diosefm · 3 years
@othcrhalf​ / @deezeeashfrost​ when: around 6 am where: garbage bin, where else
Twenty years. You’ve been working for them tor Twenty. Fucking. Years. It’s not the time wasted that’s the current source of her anguish, but rather the knowledge she has obtained during her years as the Capitol’s little perfect pet. Avoxes are up early. They make their rounds, getting everything ready just before dawn. One of them ought to have found her by now.
Diose has been using her elbow to make as much noise as she can, but she momentarily regains control of her hands. The numbness is gone and she is able to ball them into a fist, using her remaining strength to hit the metal walls that are keeping her prisoner. Before she can try again, she is betrayed by her body once more and her hands begin tingling again. Sweat drips from her neck, the sheet she is covered in not doing much to fix how cold she is. Sweat. Cold. That’s not normal. The only constant these past few days is how exhausted she’s felt. Wishing for the pain to end, she gives up, drops her arm back on top of the garbage bags she is resting on and closes her eyes. 
Please, let it be quick
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blythefm · 3 years
@deezeeashfrost​​ when: some time after her convo with griffin  where: ten’s floor
She needs help. And there is only one person she trusts enough to talk to about her plans. And her worries too, but she is keeping those hidden. 
Blythe angrily knocks on DeeZee’s door, needing for him to let her in immediately. With Silver nowhere to be found, she is desperate to keep an eye on those she’s trusted with her plans. And maybe she needs some support as well since she is scared she will wake up and find Virgo missing, but she isn’t voicing those thoughts out loud, refusing to give people any more ideas.
“Open the door, fuckface. I know you’re in there.“
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rovxfm · 3 years
@deezeeashfrost  when: one random morning xoxo where: near an elevator near two’s floor
​With Slate being the only person that kind of understands the dilemma that’s currently bothering Roux, it should not be a surprise to see how him paying the older victor constant visits. He’s run into Dawn and caught glimpses of who he believes must be his stylist, but other than that, Two’s floor is a ghost town. 
So, it’s just his luck that he spots DeeZee while he is on his way to see Slate. DeeZee and Slate’s relationship is something Roux just refuses to think about, the little boy still trapped inside of him even feeling somewhat jealous of the fact that he is not the only person Slate is sort of an advisor to. 
But, he is good at pretending, and he’s been so on edge lately maybe it’s good DeeZee is there for Roux to let some steam off.  When he approaches the other, he is all smiles as he stands next to him, one hand gently patting his back as if they’re nothing but old friends.
“There is no need to try to show up at places you know I’ll be at, man. If you want me to sign your tin arm all you have to do is grovel.“
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givcnup · 2 years
FT. DEEZEE ASHFROST ( @deezeeashfrost​​​​​ ) | QUARTER QUELL, DAY 4. on griffin’s way up to twelve after he and silver plan post-plutarch talk
JUST AS HE and Silver had planned, Griffin takes a quick detour into Ten before heading straight for the people he needs to prioritize evacuating, hoping against hope he’ll find who he needs there and nowhere else — or if he can’t find the Victor himself, then at least, at the very least, his Escort. Six hours can feel like a long time, but with the design of this cursed building, and the amount of going around Griffin will have to do to get the word out along with Silver, it can feel frighteningly short too. He’s only thankful that it seems luck is on his side today when, from the moment he steps off the elevator, he sees precisely who he needs to, mere paces away, as if on his way to get on and head elsewhere too. Whatever plans DeeZee Ashfrost has, Griffin’s going to have to wreck them completely.
“DeeZee. Just who I was hoping to see,” he says, relieved, but putting on a bit of casual friendless for the Peacekeeper standing a minute or so away from them. Right away, he opens his arms, not waiting for permission before he pulls the much larger man into a friendly half hug. Quietly, urgently, he whispers: “It’s time, kid. We’re leaving in six hours.” He tightens his hold around him. “I need you to listen closely to what I have to say because you’re going to have to spread the word to your friends.”
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ovcrlookcd · 2 years
FT. DEEZEE ASHFROST ( @deezeeashfrost​​​ ) | QUARTER QUELL, DAY 1. afternoon, after several failed sponsorship requests, in the sponsors room, tower
PISTA’S HANDS ARE shaking even as he numbly makes his way through the room, narrowly avoiding a group crowded around some Mentors from One. He doesn’t notice them at all, and whatever haughty sponsorship tactics the Victors there are going on about sound like muffled noises to him. In his mind, the ringing has returned, high-pitched and relentless. He replays the look on Glammour’s face the entire time he’d been talking to her, how scared she’d seemed to even be sitting next to him in the sponsors’ room, her eyes darting every which way, nails up to her teeth in a show of uncertainty and worry. It had felt as if his world had come crashing down on him when she shook her head in rejection of his request, apologetic though she’d been; it feels like his world is still crashing down on him now.
He’d tried for a few others after that, but every single one of them had gone worse — one of them hadn’t even bothered to give him time of day, pursing their lips and shaking their palm no as soon as they’d seen him approaching. Pista’s used to hardship, having lived a life full of it, of poverty and of daily suffering, but this feels too much like he’s already been kicked down into the dirt and is still being stomped on. The room is cold, the air pleasantly conditioned to keep the elite happy, but he’s sweating, and he can’t wait to be out of here. He might drown if he stays.
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alderapitleaf · 2 years
WHEN: Not long after the initial bloodbath WHERE: Within the common area
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There’s been differing levels of panic all day. Since the moment she sent off Birch and Parsley, she’s been trying to hold herself together. Riggs can only do so much for her panic. And during the bloodbath, it was no different.
Now that it seemed the calm had died and most tributes were exploring, she was trying to focus on her breathing, to get herself under control, and then she realized, she should check on her friends.
Getting up, she easily found DeeZee, whom she knew might be struggling given one of his tributes. “Hey,” She says, her chest still rising and falling quickly. “I just figured neither of us should be alone right now.”
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favathornewood · 2 years
lil hc wrap-up w/ @deezeeashfrost
deezee and fava weren't able to see each other again after they showed their asses with a big baby food fight. every time they happened to cross paths, someone quickly ushered one of them away in an attempt to "keep the peace" so to speak. but they had a lot of silent conversations with angry glances across the room at each other when they were able to do so.
lil hc wrap-up w/ @silverostro
silver and fava have not had a moment to speak at all. now fava has TRIED to locate silver but damn oh damn is silver always doing something fam. here's hoping they'll be able to reconnect in ablaze because fava has some things to say. also because fava wants her actual friends to be safe lol
lil hc wrap-up w/ @dcwnhardin
we wanted a little parallel hug moment with dawn and fava so gdi we made it happen! fava definitely interrupted a conversation in order to speak with dawn (and the other person allowed this to happen because the girl on fire is very demanding lol) and she promptly apologized for any drama her little necklace charade caused but also ensured dawn that she did NOT say his name to anyone at all. and gentle little dawn reassured her that the whole necklace thing isn't even a concern because other things have been going on / dawn is here to help baby!! and then they got a nice little hug out of it and it was magical and the end. here's hoping they survive!
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hovergrove · 3 years
Day After the Tea Party, Outside the Training Center (@deezeeashfrost​​)
The Training Center is crawling with Peacekeepers. They’re there, around every corner, and it’s hard for Hudson to not shrink away when they see them, like they aren’t halfway afraid that they know everything already, that they can look at them and just tell.
The biggest cluster of them is outside of the Training Center, and Hudson isn’t sure if that’s because of the Tributes inside or because DeeZee’s there, too.
They’ve been meaning to talk to him. They’ve been meaning to patch things up with Gage. Now the Games are here and it’s almost too late for both of those things and it’s their fault because they wasted so much time, because things with their family always felt hopeless and so the Games felt doubly hopeless and so they waited and they buried their head in the sand and hoped that something would happen, that they would suddenly know what to do—
But the Games are here, and they still don’t. If they think back to the dry-eyed goodbyes with their family in the District 12 Justice Building, they can’t remember what Gage said to them, what he thought his last words to Hudson would be. All too soon, they’re going to have to say something to Gage that could be the last words they ever say to him. How do they even begin to figure out what those will be?
And despite their audience, despite the fact that DeeZee’s always been one of the kind of Victors that Hudson’s intimidated by, the kind that they can’t imagine seeing much value in them, it’s easier to find words to say to him: “Do you have a moment? I wanted to—I wanted to say thank you. For what you’ve done for Gage.”
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othcrhalf · 3 years
WHO: deezee ashfrost ( @deezeeashfrost​ ) WHERE: deezee’s loner corner in the party WHEN: some time during the middle of the event
EVEN AFTER ACQUIRING “permission” from Silver, Robyn hadn’t gone to DeeZee straight away. They couldn’t, not after the way their conversation had ended, with their beloved District 3 Victor having rendered them utterly ill-prepared to talk to people, as if a heartfelt confession hadn’t just been given to them out of nowhere mere moments before. No, they had had to recuperate in the bathroom to make sure their make-up hadn’t gone all awry, or their hair, or their outfit, and only stepped back out as though absolutely nothing had happened once they were sure everything looked perfectly fine. Wouldn’t do to be fragile in such a sinister event, especially after their decision to part ways with Silver in the meantime. Robyn thinks they’ve been doing a good enough job thus far of their usual socializing, though, weaving in and out of conversations with people they both liked and didn’t like with ease, trying to gather as much as they could while checking in on those they cared about. They can only hope no one had seen or paid much attention to that embarrassing display at their table with Silver earlier on.
Fully recovered and fresh from conversation with no small number of empty-headed Capitolites, Robyn at last sets out to look for DeeZee. They had spotted him earlier during the party, quietly smoking in his own private corner, looking like he hadn’t slept a wink at all last night. They find he’s still there now, barely having moved an inch from when they’d seen him last. His ( and Clearmark’s ) isn’t a position Robyn would want to be in at all, and he can only imagine how bad the past hours might have been for him. Silver had suggested distracting him, even going so far as to offer themself up as a target for DeeZee’s ire and insults, but Robyn wants to see how he’d react first to noticing their approach. He’d been there for them when Silver had gone missing, and an unexpected, genuine friendship had blossomed between the two of them, one built on support from him to them. As they step closer now, hands in the pockets of their immaculately white pants, Robyn silently considers how best to approach the situation. Pity, they’re sure, is the last thing he wants, and the last thing they would want to give too, but would outright mischief throw him off the way it had when he’d first gone to Robyn after the reception?
“This spot big enough for two people?” Robyn decides for casual instead, stopping just a few paces away from him, their expression calm.
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digitalrcge · 3 years
when: toward the middle of the evening
There’s only so much best behaviour she can take. Dancing with someone’s uncoordinated, stuck up husband eats up what little patience she has left for the Capitol Crowd and she doubts if Swann will let her get away with disappearing twice in the span of as many hours. So she suffers the irritation, the boredom, the rising panic every time she catches her reflection of something entirely too polished. Suffers the lot until she happens upon a target worth that noxious energy.
“They really let you in like that, huh?” Try as she might, Digit can’t keep from laughing. It’s a horrid, undignified sound for a horrid, undignified friend. While she’s aware of Deezee’s tendency to play the fool, this might just be a step too far. Either that or he’s lost a bet. “Forgive me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t wedding etiquette usually discourage the guests from wearing white? Unless you’re planning on standing in for the bride when she legs it with Beesly.”
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bandikeenpath · 3 years
district ten’s floor, after the clean-up crew find diose
Worrying is counter-productive. Bandi knows better than most that if something is going to happen and someone is going to leave (or get caught) no amount of thinking, of fretting, is going to change a thing. Never mind that she’s used to DeeZee being out all hours of the night. She isn’t his handler, regardless of whether or not his being so unpredictable can drive her up the wall. It’s just something she has to get on with. 
So she isn’t worried. Not really. But that doesn’t stop the relief when the door opens and her head snaps up and there he is. Finally. She’s quick to lose interest in her journal, rising from her seat so quick it falls to the floor with a thunk. Something is off: not in the giddy, liquor-hazed way it she’s most used to, no standing vigil by the bathroom door with a lecture and a plate of dry toast at the ready. Bandi tries not to make assumptions (she’s wrong far too often) but these are exceptional circumstances. There’s not exactly much innocence left to believe in. 
“What happened?” A sharp breath. “Who was it?” 
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diosefm · 3 years
@deezeeashfrost​​ when: sorta middle of the night once they’ve had a couple of drinks and deezee has had a chance to talk to pistachio where: right in the center of... somewhere so everyone is looking at them
She’s been having a lovely time so far, which means something bad is bound to happen sooner or later. But, she tries to not think about it, especially when she is in the middle of carrying two drinks to the corner table where Pista and herself decided to sit for his own sake. She would’ve just asked an avox, but her paranoia is alive and well and she insists on being present whenever her drinks are served.
She is halfway there when she runs into a figure towering over her in an all-white outfit that makes her blood boil. It doesn’t take her too long to see who’s committed such as atrocious fashion faux pas. 
“Move, Ashfrost. You’re in my way.“
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embersnpc · 3 years
Gage didn’t even really want to eat. He’s been pushing food around on his plate for the last hour. But everyone is having such a nice time, and it makes it hard for him to do the same.
He’s been thinking a lot about his own wedding. It was quiet. There weren’t many people around but he remembers the joy. He remembers the love to his wife. The promise that he was going to give her a good life.
But now he’s here, and he’s leaving his wife and future baby behind.
He’s gone to the bar, figuring he could use a drink to maybe make him more numb to this treacherous night where his younger sibling gets a happy memory and Gage gets none. Certainly, he’s jealous.
He looks to find DeeZee, a victor he doesn’t really remember much, but he sees something in his hand and he nods to it. “What are you drinking?” It looks good, maybe he should start there.
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rovxfm · 3 years
@deezeeashfrost​​ when: huh???????? where: the stupid men corner
The smart thing would probably be to avoid DeeZee. If he had even a tiny bit of shame—which he doesn’t—Roux would think about his breakdown in the elevator and walk the fuck away from the victor in order to not be forced to relive the memory of him losing his shit in front of someone he hates. And yet, Roux is all smiles as he walks up to DeeZee, pulls out a makeshit tail out of his fanny pack, and ends up pinning it on the back of his outfit. 
“It’s not the same without blindfolds but, you know, I am kind of cheating so I didn’t want to get it right the first try,“ Roux tells him, laughing as he stares at the piece of fabric dangling from the man’s shoulder. He hoped someone would be willing to humor him and play some games so they wouldn’t have to just talk all night, but all the people in that party are boring so it’s up to Roux to find ways to entertain himself.  DeeZee is just unlucky to have  been on Roux’s way. 
“Didn’t you help plan this? What the fuck is up with the lack of entertainment? This is a sleepover, where is the suck and blow games? Spin the bottle? Why is no one playing seven minutes in heaven?“
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givcnup · 3 years
WHO: deezee ashfrost ( @deezeeashfrost​​​ ) WHERE: as promised, a random hallway WHEN: morning, day after the reception
THERE ARE ABOUT a million different things running through Griffin’s head, and it’s tough focusing on any one thing, but if being sober’s granted him anything, it’s a slightly clearer head. He’s tempted, every once in a while, but Hollis’ drink has helped, and in many ways, in strange ways, the stress has kept him fairly distracted too. Returning with Nelly from her flat had felt a lot like dispelling a haze of some kind, like shattering the rose-tinted glasses he’d had on for the better part of last night to find the sharp colors of reality glaring right back at him now. Changed as a great many things are, the work doesn’t stop, does it?
Wren and Gage have just been sent off to train, and he makes a mental note, only one of many, to talk to Gage at some point, let him know he’s very much part of this and not someone to be neglected. He thinks about having to find some way to get a free pass for lunch with Plutarch. He thinks about what questions he’ll have to ask. Thinks about who he’ll have to tell this stuff to afterward. As a treat, he thinks about Nelly, too, and maybe the party, and all the fun he’d had with friends, but maybe also the supposed abrupt...
Griffin doesn’t notice DeeZee until he bumps right into him on the way back from the training center. He blinks, startled. “Oh. Deez,” he murmurs, head reeling a little; he hasn’t had much sleep. Griffin looks up at him for a moment before realization dawns. “Oh, Deez.” Griffin remembers he’s yet to give DeeZee Ashfrost his Troublemaker of the Night award, and insignificant as that might sound to, comparatively, almost everything else, he knows he’s gotten several nudges the night before to go talk to the Victor from Ten. “Just the guy I wanted to see.” Not really, but close enough. “Got a minute?”
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ovcrlookcd · 3 years
WHO: deezee ashfrost ( @deezeeashfrost​ ) WHERE: outside deezee’s door, ten’s floor WHEN: after pista goes to check in on diose
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THE RIDE AND subsequent walk up to Ten’s floor from Two is nerve-wracking, a mix of static and dull pain, physical, mental, emotional. It’s hard to understand how he’s feeling right now, after seeing Diose the way they’d left her, the sorry state of her in bed, broken and branded, barely able to utter a word without her voice breaking. Hard not to keep looking behind him either, to see if anyone had been following him, had been keeping tabs, had heard his talk with her, silently collecting more evidence against him to use at just the right time, catch him with his guard down, then drag him the fuck away before he can do any more to save his mother from her fate in the Games.
He doesn’t feel too good, footing unsteady as he all but stumbles further into District Ten’s floor in the tower, the image of that mark on her back, the sound of her voice, almost grating in his memory, only now deciding to register in full. It’s doing things to his breathing, making his heart race in all the wrong ways, and he has to put a hand on the wall to keep himself steady as he drags his feet along in the darkness. The Avoxes know who he is, don’t really bother to stop him or get in his way, and not for the first time, he’s thankful for that, impatient now to just get to DeeZee’s personal suite. Pista raises a fist, knocks against the surface of his friend’s door, waits for the sound of activity behind it, waits for as long as he has to, knocks again and again if he has to, because he isn’t going away, and he isn’t letting this day end without a talk, because he can’t, because he needs him, now more than ever — and as soon as it swings open, he opens that hand up, head down, unable to even look DeeZee in the eye when he speaks to him.
"Save it. I know what you had to do today.” Pista’s voice doesn’t sound like his own, breathless and ragged, a not uncommon occurrence now since this whole week began, and he emphasizes that hand, pushing it forward slightly, ready to stop DeeZee in case he means to shut him out or turn him away. It’s not an easy evening for DeeZee, that much he’s gathered from his time with Diose, but that’s all the more reason for him to be here, isn’t it? Surely he sees that too. “Can we just... can we talk? Please?”
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