this comic.
Oh that’s a really cool effect of having the color of each of the character’s dialogue be switched to black when it’s dark in the story, thus symbolizing the way that it’s hard to tell who’s speaking in the dark when you can’t see them…that’s very neat, I like that.
OH AND NOW it’s a SBURBVENTURE. AHHHHHHHHHH. And the title makes sense, too. “How did we get here (in this predicament in the basement).” And now I have a reason to read forward, to go through all the Act 1 Structure, because I want to see what happens when he buys sunchips from the most ominous vending machine in existence. IN OTHER WORDS, THIS IS BRILLIANT PACING. Hang on no we’re not doing the Act 1 Structure. See my previous, routine at this point, points about how confusion and excitement can drive one onward to the next panel, to see just what is going on in the structure and plot of a Fanadventure. And I have to say, I’m driven. I think the structure is descending into a literal symbolic metaphor of like…what it would be like if you were trying to get a story piece by piece via a vending machine? That sentence is so bizarre but that’s my current running theory, also this part kind of reminds me of some of the sections within Don DeLilo’s White Noise towards the end, where the advertisements of Suburban America start bleeding into the actual text of the Novel. Not a comparison I thought I would be making today, but here we are.
Okay I’m going to stop making notes now because I want to read the rest of this fanadventure. Okay so new note: this is so “The Tapestry Act 2,” the slow creeping of elements from a traditional SBURBventure leaking into the narrative, like the Cruxite from the Vending Machine or the usage of pesterchum…and listen, that kind of stuff, is right up my alley. Also I love how casual the conversations are but they’re still like. Compelling? Like how one character says “that’s a bunch of baloney” and then the other character says “Yeah, bologna,” which is like, symbolic of how they pronounce the word baloney. And that’s SUCH a cool detail…
This fanadventure is doing so many different things it’s insane. It’s so wild. It’s so peak. This is just. This is such a good fanadventure I love it. Go check it out RIGHT NOW It’s so good you have no idea I had a smile on my face the entire time. Peak. Peak. Peak. It’s so peak.
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thenervebible · 4 months ago
books i've (re-)read recently (cuz i've finished everything on my shelves)
asylum piece by anna kavan. finished reading on the tram & had the urge to throw it down the carriage. didnt want it to end. it never does
cities of the red night by bourroughs. still a bit of a head fuck but went down a treat
the body artist by don delilo. she's just like me
the waves by virginia woolf. always knocks the breath right out of me
symbolic exchange & death by Jean baudrillard. dense & draining but somewhat delightful.
harolds end by jt leroy.. not a re-read. friend gifted it to me for my birthday last year & it was one of the only books i had left waiting to be cracked open. downed it in one gulp. stunning little story
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leam1983 · 5 months ago
Terminal Affluenza
You haven't glimpsed at something close to Dom Delilo's Cosmopolis until you've visited a Mercedes-Benz dealership.
Keep in mind, their cars are shit. The drive train isn't suited for North-American roads, rubber gaskets in the doors routinely crumble away and engines in the C-Class are particularly temperamental.
Then, you start digging and realize that there's blue-collar roots hidden away behind the polished exterior, exemplified by the fact that most of every business that needs a solid panel van or a wide vehicle that's easily moddable goes for a Sprinter or a Metris. The same goes for my Paratransport service, as I've technically consistently schelpped about town in a Mercedes for the past eight years. As far as their panel vans are concerned, though? Zero complaints. These things are rock-solid workhorses, which is a stylistic anomaly in the world of dealerships that make it a point to wine-and-dine you with a Nespresso. Some even go the extra mile and even splurge for the water-mains-connected type of espresso machine and list "barista skills" as an essential point for any receptionists to be hired.
The thing is, these panel vans are, as I mentioned above, extensively modded. We're talking tool racks, removed seats, vinyl jobs, extra batteries, even mobile workshops - without forgetting the obligatory van-lifers that take the same cars and turn them into compact little apartments on wheels.
Needless to say, that shit ain't resellable. Yet, despite that and every single goddamn year, all the Mercedes dealers in the province get it in their thick, oil-slicked and money-hungry heads that there's gotta be someone out there who might consent to not only a buyback offer, but to the ludicrously expensive task of re-converting their work or pleasure rig into a civilian vehicle - on their own dime.
A Sales rep mentions that to you and you just spend a few seconds blinking dazedly. Jesus Christ, what are these morons putting in their coffee?! Powdered hundred-dollar bills?!
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fantasticalleigh · 1 year ago
like i mentioned before i am too busy/hesitant to actually consume a lot of new media (or at least be able to focus on it) so i'm critically behind on so much stuff. don't judge me pls :S lmao
anything in bold is something that i've begun but not finished :P tagging @snow-in-the-desert bc you expressed interest in seeing the lists!
The Love Hypothesis - Ali Hazelwood
The Hurricane Wars - Thea Guanzon
Winter's Promise - Christelle Dabos
The Stand - Stephen King
North and South - Elizabeth Gaskell
The Nightingale - Kristin Hannah
Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
Work - Louisa May Alcott
Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes
Dr. Sleep - Stephen King
The Secret History - Donna Tartt
The Last Duel - Erik Jager
Portrait of a Lady - Henry James
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
The Age of Innocence - Edith Wharton
The Great Mortality - John Kelly
Dead by Sunset - Ann Rule
Dracula - Bram Stoker
It's Lonely at the Center of the Earth - Zoe Thorogood
The Great Influenza - John M. Barry
The Monster of Florence - Douglas Preston
The Lottery and other stories - Shirley Jackson
Helter Skelter - Vincent Bugliosi with Curt Gentry
White Noise - Don DeLilo
Icebreaker - Hannah Grace
She Is a Haunting - Trang Thanh Tran
This Thing Between Us: A Novel - Gus Moreno
Parable of the Sower - Octavia E. Butler
^^ This is an incomplete list--I know there are others but these are the books I've bought over the past couple years and have not yet finished/ready. They are stacked on my desk and around my room, silently accusing me of neglect. I wither in shame. The rest of the list escapes me currently. This also doesn't include the tbrs currently on my e-reader since I can't remember where it is to see what's on there.
Any Adam Driver movie that isn't on Netflix (House of Gucci, Annette, Paterson etc.) I have seen the Last Duel, Blackkklansman, This is where I leave you, Marriage Story, White Noise, Frances Ha and a few others). I know Ferarri is in theaters right now but I've kind of developed a phobia of theaters since 2020 :S
a ridiculous number of documentaries/video essays on youtube that I do not have the energy to go look for right now
Fall of the House of Usher (I love Mike Flanagan's work but I'm still hooked on Midnight Mass and Daddy Father Prewitt)
The Haunting of Bly Manor (I know everyone was obsessed with this and I meant to watch it but I was reading the Turn of the Screw when it came out and didn't want to get spoiled for it so I avoided it like the plague and finished the book but never got to watching the show)
Blue Eye Samurai
The Beguiled
Ugly Betty (I'm actually on season 2 and it's charming and funny but holy shit the amount of body shaming/slut shaming/ homophobia in this show. definitely a product of its time.)
Anne with an E
Fleabag (never finished it but thought it was amazing)
What we do in the shadows (have seen all but the most current season)
Reservation dogs
The Batman (2023)
Black Swan
The Crown
Band of Brothers
Demon Slayer
Wolf of Wall Street
Birds of Prey
Downton Abbey
Peaky Blinders
Drag me to Hell
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Queen Charlotte (halfway through but haven't finished. i hate things that make me cry when i watch them so i have to be in a very specific mood to watch emotional heavy things)
Lady Bird
The Banshees of Inisherin
BARBIE (*ducks thrown rocks* I'll get to it, i SWEAR) (but i'm amazing at avoiding spoilers at this point i still know very little about the movie)
The Invisible Man
The Turning
Promising Young Woman
Shiva Baby
The Green Knight
Licorice Pizza
Bullet Train
The Menu
Women Talking
Knives Out + Glass Onion (*ducks more thrown rocks*)
Paddington 2!!!!
SHadow and Bone (honestly I lost almost all interest in reading/watching this once I heard the hot villain dies. BOOOO)
That one newish show with Adam Scott that looks super liminal and sci fi i can't remember the name
The Killing of a Sacred Deer
Killers of the Flower Moon
Guardians of the Galaxy 3
Turning Red
Everything Everywhere All At once
Just like the book list, I'm sure there's many other titles I'm forgetting to put here. I actually have branched out and watched a fair amount of new movies this year so i'm going to keep it going! and here's one more list just because this is fun
Stuff I watched or read in 2023 that I loved/recommend (with the caveat that not all of this came out in 2023): (and i'm not including obvious stuff like Spider man across the spiderverse)
White Noise
Don't Look Up
Living in the Time of Dying (documentary on Youtube. It is HEAVY on existentialism and the science/data on the current state of climate change. This WILL ruin your day so I'm warning you now. Definitely don't watch it today. This really affected me and I cried for a long time after watching this but it is incredibly important to keep in mind.)
Blackkklansman (i had to watch this with the volume on the lowest setting bc of all the n words being dropped so frequently lmao but goddamn this was so good and funnier than i expected.)
DIMENSION 20: Burrow's End!!!!! As well as The Unsleeping City season 1. Neverafter and A Crown of Candy are probably at the lower end of the list but I still love them. (thank you to @rogueimperator for cluing me onto how amazing D20 and Dropout are. <3 this is a whole new world lol)
Midnight Sun :)
7. Christine and the Queens - Redcar les adorables étoiles Full show on Youtube. I was supposed to see him live in October but he got injured and had to cancel the rest of his tour :( but this album and the video are incredible! Slight warning for semi nudity.
8. Game Changer on Dropout. he's been here the whole time!
9. The 1975 live at Madison Square Garden. I was lucky enough to see them twice this tour with my twin sister and we had an absolutely amazing time. They always put on amazing shows and this particular tour/their latest album meant so much to us. Even our younger brother has come with us for some of these shows so it's something we all share. (Last time they came to Chicago in 2022 the venue was too small so they didn't have the House set with them so we didn't get to see it in action until this year) Sex and The Sound will always be the perfect closers for their shows and I get so emotional every time I hear them. Core memories for sure.
10. Puss in Boots: the last wish. this seems like another obvious answer that i probably could have left off but this gets an honorary mention because our family cat was diagnosed with advanced bone cancer in August, and we had to put him down very soon after that diagnosis. We spent an agonizing week tending to him and cherishing every last second we could get with him. I've been fortunate enough to never experience the death of a pet until this year, and i almost wish we didn't have any pets at all because I've never felt such excruciating grief. He was a fat, grumpy orange boy with beautiful yellow stripes and a little yellow mustache. I was trying to distract myself and found this movie on Netflix and watched it, then recommended it to my sister (who is actually Thomas's owner but we all shared him) though I warned her the movie did deal with themes on mortality. We all watched it together the night before his final vet visit and Tommy was there with us on a comfy pillow. I hope he approved of the movie, because now any time I think of Puss in Boots i think of him. <3
I could add more to this but my eyes are tired and I'm wired up from coffee. I know this is long as hell so sorry but I had fun making it! I'll probably keep coming back to this post in the future to cross out what I've watched.
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zeddertop-bugster · 2 years ago
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my current favorite little man
Flint Delilo, aka the unwilling William Afton is literally just some guy. dont even worry bout it.
artfight link in bio, ~zedthebuggy !
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mrasicc · 2 years ago
Bili smo previše daleko srcima,
a delilo nas svega par koraka da budemo blizu.
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ponyoisms · 1 year ago
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aynodndr · 2 years ago
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Hiç kimseye küs değilim..
Yanlış anlıyor baktığım aynalar,,
Yanlış anlıyor insanlar kuşlar,,
Sensiz yüzüm gülmüyor sevdiğim...
Hiç kimseye küs değilim...
Annem uykusuzluktan sanıyor,
Oysa! gittiğin gün batan akşam güneşinin
Hayalidir gözlerimdeki kızıllık....
Sensiz yüzüm gülmüyor sevdiğim....
Hiç kimseye küs değilim, yanlış anlıyor...
Gözlerimi kaçırdığım gözler...
Sokaktaki çocuklar yetimler öksüzler
Seninle çocuk olmuştum ben onlarla
Sensiz yüzüm gülmüyor sevdiğim..
Nisanın sonu geldi,,bende kış bitmedi
Asık suratlı biriyim çiçekler arasında
Baharın da kalbini kırdım..
Ben fallara inanmam
Papatyalar iyi biliyor bunu
Ama güller beni yanlış anladı
Sensiz koklamaya hevesim yok
Sensiz yüzüm gülmüyor sevdiğim....
Hiç kimseye küs değilim
Defalarca söyledim, anlatamadım
Hiç bir denizde batmadı gemilerim..
Yine de susmadı alay edenlerim..
Adını öğrettim komşunun bebeğine
Beni görünce seni heceliyor
Artık bıktı benden
Her gece yıldızları seyrettiğim pencereler
Teselli etmiyor şiir, kalem, kağıt
Delilo, lorke kulağımda birer ağıt..
Sensiz yüzüm gülmüyor sevdiğim..
Simit almıyorum artık, simitçi de şaşkın
Belki de param yok zannediyor..
Hiç kimseye küs değilim
Simitsiz kaldı martılar beni yanlış anlıyor
Sensiz yüzüm gülmüyor sevdiğim..
Hiç kimseye küs değilim
Sadece zor,, çok zor..
Seninle mutlu iken ağlamak kadar
Zor şimdi sensiz gülmek..
Sahteliği sevmedim ömrümce
Neyleyim içimden gelmiyor işte
Ben gülüş kalpazanı değilim ..
Bahçede beyaz kelebekler gördüm
Küçük bir tebessüm düştü dudağıma
O da kısacık ömürleri hatırına..
Ne yapayım geçemiyorum işte
Bana elveda dediğin o yoldan
Hiç kimseye küs değilim
Yollar beni yanlış anladı..
Dön lütfen yıllar da yanlış anlamasın
Sensiz yüzüm gülmüyor sevdiğim...
Şiir Halis Ünlü'ye aittir..
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