#decks of destiny
Lesser Fates - Decks of Destiny
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a-d-nox · 19 days
web of wyrd: annual energies and relationship milestones
my best friend is newly engaged, as i said recently, which has inspired me to focus a little more focused on love and romance posts than you typically would see from me. i previously covered annual energies and some broad themes associated with them, so i thought lets look a bit more at the romantic themes seeing that it's over a year later (since that post) and i have seen WAY more webs at this point and picked up on some other trends.
something to keep in mind though - these are COMMON energy markers, any of this can happen any year. these are just the best case scenarios in my opinion.
for instance you can get married in a 22 year, but i feel like it may not last long term or it might be an elopement that upsets the couple and those around them long term...
or you could have a baby in a 12 year but need a c-section.
just some examples. by no means should you feel limited by what i say below!
let's get to it!
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energies that indicate meeting your person
3 (the empress): finding a relationship where both people feel nurtured. it's a loving connection with a great potential to become something beautiful. this is a connection where you can dream about a life and a family together.
5 (the hierophant): meeting someone who shares your values and beliefs. this often leads to a conventional, committed relationship, often marriage.
6 (the lovers): friends to lovers energy for sure - it starts with simple conversations and evolves into love. it more often than not leads to meaningful and deep connections.
10 (the wheel of fortune): suggests that meeting your future spouse / person could be a part of your destiny, often through unexpected or "serendipitous" events.
17 (the star): the relationship is blessed/guided by a higher power. destiny seems to bring you both together. you can sleep well knowing you're on the right path and that the universe is bring you a significant relationship.
19 (the sun): a connection will bring happiness, warmth, and a sense of completeness.
21 (the world): finding a partner with whom you feel whole, a sense of completion, and/or a deep understanding. this leads to a long-term, potentially lifelong partnership.
energies that indicate moving in together
4 (the emperor): moving in together often requires a stable and organized environment, which aligns with the themes of the energy such as establishing a solid foundation and practical arrangements.
5 (the hierophant): moving in together can be seen as following milestones in a relationship leading towards a more traditional or serious commitment (like shared housing).
7 (the chariot): directly linked to movement and travel. represents taking control of one's life and moving forward, which can include physically moving to a new home or location.
energies that indicate becoming engaged
4 (the emperor): suggests that a relationship is entering a phase of solid commitment, usually it's the formalizing of a bond through engagement if that is the next phase of commitment in terms of your relationship.
5 (the hierophant): suggesting that a relationship is moving toward a more traditional and committed phase - if you are in a relationship, it is likely that the next step will be an engagement.
6 (the lovers): this energy is all about love, union, and making choices that align with one's heart. it can symbolize making a significant commitment, like being engaged.
11 (justice): there is a desire to make things official, usually this is an engagement leading to marriage. this is the most common marker i see in the years where people get engaged to one another.
19 (the sun): suggests a joyous occasion, like getting engaged, where both parties feel a sense of fulfillment and happiness surrounding their future together (there might be a large engagement party to celebrate).
21 (the world): signifies reaching a milestone. it can indicate that a couple is ready to complete one phase of their relationship and move into the next one, like engagement.
energies that indicate a wedding/marriage
4 (the emperor): often this is a sign of "securing" the partnership, which can extend to the formality and structure of marriage.
5 (the hierophant): represents tradition, societal norms, and formal ceremonies. this energy can signify a traditional marriage or commitment in the eyes of the community/law, suggesting a formal union. all of the events of a wedding are ticked off: engagement party, bridal shower, bachelorette, bachelor, rehearsal, ceremony, reception, send off, and honeymoon.
6 (the lovers): the union of two individuals. it doesn’t always spell out marriage ceremony, but it often comes up in the context of a relationship oriented commitment.
11 (justice): this can indicate making things official through marriage.
13 (death): this could be a symbol of a brand new era in your relationship (aka marriage).
19 (the sun): this energy can symbolize the happiness and celebration of a wedding, suggesting that marriage will bring joy and fulfillment to the couple.
20 (judgment): like 13, this could be a symbol of a brand new era in your relationship (aka marriage).
21 (the world): indicates that a partnership has reached a stage where marriage feels like the natural and fulfilling next step. symbolized a long-term commitment.
energies that indicate having a child
2 (the high priestess): often this energy shows up when a couple has been trying to no avail to become pregnant and suddenly does. this is because this energy signifies hidden or secret aspects of life (like the early stages of pregnancy). the energy is also connected to the moon and other feminine mysteries.
3 (the empress): the most obvious energy linked to pregnancy and fertility - it symbolizes motherhood, creation, and nurturing. there is a strong possibility of pregnancy in these years
17 (the star): symbolizes hope. this is a time of fertility and holds the possibility for new beginnings. may suggest a blessing or a dream come true (becoming pregnant after a period of trying or waiting).
18 (the moon): deals with cycles (ovulation), intuition, and hidden aspects of life. like 2 energy (but more common in the outer ring) this energy signifies the mystery of pregnancy and the feminine cycles. sometimes i see this in the ring where people weren't trying and tested negative or they don't show (physically or publicly) when pregnant.
19 (the sun): can signify a healthy, happy pregnancy, and the birth of a child (come on it's a kid on a horse). suggesting a positive outcome (you test positive hCG on the stick or with blood).
20 (judgment): suggests the arrival of a new life / the transformative experience of becoming a parent. this could also be a positive sign for couples looking to adopt or foster a child (as it could be a sudden and somewhat unexpected change of events (the list is often long)).
21 (the world): symbolizes the completion of a cycle, such as successfully conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term (if not beyond the "due date"). can represent the fulfillment that comes with creating life.
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic." button if you want to see a specific topic or theme next!
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© a-d-nox 2024 all rights reserved
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ollyrewind · 2 years
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The Hanged Man is the card that suggests ultimate surrender, sacrifice, or being suspended in time. Also known as traitor.
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destiny-aesthetics · 8 months
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Destiny 2 [Bungie] | Cartomancer Deck of Whispers
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syaal · 3 months
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De-age them
De-age them all
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compacflt · 1 year
ok i know that i am like an icemav disciple, a true icemav devotee (for context just wrote 5k of disgustingly sickly sweet smut), but ive been thinking about it and there’s something extremely appealing about platonic icemav too. Like canon besties icemav, figuring out that they actually have a lot in common, a slow developing friendship over decades, laughing at each others jokes, Mav & slider competing for best man at straight-ice’s wedding to not-his-sister-sarah, ice & mav getting drinks in DC & bullshitting about the navy and ice teasing him year in and year out “still single?” “You wound me, kazansky.” ice & mav & sarah drinking mimosas on the back deck. mav as part of the kazansky family anyway no matter what. this is an incredibly pleasing idea to me. & it’s basically canon so there’s no real point to this post but I’d just like 2 make my opinion on this public
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decepti-geek · 1 year
I'm really, really glad that I was introduced to Shaxx from Destiny, Shaxs from Lower Decks, and Shax from Good Omens with at least a year of buffer time between each one because I have this looming sense that if it'd been otherwise, my brain would be overheating right now trying to keep track of which is which
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raining-tulips · 4 months
Destiny 2 Deck of Whispers Oracle/Tarot Card Meanings
For those that play destiny 2 and bought the deck of whispers, and were wanting to use it in oracle and tarot readings, I have tried my best to create some meanings to attach to the cards based on the game's lore. I have only played d2 for a few years, but my bf whose played since the dawn of d1 helped me out.
Of course, these are just my interpretations based on the game and my expierence in the spiritual community. Feel free to add your own, share an idea in a comment, etc.
I The sisters - femininity, power in three, three, Hecate, the non-nurturing mother but the protective one, knowledge, partnership, family, sacrifice, transformation, growth, regrowth, starting over, hatred
II The witch - Savathun, lies, deception, cunning, trickery, buried honesty or honesty hidden in riddles, riddles, confusion, trust vs. untrusting, getting what you want, manipulation, taking what you want, dark mother, cost of change, cost of growth
III The adherent - (these are dedicated snipers) focus, dedication, aiming, all for a particular goal. Tunnel vision. Setting your mind to something, rigidity, stubbornness, inaction, stagnation. Goal setting, productivity.
IV The harbinger - Eris Morn, witchy, magic, prophecy, foresight, divination, knowledge, sacred, divinity, mediums and mediumship, listening for signs and messages, similiar to the judgement card, announcements. Vengeance, justice, fighting for what's right.
V Blades - sword logic, control, what you are willing to do to feed someone/something, are you balancing between give/take, death, death of self, war, aggression, internal hunger, gnawing hunger/gnawing desire
VI Lacuna - void. Gravity, time, distortion, manifestation, emptiness, nothingness, and thus infinite possibility, death, negation, the unknown. Safety in the unknown. Pause. Invisibility, moving without being seen, keeping secrets for good reasons.
VII Liminal - arc. Electricity, shocking, wake-up calls, unexpected, static, messages through the air, sudden realizations and epiphanies, things clicking into place, inner knowledge, intuition. Change is inevitable and needed.
VIII Ascension - solar, fire element and everything associated with fire. Passion, energy, movement, anger, creativity, power, fortitude, inner child, children (think the sun and strength cards). Destruction and creation.
IX Lament - Oryx, Trans people and trans rights. Masculinity. Divine masculine. Absolute destruction. Feeling like you break everything. Hurt, pain, grief. How strong is your will? Are you being influenced by others? Defeating/breaking boundaries of outside influences. Freedom from chains. Terrible-truth. How knowledge changes you.
X The lie - the Witness telling Savathun the Traveler was bad, thus making them turn to the worm. Lies, deception, darkness, otherness, gossip, outside-influences, expectations, society, disagreements and disputes. Chaos. Relying too much on others, gullibility.
XI The Truth - The traveler chose the hive, unexpected decisions/consequences, deception, lies coming to light, moon tarot card, there is no correct path only results of choices, choices,
XII The Wish - Ahamkara, bargaining/trading, blend of light and dark balance- manipulate and use both. Unlimited possibilities, dreams coming true, love, uniqueness and creativity
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qldqueerboy · 10 months
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The willingness to stand up and challenge an oppressive force you face today seems to be a necessity rather than just a fleeting desire. It’s going to be a nerve wracking experience as you go head to head in confronting your fear and anxiety that this battle is worth the fight. The edge to be victorious today is not about staying focused but being present to the twists and turns that pop up to derail your motivation and strength in getting the job done.
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endlessapis · 2 years
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My card from the Destiny 2 Tarot deck! Miss Elsie, my beloved...!
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newbabyfly · 2 years
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Recently contributed to a Destiny 2 tarot deck! These are my two cards and also worked on the borders and the final pdf and cover. There are SOOO many amazing artists in this please go check it out here!
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a-d-nox · 8 months
web of wyrd: how to identify fame/popularity
the top left corner of the wyrd web can tell you about some of your talents/interests, the core tells you who you truly are, and the flow/career is like the midheaven of the wyrd web realm. that being said, these are basic premises; in no way does one number mean a single thing. each number can mean different and multiple things. these are simply my observations (also observations are not destined to be true; they are simply possibilities / increased odds). if you want to learn more about the major arcana, which is the basis for the web's numbers, click here!
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3 (the empress): they are the real star of the show - the camera loves them
11 (justice): they can really step into a persona and become a character
3 (the empress): they have an eye for detail; they are used to sitting still and observing the world. they have a creative instinct to creative because they are venus ruled
18 (the moon): they are very abstract visionaries and creators
breakdown / postmortem
13 (death): this is typically an unexpected occurrence that captures the attention of the masses
16 (the tower): famous breakdowns and even more sudden deaths
20 (judgment): they have a reawaken as to who they are that capture the world's attention
12 (the hanged man): the artistic eye for sure; it's because they are a neptunian that they can make their vision into a reality
11 (justice): i don't how often i can repeat this before everyone gets annoyed, but the fashion of 11 people is just iconic - they are trendsetters
16 (the tower): these people tend to be popular/famous for something morally unsavory
8 (strength): the giantess is the guiding hand that in encourages others
literally anything
10 (the wheel of fortune): these people are the type to blow up overnight and get "lucky" by becoming famous
17 (the star): they tend to have ups and downs in their time for popularity/fame but in the end they remain memorable in a lot of people's minds
21 (the world): tends to represent someone with a lot of rewards and fame after a long period of time
14 (temperance): the angel pours one cup into another - like a parent's talent into their child
one hit wonder
22 (the fool): these people tend to fall as soon as rise (due to being uranus ruled) - they take a single big leap then they are good
4 (the emperor): they can be great leaders - they use their powers for the greater good and to better the world around them
7 (the chariot): they tend to make great speeches that inspire the masses
11 (justice): they tend to be more wrapped up in the legal end of things or they are moderates in the political realm
religious leader
5 (the hierophant): they are often seen as wise and can gain a lot of worshipers/followers
5 (the hierophant): they tend to make incredible discoveries that further the world around them
19 (the sun): they tend to make a discovery that changes the world around them
3 (the empress): they have a magnetic energy that makes others want to listen to them and watch them preform their creativity
4 (the emperor): they tend to be great rappers and tend to make great diss tracks haha
6 (the lovers): these people are known for their sound and their appearance (they are considered gorgeous)
6 (the lovers): this card is gemini ruled so writing is definitely their thing
9 (the hermit): these people can make their own world - they are good at illustrating their thoughts
12 (the hanged man): they are very good at multi-POV writing and making an idea very realistic
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic" button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next. if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
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want a personal reading? click here to check out my reading options and prices.
© a-d-nox 2024 all rights reserved
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enpr-ss · 1 year
GeminiTay made the advancement [Ultimate Chamber Of Ultimate Victory]
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tsuchinokoroyale · 8 months
I’d like to reward your KH knowledge with an all-out, godless salad-tossing.
I’d also just like to reward you in general for being a funny, nerdy, and sexy little caked-up phone man, but it is what it is. 😊
Yippee!!!! I knew doing multiple replays of tetsuya nomura’s wild ride would get my ass ate one day 🥳
Just don’t ask me about the phone games.
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comparativetarot · 1 year
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Justice. Art by Shannon Hochman, from the Sandman Tarot Deck.
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szynkaaa · 2 years
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Got some kinda good news! I’m working doing a limited print run of my Deck of Destiny cards next year - it will be sold as a bundle with some other merch (maybe some stretch goals too??)
I’ve always wanted to do my own version of the Caraval entrance ticket too, and since the card deck will be limited to 100 copies, I wanna make fancy limited edition certificates for them too. The printing company I want to use allows different designs in one order, so I’ve made 4 :) Everything would be gold foiled with white sealing wax and gold leafs
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