gamma-xi-delta · 2 years
Texas State Delta Zeta Sorority Recruitment Video
Published by RUSHVIDS
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kirstydreaming · 8 months
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Throw in all the outside factors in the industry he has no control over, and it's possible we're watching his career start to dim./ + he saw how you Can do not so very -i dont know how to call that- demanding movies and still got your pockets full. He will do all this The Rock type of movies with big pay check and hide like we sees now. And its sas cause after his Ransom performance i thought he will indeed go deezee and higher. I hope PH will bring that back
I hate to keep hitting this name on the head, but I will: Gerard Butler. Before 300, Gerard Butler was in some good small movies that showed he was a pretty nuanced actor. Did anyone see Dear Frankie? Wonderful and sad, a very good performance. But after 300, the big budget movies started rolling in, and with those the formula sort of set in in his choices of both projects and acting. I can unfortunately see Chris' career going down this path, even if I don't feel he's completely there yet. We can always hope for things to change.
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bdpst24 · 7 days
Az ősz a CCC-be is megérkezett!
Az ősz a CCC-be is megérkezett!
Térj vissza stílusosan és energikusan az irodába! Ki mondta, hogy az irodai outfit nem lehet izgalmas? A CCC Back to Office kollekciója segít feldobni a hétköznapi irodai megjelenést! Fedezd fel a Jenny Fairy, a Nine West New York és a DeeZee márka legújabb darabjait! A dinamikus eleganciát és az üdítően friss trendeket ötvöző modelleknek a te őszi ruhatáradban is ott a helyük! Fejezd ki önmagad…
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thegoddesswater · 8 months
WIP Summaries
Because I don't really have anywhere that folks can just see what the heck my current writing projects are about - currently I'm sticking to the six WIPs from my previous 'bad summary' poll; there are other works I have but they're in deeper hibernation than these ones. I'll toss it under a cut so uninterested parties may continue about their days with minimal interruption. :P
Tagging @tc-doherty - because I know you've said you're interested in this!
I've these split between Original Works and Fanfictions. The three original come first, because I want showcase them more. And they won the poll, so it's only fair. Also, I'm more comfortable talking about them and will probably skimp a bit on describing the fanfics. As always, there will be extra rambles in the tags.
404 - Youth labourer wipes own memory then realizes "shit, I needed that"
Glenn works as a “Deezee” - one of the poor souls whose job it is to brave the waste and radiation of the Dead Zone to track down whatever resources can still be found there - it’s hard work, and the hazard pay isn’t nearly what it should be, but he can’t afford to be picky. Ever since his father disappeared, along with all the money, the survival of the rest of his family has been Glenn’s only goal. It’s not easy to disappear in a world of digital trails and citizen tracing, but he’s learned well enough to hide his tracks, scrambling codes and tweaking his implanted ID chip into a last-resort failsafe to erase everything. Evadne has an internship studying the Dead Zone and effects it has on those who work there. She’s introduced to Glenn by his fellow Deezees, who point him out as someone who might be of particular interest for her work. The research project leads to friendship between Evadne and Glenn, which eventually includes Evadne’s socialite boyfriend Cal, who much prefers their company to the 'high society' types he's supposed to be rubbing elbows with. When Glenn trips his failsafe, destroying his own memory in the process, it falls to Evadne and Cal to follow what few clues remain to try to help their friend remember who he is, even as they begin to uncover secrets which make them question whether they ever really knew him at all.
Miadhachain Legacy - "i am not a cyborg" insists man with USB charging ports in his spine
As the daughter of Senator Miadhachain, Zaria’s life has never really been her own, having been used as little more than a pawn in her father’s political machinations over the years. In her teens, she was publicly handed over to the care and keeping of Chancellor Bardrick as false collateral to give the appearance of the Chancellor attempting to rein her father in. Years on, Zaria has positioned herself in government intelligence where she deals in secrets, leveraging the aggressive reputation associated with the Miadhachain family name to coerce information out of dissenters while quietly carving herself out the slivers of power that she’s sure the world owes her. Amid the rising protests against Chancellor Bardrick, security measures for all those near him are ramped up, resulting in Zaria being assigned a personal bodyguard. In a move that reeks of even more political posturing than her own movement into the care of the Chancellor, Zaria’s new guard is the military’s current poster-boy, the slum-born Adair Rios, much to her annoyance. With Adair acting as her second shadow, progress on Zaria’s personal ambitions stalls as she’s sure he’s recording and reporting every single thing she does back to his superiors. Adair, for his part, doesn’t care overmuch what Zaria is doing as long as she doesn't make his job harder. He’s suffering a case of rapid disillusionment with life and being told to watch over Senator Miadhachain’s daughter is just another entry into his list of grievances against the hand he’s been dealt. At the top of that list are the painful and invasive procedures that have been forced upon him after his cybernetic augmentation, procedures which seem to show no sign of stopping anytime soon, despite how much they seem to be deviating from the original ‘limb replacement’ he signed up for. After a colleague makes a passing comment about how the Chancellor finally seems to have a plan to ‘eliminate the whole Miadhachain problem,’ Adair begins to suspect that he - and Zaria - might be caught in a much bigger scheme than they realized. The two of them will have to figure out how to trust each other and work together to make sure that they make it out the other side.
Talentless/Wild Card - Despite impending war, the king is really just concerned with his flower garden The above description is not only a bad summary, it's a bad summary of the B Plot.
For years Prylea has managed to keep the tenuous peace between its neighbouring countries of Jerendalia and Casica, but with tensions rising again and the threat of war closer than ever, the Prylean Queen vanishes, shaking Prylea’s once stable foundation. With the loss of Queen Fraise, it falls to King Xalvadore to hold Prylea together as best he can, despite his deteriorating health. Recognizing the dangers of getting caught up between Casica and Jerendalia, King Xalvadore sends his only magic-less knight afield to find the missing Maggie Blackwill: a mage who may have the power to - if not to stop the coming war - at least help bolster Prylea once more. Armed with his wits, kindness, and an enchanted sword in case those first two don’t work out, Sir James ventures across Prylea, towards the keep suspected of housing Maggie, in the hopes of bringing her back to King Xalvadore before Casica and Jerendalia can mobilize against each other, with the weakened Prylea caught in the crossfire.
Run, Runaway - Displaced teenager accidentally reignites decades dormant gang war Fanfic for Jak and Daxter series
Atin, frustrated and rebellious, runs away from home just to get away from everything in Haven. He figures he can just lay low in the crime City of Kras for a while, and intends to do just that. Unfortunately for him, he's recognized as the offspring of folks who really shook up the status quo last time they were in town. With the two big rival gangs each reading way too much into Atin's presence and trying to figure out what the other side brought him in for, Atin's plans of 'lying low' are very quickly destroyed.
Hilarious (to me) fact about this one - this is a 2nd gen fanfic and at some point during the years that this fic has been hibernating, I realized that the two canon characters I created Atin to be the child of would probably never willingly have children. (Also this one was very much a 'just for me' fic, and I was always a little baffled that it had readers when I was actively posting it.)
[Untitled] - Depressed, unkillable immortal decides destroying the world might help Fanfic for Fire Emblem 9 and 10
After the war, Lehran swore that he would always be there to keep the Goddess of Chaos company, but when he loses the ability to hear her along with the abilities of his people, he flees. No longer what he once was, and unable to die, he watches as fear and hatred rise again over the centuries and can only watch from the side as those who were once his people are slaughtered. Deciding that people will never overcome their differences, he decides that annihilation is the only answer. And maybe, maybe if the world dies, it can finally take him with it.
The Heart of a Warrior - Hero with PTSD struggles to run errands while followed by insufferable child Fanfic for Jak and Daxter series
After saving the world three times before even reaching the age of majority, Jak has seen a lot of shit. Too much, really. He's learned that there's no rest for heroes and has learned to be suspicious of what looks like peace. To avoid too much time spent inside his own head, Jak tries to keep himself moving. It would probably be more effective if one of the local children hadn't decided that he was the coolest person in the history of ever and keeps trying to tag along. While Jak somewhat tolerates the hero worship, he's pretty sure this whole situation is going to wrong. He wasn't looking for the universe to prove him right.
This is still a bad summary, but the kid I was when I started this story had no idea what she was doing. Adult me is sure I wrangle it back into something coherent. (This is the fic that I often allude to in the tags as having been un-updated for seventeen years and am currently reworking so I can finish the dang thing.)
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Copium è la criptovaluta che esploderà nei prossimi giorni
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Ci sono investitori di spicco che iniziano sempre di più a credere che la criptovaluta Copium stia per esplodere. Il progetto mette insieme una nuova miscela di prevendita e meme coin, attirando oltre 200 influencer nella sua prevendita, per spingere i token agli stessi livelli di PEPE.  Con i prestigiosi influencer di Twitter a bordo e gli exchange che si affrettano a listare il token burn, COPIUM è una delle criptovalute che esploderanno nei prossimi giorni. COPIUM si prepara al lancio con un volume notevole COPIUM, il token nativo di Copium Club, è stato lanciato direttamente su Uniswap DEX il 18 maggio, ed è salito di oltre il 400% nei primi minuti grazie alla partecipazione dei trader, spinti anche dall’hype suscitato su Twitter. Il lancio ha attirato così tanta attenzione che il token è riuscito ad accumulare oltre $ 15 milioni di volume di scambi nei suoi primi 15 minuti di trading. Copium Club è stato creato per coloro che hanno acquistato token popolari come PEPE e TURBO e hanno finito per patire la volatilità del mercato. Il progetto vede protagonista un token incentrato sulla comunità, che è più di un semplice investimento in meme coin.  Infatti è un movimento che riprende i principi fondamentali di Internet – resilienza, risate, meme e trolling – e li incarna in un’esplosione di meme coin. Il progetto ha realizzato qualcosa di completamente diverso, mettendo insieme meme coin e prevendite e ospitando un esclusivo accesso, solo su invito, per duecento influencer, commercianti e alpha caller di Twitter.  Il team ha venduto il 30% della fornitura totale, circa 300.000 COPIUM, consentendo agli investitori di acquistare un massimo di 1 ETH per wallet. Di conseguenza, Copium Club, quando è stato lanciato su Uniswap, aveva già una serie di influencer a promuovere il token. Alcuni dei grandi nomi coinvolti nella prevendita sono: ● Faze Banks (2,8 milioni di follower) ● DeeZee (250k follower) ● Cozomo de’ Medici (289k follower) ● foobar (130k follower) La parte migliore del lancio sta nel fatto che il team ha sbloccato solo il 10% delle partecipazioni di prevendita, e ha consentito di vendere solo una piccola parte dell’investimento al momento del lancio. Lo scopo di questa mossa è quello di mantenere il lancio il più equo possibile e impedire agli investitori di vendere tutto il loro wallet sul mercato al momento del lancio. Il restante 90% verrà sbloccato man mano nelle prossime tre settimane, garantendo così che non ci siano delle vendite massive sul mercato. COPIUM sta per esplodere dopo il burn del 30% dei suoi token? Dopo un ritracciamento nelle ultime ore, il team è pronto a spingere il token a livelli completamente nuovi: infatti ha recentemente annunciato che intende bruciare oltre il 30% della fornitura totale di COPIUM, che vale all’incirca circa 1000 ETH.  Questo sarà uno dei più grandi token burning mai condotti da un progetto meme coin e porterà il token in una corsia completamente nuova. L’idea alla base del token burning è quella di restituire alla comunità e creare una situazione in cui il token subirà uno shock di offerta, poiché un minor numero di token si riverserà sul mercato per essere venduto.  In genere, secondo Economics 101, se la domanda di un bene aumenta nello stesso momento in cui l’offerta si riduce, ciò si tradurrà in un’esplosione di valore del bene, che è esattamente ciò che gli analisti si aspettano che accada con COPIUM. Gli exchange si affrettano a listare COPIUM che è in tendenza su DexTools Se ciò non bastasse a stuzzicare l’interesse per COPIUM, c’è anche da dire che il progetto sta guadagnando un’attenzione significativa dopo aver fatto tendenza su DexTools nelle ultime ore. Vista la situazione, non sorprende nemmeno il fatto che gli exchange si stiano affrettando a listare il token: è stato messo immediatamente su MEXC Global pochi minuti dopo il suo lancio per sfruttare l’aumento del volume. Il token è stato poi listato anche su LBank, un altro exchange classificato tra i primi 10 nel settore. Meglio acquistare COPIUM prima che gli effetti del token burn passino Visto il grande sostegno al progetto e la FOMO a spingerlo, il recentissimo ritracciamento del token offre l’opportunità perfetta per accedere a COPIUM, prima che il token burn lo faccia decollare verso nuovi livelli. Read the full article
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drugastraian · 2 years
Боти DeeZee ZALMM220168 Black • Www.obuvki.bg
View On WordPress
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digitalrcge · 3 years
when: toward the middle of the evening
There’s only so much best behaviour she can take. Dancing with someone’s uncoordinated, stuck up husband eats up what little patience she has left for the Capitol Crowd and she doubts if Swann will let her get away with disappearing twice in the span of as many hours. So she suffers the irritation, the boredom, the rising panic every time she catches her reflection of something entirely too polished. Suffers the lot until she happens upon a target worth that noxious energy.
“They really let you in like that, huh?” Try as she might, Digit can’t keep from laughing. It’s a horrid, undignified sound for a horrid, undignified friend. While she’s aware of Deezee’s tendency to play the fool, this might just be a step too far. Either that or he’s lost a bet. “Forgive me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t wedding etiquette usually discourage the guests from wearing white? Unless you’re planning on standing in for the bride when she legs it with Beesly.”
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bandikeenpath · 3 years
district ten’s floor, after the clean-up crew find diose
Worrying is counter-productive. Bandi knows better than most that if something is going to happen and someone is going to leave (or get caught) no amount of thinking, of fretting, is going to change a thing. Never mind that she’s used to DeeZee being out all hours of the night. She isn’t his handler, regardless of whether or not his being so unpredictable can drive her up the wall. It’s just something she has to get on with. 
So she isn’t worried. Not really. But that doesn’t stop the relief when the door opens and her head snaps up and there he is. Finally. She’s quick to lose interest in her journal, rising from her seat so quick it falls to the floor with a thunk. Something is off: not in the giddy, liquor-hazed way it she’s most used to, no standing vigil by the bathroom door with a lecture and a plate of dry toast at the ready. Bandi tries not to make assumptions (she’s wrong far too often) but these are exceptional circumstances. There’s not exactly much innocence left to believe in. 
“What happened?” A sharp breath. “Who was it?” 
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emberssciencedept · 2 years
right after an all faculty meeting, lunch, tuesday before school starts ( @thefaqulty​. )
Deezee’s always hated these meetings they’re forced into every year, a laundry list of things that they’re not allowed to do, more rules to follow and to force the teenagers to follow, no more help with any of it, and usually an even smaller budget than before, if that’s even possible. It pisses him off and makes him feel like it’s more and more likely he’ll end up getting fired for something he says or does in his classes by the day. Which he wouldn’t really care about, for his own well being, but he doesn’t like to think about the idea of someone coming in and taking his spot who might not be as radical in their ideas as him. The kids need to be learning the reality of things, and as much as he never really planned to end up a teacher, it kind of feels important to stay one.
So he’s fucking annoyed, as expected, and he’s ready to go on a rant, as he leaves the auditorium with Pista. He does have enough self-control to at least wait until they’re a little bit off from the groups of teachers crowding around having their own discussions before heading their separate ways for lunch before reconvening again later, before he actually starts chewing Pista’s ear off with his ranting, and that’s gotta count for something in his mind.
“It just gets worse every year. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if we have no freedom at all over what we do in our classes in the next few years, and like zero fuckin’ dollars to do it with,” he says shaking his head. He’s not leading them anywhere in particular except for out since the school never offers more than some snacks when it’s just faculty in, the cafeteria not actually selling any food until students are back and classes start, despite how he’s tried to convince his uncle to convince the administration otherwise. “I gotta get out of here for a bit, you bring your lunch today?”
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givcnup · 2 years
FT. DEEZEE ASHFROST ( @deezeeashfrost​​​​​ ) | QUARTER QUELL, DAY 4. on griffin’s way up to twelve after he and silver plan post-plutarch talk
JUST AS HE and Silver had planned, Griffin takes a quick detour into Ten before heading straight for the people he needs to prioritize evacuating, hoping against hope he’ll find who he needs there and nowhere else — or if he can’t find the Victor himself, then at least, at the very least, his Escort. Six hours can feel like a long time, but with the design of this cursed building, and the amount of going around Griffin will have to do to get the word out along with Silver, it can feel frighteningly short too. He’s only thankful that it seems luck is on his side today when, from the moment he steps off the elevator, he sees precisely who he needs to, mere paces away, as if on his way to get on and head elsewhere too. Whatever plans DeeZee Ashfrost has, Griffin’s going to have to wreck them completely.
“DeeZee. Just who I was hoping to see,” he says, relieved, but putting on a bit of casual friendless for the Peacekeeper standing a minute or so away from them. Right away, he opens his arms, not waiting for permission before he pulls the much larger man into a friendly half hug. Quietly, urgently, he whispers: “It’s time, kid. We’re leaving in six hours.” He tightens his hold around him. “I need you to listen closely to what I have to say because you’re going to have to spread the word to your friends.”
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fashion-boots · 3 years
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Rosy in Deezee boots 
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ovcrlookcd · 2 years
FT. DEEZEE ASHFROST ( @deezeeashfrost​​​ ) | QUARTER QUELL, DAY 1. afternoon, after several failed sponsorship requests, in the sponsors room, tower
PISTA’S HANDS ARE shaking even as he numbly makes his way through the room, narrowly avoiding a group crowded around some Mentors from One. He doesn’t notice them at all, and whatever haughty sponsorship tactics the Victors there are going on about sound like muffled noises to him. In his mind, the ringing has returned, high-pitched and relentless. He replays the look on Glammour’s face the entire time he’d been talking to her, how scared she’d seemed to even be sitting next to him in the sponsors’ room, her eyes darting every which way, nails up to her teeth in a show of uncertainty and worry. It had felt as if his world had come crashing down on him when she shook her head in rejection of his request, apologetic though she’d been; it feels like his world is still crashing down on him now.
He’d tried for a few others after that, but every single one of them had gone worse — one of them hadn’t even bothered to give him time of day, pursing their lips and shaking their palm no as soon as they’d seen him approaching. Pista’s used to hardship, having lived a life full of it, of poverty and of daily suffering, but this feels too much like he’s already been kicked down into the dirt and is still being stomped on. The room is cold, the air pleasantly conditioned to keep the elite happy, but he’s sweating, and he can’t wait to be out of here. He might drown if he stays.
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deezeeashfrost · 2 years
in d10s self-appointed corner, a common area where people watch the games, after the bloodbath ( @ovcrlookcd​. )
It’s worse than it usually is, and he still feels guilty for thinking that, even if everyone keeps telling him it’s okay to think that way since the Capitol made it so personal. He’s watched his tributes die in the bloodbath before, but this is different, seeing Bire and Ginger head in opposite directions, family so easily torn apart, ignoring what he tried to make clear, that they should stick together––that’s how he won, after all, stayed with family the whole time––then watching he die, the bitch from One killing her too easily, sending her to a watery grave. And it’s not much consolation that Bire makes it to shore, because he doesn’t wait for anyone, not even Gage, like DeeZee expected he might, or even Tilsee and Darby, but heads off on his own with no fucking supplies. And all he can think of is Archer, watching back in Ten, the rest of his family watching Ginger die, then seeing Bire run off with awful fucking odds. All of that, while also sitting next to Pista, watching Tilsee make bold choices, watching her get hit with a fucking knife. He doesn’t know how the hell they’re supposed to get through watching this.
“What the fuck is he doing?” he mutters, not really aware of himself at the moment, everything sinking in slowly. He’s vaguely aware of the warm tears gathering in the corners of his already tired eyes, but he knows this feeling, it’ll hit worse later, the famous tantrum comes after the momentary numbness. He looks at Pista. “I told them, I told them to stay together. Family should stay together, he could have kept her alive...” A pause, realizing how fucked it is to focus on just them when Pista’s watching his mom. “She’s good, though...Tilsee’s a fuckin’ fighter, huh? She’ll be alright with Darby.”
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alderapitleaf · 2 years
WHEN: Not long after the initial bloodbath WHERE: Within the common area
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There’s been differing levels of panic all day. Since the moment she sent off Birch and Parsley, she’s been trying to hold herself together. Riggs can only do so much for her panic. And during the bloodbath, it was no different.
Now that it seemed the calm had died and most tributes were exploring, she was trying to focus on her breathing, to get herself under control, and then she realized, she should check on her friends.
Getting up, she easily found DeeZee, whom she knew might be struggling given one of his tributes. “Hey,” She says, her chest still rising and falling quickly. “I just figured neither of us should be alone right now.”
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favathornewood · 2 years
lil hc wrap-up w/ @deezeeashfrost
deezee and fava weren't able to see each other again after they showed their asses with a big baby food fight. every time they happened to cross paths, someone quickly ushered one of them away in an attempt to "keep the peace" so to speak. but they had a lot of silent conversations with angry glances across the room at each other when they were able to do so.
lil hc wrap-up w/ @silverostro
silver and fava have not had a moment to speak at all. now fava has TRIED to locate silver but damn oh damn is silver always doing something fam. here's hoping they'll be able to reconnect in ablaze because fava has some things to say. also because fava wants her actual friends to be safe lol
lil hc wrap-up w/ @dcwnhardin
we wanted a little parallel hug moment with dawn and fava so gdi we made it happen! fava definitely interrupted a conversation in order to speak with dawn (and the other person allowed this to happen because the girl on fire is very demanding lol) and she promptly apologized for any drama her little necklace charade caused but also ensured dawn that she did NOT say his name to anyone at all. and gentle little dawn reassured her that the whole necklace thing isn't even a concern because other things have been going on / dawn is here to help baby!! and then they got a nice little hug out of it and it was magical and the end. here's hoping they survive!
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