#decemberists appearance on this list probably due entirely to me remembering how much crane wife 3 slaps
recurring-polynya · 10 months
The only reason I care about my Spotify Wrapped is because it is so intimately connected to my writing-- I basically only listen to music while I am writing (or drawing, I guess), but I am nearly always listening to music while I am writing.
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I am absolutely unshocked at Fake Empire coming in at #1. It was the Inuzuri angst-writing song for me this year and I often dug it out on purpose when I needed to get a particular scene written. I think I listened to the song a little last year, but it gained a lot of personal poignancy last year because of the line about bluebirds on our shoulders after I got a bluebird tattooed on my shoulder last November. Am I mildly embarrassed to have a song by the National as my #1? A tiny bit. It's fine, though. It's a good song.
Beyond that, I am flabbergasted that Go Places did not make my top 5, because I listened to Go Places, like. a lot. Now that I think about it, it's possible that it's because I only really discovered it this year, and so I missed out on the first few months of the year, whereas the rest of these are old faves. I sincerely do not remember listening to Helplessness Blues or Hold On, Hold On all that much. I mean, I like both those songs, but I would not have guessed them. We're On Our Way is the first song on my Ductwork playlist, so a lot of times, I would hit play and it would start playing and then I would hit shuffle, so that one doesn't surprise me (also, it's a good tune)
I just checked my last year's Spotify Wrapped post and I guess I tagged it "man i need to get back into neko case in 2023"??? Goal achieved, I guess. In case you were unaware, Neko Case is in the New Pornographers, so I feel like it's kind of an achievement to get them as my #1 AND #2. I was in Top 0.05% of Neko Case listeners because I am very cool and also autistic.
It told you your favorite artist by month, and it was like: March: Neko Case, April: New Pornographers and I was like, yup, I was writing go places then. And then it was like September: Mike Doughty and I was like, oh, yeah, when I got back on my Heart is a Muscle bullshit. I am nothing if not predictable!!
Anyway, here are my top songs 5-10, which feels like a more accurate record of my personal collection of Songs To Get Sad About Renruki To.
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