thischarmingamy · 8 months
Frazzled & Gastroparesis
My body is so tired and my vision is blurry, but I’m wired! It’s not Red Bull or anxiety keeping me up. It’s steroids. I’m on a course of dexamethasone (AKA Decadron) to break up an intractable migraine that I’ve had since January. Decadron sounds like the name of a demon from Supernatural or maybe even a Transformer? The good news: the steroids are working and the migraine is finally ebbing.…
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bitchy-peachy · 3 months
I think the reason I still feel high af is that combo of benadryl and deCABRON they gave me pre-chemo. I was even hallucinating shit that happened almost 20 years ago (like when I punched my ex-mil for grabbing my ponytail.
She didn't expect a fist on her face cos I box, I ain't into pulling hair bullshit.
But while I was outta it I felt like I literally time traveled. I also had a "time travel" moment to the time I was walking home from school and some creep chased me into the woods and I climbed a tree and stayed there for hours... who knows what he could have done to me if he had caught me.
He literally had been hunting me. A grown ass man. My survival instincts kicked in so fast I out-ran him and thanked having awesome male cousins that showed me how to climb trees like a spider monkey (to this day I have strong arms that can lift even heavier weight than me thanks to that technique) and taught me how to hide and stay perfectly still during our hunting/chase games.
I was only 8 years old ffs. Why am I remembering this weird shit while under meds? At least it's diminishing now. I hate how these substances make my brain act all weird.
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strugglefortheair · 5 months
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drpedi07 · 1 year
Steroid Conversion Calculator
The Steroid Conversion Calculator converts steroid dosages using dosing equivalencies. Online calculator to convert equivalent doses of steroid compounds.
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thaisibir · 8 months
Phantom Thieves react to getting anesthesia: headcanons from a real anesthetist
Ren: wakes up unusually chatty, thinks the recovery room nurse is Sae in the interrogation room, talks about all the stuff he has to do to increase his social stats
Ryuji: won't shut up about being a Phantom Thief and rats out his friends as Phantom Thieves (fortunately none of the OR staff believe him because they chalk it up to post-op delirium)
Ann: confesses her undying love to the recovery room nurse taking care of her (which destroys Morgana)
Yusuke: wakes up reciting a very long list of all the hospital food he wants to eat, ends up not eating for a while due to having the terrible luck of previously undiagnosed post-op nausea and vomiting (PONV sucks, and known history of it in a patient definitely affects the anesthetic plan. A lot of drugs in our disposal have anti-nausea properties: propofol, decadron, zofran being the most common. But a bunch of others can do the exact opposite and cause nausea: opioids, anesthetic gas, etomidate (which I call vomidate) etc. It's a careful balance of what meds to use and which to avoid, and it depends on the patient.)
Makoto: wakes up alternating between yakuza movie quotes and swearing every other word from surgery pain (a bad habit she got from Sae, who swears like a sailor out of work stress when she thinks Makoto can't hear)
Futaba: takes fore-fuckin'-ever to get to sleep, gets slugged with enough medication to knock out a 100 kg 6 foot tall man (redheads are known for needing higher than average anesthetic to go past the threshold of consciousness and awareness. This is actual book knowledge plus my own clinical experience. Futaba would be a real chore to anesthetize.)
Haru: wakes up throwing hands, swinging fists and feet into OR staff, keeps asking for her axe, has to be restrained to the bed until enough sedatives kick in to calm her down (little kids, teenage girls and big healthy guys tend to wake up violently as the anesthetic wears off. The solution and wonder drug for this: precedex.)
Morgana: makes a weepy proposal to Ann, launches into verbal treatises and theories on the psychology of the Metaverse (which just sounds like incoherent meowing and yowling to the vets)
And for the honorary PTs:
Sojiro: the amount of gunk and spit suctioned out of his mouth before removing the airway device is through the roof (suctioning the mouth and throat is super important during emergence of anesthesia, so that stuff doesn't make the vocal cords spaz out and slam shut, which is laryngospasm, an airway emergency. Smokers tend to produce excessive oral secretions, and if they smoke enough, it can even look gray and brown. Lovely huh?)
Sae: has a low heart rate in the 40s that kind of unnerves OR staff, but that's only because she's very athletic (very fit people can have pretty low baseline heart rate, because exercise remodels the heart to optimize blood output for less work/heart rate. Normal heart rate range is 60-100 bpm, but I've seen Ironman type athletes have 30-40 bpm.)
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cyberhai · 11 months
Roid rage is real. Got a syringe of decadron shot into my left ass cheek and I'm one stats problem away from causing 9/11 Part 2
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rill · 15 days
stop i looked up decadron because i was wondering about this magical medication was the only thing that could fix bruce's broken back wnd it's literally just dexamethasone . a corticosteroid. brother that is nothing . i can suspend my disbelief about everything else but bad pharmacology is where i draw the line
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bangyeoll · 22 days
Depois do caso do soro da paciente eu realmente tava prestando atenção, chamamos duas pacientes para fazer medicação intramuscular mas eu não reparei q as duas TINHAM O MESMO NOME
No final a paciente era tomar Decadron e eu fiz voltaren, pesquisei e para o diagnóstico dela o voltaren até ajuda (não como o Decadron) mas porra e se ela fosse alérgica?????
Sério eu vi isso acontecendo várias vezes com meus colegas de trabalho e eu sempre condenava eles mas agora tô aqui fazendo igual
De uma tempos para cá eu tô comentando tantos erros e isso tá me desanimando, eu não entrei na enfermagem para colocar ninguém em risco
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drsonaldelhi · 1 year
In Delhi, who is a reputable neurosurgeon with expertise in brain tumor treatments, and what specific techniques do they utilize to ensure precision during surgeries?
Seeking treatment for brain tumors in Delhi? A skilled neurosurgeon can guide you. Brain tumors come in benign and malignant forms, each with unique growth patterns of cancer cells. Treatment decisions hinge on tumor type, grade, overall health, and individual circumstances. Surgery, notably craniotomy, is often recommended, employing specialized techniques like MRI or CT scans and a head frame for precise tumor and surrounding tissue removal. Biopsy confirms the presence of tumor cells. Treatment options encompass radiation, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy, addressing specific genetic mutations causing cancer. Typically, a combined approach involving these treatments is preferred. Additionally, steroid drugs like dexamethasone (Decadron) may be prescribed for reducing swelling and pain. Anticonvulsant drugs can also be provided to manage or prevent seizures.
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bitchy-peachy · 5 months
Now I find out that the reason why I had such a bad reaction to 4 bag of chemo was cos my chemo was the "red devil". Like dang, my doctor had a lot of confidence in my immune system handling it.
Yes, I'm getting better but HOLYSHIT.
Doxorubicin is a powerful chemo that can total a person 😭. (I can barely even spell this fucking shit. I've had so many treatments tested on me that I get confused but at least now I know why I ended up so bad)
I should have known something was up with that red urine and the stains. I thought it was blood but it's called as The Red Devil cos liquid is red and yes can make you piss red ink. Literal red ink. It wasn't blood but INK.
Ahhhhhhh this shit is terrifying wtf. I need to drink more water, I thought I was getting an average run of the mill chemo. Not this one. I need to take better care of myself damn.
Didn't know he pulled out something that strong on me on the first round and plus it's super expensive.
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No wonder my insurance is being a twat.
He's also prescribed Arimidex which ain't that big a deal... I've been taking it since last year since I found out my diagnosis.
I refused to take steroids even though in refuses my bones hurt more. (Yes the steroids are supposed to make us a little "sturdier" to handle these treatments but... they were causing awful mood swings, heart problems, sudden adrenaline rushes, etc... I had a very bad reaction to prolonged use. I called it DeCABRON instead of decadron (the steroid name).
Doctor thought the new name was funny.
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recovery4ever · 1 year
Dangers of Mixing Oxycodone and Alcohol: Health Risks and Side-Effects
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Mixing oxycodone with alcohol is a dangerous combination. Oxycodone is a prescription opioid used for pain relief and management and is also highly addictive. When combined with alcohol, there can be life-threatening consequences. Not only can the user face extreme physical and psychological harm, but they can also be more prone to addiction. When looking for help with oxycodone and alcohol dependence, it’s important to take advice from the experts at addiction treatment centers. When oxycodone and alcohol are mixed a few things can happen. A user could experience a reaction known as mutual potentiation, where both substances are stronger together than on their own. This could lead to an overdose. Another symptom could be slowed or impaired breathing. Those who take both oxycodone and alcohol can also increase the risk of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. In extreme cases, this combination can lead to coma, seizures and even death. It’s essential to know the risks of mixing oxycodone and alcohol and the best way to protect oneself and loved ones is to get help. There are many resources available to those struggling with addiction. Here are a few key takeaways:
Mixing oxycodone and alcohol can lead to serious physical and psychological harm
Mutual potentiation is when both substances are stronger when taken together than on their own
Seeking professional help from drug rehabilitation centers is essential
All drugs, including prescription opioids, can become addictive if not used as directed. Oxycodone is no exception and mixing it with alcohol can be even more damaging. Before combining any substance, it’s important to consider the risks and only use decadron under the direction of a medical professional. Getting help from professional addiction treatment centers is the best way to get on the path to recovery.
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statesandcounties · 1 year
Decadron: Weighing Its Advantages and Disadvantages 1. Prednisolone Sodium Phosphate (Prelone) 2. Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate (Solu-Medrol) 3. Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate (Celestone Soluspan) 4. Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate (Solu-Cortef) 5. Triamcinolone Acetonide (Kenalog) Introduction Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate, commonly known as Decadron, is a medication that belongs to the class of corticosteroids. It is primarily used to treat inflammation in different parts of the body, including the skin, joints, eyes, and respiratory system. The medication is also used to treat var... Read More. https://statesandcounties.com/2023/06/22/dexamethasone-sodium-phosphate-decadron-dexamethasone-sodium-phosphate-decadron-for-inflammation-treatment/?feed_id=5939&_unique_id=649b2ae03b367
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ismaliasolitaria · 1 year
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Lamotrigina, escitalopram, decadron e o rivo
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Fresh to death
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We call it "brain tumor salad". After I was misdiagnosed with a (almost certainly deadly) astrocytoma, if not glioma, my brother in law and a law school friend decided to take care of us, and one Ted Reinbold made us a salad of shaved fennel, lemon thyme, grapefruit and parsley. I was enjoying the effects of decadron at the time, so anything this refreshing seemed like a good way to deal with all the water retention. I thought Ted made this up, but I have seen it in magazines since. I think he also made some banh mi?
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bbcphile · 3 years
Remember when I was all excited that I had found a steroid that wouldn’t flare my CPTSD and cause panic attacks and flashbacks?
Yeah, about that . . .
At least it took a week for those side effects to kick in? Only 5 more days left.
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wendybrow · 5 years
Tomei benzetacil pela primeira vez na minha vida
Eu morro de medo de agulhas, nunca tomei benzetacil nem decadron, tomei logo as duas de uma vez por causa de uma febre que não baixava de jeito nenhum...
Eu já estava tremendo antes de me chamarem pra medicação, pedi paciência pra enfermeira, porque eu não estava preparada psicologicamente pra minha sentença... Ela foi super gentil comigo, mesmo quando eu baixei a calça e deixei a bunda de fora sem saber que não precisava.
Quando ela passou o álcool pra primeira aplicação, eu comecei a recitar os nomes da Daenerys Targaryen em voz muito mais alta do que o necessário. Na real, eu achei que estava recitando de cabeça até chegar na parte dos Sete Reinos.
A benzetacil foi ainda pior. Eu congelei no lugar, soltei um urro pior que o do Shrek e depois disse com o desespero nítido na voz “Eu tô bem, já passou! Eu tô bem, tô bem!”
Saí da sala rindo de nervoso e de dor, com lágrimas nos olhos, a postura mais ereta que eu já tive e todos os olhares dos pacientes e funcionários em mim, enquanto eu cruzava o corredor até a saída parecendo o Seu Madruga depois de queimar os fundilhos com a cola quente.
A minha mãe tava me esperando lá, rindo da minha cara congelada pelo trauma, e a primeira coisa que eu falei foi “Foi muito mais tranquilo do que eu imaginei...”
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