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gaileon · 6 years ago
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✦ —— ❝ so, uh... ❞ it's not often he has to rely on a vocal pause, thinking just speaking from the heart the easiest and best route normally; however, with nothing to say, alm falters and uses it as a crutch. he had been hoping to run into the man sometime before his coronation ceremony, but now that the man was in front of him, he realizes he didn't plan a course of action.
         heh. yet somehow that was just like him. he supposes celica did more than enough thinking for the both of them. when that thought enters his head, his troubles seem like nothing at all suddenly for an answer comes to him albeit a clumsy one-- a casual one more fitting for him than any grand order or big question: ❝ you wanna grab a drink ? i got some wine from back home and i don't really drink too much. ❞
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piouspromise · 6 years ago
“ i’m not afraid of death, i think it’ll be peaceful. ” oh no why would he say that Shut Up esch
When he says those words, it seems to be entirely out of nowhere. They’re not in the midst of battle, or being held on the Ark and forced to fight to the death. It’s quiet…all of the kids have been put to bed, all of the chores have been taken care of, and the two of them can just sit together, enjoying the calmness around them as they hold each other. So for him to say that…his mind must be far away from where they are now. She looks up at him worriedly, her brows knitting together as she tries to read his expression for signs of trouble.
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“I…I can���t imagine what might have brought that on, Escher…“ The closeness between them doesn’t seem close enough as she tries to push away the unpleasant thoughts that threaten to rush to the forefront of her mind. Escher, dying…once upon a time, it was a thing that she wished to see happen before her, and at the end of her sword. She’d almost witnessed his death during the Ark Arena, and it may very well have happened if not for her decision to tell him what he needed to know in order to stand once more.
The threat of the disease that threatened his life, whatever it might have been, is no longer, though it left plenty of damage in its wake. Even now, she feels a sense of dread with the onset of chilly weather for fear of how it might affect his health. If she hears him cough, she’s at his side in an instant to check if there’s any blood. And of course, she could never kill him…not after how far they’ve come. Yet, his promise not to die unless it’s by her sword remains.
She nestles into the place he’s made for her between the crook of his arm and his side, trying to think of what to say. She doesn’t want to think about losing him, but at this moment, she has to. While she sincerely hopes that he won’t die anytime soon…well, it would be cruel for her to wish upon him anything but peace. For a man who’d known so much pain, cruelty, and turmoil, he deserves comfort at the very end. But…that end won’t be coming anytime soon, will it? Escher is here with her…he’s so warm. Every single time he smiles or laughs, even the times he gets angry or remembers his painful past…the times that they disagree and exchange harsh words (though she’s almost always the one speaking harshly), and of course the times he kisses her with sweet affection or burning desire, the times they make love, and the times where late at night when he thinks she’s sleeping, he brings her closer to him and softly whispers in her ear that he loves her…all of those moments are beautiful simply because he’s alive.
She feels the sting of tears forming in her eyes and the tightness in her chest that accompanies them. Just the idea of a life without Escher is enough to make her cry…she doesn’t want to let him know she’s so bothered by the thought, though, so she snuggles up to him, resting her head against his chest.
And then, she hears it. That steady rhythm that serves as another reminder that Escher is here with her, alive and well. All of these thoughts of losing Escher are just thoughts. The cadence of his heart beating freely and easily, as it’s no longer weighted down by illness, or a life of crime necessary for survival…
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Finally, she speaks up, looking up at him and no longer caring that she’s crying. “Maybe it’d be peaceful for you, Escher…but you’re not alone anymore. There are too many people that care about you, and they’d be devastated to lose you! Me crying, that’s one thing, but all those little ones, fast asleep upstairs…would you really leave me to dry their tears along with my own?” She can’t help but laugh a little as she says that; she knows what his answer would be, after all.
“Instead of thinking about the peace of death…think about the peace of moments like this one! Or…about the calmness you feel when your fingers touch the keys of a piano, or how satisfying it is when all the kids tell you how good your cooking is. Think about the feeling of the warm sunlight on your face, or how bright the stars are on a clear night…or whatever it is that makes you happy. All that makes your life worth living…”
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She gently wraps her arms around his neck. “But above all, Escher…please. Don’t think about dying. Think about how you’re going to make the most of the time you have on this planet that we, along with our now-irreplaceable friends, fought so hard to save. It’s too sad otherwise…”
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sireneia-a · 7 years ago
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✦ —— ❝ oh dear, pardon me ! ❞ the saint takes a step back after colliding with the mercenary. how clumsy of her. this is what she gets for walking around an unfamiliar palace with no escort. ❝ please do forgive me. i came here to look for general zeke... but i'm afraid i don't know north from south in these halls. ❞ her face visibly brightens when she says her lover's name, her expression the very picture of infatuation.
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1685thrite · 6 years ago
Being away from home is nothing new for Darwin, what with his line of work...exploring unfamiliar places on his own, though? That's not something he’s especially used to. Even on the most minor of errands, Orlando or Marie almost always opted to go with him.
The strangest thing about being on his own like this is that he never seemed to notice the crowds of people otherwise. To be alone, yet surrounded by strangers...it fills him with a sense of urgency to finish what he’d set out to do, even though he’s hardly pressed for time. It’s not fear or panic, per se, but discomfort doesn’t seem like the right word either.
He sighs heavily...Marie would know what word he’s searching for. But then again, Marie’s presence would eliminate the need to use it in the first place. Oddly enough, just thinking of her at a time like this calms him. It makes sense, though...she’s always filled him with a sense of certainty and security in the times he’s needed it most. Well, except for when she’s mad. In those cases, there are few things more terrifying.
Just as he’s managed to get his bearings again, though, he notices a presence that sets him on edge once more. This is entirely different from the unsettling sensation of being alone in a crowd. It’s...raw and powerful strength, almost like that of a beast. It reminds him of the monsters he fought on the day where the earth was very nearly destroyed...but it's impossible for a human to also be part animal...isn’t it?
He’s able to pinpoint the source of that energy: a silver-haired man clad in all black. As much as Darwin feels he sticks out due to not being from around here, the other man doesn’t seem to be one of the locals either.
All at once, Darwin’s cautiousness seems to fade to nothing as he notices the man’s weapon. It’s a longsword, like his own...but the subtle differences and details are enough to catch his attention. He stares, forgetting his manners and his common sense. / @deathvow
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groomrots · 4 years ago
wife !!
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piouspromise · 6 years ago
The words fall from her mouth without her even thinking as she watches him crouch down on the ground like a wounded animal. His current, pathetic state is fitting for someone who kills with so little regard for human life. For someone who considers himself a real predator as he seems to, his own body seemingly rejecting the wretched soul that inhabits it in such a painful way is more than deserved.
This place must be meddling with her sanity, though. The gods will always forgive even their most sinful child, if that person seeks their forgiveness. They never abandon anyone; if anything, humans are the ones who abandon the gods and the spirits. Escher is clearly not the sort of person to seek out forgiveness from the gods, however, so he may never get it.
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She can’t help but flinch as more blood comes up from his throat before her eyes...it’s painful to watch, even if the person in such a state is more than deserving of that pain and more. His face contorted in anguish and frustration as his usually gleaming white teeth are turned red, blood dripping down his chin while he’s bent over as if the weight of his sinful existence is crushing him...he truly looks like the monster she knows he is. So why is it that she struggles when gets to witness such greatly deserved suffering? There’s an emotion she can’t quite place, and it’s not pity. He deserves none of that. It isn’t the reminder of teachings from the priest and the sisters who treated her like family, either. While they may very well be calling to her from the afterlife, telling her to remember the importance of mercy and forgiveness, his sins are too great for her to forgive...especially when he shows no signs of contrition at all.
And then, more blasphemy pours from his lips, and the ease with which he spouts such abominable things is in stark contrast to his body, tense and twisted with pain as he hacks up his own blood, breathing raggedly as if the exertion of merely living is too much.
He’s in a pitiful state, but she has no intention of softening her words for the likes of him. “You should care. If you repent while you still have the chance to do so, then you might have the opportunity to make it to heaven. I’m sure that’s the only place left where there’s any love for you.” She can’t stop herself from baring her teeth in fury, as if the ferocity of the creatures they’ve been fighting are finding life anew within her. “Then again, if you’re stupid enough to believe they can actually give us immortality, and I know you’re heartless enough to kill other people to try and get it regardless...then maybe you don’t think you’ll have to worry! But the gods and the spirits always find a way to strike down the wicked, Escher...so while you may live forever, it’ll be a life filled with misery.”
His attack seems to be finished at about the same time as her words of caution, and he stands to his full height, spitting out the blood that’s left over. What he says next, though, she can’t quite understand. The words, yes, but the real meaning seems to be lost. It’s clear, however, that he’s trying to instill fear, or at the very least give her a warning.
He’s skilled with his sword, and she knows what he’s capable of. He also surpasses her in both stature and strength. Yet she doesn’t back down, instead choosing to bring herself physically closer to him.
“Are you threatening me, even though you know it could cost you your life to try and fight me? You’re hardly a patient man at all...I wouldn’t expect you to be able to hold out on killing anyone long enough to be granted immortality anyway. Your need for violence surpasses any others you might have.” /continued from here.
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piouspromise · 6 years ago
“ please… just kiss me. ” beep boop
At first, she pauses; hearing Escher make such sincere pleas out of the blue like that is a rarity. Be that as it may, though…he sounds tired. Troubled, even. Maybe, as he held her, just moments following the light being turned off, Escher already anticipated that he’d have trouble sleeping, or that he’d be plagued by nightmares. She doesn’t like pry too much into his past or his worries…she’s found that it’s best to let him make the first move on that front, so that he doesn’t pull back from her even more.
Even so, she can satisfy a simple and honest request that might make him feel better, at least for the time being. She smiles sleepily at him, moving up toward his face.
“Of course…” she tells him, almost in a whisper. “As many times as you want…” She can’t help but take a little time to trace her fingers gently over his features, being able to make them out somehow as the very tips of her fingers seem to possess memories of his face in all of its sheer perfection.
She starts by pressing her lips softly against his forehead, lingering there for some time before moving on to give him a little kiss on the very tip of his nose. She kisses one cheek, and then the other, and then right beneath the meeting of his jaw and his ear. She hopes he’s feeling as much at ease from receiving her kisses as she is from giving them.
Finally, she gives him the longest one yet, delivering that to his lips. She stays there for a while, taking her time. They have plenty of it.
“I have more, as I always do for you,” she tells him, gently brushing his hair off to the side. “So you’ll have to tell me when you’ve gotten enough.”
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piouspromise · 6 years ago
“ this is a lie you have been told. ” sad yeehaw
Once more, he’s trampling upon the graves of the people she called family with his irreverent words. Nothing is sacred to him, least of all her inner peace.
“Shut up! Just…stop talking! Talking about lies as if your hands are clean…“ She grits her teeth, her fists shaking as she carries on. “And…because of you they can’t even defend themselves! You butchered every last one of them!! I’ll never forgive you…not ever!“
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She turns her back to him, trying to catch her breath. Foolish though it may be to leave her back exposed to a murderer…there are already tears of sorrow, fury, and frustration that she can barely fight off. The last thing that this absolutely wretched monster in the form of a man should see is the pitiful sight of her crying.
She won’t admit it to him or to anyone else…but the doubts that had been swept to the side by her fallen family had started to come back ever since Escher gave her his reason for killing them. She can remember how she felt over three years ago, when the father had told her that some of the children that she knew could have difficult temperaments due to their troubled pasts had suddenly been adopted. She was surprised, but she was happy for them. It made her think that even in times of war and strife, there were still people kind enough to open their hearts to disadvantaged children.
Around that time, it seemed like things at the monastery were getting better, too…and in the material sense. She’d noticed new amenities being added to common spaces, or that some of the sisters had gotten new clothes and accessories. The priest’s collection of holy amulets had been modest, too, yet he’d acquired more, and the new ones were nicer. Whenever she asked about them, she was always given an answer about a generous donation or aid from the bishop. In some cases, mostly with the sisters, she was simply told to remember her virtues, and not to stare so greedily at the possessions of others.
The more she hears from Escher, though, the more she begins to think that maybe she hadn’t been pious and obedient back then, but rather, a blind fool. If what Escher said was true and that the children had been sold into slavery…then her naivete had caused nothing but pain for them all. Whether her ignorance had resulted in those kids ending up in workhouses or worse…she is far from blameless.
The realization makes her feel sick to her stomach, and she has to steady herself as the large scale diorama that is the Ark seems to spin all around her. She tries, yet she still stumbles, only managing to stand upright again when she realizes the solid object she’s fallen against is Escher himself.
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“I’m…I’m fine…” She doesn’t know why she’s explaining herself to him…he’s not concerned about her for any other reason than his desire to keep her alive for the sake of gaining immortality. For now, they just need to keep going…nothing more.
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piouspromise · 6 years ago
‘ you can hate me forever if that’s what you really want. ’ hOL Y SHIT,,,,,,,,
Hearing those words, she can’t help but feel surprised. On one hand, yes, she hasn’t been the nicest ever to him with her words. Everything from “never again, not even if you give me the puppy dog eyes!” to “I should have killed you before it got anywhere near this point!” has left her mouth over the past several hours. But…hating him? She hasn’t felt anything even resembling hate toward him in a very long time. Against all odds, by now, she might have even forgiven him for what she said she would never forgive.
Looking into his eyes, she can’t tell if he was serious with such a statement. He knows she loves him…she tells him that every day. But she can’t see any sign of that usual smirk upon his lips that accompanies his jokes, and that worries her. There, as he clasps her hand with both of his, where they once again wear matching rings, and where they’re about to begin another chapter in their lives together…does he truly believe that she could possibly hate him with where they are now, and how far they’ve come?
She looks at him, smiling feebly as she attempts to regulate her breathing. “Don’t…don’t be an idiot, Escher…I could never hate you…not now…after all we’ve been…through…!”
She clenches her teeth and tenses up as her entire body is once again overtaken by agonizing pain that feels like it could very well tear her apart. Her eyes are squeezed shut, and breathing properly become difficult. Save for the warmth of Escher’s hands around hers, she feels nothing but that pain. One of his hands lets go hurriedly and she can hear that he’s working to ready a cold compress to make sure she’s relatively comfortable, considering the circumstances. He lets go with his other hand only briefly to wring the small towel out, and he quickly goes back to holding her hand while clearing the sweat from her brow.
She feels relief soon enough, and the agony subsides enough for the time being to allow her to catch her breath…and to finish talking to him.
“Escher…” she continues. “We’ve been through so much, and…you and I have accomplished things that…few people could hope to do…” She laughs weakly. “I’m going to feel silly if you’re just joking…and I gave you this whole speech, but just in case…I could never truly hate you! I might get angry sometimes, but…I love you too much…to ever think of hating you…”
She takes one of his hands with her free one, and she moves it down to rest atop her belly, where their first child is now but won’t be for much longer.
“Although…if you choose to take a poorly-timed bathroom break or get something to eat and miss the birth of our baby…then I might consider it…!”
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piouspromise · 6 years ago
“ i never fucking learned how to read. ” i loVE THAT VINE LASKDLASD
At this point, she should be used to his antics and the absurd things he says entirely out of the blue. She should be, and yet…
“First of all,” she says tensely. “Is that kind of language kind of necessary? Second…” She narrows her eyes, looking at him seriously. “You’re joking, right? Just messing with me to see if I’ll believe you…right?”
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piouspromise · 6 years ago
She’s not unused to Escher’s way of expressing affection at this point. It can be just as spontaneous as the rest of him at times, changing like the wind. Sometimes he likes to make jokes and poke fun at her, finding her temper flare-ups to be endearing. Other times, usually after dark, he’ll pull her in by her hips, kissing her roughly and making it clear he can barely wait to sink his teeth into her. Other times still, he’ll snuggle up to her in bed and insist that they cuddle for just a little while longer, and it’s all too tempting to do so.
But then, there are moments like these, where seemingly out of nowhere, he must feel the need to hold her close to his heart as if his life depends on it. Maybe he’s remembering something unpleasant from the past, or worrying about something that could happen in the future. She usually finds that it’s better not to ask. Escher still struggles with letting himself be emotionally vulnerable sometimes, even around her.
He doesn’t speak, but he doesn’t have to. He doesn’t need to explain himself when he’s in need of affection like he clearly is. Instead, she thinks of what she can say, and she begins to gently wrap her arms around him. She breathes deeply against his chest, finding his scent comforting. His heart seems to be beating rather wildly for a man whose life isn’t in any imminent danger...but she swears she can hear it start to slow down as she holds him as well, and when she speaks to him.
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“I love you too, Escher,” she tells him softly. He hasn’t said his end of it aloud, but there isn’t any need. “I love you, and I’ll always be with you. Hold me as long as you need to. I’m here for you...”
She offers more calming, affectionate words, and sure enough, his heart eventually stops racing. She’s managed to remind him once more that he’s safe. What he was so afraid of in the first place, she doesn’t know, but it doesn’t matter. He won’t be troubled by it now that she’s here.
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piouspromise · 6 years ago
Early evening finds Musiea venturing into the woods yet again, knowing that the gods will serve as a guiding light even under the thick foliage that blocks out the sun. She’s on a holy mission, after all...tonight, she’ll draw her out. That sister of darkness will be punished for her sins at last, and she will have her vengeance.
The path grows more difficult to navigate due to the plant life and the low visibility, but she’s made this journey many times and she’s learned the way to her dwelling. It comes into view soon enough...it certainly doesn’t look like the home of a cursed being. It looks much like a human cabin, and though it’s a bit on the odd side, it does seem rather cozy.
Still, that’s probably just a trap she uses to lure in the occasional lost traveler or wandering soul! They’ll think they’re safe in the presence of a human, but Musiea is wiser, and she knows her enemy for what she is: a vampire and a witch. She’s nothing but an evil practitioner of magic that is unknown in origin, and a predator of the living. The pacts she’s made with dark forces must be strong and numerous, and she is a threat that must be purged.
She draws her blade and brandishes it once she’s close enough to the house. “Come out and face me, wench!! I know you’re in there hiding, but know that if you don’t face me willingly, then I, paladiness Musiea, shall not hesitate to venture into your home and cut you down!” She’s made that threat before, though she’s been...unable to act upon it. “A-And I really will do it this time!!” There...that should show that woman of wickedness that a paladin like herself fears no dark force! / @deathvow
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piouspromise · 6 years ago
The sights and sounds of memories return to her in fragments. Sunset. An orderly line of children. Unnerving silence where evening prayers should be. An unshakable sense of dread. “I’m going to go in first to make sure we’re not interrupting. Stay right there, okay?”
For some reason, the voices of the dead don’t usually reach her when this happens. But she can hear them. They’re quiet, they’re tired, and above all, sad...and angry. “Musiea...Musiea, after everything...why...?”
The door opens. Sounds of a struggle. Her footsteps quicken. The red light of the sunset hitting the floor through the stained glass windows. More red on the floor, but it reflects the light. More red, there’s so much red on the floor.
“Musiea...why, Musiea...?”
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Her heartbeat stops for a moment. White cloth stained red. Faces, frozen in the horror that can only be brought about by imminent death. Eyes wide with fear. Limp bodies. Blood pours forth. The priest she called Father gasps out the first syllable of her name, then he falls. More blood.
“Have you forgotten, Musiea...? That man...“
A tall figure clad in all black. A sword with black details, blood visible on the metal. A cruel smile with the strikingly white teeth of a man, though adorned with the fangs of a beast. Steely eyes, feeling nothing. A shock of silver hair spattered with blood. A silhouette outlined in the red light that makes him look like a demon.
“Musiea...that man...that man, Musiea...“
Cold eyes turn to her. A curse is muttered. Sacrilege. The noise within her mind grows too loud. She begins to chase him, even though she knows she’s no match. She’s clumsy, and she already feels faint. She can’t run. He escapes.
“Musiea...that man...how could you...?“
She’s lost. She’s devastated. The children are innocent. They can’t see this. For just a moment, she has to pretend. She saw nothing. Nothing is wrong. A door opens. Curious eyes. Careful instructions. “And then go straight to bed and don’t leave until I say you can.” Watching, waiting for the children to leave on their own before she goes back. Gods, she doesn’t want to go back there.
“Musiea...you always were a foolish child, Musiea...”
Screams of rage. Tears of despair. Frantically grasping cold and lifeless hands. Repeatedly checking for pulses only to find stillness. “No...one of you has to be...”
“You couldn’t save us, Musiea...but doing such a thing? That man...”
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What do I do? I can’t leave them. How do you even prepare a body for burial...? She’s weak. She can’t carry them all. Dragging them from place to place wouldn’t be right...it would be disrespectful. But she can’t leave them there...she just can’t.
“Throwing us in an unmarked mass grave would be nothing compared to the dishonor of what you’ve done, Musiea...“
Little hands broken and bloody from digging. Night falls. Deep enough, long enough...she can’t quite tell. Her vision is clouded from tears. White cloth turned brown by the earth. Darkness. Night goes on. She’s exhausted. But she can’t stop...no...I’m sorry. I meant to lay you to rest, not to let you fall like that...just because you can’t feel it doesn’t mean...I’m sorry, my arms are just so tired...it’s nearly dawn...forgive my carelessness...
“Musiea...wretched girl. You’ve betrayed us all. You...and that man...“
Things flow together around her normally, from what she can tell. It’s pitch black...save for the forms of the priest and the sisters standing in a circle around her Their white clothes are still stained red, as they were on that day. They look at her with anger, disappointment, and hurt.
Tears sting at her eyes and cause her chest to tighten. “I’m so sorry...I’m so sorry, everyone! I couldn’t save you...I could barely manage to bury you! All I could do right was say the prayers. I’m-”
“Enough. You really were a stupid girl.“
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She gasps. “S-Sister, why-!?”
“You were given a name to welcome you as a child of our faith,“ the father said coldly. “You planned to avenge us by seeking out the man who killed us, and ending his life. But what have you done instead?“
She looks down in shame. When he puts it that way, she knows exactly what she’s done to invoke their wrath. She looks down in shame. “I...I...”
“Your name is that of a servant to the gods,“ he continues. “Yet you allow that man to use it as he defiles you. You stated many times that would would never forgive him for what he’d done to us, yet you fall into his arms. You pledged your life to the gods, and you’ve all but thrown that away, selfishly spending your days chasing false happiness with that man. You’re pathetic. You’ve no right to shed tears.”
She’s in shock. Never once has he even spoken to her so harshly, but perhaps she’s never done anything before that deserves such anger and contempt from him. They all join in.
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“No...stop...!” She pleads with them, shrinking away. Once more, she’s a frightened little child, begging not to be hit or worked to the point of exhaustion for accidentally letting something important be broken...in the way that she accidentally fell in love with the man she swore she would kill out of revenge. “Listen to me...you sold those children into slavery...it was just a job for him...if you hadn’t, then you might still be alive! He’s not evil, like I thought...he’s kind, in his own way...he makes me laugh and smile when I need to...he’s kept me safe more times than I can count, and...I love him! You need to stop this...”
They don’t stop, instead growing louder. “No, stop it...stop! No...no!!!” She covers her ears and falls to the ground. She can still hear their taunts, and all she can do is scream to try and drown them out.
She’s not sure if that scream occurred in real life as well...all she knows next is that she’s sitting upright in bed, breathing heavily. Her nightie is drenched with an icy sweat, and there’s darkness all around her. What she saw...it was all just a nightmare.
She’s rattled...it’s been a very long time since she’s had one of those kinds of nightmares, but that last part? That's new...
At once, she recalls both the details from her memories of the frightening beast of a man covered in the blood of her family, whom he’d just slain, and the man that she’d defended adamantly despite being terrified and taunted. It’s hard to believe they’re one and the same...
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She’s not sure what makes her start sobbing so pitifully. To think that the same faces that once gave her comfort now filled her with such fear and shame...and the face that paralyzed her with fear, the one that she considered the face of evil itself...belonged to the man she now found herself seeking out for solace. She finds that warmth, throwing her arms around him and crying so hard that she has to gasp for air.
She still isn’t sure if her scream was real, but if he wasn’t awake then, he must be by now. She clings to him desperately, not wanting to let him go...and the words of her dead family echo in her mind. Even so, she cries out his name, finding that just the sound of it makes her feel safer...and she can’t help but hate herself a little for that.
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piouspromise · 6 years ago
Musiea sighs, looking down into each of the two cradles with a quiet sense of triumph. Finally, finally...they’re asleep.
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It had been quite an ordeal trying to get the two of them down this evening, and Escher had been helping earlier. The little troublemakers were constantly playing off each other while awake...and at this particular bedtime, neither one of them wanted to sleep. If Musiea succeeded in getting one of them to nod off enough to put him in his crib, then the one in Escher’s arms would start fussing loudly enough to wake up his sleeping brother. It had gone on for quite some time, to the point that one of them needed to step out to handle bedtime for all of the other kids. Musiea had asked Escher to do it, since she could tell he was getting frustrated, and the little ones were probably picking up on that. Besides, the others seem to enjoy Escher’s approach to bedtime a little bit more.
Maybe letting the two of them be together while she held them both had been what helped. After all, the two of them had been together from the very beginning. They had started as one and stayed close ever since.
She can’t help but smile, remembering the day they were born. The relief that she felt upon hearing that she’d given birth to a healthy boy, the feeling that it was all over...until she was told that it wasn’t, and she certainly felt that it wasn’t. As she agonized for a second, albeit comparatively brief time, she had felt terrified...not only did they need another name, but they needed one more of everything they had gotten for one baby! How were they possibly going to manage?
And then, she got to hold her babies. Identical twin boys...she never would have thought it could happen. She’d speculated that maybe the Ark had boosted their fertility in addition to enhancing their genes, but her hypothesis was just that, and at the time, the cause didn’t really matter.
Her worries had melted away with the first tears that fell as she held her two beautiful sons. They looked just like their father, with little to no trace of her own visage...two beautiful children with silver hair and whose smiles would break the hearts of all who saw them.
It reminded her of what she and Escher had accomplished in their lives, and how much he loved her. The pain she had experienced not long before had been her own to bear, but he hadn’t left her side. He hadn’t let go of her hand no matter how hard she squeezed his. He was with her and always would be, and as long as that was the case, she could do anything.
Just over five months later, she finds herself smiling as she remembers. She looks down into one crib, where her firstborn is sleeping on his right side, and she can’t stop herself from gently stroking his messy, silver hair. Little Faust, the ultimate troublemaker, is now sleeping peacefully at last. He’s been the first to learn everything thus far, from rolling over to picking things up, but as independent and adventurous as he is, he always seeks out attention from both of his parents in the end. He’s a leader and not a follower, and it’s clear that he lives for excitement and even the occasional touch of chaos. He’s the most fearless child Musiea has ever seen, and she’s seen many tough kids. She can only imagine how much he’s going to make her worry as he gets older.
And there’s Asher, the shock of Musiea’s entire life, also sleeping soundly, but on his left side. She repeats the same affectionate gesture, as she always tries to do, so that both of her boys know that they’re equally loved. Despite being given a name that’s quite similar in sound to his father’s (it wasn’t intentional on Musiea’s part, and she didn’t realize it until later), he’s a tad less bold than his twin. That isn’t saying much, though...yes, he may spend five seconds looking at a book before hitting his brother in the face with it, compared to the three seconds Faust may spend before doing the same, but someone’s still getting hit. He’s usually the first to start laughing, but he’ll also cry first. Though he may not be a follower by any means, he’s his brother’s biggest supporter, and he likely always will be.
“Fighting off sleep with everything you’ve got...” Musiea says to them, in the softest whisper she can manage. “You really do take after your daddy. I guess it’s only natural that you’d both doze right off just from snuggling up to me. He does too...”
She reaches down, gently running her hands over their little heads, feeling the numerous little pieces that stick up in the back. “You both get to be more and more like him every day...from the start, you’ve had his hair and his eyes and his good looks...but there’s so much more.” She sighs contently, thinking of everything. “Your smiles already look like his...I can only imagine that will prove to be even more true once you start cutting your first teeth. Even your laughs sound like baby versions of his! And that look of focus you both get when you’re trying to do something difficult. And the trouble you already know how to cause...I can’t imagine what’s in store if the three of you start plotting things together. I’ll be doomed...”
They’ve grown so much since they were born, but they’re still so tiny and helpless. Someday, though, that may not be the case. “I bet you’ll be big and strong just like Daddy someday...but in order to get there, you need to get plenty of rest. Go down for your naps and sleep at night...trust me on that. Someday you’ll miss being able to take naps, so enjoy them now!”
Once more, she can’t help but think of how small they are...yes, they’ll get bigger. She knows that to be true, since it happens to everyone, but seeing them now, it’s hard to imagine.
“I’ve said a lot about your daddy, but...don’t forget to be yourselves, too. That’s the most important thing...and no matter how things turn out, we’ll both love you with all our hearts for as long as we live...I promise.”
With that, she leans down and very softly kisses one baby on the top of the head. “Goodnight, my sweet little Faust...” She notices the way his brows knit together for a moment, as will often happen with Escher if she gives him a kiss while he sleeps. She does the same with the other sleeping baby. “And goodnight, my darling Asher...” She once again notes the same reaction, and she stands back up fully. “I love you so much, now and always, more than you could ever know...never forget that. No matter what...you are loved.” 
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piouspromise · 6 years ago
Normally, Musiea would scold him for referring to anyone, let alone sweet little Granny Clara, who lived not too far away, as “that damn granny.” However, her sentiments in that moment were more or less the same, seeing as the old lady had been the one to put that infernal idea into her head in the first place...
She’d passed by her house on the way back from town (she didn’t realize Escher had already gone out) at which point the old woman had told her to convey her thanks to Escher for helping her with her groceries, thus giving her more time to tend to her chrysanthemums.
“That Escher really is quite the dashing fellow,” Granny Clara had said. “He must get plenty of exercise helping with those children, with that muscle tone! And that derrière of his...I haven’t seen such a fine specimen since my younger days!” Musiea had just laughed nervously, accustomed to the old lady’s praise for Escher’s appearance by now. At least she didn’t have to worry about her eyesight going bad just yet. “I hope you’ll enjoy that while you’re both still young...give it a good smack every now and again!”
That time, Musiea became visibly flustered, at which point Granny Clara laughed and admitted she had fun teasing her sometimes. They parted ways soon after, but the idea remained...Escher’s backend was no exception to the fact that his physical features were quite nice. But...smacking it? Was that really so enjoyable? And more importantly...how would he react?
Now that she’s there in the kitchen, she has the perfect opportunity to find out. Escher’s distracted, talking away about his encounter with Granny Clara and his “duel” with Mason, the tenacious seven-year-old in her care. His mind is obviously very far away from what she’s about to do.
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Her intention had been to try and swat at his behind without him paying any more attention to her, but he clearly notices that something is up. That gives her pause...he’s looking at her as she’s about to do something rather...atypical. His guesses are wrong. In a bad mood? Not really, though she’s sort of annoyed that her mind started teasing her with that whim to do something so strange. As for her state of arousal...well, if anyone deserved to be spanked, it was someone who would ask such a thing when a child could walk in at any moment.
Something about landing that particular strike is...oddly satisfying. And not just because of the firmness from Escher still being in fighting shape, or the way her hand seems to almost bounce off. Maybe it’s just relief that he won’t get to finish asking that question.
After the fact, though, she realizes exactly what she’s done, unable to believe that she’s gone through with such a thing. She just spanked Escher! She slapped a grown man’s backside for fun! Those sorts of people...they’re called perverts, aren’t they?! She’s not one of those!
“You, um...” She still can’t look up at him. She needs to think up an excuse for her actions before she can meet his eyes. “You...probably...did something bad...?”
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Gods above and spirits around, give her guidance and strength. That was hardly an excuse...if anything, she just made it worse! Treating it like a punishment?! That really is the sort of thing that perverts do!
Well, what’s done is done. She did it to see his reaction, and she might as well see it through.
She looks up, but what she sees is completely beyond what she expected. His eyes are wide and his mouth is open as his hand rests upon the exact spot that hers made contact with. He looks...utterly shocked. Perhaps a tad flustered. For once, Escher doesn’t even have the words to say something clever in response.
And it might be the funniest thing she’s ever seen.
At first, her laughter is relatively quiet and under control, but the more she looks at him, the funnier this all is. Escher has been stunned into speechlessness. She can’t help but start laughing harder and harder. Tears start forming in her eyes, and her sides are already aching.
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“Escher!! Your face is...!” She can’t even find the words to describe it. “I’m...I’m so sorry, my curiosity got the better of me, and I...!!” She can’t even finish her sentence, and she keeps on laughing.
That quickly screeches to a halt at the sound of a familiar voice loudly declaring its owner’s annoyance. Emma, aged nine, the older sister of Escher’s unfortunate opponent Mason, is standing in a doorway with her arms crossed. “Ugh! Why’d you have to go and smack his butt like that, Musiea?! I wanted to have some dessert so I could eat it in front of my dumb idiot brother to show him what a loser he is!” She sighs heavily. “Whatever. I’m tasting the batter.”
The little girl marches over, and Musiea now finds herself the one in shock. Emma, who is routinely called things like “blabbermouth” and “town crier,” of all people, just watched her spank Escher and then laugh about it like a fool. Her face heats up, and although she knows that damage control is the necessary course of action here, she can’t form the words to begin to do that.
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Emma’s finger is already in the bowl just like she announced would be the case before Musiea can even scold her for trying. She quickly removes it and kicks the chocolate away. “Nice. This is gonna be great to not share with Mason!” She laughs to herself before looking up at both of the adults with curious eyes. “Oh right...what does ‘horny’ even mean, anyway?” /cont. from this masterwork.
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piouspromise · 6 years ago
“ we should tell ghost stories. ” escher loVES THE **SPOOKY**
There are so many pleasant and enjoyable things about fall, and Escher just has to be a fan of mischief and scary stories. That’s just her luck…
He’s grinning in that devilish way of his as he usually does when he gets an idea that allows him to feed that troublemaking side of his, and his eyes seem to be shining with fiendish delight. The lighting is lower than it usually is, proof that she hasn’t quite adjusted to the changing seasons with it getting dark earlier, and she wonders if that’s where this idea of his came from.
Well, it’s harmless, and she hasn’t heard a ghost story that’s managed to scare her yet…and she’s seen and heard plenty of scary things - real things - that some ridiculous ghost story could never hope to measure up to.
She sits down across from him, crossing her arms and looking at him with a level of seriousness that she hopes will convey she’s not to be trifled with.
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“What, you think you can tell me a story that’ll have me so petrified I’ll be clinging to you and cuddling up to you all night long?“ She scoffs at the very idea. If he wants physical affection, he can be up front with her about it. Dubious methods won’t get him anywhere…but it might be fun to see him try. “Fine, then. Do your worst.“ Maybe his love of mischief is rubbing off on her despite her efforts to be the one to maintain order… 
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