#decided against it because my rose is a little diff from book rose
nodominion · 2 years
Rose/Claudia parallels
Rose is my child, but she and Claudia are distinctly two very different daughters of Lestat. So why did AMC decide to make Claudia so similar to Rose?
Claudia is raised by an aunt after being orphaned by her mother dying in childbirth
Rose is raised by ‘aunts’ after her mother dying in an earthquake
Claudia’s father gave her away to the aunt
Rose doesn’t know who her father is, but her grandparents gave her to Lestat to raise
Claudia has suffered abuse in her human years
Rose suffered too many times to detail in her human years
Claudia calls Lestat ‘Uncle Lestat’
Rose calls Lestat ‘Uncle Lestan’
Claudia gets burned (by fire) before she is turned
Rose gets burned (by acid) before vampire Blood saves her
Lestat turns Claudia even though he doesn’t want to.
Lestat turns Rose even though he doesn’t want to (she was supposed to be Pandora’s but she wouldn’t drink her Blood)
Claudia is excited to be part of a family
Rose is excited to be part of a family
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chrystening · 4 years
Reference Text | Felix / MC
Title: Reference Text
Fandom: Last Legacy (Fictif Games)
Rating: T (but very close to M)
Words: 2.4k
Summary:  Despite “majoring in necromancy”, you assumed Felix was a well-rounded mage, proficient in many areas. And when you find a certain book in his library, you learn it is… many areas, indeed.
Any MC Characteristics?: You are the same height as Felix. MC is male in my mind, but it’s a very gender neutral story.
Content warnings?: One (1) Bad Sex Word. Many sex references. But generally this is a light-hearted read full of pining. feLix has a Sex Book 
Technically pre-smut
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Wow, it’s been so long since I’ve written! Glad to see I haven’t gotten any better!!!!!1
Once I realized felix wore eyeliner, it was over for me. also the idea of magic tomes was so interesting, i made a whole story about it. cheers.
Anyway, this is like a prequel to the actual smut because writing it all as one... made me feel icky and made me feel like Felix was way out of character
the smut will have three diff versions, male, female, and non-binary (non-descript)...
Your gaze ran across the room, falling upon the couch whose cushions lied atop of the Grimoire Lemegeton. Stella was notably absent, but you knew that Felix wouldn’t let you get your hands on the artifact anyway, not before you were ready.
Currently, you had been tasked from unsuccessfully levitating teacups, onto something even harder. You were to conjure fire from your hands. The idea had come to Felix after he saw your fascination with him setting his father’s letter spontaneously ablaze.
You let your outstretched arms fall to your side.
“This isn’t working Felix.” You turned to your teacher—your master? “I want to be like you—I want to learn necromancy! Let me read the Lemegeton!”
Felix was at his desk, focused on his own studies. His eyes closed behind his glasses, his lips falling into smug grin. He chuckled.
“You want to attempt necromancy? As a novice mage? That would be akin to handing a newborn babe a knife, in hopes it’d jump to its two feet and make its first kill.”
You stared at him, mind processing the morbid analogy. You had known Felix long enough to not comment on some of his more perverse metaphors. Instead, you went forward with your plea.
“So? You were a baby when you began magic.”
Felix’s gaze rose from his book to look at you. He spoke plainly, as if it were as obvious as the weather, “Well, that’s because I’m extraordinary.”
You deflated. It was true. He was extraordinary. And extraordinary, you were not. You frowned and stared at your hands.
“Oh, to be a mage skilled enough to read a book bound in human skin and scribed in blood,” you sighed dramatically, though the bitterness was not hidden in your voice.
You tried to shake off the self-loathing and refocused on making flames spout from your palms.
Unbeknownst to you, Felix removed his glasses with an elegant pinch of forefinger and thumb. He stood from his desk and approached your back.
“I’ve told you before that I can sense the magic within you. It’s a seed of its own.” From behind you, Felix placed a hand on your chest, above your heart. You flinched, but Felix’s front against your back steadied you. “All you need to do is to water it, and it will burgeon.” You prayed he wouldn’t feel your heart thrumming under his palm—this heart that, against your will, was beginning to be his.
You turned your head so that even if only in profile, you’d be able to see his face. You didn’t know how to describe his expression, but what you knew is that the both of your faces were getting closer to one another… so close you could pinpoint in Felix’s eyes the exact second he realized what he was doing. He stepped away, slightly pink. Suddenly, you could breathe, but you didn’t want to.
“Come,” he said.
Felix’s face was encouraging—encouraging like a teacher, or a mentor. Purely platonic. You tried not to pay attention to the sinking feeling in your chest.
“While I won’t allow you to dip your toes into necromancy just yet—” you groaned “—I can assure you that there is a lot of magic you could choose from in the meantime.” Felix lead you to the bookshelves that lined his walls.
“What’s the point of bouncing from spell to spell if I can’t make any of them happen,” you sighed under your breath.
“I’ve had you try both levitating and conjuring just from power of will. I have yet to have you aid yourself with books, my barista.” Your spirit brightened with the usage of Felix’s pet name for you. At least, you considered it a pet name.
Felix gestured to the library with a grand, theatric arc of his arm. “Browse. Pick any book that catches your eye.”
Your eyes skimmed book after book with little hope any would yield results. Until, you spied a spine with deep ruby letters against a backdrop of midnight black.
You stood on the tips of your toes and picked it. As soon as you touched it, there was a hot buzz between your fingers and the book’s surface. Now, you were interested.
“Daemones… Carnis…?” you read aloud off its cover.
No sooner than you finished speaking, the tome was snatched right out of your fingers with a squeak from your teacher. You turned to him, curiosity more than piqued. Felix held the book tightly to his chest, arms crossed over it like an Egyptian being laid to rest. His face was flush.
“Felix.” You stepped towards the mage, hands reaching for the book. “What’s that mean?” you asked, though already your mind was turning. You were struggling to reach into the library of college academia in your brain, sifting through lessons of Latin literature. Daemones… It was obvious was that meant. Demons…
Felix’s face struggled to morph itself back into a poised expression. He babbled, before managing to form coherent thought. “My talented, lovely barista… it’s nothing too i-interesting, I’m afraid.”
Felix called you barista all the time, but whenever he added endearment in front of it… “My dear, charming barista—my clever, sweet barista…” Oh, he was hiding something.
Carnis… Your eyes widened as your mind clicked. Your mouth formed an ‘o’.
You began scandalously, “You study sex magic—”
“I DO NOT!” he exclaimed before you could even finish, his face dropping all pretense of composure. You didn’t even know Felix could open his mouth that wide. Oh, you had to enjoy this while it lasted.
You pointed at him accusatorily. Felix’s eyes nearly went cross-eyed staring at the tip of your finger in front of his nose.
“Demons of the Flesh! What else could that mean? That’s a sex book!”
Felix shelved the book, hiding his face with mauve, layered locks of hair. “It is not—”
“Don’t lie to me, Felix—”
Felix’s head whipped back to you.
“It is not something so… so crude!” his face was as overwrought as it was before, but there was the pinched look of childish indignation in his features. His cheeks were still flush, his mouth twitchy and his eyes averted, but his brows were firm. You decided to lay off… at least for a few moments.
“Then…” you bumped Felix to the side with your hip. “That means it should be just fine for me to read.” He protested, but you ignored him and plucked the book out of its shelves. You could get a good look at it finally.
Daemones Carnis, it read, in fine red text that almost seemed to glow. You felt almost hypnotized. The book’s cover was bound in tight black leather. It had a simple, minimal cover, yet it was strangely suggestive—it appealed to your exact aesthetic. The book looked actually quite pristine, but just by touching it, you knew it was old. You could sense the age and knowledge between its covers. Under the pads of your fingers, the book seemed to hum.
It felt dark… it felt alive.
Your teasing smirk fell into the grin of genuine curiosity.
“Felix… what is it?”
Felix looked like he was going to refuse to entertain you, until he perhaps he saw the sincerity on your features. His flush deepened. He folded his arms and averted his eyes, clearing his throat.
“It is… it is the Daemones Carnis.” At your unimpressed look, he huffed and continued. “Just like the Grimoire Lemegeton, it is a book of learning. Of knowledge.” Felix seemed to finally calm down, even if his blush wasn’t fading. He turned his nose up with dignity, speaking factually. “In more common tongue, it is called the Demons of the Flesh. It is a…” He tried to find the words.
Sex book, you thought but dared not speak, for fear that Felix would refuse to say any more.
“It is an encyclopedia of spells, potions, rituals, and charms one could use for… pleasure.” Felix tried, even if he faltered at the end. He gave you a frustrated look, so as to say ‘Happy now?’
You smiled and turned back to the book, flipping it open. A faded scent of spice and sweetness wafted off its pages. If it weren’t so old a text, you were sure the aroma would’ve been even stronger. It was as if everything about this book was designed to allure. To tantalize.
“Well. I have questions,” you said. Felix huffed. He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes.
“I’ll… indulge. But only a few.”
“So it’s about sex?” You looked up from a particularly graphic illustration of cunnilingus.
His cheeks flamed, though from the diagram or the question, you couldn’t tell.
“It… it is indeed carnal in nature.”
“What did people use this for?”
He looked taxed, like voicing it was enough to tire him. “Like I said, it is full of spells, rituals and enchantments. It also details the body, highlighting… parts of the human anatomy that would be the most … relevant to the matter at hand.” He waved his hand. “Think of it as necromancy. People found a subject of magic they wished to learn more of, so they compiled all their knowledge into this text.” Felix stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Although, unlike the Grimoire Lemegeton, this one isn’t as complete an account...”
“Then…” He looked at you. “If the Grimoire Lemegeton is written in blood… is this one written in—?”
“Don’t be a fool, because I know you aren’t one,” Felix said frankly, refusing to dignify you with a real response.
You nudged him, pressing your side against his until his shoulders relaxed again.
“Okay, okay, last question…” And it was indeed the one you were most curious to have answered. You looked up at him coyly. “Why do you have it?”
Felix was taken aback, and just like that, his blush was returning.
You smiled, batting your lashes at him comically. “Of course, it’s fine if you—um, you know—we all have lonely nights and such…”
“I learned it for necromancy!" Felix fervently explained. He looked like the human manifestation of clutching your pearls. “Casting necromancy… it requires an intense study of the human body. The relationship between life and death—! It’s something that can only be understood with knowledge of the body, its parts, its… n-needs—” Felix’s voice was trembling and fast, words crashing into one another like a car accident.
You smiled, pitying the man. “Relax, Felix. I believe you.” You flipped through the book. It was entirely in Latin, or at least some language that was Astraea’s equivalent of the ancient tongue. Luckily for you, by the sides, Felix had annotated the text and translated its contents. You looked your teacher up and down. “But wow… so just for necromancy, you had to learn everything about the human body…?“
Felix, seeing your belief and hearing your admiration, calmed down. He blinked, before clearing his throat and nodded. “At least, most of everything.”
“That’s impressive, even for you.”
He smiled, ego being stroked. He was such a cat. “’Even for me?’ I’d argue it’s quite in character.”
You decided to humor Felix while you skimmed through the Daemones Carnis. “Yes, yes, quite on brand for you Felix. You’re such an accomplished mage, after all…” Your praises came to a pause as you landed on a peculiar page.
While Felix was struggling to put on the air of disinterest to your praises, you read. A small illustration of two people in tight embrace was at the bottom. A halo of energy was wrapped around them both.
“Not a literal transfusion.” Felix’s gaze snapped to the page you were open to as you read from Felix’s translation notes. “This ritual bolsters a lesser magician’s magical ability by having a more skilled mage in close proximity…” Though from the image and further reading, you were willing to bet the participants were in more than just… ‘close proximity.’
“The magic transfusion ritual,” you read aloud.
Your gaze rose from the book, and you found that Felix’s had done the same as well. You hadn’t noticed when you had gotten so close to the man. But here you were… so close you could see all of Felix’s features acutely. The pale gray eyes that reminded you of an overcast day… the beauty mark that lied on the juncture between cheek and jaw… the lips of a mouth that managed to annoy you and fascinate you on a daily basis. For not the first time, you found Felix attractive. You wondered what he was thinking.
After a few seconds of locked eye contact, the both of you could see the realization in your eyes. You struggled with magic, Felix claimed that books could help, you found this new spell designed to solve your problem… and in the silence, neither of you were going to voice the obvious next course of action.
So you both ripped your eyes from one another, cheeks warm.
“I… well, this…” You cleared your throat, forcing an amicable smile across your face. “It’s … very interesting!” you offered, but your enthusiasm sounded awkward even to you.
Felix took the book from your hands, and you found yourself missing its presence in your hands. He was trying to shelve it back in its place, standing on his tiptoes.
“I— You know, a lot of the text is pure drivel,” Felix supplied, voice struggling to remain level. “Unlike the Lemegeton, I’ve never followed this book so closely. This one hails from less than reputable sources.” He was babbling.
You nodded, fiddling with your empty hands. You backed away, leaving Felix’s vicinity despite a pang in your lower gut bidding you not to.
“I’m… just going to continue practicing.”
“Yes… of course.”
You returned to the spot you stood at previously, hands outstretched and twitching fruitlessly. Felix went back to his desk, and you heard not a sound from him besides the scuff of his seat against the floor when he sat. You sighed mentally. You liked him… and no matter what happened, you dared not presume how he felt, not if you wanted to stay sane.
You were sure Felix couldn’t see your face…
You tried to keep a straight face, you really did, but the mirth could not be controlled. You shook with suppressed, soundless laughter.
Felix Iskandar Escellun—house unaffiliated, necromancer—had a sex book.
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hcs for how Akashi, Kuroko, Midorima, Takao, Kagami would propose marriage to girlfriend?
Hi dear! HereI am! I admit it wasn’t easy to think about them, but I’m satisfied with theresults! I hope you enjoy!
Have a niceday!
Akashi,Kagami, Kuroko, Takao and Midorima Wedding Proposal Headcanons
-In grand style. Damn, this boy doesn’t know how torestrain himself when it concerns you.
-He starts planning it five months before. He thinksat least six different plans, looks at more than a hundred rings and drivescrazy all of your friends because it has to be perfect.
-I don’t know why, but I believe Akashi would loveParis so, he’s going to bring youthere with the excuse of a “weekend to relax”. He has booked a table on theTour Eiffel for a romantic dinner.
-At first he would have liked to do it in public becausethe world has to know you’re his, but in the end he freaks out at the last minute.For the first time in his life, he’s scared and has a million doubts. What ifyou don’t accept? What if you say no? What if…
-he waits for when you two return to the hotel, in aluxurious room with a double bed covered in red roses and with candles givingeverything a soft atmosphere. You understands there’s something off but try towait for him to speak, a bit anxious. He asks you to sit down and then plays a beautifulpiece, which he has written for you, with his violin.
-As soon as he finishes, he slowly gets on his kneesand pulls out the velvet red little box and proposes.
-He cries when you say yes and you have to repeat ittwo times because he can’t believe it.
-The ring is an elegant gold circle with a small,refined red ruby. It was his mother’s.
Kagami Taiga
-One day he’s walking back home (to you) when he passesin front of a jewelry and sees a silver ring with a small ruby. Somethingsimple, pricy, but…he thinks of you. He suddenly thinks that it would look goodon your finger. For the rest of your lives. And since he’s very impulsive, hebuys it on the spot.
-And now he’s in your apartment, the pretty box hiddenin his sport bag and he’s starting to feel nervous because realization iskicking in. What was he thinking? He has to…propose now, right? He looks atyou, comfortably sprawled on the couch in his baggy t-shirt. You are waitingfor him to have a shower and then eat together.
-During the dinner, he’s more clumsy than usual andblushes on his own; it’s funny but you’re a bit confused. He’s actuallydebating inside his head if it’s a good idea or not: he knows he should have plannedit before and maybe he should wait a more proper occasion (Momoi is gonna killhim for sure) but now that he has thought about it…he wants you now. He wantsto know if you’re going to be with him forever immediately. He needs too. Hedoesn’t understand why he had never thought about it before.
-It’s only after you’ve washed everything and you’regoing to your room that he finally finds again his foolish courage. He grabsyour wrist to stop you and make you face him. He blabbers somethingunintelligible, becoming redder and redder
-When you start giggling, without understanding, heclumsily falls on his knee and pulls out the box.
“P-please marry me.”
It’s out of nowhere. Totally absurd and unplanned. You’reunprepared and you would have never thought he was going to… but you feel tearsin your eyes as you nod frantically. You jump in his arms and he laughsrelieved, picking you up and spinning you giddily. He kisses your cheeks, yourlips, your hair, your neck…he feels drunk and quickly carries you to the bedroomlike a princess.
Kuroko Tetsuya
-He wants it to be in a comfortable, romanticatmosphere. Something private but sweet. And he wants it to be a surprise.
-One evening, you come home and when in you enter in thedining room, he has prepared the table for two, with candles and a bouquet ofred roses in the middle. He appears behind you, making you jump. He takes yourcoat and leads you to your seat.
-He has cooked a simple but delightful dinner. He’susually not very good, so he has asked Kagami to teach him and spent threeweeks practicing. They are all your favorite dishes.
-You two eat calmly, chatting and giggling like usual.You feels a bit excited but don’t want to make assumptions. It’s comfortable,familiar. Kuroko can’t take his eyes from you and has a soft smile on his lipsthat makes it difficult for you to focus.
-Before the dessert, he calls your name, stands up andmoves in front of you. He kneels and takes your hand.
“SO, I know that maybe it’s too early, but I can’t stopmyself. Will you marry me?” and shows you a silver ring with a small diamond.His hands are trembling and his face is flushed. You throw your arms around hisneck and, caught by surprise, he falls on the floor hugging you.
You repeat “yes, yes!” in his ear like a chant, like apromise, and he hides his face in the crook of your neck. You can feel histears wetting your skin.
Takao Kazunari
-He’s excited and scared about it at the same time. Hewants it to be special.
-He brings you to a park for a midnight picnic under thestars. He has brought candles, flowers and your favorite sandwiches. The two ofyou lie down on the blanket, curled against each other, and whisper jokes andtalk about anything and everything at the same time.
-His heartbeat is faster than usual and he seemsnervous and hyped, but you can’t quite understand why. At some point you starta tickling fight and it ends up with the two of you rolling in the grass andlaughing like crazy.
-At some point, he manages to pin you down, stillpanting and giggling. He has his hands beside your head, his cheeks are red andhis piercing eyes are glinting like the stars behind him. He takes a deepbreath, resting his forehead against yours.
“Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could stay like thisforever?” He asks you with the brightest smile he has ever shown and your heartstops.
“Marry me, SO-chan!” His voice is filled with fondnessand desire. Maybe a bit of fear too.
Everything stops. Time, world, people. It’s just thetwo of you.
You cup his cheeks and kiss him, crying and laughingat the same time.
“Yeah, let’s stay like this forever!”
-He later gives you the ring. Silver and simple, butshining as he is.
-you end up sleeping outside, hugging under the clearsky.
-He’scompletely lost about it. You two had already joked about getting married, butsince you were still studying you hadn’t take it seriously. Now, herealizes that it’s the right time but doesn’t know how to do it. He. Is.Panicking. So he watches videos and tutorials, asks his friends and…in the end decidesto go for the most simple, direct plan.
-I can imagine him buying the ring (silver with anemerald), planning a romantic dinner in a good place and then…then messingeverything up because he’s a clumsy dork.
-You two are preparing to go out for that “surprise”dinner and he’s searching for the ring box of the ring. It’s pure bad luck, but when hefinds it, he exults and the box slips out of his hands. It rolls down the floorin the exact moment you enter to ask him if he was ready. It’s instinct: you benddown and pick it up. Midorima screams internally but it’s too late.
-It’s slightly open so you see it. You freezeimmediately, mouth open and wide eyes. It can’t be true.
“Oh my God.”
Midorima is paralyzed, blushing like crazy and feelinglike dying.
You look at him, your brain finally catching up. Whenyou see his face you realize that yes, it’s true. It’s true.
“YES!” you scream, suddenly rushing into his arms andknocking him down. You two fall on the bed and you squeezed the hell out ofhim, who stutters unintelligible things.
“L-let me at least ask you first,” he finally groanscovering his face, deeply embarrassed.
“Ah, yes!” you thrill rolling off him and sitting onthe edge of the bed, looking at him expectantly.
He stands up wobbling, takes the box and kneels trembling.He clears his throat.
“SO, would you marry me?” he asks stuttering andnearly fainting even if he already knows the answer, yet he manages to look intoyour eyes. He’s serious. Midorima wants to marry you for real. This stiff,clumsy, strange dork wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
You feel like melting and tears stream down your cheeks.
“Yes, a hundred times yes,” you whisper, nodding overwhelmed,and stretch your hand to him. He gently puts the ring on the right finger.Perfect size, obviously.
Midorima looks at it for a second, before kissing itsweetly.
“Sorry, it should have been diff-”
“It’s perfect,” you interrupt him opening your arm, “It’sperfect.”
And he hugs you, matching tears shining in his eyes.
-You then go to the restaurant and then for a walkunder the fireworks planning and dreaming about your future.
-You are going to mock him forever for this night, butyou wouldn’t change anything.
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