#defeating overlord with the very thinf he wants to destroy
renklix · 2 years
So like, Crystalized finale was okay, but here’s an idea
What if Lloyd remained in his Oni Form for the rest of that fight? Imagine all the same stuff happening, but with Oni Lloyd. Him riding the dragon could represent balance, the importance of both sides, all that jazz. Ohhhh and imagine him like losing control that whole aerial fight scene, maybe eyes flickering between purple and green, the dragon making sure he doesn’t fall off, kinda symbolizing the team always being there for him and oooooh here’s a cool idea, let’s mix in some flashbacks and have it go like traumatic memory/eyes go purple; nice memory/eyes go green and let this continue for a bit until he kinda concentrates on good memories and finds his balance or something and the eyes settle on green and then in the final scene instead of the dragon hitting the Overlord with its tail Lloyd blasts him with his Oni powers, once again sending the message about how both sides are equally important. And i’d give Harumi more lines cuz this is ridiculous, she has like four lines in that episode and three of them are “Lloyd!”, she deserves better
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