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caosdangsuy · 7 months ago
Decree 72 in Vietnam: Identifying social network accounts - what changes will happen to social network users
In the draft to replace Decree No. 72 expected to be applied in 2025, the Ministry of Information and Communications also proposed that accounts must be authenticated with real names and phone numbers to write articles, comments, and Livestream on social networks. This is a change that has a huge impact on the media industry, especially how users use them. In the article below, I will make predictions about positive and negative changes that will happen to social network users.
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On the positive side, account identification can make it easier for users to receive information on social networks. All fake information, information with provocative, defamatory, or offensive implications are strictly controlled and required to be removed promptly or will be subject to penalties according to state law. Users will no longer have to worry about fake information being spread online, nor will they be affected by toxic information.
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In addition, fraud on social networks will also be more strictly controlled. Account identification can help users avoid the risk of fraud on social networks, especially through shopping transactions.
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On the negative side, identifying this social network account makes many people worry about safety and security. The information updated to determine identity may include citizen identification number, phone number, full name, date of birth, etc. This information has been hacked and fallen into the hands of criminals will be extremely dangerous. Besides, users may also feel uncomfortable sharing their thoughts on social networks because they feel that someone is always controlling and observing them.
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In addition, one of the factors that will change a lot is acc clone. The term "acc clone" is no longer unfamiliar to social network users today. If Decree 72 is applied, these clone accounts will also have to be identified or risk being no longer usable. This may result in a restriction on the number of clone accounts that can be created (for example, a citizen ID number can only create 2 accounts), and the definition of "clone account" will also be changed because there are no more "clones" anymore.
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Decree 72 is becoming a hot topic because it is expected to cause major changes in social network users. On the one hand, Decree 72 will bring positive changes when false, offensive, and offensive information is strictly controlled, users can trust the information they read on social media without having to waste time filtering toxic information. Besides, the scam situation on social networks will also improve. On the other hand, account identification makes many people question information security, as well as feel uncomfortable when they use social networks.
Decree 72 is still in the draft stage and will be applied from 2025, so during this period, many people hope that Decree 72 will be carefully reviewed and edited so as not to create negative impacts as well as loopholes before being officially applied.
Reference list
An, L 2023, ‘Ðịnh danh tài khoản mạng xã hội’, Báo Nhân Dân điện tử, viewed 28 July 2024, <https://nhandan.vn/dinh-danh-tai-khoan-mang-xa-hoi-post764316.html>.
Thư viện pháp luật 2013, ‘Nghị định 72/2013/NĐ-CP quản lý cung cấp sử dụng dịch vụ Internet và thông tin trên mạng’, thuvienphapluat.vn, viewed <https://thuvienphapluat.vn/van-ban/Cong-nghe-thong-tin/Nghi-dinh-72-2013-ND-CP-quan-ly-cung-cap-su-dung-dich-vu-Internet-va-thong-tin-tren-mang-201110.aspx>.
XÂY DỰNG CHÍNH SÁCH, PHÁP LUẬT 2023, ‘Đề xuất xác thực tài khoản người dùng mạng xã hội qua số điện thoại di động’, xaydungchinhsach.chinhphu.vn, viewed 28 July 2024, <https://xaydungchinhsach.chinhphu.vn/de-xuat-xac-thuc-tai-khoan-mang-xa-hoi-qua-so-dien-thoai-di-dong-119230718143821089.htm>.
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