#deciet please
mynameis-a · 1 year
is that motherfucking janus sanders
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what the hell is he doing here
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forgottenfeesh · 1 year
Every day I realise that Logan hasn’t canonically started a book club with Janus.
Is a day not worth living.
Kinda forgot how that saying goes half way through this post so just pretend this is the correct saying and that it makes perfect sense please!
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socksandbuttons · 2 years
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*sr pelo’s voice* do you like them? do you like them being happy?? SLAPS AN ANGST AU well no moar…. heheheheheh >:]]]
- Paper’d Being Mean To Their Sons
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ilikesillythings · 7 months
Hiyaaa would be able to do a luciferxreader please?
" Just a bump in the road, I'm sure.. " Lucifer x Reader
Tws; mentions of violence, stalking, yandere Lucifer FLUFF
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You and Lucifer had just gotten into a fairly.. bad argument. Usually you refrained from arguing with your lovely boyfriend, but..
He had seriously injured one of you friends for 'giving you lovey eyes'. At first it was just you expressing how you thought he was too overprotective, then he ended up admitting to stalking you. All the time. Yeah, not a good move on his end.
"Baby..?" You heard your boyfriend call from the other side of your shared room, voice laced with sorrow, and concern, "I'm.. really sorry, I was dumb- and.." he trailed off, and for a moment you swore you could hear him quiety weeping. With a sigh, you called out, "Come in."
Not even a minute passed before the door flung open, a desheviled, guilty looking Lucifer rushing in and throwing his arms around you, sobbing words of apology. "Oh, Luci'.." You mumbled, sighing softly
As much as you wished to remain upset with him -- how could you? He obviously felt like shit for beaking your trust, and was willing to make amends, of course you'd have to go through boundries.. but perhaps that could wait until you calmed your boyfriend down.
Gently, you pulled Lucifer into your lap, "Are-" He began, hiccuping, "Are you still mad at me..?" was his next words, spat out almost pathetically. But, it was that stupid charm that made you adore the fallen angel. "..Yes." you replied with a nod, "What you did.. everything, it was wrong, decietful, and creepy. But, I still love you."
Lucifer's eyes lit up at the last part of your words, "Oh, starshine!!" he exclaimed, kissing your cheek repeatedly, "I'll never stalk you again-- I swear, I swear!". You chuckled at his enthustastic reply, and he kissed your cheek a few more times, now grinning broadly
"How about I take you out somewhere nice!?" he suggested, clearly trying to 'redeem' himself, atone for his bad actions. You thought for a moment, "Hmm.. depends, where?"
For a second, Lucifer opened his mouth to speak, as if he already knew a place. "Crap.. I was gonna suggest Ozzie's, but you're a sinner.." he sighed, running a hand through his blond hair, "I don't really care where we go.. how about you cook something for me?" you returned, hopefully.
He gasped and in swift movements stood, eagerly nodding, before dashing off, out of the room.
Lucifer was a creepy, charming, pathetic man. But he was your creepy, charming, pathetic man, and he wouldn't have it any other way. Neither would you.
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years
Hello! I saw your yandere!Loki, can I request something similar for Buddha? Hopefully it’s ok! :)
Hello! I'm assuming that you mean something that has to do with a love potion! I might not be able to write a one shot but hopefully headcanons and a drabble are okay!
This is the same reader from the Yandere! Loki one shot and the same general concept of: the reader will only fall for someone who manages to beat her in a fight.
Yandere Buddha + Love Potions
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- You truly embodied what it meant to be a champion of humanity in Buddha's eyes; determined, resilient, and hard to keep down.
-Buddha would realize instantly that he adored you and would try to get close to you, courting you the proper way and making his interest known.
- However, if you weren't interested in him then he'd suddenly have no idea how to pick up social cues.
- You step away from him when he puts his hand on your back? That's cool, he totally gets not being in the mood for physical touches today.
- You laugh uncomfortably with his flirty words? Aw, you're so adorably shy♥️
- But for the sake of the story, let's say that you were either truly unaware of his feelings or knew about them and waited for him to challenge you.
- When you were chosen to fight with a God before Tameemon Raiden, Buddha actually offered that instead of the Valkyries, he would perform Samavadhāna with you.
- And it felt amazing.
- He got to be one with you, he got to be close to you in a way no OTHER person, God or mortal, could ever hope to be.
- He thought his soul was already complete but when the battle was done and he separated from you, it felt like some part of him stayed with you. As if it didn't want to leave.
- He had given up all earthly desires in his life as a mortal, but a mortal he was no longer so surely...surely it wouldn't be wrong if let his feelings grow, right?
- So he did, he let his thoughts run wild with images of you and him together in his head. His calm and chill demeanor masking the burning obsession that told him he HAD to have you, he must claim you as his and he has to hear him call you yours. Please, it's all he could ever want.
- While Buddha is a god infatuated, he was not stupid. The length of his feelings was intense and he knew it wasn't right and thats why he tried to hide them.
- However, that resolve breaks when he finds out that you had fallen in love with someone else. Someone who was less deserving of your feelings, nevermind having your love in general was maddening to the Buddha.
- But Loki had challenged you to a battle and won. Buddha knew that this was how you always wanted to chose your lover.
- Yet, while you accepted the results of the battle and welcomed Loki with loving arms, the God who couldn't stand seeing the mortal whom he connected with would not stand for it.
"It's for their own good." He reminds him as he watches Aphrodite work. His blue eyes glinting when the pink light reflected from the heart shaped vial Aphrodite had put the potion in.
Yes...that's why he was doing this. It was for you, for your own best interest. The God of Deciet was not to be trusted, in fact, Buddha was more than 100% sure that Loki must have cheated during your battle with him and that is why you lost. Perhaps he didn't have any proof but he didn't need it given Loki's reputation. But he knew well enough that you were a stubborn human, something he still loved dearly about you. He could not let that green-haired punk ruin all that made you good, all that made Buddha love about you.
Aphrodite worked in silence, wondering to herself if this was real. If Buddha, the God who was once a mortal and gave up every desire in his body, was truly making her create a love potion for someone who already promised themselves to another. She wasn't aware Buddha had this side to him, it scared her, so she kept her mouth closed and didn't dare to say a word because if he was willing to do all this scheming over a measly mortal...what else would he be willing to do.
"Her love for you will be false." Aphrodite warned him, handing him the finished vial.
Buddha stared at the potion before nodding his head in acknowledgment of her words. Yes, he knew very well that there was going to be a catch...but it was better for you to be in love with him under the guidance of the love potion than for you to make the wrong choice of your volition.
"We were never here." He says lowly to Aphrodite, his tone of voice was casual as usual but he needed no words to convey that he was threatening her to stay silent unless she wanted to piss him off.
Yes, this was for you. Buddha was just concerned for you, that's why he had to do this. If you had realized during your time together when you were both bonded that you were both meant to be, he wouldn't have had to do this, but humans were often foolish.
This is why they needed Gods. Kind gods, who'd offer them a path to a better and more happier life.
This is why you needed him.
It was honestly too easy to get you to take the potion, after all, you had no reason to distrust the man with two hair colors. Buddha was your ally, who you fought as one with and who wanted to celebrate your newfound relationship. He watches eagerly as you accept the drink from him, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as you down the entire cup. You then talk to him a little longer before looking at the time.
"I have to go but thank you!" You say cheerily, standing up to go meet up with your lover.
Buddha nods his head towards you, pouring himself a cup of tea and watching you from his peripheral. You walk only four steps before you feel yourself get dizzy, your feet stumbling before you. You were about to fall but one strong arm wraps around your waist and you feel a pair of lips on yours. Your half-lidded eyes slightly went wide with panic when you realized it was Buddha himself who was kissing you, but then that panic went away instantly.
Your eyes became softer, more docile, and before he knew it, you closed them completely and kissed him back with as much passion as he had kissed you.
He would deal with temper tantrums that your now forgotten lover would give him, he'd make sure you never see Loki again so he couldn't poison your mind with the false promises you two made to each other after your fight.
For you belonged to Buddha, you bonded with him, and he knew he couldn't live without you. He was willing to play every sneaky underhanded trick to have you in his arms because it was what was best for you. Or maybe it was because even after all those years of reaching enlightment, some part of him was still human...and you, unfortunately, just brought out the worst side of that humanity.
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ohifonlyx33 · 1 year
Random unpopular/controversial thought but nice actually means actually nice.
Like, a nice guy is just that--a genuinely decent, well-mannered, well-meaning dude with no ulterior motives. He doesn't buy you dinner ro get you to go home with him, he just buys you dinner because he had a lovely time. He may or may not be deeply virtuous on every level, and he can even be stupidly nice, or nice to a fault...
But just calling someone a nice guy shouldn't be an insult.
And I haaaaate that people take the words "nice guy" and use it to mean someone who only pretends to be nice. Like. He's not actually nice then. Stop besmirching the word nice.
Use a different word like fake, phony, decietful. A people-pleasing, glad-handing liar full of pretense. Duplicitous, fraudulent, two-faced. A con artist. Insincere. Boot-licker. Flatterer. Sycophant. A male feminist.
Get creative. But leave nice alone. It literally just means harmless.
Those people exist and can do plenty of harm, but nice has nothing to do with them and their many problems.
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thedarkcircuswritings · 3 months
not a request –
hi! I've been seeing all of the Capascain and Burning Spice Cookie being related posts, and I decided to try and throw my hat in the ring and think about what other cookies could be 'heirs' to the different beasts. Here are my ideas :
Shadow Milk Cookie –> Ice Juggler Cookie.
for obvious reasons, at least if you know Ice Juggler Cookie's personality. They take the deciet side more than the goofy side though, constantly having to hold their tongue and lie about how they feel to save their image or something. Also shares the heterochromia with their dad ( + the pink could imply some Eternal Sugar meddling going on???)
Mystic Flour Cookie –> Vagabond Cookie
Vagabond Cookie's family was """"wrongly imprisoned"""". Though he probabaly does mean a regular cookie family, his memories as a baby could be skewed and the family he remembers is actually the beasts? Also he's a fun contrast to his mother, as he strongly cares for the village, and his mother stopped caring about anything years ago.
Eternal Sugar Cookie –> Princess Cookie
Hear me out for a second please 🙏🙏🙏
Princess Cookie imbued more of the virtue that Eternal Sugar Cookie had, the virtue of Happiness. And she certainly isn't a sloth, BUT, she is certainly uncaring of the rules, and has some sort of power that is most likely bigger than the ancient heritage. Also imagine the angst—
Silent Salt Cookie -> Mercucial Knight Cookie
Mercurial Knight Cookie stands out a LOT from the other silver knights. His name isn't flower related, it describes a person whos mood or behaviour is unpredictable, and not knowing where a person stands. Maybe that relates to Mercurial Knight Cookie being a spawn of Silent Salt Cookie, one of the beasts, and an internal conflict of wether or not to stand with them? And Mercurial has always given me salt and pepper vibes.
Would love to hear your thoughts on these! (I know some of them are kinda weirdly put together and BS but you know...)
Shadow Milk with Ice Juggler would make sense, yes-yes! They both have dairy-related ingredients too, so double points for that!
Vagabond would be interesting (and ironic since he's apparently the strongest cookie you can use in her Beast Raid), although may I also suggest the new cookie in Witch's Castle, Onyx Cream? I dunno, he also seems kinda fitting?
PRINCESS WOULD BE PERFECT!! Plus plzplzplz I need corrupted Princess so bad, you don't UNDERSTAND that the simple idea of a corrupted Princess makes me feral
I can Mercurial Knight, yeah! But if the two were to be hypothetically related, wouldn't that mean that Silent Salt would be a faerie cookie too? Maybe Silent Salt lost their wings or they're just hidden? That would be an interesting turn of events!
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evil-xisapril · 2 years
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Transcript below
Welcome to Evil Xisapril! (Evil Xisuma April) Greetings Evil Xisuma enjoyers! With HC Season 8 ending over a year ago and the tragic lack of Evil Xisuma appearances since, there seems to have been a devastating decline in the EX economy! As a long-time avid evilxisumer myself, I can say, professionally, this sucks bad man. And thus, my devious scheme and comic sans free canva graphic, made in a despicable attempt to cure this draught! It is time for: One whole month of Evil Xisuma! Rules? Very few of them! There is one prompt for each day of april, and these prompts are intended to be used however your heart tells you. Make art, fic, memes, essays, music, lore analysis, or literally anything else Fluff, silly, angst, whump, ship* [all with green check mark ✅ emojis] *all shipping will be tagged with #hermitshipping on this blog, if you would rather avoid it. Make something beautiful and true. Make something hideous and decietful. Who care. You do not need to fill every prompt. Skip prompts, fill prompts late, fill prompts after the month has ended! It's all good! If you make something for Evil Xisapril: @ this blog (@evil-xisapril) & tag your works as #evil xisapril so I can reblog it! (Please don't tag this blog in any NSFW posts) Image descriptions on posts are not required, but greatly appreciated. I will myself add descriptions to as many undescribed evil xisapril image posts as I can, but I'd love to not need to do all of them !! Got questions? Ask them! Major contributors to the prompts list are the members of the evil x fanclub discord (looking at you especially, @lindentree 💕) Who's running this thing?? Moony @autistic-evil-xisuma. Credentials: Evil. Prompt List 1. Birthday • 2. [tbh/autism creature] • 3.Sidekick 4. Lightning • 5. Golf • 6. April Showers 7. TNT • 8. Gender • 9. Derp 10. Swindling • 11. Music • 12. Evil School 13. Minions • 14. Pink • 15. DOOM 16. Diamonds • 17. Mistake • 18. Striders & Axoltols 19. Prison • 20. Flowers • 21. Stay Awake! 22. Nightmare • 23. Dream • 24. Quiet 25. Knitting • 26. Hermitcraft Recap • 27. Prank 28. Mirror • 29. Void • 30. Don't Give Up! *If you hate these prompts, please feel free to send me hate mail about it, as I am fully open to peer review! For organization's sake, do direct all contemptuous feedback to this blog, not my personal ones.
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fluffomatic · 2 years
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Next in line to tickle Virgil is out boy Deciet! Gotta love the creepy snake man. Cannot wait to see what else Thomas does with Janus. He's such a cool character. His and Virgil's relationship is super interesting to me!!! I wanna know the backstory! Either way, Janus is definitely one to tickle the shit outta Virge~
(My art don't repost but please reblog)
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askpowersides · 2 months
Hi! I'm Lemon/Lemoon! I solo run this ask blog. I will mostly do little prompts and blurbs of RP, but maybe drawings sometimes too! This is my first time running one so please, don't be afraid to give me some criticism!
This is a Superhero/Villain AU. In this world, it's very common for a person to have one or two superpowers. Depending on how strong they are you're offered jobs to work for the government in different positions such as crime fighting, crisis aversion, safety precaution, and basically anything to do with keeping the upkeep of Sanders City!
All of them have a Hero and Civillian identity, so I ask that if you submit an ask, you keep the civilian questions to the civilian identities and Superpowered questions to the super identities
As for shipping, there's probably gonna be basic stuff. Logicality, Dukeceit, and Prinxiety, so feel free to ask about those pairing, even though none are dating as of now!
I'm hoping you learn more about them through ask blurbs or prompts and such, but under the cut is a quick character profile and rundown!
Deceit and The Duke
The Duke and Deciet are the infamous villains of the city. They leave utter terror in their wake wherever they go. They're practically always together.
The Duke seems to be the stronger of the two, with his tentacle summoning powers he can constrain and hold people, animals, and even buildings! He seems to be more violent and prone to mocking his enemies. He wears a handcrafted helmet meant to look like a Mace or Morningstar, but lacks any metal in its structure.
Deceit is the more cunning, smart villain. His power is making minor illusions, and with that, he can change his snake face into any person he's seen, although imperfections are common. Speaking of snakes, watch out for his summoning ability! His second power is dastardly, as he can summon a yellow snake anywhere from 9 inches to a whole 26 feet!
The HHF (Head Heros Foundation) nor the government can find any information about their civilian identities....but through the power of an ask blog? You, too, can know!
Remus Crete has a power much similar yet weaker than his twin brother. He can create anything small and toylike in size with the ability to follow commands and come to life. With how weak Remus' creations are, he wasn't as fortunate as his twin Roman to get a job at the Heros tower. His brother still offers him funds, but his parents could not care less about the forgotten twin.
Janus Laine can summon multiple arms, and that's it as far as the government is concerned. He, Remus, and their other roommate Virgil live in a small apartment down in a less fortunate part of the city. They both live off whatever Roman sends them from his paychecks per month, and Virgil pays for himself.
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Paranoia is the third villain of the little trio. Paranoia often works alone, seen only with the Duke and Deceit when facing off against multiple Heros at once.
Paranoia often targets more rich people than government buildings, leading him to less run ins with big Heros. His powers include 4 long spider legs that can help him climb buildings, and being able to contort shadows. This allows him to travel at the speed of light as long as he darts through shadows, even pulling them out of walls to cover his face and conceal his identity.
Just as Duke and Deceit, the HHF are unaware of the identity of Paranoia.
Virgil Freal is a skinny pale boy who was born with multiple eyes. As far as power development it came very early compared to most and that's all the power development team at the hospital seemed to note about him, letting his late stage power development go unnoticed to the government. He works at the Patty Cake Cafe in an upper part of the city and lives with his roommates and friends Janus and Remus.
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Roman the Grand Prince
Roman, unlike his fellow Heros, actually revealed his name early on. With a power such as being able to create large fanciful powerful creatures like witches, towers, bats, ghouls, and other creatures of the sort just by drawing them and 'pulling them out of the page' he became the face man for the HHF.
Roman was offered a contract in his early teen life, as compared to his twin his powers developed fast and strong. He was offered a home, a 300,000 a month salary, and a job beating up evil-doers and he lept at the chance. Because of this it's rare to find him anywhere around, as to keep away from paparazzi he stays in the tower until needed.
The HHF classified his last name and family for their safety and privacy, but you already know Roman Crete.
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Logic has worked for the HHF for many years. He has fearsome metalkenisis, and keeps strictly business.
His fellow heroes only see him when they all fight crimes. He works specifically in safety regulation but oftentimes will fight alongside Morality and The Prince. He tries to keep to himself and is very private.
The HHF have classified any personal civilian information about Logic.Logan Berly works as a librarian out of office. He lives in the hero tower with his fellow teammates Roman and Patton but avoids them at all costs. He has no second power, but his first power is strong enough to make up for it.
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Lastly, Morality
Morality is the final aid of the HFFs main squadron. Morality can summon small floating balls of light filled with emotion. Being backed in one's light is said to be calming and sweet. Because of this he often works in crisis aid. He helps people facing trauma or accidents by calming them down while transporting them to safer places using his light magic, but it can also be used as a fearsome blinding technique in battle.
Morality got the gig in early adult life. It was his dream to help others and his powers came in useful when villains started popping up and scaring people.
The HHF have classified any personal and civilian information about Morality.
Patton Harth is a proud owner of a small upper-city Cafe called the "Patty Cake Cafe" where he often works and manages when not needed at the tower. Luckily as an owner he can pop in and out without needing to be there constantly. He often helps the younger looking man Virgil who takes a lot of Noon and Afternoon shifts for more money, despite the fact that he seems to get stressed easily and quickly.
The light stars he summons, being able to calm people and blind them, constitute as two separate powers.
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tboytoby · 1 year
guyyys the minecraft roleplay fans are perpetuating the unhealthy ideas about management of hyperfixations againnn
I have seen a concerning amount of people speak about how angry they are at Quackity for his recent streams, calling it "view baiting", etc. I have heard the stories of people cancelling dates, work, appointments, etc. all to reach a stream. I need to remind you what we were all told before the QSMP elections started; this is roleplay. this is fictional. it is a story filled with lies, deciet and distrust. Quackity is playing the role of a brainwashed puppet. don't get me wrong, it's disappointing, but also entirely on-brand for the character he's made. and I hoped I didn't have to say this but holy shit Wilbur Soot does NOT owe you a stream, no matter how long it's been. he's a musician before a streamer and has said this on more than one occasion in the past.
I really, really worry QSMP's fandom space is going to suffer from the same unhealthy rhetoric that was passed around by DSMP. I need you all to understand that what happened in that fandom was vile, toxic, and extremely damaging to the mental health of hundreds. please, for the love of god, do not make a minecraft roleplay your whole life. do not convince yourself that destroying your life, your schedule and your health for content creators that will continue to exist and stream with or without you is okay.
got a little rambly there but I hope my point is clear. I will not tolerate a repeat of DSMP in the circles I have influence over, and I pray others will do the same.
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//A poster for Sprite and @prof-indigo's next offical storey arc - The Heist Arc ! :)
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Please get ready for drama, deciet, and death (not really death but I needed an extra d word for dramatic affects!)
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meetmyothersouls · 1 year
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Darling Death
A collaboration with @sufferingstarlight
Warnings: Underworld, violence/violent situations, mentions of rape and torture, near death situations, depression, nausea/vomiting, headaches
Chapter 13 - Day 15
Timothee's POV
I had been resisting Death's summon since I'd delivered Tristan's soul to the underworld instead of y/n's. It was nearly impossible, like an invisible darkness suctioning and pulling at my back that got harder and harder to ignore. I felt myself growing weaker by the hour. So, when y/n said those words-I shuddered even thinking about them-all of my resistance fell through and I was sucked into the vortex of the Underworld. What was normally a graceful entrance, was slow and painful, like traveling through layers of molten lava. That alone told me that Death was angry. I fell on the unforgiving stone floor of Death's lair with a hard thud.
I laid there. My head on the hot stone. I didn't look at them. I couldn't. No punishment would be worse that being banished from her. By her. Her hatred, her sadness, her anger. It would hurt me worse than anything they could do to me.
"Well, well, well," Death said, the heels of their boots clicking as they walked. Death grabbed me by my hair, lifting me up to face them. Death could be anything they wanted to be, and, in this moment, he chose to be massive, unforgiving and by the look in their black eyes, torturous. "I think we both know why you're here."
I said nothing as I dangled from Death's claws.
"Pitiful, sad little reaper," Death said, using a high-pitched whiny tone of mock sadness. "Your little girlfriend banished you and now you just can't find it in you to go on?" Death draped their hand over their forehead dramatically. Then, Death's voice changed, rumbling from deep within their chest, it reverberated off the walls of their lair as they said, "pathetic."
Then I was falling and as I met the ground with another brutal smack, Death quickly returned to normal size. I groaned as I flipped over onto my back, Death squatting in front of me. "It is time you and I discuss a few things, hmm?"
"There's nothing to discuss," I spat. "You asked for a soul, and I gave you one."
"LIES. DECIET. You traitorous fool!" The fire around Death's lair blazed and roared in unison with his voice. "You know the rules, Thirteen. And to think, how far you would have gotten in your next placement. To think that you let a mortal," they said the word with such contempt, like it passing their lips was enough to taint everything that they were and ever would be. "Ruin you."
"Just give me my punishment and end this already."
Death raised a hand and with it, lifted me off the ground. With a swirl and a flick of their wrist, I was flung against the wall, the brick cracking in a straight line behind me. My vision blurred, but I could make out Death walking toward me getting taller with each step they took.
"Tell me," Death said, I could feel their hot, stinking breath on my skin. I shrunk back as much as I could against the wall. "Which reaper should I send to finish the job, hmm? I know ten loves cleaning up other reapers' messes."
Flashbacks to the few instances I remembered where Ten took advantage of female souls, torturing, haunting, even raping them.
"No!" I kicked against the wall, desperately trying to escape the invisible grip Death had over me. "Don't please! I'll do anything if you let her live. Anything."
Death's eyes darkened into black holes, and he flashed a jagged toothy grin at my words. "Anything?" Their voice rumbled, bouncing off the walls again.
I shuddered at the thoughts that could be going through Death's mind. But I couldn't bear the thoughts of y/n being tortured by Ten. By y/n's life being shortened to anything less than what it should be. She deserved a long, happy life. One where she could love and be loved in return, where she could have babies and get married. And even though it pained me to think of her with anyone else, she belonged in the Upperworld.
"Anything," I repeated, my voice cracking.
"That mortal has turned you soft, Thirteen. Pathetic." Death turned his back, but I remained glued to the wall. The invisible grip on me tighter than before. "Needless to say, but I do love giving bad news so I will be saying it anyway. You have broken sacred law here in the Underworld and now I get the privilege of deciding your punishment."
I closed my eyes, thinking only of y/n. That is how I would get through the rest of this existence. Closing my eyes and seeing her face. That's the closest I could get to dreaming.
Y/n, I thought, as if she could actually hear me, I love you. Please help me through this.
And as I was thrown in a cell filled with rats and bugs I've never seen before and a stench unimaginable, I could have sworn I felt a tug deep inside of me, and a thought that wasn't my own say I love you too.
Reader's POV
It had only been a day since I told Timothee to leave. To be honest, I instantly regretted it. I didn't think he'd leave, but he did and when he didn't come back that night, I thought for sure he'd be back the next day.
I'd never felt so conflicted before. I felt used. Was any of this even real? Or did he just want me to make his promotion that much sweeter? Was killing Tristan all part of the plan? Was it some type of sick two for one deal to present Death?
Then, I thought back to the memories I made with Timothee. The love we shared, made and felt. That was real. At least it was to me. Another surge of nausea hit me, and I ran to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before throwing up...nothing, I hadn't eaten since Timothee left. I laid on the bathroom floor, thinking about what to do. I missed him, so badly I could have sworn I heard him whisper that he loved me, and he needed me to help him but thought better of it. I hadn't slept worth a shit.
In addition to my nausea, I'd started getting splitting headaches, unlike any that I'd felt before. It felt as if someone was shooting a nail gun into the side of my head over and over again. I was lucky enough to say that I'd never experienced many headaches in my life...until now. I peeled myself off of the bathroom floor, climbing back onto my bed and plopping my laptop on my lap. It was time to apply for a new job. I leaned down on my pillow, and breathed deep, immediately regretting the decision. It smelled like him. Tears instantly filled my eyes. How the fuck was I ever going to get over him? I'd never felt grief like this before. It was like...like I had a piece of him in me still yet there was a Timothee shaped hole in my soul, begging, longing for him.
It was getting late, but the only thing that helped me in situations like these was a walk. I tried not to think about the walk Timothee and I had together the night he broke me out of the psych ward and told me I smelled like the Underworld. My heart and stomach flipped simultaneously. Maybe I made a mistake. I walked and walked lost deep in my thoughts, barely paying attention to my surroundings. I had a bad habit of staring at the ground as I walked, especially under stress and depressing circumstances. I stepped out into the road, the only thing ripping my attention from the ground was the blaring of a horn from a semi-truck then a fist grabbing the back of my shirt.
"Y/N!" It was a voice I recognized.
"Jesus, what the fuck, y/n!" She said, breathless and relieved that she didn't witness my body being smashed by the semi-truck. "You have got to start watching where you're going!"
Gerogie pulled me into her arms, hugging me tightly and it was then that I the tears came pouring out. I sobbed against her body. She stiffened at first, likely shocked at my breathless cries, then relaxed, rubbing comforting circles onto my back.
"Shhh, calm down, y/n," Georgie finally said after at least ten minutes of me crying into her shirt. She gripped my shoulders and gently peeled me away from her body. Her shoulder now soaked with my tears. "You wanna tell me what's going on?"
"I-I-I don't. I didn't. I wa-" I started and restarted my sentence over and over again, but couldn't get the words to come out. Frustrated, I broke out into longer, louder sobs.
"Okay, come on. We're going back to my place. We're gonna have some wine, and some chocolate ice cream and once you're calmed down, you can tell me what's happening? Does that sound good?"
My breaths were still uneven and shaky from all the crying, so all I did was nod. Georgie was part of the makeshift intervention Josie and Tristan tried to pull, but Georgie was also my best friend, and if I could tell anyone what's happened, it was her.
We were only fifteen minutes away from Georgie's apartment, which I was thankful for, my feet were hurting, and my eyes were heavy and puffy from all the crying. I laid out on her couch while Georgie grabbed a pint of chocolate ice cream and two spoons followed by a brand-new bottle of wine and two glasses. She pried open the container of ice cream and stabbed our spoons into the frozen block and filled our glasses. We ate and drank in comfortable silence and once I had my fill of ice cream, I wrapped my fingers around my wine glass and leaned back on her sofa.
"Feeling better?" She asked.
"A little."
"Wanna talk about it now?"
I nodded and Georgie looked at me expectantly. But where was I supposed to begin? My ex-boyfriend is a grim reaper and I told him to leave and never come back, but now I miss him and want him back? What if she thought I was crazy? I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
"What do you know about Grim Reapers?"
This has been a sufferingsouls production
Tags: @dayafied @soulofendlessbook @fashphotolife @scentedkittenperfection @weasleytwinscumslut @timotheel0ver @mxciscastleintheair @marvelmaniac2000 @lovelyrocker @divine-1 @love-poems-only @starberry-cake @inlovewithphantasy @alexagirlie @misswestfall @softhecreator @livresjaunes @timmymyluv @inannamoon @harrys-thick-thighs @s-we-e-t-t-ea @timolaurence @its-schmackin-dude @justagirlwhoneedshelp @kteezy997 @sufferingstarlight @xoxoloverb @tropicalrozmajzl @iloveneilperry @syirnge @patronsaintofthetwinks @roseboysareprettier @onlyenoughiamweird
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ferret-does-stuff · 9 months
So Rimu (creator of heartless deciet) stole my rights for playing idv and turned me into a brummie so now I must write an essay in return for her giving me my rights back. What shall it be about?? Death predictions for Chapter 1 that's what. This will be like my previous Eden's garden one was, starting with the tier list
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I might get canceled for this but whatever.
So I'm gonna start by saying Akira and Izanami are definitely surviving, Akira is the protag and has way too much potential development to be killed off so soon and Izanami is being set up as the antagonist so she'll at least be a late game death, she won't die so soon.
Kou is ruled out for similar reasons, although it would be funny if someone tried to kill him every chapter and he just came back. Plus, he's too cute to die.
Minamoto, Tomoya, Shion, Yumeo and Kyouran all give me late game or survivor vibes. They're all incredibly intelligent and wouldn't be so quick to die or kill (although Minamoto does have a violent streak, I doubt he'll kill someone so early on. At least give him some time for the despair to kick in). Tomoya is seemingly the support and he and Shion are definitely hiding something, which would be disappointing if either of them died so early. Akira needs her emotional support failboy! Yumeo is also very antagonistic, and I see him as a late game death (I stand by my theory of Tomoya or Shion killing him) and Kyouran is just survivor material. He would be besties with Denshi. I can also see him becoming closer to Akira when her second talent is revealed as they both have illegal talents, I can see the reveal happening around Chapter 2 or 3, so he'd at least die in 4 if he doesn't survive and I don't see him as a culprit.
For the "low but possible" these are all characters that don't have the same level as plot armour as others, but I doubt will survive. I think Hideyoshi needs more time to build his friendship with Katsuhiko before dying. Kiyoshi is my son he has lots of room for development, I can see him as a chapter 3 death, although i hope he lives. Satoru has an unhinged sprite, he's not dying soon (unless he's insane??? Watch me be wrong) anyway I think his relationship with the others should be furthered prior to his death. Takeshi definitely has room for development, I want his softer side to be explored a little more before his inevitable demise at least please, Rimu. Have mercy on my poor eepy soul.
As much as I love her, Chiemi's attitude will probably get tiring after a long time. I can see her dying in chapter 2 or 3, but i wonder if she'll get negative character development? That will be interesting. Otome give me culprit vibes, but only after the stress of chapter 1 fully catches up to her.
I'm sorry but Bani, as much as I love her, probably won't live long. I hope she does get some bonding time with Kiyoshi (she likes puppet shows!!) before her death, but it will be tragic and I WILL cry. I think Rei would be an interesting 1st culprit, her talent could be used against the cast to give them false information and who would be suspiscious of the small blind girl??
Chou... I'm sorry but you can't mention her having a bad temper without making me think she'll get angry about the situation in chapter 1 and kill a person in rage. I still love you it's ok.
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skellonovella · 5 months
Games I know
some of the games on this list I haven't played before also this list is always gonna update
Most Voltage games
Obey Me
OKKO games
A Date With Death
A Double Sided Mirror
Inclement Ideé Fixé
The Kid at the Back
Broken Colors
Honey Hotline
Comfort Pillow
Mushroom Oasis
Where Winter Crows Go
Killer Trait
The Groom of Gallagher Mansion
Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack
Pretty Boy Panic
Don't Hide
Curio Compendium CH0
Darling Duality
14 Days with You
See Thru: Need a friend?
You and Him
My Dear Hatchet Man
Please Don't Hate Christmas
Invite Me In
404 Shinigami
Glass Mind
Boyfriend to Death
The Stranger From The Bus Stop
John Doe
Lurking For Love
Protagonist's Remorse
A Cry For Help
Channel 453
Horror Romance
My Beloved Diary
Sweetest Valentine
Perfect Love
Threads of You: Beyond the Bay
Can I Walk You Home?
Heart Cage
Bad End Cinderella
Assignment Due!: project blue
Found You
Infectious Doctor
Parasite in Love
Hidden Signs of Love
Going Live
Vile Strangers
The Inbetween
Eternal Dreamscape
Put your hand in mine
The Eyes Embrace
Pocket Lover
Sweet Dreams
Murder Date
Jack Frost
A walk down Changan Avenue
Love Letter
Our Dollhouse
Trembling Essence
Take me or leaf me
Dead wishes
Coffee Meet
Where Gods Rot
No more thyme
Why are you here? Guidelicious
Electric Sheep
Promise me you'll live
Symptoms of Deciet
Another chance for Finn
Hanging with Styx
403 Puppet
Dreams made of obsession
Moth to a matchstick
Close to Obsession
Pipe Dream
Binary Star Hero
Lift Your Spirits
A Banquet of Magic
Love Blossoms Anew
Today, I woke up again
Wake me up if you need me
Blooming Panic
009 Lives
Loser Named Hana
Don't Look
Error 143
Diona's Flower Shop
Gentle Fall
Picture Perfect Boyfriend
Picture Perfect
Picture Perfect Romance
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emper0rs · 5 months
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⊠   ID    .   .    .   LOADING   ››   [   WALTON   GOGGINS   /   FIFTY3   /   CIS   MAN   /   HIS   &   HIM   ]   apex   city   is   pleased   to   introduce   COOPER   STERLING.   they   have   been   living   on   THE   TOP   PLATE   for   twenty   five   years,   serving   as   a   BOARD   MEMBER   &   CANDIDATE   COMMUNICATOR,   MERCY   ORGANIZATION   the   JERK   WITH   A   HEART   OF   GOLD   has   a   repuation   for   being   a   combination   of   INDUSTRIOUS   &   DECIETFUL   traits.   fitting   for   someone   reminiscent   of   cecil   stedman   (   from   invincible   ),   nick   fury   (   from   marvel   ),   &   revolver   ocelot   (   metal   gear   )   prior   to   embarking   on   any   errand,   they   find   solace   in   listening   to   the   song:   THE   MAN   WHO   SOLD   THE   WORLD   by   david   bowie.     
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[           ✦           ]    𝙻𝙾𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶      .  .  .  .     basics.
birthname:  cooper sterling nickname(s):   "coop" -- but he may smack you.    codename/callsign:   the emperor character label: jerk with a heart of gold occupation: ex field agent, ex mercy mail person, director ( candidate communicator ), mercy agent babysitter age    ,    d.o.b:   fifty3    ,     october 20th gender    ,    pronouns:  cis   man    ,     his/him species:    human abilities:    none
[          ✦          ]    𝙻𝙾𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶      .  .  .  .    appearance. 
ethnicity:   white nationality:   american languages:   (   fluent   )    eng    asl span color    ,    hair:   grey color    ,    eyes:   blue height , weight:    5′10″    ,    -    lbs. (    +   )    positives:    strategic , resourceful , loyal , dedicated (   -   )    negatives:    distrustful , overprotective , pessimistic , blunt
[          ✦          ]    𝙻𝙾𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶      .  .  .  .    other.
western    zodiac:   scorpio mbti    type:  istj    ,     the   logistician.   prefers   solitary   activities   and   small   group   interactions,   gaining   energy   from   time   spent   alone   or   with   close   friends.   relies   on   their   senses   and   concrete   information   to   understand   the   world   around   them,   prioritizing   practicality   and   attention   to   detail.   when   making   decisions,   they   prioritize   logic   and   objective   analysis   over   emotions,   seeking   fairness   and   efficiency.   values   structure   and   organization   in   their   external   environment,   preferring   to   plan   ahead   and   follow   through   on   commitments.   known   for   their   reliability,   responsibility,   and   strong   work   ethic. tropes:   tbd
[          ✦          ]    𝙻𝙾𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶      .  .  .  .    backstory.
.  .  .  .    CHILDHOOD.
cooper's   origins   trace   back   to   the   depths   of   apex,   where   his   father   worked   away   at   the   reactor   while   his   mother   held   a   position   as   a   secretary   at   sentinel   electric,   stationed   on   the   top   plate.   the   stark   contrast   in   their   workplaces   brewed   tension   within   the   sterling   household.   despite   his   father's   honest   labor   at   the   reactor,   the   allure   of   the   top   plate's   glamour   cast   a   shadow   over   their   lives.   his   father   sought   solace   in   alcohol,   deepening   the   family's   turmoil.
the   turning   point   arrived   when   the   reactor   malfunctioned   when   cooper   was   just   thirteen.   miraculously,   they   escaped   unscathed,   albeit   now   houseless.   leveraging   her   connections   on   the   top   plate,   cooper's   mother   secured   temporary   housing   through   a   deal   with   a   realtor.   however,   his   father's   reluctance   to   leave   the   bottom   plate   prompted   his   wife   to   make   a   difficult   decision:   to   depart   with   her   child,   leaving   her   husband   behind.
for   cooper,   the   separation   was   a   bitter   pill   to   swallow.   despite   strained   relations   with   his   father,   he   was   still,   well    ---   his   father.   transitioning   to   life   on   the   top   plate   proved   difficult   for   a   young   cooper.   he   found   himself   ostracized   at   school,   often   returning   home   bearing   the   scars   of   bloody   battles   against   schoolyard   bullies.
.  .  .  .    JOINING MERCY
eventually,   cooper   realized   the   toll   his   actions   took   on   his   mother   and   resolved   to   mend   his   ways.   rejecting   the   path   of   his   father,   he   pursued   education   and   explored   various   career   avenues.   yet,   the   confines   of   the   top   plate   for   a   half-educated   kid   limited   his   options,   compelling   him   to   find   a   compromise:   cooper   worked   as   a   steel   miner   below   and   decided   to   make   it   to   the   top   plate   by   dinner.   mom   wasn't   happy   but   it   was   the   best   he   could   get.
years   later,   an   opportunity   arose   when   his   mother   presented   him   with   a   pamphlet   from   an   upcoming   organization   named   mercy,   offering   prospects   of   a   military   career   with   superior   benefits.   driven   by   a   desire   to   alleviate   his   mother's   stress   and   provide   her   with   a   better   life,   cooper   enlisted.
rapidly   ascending   the   ranks,   cooper   distinguished   himself   as   a   field   agent   within   the   esteemed   task   force   "foxtrot,"   a   beacon   of   resilience   for   mercy.   however,   a   mission   gone   awry   led   to   catastrophic   consequences.   trapped   and   exposed   to   a   corrosive   gas,   cooper   lost   most   of   his   team   and   nearly   lost   his   life.   in   the   aftermath,   he   was   demoted,   his   body   covered   in   synthetic   skin,   save   for   a   scar   near   his   mouth — a   constant   reminder   of   his   lapse   in   judgment.
as   cooper   grappled   with   his   demotion,   mercy   underwent   seismic   shifts   with   the   emergence   of   project   genesis.   foxtrot   disbanded,   and   the   organization   embarked   on   a   new   era   of   transformation.   due   to   the   synthetic   skin,   cooper   was   ineligible   to   take   the   solaris   serum   out   of   fear   that   the   serum   would   do   more   harm   than   good.   he   felt   his   shine   fading. 
too   young   for   tactical,   cooper   was   stuck   as   a   gofer   for   the   division   for   several   years.   he   made   friends,   shook   the   right   hands,   and   somehow   turned   his   demotion   for   the   better.   cooper   has   been   on   the   board   of   directors   for   fifteen   years   and   since   then   he's   been   the   candidate   communicator.   they   believe   with   his   status   as   an   ex-agent,   he   would   be   able   to   sympathize   with   the   agents   better. 
cooper   embodies   a   commanding   presence,   exuding   an   air   of   authority   and   competence   that   demands   respect.   he   has   a   sharp   intellect   and   strategic   mind,   always   several   steps   ahead   in   any   situation.   he's   composed   and   rarely   reflects   any   turmoil   he   may   be   feeling. 
there's   a   grit   and   determination   to   coop   that   reflects   his   past   life   as   a   field   agent.   he's   a   man   of   action   and   unafraid   to   get   his   hands   dirty   to   achieve   his   objectives.   his   loyalty   to   his   team   is   unwavering,   willing   to   make   tough   decisions   and   sacrifices   for   the   greater   good.   despite   his   gruff   demeanor,   he   harbors   a   deep   sense   of   responsibility   for   those   under   his   command.   he's   trusts   instinct. 
he's   got   a   good   blend   of   cool-headed   pragmatism   and   a   no-nonsense   approach.   he's   a   formidable   force   both   on   and   off   the   field. cooper's   straightforward   nature   can   sometimes   border   on   being   overly   direct.   he   doesn't   mince   words   and   tells   you   what   you   need   to   hear,   not   necessarily   what   you   want   to   hear.   while   his   intentions   are   well-meaning,   his   approach   can   come   across   as   artificial   or   forced   to   some.
 his   mother   is   still   alive   but   resides   outside   of   apex   city,   while   his   father's   whereabouts   remain   a   mystery   since   his   departure   during   cooper's   adolescence.   cooper   has   experienced   marriage   once,   to   his   beloved,   yet   their   union   ended   in   an   amicable   divorce,   leaving   him   somewhat   skeptical,   deeming   their   relationship   "too   good   to   be   true."   together,   they   share   a   daughter   who   has   aspirations   of   becoming   an   agent   like   her   father,   despite   cooper's   staunch   opposition   to   the   idea.
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