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cutewebgraphics · 7 months ago
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dreampollens · 1 year ago
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posted the first two already, but wanted to make them gal pals 💕 ko-fi + pp ♡  commissions ♡  carrd
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leafeonspixels · 6 months ago
Gyaru Pixels 1
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mychlapci · 1 month ago
not to be a dweeb BUT. as someone who is incapable of playing fighting games. the guilty gear soundtrack is SO fucking good even tho i. do nnot know All the lore. my biggest pick rn is probably the moons domination, but also radiant dawn which just dropped a few weeks ago is super beautiful. also the canon nonbinary anthem, like a weed naturally as a matter of course. as a bonus i will prove i listen to more than VG music by reccing damion suomi and the minor prophets. the call & burn the pain are both great. um also to be horny for a minute i MUST point out. that in tfone we KNOW ratchet is a doctor. and correct me if im wrong and we do see him decogged, but im p sure we dont. so i got so so dizzy at the idea of orion and d16 seeing him after the race and getting to straddle his thighs and suck his boobs together. for like totally legit medical reasons
oh! i know! this came in when i was talking about having no music to listen to... i have no need for video game music, thank you anon, but i am HERE for tfone doctor Ratchet breastfeeding miners in his medbay. if we're imagining him cogged, then he must be bigger than all of them, and fully capable of pulling even the most fussy bots into his lap to latch them onto his titties. obviously after the race Orion and D16 were so beaten up they needed a little milky to soothe them, and they were eager to climb into his lap :)
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toreno-werty · 1 year ago
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Hi guys! After a long time I'm here again and I made the first decog for sims 4) I hope you like it)
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msk29fan · 2 days ago
Some connected Transformers One Theories Headcanon
Having your cog removed as a young sparkling (baby/toddler) will simply make you unable to transform. But it won't effect your memory(s).
My theory/headcanon is that you get your cog removed as (young?) adult you will get retrograde amnesia. The more crudely your cog is removed, the worse it is.
Regaining a cog (doesn't have to be your original) will cure at least 80% of it.
Not at all once though!
Not all of the miners we see were lifelong miners. At least some were rebels/ dissadents against Sentinel Prime, who had them declared dead, given cogless amnesia and sent to the mines.
Who's gonna think look for them in the mines? Who the hell actually cares about the miners thinks Sentinel Prime
Post movie, a lot of missing bots are found/discovered to still be alive.
Some of my theories/headcanon on bots that will regain their pre-miner memories:
Prowl: Honest cop who believed in rules that didn't benefit Sentinel Prime.
Wheeljack: Scientist who tried to publish a report of the negative effects of energon mining on Cybertron.
As always reblogs/comments with headcanons/theories about canon characters who were decogged and sent to the mines are welcomed!
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hatake · 1 year ago
haiii c: do u have cute kakashi gifs for carrds? like pixels n stuff :3
I do not, but it would be cute to have some Kakashi in decogal style, so maybe I'll try doing that this month 🤔
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postgamecontent · 3 months ago
'Night Slashers: Remake' Switch Review
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However baffling it may sometimes be to process, just about every game you can name is someone's favorite. That's something I had to remind myself when trying to understand the very existence of Night Slashers: Remake. The original game is a passable arcade beat 'em up, a gory slice of DECOge that is a fun enough way to kill some time if it's all you have. It's fine, but not something I ever would have thought merited a full-on remake decades later. And yet, here we are. This must be a passion project, because I can't imagine anyone else wanting to put this much effort into Night Slashers. Well, let's see how this turned out.
So, the most obvious thing going on here is that the game has a completely new look. If I had to guess, the developers were inspired by the new style of Streets of Rage 4, because Night Slashers: Remake has a similarly cel-shaded 3D toon appearance. It doesn't look as good here, and I would go so far as to say that this game looks the way some feared Streets of Rage 4 was going to. Some of the models don't blend in with the 2D style properly, and most of them are so stiffly animated that it creates a weirdly inconsistent presentation. It feels really cheap at times, and it makes me wish I could switch back to the original graphics.
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I'm also not sure this was the right choice for Night Slashers in particular. By tooning everything up, the gore and grit loses a lot of its power. And that's a bit of a problem, because that over-the-top WHOA gore was a big part of what Night Slashers had going for it. Mechanically, this is just about as standard of a brawler as you can find. Attack, jump, press both together for a special move that uses some of your health. As far as advanced moves go, you can dash, and you can charge up a more powerful attack. Guards are available, but only once your health is too low to do your super attack.
I'd have to go back to the original to check, but my gut feeling here is that the difficulty of the game has been significantly reduced in this Remake. Even at the highest difficulty level, the mob enemies can be ripped to shreds without much effort. You'll occasionally run into bigger fellows that can cause trouble, but they're not too hard to bounce around if you keep on top of them. The bosses are where most of the challenge lies, and even they only have a few patterns at most. The enemy AI just seems completely stupid at times, just standing around or walking in weird directions.
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Really, Night Slashers was always a game best enjoyed with others, and it's the same case for the Remake. There's a fourth playable character (hopping over from another Data East game, Fighter's History) who is wholly new to the game, and she's a lot of fun to use. More importantly, she enables an all-new four-player mode. Regrettably, this is local multiplayer only. I guess I've been a bit spoiled by Streets of Rage 4 and Shredder's Revenge, but it's not easy for me to find enough people nearby to fill chairs to play Night Slashers in the current year. Perhaps it is easier for you, however.
While this isn't the fanciest of affairs, there are a few options here to play around with. You can toggle screen shake, character indicators, and bloom. There are some color palettes and filters to choose from. You can pick whether you want the new Remake soundtrack or the original tunes. There's a Music Room where you can listen to both soundtracks at your leisure, and a Custom Game mode where you can set various gameplay options to your liking. There are five different difficulty settings, and the game keeps track of your best scores and times on each.
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Night Slashers: Remake is a decent but flawed remake of a game that could itself be described the same way. As beat 'em ups go, this version of the game is perhaps a little too mindless for its own good. I like the new character, the new soundtrack is nifty, and adding a four-player feature is a big boost. On the other hand, I don't know that the new look really fits Night Slashers and it's not pulled off very well at all. For whatever its shortcomings are, I think this is a very earnest effort at remaking a relatively lesser-known game. Maybe that's enough for some.
Score: 3/5
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afxendelta96 · 3 months ago
I'll be looking forward to Harris or Trump battling it out for Americans again.even if Trump or Harris takes it, opt in on decog 75 percent of wanting to still pursue politics, even if didn't make it to President, if had previous services to this country of vice or president level, media/sports, all sorts of benefits. I'd like to increase spending for the President, specifically in hospitality, if they want it next term I'd opt in, creates better media relations. Just seriously opt in on decog every president every term, I'll let the media FOIA it
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
Abilds Ablearakip Ablol Abrecants Achat Acteing Adowescres Advinkeye Aligattly Alsed Ampeadoks Andes Angmanst Aniste Ankere Ankoink Ansed Aparimens Appow Ardefearic Areunciase Arized Artor Artur Assible Ateding Atinkamet Bange Batted Baturayeth Becoweate Bected Beemic Befull Begoids Belendes Biantible Blatennoc Blotion Bloweecom Bontand Bouton Brabasti Bratical Brion Buile Buill Bulepomes Bulliner Burcus Calvess Caparly Caras Carts Cathere Chalruse Chapal Charts Ching Chors Ciand Ciative Civass Cleyed Cloteld Cludeddy Cogant Combabight Comen Coment Comer Comising Commed Comper Coneroned Congete Cononly Const Cossige Coung Covent Creporced Cretall Croll Crove Crowbo Cueezes Dains Dapacky Daslaing Deaccides Decoged Dekinforts Denal Denguator Dennoring Dereer Dering Dersionity Desion Desphar Dinglen Dingu Dinumeseng Diright Dirions Disgu Dists Ditarry Dorearred Downry Dubbor Dubet Ducter Durnstagip Durūtō Earnets Eatharbome Egurtoring Einnahan Elened Elity Eloustomb Emegot Empar Entings Enton Equen Espared Events Every Evidefus Expleent Exples Exply Facends Fachip Facticals Fatted Featift Fecon Ficed Fichident Ficon Fineight Fingadmin Finger Flaryord Flect Flesped Fliess Fooks Forldly Fortancep Fortne Fraillares Fratem Frigh Frindly Frinowhic Frolated Fronally Froners Frosumake Führet Fūramed Gatersols Gingancens Gittem Gotanston Guration Hadout Haraka Harinsper Hartionam Heamoss Hectiong Hemoded Heright Hichi Hingort Hinkurtly Hommiders Houngor Hulls Huntes Hustra Idefor Idnaks Ifielcar Ifirly Imajo Imist Impron Inced Incen Inets Inficed Ingestle Inglar Ingmatear Inisof Insame Ireard Isguily Itichost Janclaws Jappardly Jappeng Kiddly Kideats Kider Kidoraly Kinfinle Kipero Knaught Knicen Knimple Knored Knotack Knoticerva Laccantaly Lanque Lantice Lawan Leased Leave Lecognic Lessailly Lingang Losea Losmakku Lowed Loweve Loyiser Maged Maguary Mainger Makend Makenslace Makents Malliated Mases Mcluccific Mclux Mested Metestody Micaunc Micenottor Milved Minareng Mined Mingers Mistrolact Mitte Mones Moveled Muser Mysturass Nalemu Nalined Nally Namples Nating Nectervat Nevineer Nicaestiet Nishaped Nored Notic Nyōkam Occognicks Ockid Ocuesson Odwined Offic Optionsten Opull Oputs Osurther Outed Pacrove Parly Passai Petsbus Pinga Planisic Plated Plations Plawared Polanped Poldeance Pomoty Ponds Ponimme Ponse Pople Posacking Powelputle Powner Preard Prebefus Preepleard Preguy Pring Prommovely Prosucce Prove Pulents Puley Puntleal Pureato Puremod Pūrast Quitybane Rablay Ramen Ranight Reads Reappont Reats Reattor Rebersod Recom Refught Reful Regordong Rejector Rempecs Renared Rental Reorly Repts Resinitō Rettes Retwall Rideructs Rimideve Ristoo Rogried Rokurine Rousted Rower Ructora Sagese Sakeibele Schaing Schichaku Schion Sciettero Scommusped Scons Scuther Settion Shent Shince Shing Sistre Sitaind Sking Sonal Sooders Souganist Souna Sourant Spearhum Spist Squide Stead Stionatood Stort Stran Stranis Stroultan Sught Suild Sullien Swits Syclus Sōtōrule Taing Terfus Thatured Theitaing Thess Thime Thimpated Thood Thosisibly Thumager Tiven Tobles Torestonst Tormagard Tortnecter Trearuffe Tressamer Trimageter Trognims Tromping Troye Truclanque Tructe Truncianku Truperst Tutart Tworing Ullitista Umentan Undong Unient Uposs Urably Uracte Urawsphoo Ustel Velen Venmatace Veroter Voleted Vonmaks Vowneight Wanku Warcomew Waturnst Wavicip Wedlinve Weepity Werms Wersotal Wharsh Whatmovenc Wherion Whertremor Whimplank Widgantic Wienging Witaned Woramas Woung Wrecticome Wrozeremed Yukations Yukoinimet
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arrangoiz · 2 years ago
Lymphadenectomy After a Positive SLNB in Melanoma
The treatment paradigm for melanoma patients with a positive SLN: Has undergone a dramatic evolution in recent years Historically, completion lymph node dissection (CLND) was considered the standard of care for patients found to have micrometastatic disease in the SLN: However, two recent trials sought to investigate the efficacy of immediate CLND: The DECOG-SLT and MSLT-II trials were…
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cutewebgraphics · 9 months ago
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dreampollens · 9 months ago
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decogal commission for serxphym on instagram 💕 such an iconic gal, was lots of fun to draw them 😍💖🌺 patreon ♡ ko-fi ♡  commissions ♡  carrd
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roomly · 2 years ago
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mychlapci · 3 months ago
For TFOne something I've grown to accept as my personal canon is that D16 is directly a descendant of Megatronus, hence his intense admiration for him!
And because of that, Sentinel becomes obsessed with him. Like he really wanted to make Megatronus a carrier but the prime always rebuffed his advances time and time again.
And now? His offspring views Sentinel in reverence and worship. How can he NOT take that to his advantage?
Whenever he has D in his grasp, watching him gasp and quiver under him, his is filled with this smug aura while taunting Megatronus mentally that he's breeding a part of his lineage. Especially since Megatronus was very light on sharing his CNA to be used to begin with.
When D finally conceives their first sparkling, Sentinel would stroke his own stolen t-cog and brag about how not only does he own Megatronus cog but now his "bloodline" completely.
Ooh that's fun. it would be very interesting if D16 was one of Megatronus' spawn, and it would certainly explain why he's such a big fan and why he got so emotional when he found his corpse.
Perhaps he was decogged and sent to the mines for his own protection by an unnamed samaritan, because they knew that if Sentinel ever found out…. mhmm Sentinel would draw extreme satisfaction from having one of the Primes' offspring worship him, squeeze his spike, birth his babies. he would taints a sacred bloodline with his coding… or well, Sentinel would believe he improved it.
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gyaruattitude · 3 years ago
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