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idalenn · 5 months ago
Glamtober Day 5 - Tank
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Glam details below cut:
Class: Paladin (minimum level 90)
Main Hand: Lakeland Longsword (Soot Black Dye)
Off Hand: The Emperor's New Shield
Head: Deepgold Wings of Fending
Body: Heirloom Jacket of Fending (Currant Purple Dye)
Hands: Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Fending (Soot Black Dye)
Legs: Moonward Hose of Fending (Currant Purple Dye)
Feet: Voeburtite Greaves of Fending (Currant Purple Dye)
Earring: Wayfarer's Earcuff
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otherworldseekers · 5 months ago
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FFXIV Glamtober Day 8: Ilsabard
So this is my casual thought experiment about what fashion might have looked like in Locus Amoenus (Corvos) before the Garlean people were forced northward. If the Garlean aesthetic is part Rome part Russia and we take it as an assumption that the Russian parts were added when they moved to the inhospitable north, then perhaps the more Roman parts originated in the south.
Also I just like the way Nero looks in this chest piece.
Severia: Head: AStronomia Turban (pure white, metallic sky blue) Body: Republican Medicus's Chiton Hands: Limbo Wristbands of Healing Legs: Theogonic Longkilt of Healing Feet: Edengrace Sandals of Healing
Nero: Head: Deepgold Wings of Fending (wine red) Body: Classical Hoplomachus's Lorica (wine red) Hands: Exarchic Armguards of Striking (wine red) Legs: Republican Hoplomachus's Loincloth Feet: The Forgiven's Caligae of Striking (wine red)
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hazelkjt · 5 months ago
Glamtober 14- "Ranged"
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Now that I actually have some free time and motivation to do so, time for me to jump on this train halfway lmao. I absolutely love making outfits in this game so this is right up my alley, wish I could've started sooner but college has been mentally draining me for a bit, didn't have the energy to commit to a full themed month. Will be doing as much as I can from here on out. In line with that, didn't have time to come up with any "in-character" glams here so enjoy my actual in-game DNC/BRD/MCH glams!
DNC/BRD Glam List-
Deepgold Chakrams (Dalamud Red) & Diamond Bow
Voeburtite Beret of Aiming
Raptorskin Shirt
Royal Seneschal's Fingerless Gloves (Jet Black)
Kirimu Brais
Asphodelos Boots of Aiming (Jet Black)
Manalis Earrings of Aiming
Lakeland Necklace of Aiming
MCH Glam List-
Neo-Ishgardian Cap of Aiming (Rolanberry Red)
Machinist's Shirt (Jet Black)
Shire Conservator's Gloves (Jet Black)
Ronkan Trousers of Aiming (Rolanberry Red)
Midan Boots of Aiming
Manalis Earrings of Aiming
Redbill Scarf
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valkariel · 10 months ago
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Starbird | Meteion
Yet another Starbird themed glamour. Starbird, my beloved...
Head: Virtu Creed Wings - peacock blue Body: Theogonic Mail of Fending - peacock blue Hands: Demonic Gloves - rhotano blue Legs: Chimerical Felt Breeches of Fending - rhotano blue Feet: Augmented Radiant's Sabatons of Fending - metallic silver
For other tanks (headband is gold-toned): Alt Head: Deepgold Wings of Fending
Earring: Ardent Earrings of Fending Neck: The Emperor's New Necklace Wrists: The Emperor's New Bracelet Right Ring: The Emperor's New Ring Left Ring: The Emperor's New Ring
Main Hand: Padjali Blade Off Hand: The Emperor's New Shield
Fashion Accessory: -- Minion: Starbird Mount: -- Location: The Dead Ends - The World Tree
Shader: Faeberry Bokeh
Featured in GPOSERS Issue 61 (June 2024).
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cklukilutz · 7 months ago
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Weapon: Deepgold Sickle Body: Butler's Jacket Hands: Tantalus Cuffs Legs: Collegiate Skirt Feet: Street High-top Shoes
Threw this together quickly for anyone interested in the pieces I use for my Maka cosplay.
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disciple-of-frost · 5 months ago
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Glamtober Day 9 - Melee 🗡️
Weapon: Deepgold War Scythe Head: The Emperor's New Hat Body: High Steel Mail of Maiming Hands: Metian Gauntlets Legs: Metian Chausses Feet: Metian Sollerets Earrings: The Emperor's New Earrings Necklace: The Emperor's New Necklace Bracelet: The Emperor's New Bracelet Rings: The Emperor's New Ring
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miqo-tales · 4 months ago
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Glamtober - Divine or Demonic
Goddess of Victory
The King's Shield
Thavnairian Headdress (Pearl White / Undyed)
Deepgold Mail of Fending (Pearl White)
Panthean Gauntlets of Fending (Snow White)
Hemiskin Brais of Fending (Ruby Red)
Frontier Pumps (Pearl White / Pearl White)
Angel Wings
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dustedbooksandreadingnooks · 5 months ago
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Tank Day 5 of Glamtober
The sun must set, but so too must it ever rise again. On my oath we shall see it together.
Shader is Neneko Crystal Chronicles Glam items/extra shots/tidbits under the cut
Keathan, Paladin:
Hair- Dandelion by Lyss, DT ported by chain Head- Nightsteel Helm of Fending (Metallic Purple) Body- Halone's Mail of Fending (Midnight Blue) Hands- Deepgold Gloves of Fending (Shadow Blue) Leg- True Linen Skirt of Fending (Metallic Brass) Feet- Augmented Rathalos Greaves (Metallic Purple) Earring- Edengrace Earring of Fending Main Hand- Blade's Honor Shield- Blade's Fortitude Fashion Accessory- Archangel Wings Any non canon classes for Keathan are very fun for me to glam for since I can just focus on what i think looks sick as hell, tanks being some of them. I originally made this glam in celebration of me getting my bozjan relic weapon, and to get back into glamming after letting it fall by the wayside as i was trying to get through endwalkers (at my own pace!) to be up to date when DT dropped! It's one of my favorite glams I've done, and I'm super proud at all the work that went into it since I also had to do my first forays into PvP for it as well. This is taken at the very top of Zenith- Keathan is scaled up to seven times their normal height to get the look I was going for! here's a comparison to their normal size XD
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AND here's the original screenshots I was referencing- pre-DT, completely vanilla gposing, since i hadn't relearned any posing plugins!
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foxgirlbeans · 5 months ago
Glamtober 5th- Tank
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behold, a tank with a tankard! lali-ho!
Head: Dwarven Mythril Helm of Fending
Body: Deepgold Mail of Fending
Arms: High Steel Armguards of Fending
Legs: True Linen Skirt of Fending
Feet: Doman Iron Greaves of Fending
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zeloinator · 5 months ago
Glamtober Day 5; Tank
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(Ok I did scale up the first model in the photo but thats all) Tank!! My beloved unga bunga Warrior! Still need to get it to 100 but I'm working my way there~ Heres my Fae Warrior Glam!
Main Hand; The Fae's Crown Axe
Head; Deepgold Wings of Fending (Pastel Blue)
Body; Classical Hoplomachus's Lorica (Pastel Blue)
Hands; Metian Gauntlets (Metallic Brass, Pastel Blue)
Legs; YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Fending
Feet; Sabatons of Light
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quad-weave · 2 years ago
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I put together a cowboy themed glam for an event, and I liked it enough to put it up on Eorzea Collection. :) It's a shame Viera can't wear any of the cowboy hats, but I think I still got the look down well enough.
Besides the weapon, this glam can be used with all classes--even though the chestpiece is a gathering piece, it's an all classes piece of equipment :) I just happened to be a Gunbreaker for the event, so that's the weapon I have for the pictures.
Weapon - Deepgold Gunblade in Raisin Brown
Body - Archaeoskin Jackcoat of Fending in Russet Brown Hands - Pagos Field Dressing in Soot Black Legs - Baronial Culottes Feet - Field Commander's Boots
Earring - Qiqirn Earring
Minion - The Behatted Serpent of Ronka (he kept photobombing the pictures lol)
These shots were taken in Twine with Leo's Neutral Tones (Day) shader!
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derandi · 1 year ago
finally my paladin glam feels complete! lookit me boi ( i was missing a good looking sword to fit with my stuff for the fortemps kite shield)
Deepgold Anelace (ochu green)
House Fortemps Kite Shield
Silver Magnifiers (kobold brown)
Gazelleskincoat of Fending (ochu green)
Goatskin Ringbands (soot black)
Kudzu Longkilt of Fending (dalamud red)
Tantalus Boots (soot black)
Ishgardian´s Monastics Ring (both hands)
Cactuar Earring
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klopford · 2 years ago
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More like a signature color, she always wears turquoise! This is her “go-to” casual outfit though, and the one I draw her wearing most of the time because of how simple it is.
Her signature armor is the level 89 set from Tataru, recolored to have a turquoise cape. It's too difficult for me to draw, however, so if I draw her in armor it's usually the Deepgold set (again, dyed turquoise.)
Does your WoL have a signature outfit (show us pictures too!) ?
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kwartscreations · 7 years ago
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So messy. >.< But I have an idea for a new set. This is one of the new colours - a rich shimmery deep gold. #gold #handmadewatercolours #deepgold #powder #newset #shimmer #shine
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valkariel · 1 year ago
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When I first saw this boss room, I immediately thought that the tree was like the mellyrn - toweringly tall and covered in golden blossoms. This look was originally Lorien Sentinel themed, but the gold and silver together reminds me more of the Two Trees of Valinor. I used bone white to bridge the gold and silver accents, so this one is named after Laurelin. Next I'll try making a Telperion companion look to match!
Head: Deepgold Wings of Fending - metallic silver Body: Theogonic Mail of Fending - bone white Hands: Fierce Tyrant's Gauntlets - snow white Legs: Augmented Radiant's Cuisses of Fending - snow white Feet: Augmented Credendum Sollerets of Fending - snow white Alt Head: Virtu Creed Wings Alt Hands: Panthean Gauntlets of Fending | Hypostatic Gauntlets of Fending
Earring: Immaculate Ear Cuffs of Fending Neck: The Emperor's New Necklace Wrists: The Emperor's New Bracelet Right Ring: The Emperor's New Ring Left Ring: The Emperor's New Ring
Main Hand: Lightbringer - default Off Hand: Moonward Kite Shield - pearl white
Fashion Accessory: -- Minion: -- Mount: -- Location: Aloalo Island - Kairimai Loquloqai
Shader: Faeberry Bloom
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yshai-tia · 5 years ago
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🔫 to see my muse with their favourite weapon(s)
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“ooh, yer interested in seein’ my baby, huh?”
the self-satisfied, smug smile that his lips pull into is belied by the genuine shine of pride and excitement in his eyes-- something that might be telling if it weren’t coming from a man who’s likely never fully repressed any emotion a single day in his life.
with a swift, twirling flourish, he frees the revolver from its holster, putting it on display with such ease you can only imagine this isn’t his first time. the gold and silver inlays catch in the light, some raised, some flush. while the deep black body of the firearm reflects an implacable sheen that indicates the gun has been lovingly blued.
“she’s a beaut, ain’t she? packs a mean bite too-- count yer blessins’ that ye never hav’ta figure tha’ out yerself in practice.” he flashes a smile then that’s mostly teeth, though by the arch of his brow you gather that he’s teasing. mostly. “all lovin’ly crafted an’ customized by yers truly: heat an’ levin resistant barrel, corrosion protected, reinforced grip, trigger’s got non-slip grooves, see this red gem on the hammer here? sunstone. cylinder’s original too, side-swing, built these parts meself.” he recites the details like an Ishgardian clergy would recant the holy scriptures of the Articles of Halonic Polity; with disciplined memorization yet thrice as reverent. the more he talks the more his usual self-assured, carefree cadence melts away into something more honest.
he lifts the revolver into a firing position he manages to make look comfortable. with a click of the internal mechanisms the trigger is pulled and the resounding silence is somehow overwhelmingly loud in the anticipation of a shot. a dry fire. the quiet drags for a few heartbeats before he relaxes, lifting the gun up and away with a cheeky grin. “scared ya? don’ worry, knew that chamber was empty, c’mere.” he gestures for you to come close as he swings open the cylinder with a flick of his right wrist. six internal chambers, only five loaded. “see? if ye ain’t in a firefight it’s best ‘ta keep one empty on the ready-- las’ thing ye want is ‘ta get a case o’ the collywobbles an’ drop yer gun, only fer it ‘ta land on the hammer an’ take out some poor, unsuspectin’ bloke’s kneecap.”
looking up at you then, eager for a response of some kind, his expression is far softer than it had been when this conversation started. you realize that what you’re seeing isn’t a grin anymore, but a smile that reaches his eyes; eyes that speak of a curious ease that suggest this sort of casual exchange of information is something he enjoys. it takes a moment for him to remember himself, blinking before setting himself to rights. closing the cylinder and taking a step back, that familiar bravado-born smirk smooths its way back onto his face.
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“as fer why i got into the gunslingin’ life, well. thas’ a long story fer anoth’r day-- les’ jus’ say that there’s somethin’ i find intimately familiar ‘bout slidin’ a bullet into a well-greased chamber.”
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