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constellationstar45 · 4 years ago
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VOTE BABY, VOTE!!! #vote2020 #votethemout #bidenharris2020 #lifeordeath #decision2020 #kamalaharris #kamalaharris2020 (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGhtPpuDsdX/?igshid=sx5x76dubccn
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weareinstrangetimes · 4 years ago
The Trump Depression: The Economy Does Better Under the Democrats
One of the rare occasions when DJT has told the truth. 
Trump and his Republican Party mouthpieces and right wing disinformation outlets continue to state that Trump inherited “a mess”, a “broken economy”. That of course is far from the truth. You can’t believe anything they say, you can’t trust them, they intentionally and maliciously deceive the public.
Donald Trump was just bragging about the 33% GDP increase. NOT SO FAST!
That is still 10% below the Q1 level after the 31.4% drop in Q2. And even farther below the Q4 2019 level. The reason for the 33% gain from a 31.4% loss is due to the stimulus pumped into the economy from the Cares Act that Nancy Pelosi worked so hard on getting. Because Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) left the current stimulus bills passed by the House floundering, the Q4 figures aren't going to be so rosy.In September, the unemployment rate declined by 0.5 percentage point to 7.9 percent, and the number of unemployed persons fell by 1.0 million to 12.6 million In September, the number of permanent job losers increased by 345,000 to 3.8 million
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On October 26, 2020 The Brookings Institution, Nonresident Senior Fellow for Economic Studies, Jay Shambaugh published a piece giving us a sneak-peek at what the Trump administration would be touting when the 3rd quarter GDP figures came out. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2020/10/26/dont-let-flashy-3rd-quarter-gdp-growth-fool-you-the-economy-is-still-in-a-big-hole/
And sure enough, Director of National Economic Council Larry Kudlow went on the morning news networks to tout the record breaking GDP growth, and blowing the same smoke he did in July.
October 29, 2020 | US GDP surged a record 33% in the 3rd quarter as the economy reopened, roughly double the next-biggest jump. Great news right? Well, not so fast. "Still, the 33% increase doesn't offset the prior quarter's decline. Experts have said a full recovery may take years, as the pace of GDP growth is set to moderate significantly in the last three months of 2020." https://www.businessinsider.com/us-q3-gdp-record-growth-economic-reopening-recession-coronavirus-pandemic-2020-10
Just like the Unemployment rates and the Stock Market trends were inherited by Trump from Obama, so was the GDP.
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[image 12-2007 to current]
[page] https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=xbfP
In September, the unemployment rate declined by 0.5 percentage point to 7.9 percent, and the number of unemployed persons fell by 1.0 million to 12.6 million In September, the number of permanent job losers increased by 345,000 to 3.8 million
Trump has repeatedly pointed to the nation's steady economic health as the strongest indicator of his success, calling it "terrific" and "the greatest in the history of the country." January. A closer look at the Trump economy reveals a mixed picture.
Here are some historic charts showing the Unemployment Rate historical data, Non-farm payroll job growth 2001-2019 and S&P, NASDAQ, and Dow Jones Industrial Average historical performance data.
Labor Force Statistics-Unemployment rates 2008-2020
As you can clearly see, the Unemployment rates have steadily dropped since 2010.
President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden took the U.S. out of what was dubbed the “Great Recession”; the biggest economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930′s.
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Attribution NASDAQ by President-2020-08-26-macrotrends
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S&P 500 Performance by President
Attribution sp500-performance-by-president-from-election-date-2020-08-26-macrotrends
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Dow Jones DJIA by President-2020-08-26-macrotrends
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Non-farm payroll job growth 2001-2019 via Business Insider
Attribution: https://amp.businessinsider.com/images/5e271d1f62fa8152267feb07-1136-852.png
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Average Monthly Job Growth 2006-2019
You can clearly see that in the last three years of the Obama/Biden administration there was greater job growth than Trump’s first 3 years.
Attribute from Washington post
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There is no blinder a man as one who cannot see what is right in front of him with his eyes wide open. | Yendor
Trump inherited a gradually declining unemployment rate. It had nothing to do with him, it was due to industry and the private sector. It has been infrastructure week since Feb or March of 2017, and still nothing except what had been already planned and budgeted for years before he got into office. The same thing with the coal jobs he claims to have created. Coal leases were issued while Obama was in office. And since Trump's claim for all those coal mining jobs more than 3x that have been lost. The same thing with Carrier. He claims to have saved their jobs and after he was elected, by a minority of votes, many went to Mexico anyway. The one thing that he did that had a temporary fix was put the tariffs on imported steel from China (which he used in his projects). But he did it in a political stunt manner and then started an illegal trade war with the rest of the world. Farmers lost buyers to other countries and many of them simply went broke and suicides were up. Prices for imported parts used in manufacturing resulted in dramatic price increases in consumer goods. He told you that Mexico and China were paying for those tariffs, some of you believed him, while you were paying for the increases.
The main things he is extremely successful at is lying, deceiving and conning - He plays his marks well.
~~ additions
March Trumpslump in the stock market https://thehill.com/policy/488231-dow-erases-all-gains-under-trump
Iron Range mayors are making a mistake: More steelworkers went back to work under Obama https://www.minnpost.com/community-voices/2020/09/iron-range-mayors-are-making-a-mistake-more-steelworkers-went-back-to-work-under-obama/
2016 - Barack Obama announces increased steel trade enforcement https://www.twincities.com/2016/02/25/barack-obama-announces-increased-steel-trade-enforcement/
2014- Troubled mining industry now resurgent in Midwest https://www.mprnews.org/story/2014/06/10/midwest-mining
January 2020 The Trump tax cuts in action: Socialism for the rich https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/01/02/trump-tax-cuts-action-socialism-rich/
What Trump’s new executive order actually means for mining in Minnesota. | In the short term, not much. https://www.minnpost.com/national/2020/10/what-trumps-new-executive-order-actually-means-for-mining-in-minnesota/
US Trade Deficit With China and Why It's So High The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China https://www.thebalance.com/u-s-china-trade-deficit-causes-effects-and-solutions-3306277
US trade deficit up to $67.1 billion in August, 14-year high. Oct. 6, 2020 https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-global-trade-north-america-china-united-states-c6d5a4d935d8d3bca966d2395deee68d
Trump's favorite trade scorecard posts its worst figure since 2006 as the election looms https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/us-trade-deficit-grows-august-imports-exports-election-trump-tariffs-2020-10-1029653342
More pain than gain: How the US-China trade war hurt America https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2020/08/07/more-pain-than-gain-how-the-us-china-trade-war-hurt-america/
Laid-Off Steelworkers In Michigan Say Trump Didn't Keep Business Promises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPqSstVlvKM
Former Rouge Steel mill closing some operations, throwing more than 200 out of work https://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/2020/05/05/cleveland-cliffs-closing-operations-ak-steel-dearborn-works-plant/3086633001/
US Steel closing mill, laying off 1,500 Detroit workers https://thehill.com/policy/finance/475529-us-steel-closing-mill-laying-off-1500-detroit-workers
Louisiana steel mill closing, laying off 376 employees https://apnews.com/f39dd6253fc24a2abeac11ed0874aa26
As a Kentucky mill shutters, steelworkers see the limits of Trump’s intervention https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/as-a-kentucky-mill-shutters-steelworkers-see-the-limits-of-trumps-intervention/2019/10/25/a27d3bb2-f02f-11e9-89eb-ec56cd414732_story.html
The Last Shift: What Really Happened To Those Carrier Jobs Trump Saved https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/infrastructure/a20066498/carrier-factory-donald-trump-jobs/
'He pulled the wool over our eyes': workers blame Trump for moving jobs overseas https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/10/trump-workers-jobs-overseas-factories
Three Years Ago, Trump Broke His Promises To Carrier Employees — He’s Failed Workers Ever Since. July 2020 https://democrats.org/news/three-years-ago-trump-broke-his-promises-to-carrier-employees-hes-failed-workers-ever-since/
Trump’s Numbers July 2020 Update https://www.factcheck.org/2020/07/trumps-numbers-july-2020-update/?platform=hootsuite
US bankruptcies are on track to hit a 10-year high as the coronavirus pandemic continues to slam businesses https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/us-bankruptcies-track-hit-decade-year-high-coronavirus-crisis-businesses-2020-8-1029492702
Pre-pandemic | U.S. Farm Bankruptcies Reach Eight-Year High https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2020/02/10/us-farm-bankruptcies-reach-eight-year-high-infographic/#1831ebb37de0
Amid Trump Tariffs, Farm Bankruptcies And Suicides Rise https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckjones/2019/08/30/amid-trump-tariffs-farm-bankruptcies-and-suicides-rise/#1a746b282bc8
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posterboy4duality · 4 years ago
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blondesforreagan · 4 years ago
I’m in Strict Lockdown but I’m Voting in Person!
For COVID 19 Reasons, I’ve Left Home Once Since February and that was for an emergent eye examination - you can’t do those over the phone ...
YES IT IS A RISK for me to vote in person* but as a Pennsylvania resident, it’s more of a risk to vote by mail. Here in the Commonwealth, there’s a lot of tampering (read: destruction thereof) with mail-in ballots and as a Republican in a Blue State, I will mask and glove up, bathe in Purell when I return home and send offering to the virus gods. 
I wonder if my shoes will fit? 
*I’m a healthcare professional so yes it’s a risk but I’ll be first in line so no lectures - I’m hearing enough from my sister who is a world renowned virologist (although she’d say anything right now so I won’t vote)
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jdmrc93 · 4 years ago
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Unity. . . . @joebiden @drbiden @kamalaharris @thedemocrats #ElectionDay #Election2020 #Elections2020  #ElectionNight #Elections #AmericaDecides #AmericaVotes #VOTE #Vote2020 #VoteHimOut #BidenHarris2020 #Biden #SaveTheRepublic #Decision2020 (at Allen Park, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHIsweuB637/?igshid=3njj073yvh3m
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audreahuff · 4 years ago
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Civic duty in the books!
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impermanent-art · 5 years ago
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New work by HiJack in Hollywood.
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fycuriosity · 4 years ago
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This unassuming grocery bag contains 90 letters to “low-propensity” voters in Pennsylvania and Florida. Tomorrow, they go in the mail for for @votefwd. (They’re in the car already so I can’t possibly forget!) If you care about anything from education to healthcare to climate and energy to equal rights for ALL people, please, please, please VOTE. People suffered and died for your right to make your voice heard. Please use it. It’s such a small thing, but it makes such a huge difference to the world we all live in, and it’s never been as important as it is right now. posted on Instagram - https://instagr.am/p/CGa5CgrAW7V/
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gbrailyn · 4 years ago
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#coberturaenequipo en TELEMUNDO49. Elecciones Primarias 🗳Condado Hillsborough marcadas por un récord en boletas por Correo. . #primaryelection #floridaprimary #elecciones2020 #eleccionesprimarias #noticiastelemundo #noticiasenespañol #Telemund49 #vote #vote2020 #decision2020 (at Tampa, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEDMVmznTWE/?igshid=17pf2u687htkn
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mustafabdi · 5 years ago
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splickitylick · 5 years ago
I need you to vote
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Something about the times just really motivated me to finally pick this book up off my shelf 😅
And it’s not been easy... I’m looking up words and regimes left and right.
Words I’ve heard but if someone said “hey what’s that mean”, I’d need to hear in a sentence to take a stab at before inevitably googling.
Words like plebeian, proletariat, demagogy. Bourgeoisie. Petit bourgeoisie.
The parallels are chilling, already.
Like how both Hitler and Mussolini’s rise were fueled by what we might recognize as populist provocation today. Demagogy.
Or the manipulation of the working class, frustrated by depressed wages, hard, menial labor and easily incited to blame a scape goat. Proletariat.
And alongside the manipulation of the working class, the busting up of unions, the only organizations that advocate for higher wages and better working conditions, in direct support of the worker.
Finally, the thing that has concerned me so deeply for so long but especially lately, which made me pick this book up...the militarization of the police. The secret tactical operations and secret forces of said entities.
The parallels are chilling, and the trajectory is clear.
I need you to vote next November.
I need you to make sure you’re registered to vote now.
Not just me, but my family, my friends of their different statuses and hues, and my baby nephews... They need you to check in on your parents, their siblings, your siblings, your cousins, your friends.
Help them register to vote.
But more importantly, hear me when I say and please impress upon anyone you urge, your vote doesn’t just count, it speaks.
It speaks out against the slippery slope of fascism.
Against racism, xenophobia, hatred in all its ugly, jeering forms.
In favor of love, of acceptance, of democracy and progress.
Register to vote here
Some interesting and informative finds:
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weareinstrangetimes · 4 years ago
It has often been stated “this is the most important vote of your lifetime”. Right now, this could not be more true, or more critical. The very existence of democracy and our constitutional foundation is currently under jeopardy in the United States of America. You MUST #VOTE!  Whatever the deadline is in your area, set YOUR deadline much earlier.
The Trump administration and his GOP minions and enablers will do anything possible to suppress and deny citizens their constitutional right and civic duty to vote, if they are not cult followers of Trump and the Trump Republicans. This is nothing new. The Republican Party has always done this, but now it is voter suppression on steroids. 
NBC’s Plan Your Vote | Mark your calendars. Everything you need to know about mail-in and early in-person voting, including the first day you can cast your ballot in the 2020 election.
Election Protection 866-OUR-VOTE Voter information and resources to report voter intimidation. Voter intimidation is a Federal offense. Protect your rights!
Voter Intimidation: What it is and What you can do.  @ FindLaw
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weareinstrangetimes · 4 years ago
Fallen Heroes - They were not “losers”.
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billyhjackson · 3 years ago
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Vice Presidential Democratic Nominee Kamala Harris portrait in acrylic by Chicago Artist Billy Jackson. @kamalaharris #kamalaharris #decisions #decision2020 #billyjacksonart #blackart #blackartist #vicepresident #vicepresidentkamalaharris (at Portraits By Billy Jackson) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD7pcvODZlB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ravisukirtiverma-official · 4 years ago
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Follow👉@ravikverma_official, We are trying to help people to give them good content and motivate them for better successful life. You can follow our page for entrepreneur advice, motivational and inspirational quotes and much more 😀 Follow👉@ravikverma_official Follow👉@ravikverma_official Follow👉@ravikverma_official #lifesayings #lifelessons #lifequotesdaily #life #lifecoaching #lifestylephotography #lifestyleblog #lifestylechange #lifestylephotographer #healthylifestyle #decision #decisionmaking #decisions #decisiones #decisionsdecisions #decision2020 #decisiontime #decisionesinteligentes #decisione #bestdecisionever #goalsetting #goals❤️ #goalkeepertraining #goalkeepergloves #goalkeepers #goalkeeperlife #goalsetter #goaldiggers #goalchaser #goalweight (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMZ8F3AhHFq/?igshid=8wagwscsywwj
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WELP 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ So does he need help moving his shit out or??? #Decision2020 #BidenHarris #HeSaidCountTheseSo... https://www.instagram.com/p/CHed4cxAwIxA_OPaOyiRzuzp5DX_SRra8bgs1g0/?igshid=jrr3rcha6rxd
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