#delilah rose
corpo-rat · 1 year
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↳ If I was born as a blackthorn tree / I'd wanna be felled by you / Held by you / Fuel the pyre of your enemies
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budgieflitter · 1 year
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thank you all so much for participating!! i'm sorry i couldn't do all of your suggestions (obviously), but i hope you still can find your faves here :)
(and if you really really want me to draw your faves you can commission me *twirls hair*)
it was super fun!
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8nychta · 2 years
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backstage @ kiko kostandinov aw23
via _softersoftest_
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geminison · 8 months
omg did u say requests?? If I may, I’d love to see some Delilah :))
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In the garden
god i love her design in the first game sm
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braveclementine · 2 months
What Do You Mean 'I Have To Stay?'
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
"Remember," Elizabeth listened as Bruce informed Steve, "You'll have to return the stones to the exact moment they were taken. Otherwise, we're still looking at a whole bunch of nasty alternative realities."
"Don't worry Bruce. Clip all the branches." Steve said, flipping the case down. Sam was standing beside him. Elizabeth and Bucky stood just a little further back.
"You know, if you want. I could come with you." Sam offered as the two walked away from Bruce.
Elizabeth felt irritated with the brace her arm was in. And also self conscious of the way the burns were on her face. Bruce had cleaned up much easier than she had. Her arm still hurt, but she was staying quiet about it.
"You're a good man Sam. This one's on me, though."
Bucky was holding Rose in his arms. Astrid and Halfdan were sitting on the benches nearby, holding the rest of the kids, though Sage and Delilah were in baby carriages. Bucky drew Steve aside, and Elizabeth pretended she wasn't listening. "Steve. . . are you. . . are you going back for Peg-"
"No." Steve murmured. "My family is here Buck. Not with Peggy."
Steve kissed Bucky's cheek and Elizabeth pretended that she hadn't heard. Steve smiled lovingly at her. "You gonna be a good girl till I get back Princess?"
"Don't tease." Elizabeth pouted up at him as he cupped her goo cheek. "I can't even have sex yet till the arm heals up."
Steve smirked, kissing her good cheek, and then the corner of her lips, then turned back to Bucky. "Don't do anything stupid till I get back."
"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." Bucky smirked, leaning forwards to kiss him on the lips, before lifting Rose a little higher on his hip. Then Steve stepped up onto the platform, which also contained Thor's hammer.
"How long is this gonna take?" Sam asked as Elizabeth watched Steve get into his white uniform.
"Still looks hot." She called out with a laugh. He glared at her.
"Don't tease. . . kitten. That ass'll be red when I get back." Steve smirked.
Bucky chuckled as she whimpered and pouted, "What have you done to that innocent cinnamon roll doll?"
"I think that's your fault." Elizabeth muttered. "He was like that when I bought him."
Steve glared at the both of them, "I can hear both of you."
"That's the point." They said together as Tony and Y/N walked up the hill, hand in hand. Everleigh and Morgan walked after them, Tony was holding Arlo in his arms.
Steve just shook his head, pointing a finger at them, "You're both trouble."
"Spank him first." Elizabeth pointed at Bucky. Bucky glanced at her. "Oh doll. . ."
Bruce sent Steve back before any more banter could happen.
"Hey." Tony said calmly and Elizabeth glanced over. "Let me check the arm."
"Now?" Elizabeth pouted again. She'd avoided the appointment for this reason.
"You skipped the appointment." Tony said. "Give."
Elizabeth sighed, turning and winced as Tony checked it. Tony gave her a knowing look, "Elizabeth. . ."
"More time." Elizabeth muttered, "Please?"
"The cells are not regenerating tissue." Tony said under his breath. "Elizabeth if you keep your arm like this, it's going to get infected and amputation will be necessary, perhaps higher up than it is now. I'm trying to keep you alive."
"I know." Elizabeth said sadly as Steve was returned by Bruce. She was also conscious that Bucky was listening in to everything she was saying. "I just wanted to keep my arm a little longer."
"I know. It's not like I'm looking forward to amputating you." Tony said. "Well, Shuri at any rate. T'Challa said they're creating a vibranium arm for you."
"Okay." Elizabeth nodded. "When?"
Steve walked down, the time travel version of his suit coming off. "This weekend." Tony murmured.
"Hey." Steve greeted them, touching the top of Elizabeth's head. "What are you doing here?"
"Getting things scheduled with Elizabeth on her arm." Tony said.
Steve glanced down at her and she went red, "Um, surgery."
Suddenly, there was a strange noise behind them and they all turned to see something sort of. . . golden door being opened? Four strange looking guards in black came out. They looked almost like military personnel.
"Appears to be a standard sequence violation." The man in the front said, looking down at some sort of box while the rest just stared at him. "Branch is growing at a stable rate and slope. Variant identified."
"I beg your pardon?" Sam and Tony asked at the same time.
"On the behalf of variant authority I hereby arrest you for crimes against the sacred timeline. Hands up." The other three guards immediately charged their weapons in their hands.
Tony immediately stood in front of Y/N and his kids while Steve and Bucky closed in on Elizabeth. Sam went in front of the rest of the kids and Bruce slowly inched his way around to join them.
"Who?" Tony demanded.
The man looked at Steve. "Him."
"He didn't do anything." Elizabeth said, panicking.
"Last chance, variant."
"What did I do?" Steve asked, bewildered, slowly raising his hands.
"You have broken the time code by coming back to early from the past. You were supposed to stay in the past with Margaret Carter." The man said, approaching Steve.
"What do you mean 'I have to stay?' NO!." Steve said angrily, lowering his hands immediately for his shield. "You don't get to say where I go or who I'm with. I'm with my soulmate and wife and children. Nothing will change that."
The weapons buzzed then. Tony was now in his Iron Man suit, blasters off. Bucky had a knife in one hand, holding Rose in the other. Elizabeth called up a ball of turquoise energy. Y/N had a pistol in her hands as she body blocked her daughters- having been very taken with Morgan as well. 
They grabbed Steve's arms, trying to wrestle him to the ground.
"Leave him alone." Elizabeth snapped, twisting her body to the side, one leg up as she kicked him in the chin, sending him sprawling backwards. One of the guards grabbed her bad arm and she screamed, feeling her vision go black in pain. Next thing she knew she was on the ground, vision dotty.
"Leave her alone." Steve growled, tossing the guard that had gotten him pinned a little, shoving the guard that was on Elizabeth off. "Princess?"
"Doll?" Bucky asked in worry.
She was dazed though, black spots dancing across her vision. "Shit." She heard Tony said. "Her arm is bleeding." It felt like her arm was tearing. "Shit, some of the skins' torn! Guard me Cap."
She hissed in pain, feeling the ice freeze Tony put on it before hands were helping her sit up. She blinked several times, seeing Y/N holding Rose now. Bucky had one of the weapons in his hands, guarding her, Steve, and Tony.
Elizabeth struggled to her feet, leaning heavily into Steve as more guards poured out of the thing.
They started to surround everyone, or try too. Elizabeth couldn't see how they were fighting their way out of this one.
"Hold up!" A voice that shocked Elizabeth out of her magic rang out. She watched as Loki and a man in a brown suit came through. The man in the brown suit held up a hand. "This isn't a variant."
Elizabeth could feel her body shaking and she slowly took a few steps forward, "L-Loki?"
This wasn't like she had gone back in time. The Loki in front of her looked younger though. . . was he. . . she didn't understand.
"Hello pet." Loki smirked and the man in the brown suit nudged him, giving him a look.
"There was a miscalculation in the sacred time line. Mr. Rogers was meant to come back." The man in the brown suit said.
"But sir!" The man protested, looking confused. "The reason Margaret Carter doesn't have a soulmate is because Steve Rogers goes back in time to be with her. It's explicitly-"
"Listen, go back. Loki and I have this." Brown suit guy said. The four exchanged a look, but turned and went back in. "Sorry about that."
"I don't understand." Elizabeth said faintly.
"I'm a variant." Loki smirked, "As are you. Well, not you, you, another you."
"Loki." Another voice said sternly and Elizabeth's knees actually almost did collapse when she saw herself walk out of the portal behind. She smiled at herself. Elizabeth couldn't smile back. She felt Steve's hand on her waist.
Loki pursed his lips, "You know, only the fact that I've never technically been that Elizabeth's soulmate is the only thing stopping me from cutting your hand off for touching her Captain."
Elizabeth 2.0 nudged Loki in the ribs.
"I'm so confused." Y/N, Sam, and Tony said behind her. Bruce just gaped. Stephen looked extremely interested.
"Long story short." Brown suit guy said, tapping at something, "When you went back for the Tesseract, this Loki and Elizabeth escaped. So they're variants and they live at the TVA with me, which collects variants in a way. Works for the TVA, etc."
"So. . . you're not real?" Elizabeth asked, noticing Loki was looking over at her kids. Halfdan and Astrid stared at their father with wide eyes, slowly getting to their feet. For them, it was like losing their father less than a week rather than five years ago. They were probably wondering if he had faked his death again. 
"We have to get some of those." Loki said to her variant version of herself, who grinned. Then Loki said, "I am real, but I'm not your Loki. Your Loki is truly dead. You'd be surprised how many variants of me there are, really."
"So am I getting arrested or not?" Steve asked slowly.
"Not." Brown suit guy said. "Like I said. . . accident."
"Uh huh." Bucky said uncertainly, not lowering his defensive position.
"And Loki here really just wanted to let your Elizabeth know that they live happily ever after somewhere." Brown suit guy said. "You've got two minutes." Before that one walked into the portal. Her variant of herself went back too.
"Come here pet." Loki said quietly and Elizabeth stumbled forwards until she was standing in front of him. She felt one of his cool hands cup her face and he bent down to rest his forehead on hers. She closed her eyes, a tear falling down her cheek. "I love you." He whispered, "But, I'm gone. And so I'm glad you have two. . . well for heroes they're pretty good men. I think I like the brown haired one better though."
Elizabeth actually let out a shaky laugh at that.
"Live a long and happy life with them." Loki whispered, "And when it's all over, your Loki is waiting for you in Valhalla. I know he is. And who knows? Maybe those two will go with you too."
"Loki." Elizabeth whispered softly.
Loki smiled a little as he pulled away, thumb wiping her tears away, "Don't waste anymore tears on me pet. You have your own life to live now."
"Dad?" Astrid asked uncertainly.
"Not quite." Loki smiled, looking a little sad as he looked at them. "But close enough." He held his arms out and Astrid and Halfdan ran into them. He hugged them tightly. "Be good for your mom, alright? I love you two."
"We love you too dad." Astrid cried into his chest.
Loki and Elizabeth looked down one more time and then Elizabeth turned her attention to. . . well herself. The other variant smiled, "I'll take care of him."
"I know." Elizabeth laughed shakily. "I'm not worried about that. You're me after all."
Elizabeth watched Loki slip his hand into her variant self. Watched the three of them walk into the portal. Elizabeth stepped back and felt Bucky wrap her arms around her waist. It was dead silent for a moment, before everything grew to be too much, and she fainted.
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"How is she?" You asked as you laid naked in bed with Tony.
"Just got out of surgery." Tony yawned, having been woken up when Steve had called him. "She's got an arm to match Barnes. Shuri apparently tried to make it hot pink. Steve wouldn't let her. It's black and gold like Barnes now. Twinning. Really taking the soulmate thing to the next level. Do you want to get a matching arc reactor?"
You laughed, "No way. I love you Tony, but I do not want that on my chest."
Tony pouted at you, before rolling over to press you down into the bed. "Why not? It's so sexy."
"On you." You retorted, smiling up at him.
Tony softened, cupping your face. "I really missed you Y/N. I'm so sorry."
You laughed a little, "For what?"
Tony looked away a little. "Well Pepper I guess for starters. It was. . ."
You laughed again, louder this time, "You want to be sorry for moving on? Tony. . . if I had been in your shoes, never in a million years would I have thought you were coming back after that. I don't know how quickly I could have moved on and thanks to Elizabeth, I never have to know." Here you gave him a pointed look, "but eventually I would have. You could've come back too, maybe, and I could've had another kid. Honestly. . . I'm kind've just glad it was Pepper and not some stranger."
Tony smirked a little and then sighed, "I guess it's a good thing I wasn't snapped. I was the one who figured it out."
"Modest as always." You teased, pushing him off you so that you could snuggle into him. "Besides, after hearing what happened on Titan, I think Strange knew that you would win. Like he said, one in fourteen million. He traded your life for the stone and Thanos kept his word, keeping you alive after the snap as well. The one person needed to finish this."
Tony was quiet for a moment and you looked up to see him staring at the ceiling. "No. . ." He said quietly. "If they had never come to me. . .Scott, Steve, Natasha. . . I wouldn't have done it on my own. And even when they did come to me. . . I still didn't want to." He paused and added quickly. "Not because I didn't want you and Arlo back. But. . . I thought there could be a chance I might die. I even recorded a video. . . and I thought if I died and we didn't succeed, then I'd just leave Everleigh without both parents."
"You did almost die." You whispered, tears pricking your eyes. "You almost tried to snap the universe."
"I thought I had to do it then or now." Tony sighed. He laughed then, "And I never even had the stones. That tricky magic of hers. . . but I'm glad. We all made it out alive."
It was quiet for a long time, thinking of those who didn't make it the first time. Pietro, Vision. And then you said, "Are they staying in Wakanda or coming here?"
"Wakanda I think." Tony answered.
It was quiet for a longer time and then you asked, "How about a vacation?"
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rose022 · 9 months
ok here is the cat pics
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rose-above-dark · 3 months
Ok. Wait. Ok what the hell is going on with Iris and Delilah ace attorney ? I’m trying to get a comprehensive breakdown of aa but I’m kinda stuck on them
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destinylordoffreaks · 6 months
Guys I just remember I got scarlet and Oliver for Christmas and never postedthe pics
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so anyway here they are I restyled them because I loved the dolls but not the fashion styles they came with
the only thing I did with Oliver‘s hair was un braided and give it a cold water wash Oliver is wearing his own tennis shoes, fins shorts and glasses, and the shirt is from a Barbie Cali girl Blaine doll, 
Scarlet’s hair was a much bigger problem. It was so gelled, but I washed it with hot water and soap before I shampooed and conditioned it looks a lot nicer and feels a lot nicer now but I think it still might need a second wash Scarlet is mostly wearing clothing from Delilah but the pants are a from Barbie inspired by Roxy  fashion pack  
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starlightcleric · 8 months
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My other collection of Knight Commanders on other mythic paths (picrew).
Ophelia Negrescu, LN dhampir (morai born) Inquisitor of Pharasma, mythic Aeon
Layla Aldori, NE human Fighter/Sorcerer/Eldritch Knight, mythic Demon
Josephine Quintelle, N tiefling (grimspawn) Magus (Sword Saint), mythic Lich->Legend
Jenny "Poetry" Brewer, CG tiefling (faultspawn) Warpriest of Cayden Cailean, mythic Trickster
Mary Rose Ashe, CG tiefling (hungerseed) Inquisitor of Desna, mythic Azata
Delilah Fujimori, N->CG kitsune Sorcerer, mythic Azata
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blckbarbree · 2 months
Bree: there's no way this is appropriate @rose-delilah
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corpo-rat · 1 year
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yeah im normal about delilah and boone. why do you ask
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cutie4560 · 3 months
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Young love
Opaline teaching her hobbit girlfriend Delilah Whisperfoot how to swim.
Onyx and Myrra Rose Wetherbee out on a night stroll, which took a turn.
Myrra belongs to: @pistachiozombie
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mechahero · 1 year
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@outofthiisworld asked- FUSION! —A Lambda & Ophelia fusion if you’re feeling up to it? 👀✨
it's fusion time again y'all
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Ah yes. The Plum™️.
A certified menace! Uses she/he pronouns and let me tell you I had the hardest time figuring out a design until this popped onto my dash. Watching the visual for Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land helped a ton too. (Warning for flashing colors/images)
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realitydollhouse · 1 year
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Weekend with the wifey
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braveclementine · 2 months
Thanos. . . Again
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
Steve heard her scream as he fell.
"ELIZABETH!" He shouted falling himself. And then he hit the ground.
"Come on buddy, gotta wake up." Tony stomped lightly on his chest and he inhaled sharply. "That's my man."
Steve sat up quickly. "ELIZABETH?"
Tony bent down, holding his shield, "You lose this again, I'm keeping it."
"Where's Elizabeth?" Steve repeated. "What happened?"
"You mess with time it tends to mess back." Tony replied. "You'll see."
Steve followed Tony, scanning for Elizabeth, for their children, for Loki's children. Finally, they found Thor, who was standing and looking.
There was Thanos, sitting in the middle of the crater.
"What's he been doing?" Tony asked.
"Absolutely nothing." Thor answered.
"Where are the stones?" Steve asked.
"Somewhere under all of this." Tony panted. "All I know is he doesn't have 'em."
"So, we keep it that way." Steve said. Suddenly, he heard Elizabeth scream. He didn't hesitate, sprinting back into the mess.
He sat her, trapped under the rubble, some sort of creature leaning over her. His shield took off its head and he helped her out from underneath. "Elizabeth?"
"Where are they?" She panicked, looking around. Only Delilah was in her arms, a small bloody scratch across her tiny forehead, "No-"
"Look at me." Steve demanded. "Focus up Princess."
Elizabeth looked at him, "Thanos is here. He has to be engaged. Can you find them and get them to a safe spot?"
"While you do what?" She asked.
"I'm going to fight him." He answered.
She looked at him and then around and nodded in determination. "Go."
He kissed her, "I love you."
"I love you too."
And he ran back to find that Tony and Thor were already getting ready to engage with Thanos.
"Let's kill him properly this time." Thor said harshly.
Thanos smiled as they approached, "You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me. I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive. But you've shown me, that's impossible. And as long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist."
"Yep, we're all kinds of stubborn." Tony replied.
"I'm thankful." Thanos said. "Because now, I know what I must do." He stood. "I will shred this universe down to its last atom. And then, with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one, teeming with life, that knows not what it has lost, but only what it has been given. A grateful universe."
"Born out of blood." Steve said.
"They'll never know it." Was Thanos' reply. "Because you won't be alive to tell them."
And the three of them attacked him.
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"Astrid, wake up." Elizabeth commanded in a soothing tone, waking her daughter up from where she was laying on the stone. "I need you to wake up. You have a large task ahead of you."
"Mom?" The seven year old girl opened her eyes.
"I need you to get your siblings to safety." Elizabeth said, moving to wake her elder son up now. "You and your brother must get five little babies to safety. Can you do it?"
"Yes." They both groaned in determination. Elizabeth had made sure that they were all alive.
"Good. Follow me." She said, carrying Delilah and Rose in her arms. She moved along the pathway. She could see Thanos fighting Steve, Tony, and Thor and knew that she had to join them. "Keep following this path, go over that ridge. Follow around the edge of the lake until you reach the tree line. Stay safe. If something approaches, keep moving."
"Okay." Astrid whispered.
"Take care of your family." Elizabeth said to Halfdan. "Promise me."
"I promise. On dad." Halfdan said.
Elizabeth kissed their foreheads quickly and then murmured, "Go."
And then she turned, running down the wreckage to join her family.
She watched Steve flip and kick Thanos in the face, before Thanos tossed him away. She ran, jumping off the rock, slamming both feet into his face so he stumbled backwards, though he didn't fall.
"I know you." Thanos said as she slammed into a rock, wincing. "Loki's soulmate. . ."
"Not anymore." Elizabeth growled. "My last name is Rogers now. And you are really pissing me off." She hit him with a wave of her power so that now he really did go flying off his feet, before Thor slammed into him with his hammers.
Elizabeth rushed him again, swinging off Thanos huge blade to get her legs around his neck. He grabbed her leg, slamming her down to the ground, before placing his blade against her chest. He pulled his blade up, and then suddenly was slammed by Thor's smaller hammer, which came back to. . . Steve's hand?
"I knew it!" Thor roared, getting up from the ground himself.
Elizabeth smiled, laughing in amazement seeing him hold the shield and hammer. She watched Thanos turn on him. Steve swung the hammer, leaping off a rock, slamming Thanos in the chin with the hammer.
She got to her feet then. She watched as Steve just brutally started to defeat Thanos single handedly. Throwing the shield and hammer, hitting his shield with the hammer, and drawing up lightning through the ground. "Don't. Ever. Try. And. Stab. My. Wife. Again." Steve snarled, before calling up lightning and slamming it into Thanos.
And then suddenly Thanos was on his feet, going after Steve. Elizabeth watched, trying to find a good moment to intervene and her eyes widened in shock, watching the shield get hacked into bits.
Vibranium. . .
Like the Titanic. Unsinkable. Unbreakable.
Steve didn't get up.
"In all my years of conquest," Thanos said as she watched Steve roll over, struggling to get up. But Thanos was between the two of them and there was no way for her to get to him. "Violence, slaughter, it was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet, I'm gonna enjoy it, very, very much."
Elizabeth watched as his sons and daughters were beamed down from the planet, along with an army and she felt the hopelessness rise up in her again.
Steve finally got to his feet. The two of them met eyes as he cinched the shield tighter around his arm.
The two of them started to walk towards Thanos together, now that she had skirted around the purple grape.
"Hey, Cap, you read me?" A very faint voice suddenly asked in their coms. "Cap it's Sam. Can you hear me?"
Elizabeth started to laugh.
"On your left."
Steve and Elizabeth turned to see one portal at first, T'Challa walking through with Okoye and his sister Shuri on either side of him. And Elizabeth nearly fainted as Sam came flying through. They watched as more portals were opened up.
There were the Wakanda soldiers and the spider-kid. Doctor Strange and a bunch of Magicians. The Asgardians as well, Valkyrie flying on her Pegasus.
There was Y/N, sprinting through with a smile on her face and. . . Bucky.
Scott chose that time to break through the ruins, holding Rhodey, Bruce, and Rocket in his hand.
Elizabeth watched Bucky approach them and Steve kissed him passionately and then whispered something to him.
Bucky smiled, standing between her and Steve, "So you're my new wife?" He grinned.
She smiled and let out a nervous laugh, which was broken off as he bent down and kissed her. "About time Steve grew some balls."
"Jerk." Steve muttered.
"So," Y/N said on the other side of her, smirking, "Ready to kick ass again?"
"Oh hell yeah." Elizabeth smiled.
They were back.
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One minute, you had been in Wakanda. The next minute, you had been in some sort of weird. . . space place. Like you were high on drugs or something. And after five hours, you were back, laying on the ground next to Sam, who was breathing hard like he had been on a run.
"Did any gummy monsters try and eat you?" Sam asked, sitting up.
"The fuck?" You groaned, getting to your feet, looking around. Pietro's dead body was gone, a grave marker in his place with his name on it. Damn Wakandans had moved fast. Vision's body was gone, though Wanda was laying next to where it had been.
Suddenly, an orange portal appeared for you and you saw what looked like the army. . . again. "Aw man." You whined. You could see Elizabeth standing next to Steve, both of them looking like they'd showered in dirt. Steve's shield was broken.
"Damn the punk really broke the unbreakable." You heard Bucky groan next to you. "And Howard Stark isn't here to make him a new one." Then Bucky winced.
You patted his shoulder. "Tony can do it. Let's go and join them, shall we?"
You saw Tony far away, his Iron Man suit looking like it had been through the mill. Pepper was there in another suit, much like his but slimmer with blue and silver tracings.
You joined Elizabeth's side. "So, ready to kick ass again?"
"Hell yeah." Elizabeth smiled.
"AVENGERS!" Steve shouted and you watched in amazement as Thor's hammer came to his hand. It was dead silent for a moment and then he said, "Assemble."
You shouted with the others in battle cry, and then ran off to attack.
Or, more like, run straight into Tony's suit as he landed in front of you, knocking you off your ass. He just landed on top of you, pressing his lips to yours. "Five fucking years Y/N."
"Five?" You asked incredulously. "Oh damn you're gonna have to fill me in."
Tony winced, "Uh Pepper and I have a five year old daughter named Morgan because you and Happy were both gone and we sort've fell together. Oh and Cap and Elizabeth are sort've married with twins. Also, both girls."
You raised an eyebrow, "You know. I think I always knew the two of you had chemistry."
"I love you most though." Tony offered, helping you to your feet.
"Oh good." You teased, readying your AK-12. "I was a little worried I might be placing second first time in my life."
"Never." Tony scoffed, and then flew up to join the others.
You couldn't focus on much else besides the aliens you were trying to kill around you. Although you did see Pepper and Tony fighting together in the sky. They actually really did make a good duo.
"You're going to make me a suit too, right?" You joked in the coms.
"Just give me a colour scheme." Tony teased right back.
You ended up back near Tony as he landed near Doctor Strange. "Hey you said one out of fourteen million we win this, right?"
"If I tell you what happens, it won't happen." He replied ominously.
"Well, you better be right." Tony said, taking off again.
Strange looked at you for a moment and then went right back into the fight. You didn't like that. That felt ominous.
You saw T'Challa running with the glove and you went to catch up to him. It was knocked from his hand and Thanos ran towards him before Wanda landed in front of him, hands and eyes glowing red.
"You took everything from me." Wanda hissed.
"I don't even know who you are." Thanos answered.
"You will." Wanda growled.
"Hey." Elizabeth said brightly behind you. "That's What Snape said to Harry."
"Huh?" You asked, completely taken aback by the randomness of the comment.
"You know." Elizabeth said in a duh voice, "What Wanda said, Snape basically says to Harry. But Harry doesn't know who Snape is, cause he doesn't know Snape loved his mother."
"Elizabeth speak English!" You shouted. "Also, I think Wanda needs our-"
You watched as Wanda enveloped him in red.
"Yeah. . . " Elizabeth said slowly. "No she doesn't." and She ran off towards Bucky who knelt, cupping his hands, and catapulted her into the air so that she could slice through flying aliens.
"Okay then." You muttered.
Then it started to rain fire down from the ship. You watched Bucky grab Elizabeth, Rhodey grab Bruce, everyone trying to protect each other as Peter used his ropes, trying to get the glove back to the van. The wizards lifted their shields above their heads, protecting everyone.
Sam barreled into you, lifting you into his arms, before the two of you crashed near where Sam's soulmate was trying to keep the dam from overflowing, turning it into a tornado.
"SAM!" Stephen shouted.
"I'm fine!" Sam shouted back and looked at you. "Are you okay?"
"Perfect" you gasped out and then pushed the two of you off as another bomb came down. "Okay, now perfect."
Suddenly, the firing stopped and they started firing at something in the sky.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. what are they firing at?" You and Tony asked at the same time.
"Something just entered the upper atmosphere." The Irish voice that you had missed so much answered. You exchanged a look with Sam.
It looked like a glowing person as they crashed into the ship, setting the thing on fire. The plane went down in flames, crashing into the lake below it.
"What was that?" Sam asked.
"I think it was a who." You murmured, the two of you turning to get back into the fight.
You and Elizabeth caught up together, going to join the women's battalion to charge the army that was coming towards you all.
You fought your way through the hoard, trying to reach the van. Turquoise and red, beams of yellow and blue swirled around you as you shot aliens through their heads.
You thought you won as Thanos was pinned to the ground, before he turned and threw his weapon into the van.
You felt yourself flying through the air, before you landed, looking immediately for the gauntlet. It was near Tony, who tackled Thanos to get him away from it.
"Tony!" You shouted as Thanos tossed him away. Thanos went to grab the glove as you staggered to your feet, running for it. Thor landed, fighting him with two lightning weapons. Steve landed on Thanos' back before Thanos head butted Thor and grabbed Steve. Thanos punched Steve hard in the stomach so he was still.
"No!" You heard Elizabeth shout as Thanos grabbed the glove then.
The glowy lady landed, fighting him, before he grabbed her arm, flinging her across the crater as well. He went to snap his fingers before she was back, trying to bend the glove backwards so it could never snap.
He pulled the power stone out, bashing her away.
You watched Tony and saw him staring at someone else. Stephen holding up a shaky finger, the number one.
Thanos put the power stone back and you rushed him, stabbing him in the chest, uppercutting, kicking him in the chin before you felt his fist collide with your back and you went sprawling in the dirt, groaning, coughing out a rock you swallowed.
You managed to get to your side to see Tony fighting with Thanos now, grabbing at his hand. He pushed Tony away and then lifted his hand but you could see there were no stones in it when he raised it. "I am, inevitable."
You watched as Tony went to put the stones in his glove. "I am Iron man."
You looked at Strange again, who gave you a terrible, apologetic look.
But nothing happened and you looked back to see Tony staring down at his hand, frowning.
And then you heard Elizabeth behind you, surrounded by turquoise whisps. "And I, don't have a catchy phrase to say." And she snapped her fingers.
"NO!" You heard Steve shout somewhere behind you as everything around you crumbled to dust.
"Elizabeth!" You shouted as the girl you'd known since kindergarten fell to her knees. She would have fallen on her face if Tony hadn't caught her. You slid to her side on your knees. "Elizabeth?"
"Elizabeth." Steve fell by her side, tears on his face. "No, no why would you do that?"
Elizabeth looked more confused than anything else, the glove having fallen off her hand so that you could see the skin was burned. Turquoise still surrounded her body, though it had faded immensely. "Y/N. . . my sister. Couldn't let her know what it feels like." Elizabeth whispered, cupping Steve's face. "You have Bucky, you'll be okay."
Tony used that special substance that you couldn't remember the name of, trying to cover her burns that traveled from fingertip all the way to the right side of her face.
"And my looks are kind've gone." She managed to laugh a little.
Steve shook his head violently. "Elizabeth-"
Elizabeth gasped then in pain, tears pricking her eyes. "Stevie, it hurts." Her hand clutched his arm just slightly and he cupped her face. 
Steve was hyperventilating, sobbing. "It's okay sweetheart. It's okay. You're going to be okay. Please, I need you to be okay."
"Take care of my kids." Elizabeth begged, tears in her eyes now. "I thought maybe with magic. . . I'd make it but. . . clearly. . . not right." She smiled a little, looking up at Steve.
Bucky was there now, looking at her with some mix of horror and heartbreak. "Doll?"
"Keep him . . ." Elizabeth whispered softly, her hand dropping from Steve's face.
"Princess." Steve begged, letting out another sob. Tears were streaming down your own face in traces and Bucky knelt, pulling Steve into his arms, also crying.
Suddenly, Thor came down from the sky, slamming his hammer into her chest. You watched as lightning covered her body, her back arching. She screamed then and Thor let up.
You all waited in silence. One. . . two. . . three. . . four. . . she inhaled, eyelashes fluttering.
Steve immediately started CPR and you all waited. Everyone was surrounding the lot of you now. Stephen looked confused while putting a hand on Sam's shoulder. T'Challa, Pepper, Peter, Wanda, Natasha, Clint. . .
Elizabeth suddenly jerked, spasming as she jerked up, nearly colliding heads with Steve. She breathed deeply, spinning around, "Did it work-"
Steve kissed her then. Cupping her face with both hands. You almost expected Steve or Bucky to hiss in pain from the 'cheating', but it didn't happen. Steve broke away from the kiss. "Don't ever. Fucking do that again."
"Yeah, no worries." Elizabeth panted and looked up at Strange, "One in fourteen billion eh?"
"Actually," Strange said slowly. "Tony was to die but I mean, this works too. Guess you beat the odds. Two in fourteen million then."
"So that's why you didn't tell me." Tony grumbled.
Elizabeth tried to get to her feet, but cried out in pain, collapsing back to the ground.
"I've got you." Steve said sweetly, lifting her into his arms.
"Sorry." Thor grunted, "I couldn't lose my last bit of family."
"Yeah, I know." Elizabeth groaned, leaning up on Steve's shoulder. "Ow."
You bent your head and you cried. Because everyone was alright.
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ a closed starter for @vicletnight based on this plot from Delilah (celebrity + celebrity edition)
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This was the first time someone we wanted to sign the model and honestly, Delilah was ready for anything since apparently her new agent knew the manager of the company that she was going to be modelling for an there were rumours going around that they also had been able to get a very well known group in towns because they were shooting their music video in the lovely streets of Wales and have it recognised for once instead of constantly hearing it being bad mouthed from outsiders.
Arriving on scene was easier than expected because it didn’t take her long to get to where she needed to be without her being late and that was something Delilah was thankful for since it meant that she got herself extra time to prepare for the photoshoot or whatever she was being told she had to do. She met with the manager who wanted to have her hired due to the high praises that Delilah got throughout her career as a successful model. 
On her way onto the set, she looked up and realised that she was the person who was going to be featuring in the boy band’s upcoming music video for their new song, Delilah was told to meet the main singer of the band and she was faced with someone she couldn’t get her mind off of. Extending her arm to greet the man, having her eyes briefly look his body up and down before introducing herself to him, “hello, it’s nice to meet you in this fine evening. I’m Delilah and I believe that I’ve been hired by you guys?”
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