#debated whether or not to add the section abt me following a sound in
oriocookie · 1 year
orion can i hear more about the satanic cult that you discovered ?? /nf
ok disclaimer: idk if they actually worship satan. they were probably a cult tho
where to begin?
this was like 3 years ago? we were allowed to go outside and run around for gym. our school backs up to a forest with a couple cool paths and some wreckage (cars, houses, etc.) scattered around in there and i had no friends in that class so i was out by myself in the middle of the woods.
i was climbing around a leftover chimney when i heard smth break out in the woods. like any good white person who doesn't realize they're the new star of a horror movie, i followed the sound. i think i thought it was a deer and wanted to take pictures.
anyway i couldn't find anything so i went back to continue making terrible decisions about height and my ability to climb things.
then there was a man in a white and gold shirt. staring at me. as i'm sitting on top of a broken down 60s car.
i wave, assuming he works for the school OR hes from the nearby neighborhood.
he doesn't move.
i get nervous and take my phone out of my pocket so i can call the cops if necessary.
he waves back (its weird looking. stilted.) and then turns to leave
i shrug it off, assuming he was a dude who wasn't expecting to see a 5'2 gremlin in the woods at like 10am. i start walking the way he came, not wanting to follow him and risk looking creepier.
thing is: its misty out. just misty enough to make the dirt path muddy and sticky. i get to the creekside and notice a trail of footprints across the old bridge (we were told as elementary schoolers not to go on the bridge bc it was dangerous).
i, Certified Idiot, follow the footprints across the bridge. gravity falls trained me well and by well i mean horribly.
the footprints kinda disappeared when i got to the other side of the bridge, so i was just poking around. the entrance to the spot i'm in atm is known for being flooded because the creek basically surrounds it, so no cars are ever here, and no one else ever goes here.
at least that's what i thought.
there wasn't anyone there when i crawled through unripe blackberry bushes and stood up in the middle of a stone clearing, but it was creepy as all hell.
it looks like a building fell down but people kept showing up. was very weird. i turned the hell around and left, deciding id like to live, actually, and booked it back to the main paths.
when i went to english, i couldn't stop thinking abt it, so i was telling my friends about it, and i pulled out my phone's maps app to show them where i had been.
it was labeled. with a little church emoji and the words [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME]'s Secret. i didn't know who that person was, and googling it had no clear results at all, but my friends reaction to something called secret was loud enough that the teacher came over to look.
i showed her the map and explained what had happened. she said she hadn't heard of that place in 27 years of teaching, and she didn't like my story bc it creeped her out.
i shrugged it off.
within the next week, all anyone could talk about was the busted cult in the woods. according to lex (name omitted, but the best way to find something out is through them), my english teacher had called the cops on the place, saying someone was trespassing on the school grounds. the cops, having nothing better to do, staked out the place and arrested a group of older, white, middle-aged men.
all wearing the same white and gold shirt.
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