wh40kartwork · 1 day
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by Deborgant
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David DeBorges
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giffingthingsss · 1 year
I never liked the ‘break for mind meld’ part honestly. Paused the action and I found it kinda hard to buy, but hey.
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beethereal-knight · 3 months
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Raziel joins Che'Moer's research for a bit of that cozy chaos atmosphere
For @Mako85art & @deborgant
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skinnedbutalive · 1 year
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This pic is dedicated to the joke about Raziel tasting like a fried bacon. "Human chop tastes better. (c) Che'Moer, a few seconds before death.
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fromcommorragh · 2 years
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OCs Dilara of Savash, Rogue Trader Masari Bonnefoy and Sister Famulous Vernetta by Deborgant for @DilaraCC1, @ThatRogueTrader and @Techpriest_Trix on twitter
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weepylucifer · 4 years
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a poem about loneliness
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fuukonomiko · 3 years
Absolutely Heretical!
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Erebus by Deborgant
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Le père Louis, Mimar et Marius Pluche, étaient grands joueurs de cartes. D’interminables manilles servaient de prétexte pour boire. Pluche montrait de la hardiesse dans le choix des consommations. Tandis qu’on distribuait les cartes, il inspectait du regard les bouteilles alignées derrière le comptoir. Les nouvelles étiquettes allumaient dans ses yeux des convoitises d’enfant. Il déchiffrait : chambéry-fraisette. – Hé, Mimar ! Tu paies un chambéry-fraisette ? Mimar, entêté dans ses habitudes, grommelait : – Les nouveautés, ça ne me dit rien. Moi, j’en reste au Pernod. Lecouvreur, qu’ils obligeaient à jouer avec eux, se levait dès qu’il pouvait, pour remplir les verres. Ce jeu l’excédait. Toujours les mêmes discussions, les uns qui en tiennent pour « l’amer », les autres pour « l’anis », celui-ci qui est « unitaire », celui-là qui est « cégétiste », et tout ça vociféré comme si le sort du monde devait en dépendre. Pendant qu’il jouait, Louise, au comptoir, servait les clients. Le père Deborger commandait un bordeaux rouge, Dagot un vieux bourgogne. Constant, le typographe, exposait les raisons pour lesquelles il avait lâché sa maîtresse, à Benoît, un armurier : – Une salope ! répétait-il, ponctuant ces mots de coups de poing sur le « zinc ». Auprès du poêle s’installaient Volovicht et sa femme, ancienne pupille de l’Assistance. Le mari, grand blessé de guerre, commandait un café nature, sa femme un café rhum ; les jours de paie, ils buvaient tous deux un grog carabiné. Vers 11 heures, la porte claquait et entrait en chantonnant Gustave, le pâtissier. Il était toujours ivre, prêt à débiter des histoires surchargées comme des rêves. – Voilà Tatave ! s’écriait Mimar. Il posait ses cartes. – Paie-nous une tournée ! Eugène Dabit, L'Hôtel du Nord, 1929.
Saint-Germain-de-Joux, Ain.
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wh40kartwork · 23 hours
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by Deborgant
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cassyblue · 5 years
☕ seven of nine (god if I got the numbers wrong I'll die bc I am too lazy to google it)
good news you got it right otherwise i would have texted you and been like, giselle, GISELLE. 
Ok so this is going to be kinda long because there are three points I am going to touch on: The way that Seven of Nine’s agency is depicted, The dynamic between Seven of Nine and Janeway, and Finally the romance written for seven of nine. 
1) Agency
Seven of Nine was assimilated in the borg collective when she was around 8 or 9. By the time that Voyager finds her, she is in her 20s. She has been in the collected for pretty much all her life. She is used as an representative for the borg queen when the crew of Voyager encounter her. Uh I think that’s right, The last time I watched voyager was in 2016. 
The Voyager crew, particularly Janeway, decide to rescue her from the borg collective without her say in the matter because you know she’s assimilated by the borg so surely she has no agency. Which is pretty much the same thing essentially since she is not given the choice by the crew of Voyager to join them or stay with the borg.  There is this focus on Seven reclaiming her humanity which I honestly fucking hate. 
So basically, the Crew of Voyager separates her from the collective and basically figures out how to deborg her which they do. All this time, in the brig Seven is begging for them not to do it because it hurts her. It is essentially torture for her to be unassimulated. It could kill her. But despite Seven’s cries of pain and begging for it to stop and for them to let her go, Janeway refuses. This is painted as some heroic act of saving this girl from the horrible horrible borg and teaching her to regain her humanity and culture. But it’s not that. It’s literally conversion therapy. 
They remove most of Seven of Nine’s external nonorganic parts and the only things they leave is literally the hand veins, the thing on the side of her face. Not only that but they put her in a cat suit that’s supposed to mimc the borg nonorganic parts that were removed so that Seven doesn’t get sick? This choice honestly can be blamed on Rick Berman because everything is LITERALLY his fault. Seven wasn’t given any choice of clothing to wear regularly basically. They completely take bodily agency from her in choosing how she presents physically. 
Seven is treated as a child in many occasions because she is learning to be human again. Despite the fact she is human and a capable being. It’s infuriating that they are basically trying to recondition her. 
Did the borg do wrong? Yes, they forcibly assimulated Seven of Nine as a child. Did the crew of Voyager do wrong? Abso-Fucking-lutely. Neither groups fucking gave Seven agency over her body.   The two episode arc was so upsetting that I cried during it because it was horrid and disgusting the way the writers treated the matter.
2) Seven of Nine and Janeway dynamics
Seven/Janeway shippers you are not going to like my thots in this section. One, I know that Seven of Nine and Janeway was an huge ship when the show was running and fans were lobbying the writers and RICK BERMAN THE EVIL for it to happen because you know in DS9 there was the girl kiss in reunion. But yeaaaah Rick Berman being the giant piece of poop from a dumpster he is, was like nope never happening. So that’s the context. It remains a popular ship. 
So here’s the thing. There is a huge power imbalance between Janeway and Seven that makes the ship really squicky for me. As you see above in the agency section, Janeway REFUSES to listen to Seven when she’s literally crying and sobbing and asking for them to stop the process. Janeway is so focused on this idea of saving this girl instead of fucking listening to the girl. Furthermore Janeway takes on this teacher / mother role for Seven. She gives Seven lessons on how to regain humanity. She is always acting as a guide or older more experienced source that knows best even if it is not the best for Seven. Seven quite honestly was her most vulnerable after the deborging and Janeway stepped in the teacher/mother role. Seven also turns to Janeway for emotional support which completely baffles me. Like this is the thing, I literally do not understand how Janeway and Seven have this positive relationship dynamic. Janeway literally ripped Seven away from her family and her life. It just ugh bad WRITING. 
3)Seven of Nine and Romance
Seven of Nine is probably one of the MOST sexualized star trek characters. The costume required Jerri Ryan to not only wear a skin tight suit, but also a corset (badly made at that), and stilletos. The costume took some time to get into and it caused Jerri Ryan back pain (because the corset was TOO TIGHT. They normally do not if they are probably fitted).  This once again Rick Berman’s fault. 
So first off we have the emh doctor being incredibly creepy to Seven of Nine because he has romantic hots for her. Seven has to tell him she only wants a friend but he doesn’t stop being creepy until a big fight between them. So That romance subplot sure doesn’t make any sense. 
Then there were the special borgs that could maintain individuality outside of the collective, there was one that Seven had a crush on. Honestly that part really wasn’t that badly written. 
Then the fucking final straw, the complete out of the blue, no previous writing support, pairing of Seven of Nine and Chakotay. Backgroun, Chakotay was Janeway’s love interest for the first couple seasons and it was quite good chemistry until I guess the writers just completely dropped it. And then the lobbying of the Seven/Janeway shippers got really intense toward the end of the show so you know what happened? Seven suddenly gets shoved with Chakotay which is the most what the FUCK out of all characters. Seven had never viewed Chakotay as an romantic interest or anything beyound colleague until the second to last episode of voyager when she starts to have like fantasies about him and turns out he is into her which like was never written in any of the other plots. It just was like WHAT THE FUCK where did this come from. Answer: Rick Berman cockblocking the femslashers. It was a bad decision and honestly made the finale arc disappointing. Like Star Trek ending arcs tend to be lackluster (don’t @ me tng, tos, and VOY fans). DS9 was probably the most decent one because at least it had followed the previously established relationships instead of bringing this out of the fuckin blue. 
So tdlr: Seven of Nine’s character was treated pretty crappy despite all the interesting angles that could have been pursued. I am hoping that the writer’s Star Trek Picard treat her character better, which may be a really good possibility since Patrick Stewart was heavily involved in the story writing. Historically he has stood up for his female colleagues when they had to deal with sexism from the producers (RICK BERMAN). However, If I hear Seven of Nine utter, “My husband Chakotay” I will literally drive to Rick Berman’s house and egg and tp it. 
Anyways I also have lots of parallels that can be talked about Seven of Nine, Breq, and Murderbot but I already probably wrote like a thousnad words at this point and its midnight and i have early morning work tomorrow. 
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e-z-squeeze · 2 years
7 of 9 getting deborged had way more chutzpah than that twink hue
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skinnedbutalive · 2 years
Hi! I would like to enquire about your commissions if you are available for some 40k fanart. Thank you!
Yes, I'm currently open for commissions :) Please, contact me on twitter for more details (here's the link: https://twitter.com/deborgant ), because i still can't communicate on tumblr properly.
If you won't be able get in touch with me there, send one more message here and I'll come up with alternative ways :)
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victorcoswig · 7 years
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Imagem é minha mas o texto é do amigo @prof.ricardoviana. O link do artigo está na Bio e neste sábado falo mais dele junto com o lindo do @drpaulogentil (Imagem 2). Recentemente, o nosso grupo publicou mais um artigo (Viana et al. 2018) sobre essa temática. Dessa vez o protocolo estudado e pesquisado foi o tal 'Protocolo Tabata'. . Para evitar qualquer má interpretação do protocolo original e dos resultados do nosso estudo segue um explicativo: . O Protocolo Tabata é na realidade fruto de dois protocolos utilizados e publicados em estudos diferentes (Tabata et al., 1996 e 1997). Que consiste em: . ➡7-8 esforços de 20seg a uma intensidade de 170%da iVO2max, intercalado com ➡Descansos: passivos de 10seg. ➡Equipamento: bike ➡Cadência: 85rpm . Pronto! Agora podemos seguir! . Devido às falácias e grande popularidade desse protocolo tentamos reproduzi-lo em laboratório. Entretanto notamos que os participantes geralmente não conseguiam completar 4 esforços na intensidade sugerida. Por isso testamos outras duas intensidades. Em resumo foram realizadas 3 intervenções oscilando apenas a intensidade: . 1 - 115% da iVO2max 2 - 130% da iVO2max 3 - 170% da iVO2max . Os resultados mostraram que: ➡A intensidade de 115% da iVO2max foi a única que possibilitou chegar aos 7-8 esforços. ➡Os participantes alcançaram durante as intervenções um VO2 tão alto quanto ao alcançado em teste incremental. ➡Os participantes passaram mais tempo (em média quase 1min ) com VO2 > 90% do VO2max quando realizaram o protocoloTabata a 115% da iVO2max. E esse tempo caiu conforme o aumento da intensidade nas outras intervenções. ➡Todos os participantes reportaram ao final dos protocolos uma percepção subjetiva de esforço de 20 na escala deBorg (6-20). . Com base em todos esses resultados concluímos no estudo que: ➡A intensidade sugerida para realizar o número de esforços realizados no artigo original (Tabata et al. 1996 e 1997) é a de 115% da iVO2max. ➡Intensidades entre 115 e 130% da iVO2max devem ser utilizadas para aumentar o tempo acima de 90% do VO2max. O que é algo muito interessante para melhoria do condicionamento cardiorrespiratório. (em Campus Castanhal - UFPA)
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skinnedbutalive · 2 years
I would love to wait a while for a commission from you! Sadly I can't message you in DMs at least on mobile but I'd love to anyway.
Hi! :)
I don't know what exactly is wrong with my tumblr, but my messages just... disappeared. It happened a few hours ago, i have already contacted support team, but, ugh.
Until the problem is fixed you (and everyone interested) can write me on twitter! Here's the link:
I'm not really active there, but that'll do for a while :)
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