#deceit is called dimitri in this
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fantasyinvader · 11 months ago
I think one of the interesting things is that while Thales is the big bad, Edelgard is the bigger threat.
Think about it, despite their technological advantage TWSITD needed to manipulate her and the Empire into starting the war to serve their purposes. That despite the Javelins of Light, biological warfare, better weapons, crest-beasts, assassinations and the mini-mecha they employ, it would not be enough for them to wage war on their own. They needed an army for their plans to come to fruition, and they have positioned the Empire Rhea helped found to kill her for them.
But then, play Flower. The game does portray Edelgard as a liar in this route. The route starts with her taking credit for Byleth's leadership in order to bolster her own image, and the route ends with her telling Rhea she be spared if she surrenders in public while saying that Rhea needs to be obliterated in private. It really comes to a head, however, a couple levels before that. The Chapter Lady of Deceit begins with Edelgard giving her army a false target so that she can take Arianrhod unaware, it ends with Edelgard lying to her army about the Javelin's of light with the final explore chapter having characters mention that Edelgard knows more than she's letting on, and that some are concerned with how she keeps her army in the dark. The Japanese version of the chapter also has Cornelia's death quote saying that while TWSITD thought they were manipulating Edelgard, Edelgard was really the one manipulating them. In the final chapter, this goes as far as having Edelgard say she will continue to work with Thales until things calm down after the war, but Hubert made it very clear that once the war was over he was going after TWSITD. It's said to be a long and terrifying war while the Imperial army is marching on foreign nations according vb that she's walked the path of supremacy, or hadou, which has horrible implications relating to her abusing her power. But think about the usage of Apex of the World here, it's Edelgard's boss theme whether or not she is in the Hegemon Husk form. Is there really a difference between who she is between the two routes?
Hell, the game invoking the Mandate of Heaven seems to confirm this. Edelgard says her rule has followed the path of supremacy, hadou, in her Japnanese S support and while she says this is no longer the case the devs confirmed that her path does lead to hadou. As such, with the Japanese name of the Sword of the Creator being the Sword of the Emperor of Heaven it's Byleth's responsibility to reject Edelgard's rule and remove her from power, failing to do so takes away Byleth's power and ability to use the sword. Claude says to Hubert he will put an end of Edelgard's path of supremacy in Verdant Wind, which the translators changed to military rule still indicating that Edelgard is a dictator, while Dimitri's rule is supposed to represent the antithesis of hadou, oudou or the King's path, marking him as a benevolent ruler. Moon also refers to Edelgard as a hegemon through her final evolution, one that is supposed to represent the ideals she's started a war to serve, while Byleth's ending title in Flower is Wings of the Hegemon, treating them as nothing more than an extension of Edelgard.
Hadou has negative connotations, it's not meant to be a good thing and Edelgard's relationship with it is meant to be present in all four routes. People are going to suffer under Edelgard's rule, that is what the game is telling us. It doesn't matter if she turns around and takes TWSITD out after the war, unlike the other routes the people are going to suffer and not just in Fodlan as the Japanese text does indicate that she begins sending the Imperial army into other countries where they are “often out of control.”
The devs called Edelgard a villain, and she wins in Flower. It's a route where Fodlan is now under the control of a villain. The fact that TWSITD are said in Wind to have manipulated Edelgard and the Empire, pushed her down the path towards this war, doesn't erase that fact as her own route confirms she's turned it around and manipulates them. Villain Group A manipulates Villain B into doing what they want her to do only for Villain B, in pursuit of her ideals (which were informed by Villain Group A's manipulation of her), to succeed in manipulating Villain Group A before taking them out when they no longer benefit her. Edelgard will still be talking about ruling the world when TWSITD's nigh-immortal leadership is wiped out, and Hopes shows she'll still start her war even when parting ways with them and realizing how much influence they had in the Empire.
And, hell, considering the ending of Wind where Edelgard is defeated but the Imperial army doesn't respect the Alliance enough to accept their defeat, leading to TWSITD leading them to nearly conquering Fodlan with only Claude showing up with the Almyran army stopping them. On the one hand, it shows the strength of the Imperial army even after the loses they suffered at Gronder where TWSITD could do this easily and on the other, it shows just how shitty Edelgard and Leopold are when it comes to effectively commanding an army. That with the army after losing Thales, Nemesis and their hidden base they were almost able to pull of the win showing just how much of a threat the Imperial Army is when properly led.
And again, it's the Imperial army that would go around marching on other countries if Edelgard wins, with Caspar's endings saying they were successful despite his leadership resulting in them being “often out of control” in the Japanese text. The Empire under Edelgard, in essence, serves as a threat to the entire world. TWSITD might have turned her into their weapon initially, but it's clear they can't actually control her and as a result she's not just a threat to the heroes and Fodlan but to them as well.
Edelgard is the bigger threat of the two.
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littleredwritinghoodsclub · 8 months ago
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Moody Monday I
🌹Hello Campers! Here are the responses we got for our first activity for camp NaNoWriMo. Thank you everyone who participated, if you still wanted to submit a response please do so- it's never too late to join in one of our activities. If you're not part of the club and still want to answer these questions, then reblog this post with your answers.
🌹Also huge thank you to @caveatscriptor for creating the graphic
🌹 Member responses below the cut:
🌹 @jay-avian
1. Honestly, a little bit of both. I do a general outline of the main plot, as well as any worldbuilding needed. And once I start writing, I let the pacing flow naturally and the characters flesh themselves out 2. Current WIP - "The Court Magician": Forest man on house arrest must save the world from the fae 3. (not sure, will come back) 4. Fantasy, Adventure 5. Reluctant Chosen One
🌹 @mayonayys
1. I'm definitely a planner! I enjoy a bit of chaos, but need structure for most things, and that includes writing. An example of my most extreme planner moment: I was writing up fake advertisements for my in world D&D newspaper, had to give the businesses addresses... So I stopped halfway through and had to plan out most of a market district map, which will probably never be used again 2. Aura Sighted: Gifted-kid burnout syndrome mage has to figure out how to save her sister from a psychotic King, while staying out of the way of the Prince with daddy issues. 3. Keywords: (I'll come back to this one) 4. Genres: Fantasy, Action/Adventure, Eventual Romance 5. Favorite Tropes: Found Family, Eventual Idiots to Lovers, with a hint of Enemies to Lovers Bonus: My Camp goal this year is just to get some writing done; shooting for 15k words!
🌹 @becausethecat
1. Planning: Generally it depends. I don’t outline Fic usually, or random ideas that just jump out, but I do like having vague-to-solid roadmap on other ideas 2. WIP that i think I’m gonna try to do: A pirate loses his ship and crew to his creditors and makes a drastic attempt to pay them off by promising to produce a rare magical artifact—a weather violin that specifically calls moody weather when played—and he isn’t prepared for his quest to dump him on a small island, inhabited by one other person; the violinist who found his treasure first. 3. Key Words: Broody Boi, Dislike to Love (think animated Anastasia/Dimitri), reformed pickpocket, identity, violin + The sound of rain on a tin roof while a sad viloin plays, deserted island, survival, persons of debatable charm, BLORBOS 4. Genre is uhhhh.... Pirate Captain on a deserted island with a Moody Violinist ..... idk if it will be humor or romance or survival but it’s def Fantasy with Magic and whatnot 5. Tropes: Pirate on Deserted Island, Survival, is Learning to Communicate Effectively a trope? And uhhhh I’m not sure how the Only One Bed will turn out that’s the one I pulled out of a hat (what quantifies Idiots to Lovers bc they might be that too)
🌹 @fanged-writer
1. former pantser, trying to plan now. don't think my previous method was working for me, so I'll see how this goes! 2. sentence: an average human is suddenly gifted 'divine' knowledge, transporting them from one dismal situation to another. 3. will need to figure these key words out, i think. 'wasps, red, gods, superstition, summer'. 4. not too sure, but got some fantasy in there... 5. rivals and rivals and more rivals. also deceit.
🌹 @inkspellangel
1. A little of both. I plan a bit and then hope I don't pants my way too far away from that vague outline :'D 2. SSP: Grumpy punk with wolf companion has to arrest his childhood friend because of reasons he can't believe. 3. Keywords: Mad scientist, childhood friends to lovers, grumpy/sunshine friend dynamic, cave system, more vibes than plot at this point 4. Subterranean sci-fi, I think 5. 100% sunshine/grumpy friends
🌹 @fleurtygurl
1. I think I lean more towards a pantser. Ideas come to me as I write that I would never have thought of in the planning stages of my wip. But I'm doing my best to find a way to give myself more structure. 2. Filipina in San Francisco meets cyborg private investigator, and they solve some murders. 3. Keywords: tomboy, trauma, sapphic, straight people being friends, siblings-centered 4. Sci-fi and mystery? ( i know there are technical differences between mystery and thriller, but i dont want to try and think about it.) 5. my favorite dynamic? Close sisters who can depend on one another
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nobilisseoblige · 3 months ago
and she wrote: "my body is here, yet i am not. i know my name, but i feel alienated. i'm afraid. i'm afraid." and he wrote: "i've lived my days in lies, seeing faces i know aren't real. i wonder how hard it will be to get back on my feet." and they wrote: "somehow i'm sorry. i've lived a full life and i'm still sorry."
all first-hand witness accounts, all of them with their names attached. somehow they all claimed to have been trapped somewhere—somewhere incrementally different than here. it was apparent that they all claimed to live a great many days in the span of one night, but, they weren't reported to have disappeared nor had they been physically taken from their dormitories. Ferdinand could not fathom how this could have occurred right under their noses. he ran the rounds with Prince Dimitri—but there was fairly little they could do for reports where the victims were bound to a time and space beyond the tangible. it felt wrong, really, to give such a lackluster response to a victim's plea. "no report. we deeply apologize." "no evidence. we're still looking." "i'm sorry, we..."
believe you? is that something he could say with a good conscience? by the very light of the Saints, he did not. and he wasn't a liar.
so there was the lack of empathy. and the failure to meet someone down the middle.
he wondered if it was karma, then, for them to end up in a place like this. this morning, Lady Rhea herself called him into her room to discuss his performance at the latest choir practice. he noticed that her hair was a deep, emerald green, and wondered if he should get his eyes checked. she chuckled, unfurling and re-braiding the ribbons in her hair, as though she were remembering someone she loved. the next morning, a strange Reason professor went cackling down the hallway, crows following him from chandelier to chandelier. when ferdinand tried to chide him, he opened his pinprick slits to the most frightening red eyes. there were books out of place in the library. the chandeliers were made from a different type of crystal, not obtainable in such grand amounts as this. the roses were blue this season.
"Dimitri— if I may call you that—" there was an urgency in his voice that he would stake his own life on. "do you notice anything different about the academy?"
"and if you do, would you give me some kind of sign? I feel like I'm finally understanding that this isn't all smoke and mirrors... this is some kind of..." he doesn't have the word for it. deceit? was an entire world before their eyes a brand of deceit?
he gestured nondescriptly, rolling his wrist. "it feels... off."
in the dining hall, the windows were stained with pictures of some kind of history he did not recognize. when he raised his glass of cranberry juice, the rainbow of light glimmered through like crystal stars. "this is my sign."
refraction of light { ferdinand & dimitri
※ distress || unending dream
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otakufander · 6 years ago
Snow days and fireplaces
Summary: Deceit is cold. Some backstory. Cold Virgil. And cuddles. I'm really trash at summaries so you'll just have to take my word for it, this is pretty sweet. Deceit is called Dimitri in this.
Pairing: Romantic DLAMP
Warnings: snakes
Notes: This was supposed to be out for Christmas but since I procrastinate like a pro it wasn't. I really didn't have a plan for this but I'm happy with how it turned out :). Hope you enjoy. Constructive criticism always welcome. Please point out mistakes and inconsistencies. I didn't look over this before I posted it. And I went many days in between writing.
It was a cold cold day. The snow was falling heavily. It was already a foot deep and wasn't stopping anytime soon.
Dimitri was laying in his bed covered by blankets. The heating wasn't working and he's just to scared to light a fire in the fireplace.
He swears that he was a snake in his past life due to him not fairing well in the cold and his high capacity for lying. That was until he met the others.
He had met his boyfriends purely by chance. He is a snake milker and zoologist. He worked at the local zoo at the time. His old boss called him a snake whisperer because he seemed to just have a way with serpents.
He was doing a show with snakes when a strange group walked into the room where he was doing the show. They didn't look like the type to hang out at all. They all looked to be in their mid to late twenties. They were all attractive in their own way.
The first to enter was a short slightly chubby man with glasses and wearing a blue polo with a cat hoodie tied around his shoulders. His hair was a light brown curly mess. He had freckles dusted all around his face and a smile to light even the darkest spaces.
The second man to enter was slightly taller than the first. He was very skinny and pale. He was wearing dark makeup, a purple patchwork hoodie and ripped black skinny jeans. His hair was straight Raven black with purple ends hanging in his face a bit. He had an intimidating air about him.
The third man to enter was the tallest. He had a regal air about him, a bit like a prince. He had dark brown hair styled a bit like a jock from a football movie. He was wearing a red bomber jacket, a white t-shirt and Levi's.
The final man was just shorter than the tallest. He had short black hair, it was slicked back off his forehead. He also had glasses, they were the same frames as the first man. He was wearing a black polo shirt and a blue striped tie. He had a professional air about him.
Dimitri was immediately captivated by them. He did his usual show and ended with milking a snake. There was a small problem when he went to get the snake to milk. The snake was gone. He told everyone in the audience not to panic and to look around their feet slowly as a venomous snake was currently loose.
He spotted the snake looking at the curly haired man who looked terrified starring down at it. He told the man to stay calm and not to move. Just as the snake went to bite he caught it's head and put it back in the box. He then ended the show and told the man to hang back while everyone was pouring out.
The group stayed back. He absolutely ripped into his assistant who was in charge of the cages for allowing a snake to escape and fired him on the spot. He apologized profusely to the man and the group for putting them in danger.
“It's alright it wasn't your fault kiddo.” The short man said. “I still feel terrible that you were put in danger. It seems that we’ll have to be more vigilant about the show and who we let watch the cages.” Dimitri said. “It's alright you saved me and that's really all that matters right?” The short man said flashing his bright smile. “I'm Patton by the way. Patton Valentine.” He said holding out his hand to shake. “I'm Dimitri.” He said taking Patton's hand.
The professional looking one stepped forward and stuck out his hand as well. “My name is Logan. Logan Crofter. Thank you very much for saving Patton.” He said. “No problem, but it shouldn't have been necessary.” Dimitri said taking his hand as well.
The princely man then also stepped forward. “Regardless, you saved our Pattoncake. We cannot thank you enough for that. My name is Roman. Roman Prince.” He said. “It's fine.” Dimitri said taking his hand as well.
The final man stepped forward. He seemed really familiar to Dimitri for some reason. He didn't put his hand out. “Yea thank you for saving him. I'm Virgil. Virgil Shea.” He said. “No problem. Wait a minute, Virgil Shea, that sounds really familiar to me.” Dimitri said. “Wait a minute. DIMITRI! Dimitri Sanders!?” Virgil said looking shocked. “Yes. Virgil I haven't seen you in years.” Dimitri said equally shocked.
“Wait you know one another?” Logan asked confused. “Yes we do. It's just been a long time.” Virgil said like it wasn't a happy memory. “We used to be best friends in high school. But something happened” Dimitri said at their stunned faces. “Well now you must tell us Storm Cloud. What happened between you two?” Roman asked boisterously.
“My boyfriend at the time kissed him. And I was so in love that I didn't believe him when he said that my boyfriend was lying” Virgil said. “Wait how did you figure out that he was lying, what made you finally believe it?” Dimitri asked accusingly. “Im so sorry Dee. He told me when he dumped me. I wanted to reach out to you so badly. But I couldn't. You moved away before I could and I deleted your phone number so I couldn't contact you. I felt so bad about it for years.” Virgil was rambling now, how breath was shortening. Dimitri knew that he was working himself up so he decided to cut him off with a hug. It was so unlike him but he had to do something.
Virgil stopped shocked. “It's alright Virgil I'm not angry anymore. I haven't thought about it in years. It's alright.” Dimitri said pulling away.
They finally made nice, after years they finally reunited. They talked for a while after that. Dee learned that they were all in a polyamorous relationship. He was surprised at first but it's not to weird anymore.
They all started hanging out together for a while. Dimitri learned that Logan is an astronomy professor, Roman is a small time actor, Patton owns a daycare, and Virgil fulfilled his childhood dream and opened a tattoo parlor.
They confessed to Dee that they all had a crush on him after a few months. Dee had developed a crush on all of them as well so the feelings were immediately reciprocated.
That leads us back to the present day.
He was just laying there lost in memories when he heard one of his boyfriends return. He heard Patton say “why is it so cold in here” and he heard him taking off his snow gear.
Patton then called out “Is anyone home?”. Dee called back “Back here” He called from the bedroom. He heard Patton walking back and snuggled deeper into the blankets.
“Hey there Dee.” “Hi Pat.” “Why is it so cold in here kiddo?” “The heating won't work.” “Why didn't you just light a fire?” “...” “Are you scared of fire?” “How’d you guess.”
He let out a surprised squeak as Patton picked him up, blankets and all, bridal style. Pat may be short but he is surprisingly strong. He carried Dee to the couch and started lighting a fire in the fireplace.
As Pat was lighting the fire Dee ordered some food from the nearest pizza place. After he finished ordering Roman came home.
“Hello my dears, Padre, Snek how are you both doing this fine afternoon?” Roman asked walking over and kissing them both. “Pretty good today kiddo.” Patton said happily. “Cold.” Dee said. “Well we can't have that now can we.” Roman said. He pulled off his snow gear and got under the blankets with Dee pulling him close. Dee snuggled into the warmth.
About 10 minutes later Logan came home. “Good evening my dears.” Logan said as he took off his snow gear. “Hey Lo” “Hey kiddo” “Hello Calculator Watch.” Logan walked over to the couch and kissed his boyfriends. “Great now we're just missing Virgil.” Patton said.
They all settled on the couch and started talking about their day.
Dimitri was home all day so not much to report. Patton had a half day at the daycare because of the snow. He is ecstatic because one of the LIU kids is greatly improving.
Roman's role as the Ghost of Christmas Past in a production of “A Christmas Carol” is going amazing.
Logan had a normal day at of classes. The day was cut short because of the weather.
They all discussed their days and cuddled while watching some random holiday movie.
(20 minutes later)
“Has anyone heard from Virgil? I'm trying to reach him but he's not picking up.” Patton said concern lacing how voice. “I'm sure the buses just got delayed because of the snow Patton.” Logan said. “Yes! I'm sure our emo nightmare will be home shortly.” Roman said boldly. Dimitri was worried, it's not like Virgil to be late and not at least send a text.
(40 minutes later)
Ok now everyone is worried. Virgil isn't picking up the phone and the snow is really coming down.
Patton decided to go and get Virgil's favourite patchwork jacket for him, for when he comes home. He audibly gasped from Virgil's room. He walked back to the living room hurriedly. He said that Virgil's snow gear except for his heavy jacket is still there.
Now everyone is extremely worried about Virgil. He doesn't have his snow gear in a blizzard, and he's not picking up the phone.
(50 minutes later)
Virgil walked into the house. He was covered in snow. His was shaking and his lips were blue. Everyone got up and ran to him.
“Virgil where have you been!? Oh my goodness your freezing!” Patton exclaimed.
“Yes Virgil, where have you been, you are almost an hour late.” Logan asked.
“S-s-sorry g-guys the bu-uses got s-shut down.” Virgil managed while shivering.
“Don't tell us that you seriously walked home in a blizzard without your snow gear. You should have called us. We would have picked you up” Dimitri said shaking his head.
“Yes why didn't you call J-Delightful? We were worried sick.” Roman said.
“I-im sorry. M-my phone d-died. A-and even if y-you w-wanted to p-pick me u-up you c-couldn't, the r-roads are all c-closed.” Virgil managed still shaking violently.
“It's alright kiddo you just scared us is all. Now let's get you out of these wet clothes and into something warm. And next time you go out your taking all of your snow gear.” Patton said starting to help Virgil out of his jacket.
After they had gotten Virgil out of the wet clothes and into something warmer they all curled up on the couch. They formed a cuddle pile to help warm up Virgil. They put on some Disney movie and one by one fell asleep. Dimitri was the last awake.
He sat up slowly as to not wake the others. He looked over the peacefully sleeping faces of his boyfriends. He smiled and wondered what he had done to deserve these four amazing people in his life.
He looked out the window. The snow had fallen multiple feet at this point. There was no way they were going into work the next day.
He laid back down. He looked over again and said quietly “I love you all so much”. He was really surprised when Virgil responded “We love you too. Now go to sleep”. He smiled and chuckled before relaxing and falling asleep warm and happy surrounded by the loves of his life.
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agirlinsearchof · 2 years ago
Some things I noticed playing Crimson Flower, with spoilers for it and Azure Moon below:
The very first thing I noticed was that Onset of a Power Struggle has its position flipped compared to To War. Makes sense, considering that you’re the invading army. It’s also much more difficult, not only lying about the objective (defeating all commanders, not rout enemy, though the displayed objective changes when Rhea shows up), but featuring multiple commanders instead of just one. Crimson Flower often features multiple commanders. It’s a very interesting and, on other routes, very underutilized concept.
The Bridge of Myrddin chapter was also made drastically different. In The Rose-Colored River, you have to take out three commanders who are pretty far from the starting position, with another coming in on turn two, while Beyond Escape has one commander fairly close to it. As such, Beyond Escape is considerably easier. The position flipping was rather interesting! It also makes sense. The bridge connects the Alliance to the Empire, and since you’re controlling the Empire and invading the Alliance (as opposed to passing through Alliance territory into the Empire), it makes sense.
Derdriu had you in the same map position as Azure Moon, except you’re supposed to take out Claude instead of helping him and Arundel doesn’t show up. So effectively the direction your army takes gets flipped, even if your starting position doesn’t. Fun fact, Claude mentions Almyran reinforcements even if you beat the chapter before any even showed up!
Protecting Garreg Mach is also considerably easier than on other routes! It was definitely a difficulty spike for my second Azure Moon and my Silver Snow playthroughs, what with being a rout map, but in Crimson Flower, you instead take out the commanders. Flayn doesn’t show up unless you saved Seteth for last, so it’s easier if you take him out first or second.
That chapter is also where I found out that the generic replacements for Church-affiliated characters are called Knights of Seiros (as opposed to Imperial, Kingdom, and Alliance Generals).
You know how I mentioned Seteth is carrying in my Silver Snow playthrough? He’s an even tougher mfer as an enemy. I actually had to use Raging Storm here to have Edelgard take out the sniper boss and then attack Seteth without killing him, because I wanted to spare him and the only way to do so is to defeat him with Byleth. He was also very difficult in Onset of a Power Struggle.
Lady of Deceit is much harder than The Silver Maiden, again because of the multiple commanders. I had to use Raging Storm again. Edelgard took out Gwendal, Ingrid, and Cornelia, while Byleth took out Rodrigue and Hubert and Constance worked together to defeat Felix. When Paths That Will Never Cross played, only to be cut short by Felix and Ingrid’s echoing screams? That felt like a punch to the chest.
Field of Revenge was also difficult because of the multiple commanders. It also hurt to kill Dimitri and Dedue. Killing the Kingdom General that replaces Mercedes was anticlimactic sandwiched between the deaths of Sylvain and Dedue, so next time I probably won’t recruit Mercedes. It helps my decision that I got all of her support conversations with Jeritza.
The music also felt unfitting. The Long Road feels more like an auxiliary battle track than something fitting of the penultimate battle.
To the End of a Dream may use Fhirdiad as its setting, but it sure as hell ain’t the same level as The King’s Triumphant Return. For one, Fhirdiad is on fire this time around, and it is far from an easy one-turn unless you have a fully-repaired Aymr and a willingness to spam Raging Storm and rig critical hits. Aymr was at three uses, so I had a squad of Edelgard, Byleth, and Jeritza charging for Rhea, while Hubert helped clear out a few enemies and Lysithea warped Jeritza forward when he fell behind Edelgard and Byleth (a Wyvern Lord and Dark Flier, respectively).
Overall? I really enjoyed Crimson Flower. I kind of wish you actually got to go to Shambhala (heck, the nuking of Arianrhod was the perfect opportunity for Hubert to find it!), but other than that, it was a fun time! It was certainly a fun challenge to try to clear the chapters in as few turns as possible! Hehe. I may actually become seriously interested in LTC-ing other Fire Emblem games, now that Azure Moon minimum deaths has altered my very playstyle regarding this game.
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fallenlightsif · 4 years ago
Hey there!! This concept is so cool!! I was wondering if you could tell us more about the ROs please? Thanks so much 😄💜
Of course! I'll try to avoid spoilers but here we go lol!
Florian Vasil is the Crown Prince of Ebia, the only child of Queen Evelyn Vasil and the late King Consort Leander Sidorov, who hailed from Oclesia, an Ebian territory. He watched his father be assassinated at a banquet when he was seven and the mystery surrounding it causes him a lot of doubt and anxiety. He holds resentment to the nobility of Ebia. Very soft with the MC if they have a good relationship, though he is very protective as he doesn't want to lose anyone else.
Emil/Emilia Renaud is the eldest child of the Renaud family, the noblest family in Ebia second only to the royal house. They hold a reputation for producing advisors to the king and queen of Ebia, not to mention they are very powerful mages. Their parents and most of their siblings are very cutthroat and devious, and they usually go along with it to keep the peace. They'd really prefer to be by themselves training or having a nice cup of tea, though.
Marcella Dumont came to Kesdon, the capital of Ebia, as a teenager from a smaller town in Ebia. She was meant to train under your brother, Ezrah, and quickly became his second in command. She tries not to talk about her life of training before she arrived in Kesdon, but gossip says she was from a peasant family. She is fiercely loyal to Ezrah and this transfers to the MC, as she knows how much your brother cares for you, and it's twofold if the two of you also have a good relationship.
Dimitri Volkov is a blacksmith in the village of Myrine, which is located in a territory currently occupied by Ebia called Oclesia. It formerly belonged to Leydon, and the two kingdoms use this land as a battleground. His parents were only civilians and died anyway when one of the conflicts got out of hand. He was taken in with fellow war orphans by the temple and its priestess, Anais Melnyk. He watched his fellow orphans be plucked off by the war, either as soldiers or innocents, and this has lowered his opinion of both Ebia and Leydon. He's hesitant to open up, even more so to someone so close to nobility. If he comes to care about the MC, however, he'd go to lengths he never imagined.
Ariadna "Ari" Novik is a priestess in training who also resides in the village of Myrine. She, along with Dimitri, help watch over the younger orphans taken in by Anais. She was taken in far before Dimitri, whose parents died when he was 13. Her parents were killed very similar to Dimitri's, but she was 6 when it happened. Myrine has no healer besides Anais, so she's training to become a priestess and a healer underneath her to be able to help others. She hopes she can stop other kids from going through what she did. Her goal is to fix things in any way she can, and her morals remain if she enters a relationship with the MC. She would definitely frown upon someone who takes power through hurting others.
Rowan Lozano is the archmage of Leydon and resides in its capital, Valrin. They were born to a peasant family with too many children and too little money. Their magical talent coupled with sheer stubbornness led to being noticed and then being one of the only non-noble mages in the Leydonian army. They rose through the ranks and became archmage under the now-dead King Aleksandr, who had very little care for nobility and didn't particularly care if his archmage was of noble blood if they were powerful. They are what one might consider cutthroat, and are determined to have Leydon win the war to stay secure in power and safety. Their title and skill have been the only things to matter to them in a long time, unless MC comes around and changes their mind.
Orion Morosov is the High General of the Leydonian Royal Army and has fought against the MC's brother, Ezrah, many times. He was born to a noble family formerly of Oclesia which specialized in magic, which he didn't have. His only choice was to become a knight, so he did. He's kept awake at night by many things, and prying the emotional armor off him will take some work. He genuinely wants to love and be loved, but he believes he doesn't deserve it after all he's done.
Cier Katsaros is a mysterious half-elf on the run from something he refuses to disclose, though he assures everyone he did not commit a murder, thank you very much. He currently resides in a tavern in Valrin, renting a room while he hides out from some foreign guards looking for him. One of his hobbies is annoying Orion, who frequents the same bakery he does, as much as he can get away with. He can be described as slippery at best and deceitful at worst, though if he truly cares about someone he might be willing to make a few sacrifices.
Kira Argyris is an elven healer who learned her trade purely for the coin. She didn't want to stay in a secluded elven village like the rest of her family seemed content to, so she set out into the broader world to seek riches and enjoy some of the finer things in life. She's opportunistic and wouldn't hesitate to cause trouble if it benefitted her or someone she loved. While you meet her in Oclesia, she's currently employed by a lady of Leydon's court and ends up in Valrin about the same time the MC does.
Ilaria Thayer is an assassin with a reputation. That reputation being deadly, of course, with her morals being just as murky as her past. She's never missed a mark before until the MC came around. Trying to decide between impressed and furious, even after her employer is killed she tails the MC, being sure to impress upon everyone including you and herself that she's only sticking around you so she can kill you. She's only getting rid of your enemies so they don't do her job for her, it's called work ethic.
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fantasyinvader · 11 months ago
Nicely said, but it's not just joining Edelgard after the events of White Clouds. Playing through Flower, it becomes clear that Edelgard is manipulating those around her. Sure, she talks about wishing she had swayed Byleth to her cause if they end up as enemies, but it just keeps coming up.
We start with Edelgard taking credit for Byleth's leadership, using it to bolster her own image as she can't be seen taking orders. Pay attention to Hubert, and he'll drop that Edelgard's father was a puppet of Thales, contradicting what Edelgard can say in the supports that were required to unlock Flower, and that Edelgard is aware of this. This also means that later on when Edelgard reveals where her information came from we were already were told that said source was being controlled by the Agarthans. We get Leo joining Edelgard because she secretly promised him control of the Alliance, a neutral country, and then she lies about going after Cornelia at Arianrhod. There, in the Japanese script at least, Cornelia realizes is manipulating the Agarthan faction rather than the other way around, and after the Agarthans retaliate Edelgard blames the Church for what happens. This whole chapter was called The Lady of Deceit, labelling Edelgard as such while exploration has her army realizing she's keeping them in the dark. In Japan, there was also a previous exploration line about how Edelgard is using an "information campaign" to ease the unrest in opposition to her war but that line was mysteriously removed in the translation. Edelgard talks about continuing to work with Thales after the war until things calm down, working towards a world under Imperial control, while Hubert makes it clear the plan is to silently take the Agarthans out. Going further, Edelgard publically offers Rhea the chance to surrender while privately she had confided Rhea and everyone who supports her need to be destroyed.
Edelgard gives her speech about how people don't need gods if they stand tall and rely on each other, yet her solo ending reveals that Edelgard still works to create a world where people don't rely on each other as that's her ideal. That's what it meant by saying she was fighting for an independent world, not a free world as Edelgard is a tyrant. She even admits as much in the Japanese version of her S support, whereas the translation makes it out that she still views herself as accomplishing everything on her own. She'll tell the player that she's no longer going to go down that path, but it doesn't change her routes endings. As much as she says she didn't lose herself because of Byleth's support, she also says the same thing to Dimitri in Azure Moon. Even things she does in according to her route's ending are seen in Hopes. Not to mention, Byleth's solo ending talks about how they supposedly lost their powers due to an injury but can still use the Sword of the Creator, only for their Jeritza ending to show them using Rhea's sword instead.
The game wants us to be worried about what Edelgard is keeping from the player, as she knows more than she's letting on. Even then, her own route contradicts her narrative. She's a tyrant, and will continue to be a tyrant if she wins. And even after everything she did in White Clouds, ending with her attempting to steal the remains of the Nabateans to make more weapons (in the same place Nemesis killed Sothis to boot) the Black Eagles will still continue to support her if the player doesn't steer them away. And then we throw in the parallels with Nemesis and the Elites, where his allies were reduced to nothing more than puppets after they died for following him.
And if you really want to contrast this with someone, look at the Deer. Claude was sus as fuck and at the beginning held similar beliefs to Edelgard and Nemesis about relying on your strength, but he learned to open up about what he really intended to do. He realized that the Agarthans were attempting to manipulate him, which in turn led to him realizing he misjudged the Church and Rhea. Claude notices that reality doesn't work the way he thought it did, so he changes his stance. As a result, he allied with the Church instead, learning the truth about his family's past and who Nemesis really was. Claude ends up showing that he isn't like the guys who worked with the Agarthans, that trusting him wasn't a mistake as he fully integrates into his House rather than serving as it's leader.
Or you get Hopes where he follows the path of Nemesis and is a massive fucking tool.
Tbf, even Nemesis didn't know Serios/Rhea was a Nabatean until she explicitly asks him whether he remembers what happened at the Red Canyon before killing him. But digressing from that, even if we want to pretend that the 10 elites didn't know about the origins of their powers/weapons (which I mean did it ever cross their mind to ask why drinking blood/red liquid and using these carved out weapons would give them power?), they still chose to wage a war with Nemesis and conquer the land. So no, they're not innocent misled people Agarthan stans, try harder.
Right?? They still waged a war for a hundred years and committed atrocities. Nemesis was ruthless and so were his elites.
Stop making my greedy evil humans a woobie!! They're EVIL and they LIKE IT!
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agent-cupcake · 4 years ago
Can I ask your opinion? So, I feel like everyone into 3H is in love with Dimitri, but I can't connect with him. I don't dislike him, but I feel like there isn't much to his personality without all his various mental health issues. It's hard to get a feel on what he's really like, so I end up just seeing him as a walking ball of trauma and not a three-dimensional character. Do you have any thoughts on Dimitri himself and how to separate him as a person from his psychological issues? Thanks!
Hmm, I guess my first thought is that everyone resonates with characters differently and so if you don’t particularly feel connected to him, that’s not wrong. Fictional parasocial relationships are very similar to real-life relationships, so it follows that nobody is going to like every character. I can’t say that a portion of my love for his character doesn’t come from his mental issues because that’s something I personally relate to and feel drawn to in others. That’s just who I am and how I build relationships. There is also something to be said for the unavoidable way mental illness informs a person’s behavior and character, it’s as much an aspect of them as being born with blond hair or losing an eye.
That said, I will do my best to explain why I think Dimitri is wonderful. Not in spite of his mental illness, but because I don’t think that’s all he is.
So, Dimitri is, as he says, a very clumsy person. This unfortunately extends to his social skills. He has a lot of very socially awkward tendencies and a general lack of self-awareness. This contrasts with his innate desire to please people, or at least avoid upsetting anyone. The thing is, Dimitri doesn’t always completely understand what upsets people or how exactly they might feel. His childhood isolation left him rather emotionally unaware and desperate for the acceptance and approval of others. That’s not to say he doesn’t try to understand other people’s feelings, but it’s not an intuitive process. He has a habit of saying kind of dumb or uncomfortable things out of nowhere, which is most likely his real feelings coming out in rather inept ways. He means well, but he’s just so dang clumsy.
The desperation to be included and validated I mentioned, I think, can be seen in the way he tries so hard to make the other Blue Lions see him as a peer and equal all the while keeping himself rather closed off from them. Dimitri approaches conversations as a means of focusing on the other person, trying to make an appeal to them rather than as an interaction where both parties could be seen as vulnerable. Of course, just like most other socially awkward introverts, he opens up when he feels closer to the person, but that takes a while. Gotta unlock the supports, you know? Although it’s not necessarily obvious, his incredibly stiff behavior (especially pre-timeskip) and the way he switches between overly formal and awkwardly friendly in his interactions with people as he tries to figure out how to socially and emotionally navigate relationships really gives me the impression of someone trying desperately to fit in without even the faintest clue of how to actually manage that. He also does his best to avoid social situations, which, mood. Basically, Dimitri’s a big dumb massive introvert trying to act like he’s not.
FURTHERMORE, he is a dork. An absolute goof of a person. Dimitri canonically thinks so-bad-its-good puns and jokes are hilarious. His own style of telling jokes is saying things that may or may not have contextual humor in a normal voice and then claiming after the fact that he intended it as such. Now, his supports with Alois are absolute factual proof of the so-bad-its-good humor, but might I also direct your attention to the scene before the battle against Miklan in Conand Tower (the event name is “Tower in a Storm (Blue Lions)”). Basically, Gilbert is explaining the history behind Conand Tower and Dimitri says, in an incredibly earnest voice, “You’re very well informed, Gilbert. Please, tell us more.” This is a joke. Supposed to be, at least. The delivery is somewhat emphasized, but not in a recognizably sarcastic way. Gilbert, who knew Dimitri very well when he was young, realizes it’s a joke after a second. But there are other things Dimitri says that I believe are his bad “jokes” and since nobody knows him well enough to tell, they don’t call him on it. There’s no proof, but his line in the Lord’s intro where he says, “And here I thought you were acting as a decoy for the sake of us all.” to Claude has to be an attempt at sarcasm. Dimitri is oblivious, but not stupid. In his Goddess Tower conversation with Byleth, when discussing the topic of wishes, he says, “Perhaps it would make more sense for me to wish that we’ll be together forever. What do you think?” In a completely normal voice. Following are two speech bubbles of “...” before he laughs and proclaims that it’s just a joke and that he’s getting better at telling them. Now, this is a two-parter because I see this as both his horribly awkward tendency to say things he feels without thinking too hard beforehand as well as his silly deadpan style of “jokes”. Granted, he does apologize. Dimitri’s got socially awkward zoomer humor. It’s endearing.
Here is a video of Dimitri hitting on Byleth pre-timeskip. I’m not sure how far it goes to endear someone to him, but the mostly awkward and occasionally smooth attempts of Dimitri’s flirtations are absolutely a highlight of his character. 
Now, this isn’t quite as cute as all that, but I think character arc and change do a lot for making a character feel more three-dimensional. Dimitri is hypocritically selfish. Although those are both negative terms, I don’t necessarily mean them as such, at least not in their totality. Both are things to overcome, which he does. And that’s why I feel like they’re a valid point of discussion when trying to explain the allure of his character.
The hypocritical part comes from the way he easily allows and forgives the flaws of others while constantly castigating himself for the same reasons. He says things that show an absurd amount of a lack of self-awareness. For example, he tells Edelgard, “Hm. You will prove a lacking ruler yourself if you look for deceit behind every word and fail to trust those whom you rely on.” All the while straight-up lying to and emotionally avoiding his friends. Dimitri also tells Marianne, when she is punishing herself for putting other people at risk, “What matters is that they came back safely in the end. You shouldn’t blame yourself for that.” Really, his C and B with Marianne is an exercise in hypocrisy. The standards Dimitri has for himself are incredibly, unattainably high. He’s setting himself up for failure in that way and, to an extent, knows what he’s doing because he knows that those same standards are too much for his friends and allies to meet. He wishes to take on everything himself. But, what I find so beautiful about this, is that Dimitri eventually realizes that he can’t do that. He is not strong enough to take on the weight of the world on himself, he comes to understand that it’s something he must allow himself to share with the people who care about him. He comes to realize that, as difficult as it is to accept, he is a weak person. Despite all of his introversion and inability to emotionally open up, he figures out that having a support system and allowing yourself to rely on people who love you is a necessity. Personally, I think this message is incredibly important in real life. Watching Dimitri come to that conclusion and argue it’s importance really rounded out his arc and journey as a person. Now, the relatability of this conclusion will differ, but I don’t think it has to do with his mental illness as much as it is a fundamental aspect of growth.
The selfishness is basically outlined above. Dimitri is selfish about his pain and secrets, purposefully and selfishly driving people away because he wants to keep the burden to himself. His vice is guilt and he indulges in the pain of it like an addiction. Hatred, too, is a drug. He thinks he needs it to keep going, even though all it does is bring agony to himself and others around him. Learning to accept and let go of these feelings is, again, something I think is important and a character arc that I really love, especially when you see him suffer as much as he does. Now, the execution of this is lacking, I admit. But that’s an issue for another time I think.
I am not quite sure if I did much to change your opinion, but this is all I can think of for now. There is probably a lot more than I’ve left out because I think about Dimitri far too much to be healthy. So, I’ll leave you off with some honorable mention aspects of his character that I think are super fun:
Pre-timeskip Dimitri has his hair tucked behind his ear. He can lift a wagon by himself. In the DLC, when faced with an impossible-to-open gate, it was not muscle man Balthus who said he couldn’t open it, but twinkish teen Dimitri. He’s not really smooth with one-liners. Like, at all. Notably, when attacking Manuela post-timeskip, he says, “Perhaps I should have appeared before you holding a bouquet of flowers, rather than the weapon that will end your life.” Adding to this, at one point, Dimitri fucked up a pick-up line so badly the girl came after him. Areadbhar has a mitten on it in the Azure Moon final picture. He breaks everything. His Crest activation ability even supports this, using twice the durability of any given Combat Art. One of his post-timeskip counselor messages is, “I lived in the slums for a long time, and I saw how the people there suffered from poverty and the ravages of war. There must be something I can do to save them." His room in the academy is right next to Sylvain’s, meaning that for almost an entire year Dimitri was a single wall away from hearing whatever nonsense Sylvain was getting up to. Dimitri is the only Lord that takes the throne and doesn’t abandon his people in some form or another.
And, finally, he is pretty sexy. And that’s all that really matters, isn’t it?
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evergreen-spirit · 3 years ago
Fire emblem fandom
This is a series with ~700 characters. Which is to say: my time has come.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
- The obvious one: our lord and savior Dimitri FE16. I have a ring for you right here sir. Please kiss me directly on the lips this instant
- Eirika FE8 (she hasn’t been my banner forever for nothing)
- Eliwood, Hector, and Lyn FE7
- I’ll put Roy here too despite never finishing FE6, he’s just been a fave of mine since I was like 8 and first played SSB Melee
- Lucina + Severa FE13 my beloved
- Felix FE16 *sweats*
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
- DELTHEA FE2/FE15 1000% she is my sweet little murder baby and I love her with all my heart
- NINO FE7 also sweet murder baby. Love her to death.
- Lilina FE6 murder baby #3
- Marianne FE16 my beloved
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
- Sothe FE9/FE10 <3
- Raven FE7 <
- Tana FE8 <3
- Caeda FE1/FE3 <3
- Elincia FE9/FE10 <3
- Owain / Odin FE13/FE14 <3
- Inigo / Laslow FE13/FE14 <3
- Soleil and Ophelia FE14 <3
- Rinkah FE14 <3
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
- I always loved Isadora FE7 for no other reason than pretty lady
- Mustafa FE13 is a cool character despite appearing for a total of one map midway through the game
- I simp for Flavia FE13
- I wouldn’t call her obscure given that FE16 is wildly popular but Kronya... Sexy... One-map appearance queen tbh. Genuinely wish she had a character arc. Sad times 
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
- I would never refer to Edelgard FE16 as a poor little meow meow but she gets relegated to problematic fave for being fascist
- I think Charlotte FE14 is unpopular because she’s “manipulative” and “deceitful” and “a bitch,” all of which are true, but consider this: I love her. She has a surprising amount of depth to her character for the tropes that she plays off of
- Okay I know every horny loser simps for Tharja FE13 bc big titty goth gf and everyone with a brain dislikes her for being hornybait and also a terrible fucking person (esp. to Robin and Noire) but unfortunately I am a horny loser so I love her
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason
- Raigh FE6
- Leonie FE16
- Hisame FE14. Straight to pickle plinko.
- Actually most of the cast of FE14 if I’m being honest
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
- Corrin FE14. eeby deeby superhell is Corrin tier.
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imaginefodlan · 5 years ago
What if Glenn had "survived"? with his face more or less mutilated and amnesiac (but Dimitri has tought that he was dead). Catherine finds him during a mission and bring him back to the monastery. Byleth sends a letter to (her husband) Dimitri, asking him to send Sylvain for a important thing. When the boy came, she says "I only asking you for a confirmation! The others are too hurted by that" "What?" "Please come with me!"(but D., F. and I. have followed Sylvain without him knowing) (+sylvix)
This gave me feelings.
So one day, Sylvain gets a letter by proxy through Dimitri, essentially saying that Byleth needs him to come to the monastery. It's very vague, and doesn't explain much of anything, so he's already kind of nervous, but he plays it off as a joke to the others. "Oh hey, Dimitri, you not taking good enough care of Byleth? She's calling me in, and being real discreet about mentioning why."
Dimitri knows this is Sylvain's coping mechanism with stress, so he lets it slide. "I'm sure that's not the case, although perhaps we should allow her to be the judge of that."
Anyhow, Sylvain is set up to leave at dawn, but he ends up leaving at dusk the evening before, since Byleth said the sooner his arrival, the better.
Sylvain arrives at the monastery, not knowing that he's been followed this whole way by Dimitri, Felix, and Ingrid, who saw him leaving the campsite early. (What can I say? Sylvain's not the most observant man in the Blue Lions house.)
Upon his arrival, he meets with Byleth in their old classroom, and is told "Catherine found someone during a mission. He has amnesia and his face is badly disfigured, so he can't tell us who he is. We have our own suspicions as to who he is, but we need someone who knew the person we think he is to ID him, and we believe that you're the only one who can do this without facing immense emotional distress. Will you do it?"
Sylvain is confused and more than a bit anxious, but he agrees. If he can help, he wants to. Meanwhile, just outside the door, Dimitri, Felix, and Ingrid are trying to piece together who this mystery person that Syvain allegedly knows might be. Is it Miklan? Or perhaps Margrave Gautier? Who else could it be?
It's not until Catherine and Shamir escort in a disfigured man with unruly, deep purple hair that Sylvain realizes can only be one of two people. For a moment, he thinks it could be Rodrigue, but there's no way that makes sense. Not when they saw him so recently. No, there's only one person this could be. This is- "Glenn?!"
Sylvain's shocked exclamation catches the attention of the three Blue Lions sneaking around just outside the classroom, so much that they topple over into the room from their hiding place.
Dimitri is the first one to recover and speak when he sees Glenn. "Byleth, you didn't mention this in your letter! How could you not tell me this?!"
Byleth's response is simple. "You had too much at stake if my hunch was wrong, all three of you. That's a risk I couldn't take."
Ingrid and Dimitri don't exactly like the answer, but they resign themselves to deal with it, because ultimately, Byleth isn't wrong, and arguing about it now does no good for anyone.
Felix, on the other hand, is some mix of livid, shocked, and amazed. "You- where did you find him?!"
Catherine explains what happened, how she found him on a mission somewhere along the what was known formerly as the border of Fhaergus and Adrestia. "He was there, just begging on the streets. Seems he's been a wandering beggar for a while now, from what the locals told me. With how far from Fhirdiad he was and how badly he's been injured, it's no wonder nobody could recognize him there. I don't know how he survived, but he did. I had a hunch about who he was, so I brought him back here to Byleth."
Felix spends his time listening to Catherine staring at this man, a shell of the brother he once knew. Once she finishes her tale, he addresses the man. "What do you remember?"
Glenn's eyes widen at being addressed so plainly, and a small spark of recognition shines in his eyes, although he can't quite tell why he recognizes this man and his mannerisms. "I- Not much of anything, if I'm honest. Did you... Know me?"
The hearts of every person in the room pang at those words. It hits all three of the childhood friends hard, though it affects none so painfully as it does Felix. "I- I'm your younger brother, Felix. This is Ingrid, she was your betrothed, once upon a time. And this is Dimitri, the now-king of Fhaergus, though you knew him as the crown prince who you guarded with your life."
Byleth rests a hand upon Glenn's shoulder when he jolts in surprise, sending a soft, slightly stern look to Felix. "I know this is a lot to take in, Glenn, and it must be hard to try and remember. We don't have to explain it all at once if you're not ready. There's plenty of time, and we can answer any questions you may have at your leisure. Why don't we go to the dining hall, and we can answer your questions while we eat?"
Glenn looks up at her from his seat and nods slightly. "Understood. I'd like to talk more about it over dinner, if that's alright."
Felix scowls slightly at Byleth's interjection, but begrudgingly agrees to her terms when Glenn affirms it's how he'd like to go about it. "Fine. Whatever gets this dealt with."
Byleth smiles softly at the brothers. "Alright then, that's what we'll do. Please forgive Felix, he's a bit of a sourpuss at times these days, and I'm sure this is overwhelming him nearly as much as it is you."
Glenn chuckles quietly. "Somehow, I could tell that much about him. Maybe that's some kind of brotherly instinct. I won't hold it against him."
Ingrid is in tears, overwhelmed by the sight of her (apparently alive) late fiancé. She's in awe that he's somehow still alive, and feels some kind of excitement bubbling up inside her at the posed opportunity to speak with him for the first time in so long. "I-" She sniffles. "I think that sounds lovely."
Dimitri, although still displeased with Byleth's well intentioned deceit, is also interested in speaking to his former protector and telling him all about his life. Although, he's anxious about telling him about the events that led to his disappearance and amnesia, and about explaining that everyone thought he was dead.
Ultimately, Sylvain is just happy to see Felix being somewhat less of a sourpuss as dinner goes on, catching more and more glimpses of the younger, more free-spirited, energetic Felix that they all knew and loved before Glenn's death.
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years ago
Recently watched a video about harry potter that talked a lot about how morality there is often presented not in terms of good actions but good people, where since people are good, every action they take is therefore good. I feel like that mindset encompasses a lot of Cap's writing. Woobiegard is good, therefore every action she takes has to be good and right actually.
That's a real good way to put it yeah.
Woobiegard had tried to kill her friends with Demonic Beasts, after tricking them into letting her army into the Holy Tomb - "well, actually, she felt really bad for having to do that to them, and honestly, they're the vain ones for ever getting mad at her for it in the first place.".
Woobiegard cheated on Byleth with Ingrid - "well, honestly, it was only a matter of time before those two did something, and it's weird that it didn't happen sooner, and besides, Byleth will totally understand so it's okay to never tell her it happened."
Woobiegard breaks her promise to distance herself from Thales and accepts Aymr, a Relic, which stands as a symbol upholding everything she supposedly hates and after two of her friends gave up their own Relics in honor of her ideals - "well, c'mon now, Woobiegard is the only family that matters, so of course those two don't mind her taking a Relic and no one has to talk about it ever again."
Woobiegard lies to them for a year regarding who's been attacking them and many people of Fodlan - "well, see, she had no ability at all whatsoever to not to do, so can she be blamed for doing nothing at all to try and stop it?"
Woobiegard has the Black Eagles kill innocent people, all because those people didn't want her to violently invade their homes and forcefully take it under her rule - "well, but, consider that the Black Eagles only ever actually show any regret or guilt for killing innocent people (and not just say that they feel it) when it's not for Woobiegard, that must mean that Woobiegard's cause is the right one to fight for."
It's like, yeah, there aren't any good actions - it's good people who are always good regardless of what action they take. Sure:
Vision!AM!Dimitri might have tried to comfort Vision!AM!Dorothea by saying that he will do his best to rule over Adrestia justly, even though she had just been an enemy who'd been trying to kill him and his friends... but Dimitri is a bad person. Bad people can't do good, and so Dorothea calls him a sanctimonious bastard, she slaps him across the face, she calls him a hypocritical conqueror
Rhea might have tried to get Cyril off of the battlefield during the pre timeskip siege on Garreg Mach, even though he is in fact a trained fighter and even though Garreg Mach is being severely outnumbered and undermanned... but Rhea is a bad person. Bad people can't do good, and so she gets chewed out for using child soldiers, she gets call uncaring.
This fic's Claude might have been trying to do literally exactly what Woobiegard herself says she's doing (conquering Fodlan in order to "better it")... but he's a bad person. Bad people can't do good, so he called deceitful, untrustworthy, dubious as opposed to Woobiegard, who is treated as though she's none of those things.
Like, the fic will go on and on about how "being good isn't easy!! it's hard being a good person!!" which, like, sure whatever, that's certainly something you can write about, but that sure as hell gets thrown out the window when all you have to do to be good is like Woobiegard and nothing else.
Accept her as the one true good force in all of Fodlan, and you too can become free of your burdens, your guilt, your awful deeds, and that annoying little thing called a conscious! Sure, you may say endlessly that you are Sad, and Guilty, but never fear little flower, for that will never genuinely impact you as a character! Your moral righteousness will always be pristine, especially in comparison to the horrible mean men/older women/world/fate/goddess/ that try oh so hard to FORCE you to make bad choices and FORCE bad things to happen to you! Your actions never cause any harm to anyone, it's always everyone else's fault that anything bad happens - because you're the good guys! Good guys can't do bad things silly!
Again, while an undeniable part of it does come from Cap'n just not wanting to admit that maybe CF and the Boo could possibly be wrong, I also think a lot of it comes down to him as a writer being afraid of actually having his characters be wrong or do bad things. And like, have those bad things be a result of the willful decision made by the characters because they as character had agency and used that agency to make those bad choices, not just “actually literally everyone else is to blame for me fucking up all the time.” 
It’s why, for example, Kronya’s “redemption arc” isn’t her slowly and gradually but nonetheless genuinely realizing that the choices she made were wrong, that she herself was wrong, that she as a person was not that good and that she needs to work on herself to be a better person (and that her want to better herself is a very good and essential starting point to redemption but is not redemption in and of itself) - it’s “she was actually completely innocent of anything ever and the only reason she ever did anything wrong was because Thales made her like that and all that needs to happen is that she has to unlearn all the evil that Thales put in her head,” despite the things in her behavior stating otherwise (whether canonically or even in the fic - again, she admits to finding personal enjoyment in hurting others). She doesn’t even have to live with any repercussions of her bad actions - Baron Ochs accepted her as a good person, it wasn’t her fault that Jeralt died this time, she doesn’t have to live with the name Kronya, Byleth never held any resentment towards her for Jeralt’s death, and everyone in the Black Eagles almost immediately accepted her as one of their own. Because if Kronya was a bad person, independent of any Bad Man Making Her Bad, then she’s actually irredeemable (in the eyes of a writer who doesn’t know how to work with a character like that). So, when Kronya did all of her bad actions, it wasn’t actually her doing any of that, but essentially Thales - a Bad Person - doing it through her. 
Which extends to pretty much everyone on Edelgard’s side. I think literally the only person who’s any kind of tolerable and hasn’t done or said anything too outrageously stupid (other than Marianne’s paralogue) is Linhardt. Can’t wait for that to stop being the case 💀💀💀
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fantasyinvader · 2 years ago
Sp. remember how Cipher uses quotes associated with SS for Edelgard?
I was looking through Cipher cards for the Lords, and I saw the original promotional cards for them. These were released before Houses even came out, and they all have quotes stemming from the prologue. Namely, this bit.
Edelgard: "You will prove a lacking ruler if you cannot see the truth behind a person's words."
Dimitri:"I've no desire to look for deceit behind every word, or fail to trust those whom I rely on."
Claude: "Personally, as the embodiment of distrust, I'd say your little exchange smack of naiveté."
These are the lines that first introduced Cipher players to Houses. Edelgard’s is especially concerning, considering that the full lyrics of Edge of Dawn spell out she lies to the player and if the player sides with her, the player doesn’t see the truth behind her words, they don’t become Fodlan’s leader in the end. WE WERE WARNED BEFORE THE GAME EVEN CAME OUT! Dimitri’s shows him taking people at face value and trusts his allies (SIGURD INTENSIFIES). Basically, a good boy but when endangered by the plots of those around him. Claude might talk about naiveté, but would someone really call themselves as “the embodiment of distrust” if they wanted to lead you astray. It’d be naïve to think he’d call himself that in seriousness.
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gascon-en-exil · 5 years ago
Your view on fandom is fair enough. I'd like to add that while Edelgard would make a good villain (and does on two routes), Dimitri, in his madman phase, makes an even better villain. I didn't enjoy his redemption arc because it was clumsily done and an absolute drag to actually play through, so instead I enjoy the idea of a formerly kindhearted man losing himself to the point of becoming an irredeemable beast.
This doesn’t work very well however, in large part because, like Claude, Dimitri just isn’t important enough to the plot outside his own route. 
In VW it’s treated as a major reveal that he’s still alive at Gronder, but after you defeat him he’s killed offscreen by Edelgard’s forces and that’s that. He’s an almost random obstacle and not even the focal point of that chapter, and his motivation is then posthumously validated by Dedue taking it up and reappearing in Enbarr to help Byleth’s army and take his revenge. In SS Dimitri’s only Part 2 appearance is Byleth (probably) dreaming/hallucinating him being remorseful for his behavior after the offscreen Gronder battle, which is even less villainous and more tragic because he never opposes the player. It is considerably more random however, and as such Dedue carrying out the same role that he does in VW feels less natural although one could infer the same events happened to trigger it. 
CF has Dimitri fully sane, with the easy visual symbolism of him still having both eyes, as he was never separated from Dedue and forced to go on the run by Cornelia. It would be overly generous to call him a hero antagonist however, as - again like Claude - he’s only relevant to the one chapter and gets no development outside it. There’s a symmetry to Edelgard getting to finish the hit she ordered in the Prologue by killing both of the other leaders, and Dimitri gets to shine in the tragic role of a leader defending his homeland from conquest via his reactions to the deaths of the other Lions and especially his secret death scene with Dedue, but he’s still not important or developed enough to be an antagonist much less evil enough to be a villain. One of CF’s structural problems is that its conflict lacks focus, with only Rhea even somewhat established as an overarching threat outside of the chapters where you fight her. That’s exacerbated by the route’s short length and breathless pacing, not to mention the hype for the postgame war against the Agarthans which is narratively unsatisfying to say the least. It really is just Edelgard and her precious teacher vs. the world, with Hubert having the supervillainous time of his life in the background.
With all that in mind I don’t see where Dimitri works as a villain. The opposition between Byleth and Edelgard is always front and center because the concept of an Avatar and lord fighting was the basic concept the game was built around. Even in AM where Byleth matters least and the protagonist/antagonist relationship works much better because Dimitri and Edelgard are both actual characters, the self-insert still plays a disproportionately large role in shaping events. This is a much bigger issue with AM than its pacing, which is easily the best of the routes and ends on a much stronger note of finality compared to VW and SS which have to keep going after Edelgard dies even though her war drives the plot of every route. That’s why she’s the antagonist for 3/4ths of the game, and why her being the source of the main conflict makes her villainous through her methods and the methods of her allies. 
Dimitri and Claude are bit players outside their respective routes, but one of the big reasons that people praise AM’s writing is that Dimitri’s character arc directly ties into the opposition between him and Edelgard through their history and her alliance with the people who perpetrated the Tragedy of Duscur. (This stands in contrast to Claude whose arc and motivations have nothing whatsoever to do with Edelgard, leaving her as only an obstacle to his ambitions with awkward implementation on account of VW being mostly a copy and paste of SS.) Parts of Dimitri’s development are rushed, but there’s an appreciable back-and-forth between him and his advisors as well as his established support network of full characters (read: not Byleth) who can criticize his actions and facilitate his growth. There’s also his framing, which is that of a traditional FE lord from start to finish with the subversive detour in the middle through his mental deterioration and eventual recovery. In their ending tapestries Edelgard is the red-draped conqueror with the smirking sorcerer in black behind her throne, Claude the yellow (in FE terms, neutral) statesman, and Byleth literally deified as the full realization of the self-insert fantasy - but for Dimitri the blue lord his ending involves playing with orphans in an image as benevolent as it is mildly saccharine.
And at least Dimitri has an arc; Claude has the aforementioned problem with his goals not aligning with the main conflict of his route, whereas if Byleth or Edelgard ever change at all they’re done by the end of Part 1 and after that they’re just seeing their stories through to the end. Another common critique of CF is that no one ever seriously questions Edelgard’s actions or challenges her in a meaningful way: Randolph and Ladislava’s death are almost comically unimportant, her response to the nuking of Arianrhod pivots not on the people who died or the betrayal from within but on her immediately lying about it to the Strike Force to further scapegoat Rhea*, and while before the final battle she raises the potential for conflict with Byleth being connected to the goddess and her children nothing comes of it other than Sothis’s Crest stone disappearing at the end for no apparent reason and Edelgard still getting her happy ending with Byleth anyway. While all that may be preferable for a power fantasy compared to AM repeatedly beating Dimitri over the head with his failings until he grows as a person, it’s not great for characterization. I also maintain that Hubert is a better center for CF as a power fantasy anyway, as he’s much more straightforward about his morally bankrupt actions and lacks the tonally dissonant scenes Edelgard has that are intended to play up her romance with Byleth. (He has comparable scenes of course, but they’re all confined to the support system where that sort of thing normally occurs and aren’t part of the main story.)
So to sum up, everything in FE16 outside of CF frames Edelgard as its main antagonist, and even in CF despite some commitment issues the signs of her villainy are still present. Dimitri by contrast is too secondary a character outside AM to ever be a proper antagonist, and too morally undeveloped and tragically framed in them to ever be a villain either.
*While CF Chapter 16′s title, “Lady of Deceit,” superficially refers to Cornelia, there’s some heavy irony in that it could just as easily apply to Edelgard herself considering it contains the most blatant instance of her lying to her supporters. Even before that, the chapter only happens because she feints toward Fhirdiad but secretly plans to besiege Arianrhod instead, to the confusion of several in the playable cast.
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crankywhenprovoked · 5 years ago
Beached.  Roceit.
This was a commision for @nightlovechild​.  Who asked for:
Roceit, going on vacation as buddies, but being alone and secluded makes desires come to the surface.
Notes: Deceit’s name is Dimitri, They are non-binary and intersex. (meaning they have both male and female genitals)
Dimitri sighed as they looked out at the waves, kicking the sand lightly with each swing of their feet.  In the cabin behind them, they could hear the timber of Roman’s voice, but couldn’t quite understand what he was saying.  Not that they didn’t have a pretty good guess.
It was supposed to be a friends weekend out at the beach house that had an amazing section of beach that was cut off by a line of trees and rocks.  Dee had been the first to arrive, getting everything opened up and making sure it was going to be liveable for the next two weeks.  They had been in the middle of getting the beds ready for all of the rest to arrive when Roman had shown up.
They had both nodded at each other as Roman claimed a bed, and Dee had claimed another, waiting for the rest.  Three hours later, when the sun was getting lower in the sky, they were starting to get worried about the others.  But a phone call and a lot of bad words later, the two were informed that they would be the only two there.
“Jack asses.”  Roman’s voice made Dee jump, looking over their shoulder.
“Did they give you a reason?”
“Not a very good one,”  Roman sighed, shaking his head as he sat down next to Dee.  “Don’t worry about it, both of us don’t need to be pissed at them.”
“I’m sorry that you’re stuck here with me.  Since neither of us is going to give up this vacation.”
“I know that we haven’t been the best of friends before, but can we try and put that all behind us?  At least for the next two weeks?”
“Act like besties for two weeks and then go back to hating each other?”  Dee laughed.
“I don’t hate you.”  Roman said softly.
Biting their lip softly, Dee looked over the waves again for a few moments, before nodding and holding out their hand.
“We can put the past in the past, at least for the two weeks.  And hey, maybe we’ll even like each other at the end of it all.”  Dimitri smiled as Roman wrapped their hand in his.
“Like that’s ever going to happen.  I could never like someone with a mohawk.”
“We’ll see about that, Prince posh.”
Roman let out a huff of air as suddenly there was a weight on his back, before Dee’s arms were wrapped around him.
“You up yet?”
“I’m going to say, no.”  Roman yawned, looking over his shoulder, blowing a raspberry as Dee’s hair got in his face.
“Well why not?”
“Because I’m on vacation, and I would like to sleep in?”
“You’ve had the past week to sleep in, plus it’s almost 10.  I could have woken you up at seven.”
Roman groaned as he smacked Dee’s arm, rolling over only for Dee to lay across his stomach, resting their face on their hand.
“Hi handsome.”  Dee smiled, making Roman laugh, pushing their face.
“Shut up.”
“Not unless you agree you’re getting up and getting breakfast with me.”
“If I must.”
Dee nodded, making Roman roll his eyes again before shoving at Dee’s shoulder, making them get up.  Following after them, Roman grabbed the closest pair of shorts and shirt, tossing them on before leaving the room.
“Just so you know, you invited me, means you’re paying.”
“Damn you’re a crappy date.”  Dee huffed, sliding on their shoes.
“Says the punk who did the inviting, and then is complaining about paying.”
“Just for that, you just invited me to get ice cream afterwards.  And since you invited, you get to pay.”
“That’s not how that works.”  Roman called after them, grabbing their wallet before slipping their shoes on.
Roman smiled softly as he watched the rain fall onto the sand, not able to even hear the ocean over it’s pattering fall.  Sitting cross legged, with his knees almost touching the wall at the head of his bed, leaning on the open sill.  He wasn’t even sure how early it actually was, but the soft glow of the sun behind the clouds made everything a soft gray.
Startling a little as there was a soft knock on the door, Roman looked over his shoulder as Dee peeked into the room.
“Hey, no fair.  Why do you have such a good view?”  Dee grumbled around a yawn.
“You do know that you could have picked this room, since you got here first.”  Roman laughed softly, patting the bed next to him.
Turning back to the window he heard Dee grumble again, before the bed dipped as they crawled towards him.  Letting out a small noise, Roman was shocked when he felt Dee moved in behind him, resting their chin on his shoulder.
“This isn’t what I meant, you know.”  Roman said softly, as Dee’s arms wrapped around his waist.
“Do you want me to move?”
Looking over his shoulder, eyes trailing over Dee’s face, taking in the softness of their features, the slightly mess of their hair.  Shaking his head, Roman looked back out the window, leaning himself back more into Dee’s embrace, holding their hands.  A calm silence spread between them as they sat together, watching the rain fall onto the sand.  As time went by, the sun came up more, turning the beach more into a peach tone.
“Do you think the rain is going to last all day?”  Dee asked, tilting their head to the side slightly.
“Not sure, I don’t think I’ve even really looked at my phone since we took those pictures with our ice cream cones yesterday.”  Roman said, looking at Dee again.
“Not even to check the instagram likes?  Wow, I’m impressed.”
Roman rolled his eyes, bumping Dee lightly with his shoulder, making them laugh, giving Roman’s waist a squeeze.  Letting out a small laugh, Dee’s face lit up a little as they gave Roman’s waist another squeeze, making him laugh again.  Squeezing Dee’s hands, Roman leaned back more against them, shaking his head, looking at them.
“See something you like?”  Dee teased softly, lips twitching in a smirk.
“And if I do?”  Roman asked, hand coming up to lightly rest on the back of their neck.
“Thought that you couldn’t like someone with a mohawk.”
“Guess you did change my mind,”  Roman huffed out a small laugh, pulling Dee closer.  “Can I kiss you?”
Nodding their head, Dee leaned in to meet Roman in the middle, pressing their lips together with a soft exhale.  Letting their eyes flutter shut, their hands pressed flatter to Roman’s torso, holding him close as they moved their lips against his.  Roman groaned softly, moving his hand down and turning himself around, wrapping his arm around Dee’s waist to move them further up the bed.
Dee arched a little as Roman pressed against them, hands moving over their arms before holding their wrists lightly to the bed.  A gasping moan left Dee as Roman’s hips pressed against theirs, cocks frotting together.
“Wait, wait.”  Dee breathed, Roman pulling back.
“Sorry, I’m sorry.”  Roman moved to pull back, Dee wrapping their leg around Roman’s waist to keep him in place.
“Don’t apologize, I’m liking the direction this is going.  I’m not going to admit that I’ve wanted this for a while now.  But there’s, fuck.”  Dee let out a breath.
“Hey, talk to me.”
“Ok, so.  I’m not, ugh.”
Roman tilted his head slightly, thumbs running over Dee’s wrists, waiting for them to get their words together.
“I’m not normal.”  Dee blurted, making Roman blink.
“You’re going to have to be more specific, Dee.”
“I know, I’m getting there.  And I know there’s really no such thing as normal, so don’t even.  But like, I’m a limited edition, extra pieces and everything.”
“Extra pieces?”
“I have both a cock and a vagina.”  Dee rushed out, their cheeks burning red.
Roman blinked fast as Dee’s eyes shifted away from his, squirming a little under him, fingers fidgeting.  Biting his lip, Roman’s eyes trailed over Dee’s cheeks, before they moved back to their eyes, that looked wet.  Letting go of their wrists, Dee looked a little deflated, jumping as Roman wrapped his arms under them.
“Look at me.”  Roman whispered.
Turning their face, Dee gasped as Roman leaned in, pressing his lips to theirs again, tempting them into a soft kiss.  Wrapping their arms around Roman’s neck, their breath picked up as Roman rocked into them again.
“If you’re comfortable letting me see you, then I’m honored, and still want you.”
Dee let out a shaky breath, nodding their head, whispering out a soft please, kissing Roman again.  Roman’s hands slide out from under them, trailing over their skin pressing Dee’s shirt up before pulling it off.  Dee tugged of Roman’s making him take it off as well, before pulling Roman back to them.  Rolling their hips up, Dee’s breath hitched as Roman kissed down their throat, sucking a mark on their skin.
“Those don’t fade fast you know.”  Dee moaned, fingers wrapping in Roman’s hair as he sucked another mark.
“I figured that it would blend in with the rest of your tattoo’s,” Roman smirked, making Dee squrim as he kissed down their chest and stomach, to the edge of their pants.  “Can I?”
Nodding their head, Dee breathed out as Roman pressed more kisses to their stomach, pulling their pants and underwear down.  Dee wanted so much to look away as Roman saw them in all their glory, but they just couldn’t.  Roman’s face was soft, his hands running over Dee’s legs, pressing them further apart.
“Tell me the rules down here.”  Roman said.
“Uhm, anything goes, as long as you want to.  You, fuck, you can jerk me off, or finger me.  Whatever.”
“What do you like?”  Roman asked, wrapping his hand around Dee’s cock, stroking them slowly.
“I-I don’t know, about others that is, I haven’t been with anyone recently.”
“Then how about just tell me if anything is too far, yea?”
“Yea, fuck, touch me.”
Roman smiled, moving his hand faster, watching Dee’s head fall back more into the bed, their legs opening wider.  Sliding his other hand up, Roman’s fingers brushed over Dee’s core, his fingers getting slicker with each touch.  Slipping one finger into them, Dee moaned loud at the duel sensation, Roman’s finger pressing deeper.  Arching their back more, they whined, begging for another finger, shivering as Roman obliged.
“Does it feel good?”  Roman teased, working his fingers faster, as he squeezed the head of their cock.
“S-so good, you’re really good with your hands.”  Dee squirmed, grasping at the bed.
Leaning in, Roman pressed kisses and nips to Dee’s skin, working his hands faster, his cock throbbing at the noises Dee was making.  Shifting on the bed a little, Roman tried pressing his legs together, groaning as Dee’s hips jerked up.
“Ro, please, can you,”  Dee trailed off, reaching out for him.  “Please, want you to fuck me.”
“You sure?”
“More than sure, come here.”
Thrusting his fingers faster for a few moments before slipping them free, Roman pulled his own clothing off fast.  Climbing up between their legs, Roman wrapped his arms under them, pressing their lips together.  Moving his hips a few times, he let out a soft groan as the head of his cock caught against Dee’s core.
“Ready?”  Roman asked, moaning loud as Dee wrapped their legs around him, pulling him inside.
“Come on, Stud.  We don’t have neighbors, make me scream.”
Roman moaned loudly, pressing their lips hard together as he started moving, their hips smacking together.  Dee’s nails pressed into Roman’s shoulders, working their hips up into Roman’s breathing hard against his lips.  No matter how many different ways Dee had tried to play with themself, they knew now it wouldn’t actually compare to this.  The solid weight on top of them, Roman’s cock filling them full, stomach pressing their cock between them.
“Fuck, you’re so hot.”  Roman breathed, pressing their lips together again, before pressing kisses to their throat.
“Inside or out?”  Dee teased, before letting out a long moan, Roman’s teeth pressing against their pulse.
“Both, like a furnace around me, so debauched looking under me.”
Dee let out a whimper as Roman left more marks on them, his hands sliding up Dee’s sides, pressing their wrists into the mattress again.  They always knew that Roman was attractive, but seeing him like this, looking at them with such a lustful look, made their head spin.
“Please, please touch me, make me come around you.”  Dee begged, biting their lip as Roman moaned.
“Such a dirty mouth.”
“You have no idea.”
A loud curse left Dee as Roman moved their wrists to under one hand, his other moving between them.  Wrapping around Dee’s cock, Roman worked his hand fast, moaning their name as they got tighter around his cock.  Roman’s head fell forward in a choked moan as Dee started coming, pulsing around his cock, moans ringing in his ears.
“Can, fuck, can I come in you?”  Roman moaned, trying his best to slow his thrusts, but the tight pull of Dee around him making it impossible.
“Fuck, yes!”  Dee shouted, his body shaking as Roman pressed forward, filling him.
As their bodies slowly stopped moving, Dee let out a contented groan, pulling their hands from Roman’s to wrap around his neck.  Pulling him gently, they pressed their lips to his, kissing him softly as Roman pulled them close again.  Slowly rolling them to the side, both let out soft groans as Roman slipped out of them.
“We should get cleaned up.”  Dee said, finally pulling back, shifting their legs.
“If we must.”  Roman sighed dramatically, making Dee roll their eyes.
Rolling out of the bed, Roman gathered the sheets while Dee headed into the bathroom, letting the door clothes.  Once Roman put the sheets in the washer, he cleaned up in the sink, before putting new sheets on the bed.  Fixing the blankets, Roman climbed into bed, pulling back the blankets on the other side.
A few minutes later, Dee made their way back out of the bathroom, cocking an eyebrow at the other side of the bed.
“Is that an invitation?”  They asked, sliding under the blankets when Roman nodded.
“It’s still raining, it’s the perfect amount of chill in the room, and just maybe I want to take a nap with you.”
“Even if I have a mohawk?”  Dee asked, moving so they were pressed against Roman, his arm wrapping around them.
“Even with your mohawk.”  Roman smiled, leaning in and pressing their lips together.
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sablesides-writing-corner · 5 years ago
“You’re leaving already? Nooooo~” For Moceit With Clingy Boyf Patton?
Patton had never really been in a relationship before, platonic, romantic, even his ties with his own family were always flimsy at best. By high school he'd given up on relationships in their entirety.
But then in sophomore year he made friends with one Janus Dimitri Bell. It was nice to have a friend, Patton felt like he finally had someone he could trust. They stayed up for hours a night just talking and laughing with him.
Then in senior year he asked Patton on their first date, and that's when things got awkward. The relationship was stable yes, but to Patton, it was to stable. To Patton this was the only true relationship he'd ever had, and dating meant there was a chance they might break up, and a breakup might mean they werent going to be friends anymore, and if they werent friends then Patton was back to square one.
Patton lay against Janus on the bed, Janus' arms crossed over Patton's torso, Patton's arm reaching behind Janus' head. This was bliss, everything quiet, still, and happy.
"Alright Pattycake, I've got a class to get to," Janus said.
"Aaaawwwweeee, do you have to leave already?" Patton looked up at his boyfriend, eyes wide with what seemed to be a mixture of fear and sadness.
"Yes patty darling, I have to get an education somewhere dont I?" Janus said. Reluctantly, Patton watched him get up.
Janus was taking classes at the nearby college, Patton was currently running an online shop for charms and other jewelry, he planned on being a stay-at-home father once they got married and adopted their first child.
It's not that Patton didnt like being home, he didnt like being home alone, Janus had suggested pets but they didnt have the money to support one, nor the time to go out looking.
"Patton! I'm home!" Janus opened the front door and Patton through his arms around the taller boy's neck, nearly toppling him in the process.
"Oh my darling what happened? You look like you've been crying!" Janus said, caressing the sides of Patton's face.
"I just missed you a lot more than usual," Patton said, holding his arms behind his back and looking at the floor.
"Patton. . . Darling I know it's hard, really I do, but we really do need to work on this! I cant be home all the time and I can see how stressed out it's making you," Janus said, lifting Patton's chin up.
"Dad called today. . ." Patton said.
"Oh my poor darling. . ." Janus said, hugging Paton closer to him.
"You know what Patty, I think I know what we need," Janus said as he swept Patton off his feet and brought him to the couch.
"What?" Patton said, tilting his head slightly.
"I have a friend named Virgil, he's looking to move apartments, he does art commissions, I think you two would get along well, and he wouldnt have to leave the house," Janus said, smiling. Patton felt the sinking feeling in his heart disappear almost instantly.
"You really think he'd like me?" Patton said.
"I do, Patton," Janus said, running a finger down the side of Patton's face.
So the arrangements were made. Patton and Virgil, much to the chargrine of Janus, caught on like a house on fire. Neither had a decent self-care routine, and most of the time if Patton wasnt cuddling Janus he was playing board games with Virgil.
Patton had all the things he needed, and he wouldnt trade that for the world.
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bloomandcoffee · 5 years ago
Is it possible that Dimitri and Edelgard could be foils in regards to their trust issues and the progression of their character in their respective routes? I remember there was a big post a while ago about Edelgards line in AM where she meets with Dimitri and ends up talking about how there is no way someone like Dimitri can understand the poor (a very out of left field line). Then it turns out that her actual japanese line translates to the following: (1/7)
“Someone who was fortunate enough like you to have those things, will never understand those of us who don’t have those things. ” I’ve seen people act like this entire line changes a lot about Edelgard and the scene in general, and while I agree that it makes more sense in context than the english line we got, I also dont think it puts Edelgard in a more favorable light. The problem is, Dimitri here is saying that he belives that even weak people are capable of supporting and (2/7)
lifting eachother up (in response to Edelgards ideals that people have to be strong on their own to survive), and that he has learned this from his friends and Byleth helping him when he was at his worst. So, the ‘things’ in Edelgards line can be replaced with 'the support and trust of ones friends and Byleth’, because that is what Dimitri has that Edelgard claims she herself doesn’t. The problem is pretty obvious at this point because this line doesn’t change wheter or not (3/7)
the players nabbed any Black Eagles from the Empire, so Edelgard says this even though its very possible she still has the support of her former classmates. It all just comes down to Edelgard going “Well, you were fortunate enough to have the professor to with you (that taught you those things), and you will never understand those of us that don’t have the professor (to teach us those things).” ('those things’ being trust in other people). Edelgard is basically stating that since she has (4/7)
no one she can trust, thats her motivation for going to the extremes she does, and compared to Dimitri she’s unfortunate (despite the fact that her war ruined his life) because he has Byleth by his side and she doesn’t. This sort of give a basis for a potential change in her if you play CF that actually doesn’t end up happening. Because compared to Dimitri, who does eventually try and reach out to his friends and rebuild their relationship despite him being a dirty murder hobo (5/7)
for over five years, in her route Edelgard never tries to reach out or justify herself to anyone that isn’t Byleth. She keeps everyone in the dark about her past, her motivations, and her connection with TWSITD. She still goes to the same extremes she does in any other route as confirmed by several NPC dialogues. Edelgard is a static character that never overcomes her lack of trust in others even with the help of the player (who is the sole exception to the no trust rule), (6/7)
while Dimitri overcoming his lack of trust and reaching out to others in AM (compared to Edelgards route constantly having others reach out to her instead) is arguably the biggest character development in the game. (7/7)
There are translation issues abound, not only in regards to our imperial lord, after all a key part of Dimitri’s and Dedue’s relationship in CF was cut off by the translation. Nevertheless, that is a wonderful point anon.
She’s never open to trust, nor does she try to reach someone else. Not even with Lysithia who is someone that suffered the same as her. Be it a product of bad writing, trauma, waifu MC-sexual bait, whatever you want to call it; fact remains that she doesn’t reach out, and in fact openly deceives even if Byleth is with her. 
The fact that she only does it with Byleth is more suspect than genuine. At least to me. For a route that advertised you reaching for her hand, there was an absurd lack of imperial Majesty genuine hand offering to those around her. 
I always remember how in VW she gets this whole “I wanted to reach for your hand :C” after taking over Enbarr, and I only thought how self serving of someone who used her people as human shields and benefitted from crimes against humanity, to lament about not having support or trust. 
It also comes to mind that in CF Dimitri is in a far better headspace than he is in all the other routes, and that he has both the trust and support of his people. After all, Kingdom soldiers (aside from Dedue) go behind his back (taking Dedue’s lead!) to transform into crest beasts in order to both protect King and Country. 
Byleth isn’t with Dimitri, heck all the BLions may be recruited, but with Rhea’s help he pulled through and avoided Cornelia’s backstabbing. He still has issues, of course, but he’s in a much better headspace, and has earned the loyalty and love of his people. The fact that Kingdom Soldiers follow the plan made by a man from Duscur? It speaks quite a lot about the kind of cultural shift that ought to be in motion in Faerghus all those five years. 
Dimitri (and Dedue!) reaching out, establishing trust and support with other people can happen even if Byleth is not with them. It’s just a matter of circumstances. 
Byleth is in fact key essential for Dimitri’s and Dedue’s survival. Yes, throughout the route they help the lions bond more, but the social networks they create carry their own weight aside from Byleth.
I have to say however that, as beautiful and tempting as his CF state of mind is, Dimitri’s journey in AM is far more poignant. Not only because of his trauma, establishing connections, fall from grace, resolution and eventual clawing back –but how brutally honest it is with him and all those around him. It’s a feedback loop of connections and supports that go both ways, and how it can both harm and heal. Heck even recruited units react to him, and comment on him, his behavior, and what they expect of him regardless of possible supports or not. 
Trust and support is a two way street, and IS allowed Dimitri to interact with the world and the world to interact back. 
Also, as a funny trivia, when Dimitri talks about trust and not looking for deceit behind every word, he’s in fact the only lord who hasn’t done a betrayal of his fellow lords at that point.  
Edelgard had hired Kostas to assassinate her fellow lords and future leaders of foreign nations. Whereas Claude, though his betrayal is nowhere near Edelgard’s extreme, had tried to bail out and leave them for dead. 
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