#definetely not with alastor
pageofheartdj · 6 months
The worst thing you can do to Alastor is... ignore him. Good attention, bad attention, he'll take it all, he'll make it all work. But ignoring him? Giving him nothing? Not a shred of attention, of acknowledgement? Oh this will drive him nuts!
If Lucifer and Alastor'll get into serious squabble, not their silly arguments, but something that shouldn't cut as deep from where they are now, Lucifer will take everything in his power to ignore Alastor's presence. Which wouldn't be easy with his reactionary nature. And Alastor... usually he just comes and takes what he wants. It worked before. And now... he is denied, and he is not the one to ask.
So they just slowly and painfully wear each other out.
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noemilivv · 7 months
Here I am with the ask!!! I was wondering if I could request headcanons for Adam, Alastor, Lucifer, Vox and Lute with how they would be with a sloth like S/o. I saw someone ask this on a blog I follow and I was stoked, I love this concept so much it's so funny I decided it's my favorite. INSANELY sleepy s/o, they sleep ALL the time and still manage to be super sleepy, they'd be walking down the street? They randomly fall asleep while walking, needless to say that's very dangerous in hell. In heaven a bit less, but let's say falling asleep while flying is definetely dangerous too. They're talking to someone? They might be trying to pay attention but still can't help help falling asleep, characters like Adam and Luci would definetely have no problem with that tho. They are incredibly slow, and also have the sloth tendency to climb(for the tall ones) and cling to said partner and hang onto them like ragdolls. They can stay awake if they replenish the energy they use immediately or by being monitored, but they're very concerning. I imagine warm milk would probably knock them out cold, coffee probably does little to nothing, maybe a huge amount would keep them on the brink of consciousness lol. (Sorry this got long, that's how much I find this concept hilarious, you don't actually have to include all everything I said if you don't wanna I was just rambling)
heyy again!! this is so cute and honestly i’m fangirling at the ideas i have for this haha, enjoy!!
Adam, Alastor, Lucifer, Lute, and Vox x Sloth!Reader
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There’s a solid chance he makes fun of you for your sleepy antics, but only he can do that, no one else!
Unlike Hell, if you fall asleep on the side of the road in Heaven, he’ll just toss ya over his shoulder like nothing happened
Honestly, Adam is pretty tall, and he’s got a bit of muscle under his fit, so he doesn’t mind a bit if you climb about him and all that
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Honestly, Alastor doesn’t mind your sleepy antics, it gives him an opportunity to get whatever he needs done for that time until you awake again
Although, he probably won’t let you climb him though, due to his dislike of physical touch, but dw he’ll let you cling to him a bit
If you start to daze off while he’s talking he won’t mind, his smile will soften, and he’ll tug you to his chest, talking you to sleep
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You guys don’t go out much, so it’s not often you fall asleep on the streets, but if you do, he’ll pick you up bridal style, he won’t make a big fuss about it, at least until you get home
Like Alastor, if you fall asleep mid convo, he won’t mind, he’ll just bring you to his chest and talk you to sleep
Although he is on the shorter side, if you wanna climb him, he’ll certainly let you! He thinks it’s the cutest thing!
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Honestly, Lute hates it when you sleep a lot, as because of her job, she’s busy most of the time and can’t see you, so when she does see you, and you’re asleep, it’s eh…
If you climb on her, she’ll tense up a bit, but she won’t deny it, but there’s a chance she will the first few times. Affection is new to her.
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He’s another tall one, so you could climb on him, but he’s a bit of a twig tbh, so he might not be able to hold you 😭
If you fall asleep during conversation, he’ll be all pissy, but if you fall asleep ON him, bro glitches so bad
Tried to make sure you don’t fall alseep on the streets in the first place, but if you do, bitch is waking you up, ain’t no way he’s carrying you
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cherrycrushes · 5 months
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only on camera - headcanons
(separate) alastor, lucifer, vox, angel, striker x camgirl!reader.
a/n: starting to get into making headcanons! lowk fun. also slight maturity warning
✮ you guys probably met upon his arrival at the hotel
✮ you being angel's close friend because your line of work
✮ he didn't know what a camgirl was until a very awkward conversation explaining what your job was to him
✮ he was shocked to say the least
✮ to imagine people would pay just to see you touching yourself was definitely an odd thing for him
✮ he definetely acted weird around you
✮ but throughout multiple conversations, he realized you were much smarter than he thought, despite your occupation
✮ you had to explain to him certain marketing strategies you did just to lure people into subscribing and paying for you
✮ he respected the hustle, but definetely left you alone when working
✮ after doing a live stream, he would provide aftercare
✮ giving you water and food after
✮ he's actually very sweet about it!
✮ i'd like to think being a camgirl was only your part-time job
✮ your main job being a mechanic
✮ he was at your shop, waiting for you to fix a mechanical duck he made but couldn't fix
✮ and attempted to make awkward small talk!
✮ when you told him what you did, he chuckled awkwardly
✮ he was supportive!!
✮ and when you two had started dating, the sugar baby accusations came in
✮ it only slightly affected your relationship, having to clear up the rumors
✮ to combat them, you showed the press how much you made on your own
✮ just to prove to them you had enough sugar, and there wasn't any need for a rich man
✮ you were the rich man
✮ lucifer only fell harder for you at this attitude
✮ the public eating it up as more pda showed from the two of you
✮ him proudly showing you off
✮ he probably watched your work and reached out to you
✮ he defo jacked off to it but whatever!
✮ he reached out to you seeing the amount of viewers you had each stream
✮ you being on the leader-board for one of the top camgirls
✮ he promised you eternal fame for your soul
✮ you were much smarter than that, and you turned him down
✮ this only made him want you more (eugh men)
✮ but you made a deal with HIM, promising him to be the face of some of his products if he gave you more subscribers
✮ he gave in, and started falling in love with your business demeanor
✮ he secretly joined in some of your streams, his face not showing
✮ he defo met you through valentino
✮ but you guys connected through sharing similar experiences
✮ helping each other fend off creeps whenever going out
✮ especially helping each other if he had to film and you had to stream
✮ i'd imagine your relationship would have little to no sex at all
✮ just pure fluff and cuddles :))
✮ eventually Valentino would invite you to film with angel
✮ more likely, he would force you to film with angel
✮ to which you had to agree to (or angel would have to face the consequences)
✮ angel would say it was fine and you didn't have to
✮ but you did it for him
✮ being as soft as possible
✮ angel remembers the experience as one of his best on set, even if the film had less views as the others
✮ lots and lots of aftercare!!
✮ he probably didn't know what it was until he asked
✮ and when he did find out, he teased you mercilessly
✮ but you endured it, only snapping when he called you something of a slut
✮ oooo heavy enemies to lovers vibes here
✮ ygs going band for band LMFAO
✮ he falls in love with your feisty personality
✮ always having a comeback when he mentioned something about your job
✮ you guys surprisingly have a lot in common
✮ him killing people for money, you fucking yourself for money
✮ definitely a lot in common!
✮ actually helping you film a stream that had bondage in it
✮ people noticing more streams with a gun kink theme around it hehe
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this-hazbin-quoted · 7 months
Alastor, trying to reassure Niffty: If I was doing something stupid, you definetely would be involved
Niffty: Yeah you're damn right I would be! And I would probably be there to make it even stupider!
Husk, flipping the page of his book: Yeah no doubts there
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kurosstuff · 5 months
I'm unstopabble.
You clutched onto the headboard of bed with stiffed grunt, coming yet another time.
"Ah..." is everything you're able to form feeling Rosie's cock leave your ass.
You collapsed on the bed, practically becoming the embodiment of definition "exhausted".
"You did so good today, sweetheart!"
Rosie cheerfully cooes, laying next to you and curling her tail to form a huge heap beside bed. It was really a true miracle that your bed hasn't cracked yet considering how huge her tail was.
She was panting a little, all exicetment slowly evaporaiting as she was FINALLY tired too.
You hum, face down on pillow.
Sex definetely wasn't in the list of things you could do well but your indurance was indeed admirable. Six rounds at once, really not everyone could stay that long.
Rosie chukled and lifted her upper part of body and grabbed towel on the headboard, cleaning you up.
"Phanks..." you mutter words of grattitude, still facing pillow.
You shift to lay on back and look up at Rosie. Her hair was messy, body damped with sweat. Tips of her flesh-ripping teeth were covered in blood and it wasn't hard to guess who's blood exactly. Bite marks on your body were aching, some of them still bleeding weakly. Soulless eyes were filled with gentleness, as Rosie pressed warm damp towel on bite mark on your still bleeding hip. You smiled at her care.
Weeks ago this view could've bring only terror to your soul but now...
"You're beautiful" - you say, with hint of adoration in your voice, as if stating a fact.
(Well, it IS a fact.)
Rosie perked up, confused for a moment but her lips quickly curled into a soft smile.
"Thank you darling"
She finished cleaning you up and laid next to you again.
You shifted your weight to sit up.
"Yes, honey?"
You gave an uneasy pause.
"What...Will be after your mating season ends?"
Her smile fell a little.
"Well, I usually go back to my routine...Huntin', taming my people...Tea-times with Alastor" - she said bluntly.
"You know...You could still visit me sometimes if you want" - you spoke with hesitation and...hope?
You averted your gaze.
Rosie was stunned for a moment at your tone of voice.
You felt slim slender hand holding yours. You looked up seeing Rosie gently stroking your palm. Heat rised to your cheeks.
"If you insist so..." - she said with smile that warmed your heart.
Your stomach fluttered with butterflies.
GOD- I'm like- in a angsty *spicy~* mood- with your permission ofc I kinda wanna add on- like uh-
What I'd after mating season is over? She doesn't visit AS often and reader? In attempt to *appeal*(or whatever idk the term) to her tries to be spicy with her so their not *left* and just other sad stuff
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psipies · 7 months
The case: What happened in Hell 7 (and a half) years ago
Good morning Detectives, I gathered you here because I need my best people to crack this case wide open! *slams fist on her palm*
I'm especially interested in the role of Alastor in all that shebang.
Let's start with the initial situation, shall we?
Population of Hell started to grew rapidly. We know that Lilith was working hard towards an uprising against Heaven. She was definetely more driven than Lucifer.
Obviously Heaven wasn't very happy about it.
Meanwhile Alastor appears in Hell. He quickly makes a name for himself, having the power that no mortal could have randomly. In no time he speedruns that whole being dead thing and gains the chair among the most powerful overlords.
He also have a thing going on with Vox. Partnership and probably future plans.
Ok. So now we are at the point when Shit Hit's The Fan. *adjusts her glasses*
What facts do we have, based on the dialogues and reactions between our demons of interest:
1. Lucifer made a deal with Heaven that they promise not to kill hellborns during Exterminations. Obviously he mainly had Charlie in mind. So it implies that her life was at stake at some point. Maybe Heaven threatened to wipe all Hell to the ground in one take? Maybe something else.
2. Lilith made a deal with Adam. Or it was a deal tieing her somewhat to him. We learn that by her last conversation with Lute. "Adam is dead. Your deal is off." Also her deal could probably include her staying in Heaven... With Adam? Or just to take her out of the Hell's picture? Either way, it definetly was a jab at Lucifer. To add an insult to the injury.
3. Alastor have something to do with the whole Extermination Talks. He dissappeared at the peak of his power, having a pretty good thing going for himself. His power just couldn't came from nothing, so he gained it through a deal with someone powerful, right after he appeared in Hell. We can assume that this power could be granted only by someone really powerful, someone who had an interest of having an overpowered demon (with a bunch of powerful overlords souls in his pocket) on his leash. Maybe to have him as a lieutenant of some sorts... We could assume that could be Lilith... BUT! Zestial said that there is a rumor that Alastor was absent because he made some deal with... Heaven. Do Haven have any hell-power granting bilities? Dunno. So maybe it's a gossip about him in general being entangled in the talks with Heaven. And let's not forget that him staying close to Charlie is no coincidence. We hear Vox saying "we can't let him making any deal with her". It's obvious that having Charlie on the leash would give him crazy leverage over everyone. But I think that he may try to kill two birds with one stone here - he's doing whatever he was ordered by his master/mistress to do (whatever this is), in the same time trying to free himself out of the deal and regain full power. At that point I think he may be even under two deals. Initial granting him his power, and the second one which somehow restrains him. But maybe I'm taking it way to far.
4. Lucifer made the deal with Heaven as a lesser evil. Maybe just to protect lifes of his family, maybe also to decrease the scale of the Extermination in general. Still better to be purged once a year, sparing the hellborns, than being in an open constant war. He lost his wife in this deal, who he still loves (he still wears his wedding band). We can assume that he pushed Charlie away out of guilt and shame. We also know that Alastor is fuckin pissed at him. Concluding from Alastor's reaction in first second he sees The King of Hell, they have a history. A seven year old history, if you please 😏 Knowing Alastor, his feelings doesn't came from the place of being concerned about lifes of the sinners. It's about his own thing. Somehow Lucifer's decisions fucked with the good thing he got going for himself. He was forced on his "sabbatical" by it. Maybe it even forced him to break his partnership with Vox.
Ok, Detectives, let's go! I want to hear some good theories!
*angrily throws the folder on the desk and looks around the room*
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rosefires20 · 8 months
Guys. I've gotten a bit maybe a little just a smidge invested in Hazbin Hotel.
Like the found family vibes of the Hotel is so peak. (I love Alastor's arc especially in these last two episodes but also just characters like Angel learning that they can still change and grow. They aren't stuck is lovely.) Im also a sucker for religious commentary and good music.
I watched the last two episodes today and like holy fuck that was a good ending. A little rushed (the last two episodes could have definetely been reasonably stretched into 4 but oh well) but had a lot of material left to cover in future seasons which will be exciting.
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So there was some discourse (idk if a while ago or recently, since I have autism and live under a rock) about Alastor's symbols being voodoo related, voodoo being closed off or ancestry based or smth and Alastor looking just too white
What if he wasn't white while alive?
Think about it
Alastor is a mama's boy, and in most of his mom's portrayals (not canon, yet still), it was his mom who was black
If he was mixed, he would have to endure the racism (it was the early 20th century after all), but he could see it as a sort of memorabilia, a reminder of his mother's side of the family tree.
And Hell is known to take aspects of people they would rather stay hidden and make it their whole thing or even making up new things to torture its inhabitants with (examples including Alastor being a deer and Husk having to fight his cat instincts)
You see where this is going?
Hell could've made him white to take away something he spent his entire life with, his ball and chain that he was proud of, and left him there, white and definetely passing
We can't also forget that as a white man who died in 1933 (to my knowledge), sinners and hellborns alike would probably assume him to be racist, even though he's the furthest from that
Imagine a jackass sinner making a black people joke, and Alastor either murdering him or having to fight the urge to do so.
It's just an elaborate form of torture
But, isn't Hell all about that?
Now, onto topic 2
His fuckass bob
As stated with point 1, I think it was part of his whole punishment ordeal
I think he had curly hair while alive and his mom helped him style it.
As in Smol Child™ Alastor sitting on a stool or smth and his mom combing his hair, sharing stories or listening to him retelling his day
His hair might've been a nightmare to maintain, but it was his, and it brought back fond memories
But now, in Hell, he is stuck with the most fuckass bob and criminal undercut ever known to humankind, and he probably lowkey hated it
And it's worth noting that the Fuckass Bob™ is the furthest thing from a 1920/1930's haircut, so there would be absolutely no reason for it to be his living haircut
Now, another Alastor's Hair headcanon that I have is that he can't change it
He tries to braid it?
Next day it's back to being fuckass and whatever he used to keep the braids in place is gone
He tries to cut it?
It regrows during the night
He literally burns his hair off?
Fine and fuckass in the morning
Whatever he does, that hairstyle won't leave him alone and he hates it
But he can't do anything
Thank you for coming to my TED talk, stealing headcanons heavily encouraged
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elsa-fogen · 6 months
Lilith and Shade/Lyre (your grimwalker oc). Their thoughts on each other? From your comics, we know that Darius doesn't like Shade but what about Lilith?
Damn for a solid minute or two i was thinking about Lilith from Hazbin and was like wtf how did you even think about it AND THEN I REMEMBERED
Lilith was a new scout when Shade was around. He was teaching them how to fight and he beat her up few times with other scouts. Lilith definetely remembered him, but he didn't
Speaking of Shade and Hazbin, my friend made a joke that Shade is Alastor if he wasn't ace LOL (actually no, but it's funny to think of. They both wear red, very powerful and killed many people)
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pageofheartdj · 6 months
Can't help but think it would be an Event if Lucifer was capable to be pregnant and did got pregnant *cough* Alastor *cough*.
Because sinners can't have children and there is not many children sinners, definetely not babies. And there are few hellborns that stay in Pride Ring.
So there will be a nervous excitement for the baby. Because it's a baby! BABY! The one you can care for and raise and teach and be proud of!
Angel will JUMP into a big brother/fun uncle role. He will smother them with attention, although he isn't used to filter himself, so that'll be a challenge xD
Husk doesn't do kids. But kids do him! He'll be low-key nervous how to deal with a kid, but he just has this Charm to him, so he doesn't even need to try! AND he knows the basic care unlike some xD Plus he can tap into his performer persona he gave up a long time ago.
Cherri(and Nifty) will definetely put them in fun(risky/weird) situations. Angel can only pray for them when Lucifer finds out.
The thing is. Lucifer gets angrier in these situations than Alastor, who thinks it'll do them good. But Alastor is scarier when he is angry, since he doesn't mind(prefers) to add an extra Terror, while Lucifer will get Mad only if you fuck up Big Time.
So you'll think Lucifer is a better option, right? Wrong. Nothing beats the "I am not mad, I am just disappointed" look. Charlie can't relate since she was a treat as a kid.
Speaking of Charlie. The girl will go crazy over being Perfect Older Sister. Be always extra prepared, the most loving the most caring the most Everything. And if something goes wrong she just falls into 'I am the worst sister ever' waterfalls. Good thing Vaggie will be there.
She is extremely awkward with kids. Doesn't know how to approach them and is not approachable. But she'll be there to bring Charlie to her senses and with Charlie's help she'll be able to spend some quality not-army time xD
And outside of the hotel Rosie's maternal instincts will be unstoppable. She is already a huge help to Alastor with his relationships. But the second he brings the baby for introduction, this is it. Nothing will stop auntie Rosie to spoil them rotten<3
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itsoak · 7 months
Bad Hair Day (Platonic Velvette/Reader)
This originally was supposed to be a scene with Alastor and reader, but I realized it suited Vel waayyyy more. As someone who grew up with curly hair with zero understanding on what to do with it, I love the headcannon that Vel has all the products and curly girl tips and tricks.
You’d been staring at yourself in the mirror for what felt like hours. Your hair was a giant mane of frizz and fluff, and at this point you were too exhausted to go through the process of re-wetting, curling, drying and then brushing it out in frustration again. There was hair gel, various brushes, and loose hair strands covering the bathroom sink. Perhaps you should have just straightened it and delt with the repercussions of dead burnt hair later. 
Feeling utterly defeated, you grabbed a hairband and tied your hair back into a bun, exiting the bathroom when the door unlatched itself, Velvette walking in on the messy display.
“Honestly what could you possibly be--“ she startled at the hurricane that had hit your bathroom, “oh babes! What the hell happened to you?”
“Bad hair day I suppose” there was no enthusiasm in your voice. 
“Oh my god, sit down now.” 
Velvette ushered you to sit back down in your chair, closing the door behind. 
“I was wondering what was taking you so long, you shoulda just come and gotten me sooner” she took a quick photo of your hair before beginning to spritz the mane with a large spray bottle filled with water mixed with conditioner, your hair soaked it up, its volume decreasing drastically as it became entirely soaked, brushing any knots out with a wide toothed comb. 
“I was thinking about just cutting it all off to save us both the trouble” Velvette let out an offended gasp. 
“Dont you fucking dare.” you laughed at the reaction as she began to rake curl cream through your hair with her fingers, scrunching it. The feeling of her fingers scratching your scalp was soothing, you closed your eyes practically purring at the massage. You could tell she was only doing it for as long as she did for your own sake and enjoyment and not for the actual hair. Velvette then began raking in gel before she parted your hair, sectioning it off into clumps as she finger coiled the strands of the sections. 
“Whats that for?”
“You curl pattern has to be utterly destroyed at this point. I’m just giving it some nutrients again and reminding it how it should be formed and not a cragly mess”
You gave a hum as a response as she moved onto the next section of hair, rewetting it with the spray bottle before repeating what she did on the first. She was singing some sort of British pop song to herself that you had no clue what the lyrics were. Out of all the the Vees, Velvette had always been your favorite. Her brash sassy personality and witty attitude never failed to amuse you. She was fearless in everything she did despite how new to the scene of overlordship she was. Over the past few years you had been working together, she had gone from a business partner to one of your closes friends. You had never had sisters but you could only assume a day with Velvette was exactly what is was like, clothing being shared and stolen, petty arguments, and then going out for brunch 20 minutes later. Velvette was right, you probably should have asked her for help sooner, she definetely enjoyed upkeep more, but you were determined to figure it out for yourself, and ultimately, failed. 
Velvette--who was finally finished with the finger coils-- started scrunching your hair again with a microfiber towel before grabbing a blow dryer and attaching the diffuser. 
“My hair always comes out frizzier when I use that thing. Plus it takes forever” you pouted.
“That’s because you dont know squat about proper hair care” she said, hovering the diffuser on low heat and speed, letting the gel cast dry. 
“My mother taught me how to take care of my hair” she mused, “Dressed me up, helped get me into fashion. When I was younger the other kids didn’t have the same type of hair as me. We tried to tame it down to help fit in with the others or else those dirty little cunts would try to touch it or ask a million questions, but my hair never worked like theirs. Eventually I stopped giving two shits and started wearing my hair however the fuck I wanted” Vel had started taking chunks of your hair and let it plop on the diffuser, scrunching it up to your scalp and holding it there till semi dry enough to go to the next. She made sure your turned your head over at various angles to let the hair fall naturally and give more volume. 
“Your hair is gorgeous” you praised.
It was absolutely true, her hair had always been one of, if not her best quality, and how she had the patience and skill to do a different look every day was beyond you. Today she was wearing her hair in cornrows, tied into a cute bun in the back, strands of curly hair dangling to perfectly frame her face. 
“I guess I never really cared about that sort of thing before meeting you Vel”
“And thank Lucifer you did. I mean where would you possibly be without me?” 
“Probably bald.” 
She gave a swift slap at your head which you laughed off. 
Once she finally finished Vel put a few droplets of hair oil into her palms before scrunching the stiff gel cast off. She took a step back to admire her work, giving herself a triumphant smirk before whipping out her phone to take hundreds of photos, posting and tweeting about her achievement with a before and after photo. She had done a brilliant job, the curls fell in loose yet defined curls with a beautiful shine and volume. Vel had outdone herself once again and she knew it. 
“Thank you, It looks amazing”
“Of course it does! Now fuck off, we have places to be”  
With a quick hug and peck on the temple Vel was off, laughing and texting on her phone. You admired yourself in the mirror a moment longer, watching the curls sway and bounce as you shook your head, before following her out the door.
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rainbowgod666 · 7 months
Hazbin hotel charachters (or at least the ones i remember) according to me, who has never watched it
Charlie: probably the only normal person in the show
Alastor: someone made a fanart that made me think they had some sort of top surgery scars so now theyre trans🏳️‍⚧️
Lucifer: "i have no idea who i am. Every day i scare myself because i think I saw that darn goggled autist in the mirror. I know for a FACT i have died before, but HE wont let me rest. According to HIM, me and god owe him so much we should surrender heaven and hell to him. I have been unironically killed over 667 times and i KNOW none of them are the last. I have seen him corrupt hell and turn it into a psychedelic SOMETHING that isnt hell anymore. I have seen HIM shrug off Holy Energy like HE got shot with a squirt gun. I saw HIM posess the ones i loved most and turn them into distorted horrors that not even i could come up with- I know im not the only "interpretation of the devil" who has been subject to this... this is why i try to be closer to my dear daughter as much as i can- i KNOW that one day i shall disintegrate into nothingness and "finally shut up" whatever that means. God isnt dead because HE said so. No mind can make hell out of heaven and viceversa except HIS... because he doesnt turn them into neither. Everything Eventually Becomes Entropy. And Then He Turnes It Into Autism So He May Forever Evade Death By Eternally Dying. He made himself judge, jury, and executioner, and the only thing stopping him from actually DOING anything is how overwhelming is the mortal wo-" "dad will you fucking take your meds already or do i have to shove them up your ass"
Vox: they changed heads, and are definetively gay
Sir Pentious: i feel like they should get their eggs back. Idk why.
Angel dust: drug addict spider femboy. Also they have been subjected to sexual abuse so ffs MAKE THEM FEEL SAFE
Striker: i know that ass has watched 1980s anime. I just KNOW.
Blitzø (and the rest of the helluva boss team): really funny imps who (through some JJBA part 5 shit) just wanna exist in a literal hellhole
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ivycovehq · 6 months
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introducing... HAZBIN HOTEL. straight from the fires of hell, this hotel has landed in fulton park. originally a rehbilition centre for sinners to get into heaven, the hotel now in ivy cove is a general rehbilitation centre for drugs, alcohol and mental health. the building isn't quite as eccentric as it once was, but it definetely stands out amongst the other buildings in fulton park, despite it's well meaning work.
this is another rift event in ivy cove! the hotel has been pulled directly from it's location into fulton park, only modified a bit. alastor is the owner.
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alexparozi · 7 months
i love thinking about platonic co parenting radioapple so much im SICK in the HEAD ugh GOD
like they dislike eachover but have this sort of thing and its neither romantic nor sexual with lucifer already being in a relationship with lilith and alastor being repulsed from an actual relationship they THEY they just kind of vibe together and definetely have whos-a-better-dad fight offs
and also lucifer is so genderqueer to me i dont take complains i may make him unlabeled just for the sake of projecting hes also a sapphic little bitch i imagine he gets gender euphoria from being called Lucy he/she/they pronouns baby!!!!
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random-bi-writer · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Spoilers
It's a good thing I didn't put too much focus on the Hazbin Hotel characters in my fic, because there is a lot of lore that just got dropped.
Lilith apperantly girlboss a bit too hard that she got her ex scared, which is good for her, but I don't like how she ghosted her daughter for 7 years.
When the pilot was the only thing around, I knew that Charlie's relationship with her parents would be complicated. But I thought it would be Charlie and Lilith being on speaking terms while Lucifer ignores his daughter, not the other way around.
Vox is an asshole, but it's hard not to like him.
Okay, from what I understand with the Vees, I think they're just close friends with Vox having a crush on Valentino, but it feels like they're in a qpr poly. I'm trying to describe that they're in a platonic polymary relationship.
And Viziepop fandom has a habit on pointing out writing flaws with female characters, and as much as I try to avoid that drama, I kind of agree with them, and it makes me glad that there's finally a good mother in the show that's alive. Good for Carmilla.
As for poison, admittedly, it's a song that I'd probably listen to a bunch of times, but actually watching it? Yeah, no, I'm not doing that.
The fact that ep 4 was really uncomfortable to watch shows how much effort the writers and actors show how wrong sexual abuse is, and how it's nothing to laugh at, especially if it's happening to a guy.
Husk being an overlord did caught me offguard for a moment, but I'm not surprised? Considering how he acts with Alastor, and there was something appearance that made me think that he's different from other sinners except for Alastor.
I kinda like the episodes so far, even though I know that some people are willing to show that there are flaws in the show despite the fact that some are trying to enjoy a show that has been waiting for years to be shown in the world.
I'll admit, I wasn't interested when the pilot came out, but when you work hard to write, it actually pays off.
Hazbin Hotel, is definetely worth watching.
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cupidthewriter · 11 months
waiting til the hazbin hotel premier to remake my already existing ocs is KILLING ME (light hearted not really a rant)
i have like... 4 or 5 ocs that are SO ENMESHED in fandom views of the charcters (yes thats my fault) that I am both excited and DREADing the new lore
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ive been living under the notion that husk was a veteran (i know its not true) and so much of my writing stuff has to do with that like AGH
Cori will be fine. Cori is kinda removed the only one he's remotely connected to is Valentino and Angel Dust, and even then only because there was a professional reason for them to interact.
But my mother and daughter duo Annie and Gwen are definetely gonna need changes as their lives were intertwined into both Alastor's and Husk's.... (then there was Carmen, who's existence depends on her knowing Husk iykwim)
then there's andy who's only purpose is to be his friend and like AGH why did i do this to myself
but i cant do anything til the premier 0w0
and yes I KNOW none of you know the names of those ocs and none of you know who the hecc im talkin about but idc im in mourning of the stories im gonna have to change
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