galefcrce · 4 months
@wolfsbarbaren ¦ the pain plot
Gale's nights drew nigh to a close, each one spent with Breina edging closer to his last. Tonight, there was no speculation; he knew. Their trip to Moonrise Tower a few days prior gave Gale all the knowledge he needed. The Absolute resided in that tower, most likely within the cavern systems below.
The blast of the orb ought to be enough to extinguish the lives of the Absolute completely, whatever it may be. Mystra had ordered him to do so, meaning she most likely knew what he was about to do was the right thing. Yet, why did it feel so wrong?
Breina lay peacefully in his tent, eyes shut with the gentle rise and fall of her chest in restful slumber. A sight that he would miss up until his dying breath; he knew his last thoughts would be of her. If his soul survived the destruction, he knew he'd wait for her in the heavens.
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Gale took one final deep breath and left an envelope on his pillow, containing his last wishes and farewell to his lover. He had to go now, for if he glanced at Breina one last time, he would defy his goddess and stay by her side instead. A tear rolled down his cheek as he pulled away, staff in hand, quietly skulking out of the camp towards Moonrise.
The contents of the letter were as follows:
"Breina, my love, I write you this with the heaviest of hearts, but what I do, I do it for you. For you, our friends, our families, the innocents across Faerûn. I thought for a long time that my death would be nothing but a note in historians' records, a reminder to young wizards of what not to do. But now, I take solace in knowing my death will keep you safe. I have left for Moonrise. I beg you not to try to follow me; I likely left hours before. This is my burden to carry alone, my duty to my goddess, but also to this camp. Please know, I did not leave you lightly. The only thought I despise more than not being able to be by your side is the thought of you falling to the Absolute. I can stop that; I will stop it. There's so much more I wish to say. I would have loved to show you my home in Waterdeep, introduce you to Tara and my mother under better circumstances. I know I promised I would help you on your path to justice. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. If my soul survives this venture and I make it to the heavens, just know I will be there, smiling down upon you, waiting. Yours, for as long as you'll remember me, Gale of Waterdeep Dekarios"
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apalestar · 2 months
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Corporate would like you to tell the difference between these two images. Breina: There is no difference.
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oathwilled · 15 days
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❛ because no amount of good is worth how terrible this feels. ❜ (oath chatter perhaps?) @deathswcrn / the bear
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" Feels like part o' yer vital self is bein' stretched so thin like it can't take anythin' more, and y'just know what it starts to tear you'll start bleedin' out. " It's so casually said, it is, but there's a knowing, too. A familiar knowing, deep and sure, and the empathy is quiet but steady and sure.
His mouth thins, and he reaches over towards the fire to find a bottle of rum they'd found somewhere. It's cold out there — the first chills of winter, the first gusts of snow and ice — but it's so warm by the fire that he's sweating a little even in looser camp clothes. " —— takin' an oath, 's the worst thing y'can do. Shite decision, really. "
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And he sucks a breath through his teeth, taking a swallow and offering it over. " An' it's the best an' greatest thing I ever did an' I wouldn't change it for nothin'. But it doesn't stop both things from bein' true. And, " he adds, with a dip of his head to catch her eye, " Never known an oathsworn worth their salt who en't been near or past breakin' at least once. "
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benmzed · 2 months
" i'm not going to hurt you. how close do i have to get without splitting you open to make you believe that? " @deathswcrn / the serpent & the wing of night
Keep  your  head  down.  That’s  been  what  he’s  told  himself  again  and  again  since  he  was  shackled,  collared,  shoved  into  these  stinking  quarters.  He’s  lost  track  of  how  long  precisely  they’ve  even  been  aboard  the  ship  — he  was  tracking  it  with  marks  scratched  with  a  nail  into  the  floor  under  his  bedroll,  but  then  it  became  increasingly  pointless.  Keep  your  head  down,  don’t  get  involved.  
Keep  an  eye  forward.  Survive.  Survive  until  Fort  Joy,  and  then  he  can  get  things  set  into  motion.  
Even  in  these  rags,  he  still  manages  to  exude  contained,  animalistic  energy,  tireless  and  prowling  — even  when  he’s  just  lounged  against  the  wall,  casual  as  one  pleases,  avoiding  every  scrap  of  conflict  even  when  he  plainly  looks  like  he’s  dangerous  in  a  scrap.  Most  have  given  up  trying  to  pry  into  him,  which  suits  him  fine.  Most,  that  is,  except  ——
Green  eyes  slip  over,  and  there’s  the  scarcest  flash  of  a  little  smile.  "  Ah,  but  for  all  I  know,  you’re  planning  on  getting  close  just  to  split  me  open.  "  By  the  way  his  eyes  dance,  just  a  little  — an  immutable  spark  that  even  these  damnable  collars  can’t  stifle  — it’s  not  an  actual  concern.  "  So  if  not  that,  then  what  is  it?  "  
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tarathemagnificent · 2 months
"Tara, I'm tryin' to get a gift for Gale to cheer him up. I know he likes magic, an' cookin', an' poetry, but those happen to be three areas I know next to nothin' about. I'll trade you whatever meat or fish you'd like that I can get from Baldur's Gate markets for your input."
Tara thinks on it. She decides she is more excited for Gale than not that Breina is trying to court her pet. Properly court him! She trills in her excitement. It is everything Mr. Dekarios deserves. "I can't have Mr. Dekarios living with just me forever. He needs a good relationship. A basket of fish and cornish hens, and I'll show you things he would enjoy." She pondered. "A razor too for that thing on his face."
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oathfcrged · 2 months
@deathswcrn : “It’s weird. I never thought I could feel like this, but you showed up. Now, it’s like I don’t wanna go on knowing I might lose the feeling.” (it's time for them to talk about their feelings)
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He's dropped hints, hells, if packing his bag and following her when he was supposed to stay in the city and work to pay the devil wasn't enough of a hint then he was at a loss. But Aksel hadn't done it intentionally, he'd acted on instinct and every fibre of his being had told him to follow her that day. He'd been right to, the situation they were in now was dire, but he'd been right to follow. If he'd stayed back in the city and she hadn't returned...
He played with the stew in his bowl, scooping it up and pouring it back in and hesitated to speak. There had been no confession, yet, but try as he might the smith knew he couldn't ignore his own heart - nor could his body, it was both that had forced him to follow and end up here with a tadpole in his head. Even that little detail didn't seem to matter much knowing he was with Breina and no matter how tough she was and more capable, probably, he could protect her if need be.
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" - and what is the feeling? " His brow raised as he looked over to her, finally finding her words - a love confession out of nowhere would be humiliating, he didn't want to embarrass himself. But he knows, at least he thinks he does. It's still hard to figure out how to say it, how to ease into it when he's spent so many years alone. " I, uh - " shit. " I think it is obvious but I care about you a lot. I followed you because I did not want to lose you. So if that's... " similar? or something close to similar because he hadn't want to lose that feeling either. He doesn't finish his sentence, instead he shrugs and finally takes a mouthful of his food.
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“I’m supposed to be stronger than this!”
"How much stronger do you expect yourself to be? I have known hardened warriors twice your size and thrice your age crumble under half the weight you've been forced to shoulder. Give yourself a little grace, Breina."
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spiderwarden · 3 months
"MINTHARA. Will you settle an argument? I should get revenge for my exile from Cormyr, right? You support my right to violence, don't you?"
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"Yes of course, this is not even worth the inquiry. Contrary to what other more ...self righteous company may suggest, solutions do not always arrive in the form of justice." Then she lifts her fist and closes it promptly, "It must be taken and claimed thoroughly. Cleanse thy enemy of house and home and all that reside within, and stain their blood upon your flesh so all may know not to ." Then she relaxes with the straighten of her shoulders, "That is all."
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bnd1cts · 9 days
@deathswcrn : blood, sender cleans blood off of receiver. (sorry ben)
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Next time he wouldn't trek such a long way unaccompanied but there was only so much small talk he could make with a stranger he'd met in a tavern - especially when he'd paid for their company. He'd set off early that morning and as a consequence he'd found himself face down in the sand until he'd come to. The next few hours had been eventful, he wasn't entirely sure what he was looking for asides from answers and something or someone to rid that horrid squirming from his brain.
When he had finally ran into her, Breina - if he remembered rightly, he'd been covered in the blood and various other sticky materials, was that slime? and he was in dire need of a wash. " You needn't do that. " He'd fight it, every step of the way because he felt more like a burden and despite the mess he'd rather keep walking to get answers. But despite his words he didn't quite move, in fact he shut his eyes and allowed himself to almost enjoy having someone take care of him as she wiped the blood from his cheek.
The ship, the crash, the mindflayers and then that god awful -... his hand flung to his forehead and eyes squeezed shut as the tadpole tried to feed off of the one in Breina's head. She had one to. " They got you too? "
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aroughtempest · 19 days
❛ for being someone you hate, i'm sure on your mind a lot. ❜ (ehehehe)
@deathswcrn ¦ rivals (to lovers?) prompts [accepting]
The glance Gale threw over to Breina was nothing short of scalding before he replied dryly, "There is also a tadpole in my mind; I don't believe I hold much love for the parasite either." As if tired of her visage, he turned his gaze away again.
Of course, he thought about her constantly. She was the cause of his affliction, his pain, his downfall. He had been a fool to fall for her manipulation the first time; he was not willing to make the same error twice. So, yes, Breina preoccupied his mind often when in view, and not all thoughts would gain the wizard much approval from his campmates.
In fact, it irritated him to no end that overall, Breina was well-liked. Her 'act' of playing the charismatic, empathetic, wise leader won over many of the group. Gale hadn't budged on his perception, however, even if she claimed to have lost her memory.
His only wonder at the moment was why keep this charade up for so long. It was only him that was affected by her betrayal.
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alittlebitofmuse · 3 months
Ruler 📏 + 5'3" / 163cm
Send me 📏 (ruler) + your muses height and I'll compare them to mine!
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Astarion (5'10") and Breina (5'3")
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Halsin (6'3") and Breina (5'3")
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galefcrce · 14 days
@deathswcrn ¦ Send me "INCORRECT QUOTES" for a quote from this website
Breina: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos- Gale: I wrote you a poem. Breina, already crying: You did?
Breina: Heh, Gale sneezes like a girl. Gale: How about I pound you like boy? Gale: That didn’t come out right.
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apalestar · 2 months
@deathswcrn moving us to act II shenanigans. Plotted starter.
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They had barely been here a fortnight or two and Astarion already despised it. He couldn't sink his teeth into the harpers without risking his own neck. The two cows were too suspicious and closely guarded. Beyond the sanctuary of the cleric's blessing, not a damned thing drew breathe. He'd be so lucky if a band of cultists decided to attack. At least then he would be fed.
He was just desperate enough to seek out a rat. Fighting. Moving around as he did took it's toll in a way prowling the streets for Cazador's meals never did. The hunger gnawed in his gut. The gaping maw demanded more and more. He felt sluggish. Weak. Even if his performance hadn't degraded, Astarion felt that he had. Worse he caught himself on several occasions eyeing his companion's neck a little too closely.
That desperation had him discovering the most gracious of finds: the stash of alcohol beneath the inn. Sure the bottles were dusty, but they were sealed properly. Oh he could use this.
He wandered off in search of their erstwhile wrangler of adventurers. Where had Breina nestled herself? The smile brimming with his charm presented itself on his face when he finally found her. "There you are. You look as dreadfully tired of this place as I am, but I just found something both of us can enjoy. That is if you agree to my arrangement."
A cheshire cat gleam in his eyes. The vampire had something devious in mind, but it was certain to be fun!
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oathwilled · 2 months
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"Who does that fuckin' Red Prince think he is? Ain't he in chains and threads like the rest of us poor bastards?" She's hungry, tired, and suffering a bit from the sun, and the other Sourcerer prisoners are just one step too far on the end of her capacity for the Joy. "If he implies one more fuckin' time that my dream in life is to seerve his silk-plush arse as a slave..." (unprompted Divinity ask for u!) @deathswcrn
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He’s  born  of  the  north,  where  snow  piles  in  the  winter  and  lakes  thicken  with  blankets  of  ice  — and  the  sun  beats  down  on  him  here  unrelenting,  making  even  the  rags  he  wears  now  feel  too  heavy  and  thick.  He’s  still  bitter,  fiercely  angry  for  the  circumstances  that  brought  him  here,  and  more  bitter  still  at  the  truth  he’s  never  considered  himself  any  type  of  Sourcerer  at  all,  and  yet  this  magic  he  never  asked  for  and  tried  to  ignore  betrayed  him  anyway.  
But  that’s  a  longer  story.  
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"  En’t  sure  that  scaley  arse  is  anythin’  close  to  silk-plush,  but  what  do  I  know  about  lizards?  "  He’s  been  slicing  off  razor-thin  pieces  of  a  small  hard  green  apple  he  found  somewhere,  trying  to  make  it  last  for  longer  than  a  minute;  he  sighs,  long  and  labored.  "  Best  I  figure  it,  either  he  knows  he’s  just  as  fucked  an’  is  puttin’  on  a  bold  air,  or  he’s  actually  fool  enough  t’believe  it.  "  He  scowls,  deep,  brows  knitting.  "  He’ll  figure  it  out  one  way  or  another.  "  
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sagnaevi · 1 month
Came for the Loke. Stayed for the Jen!
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@deathswcrn ⸺ WHAT MADE U STAY / accepting!
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tarathemagnificent · 3 months
Breina offers Tara a little wide-brimmed straw sunhat. It was probably designed for a doll originally, but it's nice and tressym-sized, and it will keep the sun out of her eyes whilst she dozes and basks in the warmth of its rays. At least, that's the hope - assuming Tara likes it.
Give Tara a hat.
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"Don't I look as the kids say. Dapper."
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