#def will have to add one to my bug tattoo
kestrels-and-katydids · 4 months
Some poor unassuming person picking up on the fact that I like arthropods: oh so what’s your favroite bug?
Me, incapable of being normal: oh well you see that’s a loaded question bc scientifically speaking not all insects are bugs and there’s only a “small” group, Hemipterans, that are considered the true bugs and are United by their characteristic sucking mouth pieces, this group includes insects such as cicadas, stink bugs, leafhoppers, treehoppers, etc of which I would consider cicadas to be my favorite however linguistically the word bug has been used to refer to all insects as well as arachnids, diplopods, and other arthropods so if you ask me my favorite bug you’re likely referring to insects as a whole as is the context most people, including some entomologists use the word bug for —
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griffin-wood · 3 years
All of domestic life for Adam/Lya !!! -(graysinblack)
Hi Ayla! Thank youuuu , and get ready for some soft Adam/Lya! This is quite long so, it will be put under a cut! <3 
(From ship questions) 
1. If they get married, who proposes?
I can definitely see Adam proposing! But, Lya would definitely down to propose to him in return as well!
2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
I haven’t imagined how their wedding would be, but one thing’s for sure - it will be very intimate. They wouldn’t have such a grand wedding, since Lya doesn’t like those grand gestures as much - however, flowers and the simplicity is a vibe I would go for their wedding! Also, both of them would def say their vows in private - somehow, much more intimate as the words were only for them both to hear! Who attends? Hmm, definitely Lya’s close friends like Tina, Verda, and those who mattered to her. 
3. How many kids do they have if any? What are they like?
I think they would definitely love to have a big family - as Lya, wanted to have a big family due to being an only child growing up feels lonely. She doesn’t want the kids to feel lonely. I haven’t thought that far yet, but if I will - I’ll definitely add it in! Adam would def would love a huge family, as somehow it maybe can remind him of his own family himself. 
4. Do they have any pets?
Well, it depends if they want to! But, honestly - they wouldn’t mind having one! Maybe a cat for Adam? But, if their jobs overlap - they wouldn’t risk it because it will have much responsible for the both of them. 
5. Who’s the stricter parent?
Both of them! But, definitely Adam much more - since Lya hasn’t much of a tempered to be strict, but when they combine forces; it's gonna be a strict environment for their kids. However, they will be those soft parents as well, the best of both worlds! 
6. Who worries the most?
Both of them! Their protectiveness makes them much more of a worry wart to the kids. 
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Lya despises bugs, so she would either run away or scream for Adam to help her. 
8. How do they celebrate holidays?
Honestly, Lya isnt much of a holiday person - but, they definitely would have an annual family trip during New Year’s possibly, or just a small getaway during the summer. As long as they are together - but, if its like huge holidays; definitely spending the time with their extended family including the presence of Unit Bravo in their activities. 
9. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Answered here! 
10. Who’s the better cook?
Definitely Lya! She looks to bake - plus, she is definitely on her way to be the chef she could be lol! But - she would def be taking care of the food for the family much more which Adam didn’t mind at all! 
11. Who likes to dance?
Okay - so I have a habit of giving some of my favourite past-times in my detectives. So, Lya definitely likes to dance much more than Adam, its such a way for her to just let loose. At first adam would not join her, and just be smiling from afar letting out a chuckle or two at her - but, Lya’s puppy eyes cause him to surrender, and they can sometimes seen be dancing to a tune that Adam would hum - somehow, maybe a tune from the past which is tattooed in her heart as one of her fav memories with Adam. 
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thesvenqueen · 3 years
S&B Episode 7
- OHHH a Jesper title card HELL YEA I LOVE IT - ughhhhh who CARES for this backstory because it's NOT me - but also MORE BEN YEE - sheesh Ben that acting boi, I nearly feel sorry for your character...nearly.. - S H E E S H heads will roll apparently - I mean, Baghra is not wrong. you leaned on FEAR instead of just earning RESPECT - WHY DOES NO ONE EVER LISTEN TO BAGHRA OMG if everyone would have just listened to Bagrha we wouldn't fucking be here - yeah y'all fucked - well, that went super well - DAMN he really carried Baghra that far SHEEEEEESH - "I made soemthing" yeah no shit - You can see Kaz struggling so hard to help Inej but his phobia just not allowing him to and my god, Freddy fucking Carter understood the assignment - Freddy Carter, Amita Suman & Kit Young UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT PERFECTLY - "I'd miss me too. I'm fantastic." you shit lmao - I didn't mention this last time but the way they show Mal being able to hear/detect the stag is actually super smart and will def help with future stuff too. brilliant little thing to add - oh isn't he BEAUTIFUL - I mean, as someone that used to hunt, I genuinely would not want to shoot the stag. it's too beautiful - Ivan you shit head wtf - OH FFS CAN WE STOP NEARLY KILLING MAL SO MUCH JESUS - dramatic ass entrance for such a dramatic ass piece of shit lmao - WAS THAT NECESSARY?!? - Awww, thanks for fixing the cane Jesper bb - "what else is there?" idk how about telling her HOW YOU FEEL AND HOW YOU NEED HER FFS KAZ COME ONNNNNN - daaaaaaamn Kaz admitting he was wrong for once, WILD - MY CROWS SHUT UP IMMA CRY - "No saint ever watched over me. Not like you have." TATTOO THIS ON ME NOW. I AM DYING OVER THIS SO MUCH I AM AHHHHHHHHH - "I can't go back to the Menagerie" "You won't." GIRL YOU THINK HE GONNA LET YOU GO BACK WITHOUT FIGHTING FOR YOU DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU TALKING TO????? - DAVID NOOOO. - I mean, she right. nothing has been up to her since the beginning. - M A N I P U L A T O R - that is NOT an answer homie. you avoided the one question she fucking needed an answer to ughhhhh - OHHHH this is a cool concept. in the books you hear ALina's thoughts and feelings of how she felt him controlling her powers, but that's not really possible hear so adding the little bit of the antler onto the darkling's hand to show he has control....I like it!! keeps the audience understanding whats going on - David, bb, I don't blame you at all but also DAMN IT WHY YOU SO SMART - "Jes?!" THIS WHOLE SCENE I AM DYINGGGGGG THAT SLOW TURN TO INEJ I CAN'T - "It's Suli, for friendship!" JESPER'S FUCKING FACE & THE LITTLE FEET KICKS HE KNOWS ITS BUGGING KAZ AND HE LOVES IT IM CRYINGGGG OH MY GOD - I could legit rewatch this scene over and over again for days, it's too fucking good I cannot - GENYA - .....well this blows - Oh Genya, oh sweet Genya I am SO sorry. but he def put you in that position and for SURE our are his pawn dude come ON. He placed you with Alina for a fucking REASON - well Jesper loves a bit of role play sooooooo - "I'm a man of my word" Oh PUH-LEASE - you only appreciate the POWER she brings you, stfu - "you are a child" and you're a git - TELL HIM MAL - ZAMN ZADDY, you look fly af - GASP MILO!!! HOW?!? - THAT IS YOUR MOTHER YOU RUDE ASS BITCH - telling half truths is still L Y I N G - cool motives, still shitty - "Make me your villain" Done and done sir, thanksssssss - LOOKED OLDER?!?! stfu and KAZ'S FACE IN THE BACK OMG y'all are such shit I can NOT - L I A R. again, all these fucking LIES and you don't get why she doesn't trust you - NO MOURNERS, NO FUNERALS
The dynamic between the crows UGH I can not talk about it ENOUGH. The casting is absolutely perfect for them, honest to god! Ben is absolutely killing it though, hate the character which means he's doing an amazing job. GOD I really am going to be rewatching this for a third time now aren't I?
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alexmercermolina · 4 years
Tagged by @meangirlsx – thank u babe love ya!!
coffee or tea: 
i don’t really drink either all that much but i do love a good tea when my mom makes it for me, and i LOVE iced coffee with all the sugar so it doesn’t taste like coffee lmao - soph
both pretty much any way except I can’t deal with caffeinated coffee cause i’m weak - ellie
early bird or night owl: 
night owl 100%, i hate waking up early - soph
early bird (but only when i’m happy lmaoo) - ellie
chocolate or vanilla: 
i can only stomach chocolate on certain occasions but when i can it’s the BEST - soph
chocolate!! - ellie
spring or fall: 
fall for sure it’s so cute with the leaves changing - soph
uhh spring because summer is my favourite season so at least I know it’s coming up but tbh i don’t love spring or fall i’m very much a summer and winter person - ellie
silver or gold: 
gold probably it’s so pretty - soph
umm both?? - ellie
pop or alternative: 
idk what alternative is anymore but i do love a good pop song - soph
either!!- ellie 
freckles or dimples: 
snakes or sharks: 
sneks - soph
i fucking love sharks like snakes are rad too but sharks are just SO COOL  - ellie
mountains or fields: 
i love gallivanting through a field and i have asthma so i feel like climbing a mountain would be bad news for me BUT theyre so pretty - soph
a field on a mountain - ellie
thunder or lightning: 
both at the same time (this just happened and it was so pretty) - soph
BOTH i love a storm - ellie
Egyptian mythology or Greek mythology: 
greek mythology for sure, i had a class on it in high school and it’s just so interesting - soph
Okay tbh I’ve never gotten super into either but Egyptian but I also studied like lots of diff mythologies in university and I gotta say my faves were Mesopotamian and Mesoamerican - ellie
ivory or scarlet: 
scarlet prob - soph
scarlet i guess - ellie
flute or lyre: 
i tried to play the flute once and it did not go well and the lyre is kinda like a guitar which i can play so that - soph
Yeah i agree i’m going with the lyre mainly cause i am so bad at the flute and could probably make something similar to music on a lyre - ellie
opal or diamond: 
opal is sooooo pretty - soph
opal cause diamonds are unnecessary and shouldn’t be expensive - ellie
butterflies or honeybees: 
both!!! im getting a butterfly tattoo once covid calms down more but i love bees so much - soph
i mean both i LOVE bugs but probably bees I really want to have a beehive one day - ellie
macaroons or eclairs: 
eclairs for sure, but i do love the coconut macaroons (not the french ones though) - soph
i don’t LOVE either but eclairs but i like making macarons cause they’re pretty - ellie
typewritten or handwritten: 
im a way faster typer but i think handwritten things are so cute - soph
handwritten cause i’m tired of being on my computer lol - ellie
secret garden or secret library: 
oooooh a garden to get lost in for sure - soph
GARDEN - ellie
rooftop or balcony: 
ok so like usually i’d say rooftop but during covid we were stuck sitting on our roof when we wanted to be outside and our next door neighbours had a balcony and they had so much more space to do things ya know? - soph
uh def a balcony for soph’s reasons - ellie
spicy or mild: 
spicy in moderation and also depending on the day! - soph
SPICY ALWAYS i don’t like food unless it’s a little painful - ellie
opera or ballet: 
ballet - soph
ballet for sure - ellie
London or Paris:
 i’ve been to london for like 18 hours and it was cute but i didn’t get to see all the sights, so i’d go back there! but also paris so i can improve my french - soph
okay so i actually lived in both cities somehow lmaoo and i think paris??? cause it has better and cheaper food mostly - ellie
Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet: 
ooooh monet i think but also van gogh was a legend - soph
def van gogh - ellie
denim or leather: 
denim 1000000% the amount of mom jeans and dad shorts i own.....embarrassing - soph
denim denim denim - ellie
potions or spells: 
spells for sure theyre so much less effort - soph
potions cause i like cooking - ellie
ocean or desert: 
ocean!!!! - soph
omg uh both but i’m going with desert cause i miss being warm - ellie
mermaids or sirens: 
mermaids for sure - we just watched H2O just add water and now i wanna be a mermaid sooo bad - soph
for sure mermaids for soph’s reasons - ellie
masquerade ball or cocktail party: 
a masquerade ball would be so fun but like not like in shows where no one recognizes each other cause that’s unrealistic lmao - soph
anything where i get to wear something fancy cause i never get to wear fancy things - ellie
blue or red: 
red! - soph
red! - ellie
tomato or cucumber: 
i used to hate tomatoes but now i’m getting back into them so i think i’ll go with that (but cucumbers make pickles and i loooooove pickles) - soph
tomatoes are like 70% of my diet - ellie
sunrise or sunset: 
sunset, theyre so stunning - soph
sunrise!! - ellie
jellyfish or angelfish: 
jellyfish are so funny like they literally just sting you and then you have to pee on it???? hysterical - soph
i don’t even know what an angelfish is lmao - ellie
sheer or opaque: 
probably opaque unless it’s a going out top and then i love a good sheer - soph
sheer cause why not - ellie
forest or hallway: 
this is such a random comparison so i guess forest - soph
forest ofc - ellie
we tag @willieandalex @oozing-chemistry @phantomsalex @perfectharmony @incorrect-jatp-quotes @only-here-for-jatp @sunsetjulies and whoever else wants to!!!! xx
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ofbellair · 6 years
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hewwo, you can call me ‘a’ short for alex and this is my bby bella, addicted to bad bitch and dumb bitch juice ! if some parts of her bio seem familiar to you, it means that you’ve seen my original vers. of this muse in which case.... hellur.  you know the drill, like for a dm so we can plot. stats and bio, summary of said bio will be posted down below too !! 
achara ‘bella’ sajakul, born and raised in bangkok, thailand. 971111. 
her parents were the heads of a notorious gang in thailand, ‘alcatraz’, who were specialised in drug dealing, professional hitmen and cibernetic attacks.
the irony of such a pretty name and such a bad girlie huhmstve
she was taught how to do everything: from fighting and using weapons to ways to manipulate people or steal from them
she attended public school to blend in but ended up kidnapped and beaten up by a rival gang
ever since, she attended private schools 
she pursued online classes for a programming major and she did graduate.
in her free time, she would go out with her friends from the gang to cause trouble tbh. 
they would steal, vandalize places, beat up people who had wronged their gang, etc
bella is hecka sociable and skilled when it comes to communications, so she was sent to seoul w some members of her gang
she is still up to no good in seoul as well, doing the things she had been taught to do ever since she was a child.
it repair technician, cam girl, negotiator and hacker, sometimes drug dealer 
she is mainly the leader of the hackers in the gang, her abilities being the best ones.
the it business that she owns serves as a source of income and cover for drug transactions.
she deals with direct meetings of gang leaders in seoul
she makes exchanges and goes out to punish people if something goes wrong
the cam girl gig is due to her pure entertainment and she enjoys doing it.
despite all these dark and illegal things, she is actually what you would call a ‘class clown’.
it first started as an act, but she turned out to actually be like that after a while. thankfully, it helps to conceal her background and secret activities.
she has a bunch of tattoos on her arms that imma struggle to add in ps
def cat lady and has one named ‘alcatraz’ ( the dumb bitch juice effect & bc that’s her gang’s name !! surprise !! )
heteroromantic but bisexual *roblox sound oof*
fucking HATES rats, snakes and bugs
wears shorts and t shirts during winter this bitch feels Nothing
talking about Not Feeling Anything, she prolly lead on and dated a bunch of ppl despite having no emotions towards them
for Wanted Connections !! all the friends plots, bad influence for others, good influece for her, ppl who know abt her past, ppl who are fans of her cam girl business and recognized her, enemies/allies, customers, fellow members of her gang, fwb, Any Crushes or Potential Love Interests ANY I WANT EVERYTHING !!!
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