shsltrashgirl-blog · 5 years
Akira Journal | Day 32 | Entry 2
“Thank for waiting and tuning into this week’s episode of Rate The Other People Kidnapped With Me. Look, I’m not real solid on the title. So we’re just gonna live with that one for now. Cool? Cool. Yeah, the only person listening to these is me. Hopefully. If you wrench this out of cold dead body, delete the files before Neo finds them and mocks my ghost in true, brotherly fashion.
So, to continue our show, let’s do a quick recap out our current contestants. Rocking the top of the list on account of his unbreakable spirit and adorable face, it’s Cryptkeeper with thirty six points! Tied for second place with thirty two each, it’s Neo and Madame President! Following those two is… Following the dynamic duo is a mister Dancing King, holding a solid twenty eight. Finally, right behind him with a blade, a Beyblade, it’s Babeblade holding twenty seven points! And finally, pulling up the rear, it’s Waterworld with twenty points! Now, onto the contestants!
Next up, he loves cats and saved a bunch, and that’s what I know about him. It’s Nyakamura! Now, that reaction to the last motive is really gonna hurt him. I’m giving out my first one in terms of positivity. Sorry dude, but that’s just how it goes. Determination, that’s a decent seven. You do not give up a grudge, huh dude? Friendliness, that’s an eight. And cuteness… I’m give him a five. I like long hair on boys, but this ain’t the hotness category. All together, that’s twenty one. Not last, but certainly not first.
The smallest cutest turtle in the world has rolled into town. Give it up for Alotte Ness, the Little Turtle. Positivity, I’m gonna her a five, and wish I could score her higher. Determination, that’s fonna also be a five. Sorry hun. Friendiness is a solid nine, though. And in terms of cuteness. Well, it’s my show, so shut up, she gets a twelve! A score of thirty one… Sorry, Little Turtle. I did my best.
Next up in the pink surgeon, the heart of the hospital. It’s Heartache! Now, positive, she is not, scoring a three. Determined, though, give her trade, I’ll give it a nine. Friendiness, however, scores her a three. And cuteness… It’s an eight! A total of twenty three! Maybe she needs to stop being less of a nerd. A cute nerd, though.
Master of the court, the halls, and the parking lot, it’s Bluebell. Court is in session! Positivity, let’s be honest, it a five, at best. Determination though, is a solid ten! Friendliness. Oh, that’s a one. It’s a one and I’m her friend. That say shit about me. And cuteness! Another ten! Despite her two excellent scores, Miss Bluebell walks away with a twenty six.
The last to enter, probably cause he showed up late. A sweet man, and not just his profession… Can anyone beat out current champ? Maybe the Candy Man can! Positivity… Given our first conversation was him crying, it’s gonna be five. In terms of determination, he fairs better, getting a seven! He’s a quite friendly, scoring a decent nine. And finally… In terms of cuteness, he gets a five! And the last score, that’s about twenty six!
So, that leave us with the final tally… In first place in the Cryptkeeper showing I am not biased at all! Second place is my two friends who tied, Made President and Neo! Third is Little Turtle who earned that eleven! Dancing King dances his way into fourth! Fifth held her position as firmly as her launcher, it’s Babeblade! Sixth place is another tie between Bluebell and Candy Man! Seventh is a lovely doctor, but not surgeon, Heartache! Eight is the cat savior, Nyakamura! And finally, still dead last, it’s Water World.
Well, you have it folks. And given that my friends not only lost, but lost pretty badly to someone who I think is kinda creepy, this proves I am not at all biased. I will hold tis fact up in court. …Hopefully I don’t have to play my journals at court again. Tune in next week where I talk about the hottest people in the class!
…I’m really not doing the best, am I?”
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Journal Entry Three | Sayuri Nishu
Dear Diary,
Not much time has passed since the last trial, and yet our dorm already seems much... emptier. Because Yasu Kozakura-san has been murdered. Now, it is only myself and Nakamura-san in the Daikon Dorm, and the absence of Kozakura-san can already be felt. I was... truly hoping that it would never come down to this.
Only a while ago, it seemed that Kozakura-san had managed to attract a large fish to slam into the side of the observation deck, creating a large crack and causing water to spill through it. However, instead of punishing Kozakura-san and fixing the hole, FrogBot and SpiderBot decided on a new idea: the hole would not be fixed until somebody died. It was... unsurprising that they would do something like this. Such cruel robots they are, truly.
I believe some were angry with Kozakura-san after this. As for myself, I did blame them for causing the glass to get broken, but not for the motive. That was entirely the faults of FrogBot and SpiderBot. They should be blamed, not Kozakura-san. 
And yet, Kozakura-san was still killed. Akatsuki-san found their body in the gym, hanging by a bunch of cables. Soon after, FrogBot and SpiderBot announced another trial. So, once again we had to investigate in order to send one of our own classmates to their death. I formed a group with Matsuba-san and Ukiyo-maemi-san, and we worked together to walk around the ship and discover evidence.
It was at this time I realized the importance of something I had heard the night before. Around three in the morning, I had heard a loud thump outside the Lotus Elevator on the second floor. At the time I thought nothing of it, but now I realize that it must have been... Kozakura-san, falling to their death. They had fallen to their death, and I had simply ignored it. Thought I had imagined it. Perhaps if I had been there sooner... hadn’t ignored it... I could have helped.
...What kind of doctor am I? What kind of doctor can not save anyone who needs them? My entire purpose is to save others, and I am incapable of saving even a single person here.
...I am sorry. I believe that I have gone off topic. I talked to Matsuba-san during the investigation. They had also heard something similar, at four or five, and had seen a stack of chairs in the gym. I suppose it was... reassuring that I hadn’t been the only one that could have done something differently heard something. I reassured Matsuba-san myself that nobody would blame them for not doing anything. It was... nice to say that. It helped me as well... And as we found out in the trial later, it seems that by that point Kozakura-san was already dead. They had been killed by the fall. The fall that I had most likely heard.
...I do not believe I wish to write about this more. The killer was NANIKO-san, or Mia Mastumoto-san. She killed Kozakura-san. She saved us, but she killed Kozakura-san. And I... do not know how to feel. 
I do not know if I can write about this much longer. So, I will not. 
Yours Sincerely, Sayuri Nishu
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neo-3njou · 5 years
Audio/Video Log 2 | Stardate: 1201
(cw: discussions of vomiting/emetophobia and bodily functions)
Testing, test- wait.
[the sounds of dry retching can be heard in the background for a bit]
Urgh. Mission control, status update: totally sick. And not in the fun kind of way. Sometimes I wish the toilets and sinks weren’t one floor away from our rooms, because you never know when the throwing up actually dislodges something. Still makes me want to rinse my mouth up every time the wave of nausea hits, but then I’d never be able to leave the place. The outlook’s bad either way.
And I got off easy.
Day two and a half after twelve of us inadvertently became patient zeroes for whatever contagion the robots infected us with. Maybe eleven, because I don’t trust that NANIKO is as affected as she’s making herself out to be in the chat, but at least a third of us were smart enough to look a gift FrogBot in the mouth for as long as it took them to close it.
It sucks too, knowing you were this close to not eating it, but when most of the people you consider friends on board decide it’s worth a try, the peer pressure gets to you, y’know? I’m totally not making any excuses about the fact that the [audible shudder] vegan pudding was the first sweet thing I’ve had since we got here however many days ago. As Admiral Ackbar would say: “It’s a trap!”
And we ate it up. Symptoms of the pudding poison seem to vary, but everyone’s affected in some way, even the people who weren’t afflicted.
I’m making this log from the top bunk of our room, and looking down from here... Well, Kadoya-san is at least thankfully unaffected, and Matsuba-san is coping. That’s about as optimistic about it as I’m allowing myself to be, especially since I’m certain they’re both trying to deal with the stressors here in their own ways. Time will tell how well that works out but... I’ve at least made it clear they have an outlet in me if they need anything. Or tried to, at least.
I’m not sure how much they heard the latter part with their head half-sunken into the cellar floor all the way down there, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
In any case, I’m trying to learn more about this place as I can. There’s definitely something up in the air, what with all of these locked doors and hidden rooms. Part of me hopes we’re the only people that were ever stuck in this mess, but it isn’t like we’d be able to do much if we knew other- oh crap, here it comes again.
[more sounds of dry retching can be heard in the background]
...Ugh. This is gonna continue until one of us decides they can’t take it anymore. Which makes it less of a tangible possibility, and more of a ticking time bomb ‘til the inevitable happens. I’m not looking forward to it, but then again, is anyone?
Actually, don’t answer that, I might actually be able to and I don’t like that at all. Just saying that made me break out into a cold sweat on top of already losing more moisture to the air.
It’s not going to be me, at least. I refuse to compromise anyone else’s lives but my own if I’m going to survive. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to lie down and wait until it passes like a chump. The others need help, and even if Oda-san is going to continue to remain stubborn I’m determined to help out wherever I can.
We’ll figure out what comes next after that. Whatever that’s going to be.
Until next time. Nutty Neo, out.
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oh-law-d-he-comin · 5 years
day 2
Dear esteemed, late diary, who was found dead this morning in your mansion with a cryptic message etched into the floor,
  Today I want to discuss those bots. Even if you can't say anything back, and it would be mega freaky if you did so I'd prefer you remain a lifeless hunk of paper, it's a discussion. It would be a NICE discussion too if Frogbert hadn't just lost all faith in me and my descendants, cuz I think they're pretty cute, but as it stands I'm labeled a worm thief and a scoundrel and so I'm not super happy with them either.
  Plus did you know that there's hardly anything decent to drink in this place? They took my drink mix, which by the way was a pain in the neck to get past security, and what do they offer? Plain coffee! I can excuse the plain tea, that's how tea is sometimes, but it's not even good coffee and they have the NERVE to serve it without even a fake sugar substitute! From what I can tell of Aqua and Choco’s conversation they don't have their sugary supplies either, which really sucks, and the kitchen is locked up tight, which doubly sucks, and that loops around back to the gummy worms, which are in abundance on frog prince’s desk but apparently totally off limits. All I've gotten today in the line of sugar is 2 worms. And the bag that was there, but that's for emergencies only for the time being.
  Anyway. Froggie is the one that looks like a frog, which is obvious, and Peter Parker is the one that looks like a spider, which is also obvious. And there used to be Wellbot but Spidey took them out after Kenny so we're down one bot which was the nicest one by the way, they had pretty ribbons and they didn't get mad at me for trivial things. Maybe I should have looted their corpse for medical supplies, because there's no nurse's office here? Maybe Frogalicious knows where they are; they said they'd be on cleanup detail for the dead guys which is again, literally my job, just putting that out there in case you're reading this. Also if you're reading this go eat a worm stinky.
  I guess that's it on them, actually, except for how S-bot is really creepy even from my point of view. I don't gotta be told twice to stay away from those blades…
  I wonder where we are right now? Back when we were locked in the flower room, Gen and I talked about how we could figure out where we are and where we're going, but I'm starting to think we had it wrong. If people are dying and things are going missing and we can all get knocked out in a systematic manner, what's to say we're still off the coast of Japan? There's got to be a lot of technology stuffed into those robots… it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to make a boat go really fast, or in a different direction than planned. Or maybe it never left port, and we're in a big lead-lined pool with the lid shut tight, which would make sense too because if you were an evil mastermind who wanted to see kids kill each other wouldn't you want a more convenient locale than 20,000 leagues under the sea? Then again, we could be anywhere. It might look like hardly any time’s passed, but you can do tons of stuff even in 24 hours. Like put a bunch of children on a plane and send them halfway around the Earth, to Antarctica, to space, whatever.
  Or would it be colder in Antarctica? I bet it's super cold at the bottom of the sea no matter what, how do they keep it warm in here? There's got to be some way to do it, a normal way too, probably, since the nonmurder DECK was gonna be way underwater, but how are they keeping power going right now? What if one of us used a hairdryer and the microwave at the same time and tripped the breaker, would we just die? Now wouldn't that be one for the books: When Electrical Safety Measures Go Wrong: 17 exotic locales you wouldn't want the lights to go off in.
  Is there something I'm forgetting? Oh yeah, I found a bunch of stuff. Like this ribbon thing, looks sorta like the ones Wubby had, and some of those coins they gave us. It's pretty fun finding them, like a scavenger hunt but with money glued to stuff. You know the prank where you glue pennies to the sidewalk and laugh as people try to pick them up? Something like that.
That's all, folks! Your friendly neighborhood coroner, Law ☆
( @deckspair )
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shsl-knifecat · 5 years
Log 2 | Day 2
Kosuke sits on his bed, face grim. He lacks his signature lab coat for now and definitely seems uncomfortable because of it.
“Hey, Rosetta,” he says, waving to the tablet but lacking much energy. “‘Bout that kid that died yesterday, I’ve cleared my head enough to talk about him now.
Kinda sucks, Evander-chi was pretty cool. I thought we might be a bit similar, that… mmmmmaybe we came from similar backgrounds? So, I was pretty hyped? Especially because… he actually wanted to talk to me! ME, Rosie! It was wild, he didn’t even try to shove me in a locker or call me a furry or anythin’. Uh, then he got shanked by that pissy itsy bitsy lil Spiderbot. ‘Cuz… of course he did. Got my labcoat all bloody when that one pink haired chick - think it was the cardiologist, Sakura? Eh, I’ll get it eventually. ANYWAYS, she tried to stop the bleedin’, but he was loooooong gone. It all happened so fast, and then… he was dead. 
If it was you tellin’ me this b.s., I’d tell ya to stop pullin’ my leg.”
“...anyways, yeah. LOTS of people on this ship. It makes me… really nervous, actually. Haven’t willin’ly been around this many peeps since high school - normal high school, not Hope’s Peak. Cuz they just let me fuck off and do whatever. But, uh! I hope they don’t think I’m weird or anythin’!” He laughs, scratching at the back of his head for a moment. “...ok, maybe I’m kinda weird. You’d say that, anyways. But. I think… maybe it’s good to be around peeps more? Ok, I’ll probably take that back once I say somethin’ without thinkin’ and I’m in the no friends zone, but. For now, guess I should try my best? For whatever that’s worth anymore.
...maaaaaaan. If ya were here, ya would smack me upside the head for worryin’ what others think so much.”
Huffing, Kosuke sits up from the slouch he’d gotten into without realizing. “Hey! But I’m gonna try not to focus on my complete and total lack of social skills from spendin’ half my time in the lab or pettin’ cats! I’m gonna, uh, try to not also get fuckin’ shanked! Not like I have my brass knuckes in my pocket anymore, those were confiscated, but mayyyybe if I make nice with everyone, it’ll be ok? I’ll… try, anyway. Not really optimistic, but… the nerd always lives to the end of these things, right? Right! Nyeheheh!” 
“Sooooo… yeah, Rosetta! I’ll make these logs addressed to ya so I don’t lose my fuckin’ mind. We can get a good laugh out of ‘em when I see ya next, k?”
Kosuke then looks at something offscreen, shaking his head. He looks back to the screen again, voice weary.
“...I should prolly go wash all that blood out of my labcoat, eh? Ughh, but that’s… so much work.” He flops back onto his bed, causing the Modelpad to fall screen first onto his bed. A muffled “uuuuuuuuugh!” can be heard off-screen. He then picks up the tablet again, scowling. “...that’s my half-decent lab coat, I like that one. I’m gonna go clean if off in the public bathroom before the stain sets in more… and I guess it’s kinda inconsiderate to leave it makin’ a puddle in the corner, eh? Oh! Oh! I’ll tell ya ‘bout my roommates next log I make.” He attempts to crack a smile, but it falls flat. “Catch ya later, Rosie! Ya better be feedin’ my cats right while I’m gone!” 
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shsltrashgirl-blog · 5 years
Prompt 2: Harry Potter and the Pissed Off Janitor
Born to a witch mother and a non-magical father in Japan, Akira grew up knowing about her magic. Because she was born in Japan, she expected to attend Mahoutokoro. However, due to her mother’s Irish background, she was encouraged to attend the Hogwarts instead. Gone were the dreams of doing sorted into Genbu and getting to play with the turtles... Your girl is going to the castle.
“Hmmm, there are quite a few different ways you could do. You’re loyal, courtagous, and intelligent... However...”
“Ah, fuck. Come on, you shitty hat. Both of us know that I would not survive there.”
“But survival is what you do, young Miss Akatsuki, and survive you will...” A pause, and then a loud call. “Slytherin!”
Upon arriving in Hogwarts, she was sorted into Syltherin. This came as quite a surprise to her. Her mother was a half-blood, and her father was a muggle. Additionally, her mother had been a Hufflepuff and so had her grandfather, and his grandparents before him. she had kind of expected it. However, she more well suited for the the most infamous house.
Cunning, creative, ambitious, resourceful. These are the things an ideal Slytherin is, and these were things that Akira excelled in. Being a half-blood in Syltherin was rough. She was often bullied, by the other students. Some of her tormentors were bold, openly mocking her, while others sabotaged her behind her back. However, Akira was a Slytherin in her own right. What she lacked in blood lines and magical talent, she made up for with her clever mind and ruthless nature. Little things, one after another, started to go wrong whenever Akira was bullied. Eventually, people learned to leave her alone.
A Slytherin is a survivor, and that she certainly is. Even if it meant making friends with the kitchen House Elves in order to convince them to allow her to ‘clean’ her bullies quarters.
Akira’s original wand was a hand-me-down from her grandfather. An ill tempered 10′ Willow with Dragon Heartstring core wand with a lot of bendthat did not work well with the girl. It was ‘accidentally’ broken prior to the first Christmas break, and was replaced with an 13″ Pine with a Pheonix Feather core that had very little bend. She and her new wand get along quite well.
Akira has never been very good at magic. The only classes where she actually does were are charms and potions. Potions, while you can be talented in them, they are something you can learn with dedication and hard work. Charm was harder, but she has a knack for household magic.
She came to the school with a playful calico she named Mi-ke, who got into everyone’s stuff. She shares the cat with her twin brother, and they switch him back and forth from Griffindor and Slytherin. Or they did. Due to the bullying, Akira decided it was best Mi-ke stayed with her brother.
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shsltrashgirl-blog · 5 years
Akira Journal | Day 32 | Entry 1
“Days pass and though the amount of entertainment here increases, my unrest only doubles. And that’s probably the most cliched and dramatic thing I said here. And isn’t even the journal I wrote right after my friend died. Does that say something about me? Probably. Anyway, the key thing here is that I’m getting pretty bored, so I’m gonna do something weird.
It’s time for Rate… That… Shipmate! Shipmate, classmate. Not sure what the call the other kids here. But yeah, I’m gonna rate them on a scale of how cool I think they are, with several different categories. I’m gonna put down the top five for each.
Unfortunately for adorable Yasu, drop dead gorgeous Rio, hot stuff Evander, and little Minnie, the dead are off limits for this little game of mine. Additionally, Shit Stain Baker will be present in this, on account of having no redeeming qualities.
The categories will be as follows: positivity, determination, friendliness, adorableness! My top five hottest members of our tiny crew will be coming out later this week!
Alright, onto the show!
Starting with the dancer of swordfish, the icecream boy himself! It’s Tsuneo Enjou! For positivity, I’m gonna give him a eight out of ten. He’s real good at cheering people up. Determination, he’s gonna get an eight. That boy gives his all! Friendliness, well, he’s basically one of those big friendly dogs, which I don’t think he’d like hearing cause he’s a cat person. A nine out of ten! And finally, he’s a solid seven on the adorableness scale! Finally rating… That’s a thirty two out of forty! Good showing for Mr. Neo!
Next up to bat! Dating two people at the same time, it’s Madame President! She started off strong, but I’m gonna dip her a little for positivity. An eight is still pretty good though. In terms of determination, that’s gonna be a seven. She did break down a little after trial. Not blaming her. It’s rough shit. Friendliness, now there she gets a ten out of ten! Good show! And adorableness… Now, I’m gonna give her a very solid seven! Tying with Neo, she’s at thirty two points!
Next up, is she a demon or is she just the girl living down the hall? Babeblade takes the stage! Positivity is not her strong suit. It’s gonna be a four out of ten here. Determination, however, is gonna go to a nine, on account of the fact she hasn’t broken character once. Friendliness, I give a tentative five, but that might change. And finally… In terms out of cuteness… Well, just look at her! I sold nine out of ten! Good showing! However, with a total of twenty seven. It’s good, but it’s not going to take her to the top. Still, a round of applause for her efforts!
A mystery to the world… The Waterworld, that is! It’s our own underwater gardener! So, positivity, I’m going give her a decent four. It’s not great. She’s fucking weird about death. Next up in determination, we’re moving a seven, a good showing. Friendliness… Three. And finally, in cuteness! A very decent six! That’s twenty out of forty. Better luck next time.
Next up, the first of two Laws, it’s the Crrrrrryptkeeper! Oh, wow, guess I can roll my Rs. Anyway, positivity, now that’s off the charts! A ten indeed. Determination, that’s also high. A good eight there. Despite his creepiness, he’s a friendly dude, scoring a nine easily. And finally, in terms of cuteness… Not matter how much he creeps me out, if we take his personality out of the running, that’s a nine! That scores a near unbeatable thirty six! Can someone usurp this tyrant?!
Well maybe it’s next competitor! He’s shy, he’s sweet, he’s able to walk on his hands as well as his feet! It’s Mister Dancing Kiiiiiing! Positivity, hell no, boy will probably cry if you say a mean thing to him. A six here, since he is pretty positive about people. Determination? Well, given his continued ability to avoid swooning from my flirting, I give him a ten in my heart, but a five in reality. And the third measure, friendliness, he scores a good seven. He’s nice, but shy. And given all I’ve said, is it a real shock he’s ten out of ten adorable! Six, five, seven and ten… That a pretty decent twenty eight!
Fuck, I think someone else is coming into the backroom. We’ll continue after his commercial break!”
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shsltrashgirl-blog · 5 years
Akira Journal | Day 30 | Entry 1
“So, looks like we’re here again. Another trial finishes and another two people are dead. I thought it sucked after Rio, but damn, it was so much worse this time. I should have known better, so much better, than to make friends with the most hated person here. Maybe I should have known better than to make friends at all. But, I knew Yasu was going to die. I mean, everyone knew it, because someone decided to make them a target.
The worst fucking part is the fact that I still don’t fucking know what is going on with it. What did they do, to deserve all that hate? How the fuck did they make a big fish attack us? I don’t understand how it come be anything more than wrong place wrong time. And I’m pissed. They didn’t deserve any of this! But, they still died. And they died horribly.
I really do hope it was just the tea. I hope you had a nice, good sleep before the end. Maybe they didn’t feel anything at all. Maybe they still are taking a nice cat nap in the afterlife. If the afterlife exists. Make them a nice dinner for me, okay, Ma? If you’re both in the same place. Actually, Ma was pretty shit at cooking, but hey, better than Hiro. Meh, they need like a good, whole shepard’s pie to gain so fucking weight.
Not that it matters now.
I can’t stop thinking that they’re alive. And I know it’s stupid. Because I saw their dead body first, before everyone else. Hanging there like a fucking motivational poster. But it kinda feels like a reality tv show, where they’ll come back on the last episode to help us vote. But, they won’t. Dead is dead. I got the same way with Ma at first. I don’t take lost very well. I’ve always been like that. Push it out of your mind, Aki. You’ll see them again. But I won’t. I need to accept it. I’m just no good at that shit.
And the culprit? None other than NANIKO, that selfish dick. Somehow, it always felt like it was going to come down to this. The way she acted during the trial was like a punch to the stomach.
“Thank the killer.” “I, for one, want to thank the killer who saved all of us.” I just wanted to scream and tear their stupid face off. Oh, wow, way too violent. It was all so self congratulatory. If I’m going to be honest, if she hadn’t been the killer, I would still have wanted to execute her. Because she acted like Yasu was nothing, like their life meant nothing! I hated her so much before she died.
I didn’t hate Minnie. I still don’t hate Minnie. I feel bad for them. They were so fucked over by the motive. And this one was way fucking worse. But Minnie was a naïve kid. NANIKO knew what she was doing. She targeted Yasu, probably thinking everyone would be so grateful. She killed the great monster!
I hate her. I hate her so fucking much. Even though she’s dead. Even though she can’t hurt anyone anymore. I hate her and I don’t think I’m going to stop. Seeing her execution, I almost felt pity for her. No, I did. But it was only for a moment. I wonder… She seemed to hate her name was lot. Maybe she wanted to become someone else. Was she ashamed of her past? She seemed more scared of just seeing reflections of her past than of the part where they started beating her to death.
I feel gross. I shouldn’t cling to a grudge like this. I know that. But I can’t help it. I haven’t lost a friend before. I thought Rio was interesting. I thought Minnie was sad. I didn’t get to know that waiter guy. But I knew Yasu. Yasu was nice to me. Yasu offered to help me out with personal shit and travel the world with me. And NANIKO just saw them as an easy target. Fuck, I don’t even really know if that’s the truth. Were they the target of convenience, or a target cause she thought she could get away with it.
I’m… I’m really sad. I hate this. I wish I hate just… Fuck. I don’t know. I just want to sleep. Last time, I was so freaked out that I couldn’t sleep. But this time, all I want is sleep. I want to close my eyes and just disappear for a while. So I will.
I want to go home.”
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shsltrashgirl-blog · 5 years
Akira Journal | Day 28 | Entry 2
“Audio Log 4, because Mario Maker is really fucking hard. I mean, I guess I could keep this level in the files for the others to get killed on. But I feel like it’s my duty to beat this first. Also, I made sure not to put any special secrets I could exploit in here because I am a fair and kind trash leader. Yeah, all of you are fucking welcome.
Anyway, while I’m here, figured it was best to talk about some good times before someone fucking died again. Normally I like to do my recording in my room, but it someone else wakes up at five to play video games I will eat my own ass. Fucking muscle memory. I used to get up at this time to clean up the kitchen for my dad and bro. I know they can handle it themselves. But it’s hard running a restaurant by yourself, and I’m a pro. From there, it was off to school.
Oh for fucks sakes Mario! I should have played as Luigi. Luigi I trust!
Anyway, so, I actually did have some fun. First of all, post execution, which was hella fucked for the record, I had a sleep over with some of my cool friends. I basically abducted Ice Cream, Pres, and Little Turtle. Well, Ice Cream came on his own, but the others I shoved into my jacket. I figured they were like horses. I remember from a story my ma fucking loved, that the best way to get a horse out of a fire is to over their eyes and lead them. They way, they have to trust your guidance. So, that’s what I did. I lead those fucking horses out of the trial room and up to my room.
Calling it a sleep over was a little generous though, cause none of us really slept. First thing we did was we raced roombas. Which, it turns out, it actually really fucking fun? Ice Cream Boy and I were one team, and we named ours something that was shortened to Love Rover. Which, by the way, is fucking genius. Kid is smart. Pres and Little Turtle decided to name their bot Panda, which is also cute. But Love Rover is better. We did two rounds. We each won and lost one. Neo wouldn’t let us gamble, which, rude, but we had to share info if we lost.
It was pretty fun, though. After that, we played two different kids of two truth and a lie. Which, it turned out, I am not great at. Most people figured me out right away. But, I learned a lot about these three. It was weird, you know? I actually felt like I could trust them for a while. Trust doesn’t come easy to me. Especially not-
Mario! Come the fuck on!
Anyway, it was a lot of fun, and I’d actually like to do it again some day. Hopefully not right after a murder though.”
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shsltrashgirl-blog · 5 years
Akira Journal | Day 28 | Entry 1
“Audio Log 3. So, once again, things have gone to absolute shit. So, I thought that I should do a check in and put up a journal. You know, cause I might as well get my ideas down in case someone decides to Rio me. Yes, that’s the wording I’m gonna use, fuck you.
I think for now, I’m gonna talk about the people I go to know during my time here. Funny, I thought I’d hate all my classmates. Rich and talented pricks who never had to actually work for what they got but these guys are pretty alright.
I guess I’ll start with the person I first talked with. Neo Enjou, or as I like to call him, Ice Cream Boy. You know, cause his name sounds like Neapolitan. He’s a pretty chill guy, over all. It’s weird that Hope’s Peak decided to invite a daredevil, but fuck it, I’m a janitor, so what the fuck do I know. Anyway, he’s like a weirdly nice guy. He helps out whenever he can, and he’s lots of fun to tease. Though, he gives what he takes. Naturally, the big sister in me has gotta sort him out with a good forehead flick.
Next up would be Alotte Ness, who I still have really fucking hard time believing that is her real name. Well, the Alotte part, and it’s fucking weird. She’s apparently foreign, and I wonder if that’s why she’s so shy. But she’s like hella shy. It’s hard to believe she’s a high school student. Cause she’s so shy and nervous, I guess I get that stupid big sister urge to just look after her. I’ve been calling her Little Turtle, which would make Jeanie hella jealous.
Next up, is, of course, Genko Junshu, the fucking weirdo. I call her Madame President, and someday… Someday, it will be time for Get Down Madame President. But not today. I’m pretty sure she’d hate me for that. Pres is a pretty cool cat. Or panda. Whatever. She clearly is real passionate about whatever the fuck she does. But she’s kinda got a weird sense of right and wrong. In that she doesn’t sway at all. It’s fucking weird. Like, it feels like that’s gonna get her hurt at some point. I’m worried about her. Anyway, she’s not much richer than me, which is a surprise. Guess she’s a super hard worker, like Lion Lady. Also, she’s kinda hot.
Following those three is Law N. Oda, who I call Bluebell. She would probably throw a fit because I didn’t put her first or last. Surely I should cleanse my palette or some other perfectionist bullshit. Cause that’s what she is. She’s a fucking huge perfectionist. She has like really super high standards for herself. I actually feel really bad for her because of this. Like, chill, calm down, drink a lemonade at the beach and suntan or some shit. I get the feeling that she does these things for a reason, and it’s not a good one. I hate pitying people, but here we fucking are. Also, she is also kinda hot, which is a shame, cause she’s also super fucking strict. At least I got her to play Mario Party with us. Nobody tell her about Sans Undertale.
And last but certainly not least is Yasu Kozakura, who I call Carmen Sandiego. Cause they travel. They round out the holy trifecta I got here of Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary Pals. They’re an odd one. First of all. how the fuck did they manage to run out of food money? Like, it’s not fucking hard to save up. But, well, it happened, and we have to just deal with it. I gave them enough to get by for the next few days, but I bet they’ll run out again. Carmen is a weirdly nice person. They offered to like pay for my expenses and just keep me as a travel along friend. So, like, not cleaning trash cans? Win fucking win. Problem would be explaining those fianaces to them. I wonder if they have so much that Jeanie’s tuition wouldn’t mean a thing to them. I’m worried about Carmen, cause they kinda fucked some shit up. Apparently it’s their fault a giant fish attacked us. Which I don’t believe for a second. They ain’t fucking Aqua Person. But some people aren’t listening. I hope they’re looking after themself.
I should probably go now, though. I need to run to the gym. …Or maybe I’ll play Mario Maker first for a little bit. I mean, I recorded this whole thing. I deserve a treat, damn it.”
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shsltrashgirl-blog · 5 years
Prompt 10: Thank Goodness She’s Fluent In English
CW discussion of bugs, suffocation mention and some uncleanliness in the meme portion
She didn’t show up to class very often, and when she did, Akira normally slept through it, but she lived music class. She’d always been fond of music. It was a little embarrassing, but it seemed like the music instructor had noticed.
“You’re pretty fond of the acoustic guitar, aren’t you?”
Akira pulled up her mask to hide the growing blush on her cheeks. Stupid pale complexion... It made it so easy for people to tell...
“You noticed?” she looked away. “Yeah, it’s nice... I like the sound of it.”
The instructor, Kurosawa, laughed ever so slightly, placing a hand on Akira’s shoulder. Strike one.
“It must be difficult, since you seem to always be so busy. But if you work hard, I’m sure you can get quite good at it.” ...What a moment. Akira was quiet for a moment. Did he just... Imply she was lazy? Did he not get that she had a full time job? That she worked at this fucking school too? Strike two.
“Yeah, well, hard work is what I do.” She sounds a little stern at that, but the man falls to piss up on the fact he’s made it clear he’s on thin ice. The teacher just kept smiling.
“How about you take that one home to practice?” Akira jumped, shocked by how casual the man was about this. At her old school if you wanted to bring anything home, you got a huge lecture about what would happen if you broke it, and this guitar... It was so beautiful...
“Really?! Thanks!” She was so genuinely happy right now, almost enough to forget she was mad seconds before-
“Who knows? You might find a respectable job after all.”
Strike three, you’re out.
She spent months preparing for this moment. The music finals was the only test she actually decided to show up to. It was fine, she showed her skills to the school everyday. Her place here was pretty secure. Though, maybe less so after this.
As the student before her wrapped up, she picked up her guitar case and headed onto the stage. The fact they treated this like an actual performance was pretty funny to her. All the better. She sat down in the chair set up for her on the stage and adjusted the microphone to her height. Her guitar was strung around her chest, ready to be strummed.
“I’m Akira Akatsuki, from class 1-A. I’d like to dedicate this performance to Kurosawa-sensei, who inspired me with his words. This song was picked especially for you.”
Okay, calm down, don’t lay it on too think Akira... She strummed her guitar, playing a few soft notes...
“What the fuck did you just fucking say about me...? You little bitch...” The room is dead silent except for her. “I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Ultimate Despair, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target.”
She looked into the crowd. Even with the light in her eyes, she could make out Kurosawa’s horrified face. She made eye contact.
“I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot.” Okay, now she was finally getting into it. She started to jam out, adding note she didn’t have to. This was kinda fun...
“The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit.”
She honestly couldn’t believe nobody had stopped her yet, but okay, fine. Let’s fucking finish this!
“If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little ‘clever’ comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.”
Oh god, it was way too silent. She stared, and they stared. Okay, so, she was expelled, right? She’s gotta be expelled now? Maybe this was a bad idea, but hey, Kurosawa was a real dick.
“...Thank you.”
She got up and calmly walked off the stage, giving Kurosawa the middle finger as she did so.
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shsltrashgirl-blog · 5 years
Akira Journal | Day 15 | Entry 1
“Audio log 2. I really should make more of these. Last time I did, the frog got all excited and threw like ten coins at me. Which, is like, a lot of food, in the long run. Food or stuff I can get from that weird machine. So, like, it’s a good thing. But, there’s been a lot of bad stuff going on, and I guess I should talk about that.
“Ice Cream Boy, Little Turtle, and Madame President are all out right now getting their stuff for the sleep over. It’s weird. I’ve never hosted one before. I never could. It’s not like we really had the space. Hiro would have been pissed if I tired. I guess now he could stay in our grandparents old room, but we’re twins. We’ve always shared a space. Plus, that’s Jean’s room now. …I’m rambling. I don’t want to talk about this. Honestly, what happened made me sick.
“Earlier today, Neopolitan found a dead body in the bathroom. We all knew it was coming. The frog bastard poisoned us, and the only way to get better was to kill someone, but I didn’t think it would be like this. I guess I underestimated the poison. It made us sick, it made us see things. And I guess that’s what happened here. Queen Bee, Rio, was stabbed thirteen times in the chest. She was placed over a weird, bloody marking on the ground. It looked like something out of a horror movie. Like someone was trying to sacrifice her. I guess they did.
“…That’s morbid.
“Queen Bee was an alright girl, but she was… Something else. I didn’t want to talk about it at trial, but it felt like there was something wrong with her. I was surprised when she admitted that she only saw relationships as things people did to benefit themselves. I wonder if she never actually felt anything for anyone. What type of life does a person need to lead to end up thinking that way? Still, I do wish I could have gotten to know her better. I hate the preppy, rich type of girls. But girls with substance are pretty cool. I wonder if anyone else saw this side of her. I guess maybe not.
“We were forced to go back to the stupid wet room we started in and perform a trial. We gathered our evidence and honestly, it was a bit of a free for all. It was… Weird. Like there was a lot of pressure on us. At the same time, it was hard to take seriously. I felt like, they aren’t really going to execute the person we vote for, right? I decided I was just gonna vote for the shitty high baker. But then, I decided at the last minute to vote for the person who was clearly the biggest suspect. Dumbo, Minnie Mouse as I called her at the time, had killed Queen Bee.
“She thought that she was a monster. I could have been the same. Apparently, I walked right through the crime scene without realizing. The fact I was so close to being the killer myself is… Unsettling. Maybe not me. All I ever saw were shadows of my siblings. I wonder what it was in us that made us see the things we saw. Either way, Minnie Mouse killed her. Killed her and then set up the crime scene like that. It was disgusting. But I that murder couldn’t even compare to the execution.
“I shouldn’t have doubted that they would do it. Of course they would. It was just… I mean, what did I expect? Damn it, though, she was just a kid. She was scared and didn’t know what she was doing. Maybe I’m getting soft. Maybe I shouldn’t pity her so much. But nobody, nobody, deserve that. They made it a show. They changed her and made her perform for us. She looked so scared. Damn it, she was kid!
“I shouldn’t have tried to make a journal on this. I feel disgusting, like I’m benefitting off of someone’s death. It’s disgusting. But, I want to survive. I want to go home. I don’t want to watch anyone else get murdered like that. So I’m gonna keep doing what I can. If I have to endure deaths, I will. But I’m going to make it back to my family.”
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shsltrashgirl-blog · 5 years
Akira Journal | Day 1 | Entry 1
If one were to snoop on Akira’s tablet, they would find an audio log. Huh, seems she’s been using it to record what’s going on...
“Star Date, I don’t even fucking know, I’m at the bottom of the ocean. It’s pretty fucking weird down here, man. Well, maybe weird is the wrong word for it. Unnerving, creepy, horrifying. Look, a lot of shit happened, but I should probably start from the top.
Today, I was supposed to start my vacation. I managed to get away with it by claiming it was a work trip. I mean, this luxury sub was supposed to be doing research. I figured I could put in like one hour then enjoy the buffets and nap by the pool. Maybe make out with some cuties or some shit like that. I thought I was going to have fun when I won this spot. But, I guess life has some other fucking idea. For fucks sake… Anyway, when we showed up, we kinda all passed out and woke up in this big, waterlogged room. It fucking sucked. There was this square robot telling us all about our trip, but it was like glitched to fucking hell.
We found an underground area, but it looked like this place had seen hell. Like, there’s no way that could have happened in the time we were passed out, right? It’s fucking wild, future me. Fucking wild. Anyway, me and a couple of other students went down there and checked it out. It was covered in these weird metal spider webs, that- Shit! Fuck, it was that spider bastard. Wow, super glad we left there when we did. Also, I cut my hand open. Totally fucking forgot about that. Little turtle cried like she thought I was gonna die from blood loss. Like, chill out girl.
Anyway, we played truth or dare after that, which was clearly a distraction, when a fucking frog showed up. I think the frog has the hots for me, by the way. Either than or really fucking likes puns. But, moving on. The frog showed up and said they were doing repairs or some shit. But then things god fucking wild then a spider robot bastard showed up out of nowhere and fucking stabbed a fucker through a fucker. It was Evander or something, and the square robot. Fucking scary as shit. I was so sure I was gonna get stabbed too, and the the frog came out of nowhere said this was a murder game? Like, what the fuck.
Now, a murder game sound like something you can figure out from just the name, but no, it’s more complicated than that. So, to start out with, a murder game is where we apparently are forced to murder one another to leave. And if we get it wrong, the person we picked gets murdered? It’s so fucked up. I ended up carrying little turtle around for a while cause she was so scared she was hiding in my jacket. It’s a bit silly, but it made me think of Jean and how she’d get overwhelmed when we’d go out in public. I guess I got a little protective.
Anyway, turns out my roommate was the dead guys, which is like, super unnerving, but whatever. He never got to use the room. Right now I’m wearing his clothes. They are much nicer than mine. I wonder if we get out, will I have to hand them over to this family, or will I get to keep them. I bet Hiro would like them. They might be a little big on him though. Heh, short stuff. Anyway, I’m about to head out to go check on little turtle, and then maybe I’ll meet up with icecream boy and Madame President and go explore this place.”
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shsltrashgirl-blog · 5 years
Prompt 14: And At Last, We Are Complete
(CW SDR2 spoilers)
“Yo, you from the Reserve Course?”
Akira whistled, getting the attention of the young man waiting by the fountain. She recognized him right away by his uniform. He looked rather shocked to be addressed, an even more so because she was clearly wearing the main campus uniform.
“Ah! Yeah, I’m... In the reserve course...”
“Fuck, why can’t our uniform look that nice? You look all fancy.” Akira sat down beside him, not bothering to ask if he was cool with it. “Want a smoke?”
The young man looked rather surprised and shook his head. “No, I don’t... Actually smoke. Umm, why are you talking to me? I thought the main course...”
“Was a bunch of stuck up snobs? Yeah, most of them, but I don’t really fit in there.” Since he didn’t want to smoke, she might as well do it by herself. “I’m just the janitor, you see. Nothing fancy.”
“That’s still amazing though!” The boy has been so sad, she was surprised to see any kind of energy from him.
“You think cleaning other people’s shit is amazing?” Akira raised a brow.
“Well, not that specifically, but the fact that you are so renowned in your talent that you got invited here. You must have worked really hard.” He lost a lot of his energy, deflating a little.
“Guess that’s true...” She took a drag from her cigarette. “But, still, doesn’t make me any better than you. Some of you Reserve Course kiddos are probably gonna end up happier than us in the main course. Having your whole life revolve around one things isn’t really the best for one’s sense of self...”
“I gues... But still, I can’t help but admire you all.”
Akira snorted. “You’re a bit of a weirdo, huh?”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess you could say so...”
“I’m Akira Akatsuki, by the by.”
“Ah, Hajime Hinata...” A pause “That’s me.”
“Yeah, I figured that out, dumbass.”
“I change my mind, you aren’t nice.”
She laughed, a deep throaty thing, but still she was amused. “I never said I was, just no stuck up.”
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shsltrashgirl-blog · 5 years
Prompt 12: She also likes Newfoundland Folk Music
I hear your voice on the wind...
Celtic music had been a part of Akira’s life from the beginning. The majority of it was in English. they had it playing all the time in the restaurant. It was part of the draw of it. People loved that authentic feel, even though it was all being cooked by a Japanese man who was born and raised in Japan. Well, it wasn’t like he wasn’t trained by Akira’s grandparents. He knew what he was doing.
I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain, I am the voice of your hunger and pain.
She couldn’t remember when she started listening to it on her own. The old cd player she wore on her waist on the way to school was probably the answer. She’d just borrow her mom’s old CD and tune the world out. Of course, there were other genres she liked, but something about this stuff clung to her.
I am the voice of the past that will always be, Filled with my sorrow and blood in my fields.
It became a habit for her to listen to it during work too. Nobody cared if she could hear them. She knew best what she was doing. Occasionally, when she was really head, she’d add a twirl to her steps along with the music. It was in the music her mind went to. The parts that needed something to cling to rather than the monotony of her days.
I am the voice of the future, bring me your peace, Bring me your peace, and my wounds, they will heal.
It was in the music that she buried herself. She lived in it almost constantly She couldn’t help but be a little twitchy when she was in silence. It was too much at time. As a result, she always made sure she brought extra batteries. She didn’t have many cds,but she was content to listen to the same one on days on end.
I am the voice, I am the voice...
As a result, she never felt lonely. She always had her songs keeping her company. And for Akira, that was good enough.
I am the voice!
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shsltrashgirl-blog · 5 years
Prompt 8: Hobbies
An intake of smoke and then a puff out. Akira openned her mouth and let out a stream of smoking. In front of her, Momoka was still acting out her interaction with a customer the previous night. Out of the three of them, she was the only one that didn’t smoke.
The third floor girl’s bathroom was their haven. It had been out of order for a long time. Nobody came here anymore, unless they were here to smoke or skip classes. Akira, of course, was here for both. She sat on the counter by the skins, listing her friend’s tale while scanning outside for the sign of someone coming in. Just because they never got busted before doesn’t mean they aren’t gonna now.
“...and that’s when I finally got to hang up. I wish my boss didn’t make me ask them to stop calling me rude names so many times before I can hang up.” Momoka went from happy and bubbly to sad in and instant, as she always did.
“Customer service is the fucking worst,” Yumiko agreed as she took another drag of her own smoke. “Wish I could just got back to stalking the shelves, but dad says that women are supposed to be friendly. Fuck that!”
Akira nodded. “Tell that to the customers who demanded my manager. I ain’t gonna comp them just cause they fell like it wasn’t what they expected. Read the fucking menu, we’re not an American cuisine shop!”
Momoka giggled from her place against one of the sealed off stalls. “I wish I could do that, but I can’t afford to lose my job. The landlord won’t accept anymore delays.”
The three girls sighed as one. As they did so, the door openned. Akira got ready to bolt, only to recognize a familiar figure.
“Oh, hey Arai.”
“Sup, catscratch?” The three girls all greeted the stranger differently. They were an outsider in their group, but not an unwelcome one. Akira was the next to address the figure.
“You coming to join us for a smoke and vent?” Akira offered Miwa her pack of smokes, knowing the taller student would not accept.
“Nah. I’m not about that smoking life. I come bearing frightful tides. Yukimura-sensei is going over last night’s homework and then she says she’s gonna quiz us on it at the end of the period.”
“Fuck...” Yumiko put out her smoke. “You wouldn’t happen to...?”
“Naturally, I’ve brought you all my copy. You’ve got like twenty minutes to read it over and learn it,then you better show up. If she doesn’t give you detention, you might just pass.” They look to Akira. “I’ll accept my payment in candy and cat stickers, please.”
Akira rolled her eyes. “Thanks cat scratch, you’re a life saver. I’ll get you that tomorrow.”
It sucked their vent time got cut short, but none of them could afford to fail. These days, though, this was the only fun thing Akira even did anymore.
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