alonewefall · 2 years
Clan Building // aerial yoga
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performance art in general is actually very popular among grounders, delfiyon people are known for their aerial yoga. it’s something they do recreationally as well as for the entertainment of others. it’s commonly performed in delfiyon but during events held in polis or really any other clans territory delfiyon people are more than happy to perform and unlike yujleda and their fire shows they are plenty willing to teach people from other clans their abilities.
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they will hang their hammocks from tall trees, ruins or whatever else they have given the circumstances as their aren’t many trees growing through the cement floors of polis. most often they use red hammocks but they aren’t picky over colour. opposite to yujleda’s fire shows which are accompanied by loud music they perform in silence. the only sound you can hear is the crowd who usually keep a respectful silence aside from natural reactions to the art.
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being that aerial yoga is incredibly popular in delfiyon culture the vast majority of their population are well trained in the art. most learn the skill as children and only get better with age. that said it’s quite impressive how skilled the children are even at a young age. traveling through delfiyon territory at a peaceful time you’ll see groups of grounders practicing for pure recreational purposes, a few people will watch but it’s so common that the recreational version is nothing special.
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Character // raven grounder verse
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raven was born to yujleda, she never met her father and her mother was neglectful often leaving raven to fend for herself for days at a time while she was off doing whatever. her mother was later killed in a raid courtesy of delfiyon.
yujleda was big on metal work, they’d make their own tools, utensils, furniture, they spend a lot of time rebuilding old boats and other structures. raven was one of their best, especially when it came to rebuilding things. she was often sent to polis for jobs, not important enough to speak to the commander of course but she was well known.
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towaterwereturn · 2 years
Character // adria
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originally born to delfiyon, adria came to the rig at a young age after being orphaned by war. she was set to be raised by her clan and eventually die at war herself. she heard of the rig through a friend of a friend of luna’s; he was alike to lincoln spreading the word about a peaceful rig away from all the violence. he became temporarily close to adria, talking her through the deaths of her parents and eventually brought her all the way to luna’s rig. from there he left her and she hasn’t seen him since but luna assures her he’s okay.
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not knowing anyone on the rig and being away from her clan and people for the first time adria clung to the clan leader. overtime adria unintentionally took the place of luna’s second; however instead of training her to fight and preparing her for war luna taught her to fish and provide along with many life lessons. luna had always thought adria would eventually take over as clan leader but pramfaya took her too soon.
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keitrinkomfloukru · 7 years
Grounder Clans: Singular Forms:
trikru → triyon√ skaikru → skayon√ floukru → floudonon√
azgeda → azgedon podakru → podowon boudalankru →  boudalanon ingranronakru → ingranronon, ronon ouskejonkru → ouskejonon, ejonon
trishana → trishanon delfikru → delfiyon sankru → sangedon yujledakru → yujledon lowoda kliron kru → klironon
slakkru → slakkon ^_^
√ = approved by David J. Peterson
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alonewefall · 2 years
Character // costia headcanons
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The Coalition , costia had been trying to persuade lexa to bring azgeda into the coalition ever since she brought in delfiyon. her argument was that the rest of the clans were against delfiyon joining the coalition at first but it worked.
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Books , lexa and costia both shared a love for books ever since they met. while the rest of the seconds only thought of their next fight costia and lexa both liked to relax as much as they could between wars.
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Second , so a lot of people seem to imagine costia as this soft spoken healer type girl and while people like that do exist among the grounders i don’t see how one would’ve been around lexa enough to fall in love. i think costia was a her war chiefs second like lexa was to anya.
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alonewefall · 2 years
Moodboard // costia
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her name was costia
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alonewefall · 2 years
Clan Building // culture
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they are known for being particularly aggressive and unbalanced often starting wars with other clans for little to no reason or benefit to themselves. finding yourself in their territory is arguably worse than azgeda’s as they won’t give you time to explain yourself before you die suffer a slow and painful death. they will use your head as a warning leaving it hung up at the border, it’s been a cruel but effective tactic considering the rate of people crossing into their land has been going down rapidly.
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their most common method of torture is to cauterise the prisoner in different ways, sometimes they will cauterise the prisoner with a sword, other times they will go as far as to tie the prisoner over a flame and essentially burn them alive over the course of a few days. never are their prisoners released.
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if you do find yourself spending time in their presence you are sure to see them dance, usually one-three of them will perform at a time while the rest dance. though once the sun goes down and the flames are high almost everyone is dancing if not just socialising by the flames. for other pastimes they do enjoy reading (it’s something costia and lexa bonded over), they also spend a lot of time on their food, much more time than the other clans.
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when it comes to raising children they prefer a more communal approach, in fact most things they do they do as a team. it’s not to say they aren’t close with their parents but they believe it’s best to be raised by their whole clan rather than just two people. it’s also supposed to make it easier for the kids to move on when their parents die.
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alonewefall · 2 years
Character // costia
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costia was a warrior born to delfiyon. she met lexa at a young age as they were both the seconds of war chiefs, (lexa and anya,) not long after meeting each other did they fall in love, costia stayed in polis with lexa after she became commander and delfiyon’s war chief promptly dropped her as a second. not that costia was to worried about that at the time.
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years later costia was captured and brought to azgeda to be tortured and eventually killed before azgeda had been brought into the coalition. ironic considering costia had been trying to convince lexa to bring azgeda into the coalition, after her death lexa wanted to go to war with azgeda but she knew that wasn’t what costia would’ve wanted so instead she brought them in. however the queen still needed to suffer as lexa had, hence the banishment of her oldest son and heir to the throne.
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Her Face Claim
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alonewefall · 2 years
Clan Building // prisoners
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delfiyon’s prison camp has not been empty since the day they finished building it. filled with prisoners of war and anyone else they found inside their territory, even if they wandered through by mistake. the prison camp was far past uncomfortable and overcrowded.
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their most common method of torture is to cauterise the prisoner in different ways, sometimes they will cauterise the prisoner with a sword, other times they will go as far as to tie the prisoner over a flame and essentially burn them alive over the course of a few days. never are their prisoners released.
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