#delfi alzamendi
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soylunaoncrack · 1 month ago
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All around me are familiar faces
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calyxthenerd · 1 year ago
That’s the messiest love chain I’ve ever seen, like, Nina likes Gaston, who likes her back but hasn’t noticed yet, so he’s hitting on Matteo’s cousin, who likes Nico, who likes Jim, who likes Ramiro, oh, and you can’t forget about Delfi, who also likes Gaston
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thisusedtobeafanpage · 6 months ago
Bro what was the point of delfi redeeming herself on the last episodes of season one, just for them to decide they didn't want that anymore and turning her back to her (mean) old self in THE VERY FIRST EPISODE of season two 😭😭
She was insufferable, then nice and actually a good character, then back to insufferable
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soylunathoughts · 2 years ago
am i lowkey starting to ship delfi and pedro?
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 2 years ago
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 3 years ago
So you made these lists before, but I have another question!
For the DCLA characters you have LGBTQ+ headcanons for, how do you think they realized they weren't cishet? Or at least, some early signs of them not being that, that they didn't realize until later?
Violetta: She was never really allowed to express and feel much of anything - with a sheltered childhood, her only experience was like, silly childhood crushes of characters in kids shows. Anyway, when she started at the Studio, it was like everything came at once to her. She felt stuff for boys, and for girls. She didn't know how to handle all the feelings. It was like her old tutor said, hormones took over her body lmao. Anyways, she was confused because she of course knew she could like boys, but girls?? So she asked Angie about it, and Angie was like "you're bisexual" and Violetta was like "ah"
Luna: She thought it was normal to have crushes on girls and boys. She was always open about it and really, there wasn't much she needed to figure out. One time as a kid she said she wanted to marry a girl, another time she talked all day long about a boy. So her parents always knew she was into boys and girls (and that's why I have a theory they wonder if every single friend Luna brings home, boy or girl, is someone she's dating. I mean, she never tells them when she dates someone anyway). But even if she always was open about it, it wasn't really until kind of late when she heard the word pansexual. Someone mentioned the word and what it means and she just went "Oh! That's what I am, then!"
Francesca: Francesca thought she was straight for most of her life - or rather, she didn't think about her sexuality because she didn't really have much crushes to begin with and the small ones she had was of boys. THEN a certain girl came into her life :D And Francesca questioned everything about herself. She thought a lot about it - she knew it wouldn't matter to her friends or family if she wasn't straight, but that wasn't really the issue. The issue was that she wanted to "fit in" and having crushes on girls was out of the norm. But eventually she realized that it was okay for her to feel. She came out as bisexual to her friends and to her surprise, all of them were like "yeah we ain't straight either lol".
Ámbar: She also grew up quite sheltered, but in another way. She was expected to be perfect, and having crushes on girls was not "perfect". She was always unsure about what Sharon thought about all "that stuff" but since Sharon seemed to have expected her to date a boy with status, it seemed like she wanted a "cishet" path for Ámbar. But she did have crushes on girls. All of her life. And she hated that. There had been so many mirror conversations she had with herself about it. But she also did get crushes on boys, which made her delighted, because then she could "hide" her attraction for girls and only focus on the boy part. When she met Emilia, she went into her whole rebel phase, and that meant she finally explored the feelings she hid away. She and Emilia had a thing going on, and Ámbar felt like it was so freeing. She was on her way to present Emilia as her girlfriend to people several times, just to provoke them. But then she learned most people around her were accepting to that - and at first, that frustrated her because she wanted someone to be against it so she could fight more. But eventually, she felt grateful. So many people around her supported her and she could be bisexual and it could be okay. I imagine she had a coming out to her mirror reflection and then cried happy tears. Cause she could be that, and it would be okay. It was perfect, even if it wasn't the "perfect" she grew up with.
Camila: This chaos girl claimed to be straight and then had much more crushes on girls than boys. Her first kiss was with another girl in second grade, during recess. She was so obsessed with so many girls in her life, but then like every fifth year she would get a crush on one (1) boy and claim she was straight. But she seemed to learn everything about LGBTQ+ there was. She always discussed those topics with her friends and family. She didn't really come out because most people just assumed she wasn't straight.
Nina: Ok, so, she often had crushes growing up - both boys and girls. It wasn't anything she put a lot of thought into, though. She was so shy that she knew it wouldn't lead to anything anyway. Plus, she had other things in her life that needed more focus. But once she hit puberty, she realized she was a little different than everyone else. Ok, she knew that before, but it really showed once she heard people talk about how they felt... attraction. Sure, she felt attraction to people, but not in the way that others seemed to. Other people described how they wanted to "do stuff" with their crushes. When Nina pictured being with her crushes, she mostly thought of them... hanging out. Maybe cuddling. She wouldn't mind kissing, that's what you do in a relationship. But she wasn't really craving... more. She had heard that, once you hit a certain age, you are expected to do some things. She wasn't sure if she wanted to do those things. Like, she had tried it on her own and it felt fine and good and all, but she didn't really... crave it. She searched it up and came to a conclusion: She was asexual and biromantic.
Ludmila: Oh, boy. So the girl was deep in the closet. A closet made of glass, but still. Priscila noticed quite early that Ludmila had an interest for other girls, and being the biggest homophobe in the DCLA universe, she tried to lead her daughter away from those thoughts. Even before Ludmila knew what a lesbian was, her mother was very clear that two girls in love was wrong. She had so much conflicting thoughts all her life. She felt absolutely nothing when kissing a boy, but felt so much just by looking at a picture of a girl. It was strange. She never really came out - she was too scared to. Priscila did now anyway, she had always known, and she tried a lot to make Ludmila stop with those feelings. Deny them. This is why she didn't like Naty - she saw that Naty wasn't the... straightest person, and she thought she would influence Ludmila to live a "bad lifestyle". Slowly, Ludmila did start to accept herself. Everyone around supported her - all except for her mother, and that always hurt.
Jim: Sweet Jimena... she had some real comphet going on. But seeing her crushes in the show, especially in season 1, we see how she so quickly shifts from crushing on a boy to another. It wasn't until season 3 I think she fully realized she was a lesbian. She probably knew before, but she didn't want to admit it.
Naty: Remember in s3 when they were in Sevilla and Naty said she once went to a fountain as a kid and wished she would have a boyfriend? Yeah... little Natalia, feeling so different from all the other girls because she couldn't find a boy she liked - but she so wanted to! She just wanted to be normal... and then, as she grew older, she had read in a magazine about someone being a lesbian, and talking about how it was growing up. After reading the article, Naty just realized how much she could relate and just exclaimed "That's me!". She started crying - though, it was a happy cry, because she finally figured it out. Her parents asked why she was crying and she was like "I'm a lesbian" and they looked at each other and then hugged her, telling her how much they loved her no matter what. Natalia felt very supported. It was only sad that her biggest crush was dealing with a lot of internalized homophobia...
Yam: MY GIRL definitely knew longer than she wanted to admit. All of the times in the show where people were like "Ooh, are you in love with a boy?" and she just tried dismissing it? How she wanted everyone to have it very clear that she and Ramiro were just friends? However, while I do think she realized pretty early that she most certainly was a lesbian, she was in this denial. "Haha no, it's probably because I hang out with so many girls and my mind is confused", "Of course I love Ramiro, it's obvious, I just don't wanna admit it". But as soon as she and Ramiro got together, she was always seconds away from breaking up with him again. She also had the biggest crush on Jim but had no idea how to express that - she could have the biggest gaydar for everyone else, but for Jim, she was convinced she didn't feel the same. It wasn't until season 3, after her breakup, that she and Jim were talking and Yam was like "You know, I think i'm just into girls and I haven't admitted it" and Jim was like "You know what? Me too" and then from there they slowly just admitted they were in love with each other this whole time
Maxi: Ok, so, while I do think he's probably bisexual, I have back and forth had a trans hc for him. I don't know where I got it, I just... got that hc for him lol. I think he realized this pretty early on, perhaps even before he hit puberty. He told his family and they were very supportive and helped him through it.
Simón: The dude was always openly bisexual, he just didn't know it. The perk of being best friends with Luna Valente, who also openly liked girls and boys, he was just thinking that was how everyone felt.
Leon: He didn't really put in much thought into it. He had mostly been attracted to girls, but every now and then there were a boy he found looking good. He had theories that he might be bi, but didn't really think much of it, until one day when he saw a movie and really felt something for a male character. Afterwards he just took a walk and went "hm. I think I am bi after all".
Matteo: As much as I wish I didn't see him as bi, because I don't like him, he's sadly one of us. I think once he realized he was bi he kind of walked around like he was cool and special for it. I feel like he was a bit like how people like to stereotype bi people - like, more likely to cheat, acted flirty towards everyone. A stereotypically entitled bi person, more or less.
Diego: He also thought he was cool and special for being bi, but unlike Matteo, he actually was cool about it. He walked around like "beware, i'm bisexual ;) I can take you or your boyfriend ;)" and people were like "haha <3"
Ramiro: So he always thought he was a ladies man, but one time when he was turned down by a girl he thought, for fun's sake, he could hit on a dude. And it worked. And he went into a "hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what just happened" mode - and went home to reflect and question everything in his life. Then he woke up and was like "heh. I like boys and girls" and then that was that.
Marco: I think he didn't think much about it until he met Diego. Since Diego talked so much about being bi and LGBTQ+ topics, Marco had a little "huh" moment and realized that he, in fact, also might be bi. If he realized it because of Diego or because they simply had been discussing it and he learned more about it and realized it on his own, is up for debate ;)
Jazmin: I honestly believe she once said "Girls are so much better than boys, though. Like I wish I could kiss girls instead" and no one dared to tell her
Lara: I don't really know, I just feel like she's queer. I don't know when she figured it out, but I feel like it was never a big deal. She never bothered to label herself, she just felt like... what happens, happens. She's a mechanic, that's her only label.
Delfi: So I think she was unsure what she was. She probably looked up a lot and therefore, knows so much LGBTQ+ history and terms that she at the most random times can blurt out. For very long, she was like "oh no i'm just an ALLY :D" but she def was more than an ally. She told Jazmin once about how she might think she likes girls as well, and Jazmin was like "ok? You're still Delfi? You're telling me this like you're gonna be another person" and Delfi just smiled.
Andres: No one told Andres he was allowed to date boys and that's why he thinks he has to date a girl all the time. He does like girls too, but maybe he would've had more successful dates if he asked a boy out for a change... #giveandresaboyfriend
Ok, there are ofc more, cause like 70% of the characters I have a queer hc for. Obviously we have Braco and Napo, I think I mentioned Gastón giving me bi vibes... we have Ramallo and Gregorio... Angie. We have Ana and Mora who legit moved in together like... why did they do that storyline to begin with if they didn't want some kind of implication - or maybe they had planned something and they weren't allowed. But the adults are harder to come up with something with. I think Angie came out in the 90s, so she had already been on that whole journey and now gives advice to questioning students and nieces. I also have a feeling of Juliana being a lesbian, this was simply because of the line "Oh, it's about a boy, i'm out". But it's something she won't really mention unless it's brought up.
So yeah, there you have it! This was fun! Yet harder than I thought!
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ask-the-dcla-characters · 3 years ago
Luna, can you kiss all the girls and see their reactions?
If they consent, of course.
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This was an interesting experience!
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lastshadeofme · 2 years ago
I’m trying to imagine who from Soy Luna would sing which song from Violetta and while watching the live version of Chicas Así I just took a second to imagine Jazmín, Delfi and Ámbar singing Código Amistad and how chaotic that would be 😂
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annamiasworld · 4 years ago
Luna: Hey Ámbar, wanna see something funny?
Ámbar: ..ok?
Luna: shout.
Ámbar: *shouts*
*nothing happens*
Luna: *shouts*
Matteo, Nina, Delfi, Jazmin, Jim, Yam: *rushing through the door* Omg Luna are you ok? what happened? are you hurt?
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siemprejuntosx · 5 years ago
Pelfi kisses ( + one of the many moments when we were robbed)
because what the actual fuck you can’t leave the mouse alone for two seconds or he’ll ruin another ship like it’s nothing
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+ bonus
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coeurie · 5 years ago
someone: i’d die for you
ámbar: then perish.
matteo, benicio, emilia: you will.
nico, pedro, luna, jim, yam: please don’t!
ramiro, gastón, delfi: cool :)
jazmin: wait *turns on camera on tablet* can you say that again?
nina, simón: not if I die for you first!!
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still-love-the-moon · 5 years ago
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l.s. | i like girls (x)
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incorrectsl · 6 years ago
Simón, pointing at Ámbar: This is my girlfriend Ámbar.
Simón, pointing at Delfi: That's her girlfriend Delfina
Simón, pointing at Pedro: And he is Delfi's boyfriend, Pedro
Simón, pointing at Matteo: Oh, and he is Matteo. He is not dating anyone but we still love him.
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agusnere · 7 years ago
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#three seasons we waited #to finally have the girls happy and united
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soylunathoughts · 2 years ago
Delfina es devina
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 2 years ago
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New and improved Delfi helping Nina 🩷
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