#delilah giehl
luniviravosshipper · 5 months
Over Analyzing and Theorizing Things About Captian Skall
I’m not sure how I feel about making this my first post on this blog (since I haven’t finished setting it up), but I just had too many thoughts on this to not share them. Also, this is going to be a bit of a ramble because it’s late at night and I’m tired so I’m not putting too much effort into making it structurally sound. I’m really just brain dumping my thoughts here.
So firstly, I want to point out Captain Skall’s character introduction because I find it intriguing.
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At the very beginning of the poem, it states that she “did scrawl a journey by river and sea”. Scrawl means to write something rapidly and carelessly so that could imply that she was hastily mapping out her plan of travel. It also says that as she began to travel and claim “her legend” she “called herself free”. I wonder if it’s trying to suggest that perhaps she was running away from something. Especially if you take into consideration the middle line, “from the isles without name”.
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On the map of Xadia and the Human Kingdoms, there’s the Independent Isles that appear in the bottom left hand corner. Could this maybe be where it’s saying she comes from? If so, I can’t help but to speculate what exactly she was trying to run away from there if she was because we know so little about it. It’s also interesting because as we read on through the rest of the poem, it seems like the themes of freedom and adventure are pretty evident throughout it. I wonder what that says about what we’ll learn about her character in the future.
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“Past the uneven towers” is undoubtedly referencing Katolis.
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And I’m guessing that the part about the fields is referencing Duren, mainly because they’re known for their farming.
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I feel like the last part of this stanza may actually have a deeper meaning to it. The verse’s focus on her not wanting to settle in Duren might be intentional. And I have one idea of why the writers might have included it.
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According to TDP wiki, Duren used to have a queen that was considered to be cruel because she banished a lot of people north and she was eventually overthrown by those who banished her.
North of Duren is Skall’s Hook. And we do not know what happened to the queen after she was overthrown.
I’m not sure of it. But it may be possible that she was either this queen or at least associated with her. I mean, again, I’m not set on that idea, but I just think it’s a possibility to consider especially as we read on.
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The next part reveals she hungered for glory instead of bread and so she continued on her journey north. This again seems to imply her longing for adventure and freedom. But her not hungering the bread of Duren could be important in itself too. Bread can sometimes be symbolic in writing. Bread is oftentimes associated with things like prosperity, abundance, inner fulfillment, and generosity. And it also notes of how bountiful the supply of Duren was. So I wonder what it could be saying in terms of symbolism. Did she find something in Duren that might have provided her with these things but she refused to accept them into her life? Who knows?
Also, sort of an interesting detail here. The writer’s specify that it’s autumn which comes before winter and she’s heading north where it’s cold. Story wise, they could also be using this to indicate a shift in her story where things take a dark turn when she leaves Duren, again, playing into that idea that she might have left something in Duren that she shouldn’t have.
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Now, a lot could be interpreted from this next section and I don’t even know where to start because I have so many ideas of what it could mean. But I’ll attempt to.
It states how she goes on her journey “forgoing a man who’d have made her his bride”, as in she was either running away from a man who proposed to her or is traveling to him to decline him. (The wording here is weird because I don’t know if it’s trying to say she’s traveling away or towards the man.)
Her avoidance of this marriage could be seen as another sign of her valuing her independence over what might be best for her (as it is later on revealed in the poem that she does in fact love the man).
But I think what the bigger question here is who is this man and what is the context of this proposal?
If she’s traveling away from the man, I think the interpretation that she is running away from some sort of arranged marriage as I’ve seen some people suggest makes the most sense here. I think that’d also be very fitting with the theory that she might be the cruel queen of Duren. On the other hand though, if she’s traveling towards the man… I mean, there’s not much else that we know of that's north besides the Frozen Sea, Skall’s Hook, and the Star Scraper. And I can’t really imagine who would really be in that direction.
Unless, of course, it was Aaravos.
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Aaron Ehasz stated a long time ago that there was a very important person to Aaravos and that their name would appear on the TDP map. It seems very possible that Skall was the person he was referring to.
Although, I don’t really favor this interpretation of the text. It’s not because I don’t think it’d make sense for her to be the person that Ehasz talked about, but because I’m not sure about Aaravos being the one to propose to her. He could still very much have a connection to her but that doesn’t mean this poem is necessarily talking about him. We know so little about Aaravos as a character or as a Startouch elf and so we have no idea why he would be interested in pursuing her. Still, that doesn’t exempt him from being considered a possible suitor of hers. We'll just have to find out more on this later.
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I don’t really know what this part is talking about because we don’t really have an idea of what Skall’s hook actually is yet. Maybe that’s where she attempted to confront Aaravos? But I’m guessing there’s more that she did there as well. If we’re following the theory that she might have been connected to the cruel queen of Duren, maybe she traveled to Skall’s Hook to save the people there that the queen banished.
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This seems to be further emphasizing Skall’s longing for travel and exploration, but at this point it seems like it’s trying to portray it as almost like a form of greed. Skall continues to look for more ways to leave an influence on the world when she already did and only ends up getting stuck in the Frozen Sea because she can’t settle for what she already has.
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At the very end of it all, she ends up dying there as she contemplates her true feelings for the man and how she wished she could confess them to him.
I want to point out how it states that “she found peace” in her last days there. I think that’s interesting for the writers to note of since the ending of the poem basically suggests that she froze to death and I wouldn’t typically consider that to be a peaceful way of dying. What makes this most odd though is that there’s no comma to indicate a separation in different clauses here. So like instead of saying “and while she found peace, she wished that…” it says “and while she found peace she wished that…” Considering the implied themes of her character, I think this might be saying that as she was dying she was finally given some time to reflect on her life and she began to see things with more clarity. That could be why she finds her last days so peaceful, not because of how she died, but because she finally developed understanding of herself and her faults. I don’t know, maybe I’m way overthinking this. I just find it interesting how they punctuated this sentence since it implies she might have actually found peace while contemplating her feelings for the man instead of finding pain in realizing those feelings, which could say some things. Also, this entire ending really just puts into question why she was going to forgo the man in the first place.
Now, for some other thoughts I have too that don’t necessarily come from the poem directly.
I don’t know when Captain Skall lived specifically, but there’s a couple of other characters that I have a feeling might be associated with her besides Aaravos and the cruel queen of Duren.
Sir Phineas Krist and Delilah Giehl were travelers together and it could be possible that at some point they bumped into each other or even traveled together. The only thing that really makes me doubt this is that they lived during the era of Sol Regem and Captain Skall most likely had to live afterwards. But they were also the writers and publishers of the Lost Secrets of Xadia book which had the excerpt about Aaravos in it that came from the show, so they could just be connected by their shared association with Aaravos.
She might have some connection with Kim’dael too.
Okay, so this inspired by another theory I’m developing based off of Captain Skall and where she’s from. I saw someone on the TDP discord talk about this and I really like the idea so I’m going to share some of mine based off theirs.
Moonshadow elves had a significant role in helping banish the humans to the west. It could be possible that a lot of them got trapped in between the west and the east in the process of this. In fact, it’s even confirmed that some did get stuck on the west side of the continent.
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What if some of these elves, perhaps unable to return to the Moonshadow forest and were too fearful of the humans to interact with them, decided to settle on the Independent Isles?
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I mean, that does look suspiciously moon shaped if you asked me. It could be hinting to something.
What if Esmeralda felt trapped there by the other Moonshadow elves and wanted to escape from them? That could explain a lot about her need for freedom seen throughout the poem. She could have been a human who was supposed to be exported by the elves but got trapped with them on these isles and was forced to retreat in order to guarantee her safety. Or, alternatively, she could have been a Moonshadow elf herself who didn’t agree with the other elves’s distaste towards humans. (I’d imagine that if she was one she was able to travel the human kingdoms by disguising herself via the use of illusions.)
Now, here’s where her connection to Kim’dael comes in.
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Kim’dael and the Order of the Bloodmon reigned during the era of Luna Tenebris. From what I understand, the humans were banished from the east at the beginning of her era. She reigned for 700 years, roughly 300 years before the current timeline of the show.
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We have no idea what’s on these isles or what’s happening on them now besides the possibility of Moonshadow elves being located there. 700 years is a long time, like it’s practically the amount of time the human kingdoms existed for, and a lot of events could have taken place during the reign of the Order of the Bloodmoon. And let’s not forget, we know very little about Kim’dael’s origin story. She could have very much had an association with Skall as a Moonshadow elf. What if Kim’dael even came from these Isles like Skall did? I don’t know, this feels like a lot that I’m throwing out there, but overall I think we should consider some of these things. I'll probably make another post elaborating on this theory later.
She also might have had a run in with Akiyu. This isn’t really based off of anything, I just feel like we haven’t seen all of Akiyu yet. She’s probably more involved in Aaravos’s imprisonment and backstory than we have so far learned about, especially since apparently all information on her has vanished in Xadia like all information on Aaravos did. I know that Skall was traveling in the west and Akiyu could have been very far east where the Tidebound Archipelago is at the time she was traveling, but she was traveling by water and we don’t really know much about Akiyu’s backstory so… maybe they met? I don’t know, this might be a bit of a stretch. You might have to just ignore this part lol.
Anyways, that’s all my thoughts for now. I might add onto this more later, but I think that’s essentially all I have to say right now regarding Captain Skall and what we might find out about her.
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dragonprincedrabbles · 3 months
Routhna + Delilah Giehl
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kradogsrats · 5 months
for the record, Nyx has a hyphenated three-part single name, not a forename and surname, so the only other "characters" in the setting that I can think of with surnames are Delilah Giehl (an elf, btw) and Sir Phineas Kirst, which whatever
Skall can stay at that level of lore-relevant thanks, because to be extremely mean about it, the instant an adventuring woman is named "Esmeralda" my interest level drops like 95%
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ask-ethari-anything · 4 years
Na I was talking about Outside of the continent of Xadia man not the West Xadian lands
Oh! Well, your guess is as good as mine, then. I love my books, but not even Delilah Giehl got further than the coasts of Xadia! Or if she did, I’m missing a really good book from my collection.
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ask-runaan-anything · 5 years
Isn't it amazing that Delilah Giehl became a professor when she was like 12???? (Source: word of god)
It always tickles me so when you humans ask me questions as if I lived so long ago that I know things firsthand. I’m Uncle-ish, not immortal.
That said, Professor Giehl strikes me as a woman who would consider getting expelled to be a fate worse than death.
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skyfireflight · 5 years
The Dragon Prince: A (Speculative) Timeline
This a timeline I've compiled from the show, information from the creators, and my own speculations. Also from this post by @mimosaeyes and this post by @solitae 
Things here may be debunked once we have new information.
Suggestions for edits are welcome!
(And honestly, there's probably going to be a bunch of typos.)
Part of this is under a read more, because it's long.
5,000 years ago
1. The first elves appeared; at this time, they are not differentiated by primal sources
2. Dragons and elves are not united
3. Humans were struggling and suffered from starvation
2,000 years ago
1. The Rise of Elarion
Presumably when the City of Elarion was founded; still possible that it was named after a person.
2. Humanity found their way to magic; this allowed their civilization to begin to thrive
Presumably when Aaravos gifted magic/dark magic to humans.
1,200 years ago
1. The Era of Sol Regem, the first king of the dragons
2. The adventures of Sir Phineas Cursed; travelled together with Delilah Giehl, who became the youngest known university professor at the age of twelve
3. Dark magic has become a problem, with mass poaching of magical creatures
4. The confrontation between the human dark mage Ziard and Sol Regem
Sol Regem gives the ultimatum of either humans giving up dark magic, which humans thought of as what allowed them to live and thrive, or the destruction of the City of Elarion, which was home to hundreds of thousands of people; also calls humans lesser beings.
Ziard refuses to give up dark magic, and shows horried disbelief at the ultimatum. Sol Regem goes to destroy the City of Elarion. Ziard uses dark magic to absorb fire birds in order to try to stop Sol Regem and defend the City of Elarion; Sol Regem sees this and flies back to Ziard. Ziard throws a dark magic fireball at Sol Regem; Sol Regem breathes fire at Ziard. Sol Regem is blinded; Ziard is killed.
Between 1,200 - 1,000 years ago
1. Sol Regem is no longer the king of the dragons
2. Dragons and elves unite
3. The war between dragons/elves and humans begins
Moonshadow elves, Sunfire elves, and Skywing elves are shown to have fought. Whether Earthblood elves or Ocean Primal elves fought is unknown, though some speculate they did not.
Aaravos is also shown on the battlefield, but whether he participated or simply watched (possibly by astral projection) is unclear. It is speculated/assumed that other Startouch elves did not participate.
1,000 years ago
1. The Era of Luna Tenebris, queen of the dragons and the second known dragon monarch
2. The Judgement of the Half Moon
The humans lose the war against the elves and the dragons. Luna Tenebris orders humans to be exiled. All humans are driven out of Eastern Xadia, similar to the real-world Trail of Tears. Sunfire elves and Moonshadow elves are shown to have participated. Whether or not the other four elven races participated is unclear.
3. The Great Xadian Split
Xadia is divided in two. Powerful elven mages create a physical barrier, a river of lava, to keep humans from re-entering Eastern Xadia.
Between 1,000 - 300 years ago
1. The Mage Wars
On the human side of Xadia, powerful human mages become warlords who fight for power. This continues for a long time, and is an era in which Western Xadia is violent and war-torn.
300 years ago
1. The Era of Avizandum, king of the dragons and the third known dragon monarch; married to Zubeia, queen of the dragons. He is known to the humans as "Thunder," and guards the Western/Eastern Xadian border
2. The Orphan Queen, the first queen of Katolis, ancestor of Harrow and Ezran
The Mage Wars end and the human kingdom of Katolis is founded, presumably by the Orphan Queen.
It is assumed that she found her way to Xadia and somehow met/encountered Aaravos, by which she gained the Key of Aaravos and took it back to Katolis. The Key of Aaravos has since been passed down through the royal family of Katolis.
The Orphan Queen's true name, as of now, is unknown.
3. The Fallen Star, assumed/speculated to be Aaravos, the Startouch Archmage.
This is possibly when Avizandum discovers Aaravos's involvement with humans. Aaravos is imprisoned.
4. A spell is cast so that all text that humans have on Aaravos is unreadable
Between 300 - 100 years ago
1. The other four human kingdoms, Del Bar, Evenere, Neolandia, and Duren are founded
2. Western Xadia is now called the Human Kingdoms, or the Pentarchy; Eastern Xadia is simply referred to as "Xadia"
3. Unnamed Battle between Katolis and Xadia
It was assumed that the battle shown in the intro in the very first episode was when King Harrow of Katolis killed Avizandum in revenge for the death of his wife, Queen Sarai of Katolis. However, season 3 has revealed that this is not the case.
This battle took place sometime after Katolis was founded. Katolis's banners show the symbol for the queen's crown, so I speculate that Katolis was ruled by a queen, not a king, at this time. Whether this queen is the Orphan Queen, or one of her later descendants, is unknown.
Avizandum, Moonshadow elves, Skywing elves, and Sunfire elves are shown to have participated. Whether Earthblood elves or Ocean Primal elves participated is unknown.
Sunfire Queen Aditi, grandmother to Janai and Sunfire Queen Khessa, is also shown to have fought in this battle. Her fate is unknown, though it is speculated to have something to do with humans.
Though elven lifespans vary by race, they live about as long as humans, with the exception of the Startouch elves. While the battle could have taken place closer to 300 years ago, around the time Katolis was founded, it is unlikely that Queen Aditi was alive at this time. I speculate that it is more likely for this to have occurred closer to about 100 years ago. However, if this battle did take place 300 years ago when Katolis was founded, it is possible that Aaravos was involved, which could be how he knows what happened to Queen Aditi; his involvement could also have been a factor in why he was imprisoned.
The specifics as to why this battle occurred, or whether it was one battle or part of a longer war, is unknown.
18 years ago
1. Soren is born on January 19th
17 years ago
1. Claudia was born on June 16th*
16 years ago
1. A famine begins in Duren
2. Rayla is born on July 31st
15 years ago
1. Callum is born on July 15th
15 - 11 years ago
1. Sarai, Callum's mother, marries Harrow, crown prince of Katolis
11 years ago
1. Aanya is born on June 22nd
10 years ago
1. Ezran is born on March 19th
9 years ago
1. Harrow's father, king of Katolis, dies
2. Harrow and Sarai are crowned king and queen of Katolis
3. Queens Neha and Annika of Duren ask King Harrow of Katolis for aid; 100,000 of their people risk death from starvation that coming winter
Harrow agrees, promising half of Katolis' food. However, he barely has enough food for his own people; this would mean 50,000 people in each kingdom would die.
On a discovery made by High Mage Lord Viren, he, Harrow, Sarai, the queens of Duren, and some soldiers go to Xadia and kill a magma titan to use its heart in a spell that will warm the land and provide food to save their people.
However, before they can return over the border, Avizandum finds and attacks them.
4. Queen Neha and Queen Annika are killed by Avizandum
5. Queen Sarai is killed by Avizandum
6. The famine in Duren ends; 100,000 people are saved.
7. Aanya becomes queen of Duren
8. The egg of the Dragon Prince, Azymondias (also known as Zym) may have been laid sometime this year
9. Rayla's parents may have joined the Dragon Guard sometime this year, after the egg was laid
4 or 5 months ago
(note: Runaan says that "four full moons passed" since the king of the dragons was killed; whether or not he is counting the current full moon is unclear.)
1. Harrow kills Avizandum to in revenge for Sarai's death
Harrow drives Sarai’s spear, which was enchanted by dark magic as a weapon of revenge, into Avizandum’s heart. Avizandum turns to stone.
2. Viren infiltrates the dragon monarchs' lair, taking Aaravos's mirror and kidnapping the Dragon Prince egg
Zubeia is not present. While the rest of the Dragon Guard flee, Rayla's parents stay and fight Viren. Rayla's parents are restrained in magical blocks of ice.
Viren intends to destroy the egg, to prevent the new dragon from being a future threat. Rayla's mother convinces Viren to keep the egg alive.
Afterwards, the elves and dragons believe that Rayla's parents fled with the rest of the Dragon Guard, and that Dragon Prince egg was destroyed.
3. Rayla's parents are trapped in coins by Viren through dark magic
4. The Era of Avizandum ends
5. A new era, that will be later known as The Return of Aaravos, begins
Between 4 months ago - Now
1. Soren becomes the youngest crownguard of Katolis
Now (0 days)
1. Sent by Zubeia to kill Harrow and Ezran in revenge, six Moonshadow elf assassins arrive in Katolis
They are discovered by the guard Marcos. Rayla is sent to kill him, but spares him. This allows King Harrow and his guards to prepare for the coming attack; Harrow sends Callum and Ezran away to the Banther Lodge. Runaan calls Rayla off the mission.
2. Rayla infiltrates Katolis' castle to kill Harrow and Ezran and rectify her mistake
3. Ezran, Callum, and Rayla find the stolen Dragon Prince egg
Rayla asks Runaan to call off the mission, and the princes show him the Dragon Prince egg. Runaan refuses; Rayla fights Runaan to stall him.
4. Ezran, Callum, Rayla, and Bait begin the journey to take the egg of Dragon Prince back to Zubeia in Xadia, in order to try to stop the war and bring peace between Xadia and the Human Kingdoms
5. Runaan kills Harrow
6. Runaan is captured, and Viren imprisons him in his secret dungeon
1 day later  (one day)
1. Callum gets the Key of Aaravos    
Rayla goes to the Banther Lodge to get the "glow cube," but is found by General Amaya, the princes' aunt. Callum lies to get her to let Rayla go, but it backfires, and the children flee.
1 day later (two days)
1. Viren sends his children, Soren and Claudia, to search for Callum, Ezran, and the Dragon Prince egg; he imprisons Commander Gren in his secret dungeon
Unbeknownst to Claudia, Viren indirectly tells Soren to kill the princes.
Unbeknownst to Soren, Viren tells Claudia to choose the Dragon Prince egg over Soren if necessary.
2 days later (four days)
1. The gang, along with Ellis and Ava, climb the Cursed Caldera; they meet Lujanne, a Moonshadow elf mage
2. The Dragon Prince, Azymondias, is hatched
3. Runaan is trapped in a coin by Viren through dark magic
3 days later (one week)
1. Claudia and Soren find the gang at the Moon Nexus
2. Amaya fights Sunfire elves, and Sunfire knight Janai for the first time, at the Breach
1 day later (eight days)
1. Callum finds out about Harrow's, his stepfather's, death
2. Claudia and Soren's betrayal; the gang leaves the Moon Nexus
3. Corvus is captured on the Moon Nexus by Soren and Claudia
4. Viren sees Aaravos through the mirror for the first time
2 days later (ten days)
1. The gang meet Villads, who sails them across the small sea
2. Sunfire elves and Sunfire Knight Janai take over Katolis's fortress on the Xadian side of the Breach
1 day later (eleven days)
1. Callum reads Harrow's letter and learns about the Key of Aaravos
2. Viren meets with the monarchs of the four other Human Kingdoms to convince them to unite against Xadia; they refuse
3. Zubeia falls into a grief-induced coma
2 days later (thirteen days)
1. Pyrrha attacks a Katolis town
A sun dragon, Pyrrha, flies over a Katolis town. Soren and Claudia shoot at her, but miss. In retaliation instead of just understanding how scary she was and flying away, she sets fire to the town. Claudia and Soren shoot her down and chain her.
2. Callum uses dark magic for the first time
Rayla goes to help the dragon. Callum goes after her, and saves Rayla and unchains the dragon by using dark magic. Callum falls unconscious soon after
3. Soren gets severely injured by the dragon; his spine is broken, and he is paralyzed
4. Viren makes a magical bond with Aaravos
1 day later (two weeks)
1. Corvus finds the gang
2. Ezran learns that Harrow, his father, is dead
3. Ezran and Claudia reconcile and have a heart to heart
4. Callum learns the sky arcanum and gains sky magic
5. Claudia kills a deer to heal Soren through dark magic
6. Ezran decides to go back home with Corvus, to take his place as king
7. Claudia and Soren begin their way back to the castle
8. Viren sends out shadow assassins to the other four human kingdoms, at Aaravos's advice
9. Viren is arrested on charges of treason
10. Gren is found and freed from Viren's dungeon
1 day later (fifteen days)
1. Rayla, Callum, and Zym arrive in Xadia
The three are confronted by Sol Regem, who the gang cleverly trick and entrap in order to get past him into Xadia without getting killed.
2. Amaya and Gren reunite at the Breach
3. The Breach is sealed
The Standing Battalion of Katolis set off explosives along the Breach, caving in the stone and sealing the path with an impassable flow of lava.
4. Amaya is captured by Sunfire elves
5. Ezran is crowned king
1 day later (sixteen days)
1. Soren and Claudia are arrested for treason; Ezran releases them
2. Soren and Claudia speak to Viren; at Aaravos's advice, Viren lies about telling Soren to kill the princes
3. Janai interrogates Amaya
4. The Sunfire Queen Khessa puts Amaya through the Trial of Light; Amaya is found to be pure of heart and is allowed to live
5. Rayla and Callum arrive at Rayla's home, the Silvergrove; they discover Rayla's been banished, and meet Ethari
When the other Moonshadow assassins died, but Rayla lived, the Moonshadow elves of Silvergrove assumed that she abandoned them. Rayla and Callum speak to Ethari about what really happened and their plan to return Zym to Zubeia. Ethari reveals that Zubeia is dying, and gives them animal mounts to ride. Ethari then sends a message to Zubeia.
1 day later (seventeen days)
1. Nyx intercepts Ethari's message
2. Prince Kasef gives Ezran an ultimatum; either Katolis joins the fight against Xadia, or the armies of 3 kingdoms, Neolandia, Evenere, and Del Bar, will attack Katolis the next day at dawn
3. Rayla and Callum meet Nyx; they agree to ride on her ambler across the Midnight Desert
4. Ezran is tricked by Councilman Saleer into abdicating and releasing Viren so the 3 armies won't attack Katolis; Ezran gives Bait to Barius the Baker for safe keeping, and is put in prison
5. Rayla kisses Callum
6. Nyx kidnaps Zym; Rayla and Callum go after them
7. Callum's mount, Runaan's moonstrider, is killed by soulfangs
1 day later (eighteen days)
1. Viren declares himself king of Katolis
2. Soren sneaks Ezran and Bait out of the castle; Ezran and Bait head to Xadia on Phoe-Phoe the moon phoenix
3. Opeli, Corvus, and Barius leave Katolis to seek help from the kingdom of Duren
4. Viren declares war on Xadia
5. Marcos, and some other soldiers, refuse to fight; they are marked by a "broken link" insignia
6. Lujanne disguises herself as a human and goes to interact with human townspeople
7. Rayla and Callum rescue Zym; Rayla saves Nyx from soulfang serpents
8. Callum and Rayla share their first mutual kiss
1 day later (nineteen days)
1. Rayla, Callum, and Zym arrive at the Storm Spire, the royal sky dragons' lair
2. Ezran and Bait arrive in Xadia and reunite with Callum, Rayla, and Zym
3. Phoe-Phoe dies; Ezran keeps her feather so she can be reborn
4. The armies of Katolis, Del Bar, Evenere, and Neolandia cross the border into Xadia
5. Aaravos and Viren infiltrate Lux Aurea; the two corrupt the Sun Forge with dark magic, and Aaravos kills Sunfire Queen Khessa
6. Amaya is released from prison
7. With the stolen corrupted Sunfire staff, Viren changes the human soldiers into Dark Heat-being Mode
8. Soren leaves Viren and Claudia
9. The gang climbs to the top of the Storm Spire
Callum learns a new sky magic spell, Ezran learns about Rayla and Callum's relationship, the gang meets Ibis, and sees Zubeia and discover she is in a coma. Ezran tries to wake Zubeia, but to no avail.
10. Opeli, Corvus, and Barius meet with Aanya in Duren
1 day later (twenty days)
1. Soren arrives at the Storm Spire
2. Ibis scouts from the sky, and meets with Amaya and Janai
3. With the moon opal pendant that Rayla gave him, Callum uses a Moon spell to see the past; he and Rayla discover what really happened with Rayla's parents
4. Amaya and Janai arrive at the Storm Spire; Sunfire elf soldiers from Lux Aurea gather to defend Zubeia and Zym
1 day later (twenty-one days)
1. Viren's Dark Heat-being army arrive at the Storm Spire
2. The Battle at the Storm Spire
General Amaya, Soren, Janai, Callum, and Sunfire elf soldiers defend the base of the Storm Spire, while Rayla and Bait guard Zym and the dragon queen. Duren's army, led by Aanya, and Katolis's army of "deserters," led by Corvus, Gren, Opeli, and Barius, arrive as reinforcements. The Dark Heat-being army is subdued, and the elven and human allied forces win. Viren and Aaravos climb the Storm Spire and capture Zym, but are stopped by Rayla.
3. Callum learns the Mage Wing spell
To rescue Zym, Rayla tackles Viren off of the pinnacle of the Storm Spire. Callum jumps after her, and successfully casts the Mage Wing spell, catching Rayla and saving her life.
4. Viren dies
5. Zubeia wakes from her coma; she and Zym are reunited
6. Aaravos's caterpillar forms a cocoon
2 days later (twenty-three days)
1. Viren is resurrected by Claudia through dark magic
It is assumed she did so by killing a Dark Heat-being mode human soldier, but what other methods or ingredients she may have used are unknown.
* Depending on what day in May the current timeline started, Claudia might have turned 17 years old during season 3.
Total time of first 3 seasons: 24 days
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ask-ethari-anything · 5 years
Ethari reaction being the first elf to discover a totally new species
Taking lots of notes and making sketches! Delilah Giehl is a personal hero of mine.
In another life, I’d have loved to explore Xadia learning about everything I could, even if my companion were a hapless human with a karmically bad last name.
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ask-ethari-anything · 4 years
What if you had a sister tribe outside of Xadia?? Elves that are not connected to a primal source and basically look like your earliest ancestors? I mean I assume that your earliest ancestors looked less....draconic (human skin-colors, five fingers, no horns but the pointy ears still there or something like that) they could speak ancient elvish, befriend you or shoot arrows at you. What if they are babaric? Or enslaved by another race (giants perhaps)? Leading harsh lives? Seriously I'm curious.
Goodness, love... that’s quite a lot of assumptions. What makes you think the elves used to be more human? You do know that we elves were here first, yes? If anything, the humans used to be more elven. But that’s not true, either.
Alright, alright, I’ll stop being grumpy over your human-centric theories. Hmmm, let’s see. *adjusts invisible glasses* You’re thinking of some kind of “uncontacted tribe”, then? Off the continent, or lost somewhere in the human lands? Either would be very interesting. Exactly the kind of place that Delilah Giehl would drag Sir Phineas Kurst! And honestly, I’d love to go on such an expedition and learn how they made their tools and weapons. 
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ask-runaan-anything · 5 years
What's the live expectancy of elves (besides stsrtouch)? I know they live longer than 100 years but live shorter than 1000 years, lol
Well, aside from your base-10 miscalculation, little shadow, you’re spot on. Step aside, Delilah Giehl. Nailed it. Perfect. Elves do indeed live between 100 and 1000 years. What do you even need me for? *gently teasing smile*
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